We SURVIVED 100 Minutes And TAMED Everything in Palworld

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what are these adorable little creatures look and why are they looking at us funny there's a little chicken and a sheepy boy and then oh it's like a cat I love it we're going to be able to tame those game called pal world and Inter and I are having some fun today yeah inter turn you made it I like your hair ooh yeah yours too where did where do we oh there's a big shiny red thing what is this wow oh there's a creature over here inter turn that's like it looks like a chicken maybe a what a chicken a chick chick oh and there's something else here what are you it's a Kitt a kativa I want a pen it come here look at those tail no look at this tail get back here don't punch it zap don't punch me hey there's a stick I found a stick I got a stick I found a rock did you yes so I can really lay it to scissors paper wins um there's a bunch of that what look at this guy over here whoa I want to ride it hey buddy are you my friend wo w w w w it's looking at me what is that it's a mam I like him can we take him home can we take him home with us in what home we we have no home to go to maybe we should build a home that that area down here actually looks pretty good who yeah there's bunch of little chickens here and some blue shiny rocks who leveled up oh sheep oh look at that all right I'm going to build myself a primitive workbench for us to share and I should be able to hold this going up the game also wants us to unlock a pal sphere from the technology tree that must be yeah captures Pals when thrown I like that oh I'm going to just unlock a bunch of different things because I yeah just unlock that right now and then a woodn't chest for storing things a pal box all right how do we how do we get a pal sphere it looks like we need palum fragments they blue shiny blue Shiny Rock there's a green shiny thing over here too dibs what is this I don't know but this is mine got it a Lim LIF monk Effigy ooh oh it captures I'm just punching the Blue Rock cuz I think we need this thing okay I'll punch it too oh I got a plum fragment nice oh nice it'd probably be good if we got some wood as well so I can just punch this tree and I was going to punch that rock but there's one on the ground here they're so cute sounding little chickens are chirping over here select a recipe make a pal sphere I kind of feel bad about this because I know I have to beat up the chicken before I tame him when has that ever stopped you I am not sure but I might need a stick before I do that well you know what too late hello oh I'm so you're just punching him in the face I'm so sorry little buddy ow don't be mad at me oh my goodness he is very I got him wow nice extremely weak and too far too delicious they can't say that it's one of the weakest Pals alongside Lambo no matter how many Hunter they just keep appearing interesting andw it's an egg layer oh o so we get lay and eggs with aide to a rench you need to build a ranch for these things oh yeah how do I pick you up again okay I can make my own pal sphere cuz I have a palum fragment okay I'm going to H we can build a repair bench I'm going to make a pal box insufficient materials I need wood and stone okay and I think I see a good to collect there's a kitty cat the kitty cats that's the one that I want I'm going to chase them away so you can't be mean to him no I'm got to be totally mean to him because I want him to be my pal just pass him a couple times in the face and then ha yeah got him well mine's better than yours is it though a glance appears full of confidence but in fact weak and cowardly Oh I thought it would be a coward and a slacker huh much like you we are perfect together this way too much fun craft what is he doing what the cat doing crafting he's making a wooden Club oh he's going to get revenge ooh but at least we can make some beds for our Pals is he he just smiled at me he's like yeah I just built a club and I'm going to beat you senseless uhhuh yeah I'll beat you senseless no no no no no no no no no no bad intern oh he's going to build me a club I didn't know that we could make their animals do labor for us sure why not here you try chicken so I know this is probably illegal but I'm going to smack this tree with my stick it's kind of like cannibalism but for trees oh yeah absolutely oh I didn't realize I'm actually getting a whole bunch of wood from this that's great news hey tree's dead hey and that means I can build myself a pal box okay you know what let's just put it right here by our nope I it doesn't go there cannot overlap with other objects sure oh the Kitty's help we bu oh look at that that's amazing now we can put you inside of this box because that's what we do pbox management he's so proud of himself you know what just store yourself in here little buddy oh he's going to mine now why is your cat so useful bro just wiggling off to go he's just wiggling over here to go M stick I need one of those yeah he's collecting some Stone what a fella what a fella and he does some good damage too o and if we beat up this Shiny Rock then we get some ore oh man now they're using a proper tool doing 70 damage to the tree oh nice that works well okay two trees are dead I got like 100 Wood out of it that should be nice okay he's not actually collecting the stone he's just kind of piling up over here what what a d oh but he found some palum chunks too maybe not such a dingus see I knew cats were good for something besides chasing mouses and being adorable W yeah and just lounging on bean bag chairs it's so cute seeing him help you craft okay storage box going next to the thingy so we can create our resources together I like how we can build things together that's great yeah and oh security settings so I can keep you out of it I got an I got an egg my chicken must give an egg oh nice fi in here too hey little chicken oh pal boox can be upgraded now how do we do that what do we get if we upgrade it I don't know but these cats are doing yoga over here are they really they're stretching and meowing at the same time that's amazing I'm just going to craft a whole bunch of paler we can get a whole bunch of friends yeah I see have a quest to capture five lamb balls so oh perfect crafting five paler for you but I think our Pals could also use some beds I'm going to go ahead and upgrade my stats a little bit of work speed and wait so I can carry more things thanks buddy okay time to capture some more lamb balls I'm sorry little buddy just beating him senseless oh shoot oh you beat that one too senseless he's rolling away oh this one's attacking but I knocked him out that's fine oh ni oh my ball just bounced away oh yes your is doing some major good right there ow catch him oh nice that was good yay hey kind of feel bad for the bro I just threw over here SP roll out the cliff is he still alive can I capture them nope I'm just going to roll them off the cliff into the endless Abyss goodbye see you later whoa we have a Wandering Merchant on the way eat this oh what the you're just trying to capture the merchant yeah but something even funner I can create this into a fluffy Shield oh I've got some good items in stock um I'm guessing we have literally nothing that we can use to buy an egg is worth 50 I can sell you some wool hey neat I got 50 money I can buy an arrow and milk which I don't think is probably worth anything a that's too bad where is my little cat running to he is just putting on a marathon but now we can upgrade our base so there's more Pals working here oh is that what we did yeah now we need to build a shoty bed oh okay well I'm going to gather some more of this whoa what are you doing my kitty I don't know I picked him up put him down him you can't tell me what to do drop him no how do I throw him what are you doing to my poor kitty I have no idea how to throw this guy there it is that wasn't so bad I'm going fluff ball clubbing again I'm so sorry I'm so sorry little guy one more there we go wait what capture there it is oh they have different levels that one was a ferocious one it was ferocious yeah dude they're also be ferocious that one's not that one's fluff bald this one doesn't like seeing his friend die oh my goodness catch him nice I have four that one wasn't that one had the veil of dark goodness my goodness oh my got him I think I think your lamb ball killed him what I keep wasting these nope I'm going to get you you Dingus you dumb Dingus get back here come in my pants some wool we need that we did but I need another fluff ball to finish up my quest and I'm out of uh spheres now dumb I got spheres here you go a thanks I was going to use them for my own purposes but somebody needs a hand yeah I do cuz I keep missing hey jump off here it'll be funny I promise oh sure that's a long way down I know right that's why it's funny whoa whoa whoo whoo wo but there's actually a chest down here what a chest yeah I guess you can climb the wall if you really wanted to it's just right here o it had gold coins arrows and a small pal Soul what what is that we get to collect their souls this game Got Deep all of a sudden all right little lamb ball I'm so sorry it's coming to this but I need you to be my friend got him that's number five you can take up to five at a Time Capture more than that they'll automatically been sent to your pal box okay uh challenge the boss at rain Syndicate Tower make sure your pals and Equipment are in top tier what or top condition we're fighting bosses already I guess so oh we have to build up our base and increase our level by capturing 50 more oh good news blit I unlocked clothing oh no why have you done this what do you mean oh no that means my lamb balls are going to turn into your loins oh there's a shiny blue thing over here like extra shiny blue thing and a chest Debs it what is this pick it up Castaways Journey journal and a chest chest to add small Pals and O more Spears nice oh we can we can swim yeah this this little Lambo I have is an artisan and he's ferocious okay wow they also have different this one's a Swift one oh and yeah your cat is totally a slacker and a coward yeah we knew that already though that's just a cat for you one of the Lamb balls is a pyromaniac so that's fun oh much myself all right it's been long enough time to build a campfire we're going to try to upgrade our base to level seven mhm it looks like we need the door the beds to be indoors oh well we don't even have an outdoors yet what do you mean the outd a default H dang okay so I found I found foundations here I'll build up a few of these look at me I'm doing the smart thing and stuff oh never mind we don't even need a roof we just need a foundation okay there we go and and where's the door there's the door I'll put a door here slap some windows in because we need to have Windows and now we can finally take a nap can we fire missiles after we take a nap cannot use bed without a roof oh well I built walls so good job proud of you thank you first time you've ever said that to me whoa I just leveled up hey how do I I want to build a I want to build a roof wow this is quite the place here I know right I'm working hard and I can just Spider-Man all over the place I build you a nice house you just climb on the walls like a dingus it's not a dingus I'm putting your bed on the opposite end the cabin cuz I know you snore really loud I do but only after I eat uh Chinese food hey that's looking like a nice house don't break it oh you're breaking the rock yeah the house is looking nice so we can build the workbench and the repair bench I need some more wood and I'm guessing you're grabbing that from the tree that you're murdering oh that's not a Tre this is a rock so Blitz doesn't know his rocks from his trees they're all natur nature stuff doesn't matter ooh but cool we can PO Box upgrade again that'll bring our base up to level seven well level three I guess so we can have three Pals working here if we wanted to yay I'm also a really big fan that I don't think the tools degrade in this game I could be wrong on that but I've been using this axe River and hasn't broken and I'm happy I hate to burst your bubble but you are wrong they have durability a balls you don't hate to burst my bubble you enjoy bursting my bubble I just try to make you feel better about it oh I can make some baked berries in here ooh start the production of that also crafting up a repair bench I feel like that should be inside of a building but it doesn't have to be so I'm going to put it right next to our other crate I'll gently smack this floating blue hologramic blueprint with my hammer until it builds up nicely and the thing is violently shaking for 10 more seconds ooh you just made it speed up faster yeah I am speed item management all right repair this there we go that was so much easier uh-huh I'm going to make us private beds right next to or uh chests that way you don't steal anything of mine even though I don't care okay I will only mess with your chest that's no very nice two chests inside the house we have everything out here going nicely we have some more technology to unlock oh my a berry Plantation that sounds good can produce berries at base a normal parachute what oh alarm Bell sets alert status for pets on base there's a hanging trap catches Pals that walk through what mhm and there's clothes waiting for you in the workbench I don't want any clothes I like being naked not in this neck of the woods we also need to build a feed box for our Pals that can go right next to their beds do you like my clothing now oh yeah looking stylish and I O feed box there's the berry Plantation too need more wood again I also built up um the ranch so we can make chickens ooh okay I'm totally going to make a ranch that's really a large structure but it's okay is there we go taada it has been completed oh he there's your chicken friend he's like yes I found a finally found a place for me to live and he's on the wrong side of the fence get in get in there Dingus hey get in get hey no just put him down gently and nobody gets going to just going to ye how did you f key f f he's like oh boy look what I found yeah he's grazing currently so that means we should be getting getting some eggs pretty soon maybe oh look at that my cat friend found an egg oh he did and I was transporting it where you going buddy is it going to put a straight in the food bin it's a she that's a she Kitty yep it put a straight in the food bin nice oh she smacking her head on the Rock good who's a good kitty M just pooping out eggs over here just just being a being a bro absolute bro the the bro literally made eggs that's weird and now we have three Beds which means we can upgrade our PO Box even further oh cool I also crafted up 11 pal speres totally forgot to get them and then I made a chicken really mad he was trying to attack me but I'm just going to ye one of those over there and collect him all right beautiful okay that one's a hydromaniac that's awkward ooh it's becoming nighttime too oh is it it looks like it a little bit dibs on the pum fragment cool and you're going to go the way of the dinosaurs just kidding you're going into my pants down trodden that one's not a good one and he says the hydromaniac bit is awkward I captured another and this one's uh concealed and clumsy huh conceited and clumsy weird there's so many strange modifiers yeah I'm going to go ahead and craft myself a bow oh cool hey there we go I got a Swift one and then he just uses bow to shoot that kitty in the face oh one shot gets it ready for a pal sphere oh good T ooh this one's a motivational leader and a Vanguard oh wow that's a good one to keep on our base then yeah maybe I mean I don't really know the truth but I would assume that's a good one I just captured my for his Kitty too it's a coward but it's waterproof this one also has a skill called blood of the Dragon what is this I got something else I got something else oh there's so many things here there's so many things there's like a flying spider bird spider where even are you I'm running away after the creis I don't even know what a creis say but he's mine now it looks like a a white Eevee it hit me don't do it again that's illegal yes that cap went off on an adventure I did come on capture 95 99 yes I got it oh it's a serious one comp to a lamb ball is finer wool and temperament more suited for domestication uh it's always been kept as a pet cuteness is considered a virtue there's so many things down here there's another creature uh and then the king of the forest with 4,000 hit points oh there's a giant deer in turn a giant deer an ex deer I don't know how to make those words right in my mouth I'll be there as soon as I remember to grab more arrows and I found a penguin found penguin you're finding so many cool things found a fire boy okay don't attack me nope I told you not to attack me did you not listen at all I'm frozen in an ice cube here have my have my other thing my chicken why is my poor chicken it's not going to make it they are just mauling my chicken to Pieces oh no it's okay I don't need him no no no no oh I'm frozen again I got to dodge duck and dive come on penguin your pal has been knocked out oballs oh oh I can see the fight happening over there I'm out of stamina ow ow ow yeah you just break the rock that'll be fun so I just R whoa get it that is a cool looking deer I know right oh there's a llama 54% chance of collecting it 77 and 9900 yes I got a penguin he hey no no I got to beat you up a little bit I'm sorry oh whoops whoa whoa whoa Blitz look up I know right a Nightwing I feel like Batman would have something to say about that uh we're going to get oh there's a Firefox a Firefox I prefer uh Crow myself I I want it oh here yeah shoot you with a bow whoops oh that didn't work oh oh so close 68 get him ah oh 91% 99% I got a fox spks let's go home I'm scared oh yeah it's night time really quick this poor penguin you didn't see anything stop playing soccer with this body I was going to tame him but I pressed the wrong button oh are you fighting foxes now ah I'm on fire you jerk whoa whoa whoa whoa dibs oh I'm catch him catch him oh my dro me flame Morgan ah wow I actively on fire I need a river take take me home your the torch no it's not West Virginia oh there's my penguin in here intern oh is there yeah yeah yeah and uh we can bring uh one of the chickens back hydromaniac Swift we'll bring the workaholic ooh it's a little ironic that the fox Parks is cold blooded when it's a fire ele wow that is okay what does our our our penguin actually do he's uh he's a worker is he working bro's just bro just working over here well he's uh he's kind of we need another bed there he goes he's going to make more balls so we can go collect other people oh balls you get it yep I I totally got it he's a good worker good job Penguin man I'm going to acquire that oh my goodness we have 13 eggs here we do yeah oh wow my chicken must really be laying them over there oh wow and the Penguin went straight to work on this new pal he's a good boy he's a really good boy he is okay I'm going to Spider-Man my way into the house and take a nap yeah it seems like a good idea and they're still pounding away out there hey we finished it good job friendo I like him he's my friend yeah aha and a papow woo ooh there's a harness I can get for Fox Parks what a harness yeah what does that do activate his partner skill to hold Fox parks and attack using it as a flamethrower a flamethrower feel like that's like what I've always wanted to do with a skunk get them little fellas I've just angered our entire Friendship Circle goodness all right let's throwing Fox parks in there with all the fire oh wo wo woo oh he's actually going over to cook he is really yeah oh he just knocked an egg out of that one oh yeah look at that he's helping the campfire oh that's adorable I love this he's just making fried eggs like a like a bro like a champ all right I Ste your Pal's FS oh I have pal fluids I don't know if you can say that useful for its high viscosity whoa all right Berry plant give these little guys something to do with their lives yeah I'll put one right here there we go I'll put another one directly to the next of it I'm also hungry oh penguin you're in my way but they're doing the good work I don't even know where they got their little hammers I don't know where it comes out of either all right they finished it now build that one are you planting seeds I am Red Berry seeds cool and now I'm going to upgrade the base again pal gear workbench statue of power oh the Penguin's watering the berries is he this is great amazing this game is crazy I love it yeah I got technology we need parachutes the fire bows Spears Workshop logging site oh my there's a logging site and a stone pit I'm unlocking both of those as long as the as well as the statue of power we needed one other thing pal gear workbench all right we need wood fragments and cloth okay next pal that passes through here is getting caught in this trap you didn't I did where is it oh my goodness and I think there's a bunch of kitties heading this way oh no in turn should I build another one oh yes I want to kind of Hello Kitty and you won't be able to come in here at all all right right like so and then maybe another one right in the middle this is this isn't conspicuous at all they're like nope I'm out of here they're so skittish does it work on me no that's too bad so the question is what's our next mission build a statue of power and a pal gear workbench okay statue of power I unlocked there's the gear workbench I need two cloth how do you make cloth it's in the workbench you need wool okay I don't want wool I want to make a logging site so I don't have to log as much ooh and our little pals can pal it up okay but it needs to be in the blue circle doesn't it there we go I'm going to have Dingus work on it I really don't want go Dingus I don't want to do the work today there's cloth this little chicken has fallen over and he can't get up forever because I'm throwing him off a clip they're taking a long time to build that thing up it's kind of good they are I'm going to build a little workbench so we can we can make clothes I'm put this right here there we go I'm going to build that up come on penguin friend whoa what was that oh yeah the cat help can help nice too bad the chickens don't know how to do anything they're laying eggs what do you mean I know that's about it oh that one literally just laid an egg when you said that okay we get to select a recipe no recipes we get to L is ready yeah I know I saw that now how do we use it so we could work here ourselves it looks like or we can make Beaver kin to to do it so where does one simply find a beaver I'm not exactly sure but now I have a furry statue nice he's going to go right up here ooh everyone this is a group effort he all of us together put the down okay put it down and Tada oh we can enhance player stats here capture power oh using the little green statues we collected oh neat I have one of those so do I that means we can also level up our pal group again Mission up nice build a logging site build a stone pit and build a Crusher I don't think I have the crusher unlocked you might need to do that I hear shiny noises coming from above this hill Oh speaking of shinies um that m is looking really shiny dude's a 49 level though oh my goodness I wish you could be my friend like Veggie Tales no like I want to capture him and throw him inside of the little tiny ball and then make him as my friend that way also do diving boards work like real oh so like employment yes wait hold on so if we make a tree Outpost then we can also make a stone pit and our fellas will do the work work here and now the stone Pit's completed cool good job kativa oh the cat can actually work at the stone pit that's awesome oh nice oh and the lambo grazes as well oh cool so it drop wool and then the wool be taken to our storage that'd be handy ooh this lambo's a mine Foreman a mine Foreman that's good so our next step is to unlock the crusher I don't even know where that is parachute Tavern Crusher all right right I can get that it's also relatively expensive so I'll work on that while you keep crafting what you're crafting or taming what you're taming yeah oh in turn I don't know what this is It's a gum Moss oh where is that at uh kind of next to base okay I'm going to capture him maybe oh capture rate 88% looks like we're doing all right 95 and I got us a new friend oh nice oh there's another one over here by out of pal spheres oh I got some for you all right I'll weaken them for you oh I got a runner and a suntan lover no I don't right down here yeah you capture him fella but I don't have the stuff here I'll drop I'll drop the stuff with mud there and then okay this a nice capture rate good uh-huh 81 91 99 and that's another one it's also a runner yeah mine was kind of bad not going to lie oh there's the deer there's the deer it's the deer oh wow he's running where are you intern I don't see I'm right behind you okay I will attempt to weaken deer it's a level 10 uh-oh oh I'm wakening it you are all right this is a good time to call my foxy friend yeah get the and ha shoot him in the face no no no no no not me not me oh nice get the oh yeah he's doing good damage to him all right 19% pull him back oh you killed him that was a very low capture rate but we hey horses eat hey he dropped horn leather and venison M delicious we make sausage out of them now that bird is an 11 you might be able to take the Big Bird down yep with hiya uh-oh okay made him mad bring your doggy boy after him okay he's running along the ground now and attack hiya oh whoa heya my gum Moss just fell through the world oh no okay I'm going for it yeah yeah yeah yes 4% capture R get him in turn oh no he broke out hit him again hit him again hiya okay 34% get him again hit him again that's not quite hit him uh-oh we need more beds at home we do I'll give them some nice condos right next to the lake it's a good view all right a lall that's a workaholic good I feel bad for my gum boss because bro just got eviscerated off the world incapacitated for 10 more minutes oh no oh look at all the wool in here wow oh wow that was cool at wool I don't think we need two chickens either maybe not did you get the gum boss or did you kill him uh I got the gum boss okay summon the gum boss remove one of the chickens there he is now gumbo should go cut down trees and stuff no he's planting oh wow he's got nature powers yeah he's just waging his tongue in the air like how was that again okay I got to get the crusher I need some more wood and I want to cook up this venison it sounds like a really good time I wish you would have tamed the Venison and it would be a better time I just tamed it the aggressive way it's taming isn't hunting my little my little penguin penguin bro is a penguin bro I like him yeah yeah where are we going to put a Crusher at uh where' your arm go my arm okay there it is it's there it's just hiding oh it's not that big okay Crusher needs to go maybe next to the ah I don't right here this is like a good spot right here everyone wants to help build it ooh yeah look at all my helpers I got to say that this game's pretty awesome like it is I really like it Crusher completed select recipe oh we can crush wood into fiber and and or stone into balum fragments no I think that's the other way oh no it is okay so that's what these two are for like they're going to start using Stone and wood and then we can just jump it into the crusher nice also it requires watering don't know why and these two Bros are just having a good time watering everything oh yeah so that's Mission should upgrade a level seven now yeah o we can build a hot spring and a furnace cool in turn I think I found a wild gum Moss H he's a runner in good condition I'm going to poke him wait nope this is our friend shut up he's poking your friends with a stick yeah it was uh T tasting them that just makes it even more weird so I've got 11 spheres what was that noise I'm just pulling out a foxy friend to cook some things he's cooking I have 11 more creatures to capture you have 21 yeah and we need more balls a whole lot lot of them so I found a little dungeon not here by myself oh did you don't know what's going to happen but I'm going to test it all right I'll leave you to it just expecting a pop of this say Blitz died oh okay I found a Daydream what what is this place what are these are these Giant Crystals I don't know what kind of Crystal this is oh my word inter I might need you to come are you sure there's so much palum here you missed it back up I caught a kativa in the Trap you did I did uh also my stuff is broken oh what a dumb little thing I'm going to smack it like a Pata okay I'm going to catch a Daydream oh it's carrying some oh it's not in this well no no no no nope nope what is that don't like you aha aha get a little weaker and nailed it okay 69% wao get out of the way nice no no no no no no no I I got him I got it I got a Daydream it's you did yeah it's my friend now poow wow oh Blitz you got to come back to base okay but I think I found Pikachu you did it's called a ma whoa this thing is cool Daydream get him actually we need like a dog and a cat fight here get one more hit there it is no no no oh okay uh-oh oh no down oh no okay they're fighting each other my little doggy boy and fighting the cat things uhoh roll away this is a dinam that rolled up in our base a dinos yeah it's got a big flower on his head oh cool it's kind of pretty okay no bad bad all right I needed I need this dungeon with you in turn here catch him ah okay it's okay I'll come back I'll come back 64 come on come on capture it is it 80% I'm doing it I C it I caught a ma hey okay Ma oh wow it's a 20% chance 40 49 I broke free uh got him again 49 I mean that's a one and two he's fighting yes C 75 99 I got him I got two M oh nice I'm getting out of here here he is he's sleeping a who's this little fella a you want to see my new fella look at this guy who's a good kitty yeah sometimes digs up a golden coin when assigned to a ranch oh cool wait also if we agow that guy into this blue circle our friends are going to come help that's true so let me call out my fox boy here o that really lights up the place it does go ahead and fire in turn all right hi 17 shot right in the butt I'm poking it I'm poking it for six Oho oh my foxy boy's down he's uh he's a little bit more dangerous than I expect killed my meow all right we're just going to do this the oldfashioned way arrows to the face ah ow attack meow really hurts uh-oh going into our base sheepy boy okay okay everyone attack if you're new dinosaur if he destroys our base I swear this is going to be the end of you oh I hope it's the end of him first he's Frozen he's Frozen yes good job Penguin man I'm out I'm out of arrows uh-oh that's okay my Penguins doing the work yeah they're actually all doing the work that's amazing until he does a ground slam come on come on get the freeze in oh man the capture rate is only 2% two he's not quite damaged enough yet for it though right right just needs a little more maybe if he gets frozen again too that'd be helpful he's running away he is right to our traps right to the traps he's too big for the traps oh why are you so big smack him with an axe smack him with a spiky boy oh he's running back into the base yeah oh man we've got six down pets we do but o I don't know where this guy came from oh you're going for it I'm going for it but you know what else I did find that master ball oh it it looks like it's working I got it you got it I got it you want to see him you want of my friend wow this is oinks that was cool worked all right let's go to bed quick I got to say that's pretty awesome I got a dinome with a 2% chance that is crazy I want to put him in here into our base just so we can see him work look at that also you oh he's going to plant he is he's just barfing on everything you want to see my other friend I just got yeah what was that Dreamscape I there it is ready and ye ooh I know right oh he's picking up roxen junk for us that is cool it is it was in a cave look how fast he is too he's a good worker man this base is growing pretty well and I am all about it this game is so cool oh yeah I absolutely love it so many fun creatures should we try to collect some more in another episode yeah and then maybe we can take on that boss that the game is telling us to do this guy is also breaking down trees with his tail oh nice he's lumbering while just holding the axe to his tummy yeah he's a good boy thanks for watching we'll see you next time what up doing Turn and i' like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skun chess breed do c scon e Mr one pton please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro y H Auto da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M codo rler Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 452,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd
Id: bL7JQeyyoeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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