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so I love chess but do I love 11th Edition Advanced troll chess where you can literally cheat and it's legal to cheat but if you get caught cheating yeah bad things happen like your turn is forfeited and the enemy May cheat is Revenge which is is great all right I don't really understand it but we'll just move like a traditional opening my pie chip slipped and I cheated what rule number four you didn't tell me there was a rule game pawns move like this because they're small-minded a okay so they can only move in the three and the guy just jumped over and checkmated me all right I see how this game is going now this is ridiculous so we can only move one up at a time wait hold on we can only move in the other directions we can move left and right can we that's not cheating oh what what happened pawns can also move backwards actually really that's hilarious oh well that makes sense that was annoying I'm I'm sorry it won't happen again horsey boy here it comes what what's coming don't that's illegal oh what is this Rule now rule 20 any Pond that reaches the great beyond the furthest base ascends so instead of getting promoted they just disappear we have a good position here we forced our horse back that's fine with me uh their pawns are kind of annoying position because every one of them next to each other is protecting each other right so let's get our my own horses out another rule only he can jump over other pieces all right so only horses can jump over others that makes sense at least some things are normal in this game if I do this are you going to trade oh great I cheated oh I stupid I meant to do that one there oh shoot I actually studied horse guys six winners to fully digest your elegance so usually in chess games it only lets you move where horses need to go and now they checkmated me all right all right all right note to self that was my mistake I'm sorry for cheating I won't do it again I'm actually scared they're opening up with both of their hores already that's a dirty move because he can attack both of these and I can kill both sides but I can't force any attack here unless I do this all right he thought ahead and now is moving back I have to move up one of these now oh that's a cheat hey that's a cheat rule five pwns are actually metaphor I did the same thing all right all right all right what happens if you cheat where's the horse guy where's the horse rules horse rule horse guy can only move like this he is troubled Black Knight did not Trot C or Gallop I confirmed a cheat you may cheat this turn Okay uh-oh what you saw that I thought you blinked I mean if I can cheat goodbye Queen oh that's hilarious all right so you can attack here and here I'm going to move up really you can't jump game you are so dirty where's the rule only he can jump over other pieces you you have been caught again cuz you jumped over your Pawn I can cheat again go on and cheat I will thank you um goodbye He Slipped oh that gives me an opening all right oh I slipped too no wait what I should have done is move this one up oh that's a dirtier move all right you're dead and I lose that guy but you also lose this guy what is this the bishop vital pieace the Arsenal travels in the direction of X forly known as Twitter can I move it I'm scared of it wait what there's a board outside the board all right wake up buddy well that's my turn when I wake him up all right I don't like any of this position let's just move my Pawn back let's bring out our other horse we have really good control of the board now as if that matters because the rules are so weird I don't really care about you cuz you're not doing anything I'll move you up what do you want you're never Crossing this bridge that's the whole thing in the game where it's a troll and he's not letting me cross the bridge like I'm an adventurer that's the backstory of the game if you peace up bye-bye you went back as expected like a coward pawns can only move this way stupid Pawn I'm playing 11th Edition chest and you're only playing single Edition whoopsie everyone mistakes goodbye other Rook that was annoying but I'll take it cuz I can kill now with my horse let's waketh you back up friend I've got this I've got this in the bag let's pressure here that's fine with me cuz I can kill this bye have a great time hold up there's two things happening right now you moved off the board and there's a duck he duck oh I can pick up the duck Hello Duck I got a friendly duck stay here ducky boy he's a good boy what but what what no no no no no no duck you have to stay you're a my duck ran away what What's Happening Here Come Back duck okay we got two things going on I want to see if I can ride the duck what's happening uh how is there not a rule against that oh no don't try anything what's the duck going to do what is that what are you doing with your Bishop out there uh there's I can't click him he just stole my pond why did the duck steal my pond but what why is the bishop outside is there rules about bishoping outside the board Bishop is vital piece travels in the direction of x i I guess there's no rules saying you have to stay on the board there's no rules about duck stealing your pawns either okay I I've got way better positioning also I don't know what these are I'm scared of them we'll just do this move Bishops drop their gift and knowledge when they leave a tile the hores what is the gift of knowledge though do we get like a is that how it promotes the piece oh No Just disappears where did all my pawns go now I am out of Pawns and they have way too many of them let's just get rid of one cuz that's totally not protected that guy moved to the side okay I want to kill this front one can I do it in one turn we're still protected yep the tower got up so I can kill all right that flips the board now I can kill oh I can't there there's a rule no pieces can move outside the board unless they work out of town do not walk in each other's shoes it makes it hard to see who is and who can grant perspective but this one so the bishop must work out of town I wonder if anything else works out of town but I do know that we have I can kill this piece if I do this then the king can't kill me cuz that would put it in check right oh but the pawn can why didn't I just do this and make the king move out of the way the king doesn't have to because the ah then something else turns into the King right here comes the troll town you Dingus I mean I can just keep killing the trolls all day and you have nothing left what how did I cheat on that is there another rule the Queen may not have an affair if she touches the king is considered cheating what no that's stupid troll lore she would never have an affair you play distaste that is wrong oh then you just jumped on my I had The High Ground in that game all right all right that bothers me so much say this one I cannot forfeit my pawns to the Ducks we have to kill indiscriminately I only accuse someone of cheating if I were absolutely sure not that I would ever cheat against I don't believe you I've caught you lots of times cheating okay I want to get a good position here in the middle and then we'll reinforce like that oh balls no we'll just kill with this one wakey wakey was that a diagonal move it had to have been I think you are a bigm minded Pawn so I'm I'm wondering what you saw that I thought you blinked I'm wondering if the game gets harder if I do cheat like if I just play by the normal relatively normal rules of Chess if the game gets easier I'm going to move back well not cheat like I don't want to do the cheating I mean I do but I don't it's not a bad idea I'm trying to get this bishop to kill this Pawn I can't kill it on my own he moved to the side because he expected me to do that so I can move up I did not feel that one coming there's so many rules to keep track of all right of course of course it did but that guy was mostly gone anyway so this is a decent move it's a trade of horses you just killed my queen I have to kill so that guy moved back he didn't want to do the trade but look at this I don't believe he can actually kill me here and I have a pretty nice Fork going on I'll get one of the pieces if I desire nothing can do that figured that was coming are you in line to take mine nope you're a black Bishop let's kill I'll take that trade if two towers aren't not adjacent they form a castle if two towers aren't not adjacent what's that mean if I put two towers together they get special powers I'm going to put the king in check oh you slipped if I move here I'm thinking traditional check but that wouldn't do anything okay so this bishop is off the board now I'm going to move up a little we're going to try to take out this one here that should be my turn good I slipped gr ready for my special oh please don't have any special moves I mean if you can do that I can do that my Bishop works from home that's awesome wakey wakey I feel like my side has been absolutely pooped on Ard all come back here dumb horsey please don't get me in a stupid Fork what I just annoyed him too much he's like well screw you I'm just going to take you all right we got to get the the horse move bad horse Guy cannot Trot cter or Gallop you may cheat this turn do I want to though well well well I think I want to you caught me greenh handed I feel like I just need to cheat cuz I feel like I can't do anything else I could take the queen with my Pawn I wonder if there's a better move well this one I don't lose anything so I'm just going to do that ah you slipped you Dingus all right I'm going to kill here if you think capturing my king will let you pass you read the rule 11 again what was rule 11 oh yeah black King dies the crown is given to another member of the royal guard Perpetual cycle continues until you're out of pieces check doesn't do anything in this game all right let's try this out I'm going to move here it's a bold move I lose my Rook regardless I either lose the Rook or the Knight but I should gain the advant I'm not I can't I don't have enough pieces plus cheaty MC Chey face here it's just annoying me but if I do this good all right then I can come in here take this one that fell is just a sleep at the wheel now we have a fork I will that was the wrong move friend that was the really wrong move you just move my piece too I've got mate in just a few turns do I care that they move I don't I'll just keep taking everything what other ways can you cheat you're just giving up no but yes act three what there is an act too uh you caught me I may not have won the game but at least I'll leave a worthy successor what you because I cheated I become the troll now is that what happens uh-huh that guy died well we'll just crossed the bridge I guess this is weird this game is weird now now I'm going to turn into the troll that's how this goes I turned into the troll and now I control the bridge so that was like the bad ending of the game after four attempts it took 23 minutes and 6 seconds and you cheated seven times oh fin shung I don't know about that I got to do the good ending you have to not cheat interesting anyway my friends that was that was a game right there King of the bridge if you want to check it out it's on Steam like three bucks keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cino RIT Le Warrior Keegan H zar maxer BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hulet Kyler J Nitro Nitro Wyatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 96,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, king of the bridge, chess game, king of the bridge steam
Id: 9SFNkz18xOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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