I Expanded My Lava Factory For MASSIVE Production in Hydroneer

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so we built up a beautiful lava powered Factory last time we played hydroneer but my thinking is this Factory isn't big enough no we only have two little drills drilling the worst of the ice and we're also melting the ice into well steam to power the conveyor belt unfortunately all of the drills are chained up and I can't buy anymore so we're going to have to make some look at that lava drill Masterwork design it's 240 credits also we can build a shovel and a pickaxe and then there's the uh lava Harvester so if I buy this thing it's 240 can I get the Harvester too I don't really need one well let's just see can I afford it 450 I've got a nice solid 378 money and I can't quite steal that so I guess we'll just get this one for now now thing is there's the two medals at the bottom we have 1500 I think the one on the right is cladium which we actually haven't mined yet and I think that might be because this plot is pretty garbage so I was looking at the map right here there it is floating map obviously we are in Dawn rest but there's one called water side over there that's pretty close to New Glade and if we're going to move in there we probably need some money so let's go over here we're going to try to make a gold ingot of not a gold ingot but like a gold tool of some sort maybe a necklace yeah you stupid that's not even right oh my goodness we're so broke but I can make a sword I can make that oh we can make a ring we get two gems interesting I did see something else too you guys have told me that there is a new resource and it's right here the diamonds I didn't realize diamonds were a thing in this new update so if I place Diamond A into slot three and Diamond B into number two we can cook that on the barbie is that is that a word like Australian grill or something where's my hammer that's not a hammer hello Hammer so as soon as that heats up we can take that drop it off right in here and then go W bam nice we have a little teeny tiny ring oh look at that it's got a diamond in it the gold bar is 4741 Diamond of8 sell it to the stons jeweler or trade with a villager no let us see what the stock market will take for it hello oh that's oh gems okay pendant oh wow that's 9,000 okay pendants and rings are 9,000 that's actually enough that's a good amount I should take all of the gems here too cuz that's 110% demand and I think coming up here on another dinosaur bone but I believe water side is Right close to us where'd that bone go hey where are you there you are what is this one h a hydroa rib okay yeah water side that looks good how much is this 5,000 for that land I'll take that we'll go in here drop this off in the trunk and beautiful so the annoying thing is that I can't afford any more of this stuff so I have to tear down this entire Factory and rebuild it in water side so I started digging everything out and I was like n that's stupid time for bombs so I went and bought some bombs at the bomb Factory and here we go I have to manually press these I'm hoping that here in water side we can dig down a little bit maybe I need some more hey and we'll go one over two over and down all right hopefully that works hopefully these spread nice it spread balls my thingy broke now I need more handles that sucks think the worst part is I don't even think there's any of that logic stuff here at this city is there a manual there might be a manual switch somewhere valve hook gauges magnifying glass oh yes logic lever oh oh I was hoping I didn't have to go cuz like this is on the top side of the map up here in New Glade the only other place is in that bottom right shattered Outpost that's the other place that I know to buy switches so if I use my brain properly it might be a good idea to get like I don't know three levers because I know I'm going to blow them up anyway in real talk I still have 1,800 money so that means I can buy roughly 10 12 more bombs so I'll just generically plop a few of these inside of my truck then we'll go ahead and purchase them without thiing a yeah 1,200 money and let's see how this works now my thought is that this one's going to interact with that one and it should blow out that entire area let's see or that one didn't blow up anything else and I just wasted like an entire lever which is really annoying but maybe this one will work yeah that one worked nice I also have a staircase down now and we're still not to bedrock so we'll grab our other lever from here we'll jump down into the hole and we'll see if this one works come on Bedrock where oh that was loud and irritating in my ears huh that's still not Bedrock depth come on we need to find Bedrock I mean I don't really want bedro Rock itself okay turn around that way what I really want is just to know where Bedrock is so we can go slightly above it that's where the good high quality money is high quality money the The Ore that has the highest money oh okay is this it is this like tier 2 it might be that looks flat at the bottom I kind of forgot that there were different tiers of ore in this game but if I grab my trusted Rusty pickaxe and jump down here I should be able to get out and oh no it can dig farther interesting okay we'll place that down and I should be able to yoink that aha all right so that is the bottom of tier one dirt if we can set up our system right down here we should get Max profits for the tier one so after roughly an hour we have pretty much a factory set up down here it's not fully functioning but I think if I take the shovel and then jump down into the hole and then jump down in the hole again I can put in juice right there please work no that's the wrong button oh I forgot we have to get the hammer ooh hey that actually might be the problem there's a little bit of a nugget right there we have to get rid of come on stop being annoying there you and then put you down and then we'll rotate it like so and then we'll switch the button yes all right nice that's not what I wanted either is there a button this this is the melty thing right ice melter yeah it melts did I have it backwards I might have had it backwards oh okay that's the automation we have water out and I'm pretty sure that's the power in and activate why are you bouncing like a dingus you Dingus you're supposed to be powering this entire conveyor belt system there is lava going there right yeah that's definitely lava oh balls why did I have to put it down too far in the ground take it unsh oh right this is this is the this is what I really love is burying things and then never be able to find them again because you put it down deep in oh no but the other question is what is this thing Frost Rock a clump of frost rock can be split with an ice pick into smaller clumps refined Resources by the Harvester okay does it pop out of here okay it does now here's another question if we just take this thing and I know I know we're just going to bring this drill up to the top drills are kind of expensive and if I take this drill and I plop it down on here remove that thing and then shove it back into this I just really I know this is just a Frankenstein mess right now I don't really care I just really need to know if this works okay that's what I was thinking so notice how this is just an ice it's just a clump of ice and then if I put the ice into that thing it should produce water so good news friends after a little bit of remodeling we finally have a working water pump it pushes the water inside that goes down in the conveyor let's grab our pickaxe cuz I don't want to come up here again the conveyor are running all of them I believe yep it looks good it looks good so far uh that thing is grinding I know it's a little dark cuz it's kind of night time and if we turn these on they should function we have lights we have go why is that one oh that might be a higher quality one all right regardless uh it's working we're putting things oh great I forgot about that point uh-huh all right why did the gold not is that not gold oh that's cor Stone ha that's the thing we're looking for hey come back here hey no Dingus n that's not corstone that's Hard Rock Cafe come back here gold gold nugget Goldie boy Goldilocks got it right there okay drop it on filter it over we're going to have to unfreeze this there it is that's looking good look at it go we're making money I probably should get the rest of this functioning to where's the core Stone though like for real for real next thing we need to do is ye down the furnace into the hole down below no not me we were to stay up we got to stay up we're to put in The Crucible as well and then a few of these stupid buckets that one's got rocks in it this one's got gems in it this one has rocks in it too oh that's comforting things are getting mixed already I don't like that okay you need to be put right about here uhhuh just like so right in the hole surprisingly perfect nope right here that's stupid I love it all right you're going to go down in here uhhuh and then we're going to put The Crucible cuz I don't have enough money to buy these other things so is what it is this one also has gold in it shoot well you know what ah that doesn't work cuz if I put it here all of the silver that's going to drop into that is going to get converted into nothing right right but I could do this we'll take that out and then we'll put you here and I'll take that off put that one here we'll take this one off come here all right and it's working because yep the the iron went into the one cool now I just need to get you placed properly so you capture the juicy little money bits that would maybe have worked come on juicy money bits does it go in the hole it goes in the hole okay and the Hard Rock goes into too beautiful the other fun thing was that I was going to make this so I could expand it indefinitely and then I put all those things down here and it's not going to be able to expand cuz I didn't blow up the rock that's why I'm not supposed to be planning ahead on things all right get in here cool all right that's gemstones I did see a diamond float through so that was cool maybe that one yeah little diamond and we also have the cladium ore that we really really need let's actually turn this over we're going to take that off we don't need the core Stone so much that I know of but the cladium is really what we're going to be going for cuz we need the bars to unlock the other things so does that go in the hole it does very nice so we're starting to get some of the cladium that we need we have a few other mischievous things here I'm going to let this run and go get lunch cuz it's been 3 hours and I'm hungry what should I have what did you have for lunch yeah let me know what you had for lunch in the comments a few moments later so good news friends I had a barbecue chicken sandwich it was pretty good and we have a lot of Cloudy I don't know if it's a lot we have cloudia that's a as far as I'm going to go so let's shut this system off real quick I'm going to do something a little bit different oh you know what we need to do actually need to mine this out because those other things that I used in there are now gone right the what are they the two bars I made there they're they're disappeared also this is awkward oh no oh that's really awkward oh help what have I done to myself there we go free it up okay you guys go that way you're going to pour into there we're going to grab this little nugget of money now I'm hoping we can use this iron block as well we should be able to use that to make some things then we're going to take this entire load of cladium bars drop it into here oh boy I need to make sure this is done right okay you see the black circle it's got to be in there nice nice and then we make a bar out of that no idea how much that weighs but we're going to take it up to the peak of the volcano I don't even remember how to get up there but we got to get up there I'm guessing there there's a little yeah there's like a road isn't there that's where the giant Forge is so if we can use the volcano Forge to craft us some more drills that's going to be awesome okay I found a road does this take me anywhere it's kind of a road is this an Old Road this whole side of the map is like abandoned and stuff oh I actually see the road you see little spires up there so we're getting close looks like it cork screws down and watch with my luck we're going to get up on top of that stupid thing and it's going to be like six oun of cladium too little but I did find a dinosaur bone so we have that going for us we'll just quickly grab one of these and slap into the back of the truck and then find the entrance to the path okay so this should take us all the way to the peak of this mountain I am hoping so much that we have the right monium to be able to uh build another drill if not maybe a pickaxe so whatever you do don't look down that's a sketchy Road plus it's covered with ice there's a lot of comments actually like how can there be ice and and lava at the same place like have you guys heard of Iceland the country there's ice and lava there all the time just because the underneath the ground is hot that doesn't mean that the above ground has to be hot to get on no no no no do a sweet black flip yeah that was great all right nailed it this time car's getting a little bouncy we can get off properly and now we have to figure out how to use this Masterwork Forge up here who why are there trees growing at the top of volcano is that the Calera is that a big word I feel like that's a big word oh I actually see it right here okay let's look I've got the cladium bar totally stuck in the back of my truck we're going to plop it in right here I've got the iron bar which I'm totally hoping is the right amount too and we've got our thingies all right is that the Drill Master work drill lava drill yep okay 500 and 100 that's the objective here I don't know if that is how it's supposed to to be maybe I need to explore the rest of this place oh the Hyer logo that's cool uh-huh tell me again how you feel okay hold up here there is a pot it's bouncing that's good sign actually and is there another pot over here oh I saw the platform I like this how there is literally zero instruction how to use this thing but that goes onto here it did it it successfully successed now if I pull the cord we don't have enough material okay so I need to pour it out oh and then that's where it gives us I got it I'm picking up put I'm putting down super hot cladium bar I also have the Harvester we'll put one of these down my ship is glowing is it a ship I don't even know how much does this take this is just 80 we could do one of these that's just 80 for the tier one pickaxe is that the pickaxe we already have though it might be I'm pretty sure it is we don't need to waste any resources all right time to get a whole buttload more cladium kind of want to take the shortcut home to where is home probably not that way I forgot that we can drive in lava because this is a lava proof truck so we're just driving around floating on the top of a lava Cera but we're going to fly off of lava fall this will be awesome you ready you ready for this this needs an achievement drive off oh balls oh that's really not good oh we're all right we're okay yeah did you see that sweet barrel roll this really needs to fill up oh boy hey we're driving on a lava fall this really needs to fill up the lava container in the back just tumble down the mountain it's okay nobody will mind and nailed the landing beautiful job all right so I went back up and I grabbed my bar that was up top I wanted to see how much weight This was oh great of course it it fits under the ground been just trying to make things all right so that was 80 8 1.83 and that was roughly an hour of afking and the iron bar is at 409 if I remember right it was 1400 to make uh the thing that we needed so I need to grind up quite a bit more down here turn these things back on probably break out the shovel and do some manual mining too okay it's been a hot minute and uh I think we finally have enough I did measure it we've got should be enough for three I also made me realize partially way through this that I probably should have just done one and then and then a second one and a third one but no no no no no no I want to grind to do it all at once cuz I like pain and suffering so you my little friend you're the drill right lava drill yep yep yep you're going to go on here like so those things got in there I do have one extra iron bar this iron bar had like 3,000 iron in it so that's going to be way plenty nice okay and we should be able to go B oh it's working oh my goodness that thing just crushed down I was not expecting that hot dang we got ourselves a lava drill how many can I make I think I can make three my math says three oh balls get what are you stop that you're embarrassing me in front of my friends why are you why do you have to do this game just put the dumb thing don't and just come on now as I was saying it just just need three of these and everything will be good in the world and nailed it good come on come on and doink that's ominous why did it go here instead of the other spot I also figured out how to do this best I can just jump up in the back like a dingus and then hit Q oh stop you're no uhhuh there we go and then I jump into the cab as long as that thing doesn't roll down into the volcano we going to be all right in the hole in the hole would it be cool if I could make four oh I don't even know how to do I'd be so excited and nailed it what was that it's like a floater in my eye all right we're going to try unas and see what happens here I don't think this will work I think there's enough iron but not oh there is what I got four oh my goodness I was thinking there would be three is the math wrong is my my math must be wrong this is going to like triple okay so it's gone now weird the iron bar is still here but the clarium isn't interesting all right friendos made it home with our new drills and they don't want to do anything right I'm going to totally need to remodel this thing again I'm I'm in like 5 and 1/2 hours on this recording now which might not be a great thing but you know what we need to remodel this and move everything over I also think I'm going to bring all of this stuff up and onto this main floor here so we can have like an actual processing center and I'm going to let this run mostly while I'm doing it I hope I don't even know if I can do that probably can't but I tell you what my friends all of these drills will be the end of my video today I hope you enjoyed our adventure using a volcano to craft us some pretty good drills so thanks for watching if you enjoyed let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including autod day Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H Louis C zarof maxer Ral BC engineers whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red d c scander d Payton plays fussy badge rip the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro nitrox yatt K Grim Reaper kitu Rob rugy tanell and Abram Jeep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 162,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, hydroneer, hydroneer update, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer game, journey to volcalidus, hydroneer dlc
Id: USnKlfP2_HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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