I Actually Got Scared By This Game...

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hello guys and gals you might be wondering whoa a gaming video on some ordinary gamers whoa whoa what's going on here ladies and gentlemen today is a game known as poppy playtime a game that's apparently been heralded as one of the scariest video games in recent times so i decided to jump on and sort of see what all the hype is about and uh ladies and gentlemen without further ado i absolutely love the vhs styling and the title screen can you just can i just say how much of a puppet combo feel that i have over here so ladies and gentlemen let's live up to my channel's namesake and hopefully play a spooky horror game [Music] chapter one a tight squeeze whoa what is a sonic.exe clone as an ex-employee of playtime co you will finally return to the factory many years after everybody within disappeared okay hell yeah what is this vidrez you are about to see the most incredible doll ever invented her name is poppy and she is the first truly intelligent doll in the world a little girl can talk to her poppy gives her answers she is the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child so it's like a extreme tickle me elmo okay dude what is this weird real girl poppy always wants to look her best perfect thank you her hair is sturdy and won't come out when you brush it and smells just like a poppy flower is there anything else you'd like to say poppy i'm a real girl just like you what kind of what how could you give this toy to your child okay let's be [ __ ] honest here if you gave this to your child they'd have nightmares for the rest of their childhood look at that that is disgusting no way dude an entire house god do i hate these doll creatures look at that that's so weird whatever let's go see this factory i like it i love this arc vibe to it it's super cool actually i like to be i like it already i like the vhs style to it poppy playtime all right dude so this is chapter one i've heard this is pretty short so we might be able to just do it in one go everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago we're still here find the flower sure let's find the flower i guess oh damn this game looks really nice finally i'm not playing something on unity half the time okay so let's see what the options here real quick so you got items a lot of empty items controls all right fair enough fire left hand fire right hand cool all right let's go looking around okay all right everything so far so good uh we've got poppy wants to play god damn it dude let's go open this one up [Music] i need to figure out the code fair enough let's go figure this out okay so here's the next section so welcome and this is obviously uh barred off can we use the computer oh we cannot use the mouse is stuck into it dude get out of here what is it oh wait tap to view items they just picked that up items what is this oh man that's a real great way to check the items the green tape oh so we just stick it in here cool enough i know my basic colors hi my name is leith pierre and i'm the head of innovation here at the playtime code toy factory if you're seeing this then you're trespassing yeah we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day so trespasser just to make you aware while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent [ __ ] up security systems on our security okay for example this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which once set off will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities and that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system no spoilers so you've got my warning it's not too late to turn around i mean he's just straight up saying that he's gonna practice the second goddamn amendment on you so you might as well just leave right like is it possible to leave it is not possible to leave we look at a crappy cube map reflection okay all right well i guess we'll go this way because i don't know the code to that area i'm sure we'll figure it out eat healthy like brawn i hate the music oh [ __ ] the sound effects are kind of annoying in this man i'll be honest something that oh this little train shoot i was like what is that noise it's like choo choo choo choo i like it i like the atmosphere in this game already it's super nice green pink yellow and red okay so wait a minute green pink yellow and red so if i go back and try green pink yellow and red will that give me the answer that i seek green pink yellow and red green pink yellow and red hell yes boys and girls i'm an intelligent boy oh man i feel proud about that dude all right we gotta get the blue tape and we gotta put it in the blue vcr all right i definitely have to crap hold on boys and girls give me a break oh boy oh god tell you what ladies and gentlemen mexican food is great but it does not come out in the best ways holy frame rate but okay tighten the straps all right let's see so i got these uh this exo suit i guess you could say what is this actually hold both cannons pull trigger to fire so grab and then you can retract it cool all to grip an object oh dude i have a busted left click oh that's a bad time to be playing a video game only fire at small objects do not fire at a co-worker okay yeah that'll cause injury to be capped all right so reconductive okay so that's how you solve certain puzzles cool can i grab it i'm sure i can i'm sorry if i sometimes play these games and i get super quiet like i know that i think i think the gaming youtube meta is like sometimes you gotta like really i i have to like stay completely immersed like this games got really good oh this game's got really good atmosphere so far and i'm actually enjoying it okay so you can latch on to oh okay okay okay fair enough oh you can bring it back ah maybe some physics puzzler actions going on here huh oh so now i get i get it now okay so i grab that and then i can move it around okay fair enough fair enough i think i get it okay so i don't have like both of my hands yet let's move out of my way let's figure this out so like something's always watching me in this game okay uh grab that now the game has begun now we're ready to go boys all right can we proceed on can i go down oh no i can't this way let you oh i'm an idiot i forgot to have a jump button dude all right don't worry i'll have our gaming brain farts okay buddy high five oh man this is a weird-ass elmo looking [ __ ] what is this huggy wuggy in 1984 playtime cos designed hundreds of distinct toys but none connected with people more than that of huggy wuggy our founder elliott ludwig aimed to create a toy which could hug you forever as is always true oh man if a kid oh sh not again dude never okay so power oh wait yeah we had conductive power okay so there's like multiple areas to go to and i cannot progress until i have the red one so maybe i should open this section let's get that going let's get into the power like the atmosphere is actually top tier for this game no jokes all right let's open this one up i guess okay oh okay okay not okay oh high voltage no that's so okay okay wait a minute wait a minute wait i got a certain amount of range that i can move with okay so let's figure this out so i know that i can wrap this around touch the wire with power okay well maybe i can just okay yeah yeah that's easier that's better done then okay and now that this is open we can hopefully proceed with the next area maybe i have to go back into the main center or something yeah the powers come back oh yeah the powers oh no huggy wonky's out damn son that is that's not good huggy i'm gonna need to be wearing some goddamn huggies soon all right let's get down into this section i guess so far the atmosphere is so good in this game all right make a friend okay oh yo that dude was there oh yo this is pretty scientific pig named deep that's [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] okay fair enough what is this buckos baytu all right let's get upstairs we got a little robot i got a rope trend i really do like the visual style in this like it's definitely an indie game but like man whoever like poured there i wonder how many developers made this gotta be like one whoever did this put a really good job huggy says remember to take some breaks uh no huggy okay we will not be taking bricks so what is this over here we've got some random items so green blue green blue a red green okay okay so oh okay okay so we gotta find each and every single one of these things fair enough that's what we gotta find so we gotta find the cubes that'll allow us to actually plug in okay that's gonna be the next area let's i guess uh jump down here oh god dude oh god oh no i do not like the i do not like this derelict this is why when you go into the places like this you should probably bring like a glock or something man like just just anything dude you don't want to walk into a place like this without anything strapped you know i wouldn't okay green cube cool cool can i grab it awesome so we've got the green cube we've also got the red cube and that means we have to find another cube one more cube okay there we go okay all right moody you got this i hate the f is there a way to up the fov please tell me there's a way to up the fov here fov oh that's the top okay i like slightly increased god damn it hold on i kind of want to like i kind of want to see if i can push that door outwards no i can't i cannot do that okay now that i've grabbed the two prostate checkers hell yes boys let's open it up you say that but i will enter probably the dumbest mistake that i've ever made but you know life life tends to [ __ ] me in weird ways grab to complete circuit what's the circuit i get it i go up here i grab the wire i uh do one of these ah that's all it is okay cool nice it's been a while since i've played okay this is way too dark man can i can i get like a brightness update jesus guys christ this game is like as dark as my rectum what is this dude it's probably my monitor [Music] okay okay calm down now calm down calm down jesus [Music] what are you doing here make a friend okay fostering happiness adopt an orphan today foster create what is this fostering a doctor care initiative strikes to create permanency in the lives of orphan children within our own organization okay so they also run an orphanage and [ __ ] too yeah this place shouldn't be running an orphanage okay this is like a definite shady zone dude you're telling me this place isn't doesn't have traffic again i was an fbi agent this place would be on my number one you know group our founder had a visionary uh created play time could be sold today all it needs to be fed the proper parts and it will then paint assemble and do quality inspection of the toy all right it's basically automation cool we got it dude he's got like some mickey mouse fisher price level automation for the engineers over here dude cool i guess come on muda you went to college come on you got this you got to put that degree to work no son of a pitch hold on let me let me rethink the strat here real quick so i gotta find this okay i see so i gotta i gotta be able to like optimize this so you have to you're down to the wire when it comes to that [ __ ] dude all right so the power is now being placed up cool cool so we got the power going now we can go all the way down and hopefully work on some toys what is this oh oh they got the toy in there all right let's put that into the middle area and then we'll exhale then we'll x then we'll like exhale it from this weird dude this all looks just so sketchy you're telling me like any kid that watches this [ __ ] isn't gonna freak out this this is this is just a this is nightmare fuel this is all it is no wonder this place has been shut down god damn all right it's going in oh it's being made in there i think oh it's going through quality control testing there okay dude's like super incredible this is like it's like an incredible toy factor right here man [ __ ] that's certainly not the toy that i got but okay cool we'll go with this little furry doll oh no don't do that don't do that okay we got it let's put it in here stairway to hell oh yeah that's that's just oh [ __ ] dude we're running in there buddy [ __ ] okay dude that's [ __ ] weird just keep going this way oh [ __ ] my [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it god damn that's okay don't die justin what is that dude that's wild all right so it's one of those like outlast style chase sequences okay all right you got me you did it god it has like two year load time so oh that kind of takes okay okay hold on optimize it get out of here dude this thing don't [ __ ] around boys let's go [Applause] oh man i love it i actually love that though well this thing is fast bro this thing is like fast as hell right now okay again danger i still hear it like chasing me come on run oh [ __ ] oh oh it's [ __ ] that's not okay dude oh man that is not okay get down oh it gets the good old blood pumping i guess wait no no sit down get out oh dude dude that was great that was amazing oh man that was that was actually sick oh that that chase got me going though see i was like you play enough outlast yeah you get past those chasers let me let me tell oh man that was good that's good though all right let's see oh that that's the door from the introduction but i kind of see what's here because there's like more footage to watch like i wanna i don't have like the tapes oh that's probably extra lore stuff so you have to find the tape on oh there it is okay so they're in the general location but that's like extra lore i want to see it though what is here final log in relation experiment 1006 the prototype coordination and cooperation is evidently within his skill set as well as the skill set of all other experiments of his type though still missing today's events are no doubt in relation to him his absence was a flaw in the scientific process which should have under no circumstances been left unaccounted for that's why i'm making this log so that the same mistake won't be made twice any future experiments will need to be contained and disposed of dude it's like an scp oh that's sick breakthrough and i'll be back we must forge onwards in the name of science whether those who are beneath us understand it or not end of he got killed he got killed by poopy playtime that's cool okay so so it's also like it's a kid's toy factory an orphanage and a secret mk ultra project rub okay cool let's go baby let's go oh yeah this place looks welcoming as this is like donna benaviento's house in the resident evil 8 right now same vibe we're in the back room boys oh yeah this place this place just screams welcoming back can't move this can't grab the dollhouse i can't grab anything here what i can grab is my way to the red room dude dog this is not okay that's her that's poppy huh okay poppy tell me why we're glitching the uh door into the into the post right here okay [ __ ] don't do this it's gonna be a screamer oh you cocked me dude oh that was good that's good so far man oh okay there's a fair amount of people working on this okay there's a fair amount of people who are working on this project and i actually quite enjoy it jesus [Music] now i don't know how much i remember paying for i think it was like five bucks guys i would say for five dollars it's not like the the it's basically just a demo at this point but i wonder if they're going to patch in more chapters into this game it surely can't be like this all the way through like this game definitely needs more content but for what i played right now it's actually fairly decent ladies and gentlemen i think it's a good showcase it's like a good five dollar game to try out but uh ladies and gentlemen i would probably wait until this game actually properly comes out but until then i'm a huge big boy big fan of our good old fri girl good old poppy playtime absolutely solid little horror game so far and uh i will say that chase sequence is probably as well done as anything i've seen in like outlast so yeah actually ladies and gentlemen we're gonna end it over here if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it this is me mudahar and i gotta take care of the rest of that crap
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 797,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Xkt07ia1Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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