I'm Scared of Liminal Spaces...

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hello guys and gals me moodahar and what scares you is the question I want to ask Now ladies and gentlemen if you ask me what scares uh mwah it is in fact what's giving me anxiety is beyond things like emergency alert systems which amazingly if you've never seen them on YouTube they're an entire Treasure Trove of content that you got to be hitting up but ladies and gentlemen as I've looked at the back rooms and everything my anxiety and the fear of liminal spaces has grown it's both an anxiety and a fear and something that gives me a lot of a meditative relief if you will now if you don't know what aluminal space is ladies and gentlemen I'm going to take you down a rabbit hole of of Wonder and joy aluminal space comes from the Latin word lemon which basically means a threshold a point and place in time where it's an entering or a beginning or a transitionary place between uh what is you know the next plane if you will right a place where all kinds of Transformations exist a place where human beings know clip now somebody that genuinely believes uh you know the idea of simulation theories in a way hey look if we can come up with artificial Intel religions that one day is sentient who knew who who's to say we're not AI who's to say we're not a giant game of The Sims running around in real time to be honest with you anything is a reality in today's day and age okay 100 years ago there's a lot of [ __ ] that exists today that nobody would have believed coming okay so that's where I'm gonna end it going now for those of you who have never seen liminal spaces there's entire boards that you can go down for instance here's r slash liminal spaces with about almost half a million members it's filled with a bunch of people posting liminal actual spaces so for instance one of them is my dad's Life as a security guard now of course this is a long dark Corridor with a few lights lighting up I guess the best way to describe liminal spaces is they're really minimalistic they don't really have a whole lot of furniture if you will they're long dark and Eerie I'm sure at some point all of us have experienced this okay Hey listen I've walked out at one in the morning too many times coming home from work and nobody else is on the street but me that in a way is a liminal space I guess another comparison is a game that I played on my channel LSD dream emulator is all about the idea of liminal spaces just you alone in areas that are open expansive and just dead the only actual interaction you may have sometimes are weird entities or The Gray Man or whatever you might see I guess it's kind of like you know the back rooms right they have like 999 rooms and most of them are empty except for you and really really spooky entities I guess the other way is it kind of reminds me of scps in a way too but of course the more and more you go down there's underground concourses with nobody there this is actually in Canada because if you look over there that's RBC that's one of our banks this is a Canadian liminal space too but of course some people take blender Unreal Engine and actually build their own liminal spaces I'm not a huge fan of the ones that are just encased in water if you will this one looks a little too fake to me this one looks a little too anti-chamber if you will so again these are some of this I like the ones that are grounded in spooky reality like this one for instance this literally looks like this is an actual place in somebody's University where it's got that rustic almost like chalky charm to a lot of the walls and there's nobody there there's nothing in there you could scream in this area and all you'd hear is Echoes till the end and of course some of the CG stuff is really good like this is an actual CG image somebody made too where it's a complete just walkway in the expanse of nothingness of course over here you can actually start to see like more of the CG nature but yeah getting lost in a place like this can be both terrifying and almost relaxing okay I don't know what's going on over here but this is like a little water closet a little bathroom if you will where they got one hand dryer a soap dispenser and just an expanse of nothingness Above This almost looks like it's complete CGI as well too that is what I like to say is a realistic liminal space we've all been places like this if you ever walked late at night out of somewhere where nobody else is there but you and the spooky ghost that's tracking you down this is an actual spooky liminal space face you know every time you have a foggy rainy night that ladies and gentlemen can be a liminal space I've had some in my own experiences I've been to places which are absolutely like that I'll throw a few photos up there of my experience with some of my own personal favorite personal liminal spaces this is the actual scary one too so here's like where somebody posted like an empty City and like this is exactly what I'm talking about when you're walking around late at night except this is when the sun is open you expect to see at least one human being one vehicle there this is like this is like 28 Days Later [ __ ] okay look at how empty this goddamn city is there's nobody to experience this I might have to believe this Photoshop CGI because I don't believe you could actually Land photos like this in a city this goddamn empty this is literally end of the world scenario and I guess that's what that's where I'm in right now okay I constantly think of like end of the world stuff lately I know it's really Grim but that's kind of where I'm at okay that's the kind of stuff that I always spent all night looking at there's actually something really interesting I like to watch on YouTube This is actually a video from one of my favorite Channel silent Rob he's been around for a long time you know his channel is actually called face destroy Incorporated but he made a video where he titled the deadest mall in America he actually made like two of these videos and this is one example of something that I'm super into is watching like abandoned Mall's abandoned locations Siri is actually walking around in an abandoned mall and like I believe this is like Ohio so again malls used to be a big thing all right especially around the world all right malls used to be a huge thing as a kid growing up but of course you know when online shopping came into the Advent when everything else started jumping in having a mall and function was just not going to happen a lot of these places went defunct and while the malls are still up there very few shots are actually still paying rent and actually have like any form of business like you can see how Eerie it is just walking around the establishment some of the chairs are still there it's almost like the entire world just went missing some like real ghost wire Tokyo [ __ ] the world completely went missing out of nowhere and that's generally the idea you get out of it right like some of the signs are still up there the windows are still actually intact and they only have one human being walking through the area and it's also like super clean too this is the ideal liminality it's like super clean there's like everything is intact it's literally as if the human beings completely disappeared and they have like one store that's active a video game store that probably is going to be shut down you know months down the line because really you know it's one of the only stores that's actually ever left yeah check us Channel that's a good example of liminality of course there's entire 4chan threads too like way back in 2019 the idea of liminality became something and of course you know the back rooms is just one thing it basically got like huge in terms of Creepypastas and Tick Tock but the idea of liminality has been around for a long time and there's been a lot of people just sharing it and it's actually more deeper than things like waffle houses and truck stops one of the posts on the old Chan boards was it's simply the spaces that caused the strangest of feelings in people laundromats Waffle Houses truck stops gas stations in other places lit by fluorescent lighting The Uncanny feeling that one gets when one sees such spaces is quite incredible I honestly think it might be related to the feeling of empty rooms I just don't like that the back room's meme has become a meme and now people think it's a Zoomer thing we need to change that and folk okay all right a little gatekeepy on the on on the side of v on the side of x if you will sorry paranormal but yeah this is one good example too right like look at this little laundromat this is the aesthetic people are talking about that fluorescent lighting always has to be there maybe one person and the rest of the world is just gone and missing it's literally being detached from a plane of existence that everyone lives in all right this person actually says it really well like when you're interacting with the liminal space you're quite literally standing on the threshold between two realities for example a rest stop on the highway is designed to be just that a rest stop between your place of departure and your destination those areas are not meant for you to stay in very long in this case your realities are your place of origin and your destination while the threshold is the journey the rest stop included it's almost like you're in like Purgatory you know like when you die you're supposed to go to Purgatory before all human beings are sent to Like Hell or Heaven during Judgment Day it literally just feels like purgatory and in a way it scares the hell out of me like sometimes I wonder like am I ever lost in a situation that is detached from reality like am I actually in purgatory but at the same time being completely alone and to your own thoughts while you're walking through a foggy night is its own level of meditation it's a weird situation that gives you both fear anxiety and relaxation it's really a weird feeling that I'm trying to pin down and I've been feeling it for like a year ever since I've been getting into this I like this shot a lot too another element of a liminal space dude this is a Shell gas station I'm sure anybody that's been on long road trips uh you know like if you ever drove from like City to City you've been in this situation at night you've been at a gas station not at a Shell that has like the S message the yes missing so it looks like hell but we've all been in a place where it's only one car just us and we're paying for gas here's somebody that used to skateboard late at night and this is a liminal space vibe to the gate even though there's actually cars driving around I think the repetition of lighting over here just adds to it there's like it's always night it's always that weird fluorescent halogen lighting and it's always like repeated like lighting like this it just feels like you're in this transitionary place this alone is not something you should walk down a pathway like this I don't know why I don't know why Anon is walking down a place like this I'll be real at two in the morning this is a place where even with all the lighting it's definitely a place you get stabbed at for sure this is the vibe I'm talking about when it comes to a city like even in the distance everything is living out there and here in like the suburbs of like Tokyo or suburbs of like a Japanese City there's nobody walking around this is exactly what I'm talking about this is the vibe that I got walking around late at night in these suburb regions of Japan or really anywhere in the world like have you ever actually walked around to Detroit at like one in the morning don't ever do it because Detroit it's a sketchy place but that's again the vibe too that liminal feeling that point of transitionary space this is definitely a place you don't want to be in because this is not a liminal space this is a crackhead raid boss dungeon okay this is where you're definitely like getting stabbed this is like a 99 chance to getting if you get stabbed in a place like this it's basically your fault all right if things don't work there's also other games like uh you know the haunted cities which might be more like relative so here you can see the actual like the actual liminal spaces going on when it comes to like these various games there's an entire collaboration again we'll just open up one of them so here here I got one like 25 60 by 1440 let's go windowed and let's fire that [ __ ] up Chief no no escapes no escapes this is the perfect example of liminal spaces man like you got a PS1 Vibe over here I mean look at that even the textures are all it's like sad Satan PS1 do the textures are escaping into like the video game anus but of course as we're walking around I'm sure I'm gonna get like this is definitely where you get stabbed for sure this is like where you get screamer City and of course in the distance you've got like a lighting and everything like just a green light in amongst this darkened City this is like a weirdly good looking PS1 aesthetic game but yeah this is an example of what I consider to be like liminality like liminal spaces being lost in a place like this he had like a one car and you got like a bubble the Dirty Bubble oh ugly little Hamlet is it kind of place where everyone knows everything about everyone else's business okay oh [ __ ] everything went dark whoa what is that Jesus is such a weird graphical style man you know when it comes to like Minecraft there are mods known as the corners which allow you to explore liminal spaces in Minecraft again you know trying to run Minecraft mods is its own hellhole this I got running on version 1.18 and it took me a little bit getting going because there were a lot of crashes Minecraft is not the most stable of games out there uh frankly I just play Minecraft for survival and like just just like engineering mods but this is one of those mods that you kind of got to try if you enjoy luminality and stuff so here it is look at that Minecraft and I think I might have to turn the shaders off but you actually put up one of these paintings and this is a painting to liminality so you just light this up with the actual um what is this oh I came back to the actual area nope that's not what I wanted to do put a painting not a creeper not a splitter not a creeper again that's not the painting that's not it that's not it geez there's a lot of shitty paintings in Minecraft that's that's the painting we're talking about so light that [ __ ] up and go into it and here it is we're in liminal hell and of course uh the actual world isn't rendering properly so I'm gonna have to turn off the shaders actually it's a video setting Shader packs disable apply hit done and here it is of course there's like graphical errors going on but you know it is one of these mods it's it's tough to get them working but this is an example of like backrooms areas and of course even though there's nothing hunting you down there's no SCP none of that [ __ ] this is the kind of big fear that I have too is like if you ever get lost in a place like this there literally isn't an escape you can go through billions and billions of rooms and while each room is unique because that is like a staple of some of these like back room like liminal space Creepypastas and like horror pieces the actual Escape isn't there once you no clip in it's incredibly difficult to no clip out and listen like I'm tying it back to the beginning of the video I believe in [ __ ] like simulation theories okay sometimes I think the world is basically just a giant game of The Sims and what is ever stopping us from being stuck in complete liminality like I've seen this painting a million times I'm actually stuck in [ __ ] hell sometimes I think this is what hell is about man like this is actually hell look at that there's like wait what is this oh there's actually food out here see like sometimes in the actual place you can find food in some survival tactics other than that I don't know I don't know I'm lost like if you're actually to get lost in a place like this I think I I I think it'd all be over like it would probably take you like a few hours before like Madness would eventually start settling in and God forbid you actually hear something okay God forbid like something actually is chasing you that's another fear I wonder if you can escape this mod in creative mode and maybe there is oh [ __ ] there is yeah even if you escape this is where you escape to guys you can't even no clip out of here it's just all hell but you know what that's a timeout because in reality land so far I can no clip thankfully that was just a virtual world we were exploring maybe the current world we live in is virtual I'm not gonna really jump into all that I'm not going to jump into that conspiracy that's that that's something for a different time but to escape liminality is something that we could have done thanks thankfully because everything was entirely in a computer but ladies and gentlemen I wanted to show you something that brought me great anxiety and also relief I have no idea how to describe that feeling the feeling of being scared of something but also kind of enjoying and embracing it ladies and gentlemen I wanted to take you down on a trip of liminality and uh frankly even though we just kind of dipped our toe into it I definitely want to cover this topic more and more in the future I think really a really focal point of my channel going on for the next few months is really talking about like end of the world like conspiracy stuff like that I've been reading a lot of exit Monday a lot of the back room stuff lot of really scary orgs Creepypastas an entire theories about the world and you know what it's something that's absolutely been grabbing me I think some of you might have noticed ever since I was looking at emergency alert systems this is kind of where my brain is it's kind of morbid it's kind of freaky but there is something kind of enamoring there is something kind of interesting about the unknown and frankly I want to like dip my toe into bit of that but frankly that's where I'm going to end it at ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think about liminality liminal spaces and your experience with aluminum space do you feel that at some point you no clipped out of reality and experience the place in between I know I I kind of have maybe I haven't seen it like straight up but it definitely had that feeling few too many times in my life that said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it the sun's coming up I'm out of G fuel in that cup and that being said this is mimuta and I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 473,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y4OhujkDcnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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