FNAF Security Breach Gave Me a Full Diaper...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and actually today's gonna blow your mind a little bit i was waiting for this game for a few months now i've been waiting for this game ever since it was announced by the title it's five nights at freddy's security breach as somebody that infamously laughed at five nights at three let's be honest it's a flash game with some jump scares not the rebirth of silent hill buckos let's sit down and play security breach so i'm into this because it looked good didn't look like a flash game and it looks like it has some good old gameplay to it i've also heard from friends that it's deathly scary there might be some heart attack warnings i might have to put down into the actual title i don't know but let's see if this is going to give me a good old-fashioned dirty dumpy let's hit anything [Laughter] oh they gave chica oh man all right okay there's already like rule 34 of this i can sense it through the cosmos man i'm i'm a little speechless right now i'll be honest it's it's a it's a cute little dance scene all right you got the original titular characters dancing away at us it's cute man i'll give it that montgomery gator oh boy roxanne no it's foxy glam rock chica everyone's saying they made chica really hot which is like i'll be real with you if you're jacking off the chica in this universe you down pretty bad you're like at the center of the earth down oh no warning it's about to kill them keys oh no no it's it's it's shut down it got infected okay pretty fast bear has been infected with the malware well this might be a virus investigation it's not actually a fnaf video then the game crash no it did not crash okay we're back in safe mode wait do we actually play as the animatronic this time that's that's heck that's hecking poggers man i'd love to play as like marionette or something safe mode okay start off is it like don't tell me like framework oh no oh my god oh this game stutters man this game stutters more than sylvester okay wait a minute there's gotta be some subtitling here audio jump scare volume oh no let's get some subtitles on stomach oh i'm inside the animatronics birthday well it's always interesting other than half characters of like basically near sentient ai oh my god boys this is like exit freddy there you are dude what that's weird bro complete how odd your guest profile is okay there's like literally no ray tracing in this game whatsoever it's actually this is like really garbage okay this is like great i will notice i'm gregory and you're gonna notify the main office we got it dude connection error i cannot connect to the main network it's her she cut you off she's not going to let you call for help until she finds me who cut her off who is looking for you your mother i hear footsteps oh no that is the security guard she can help no no i don't trust her why is she a bad guy she is but she's trying to get me isn't there some other way for you to communicate with me besides talking so loudly ah take this it is a novelty freddy fast watch oh i'm gonna take something from freddy okay first off i gotta turn off the ray tracing it's like really bad okay let's collect that so we got the fast watch yeah see like the ray tracing is like it's cool but it's just like share screen space i'm not even in the bvh hold on let me turn this off let me see if the frame rate's way better oh infinitely more playable wow and you can't even see the real difference all right so i got the fast watch it's me freddy i will escort you to the main entrance however i am unable to leave this room you should have no problem there is a button on the wall that will open the door to the back room i will make it accessible to you now okay oh so there's like full missions here and there's like a it's kind of there's kind of like an open world to this entire thing okay all right so it's got like a little free-form mission design from what i actually heard with some of the people playing this game there is an open air vent inside the maintenance room you will have to climb through the ventilation system and release me from the outside okay so there's a bunch of actual stuff here that i want to check i think this might be like the save point safe station okay here we go so it's got like a dead space style safe station or like alien isolation i guess is the better thing where you go over here you hold the e button to save which could have been a lot better implemented i'm just saying so let's find the vent shaft and get ourselves out of here let's get our buddy out of here so here's a vent shaft this might be like the vita chamber aka something out of like bioshock but let's go dude let's get our first jump scare finally oh you can hold okay so already i kind of like this over the fact like there's already more gameplay to it than expected all right let's see what's out over here okay i do like the atmosphere in the game already it's like weird clicking in my recording here i hope that doesn't pass on to you guys that's really annoying to hear huh so far i gotta say like it it definitely is like a really nice looking i mean i have to turn off the ray tracing because it's like really weirdly performant but uh there's there's something moving in here with me i'm not liking it oh wait we can sprint in here i thought we were like relegated to crawling okay so there is sprinting in the game i just hope we don't have to see like uh what's in here oh hell yes where you can see a glimpse of chica's dumpy dude i can see where like 90 percent of the play hours have been spent oh no that's a better view of cheek okay cool and here we are into the open world 11 30 p.m okay and we hope you enjoyed the show freddy and the gang are pretty tired but they'll be back again next week after a few days of scheduled maintenance i know the security guards out here have to watch yeah impossible death could have happened it's so stuttery dude this game has this game has some performance bugs going on dude [ __ ] all right let's get our buddy out of here i need the photo pass okay going to need a photo pass to open the tour apologies i assumed you have well what's in here spare items weapons what is this party phone oh they're just messages okay okay so they're like they're like lore building things okay well those i usually read like off camera and stuff requires the backstage pass okay i wonder if this game is going to be kind of like a metroidvania style like you have to actually like you know find a bunch of items and then backtrack and i always love it when a game will do that all right we got like cool little oh they're like little oh they're like they lock themselves that's kind of cool that's kind of epic all right so i need freddy to go through the utility tunnels first i need to go to the convenience like uh i need to go to like the convenience drawer and everything that's the backstage oh more items photo pass there we go oh no that's not the photo pass for okay that's the photo pass from me i thought it was a different character okay cool all right let's get let's get our buddy freddy out which uh man this game has like but if you're gonna buy this game do not buy it um right at the moment you gotta wait for a patch to come through man this patch is like whatever they are releasing right now is absolutely terrible like this game needs to be like this game this game has some bad performance vibes right now i would not recommend buying this day one okay freddy superstar that was creepy you could do it i know how to get you out of here climb back into my chest cavity oh mess still time i don't know if i am spotted i will certainly be taken back to my room i will escort you to the main exit through the utility tunnels it is the safest path okay but you better be careful moving around i don't want to be crushed and twisted into a meat pretzel you got it freddy okay let's go and bots cannot find gregory when he is controlling freddy okay so basically i'm free from the bots when i'm inside freddy okay so i'm gonna hide in freddy and he's gonna be moving me around cool oh but he has a battery count too so that's what the video chambers we saw earlier before they're just like battery recharges for freddy okay kind of cool kind of epic let's get down over here i mean visually this game does not deserve the stuttering whoa okay dude oh that's that's weird that thing's animating at like 10 frames a second too this game is a technical nightmare man i want digital foundry to look at this down here we have to go back do not worry greg oh you can't jump if we are spotted you are safe with me she would never suspect we are traveling together however we should man the ai and freddy is like actually smart sent back to my room plug this [ __ ] into skynet and we've already lost you are broken don't worry about it i'm fine no i feel that something is wrong i am taking you to the first aid station what i'm fine oh well i guess it just took control sure freddie you do it enter the first aid all right here okay let's go into the first aid station oh what freddie you're supposed to be on lockdown uh officer vanessa i i do not know how i got here well we taught the air how to lie you know your system crashed and you ruined the show now parts and services have you on reduced power they said it's a safety precaution just one more thing to deal with i apologize okay look we're like 15 minutes from closing and some kid is sneaking around backstage if you see anything notify me immediately i already alerted the others now go back to your room i i don't know why the kid is hiding that heart you're just gonna get booted out of this like death trap kid do that she was after me i said nothing i will keep you safe let us go is that like the pristine programming for freddy it's like i shall keep you safe i will lie to every adult and endanger this child sure that's in the programming all right so we got freddy back over here let's go explore even deeper and we're gonna go to wait what's over here oh we can't open that where are we we are now under the pizza plex these utility tunnels connect all the attractions we can go anywhere in the building correct phaser blast monty golf roxy raceway they are all accessible to staff with high enough clearance of course guests are never allowed down here but uh yours is a special situation oh i'm breaking and entering how cute all right so far oh low power again we're still technically going through a tutorial section here freddie is out of power he isn't able to help until the start of the next hour oh so you gotta do like you gotta do like robo management here the recharge cycle had not yet completed when i found out let's go check what's over here there's like an item just continue without me i will guide you on your fast watch in case you get into any drone no problem buddy go get into the charger oh god he like jumps in christ all right let's save and continue i wonder if you can just like i wonder if this game has like an eternal time limit kind of like dead rising that would be pretty cool if it did that all right let's go over here so the bots can definitely see me maybe i could distract her with something what the [ __ ] oh my god wait can i can i like can i see what this can i see what the horror looks like oh man oh man i shudder to think of the kid that's getting scared by that one oh save point oh if they're just gonna hand out save points like candy oh man well you gotta understand this they're making this game for the kitties i'm pretty sure right like the thing with fnaf is like as much as i'm interested in oh oh god oh god i have your t-shirt we're supposed to be homies they're so bad okay you have to i'm sorry you got to experience like every jump scare once in fnaf you can't like can't skimp out on that [ __ ] that's like the experience you know so maybe not completely eliminate my sprint so like do one of these recharge a little bit go now oh [ __ ] okay run run run run stutter first i guess for three weeks god dude this game is just one mess oh there we go there we go we're at security we're at security we're at security security yeah you should be safe as long as the batteries are there in the event of an emergency yo he's banging on that door stay close which they will as long as there is ample power freddie the power's only at 15 and they're pounding on the door how am i gonna get out of here do not panic you should see an interface on the security desk hold on oh so now you get to like classic fnaf gameplay sick holy hell this game is this game is a unity game this game is some damn it's offensive to unity okay so currently that's the camera so i'm like okay so here he's banging on this door that's what i'm looking into so i go from here so like okay from here all right so not this way because that's where he's banging in on let's go this way find a safe path to the main entrance so the way that you work it is like you look through the cameras and on the cameras you isolate what the direction is okay cool all right so here it is that's the camera so ah that's okay okay so cool she's headed that way all right this way it might be working for us okay cool we're now here perfect all right so the place is close it's midnight oh we can't escape i'm still here oh no now what am i supposed to do oh get [Laughter] you should be able [ __ ] escape when the security doors reopen at 6am until then keep moving and try not to draw attention to yourself if there is another way out i will help you find it i promise oh my god they animate so weirdly oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she just spawned out of nowhere dude oh wow [Laughter] come on get me it's so cute nope there it is it's a little treasure uh little toy boxes oh okay complimentary entry pass and now we can go into the main section cool is there any weapons to counteract any of these uh monsters or the animatronics or is that it unfortunately that complimentary entry ticket does not allow you to enter the pizzeria it does not it's in here customer service security pass customer service okay oh don't catch me oh [ __ ] i it's actually you can't even like peek out or get your bearings this ticket doesn't even work it says good for entrance to the lobby shops that's cool upgrade options available at customer service also good for one free prize from glam rock gifts while somebody [ __ ] there oh no she saw me is there any hiding points in here oh there is what don't do this places i i think at least a couple cans have been buried in this one okay cool i bet they are okay so we're this is not customer service it seems like it could just be no this is lost and found okay where's the upgrade machine it wouldn't be here could this be the oh here it is use complimentary entry ticket it ain't my pass perhaps there they have lots is trinkets knick-knacks pack the upgrade machine well first i want to collect this what is this cool i don't even know what i got out of that but uh let me check the map oh i just got the messages uh hack the upgrade machine okay glam rock gifts is this the glam rock gifts no um maybe it's in like lost and found my ticket's still stuck how am i supposed to upgrade my ticket if i can't hack this stupid thing i should look around some more [Music] a glam chica plush oh dude baby quit giving me the oh wait here we go i gotta find one of those glam rock gifts that's where it is glam rock gifts you know it's like a very very less intimidating version of jack baker from resident evil 7 like that dude got my dick hard this the chica here chica here is like on slow mode okay chica here does not know how to did she like see me nah dude oh that's how you're able to know it's like bam bam bam near you hell yeah we can go to the glam rockets now perfect man chica's kind of a [ __ ] isn't she jesus like freddie's like infinitely intelligent ai and you've got like chica over here like [ __ ] bargain bin ai dude chica's like wish.com ai even the bots are really easy to avoid all right here we go let's see what's inside ah there it is the gift it's glad that everything is just like pointed out to you it's all like these containers but you know so we got the mr hippam i think i already had this though i already had a chica plush or something lame let's open this up i am sorry gregory i am truly sorry chica oh man she's headed in the direction i want to go [ __ ] wow okay so round number two i found out the strats there's like little freddy switches you can hit on the doors like the little like gates and you can just open them and like keep yourself shortcuts so typically if you play this game and you find like any switch that looks like this tap it that creates like a cool little shortcut for you all right and this lets me use a hippo magnet and i can actually hack it scrambled the machine and i got the daycare pass cool oh man now it's some kind of daycare pass that is great news i will meet you in the daycare the entrance is on the second floor balcony okay second so use a daycare pass to get into the daycare oh it's a second floor balcony where's chica right now um oh there she is there she is cool beans oh she's going down over here that's cool so you got like a little proximity to play around with her here to superstar daycare pick up cool all right let's move around over here get into the daycare and bam check that out dude the textures just loaded in right in time for me got the little bathroom right now there's never been anything shady that's happening here yo these like these like wet floor signs are freaking me out oh what's this cute little item oh they're just they're just uh they're just cool like little lore things so oh okay here it is we are with the camera so the cameras you use to like predict uh where you can go to where you can like head on forward so it's kind of really it's like you use the cameras to like plot out your journey and then you just go for it i thought freddie was going to be sitting in here but all right i guess that doesn't happen well he is going to come back in the next hour right like he you can only use him once every hour before the battery is all tapped out all right save that up here what is this don't look like any normal daycare either how big is this place look at how large it is all right check the daycare desk for the uh secure check the daycare security desk okay i don't think these would be the security desks huh what do they got like social security numbers up here little steam little steam keys slide down absolutely whoa and you tell me kids don't have nightmares when they come to places like this oh hell nah dude oh hell no friend you're sure oh no slumber party where are all your friends we can finger pay tell stories drink fizzy pass into our heads exploding that stable night there is only one rule keep the light no no okay that thing is genuinely [ __ ] unnerving get the batch from the security desk here it is the security desk right here that thing is genuinely [ __ ] unnerving dude new friends this area is all flaming let me save the game please no security badges allow you to access your number security doors okay so yeah i played metal gear solid i know how security badge level works okay dog who what ai are they feeding it looks like it's like a pedo oh no why would you do that i want you i want you holy holy [ __ ] this thing is freaky as [ __ ] you must be punished kitten you've been a naughty kitten okay well frenzy it seems as though the save point is very much dead where are must you found bro this game is [ __ ] okay this game went to like zero to a hundred pretty quick i was like laughing no i don't want to be punished kitten [ __ ] oh there it is where do i have to go map missions turn the generators on oh christ baby christ on a cracker i don't know where it is bring it on [ __ ] oh it's wild oh oh man that was good well i feel like i feel like what what i what i have to do in the game is i have to follow the black wires and i have to follow the black wires and basically unbox the generators but what i've noticed is i've actually been playing this for like an hour now ladies and gentlemen so i'm gonna like kind of stop right here i'm gonna leave it i think i've explored as much as i've i think i think i've got the primer for it so we had like our first escape sequence we went through the tutorial um i literally just flipped through cameras this is actually really really fun uh i actually think i might be playing the crap out of this off camera but you know i'm gonna ask you in the audience i mean i don't really do like full let's plays but like i might be so inclined to release like two hour videos of this game just like kind of finishing on camera because it's a lot better than the other five nights at freddy's games let's be honest okay there's like game play to this and that moon puppet that was freaky man that stuff is spooky i know i like quipped on like chica earlier and don't get me wrong she's she's as scary as a sermon in the in the morning but like this that was good that's it though and i'm going to end it right over here if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like dislike i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 487,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fnaf, five nights at freddies, fnaf security breach
Id: sxqEqUcAKAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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