The Creepy Backrooms Found Footage...

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hello guys and gals me moodahar and I'm sure some of you have seen this video on the internet notice the back rooms found footage and I kind of wanted to watch it with you because ladies and gentlemen the back rooms is one of those creepypasta stories that have actually become a life of its own you know in the same vein scps have like a million entries the back room has an entire lore set behind it Allure says so strong that I'm pretty sure from software sat down and took the actual concept of the back rooms they could make probably one of the best horror games out of it but ladies and gentlemen this is a video that was created by one YouTuber known as Kane pixels a by the way let's let's give it up here a 16 year old director and VFX artist now for more about the watch here the back rooms footage consisted here is actually like completely CGI except uh what we're gonna see over here it's a CGI printed to a VHS given that Original Classic photographer found footage effect now I'm a huge fan of found footage movies um there's not a whole lot of them out there but frankly the ones that are if they're good are some of the best horror stuff that you'll ever find now for a quick primer on the back rooms it initially started as an old school 4chan post for instance one of the earliest posts that I ever saw in X which is the Paranormal board was the 12th of May 2019 way back in the day where they said post disquieting images that just feel off now for those of you don't know what liminal spaces are this probably looks very close to what you think liminal spaces for those of you don't know are basically spaces that are just vast Giant and devoid of any life as far as I can really get into it basically the best description is literally from the Reddit board a liminal space is the time between what was and the next it is a place of transition waiting and not knowing I guess the best way to put it is is purgatory and if anything makes you feel that way this image might might pretty much be the best example of it there's no life out there it's just you sitting in purgatory out by a shell where the S isn't even active so yeah that's actually quite a good image out there too and a lot of the people that are building some of these liminal images are actually doing it a lot in CGI if you look really closely you can see that there's like blender effects that you can figure out but yeah some of this stuff is just CGI like oh like basically closed off areas no devoid life a transitional area and that's pretty much the best way to describe a liminal space for instance this itself is a very much liminal space if anything is a liminal space it's probably going to be the game LSD dream emulator if you ever played that back on the PlayStation one that's generally what we're going to be looking at over here one of the posts that I saw back if you're not careful and you know clip out of reality in the wrong areas you'll end up in the back rooms where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet The Madness of mono yellow the endless background noise of fluorescent lights and maximum humbas and approximately 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby because it sure as hell has heard you and again up until this point where when these things when the back rooms was introduced this was the only level that we knew level zero the lobby the tutorial section now there's like 999 levels and not a lot of them are good but let's get into the actual video over here let's let's get let's get watching this one rolling all right and action so first off they're just directing the movie over here seven a is a scene but I'm actually trying to identify what the movie over here is like what they're actually trying to film uh and I really can't they're not actually mentioning anything in the production title but uh okay so they're out by the trailer over here just filming the scene and what's gonna happen is one of them are going to noclip into like the back rooms so they're cutting over here all right uh that was good I'm thinking we get a wide angle and then we're done all right yeah cool like how much further like a little more a little more for those wondering how these VHS effects are done basically you can actually take any video and just like actually go to a real VHS and just film the whole thing to get that original VHS static effect that's the only like proper way to do it if you try doing it in like after effects or like just video in general it does become apparent if an editor sees it or anybody in that department this was actually done from what I can see on like a real VHS effect like a real VHS box so Kudos on that little touch right there now of course you've actually no clipped into the back rooms and this is where the entire thing begins now again you can see that uh just if you look real closely it is a blender CGI thing this is not actually being in the back rooms now to understand very basically well how do you clip into the back rooms okay to understand there's a lot of stuff that you got to get down okay this is like a very deep lore piece I guess the best way to describe what a no clip is it's kind of like falling through the ground and Grand Theft Auto or like any video game where you go to like one portion of the land that doesn't check for collision and all of a sudden you're falling through it and that's that's basically no clipping into hell okay uh if you ever play the old game Doom there's a couple codes you can enter where you can just go through a wall sometimes you go far enough and the game has problems rendering anything because you're actually out of like you know cogent map data that's effectively what you're doing right there isn't a for sure way to do this it just happens at random intervals there are some tips to increase your chances of getting there walls that are a shade darker in abandoned buildings doors that look like they shouldn't lead anywhere or in a random place any area that gives paranormal feelings hair standing up buzzing electric current sense of unease missing the last step on a flight of stairs and falling on your face this usually does not work only in very select flights of stairs the enamelous properties offset stairs disappearing moving after two or so entries using this method and then interacting with a corrupted object such as a glitched chair again there's like an element of Matrix nonsense over here but once you've fallen into it these are the few things you have to get into you have to accept your fate you can't panic because panicking causes you to lose your senses and make noise which causes the entities to show up and panicking is just bad in general step two make a mental note of your surroundings and determine which level you've landed in except step three accept the back rooms as your new home because you will not be returning to Earth ever again yeah once you know clipped I don't even know if that's entirely true but you're basically [ __ ] so let's get back to the entire movie here so yeah you can see that it's all just entirely CG obviously I'm gonna go to like an actual place and film this in fact the original image no one really has even a clue where it was like taking like a photo of some people have said it's like a you know office complex an old like video game like it's just an old like a complex but over here you've actually seen one entity that has shown up now this is the entity that's actually known as six arms okay that basically just you know just hit itself we're gonna look at that a little bit later but just to understand there are a couple entities roaming around now to understand there's probably a trick to when you like have to you know find your way out of the back rooms I think my favorite trick is to basically hold one side of the wall and just stick to it because that's probably gonna that's probably the best way to not get lost in a place where you can't even get your cardinal directions or bearings down but from what I understand every room in the back rooms or at least level zero is unique in terms of how it's designed it's not like procedurally generated out here but here's like one ladder that takes you to the next Cogen area of the area of the back rooms so let's see where we go to let's see if our let's see if our boy can make it all the way to like you know level level two all right let's see if we can get past the lobby yeah if you look real good on the textures of the wall you can you can definitely identify it's a blender animation like it's you can definitely see the texturing in a video game for sure like it's definitely anybody hear me hello you shouldn't be making noise oh you saw sit you see you saw him right there in the corner there bam you saw it you saw it right there you saw it right there ah it's hiding it is hiding indeed yeah it's like definitely just hidden over there in the corner and that I think is the best part of the horror over here you know really just experiencing yeah it's disappeared really just experiencing this horror it's like it's all observational there's no there's very little jump scaring if anything that oh there you go the arrows are pointing to locations that you probably shouldn't go I would not trust something like this but you do it I think what adds to the overall like fear is the camera movement you know just it adds that extra bit of realism and here we've got some graffiti on the wall so let's see what's actually written over here we've gotten a window that points with the sun coming in and of course windows are in fact an entity in the back rooms You Don't Go Near Windows you go into your windows there's there's things in those windows and they will kill you don't what is this don't move stay still oh no no no no no and there it is boys there it is oh [ __ ] now you gotta start running from that yeah see how fast it moves up to you how close it gets Jesus Christ you can't get VHS effects like this if you actually don't use a real VHS box for it and it's still hunting you down here it is this is like this is where like your mental space oh there it is in the corner let's go back and get a good idea of it in this like in this area hold on there it is there it is and if it's one thing if it's one thing that'll tell you right now that this is a blender animation look at this right wall over here and as you like go past a little bit forward it's actually no clipping oh my God it is no clipping out of here oh geez it also does not appear to be casting uh no it is casting it does actually no it does no it's casting Shadows it's casting it's casting a shadow that is freaky man it's just literally just a stick figure she's hunting it down you go there you you break your legs and now one would think you're in the next area so this this appears to kind of be level one but it isn't okay level one is kind of like more Industrial in nature which will actually get to check real quick now that area that you just saw going in actually reminds me a bit of the habitable zone which is level one of course this is connected obviously to level zero and the crossroads but that also said though you can go back from level like one all the way back to zero which we're actually about to see now so they can actually kind of look outside and it almost feels like the area is repeating itself to an extent you know yeah nobody knows what it is this entire geometry looks so odd actually no this doesn't really seem like an industrial place they've got like one dumpster just sitting around over here I don't know if this is necessarily level one or sorry level two but they've got Waste Management and that's a logo that's very common but obviously you can see that this is a much more cleaner section and will they be hunted down that's going to be the real question foreign yeah look at that that is insane this is like this this is this is just this is being stuck in a hell this isn't real it doesn't look real this almost looks like a crossroad section like a nuclear Silo type deal but we're obviously walking through an office area the office area is not level four in this situation but here we've got the fire exit and this is one of those things that's going to lead us all the way back to level zero yep the staircase foreign we're back we we came back to the lobby boys There's No Escape once you're stuck in here you're stuck in here like we saw earlier he's gonna get hit once more just watch this he's gonna get raided again one thing that I will say is if you like actually put your hand onto one side of the wall you that's probably your best bet on not getting lost but this thing is stalking him in the area and look at that movement there looks like a goddamn Enderman from like Minecraft foreign there it is it saw you it saw you it saw you it literally saw you this thing has like perception level 100. and you're gonna get jump scared here for sure and if we do get jump scared yeah it's probably safer to slide and there it is that is what the actual creature looks like as you can see a close-up rendition of it it is like thin it is like barely transparent and yeah there's some aspects of motion blur that are capable that's the actual character it's toss to you and you're headed into hell basically or you've no clipped back into reality at least your camera has and it's falling all the way from orbit to the ground and that my friends has more Horror in it on a fraction of the budget compared to most of the horror movies out there so all in all that is actually one of the finest like sort of pieces on the backroom media that I've actually ever seen and again when it always comes to like these scary stories and threads and Creepypastas and like you know horror things on the internet the best things always have the best media attached to it now for those of you who haven't been following the back room since the last time we looked into it it's developed an entire lore set out there there's entire wikis that have been covering the situation just a cursory glance at their levels show you enigmatic levels sub-layers so layers within the like levels within those levels but if you can actually see they've got levels all the way from 0 to 99 which is sort of the original normal level list and of course the first one is tutorial level that we've seen so the first actual section which is the most popular area of the entire you know or the or the one most well-known area of the back room and of course even according to this it says no entities exist despite us actually seeing an entity in that entire video which obviously we have to have seen simply for the actual horror to kick in any video game that has the back rooms in it and there are quite a few good ones out there for instance there's one where like it's all done within virtual reality so if you actually have a VR headset like a Vive or an Oculus device or an index or whatever VR headsets that exist that's actually a game you should absolutely try even if you set the monster to not exist just wandering around liminal spaces is definitely a creepy environment I think the VR adds the effect to it and honestly you could probably recreate this actual found footage movie just through that if you wanted to with enough editing and whatnot like from a lore perspective you probably wouldn't have seen that entity chilling around lore like level zero if anything but one of the simplest ways to kind of look at it is like the main nine which is sort of the nine actual layers of the actual you know uh back rooms of course level zero being the one that we've seen But then you've also got level one which is the habitable zone which is I think exactly what we saw Midway into that video when we started to look into that just massive like hellscape you know like the sort of of like nuclear underground area with the one weird dumpster hidden in that liminal space of course that's level one which connected you all the way back to level zero via fire exit the pipe dream section which consists of long dim concrete maintenance hallways with steam pipes lining the walls and ceilings so again this is just like one photo of it and again I don't know if that's an entity or like a human being walking through it again the further you go into it the less there actually exists of people okay again most people would be stuck in level zero alright most people would be stuck here and they'd probably go insane 99 of the times level three would actually be where it starts getting unsafe which is the electrical station right here as you can see of course it kind of looks more like a prison block if anything which again this whole thing is a prison block level four is actually reminiscent of what we saw towards as a tail end of that video with how open things got or how like weird it ended up becoming this is like the office space area and uh yeah you know this is more open but of course that's generally what we're getting the abandoned off is of course the ninth level that they have is like the uh it was what we've got as the cave system which actually reminds me a lot of Ted the caver that Creepypasta which like if you have any form of like claustrophobia you definitely don't want to be reading that one late at night okay it will actually like trigger something within you but this is like where we've gotten to in one Wiki of course if you go into the main one over here you can actually see that they've got like 900 999 of them of course not all of them actually have entry simply due to the fact that uh there's not a whole lot of uh of course in the actual like one of the main wikis you can actually see they've got like 999 levels that they've worked on of course A lot of them actually have no data simply due to the fact that not a lot of them are actually finished okay no one's going to sit there and make a 999 rooms and of course not all of these entries are actually really good but one thing to understand is some of them a lot of them you know a lot of the ones that are there actually do have like a lot of media so for instance level 901 which for those of you are wondering are the back rooms entirely located within something no some of them actually take place out on the great you know outdoors and whatnot for instance level 901 which is one that I was reading like you know a couple days ago which is actually a large stretch of land and actually if you look close into it it's got like a monochromatic look to it and if anything if you play the game death stranding and you're walking around on the beach that is what immediately hits you in the head in fact if anything out in the distance you can see that it's got like a silent hill Vibe you know like a real a really crazed like cursed Town off in the distance and if the worst thing comes to worst forests in monochromatic colors are the scariest thing out there if you ever walk through a forest like this this is absolutely dead this is actually like deathly scary it especially when it gets like dark and you're starting to lose your way into it forests or without a doubt one of the scariest places on God's green earth that I've ever actually encountered of course one of the aspects of the back rooms that I actually don't really find too engagingly funny from time to time is like the amount of extra lore they've put into it that almost detracts from the mystery see for me like when it comes to scary things on the internet the more mystery that you can add within reason of course the scarier Things become because usually my brain is like putting in the actual extra details but here they actually got like Explorer groups so literally there are governmental systems now in the back rooms lore for instance the Meg which is a major Explorer group is the actual like governing body or one of the main governing bodies in the area for instance they've actually got Security Forces science forces local directors councils you know mayors of like certain areas certain locations they've got their own facilities and whatnot in fact they've got their own honorable members of course this is where it gets like really insane you know there's also other other factions like the bntg which is a back rooms National trade group yeah this is in fact the merchant class of the back rooms which is actually roaming around handing out like food almond water which is actually a currency in this world uh just for like survivors or people that are wandering the areas of course this is a part of the back rooms lore which I think has gone excessively too far this doesn't really add any fear to me I don't think a location like the back rooms really even needs lore which involves governmental bodies and like agencies and like factions and whatnot that's that that's going a bit too far in my opinion but yeah for the actual entity that we did see that was actually known as six arms which uh again this is exactly what I believe this is six arms found in level zero so again the one of the cool things about the back room once again if you go through a lot of these levels they actually have like corresponding media that helps you add that visual like layer into your head when you're actually like imagining this [ __ ] too it's actually worth the read seriously it's gonna take some like days out of your life if you actually really absorb the entire back room's lore The Entity to be attracted to stress so again if you actually encountered it like the person did in the video you keep a small amount of sugar on your person if possible avoid obviously stressful situations listen for its noises and run away if the environment suddenly darkens any attempt to fight it is actually a do not you do not use a flashlight when it approaches I think the best way to say is you stretch your ass and just accept what's coming to you if you come across it I'll be real if I got stuck in the back rooms like that I'd accept whatever's coming to me okay like a real champ I will say though what entites me the most about this one like really like excites me about the back rooms a lot is I'm one of those people that on ironic like I genuinely believe that we live in computer simulations you know what I mean like you can't disprove that we don't live in a giant computer simulation right like something above us is like we're in literally a computer which is like processing our entire world as a realm and we're just sort of like living life as you can't disprove that notion so do I firmly believe that we can no clip out of the actual realm that we exist in and sir server swap to a back rooms realm that exists on the same computer another virtual machine so to believe that's something that I actually genuinely think of now do I think the back rooms is real honestly no it's it's a piece of media that was created on 4chan and that's pretty much what the entire story concludes too but do I believe that there's other Realms multiverses that we connect to absolutely I think we firmly believe in a computer simulation if anything it's the best way to dictate when I see human beings like us create artificial intelligence and virtual world and metaverses I think for a second can there be an entity Beyond us that can do the exact same has it already happened do we live in a simulation within a simulation within a simulation because the moment we start simulating actual artificial intelligence and if it ever becomes sentient I think that automatically proves that there is a great reality great possibility that the exact same thing that we just made is the exact same thing that we are you know what I mean like that that's why I choose to believe it and that's why the back rooms is such an alluring piece of like Creepypasta to me because I genuinely do think that you could no clip into another server somewhere and once you do that will you be lost in a place that is as liminal as level zero maybe but all in all that was a pretty epic video that we watched and I wanted to sort of watch it share my experience with you together and sort of open you more open your like Mind's Eye you know a little bit more to the back rooms which is not only evolved it's become an entire entity of its own so that being said though if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me mutahar and it's time to no clip
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,244,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OPEeI0jA-wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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