I 100%’d Kick The Buddy and it got very dark

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today I bought every single weapon in Kick the Buddy so you don't have to since this stuff is way too expensive now we're gonna start with Nano weapons and I will have time stamps in the description if you want to go to a certain place but first we have the Alien Blaster pretty regular gun you gotta just shoot him in the face a bunch of times then we have the pencil gun this is like a rapid fire gun does a good amount of damage has very small pellets but yeah can take care of them pretty easily third though we're getting into the more interesting stuff like the UFO attack where what we're gonna do to this poor buddy is just I don't even know what we're doing are we trying to murder him or okay yeah I guess he's dead and then the UFO goes and takes him up so I guess they had to kill him before they took him for some reason next let's move on to the buddy bot this guy I think we can turn him on and all right so I see we have the missiles we can use those ottom and yeah that does not look fun looks like we can also fly him around smush him or at least light him on fire it doesn't look like we're really smushing him too much and his arms do anything oh these are guns as well there's the machine gun and the other gun is like a laser for some reason it has pretty weak range but yep that works pretty well for the plasma rifle now what happens is oh this is annihilating him okay yeah I thought this was just gonna be like a standard gun but it actually gives them a cool effect I mean we get nice explosions and stuff around us and I almost feel bad for him because that is bound to be painful but I guess he shakes it off really easily like he just goes back to normal if you stop shooting at him and if the plasma gun was good so should the plasma grenades probably okay I mean they do something I'm pretty sad they don't turn them blue like the other one but I do like the effects they give the Mars rover now and it looks like it has a couple of guns like the Buddy bots so we can do the laser one it also has this which is a machine gun so pretty much the same as the buddy bot then on the back it also has missiles and then if we try to stop him with it he gets all sorts of injuries now onto the orbital strike I feel like this is going to be like the UFO attack but it looks a little bit more terrifying is he gonna like explode into a bunch of pieces no he's going to get laser beamed from space and that oh now on to the magic laser and he turned into a TV does he turn into other things or okay so if we keep holding it he's going to turn into other household appliances oh you could actually like play them next we have the toaster if we pull that down then you're gonna have toast no there's a water jug can we like open it or smash it open I mean it's all right can we combine it with other weapons though like if I were to use the plasma gut no that's unfortunate now for teleport it looks like we can throw it right at him and he teleports I really wish the game let you combine more weapons together instead of just letting you use one because there probably could be some cool stuff with this but yeah pretty standard now if zero gravity as soon as I open this up a bunch of trash came around okay and now we're gonna let this guy up I do not know what he just said I have his voice lines turned off because I feel like that would be very annoying for the hour long video this is probably going to be but then I assumed we turn it back down and okay you want to eat any of this food I guess I can throw it at him then it's time for the space gun which all right this is pretty interesting do they just stay there what if I oh it's kind of like portal so it teleports you to other ones of these portals that's actually pretty cool now the jet pack I feel like this is pretty obvious what's gonna happen he's just gonna fly up maybe go to space or something like that let's put you on there now he's twirling around am I supposed to do anything with this oh he lost his feet he lost his entire body what happened up there so for the storm gun now it turned everything dark and I can use lightning attacks on him you can even see in his skeleton this is terrifying then the adrenaline gun will go ahead shoot this at him and oh that's kind of unsettling we're gonna go about that plasma sword there are a lot of swords in this game and they're pretty much all the exact same thing I mean this one is pretty long and blue so that's cool then the Mars module it looks like we're supposed to be on Mars right now okay if I open that is it gonna like go into Mars or I guess he's just suffocating and why is there all this other stuff can we I guess we can throw it at him but it's kind of just like the zero gravity stuff now time for The Eradicator and oh wow that is a lot more than I thought it would be it is going limb by limb making them disappear what happens when we get rid of them all one more all right buddy the high G machine is next and I believe I have used this on another video before either on my second Channel or on this one but yeah it's pretty simple you can just speed it up or slow it down he's just having a great time on his carnival ride we'll put it to Max Speed He's Just Gonna Keep winding up and then yeah I guess we probably should have tested this carnival ride a bit more now it's time for the space mission which I assume is pretty much the exact same thing we put them right inside oh he's actually going to space it's burning up I don't think we had our greatest NASA scientists on this it doesn't look like that but yeah I mean his space mission has been going pretty well so far except then it exploded and now meteorites are hitting him for everything in space for how big space is the meteorites are specifically coming close to him and then finally he goes falls back down and yeah I assume dies and finally for the last one in Nano weapons we have the rainbow gun for this one okay we use the power of rainbows on him yeah I mean it looks like he actually likes it he's trying to come closer to it now following that we're going on to explosives starting with the f one grenade I assume it'll just be a regular grenade they're probably gonna explode pretty small explosives not too much to say about them then the landmine I assume these ones are also pretty similar we can place multiple of them at the same time just drop them on one he explodes normal stuff then the missile is this heat-seeking it is heat seeking we can never let him down and we can use a lot of missiles at the exact same time for our next one we got the C4 we can set the timer by drawing a circle oh so we can make the C4 timer be sooner or later you can probably set these up so they'll do some sort of explosion you know you set up one hits him into the next one which is also gonna explode that's probably what these are for but I just like my raw destruction so we're going with the molotov cocktail sets them on fire but he's doing pretty well you know considering he's on fire right now except I guess he's dead then the fuel tank I assume will have to actually combine this with the molotov cocktail you can only spawn one of these at the same time but what we'll do is put him right in that corner use one of these okay kind of anti-clan Mata for the TNT we also exploded that I wonder how many we can place at the same time hopefully there's like no limit but I feel like if they did that this game would very easily crash but yeah it's all right it just feels like they're a little too weak but I guess we do have a lot more explosives like the bomb it looked a lot bigger in the picture but yep pretty similar stuff then we're on the bottled gas so I assume we want to combine this with something like the bomb I will place that right there it is weird how some of the stuff you can combine and some of the stuff you can but is it going to explode maybe I need to use a gun oh let's use a missile yeah all right still just okay a little bit extra of an explosive then the RPG this one looks pretty good because we can fire more missiles okay we have more control over this than the guided missile but it's basically the guided missile after that it's cluster bombs let's see what it does it's red and once it explodes it gets out a bunch of green bombs and those also do explosions but can we put multiple at once okay you can put up to four at once and yeah this is what this is made for that's pretty good he is just enjoying his explosives they are not stopping they have to go one by one too now it's time for the holy grenade so we'll place that down he wants to be right next to it and okay yeah then The Bouncing Betty so this is another thing where we just have to drop this guy on it and yeah it bounces up explodes how many of these can we place oh we could just keep placing them and I even got an achievement gotta love those then it's time for the semtex okay what is going on with this we have wires oh when we place those wires together that's when they're going to explode so how many of these can we place it seems like quite a few we'll put that together and they go one by one after that the tomahawk trace the trajectory with your fingers in AIM at body okay so I can do one of those that that did not work does it have to be like a smoother path more of a circle oh no he got in the way of that one but yeah let's try more of a circle with this one okay yeah it has to be the nice and smooth path for it to actually work so there we go that should be perfect and yeah then the nuclear bomb yeah about what you'd expect not gonna lie and explosives really is one of the biggest ones they have a ton of stuff in this one including the mgl MK1 I had to read it off otherwise I was gonna get it wrong but these are ones that are kind of just like a grenade we throw them right down on them he explodes all over the place pretty good then another type of grenade which are these ones gonna be more powerful or they're just grenades maybe there's a difference in real life but it doesn't look like there's a difference in the game then the Bazooka it's just another RPG the Claymore which is one where we actually have a button we can press it to explode the smoke bomb he just gets it's going to cause smoke would that actually hurt you though you can place them right on him but he's kind of just hanging out do I just want to place a ton of smoke bombs I mean they're nice colors it's got that going for it then the Hornet this is a big bomb we're gonna put you right next to a bud do I have to activate it oh what's what's going on with this all right is it a one-time use or is it gonna yes it's a one-time use all right so we can place it down it does not have the greatest accuracy in the world but why does it need the grade this man is now running he knows that this is painful then the monkey bomb it just kinda hangs out claps on its stuff for a while he's standing there he's not even scared he's ready for it to happen and that was a good explosive stinky bomb is next which we'll throw a couple of these it looks like we can do up to three I want to put them right next to it and it poisons them more so not an explosive oh they actually do explode at the end okay so both poisons them and explodes them just in case one of those wasn't enough we got the matrioska which I assume what this is gonna happen is it's gonna explode multiple times it'll keep going down we get the next one then it turns red it's gonna explode we get the blue one and how deep is this going to go how many of these can there be all right this one has to be the tiniest right no there's even tinier I just keep dragging him to the explosive too I want to see what happens the tiniest one has to be the most powerful right that's what you'd expect and this one is very tiny okay then time for the air strike which I can aim this one okay it's gonna take a while but finally it starts dropping them down so I don't have to be exact with it if I place it right there then we're gonna get the airstrike to come through completely annihilate them after that the banana bomb which which shout out to the banana he's just hanging out man he's just hanging out and then he explodes has a bunch of bananas that also explode become kind of like the boomerangs this one is pretty good then the needle bomb does this like stick to his skin it doesn't look like it sticks to his skin but yeah once they explode they're gonna put needles all around some of those will stick to his skin and coming on at the last few of the explosives we got the mega bomb press the red button and cut the wire to disarm it why would I want to disarm it I want to see what happens this man is shivering right now he is terrified for what's about to happen and yeah he probably should have been pretty terrified all right I'll actually try to disarm it for you cut the red wire right yeah okay it's six oh dude now time for the dynamite vest so we put this on and we can explode it anytime we want or we can just wait it out and not use it this man is terrified I will let him out of his misery there you go buddy I mean he's not really let out of his misery because we have a lot more plans for this video as you can see by the length but now it's time for the flash grenade you can only do one of these at a time this man's gonna sit there it's gonna make the entire screen go white and kind of just stay like that and what happened to him his eyes do not look very good and finally to finish off the explosives we have the laser mines we can set multiple of these okay you can put some of these on the side of a wall okay now put them on the ceiling yeah you can aim where you want these kind of play Mission Impossible with it and then he's going to fail no matter what he tries now let's move on to objects with the colored balls so these I can throw them at them I don't think they're gonna do anything they're just colored balls yeah looks like he's having a great time with them they're just fun to play around with now we have the baby cubes build a house from the bricks yeah I'm not gonna build a house we'll just throw them Adam seems like a more fun idea to me now we got the Cockroach killer how is this in the same thing as colorful balls we can place this on his face it's not really doing too much to him I think he's changing color though his eyes are watering I don't know if that's how exactly you cry but it doesn't seem like too much is happening to him then helium I assume if I had voice lines on then we would hear him squeak really loudly by actually he just turns into a balloon if you want to make your buddy fly you can just do that then the disco ball we can place that down it's going to show you know pretty fun party I don't really know what these have to do with torturing your poor body but these are actually pretty fun I like these not worth the amount of money I spent on this video though which by the way if you have been enjoying I spent a ridiculous amount of money on this game so subscribe if you're enjoying next let's do the rolling pin and this is pretty much just the sword but it's a pin and it beats him up pretty effectively then it's time for the whip shake your device like a whip to beat buddy Up Make some noise and impress your friends that's not gonna impress my friends so me if this impresses you but you pachu put you are you impressed yet now the handheld taser which yep pretty much just electricity not as cool as the lightning that we used before but he's having a good time it's more direct than the lightning too and I can drag him around while I'm doing it false teeth is next which I feel like these are gonna bite into his face or even that's more destructive it is eating alive at his face right now this is terrifying how many of these can I place at the same time then didn't we just use a Taser oh this one you can aim at him and for some reason it still lets you like fling him around now we have 16 tons which it sounds like it's dropping and yeah it was 16 tons it is is that it can I use multiple of these no but I can't start using it yet again like one of my swords for the fan we have this geez that is a fast fan and I feel like it is going to be very painful for him he's trying to get away he is stuck in a corner right now and it's it's not going to help him it's not going to help him at all now back onto some slightly nicer things we have the feather is this just another sword or is it just tickling him yeah just tickling him I feel so bad look at his blank face as he's getting tickled at least smile man and it kills him somehow how now we got the rocking chair which there's no way this can be painful all right we'll Place him on here you go Bud so yeah he could have a fun time this probably is a little bit more rocking than he wants to do but yeah just nice and calm um I oh sorry about that man then the trash bin which is just a trash bin we can do the sword thing again though always love doing that after that it's time for the squeaky Hammer which is just a hammer but it squeaks you can impress your friends by making your own noises okay I'm kind of terrified to see this one it's the greater and do I oh gosh some of these you know I probably should feel bad about all of them but jeez now it's time for literally just stinky sock there's no way this murders him does he want to like go inside of it you know my boy showered probably within the last eight years and we can just smother him with this stinky sock okay this is probably pretty terrible to do to someone but it somehow killed him okay that would not happen then the garden gnome so we can place these guys can we throw it at him yeah and it's very painful it looks like I mean it is exploding on him and he's probably stepping on it after that the torch it's a fire sword or a fire mace or whatever you want to call it it sets him on fire and we can swing it onto the broken phone just another one of these but you do get to hear noises because it's like glass breaking and someone is yelling at him or while he's getting beat with this someone is yelling at my poor man now for the heartbreaker Touch One paddle with another to charge the device touch buddy to electrocute him I don't know what you mean by Touch One paddle with the other yeah I think this is just broken I can't really figure out anything to do with it all right moving on now the hand glass okay I'm control drawing this by where I tilt it oh and it's one of these things it's one of these things that kids and movies always do they burn ants I don't know if anyone has ever actually done that but yeah it's pretty awful now we have the magnet which we can probably get him to come close to it pick him up with it no instead a bunch of weapons are coming instead then the extinguisher it's probably a good thing it lets out fires and stuff but is it can I can I use it is this just the beating weapon or oh if you beat it enough then it explodes puts a bunch of the fog stuff I don't know what's in there actually but whatever it is it's now on the bottom it's not a very good effect though because it doesn't even get on him then we have a neon sign that says kit and I mean it's like a party it also electrocutes him which I guess makes sense if we hit him enough it's starting to do some weird stuff then coultry which we can start stabbing him with and yeah it's pretty much just sure against but probably even worse because I feel like these are duller than the shurikens so maybe with feel worse or I guess maybe want to get in your skin as much I don't know then the slingshot are replacing him in the slingshot oh no we just are hitting him from afar we're using big rocks as well not even like small stuff in grenades not even just rocks these are grenades we're getting close to being done with the objects but first we got some glass yeah you just break it it's probably going to be very painful then the alarm clock so that's going to set him asleep yeah he's just kind of calmly sleeping and then he wakes up what is going on just turn it off man can I turn it off it was very annoying his head exploded well I'll give you the hourglass there's no way that this is worse and he gets trapped inside of The Hourglass this would honestly be like one of the worst ways to go out yeah sorry about that bud well good seeing y'all oh and you can also set it back down and switch it around what's gonna happen to him then oh he's fine we didn't have him in there for long enough yeah he's just hanging out at this boy now the fountain pen is just another Tickler it looks like like can we open up the jar of ink we can open up the Jarvan does it affect them in any way not really oh but then we can draw stuff and you can even draw on his skin poor guy crowd doesn't deserve that and moving on to the last three in objects we got present which I mean this looks like a nice one look it's a present inside a present I did this to one of my friends once or probably a couple of times it's kind of the best present you can give to somebody because everyone's laughing the entire time as it's just more and more bags filled with bags and at the end it's just like a 20 gift card now it's time for the monument which is this going to fall on him well at least he got a monument for him pretty much the exact same thing is the ton though and finally for objects we got the spines which it looks like yeah we can control when these come out so yeah I can just have fun with them and I wouldn't really call this fun but now we're on to Firearms which I'm probably gonna speedrun and that's because pretty much all of these are the same first we got the Bretta it just shoots very slowly then we have the Conan and yeah it's pretty much the same after that there's the uzi which is just a rapid fire gun the Thompson another rapid fire gun exact same thing the M16 which is another rapid fire gun guess what the AK-47 is too now the musket it just takes a really long time to do because you have to reload your musket but it does spray in like a shotgun format so that's pretty cool then the spaz 12 it's an actual shotgun or is this a shotgun I don't really know guns I'm not gonna lie but we're moving on to the fun stuff after that pretty normal stuff like the flamethrower we can set him on fire now I mean we have done it in better ways before but you know then a mini gun which means another rapid fire gun I mean it shakes around the screen so at least there's an effect with that the pan core which pretty much just another shotgun same thing as usual the Golden Gun which you would think would be a one shot kill but no it's kind of just another one of these weapons the Tavor m203 we're gonna aim at him and oh it actually puts out like some missiles sometimes they added a tiny bit of diver University into this list then we have the sentry gun which we don't even have to do our own shooting anymore we can just let this do it it's pretty weak though not gonna lie the Beret m99 okay for this one I actually have to aim using my tilts and then boom I I don't even get to see what happened oh you actually see the holes within his skin the Magnum yep back to these boring guns The m202 Flash which this one looks pretty cool it's probably just gonna be a bunch of missiles and okay so it's missiles that I can aim at him I do wish they actually put like the gun in the game instead of just it being nothing now we have this one the Heckler and yep oh it does missiles again so there's something different with it the bushmaster just another automatic rifle pretty fast one the stoner 96 yeah another automatic weapon and for the final three it's gonna start with the pirate Cannon which is another one which is slightly more cool than what we've already been seeing with this one we can just use an explosive and you know this one isn't too bad and they really do be liking these ones that like come out for these last few ones like now we have the Gatling gun and I do like that they're actually putting the models in the game you know they're doing a tiny bit of work and finally we have the turret which is going to be on top of there it has a laser on it and yeah it just automatically shoots at him what if I move him oh it doesn't automatically go for him this is very weird to control but yeah we actually have to aim this one next it's time to move on to liquids starting with the watering can yeah we could just make them wet I mean if we ever have a fire that we want to put out this would be nice so you can use that for it then the fire hose which sprays a ton of water with a ton of pressure on them so yeah he's not having the greatest day in the world after that there's the acid which this one looks a lot more painful than the last few ones we've been doing and it's also melting off his skin now it's time for some boiling water which is like the watering can but it's probably going to cause the skin to melt off I guess he also doesn't really have skin but you know what I mean sticking with water we now have the water gun which is just a fairly weak how did that kill you this is so weak man stop stand up for yourself then we have the gas nozzle which with this one what you can do is put inside his mouth and fill him up now one thing I do want to show you really quick is if you go to Nano weapons and have the pencil gun then what you can do is get a ton of money really quick by combining these two weapons now inject the buddy with any substance so we have three of these all right we'll start with flu okay it'll wow it freezes them okay we'll stop it we'll give you some green it doesn't look like it's fast enough all right Bud let's try some green now I I think that'll do you well or let's do some Reds so we get him to not be frozen it's probably gonna set him on fire oh it is setting and burning on Flames okay it took a little bit but we got there and that is a very painful way to go out now finally we have green which surely is going to be the poison I think that's the only one it could be what is happening to your body this is terrifying okay bad yep sorry about that there he goes on to the next one we have some liquid nitrogen oh my gosh this is so much more effective than the last thing if you want to freeze them it takes so much less time and can you break him I actually didn't test this okay it just breaks the cover off of him it doesn't actually break him now on to some slop yeah it just gets all over him this looks nasty this looks disgusting you need to go take a shower but they actually have a cold shower here here you go Bud yeah cleans them oh and he also has some shampoo we can put on him here you go Bud nice and bubbly you're looking great don't you love some cold showers after being nice and bubbly then there's gasoline yeah a little bit different of stuff and you already know we gotta use the flamethrow with this one would expect a bit more from being doused in gasoline but yeah I guess it's all right and this time what we can do is help him by giving him a nice bath now we're gonna let it fill up and it looks like we can pull the plug and then he goes down into the sewer now let's use some cement which will drop on him is this going to cover his body it's going to cover him in cement we could just leave him like this but I think that's worse than actually just covering him so I'll see you later bud yep it does break if you start hitting it enough and yeah he's fine just like usual and finally let's finish out liquids with the bathtub so it looks like you can either go ahead and do some cold water so he has a nice cold shower which is freezing him or you can use some hot water which is going to be very hot now we're moving on to some appliances with the TV and we actually turned him into a TV earlier so yeah it's just another one of these we can beat him with it now we have the iron which this one looks terrifying we can just put him under it you know just need to iron out the wrinkles he's a toy to be fair so we're just doing what we need to make sure that our toy is able to last as long as possible then the juicer oh no yeah I'm not gonna show you what happened but you could see the end result next it's time for the toaster and it looks like that magic thing literally just reused these but added his face on and for the toaster if you actually have the toaster you can probably fling them out no come on bud get in the toaster and now down and now up okay I I want my toast all right that looks a little too crispy for my legging then the blender what is wrong with these developers these just make me uncomfortable man they just make me uncomfortable now it's time for some good old barbecue obviously we're putting them on this as well if I can actually get it to stand up and there you go yeah yeah he's turning into buddy beef that's unsettling now the meat grinder again I'll just let your imagination run wild with this one which leads us to a good old washing machine we'll Place him right in there close it down he has a fun time I'm sure this isn't painful at all and finally after a bit it actually doesn't let me stop it a lot of these don't let you stop him it's a little Annoying now we got the microwave he has a little too many Suds on him so we gotta clean him off we'll just give him some nice grilling looks like he's having a good time and yeah just like last time then we have the dust collector all right so can we take that soap off of you it's kind of bothering me man okay well there goes your foot I mean this one's not too bad after that the refrigerator which is just gonna drop on him again oh this time it didn't drop on him we can place him in there just kind of let him enjoy his time how you doing all right go back in a lot to do a lot of d a lot of dumb oh you can also see that there's a timer at the top so that tells you how much time you have left and at the end he's a nice Ice Cube refreshing to put in your drink now it's time for the toothbrush which I'm not sure if we can brush his teeth with how Frozen he is but it's going to spit him I don't think this is his teeth and finishing out with the final two we got the jacuzzi he can go right inside it can be either cold or hot seems pretty similar to some other stuff that we've done before like the shower and the oven which we have a pie which you want to have the pie no we're putting him in the pie can you not go all the way in does his face still have to be out of there Yep this is uh okay his face is gone you know it's not that bad anymore all right as long as we don't have to see it which that supply and says now let's move on to the cold weapons these are also going to be pretty basic especially with the things we've already seen so we'll rapid fire him we got the mace you can swing it around hit him with him you got the shurikens which you can just throw them at him over and over again the crossbow which we actually aim this at him so I mean it's a little more interactive the sword which will just slice him over and over again causing him to get some nice bruises the machetes which you would think it would be too but it's literally just a single machine Eddie and is the exact same thing as the sword the katana again exact same thing as the sword the Trap where we can just Place him inside one of there and now he's stuck to it we can also throw these traps so we can place them all on his body and that looks painful the cleaver pretty much just another sword clone the nunchucks which we can smash him with it basically just a sword but they do bruises instead of cuts the Longbow which we can aim it at him and hit him as many times as we want the chainsaw which this one is actually kind of cool compared to the other stuff in this section because you can use two fingers to make it go up as much or as little as you want and yeah I actually appreciate that they put a tiny bit of work in this one next the buzz saw yeah just the chainsaw but worse the ax which is going to be another sword clone we can just slice him around with it the boomerang which is actually pretty cool because you can use multiple of these at the same time and they're just gonna go all over the place the Harpoon which what we can do is we can Harpoon them from anywhere within the room it's going to go straight to him and then we can drag him around the police baton yeah just another sword but it does bruises instead of hitting the auto Buzz saw for these we can place a bunch of them around start them up and yeah now he can have a great time just hanging out you know normal stuff the ballistic knives we just kind of put these into them they're pretty much the exact same thing is the shuriken Excalibur which this one is actually slightly cooler than a sword because instead of it just being a sword we get to take it out of a rock so I guess we're the chosen one now we have the claws which these ones just look so painful and they also slice off the top of his head you feel very bad for him with these with a chainsaw sword which is a pretty cool one because you combine the best parts of a sword which is literally just a sword with a chainsaw so it's just a better sword now we have the rainbow ax because they love fortnite this one's nice I like its effects it has the nice rainbow behind it it's a nice one now we have the bindle I don't really know what this is supposed to be he's still kind of being affected by the rainbow ax as he was throwing up rainbows oh and there was also a hot dog in it so you want to eat these they look tasty I guess he doesn't really want it the nail bout it's a bat with nails not too much to say about it I mean the nails start coming off and going into his skin so that's cool the pirate hook which again another sword but this one actually claws into his face so it's like a fish hook the Pharaoh blade another sword gotta love these not getting tired of them at all the ice ax yet again another sword but it can like pick into him it's also very annoying to control and is like the fish hook because it can do that the alien claws which yeah this looks painful and also okay what is it doing here hey man you just sit there for a second my alien Claw is gonna do something yep it explodes it definitely explodes and to finish out cold weapons we got three more including the razor blade uh I do not like these ones oh my gosh we got the hero Shield which we can throw at him like Captain America and it's gonna come back this is a relaxing one he's having a good time and finally we have the vampire sword which we can slice and dice this man as much as we want or we can't hello um it's controlling itself now I don't really know what to say about this are we supposed to do something all right but electrocution next let's move on to music and we got I don't know how to pronounce this either but you can hit him with it it's like a sword but it plays music gotta love that we got the electric guitar the same thing plays a little bit of music a little bit of different music while hitting him with it the trumpet which what can we do with this are we supposed to put his like face inside of it or no it's just oh he can actually play it good job bud all right he's having a good time you know a little break from all the terrible stuff I've been putting him through now here's the megaphone where we have to kick with your voice scream as loud as you can uh I'm not gonna scream that loud I live in an apartment it doesn't do too much the violent violin okay this is impressive I I don't know what's violent about this it's kind of just hanging out yeah okay that's about it anyways keyboard I I guess if you want to play the piano on a very bad way to play the piano this is for you and finally the kick pod this man gets to listen to music we can turn it up as much as we want and he is not having a good time we'll turn it down for you bud we'll turn it down for you there you go that's much better on to food now we're starting out with the apple pie and this one pretty much what you'd expect you can pie him in the face wish you could buy him in the body but it's all right we got the tomatoes which are pretty much the same thing though now we can actually hit him on his entire body so that's pretty good he also looks very miserable with this side then the potato gun this looks very painful I feel yeah okay it is very painful look at his eyes potatoes are pretty hard man you know not as bad as an actual gun but it does its work we got pea soup next which I wasn't sure what to expect but yeah it's just another one of these where we can drown them in it um he's happy it's it's is he farting what is this game now after that we got some eggs again like the tomatoes we can just splatter the body for pretty similar and we got a baguette which is another sword okay this should not bruise him there's no way that a baguette bruises him I guess it breaks after a little bit but yeah it's literally bread how are you losing the bread right now it'd be even more embarrassing to lose to a hot dog though and okay this is a throwing one oh you can actually put it in his mouth we can keep feeding it to him he's is he gonna like explode because of this like he's just having a nice hot dog eating contest and yeah how did I expect that and then we have some soda water we could throw these and then they're gonna do all this sort of stuff get all their bubbles everywhere yeah it does not look like a comfortable time for him then we have the Mad milk and yep it's the exact same thing as the egg they even reuse the assets followed by some champagne which okay this is another one which you can pour over them I guess this will probably make him drunk I mean he's smiling a little bit more that probably feels so uncomfortable though imagine how sticky that is sticky is sticky we got a holiday cake can we put him into okay are you okay then geez look at his body and then we have ice cream which this is another one we can just hit him with the ice cream does start falling off and also he's shivering a lot his body is getting blue we don't have enough ice cream to really like murder him with it but yeah he does not look too happy after that it's jelly time is it gonna like get in the middle of it yes he can and now he can bounce around and have a fun time all right this is a good one I'm sure he's got a great time maybe suffocating a little bit but you know every once in a while that's just what you got to do in this game then some bubble gum okay this is interesting can we put it in his mouth no you trying to like eat the bubble gum oh we got him stuck and it killed it killed him the bubble gum killed him this man should be ashamed it stays on the wall and then sticks on him okay the coconut is next we can spawn multiple of these we can throw them at him and yeah they reuse the same effects again I wonder how many of these coconuts we can actually spawn though okay like 10. not the worst then the watermelon I assume these are just like the Coconuts yeah hit him with them I do like how they even add in the effects of the seeds then some good old popcorn which um wait okay was that how were you supposed to do it I mean if it is a lot of popcorn it what what just happened okay so it just normally starts inflating I think we just got in a weird position then it's gonna do that and then more things pop because I think it's all the other kernels start popping how much corn can we have oh no it gets rid of it then some donuts these are some nice tasty food and he enjoys them it's another one which he can actually eat he also has no self-control kind of like me when it comes to food but then he starts shivering and turns into a donut all right red chili sauce this is another one of these shower ones but it's actually burning him does that actually do it if it just gets on your skin I guess if it's spicy enough it probably can because I know those really hot peppers do but yeah he's literally on fire now shish kebabs which we're putting through his brain yeah man I'm sure you're doing great don't worry about it gosh so the way he dies he can't even fall down normally oh and they're still in him moving on now to some pizza which that is a big pizza and it's also very tasty you should start eating look at all the toppings it has on it and pizza slices do start coming off now some good old Sushi another thing which you can eat which does make sense I was about to say there's a lot of things that he eats but this is kind of the food part it is weird that he doesn't eat more of this but then what is going what is this game my dude also has his creepy smile back on his face so we're gonna take that out of him with a frying pan yeah stop smiling like that can this be something which he like sits on and then gets fried oh he can't do that as well okay it's a double parter it's a double parter hope you enjoy that buddy then we got the blow nut I like the name okay well I was not exactly expecting yep okay maybe that is what I should have expected do they just blow up normally as well if they aren't in him yeah surely okay you know every once in a while they have a good idea maybe the choco bunny will be one it's a bunny and I can hit him with it oh he also eats the bunny as it comes off okay so let me start breaking it here I'm doing this for you man I'm doing it so you can get more tasty bits and then after that the same thing as last time then we have hunger pills oh oh this is just sad why do they love the swirly eye effect it makes me so uncomfortable he also can't yeah anymore because yeah now he's throwing up makes sense and the Honey Pot oh bees were in the pot I don't think that's a safe way to have a honey pot can you really sell that are you gonna get him okay yep they do not like my boy going for their honey I can keep dropping more too you know how many honey Bots do we want okay it doesn't spawn more bees then some salami and it's just a big thing that you smack him with yeah I wish there was more to say about those but they're just always the same but we do have the bomb cake now this is very obviously not a cake and he can also eat it and oh my gosh okay that was definitely the best one they saved the best for last in the food department so let's go on to animals now starting with wasps we already saw bees and I think this is just like the same thing yep they reused it so you might as well get the honey if you're gonna get one of them because at least you get a little more stuff then we got the shark there is no water in here dude I don't think you should be here but will he eat him can you get in the mouth yep there you go buddy there you go oh limb by limb two that's brutal and a piranha will drop it right on him I think these things need water but sadly for them we also don't have any water you're gonna start biting them there you go this is like a fear for me I would hate to be in water with piranhas then the vampire bat we already saw something vampire is this going to be just as strange there's a bunch of bats coming by then they start completely murdering him this is a lot of bats too and they're also not feeling like stop it guys now time for the bald eagle it's really against buddy but it isn't taking him away I feel like this is just a fruitless effort now the Black Mamba oh we can have both of these at the same time or at least I thought we could oh once we started then it's gonna bite him and it's another one of these poisoning ones I mean he's getting nice and poisoned there are definitely better ways to do this though than getting a snake like maybe the Black Widow I am sorry for anyone with Arachnophobia right now but he just ate that can you please stop eating these is he doing this on purpose what is wrong with him and then he melts and a bunch of tiny spiders come out now we got the killer squid and Hey look it's the water that we're looking for I guess if you're a killer squid you probably need that and do I do anything come on Squiddy yup take him with you he's still smiling so he's obviously enjoying it but it's not letting me grab onto the squid or anything and he's only using one of his tentacles that's probably the name for it yeah I guess it is Squidward so then we have the lion all right we'll start this guy out it's another one of these which we have to do a cutscene on our line slowly starts walking forward pounces on him eats his face off and goes for the rest of his body this man is Relentless now we have the Scorpion another really scary one and it's a very gigantic scorpion here you go buddy you're gonna use your stuff oh there you go stab him multiple times yeah yeah I'm sure he enjoys that oh Andy's getting bigger he's starting to become in career and he throws up again they really love using the throw up in this and he also explodes they also love that now there's a mutant rabbit all right this isn't just a rabbit he's hanging out I guess we'll do multiple of them they're starting to get on his body um you guys okay they're like eating him alive but it's not working that well he seems fine okay there he goes then the porcupine fish with this game he's probably gonna end up eating it but no it just gets on his head I can throw more okay I can throw more but it's kind of like you have to do a wind-up for them and there are some just chilling there but you can also get ones that stick on his body oh if you drop it it will stick on his body but if you throw it it's going to explode then the pigeons which we're gonna start by dropping some seeds so the pigeons are gonna be like oh we trying to eat that seed and they don't really have to go for body but there are seeds right there what are you doing what are you doing now the fly swatter there's going to be a bunch of flies but we can end up ignoring the Flies and just going for buddy but I do want to get rid of these flies they're not looking too good and also they're going for buddy I didn't even realize that man stick up for yourself alright sea urchin it's time to bring back some water why didn't they give water for some of the other water animals like the sharks so we can spawn these I feel like they're just gonna stick to them and probably poison him so just little by little yep pretty much exactly what I said like this one definitely didn't need the water I don't know why they added it for this one but not the shark then our boy the elephant all right he comes up this is a better looking elephant than most of their stuff looks so but you know kudos to that and we could go ahead and spray them with water that's the entire elephant's thing he's just like here you go dude you want some water is that all oh you can actually get him to move as well and he will trample the body good job elephant we're really proud of you then we have the dino egg all right so we can drop these we can actually drop multiple of them I'm gonna break them maybe and they can start opening up and there's a dinosaur and all the other dinosaurs and just like most of the animals they just come by and eat them and he's not having the greatest time but they're just going through with it then we have the leech another one that I would hate this this would be like one of the worst things just feeling a leech sucking away at your blood and moving on to the fishing blade okay so this is just another excuse to put another sword in but it gives you water effects you know and it's kind of floppy it's I came off the fishes I just came off so the Cooper Dragon this man comes up and just is that it that can't be it okay he also starts lighting the entire room on fire and he comes back he's just gonna come by multiple times you know he wants to make sure he gets the job done oh and this time he actually landed and just ate off his head and tail time so there's just gonna be a hill fans and the answer for some reason going for him why are you going for him specifically this looks so uncomfortable oh and it's getting on his face is he dying oh as oh that was awful and then immediately after that it moves us on to sewer rats I'm kind of ready to be done with the animals I'm not gonna lie and just like the answer they're just going through it eating my boy it didn't even take them long at all then mosquitoes are next which pretty much the exact same thing this time they're just gonna suck his blood and also fly him up okay how light is this man and then they become full of it he has a bunch of the Annoying itchy spots and okay it wasn't even that bad to be honest didn't kill him like the other ones then we have the hen Cannon where the hen what are these game makers on all right finishing out we got the snail and the jellyfish for the animals the snail is kind of the boy all right we can make him go ahead what is he shooting out is that just a regular gun I think those are regular bullets but for some reason they're purple and then after a while he can start shooting Rockets okay it's just another one of these basically the buddy bot 2.0 oh but there's another thing we're charging it up and after that I don't think that's exactly what snails do but yeah enjoy your poison gal us now buddy it's not even just poison it just got rid of his arms and finally it's time for the jellyfish which back again with the water why'd you not give the shark water I know I'm stuck on this point but it was just so weird but yeah it's just thing they electrocute him pretty much exactly what you would expect jellyfishes to do and now let's move on to powers of God like we got Mega gravity we can start using that it's going to put him in this is this even gravity I guess it is it's like pulling him towards it and are those potatoes I can't really tell what it is because my thumb is kind of covering them but you all probably see it and yeah that was definitely Mega gravity then a ball of lightning okay so it just comes out and electrocutes them can we throw them no they just kind of go wherever they want but then you can drag him so it works after that the angel use it when buddy is knocked out okay okay I got you probably enough we use the angel the angel comes down it's like hey buddy and just gives a manila you can just wait that has literally no purpose in this video game next the tornado this is when yeah everything is is going to come around cans I think those are cans are coming through and yeah he's just having a fun time all right this one doesn't look too bad I definitely survived this now some rain all right I don't know if the rain is really as bad as many of the other things that have been going on here is there something that's going to happen or is this it all right anyways a smoke monster we can control where the smoke monster goes we'll put it right by him and it's going to pick him up and fling him all over the place I don't know what smoke monsters do but I guess this is what I would assume they would do then freezer you're gonna do something Elsa There You Go Elsa we're very proud of you just put them in another Cube same old same old you can crack them out of it now we have earthquake as soon as we select it a bunch of Boulders come down I don't know if Boulders just fall from the sky if that's normally how they work but anyways now we're on to asteroids which is pretty much the same thing cooler effects though things are exploding he's turning on fire they're not really doing the greatest job at hitting him in the world but they're doing something I can also pick these Boulders up and throw them as well now we have Thor's hammer I guess I'm now worthy enough to yield it and it does some good electric attacks now hail you should have just not had rain in here and just only up the hill then the flood right away comes all the water if only we could use a shark in this as well he'd finally be in his place but yeah our boy just can't really do anything because he's completely underwater and eventually he's probably going to suffocate and die so let's go on to a good old black hole which we'll put him in he gets sucked in and just comes out the other side it's even that inconvenient for you okay it's one of these where he'll go through one and come out the other if you place multiple of them then we got the solar rays alright something's happening from the sky I can also control something he's getting sweaty he's definitely not having the greatest time in the sauna ever you're not running away you're staying under the Heat and yeah he just dies like normal then frog rain all right this one it'll finally cool him off so the rain's actually a good thing another thing where they were like let's just add rain even though this is a better version of it I mean it doesn't really change much now they're just frogs in here as well all of them dying for Unnecessary deaths then some good old lava oh okay we can place this right over him unfortunately it doesn't stick on the ground that would have been pretty cool if you could do that okay it actually does so we can make a gigantic lava pit he's holding his hands up he's like they're playing my song the butterflies fly away now we got the shooting stars all right these go right towards him there are tons of fragments that get left down and this is a pretty cool one I like the effects on it not too bad not too bad let us now move on to the crystal ball okay is this gonna tell him his fortune no it makes black holes so we just got another effect gonna do other things sometimes is it like it picks one of the random Powers Yeah okay that's what it does so this one is the most bang for your buck I guess if you want to get this I'd recommend just watching this video instead now for the hot spring we can make random water just shoot up from the ground and that's pretty nice it's also very hot evidently by him Burning Alive then we got our boy the genie we got the lamp you're gonna rub it a little bit dude there you go Genie comes out or at least he's trying to and gives us three Scrolls oh I was supposed to pay attention to which scroll was not death we'll go for this one and we give free money then the Gorgon which I think this is Medusa yeah she turned him to Stone are they not allowed to say Medusa for some reason and then he just dies and finally for the powers of gods we got plantus predatus which it's going to hop up and here you go buddy I'll help you out it has a nice tasty meal and then goes back to sleep which I'm gonna poke it into that a couple times wake up dude and as soon as he wakes up he starts chomping again all right let's go on to some bio weapons starting with the parasite this does not look very comfortable he's just eating he doesn't care he'll keep eating and then he explodes then we got the fungus vulgaris I think that's what it was called and we're gonna spray this over his body yeah he has spores on him and I don't think we can put any more but I mean they're not that bad evidently they're kind of just hanging out probably really uncomfortable hazardous waste is next I'm going to try to hit him into it and it's another one of these poison ones this time they added the animation of him holding his mouth though after that bacteria time it's one of these we'll place it right over you or are we supposed to put it directly on you and you become green and then start exploding so we're going to the mutation serum which will spray this on him and he gets mutated into the same green guy but this time he's smaller or he can become a blue guy he can become a purple guy I guess he just becomes different guys but he's kind of sticky on the purple guy so I guess this is his last form for the nanoviruses we will spray that all over him and they are eating away at his body turning him into a robot I don't even know what you would call this but it is something I would see in my nightmares now prion A51 it's another one of these which we control it goes inside of his body and it becomes like a ghost flinging him around all over the place and just doing a little bit of murder now virus a all right we can Splash this on him he's just often all right you know just a little bit of coughing from survivirus a then starts doing that falls down yeah he's dead now bio weapon G5 which we can place down on the ground it starts slow motioning things and it also has the toxic waste and he's already dead next we have the acid container we're gonna open that up Place him in there and I'm sorry man some of these are just so inhumade I feel so bad for you man all right acid balloons this one seems like it will be even worse we'll place them on him and it's a very slow death his body is still moving even though his brain is gone actually I don't know if this man has a brain now let's go on to some cloning so we'll clone this guy there you go you got a tiny body look at all right this one isn't too bad he just has a bunch of friends I don't know why they're all so much smaller and did that one just die wait oh if I throw them too hard they just die let's go on dissolvent which this one goes and dissolves them is what I would assume you want to get dissolved is it working I can't see because my thumb is over but oh yep that is dissolving him that is definitely dissolving him now the laughing gas so we'll put this in this looks terrifying but yeah it's going to make him laugh here I'll turn on his voice for a second but he can also have a fun time running on the walls and there he goes there's laughing now let's do the gas mask which he gets a gas mask on so he should be perfectly safe I mean there's nothing that can really stop him I don't even know why they made this one of them doing a little jumping you know practicing his exercise for today and I guess his gas mask did not work why do you even make this an option now A Way start for this one here you go have some waste and is it just gonna be poison or is it just gonna dissolve him again that's what I would assume but he's kind of flashing a little bit he's eating the bubbles probably not the best idea does another throw up thing because this game loves it he'll be fine yeah yeah you can kind of see his skeletons a little bit get back in there buddy we're trying to see what will happen to you not what won't happen to you and all right that's the bio weapons now we're on to the machines and these ones are pretty terrible for our buddy like the vice and for this one it looks like we're gonna slowly make it come together probably one of the worst ways to die so I'm sorry buddy but yeah we'll get it nice and close his arms are coming together and wow sorry about that man then we have the paper shredder we'll put it right there and oh it's gonna be another one of these isn't it so you have to put them by his feet and then this is what comes out of the end then the rack which what was that it might it huh okay so we get him on there do we use like multiple of these here you go buddy okay that's two come on dude I know you don't really want this but it has to happen that's three and then finally we get him all together he's looking terrified and jeez these ones go a little bit farther than the other ones at the very least he's just like a stuffed animal though after that the electric chair and they really are pulling out all the stops here well you gotta do what you gotta do or okay I have to put that on his head and then he gets electro buddy yay this is going on for a long time too here you go oh he's fine all right then the big gun this will come out it's a big gun I'm sure we can let it on fire oh we put him in it and then it causes the explosion and he is part of that explosion now the WC which are we putting him in this dirty toilet and then flushing him down no why'd it have to be a dirty toilet too now the guillotine you can see the blood from other people I'm sorry man I'm gonna do this fast for you there you go then the machine press it looks like we put him right in the middle and it's kind of like the one we already saw oh come on get in there yep he just gets smushed it's kind of a more comfortable smush I mean he doesn't explode and will he come out at the end no it's just like when he got trampled by an elephant now the Harvester this is where a big machine is going to come out and I'm guessing Harvest him so it goes straight through he did not even have time to react to that and then he comes out the end now the train I assume yeah just run him over goes limb by limb kind of tearing him apart but he's doing fine he's all right it's just a little train after that it's the helicopter tote your device to control it and okay we're going straight through this does not look like a comfortable way to do pretty much anything in the world and the mecca rack which is like the last one where we pulled his limbs apart and we're doing it again and at the end it explodes them then the dental machine this is a really strange one to use okay we put him right there do we press anything oh I'm just going ahead and cleaning his teeth you have to open up man okay to be fair this is his fault for not opening up his mouth which leads us to a broken hair dryer so he's in the salon just trying to get a nice haircut here and unfortunately he's not gonna get that if he wants that actually sit down in the chair I think he knows all right so we're gonna turn this up and it's just giving him some nice fire and if we turn it up more it'll give him some nice electricity but we'll just go back to the regular hairstyle hey stop okay there you go see it's giving you a nice haircut let's see what happens he doesn't have any hair now the X-ray machine so we put him behind this press the scan yeah you just see his skeletons and stuff completely safe thing to do he's looking great I might add he might have gotten a little bit of radiation from it because it does not look like it was handled by medical professionals so yeah again it'll be one of these effects where his skeleton just shows now the crash test there's gonna be a big wall on that side I assume we put the buddy in on the car because you know he's just crash test dummy it's good for him he's got to work get his job it's going to back up really far put up the speed all the way to the top or are we allowed to control it I don't know but there he goes and all right probably not the safest car in the world I think they should probably get some airbags on that then the car gets lifted up I like that extra touch now the compressor I'm assuming we're gonna put this in his mouth press the compressed thing and what is going to happen here oh he's just going to blow up become a balloon not too bad of a one compared to the other stuff in this section then a battery so here you want a battery oh it's getting out liquid in him which is melting off his bones then the sound generator so it looks like he's trying to get away from the sound right now we can turn this off and it blows up his head he hasn't died yet a little too soon I said that the RC grader which comes by takes off his feet we'll take it another time and yeah it's just going to go limb by limb my boy is jumping though I'm pretty proud of him for dodging it but I don't know how long he actually can dodge this and there goes his legs and slowly but surely he has nothing to jump with anymore now the boat it looks like we're getting some more water this time still upset about the shark thing but we're not going to talk about it here comes the boat it comes runs him over and there is going to be the propeller at the end but honestly didn't really do anything like he can get run over by it it hurts him a little bit but it's not that bad of one they probably don't have the best driver and eventually it will explode now a good old Sun Booth we'll put him in there he's gonna get a nice tan or something but knowing the things in this game it is probably very broken so he's kind of just hanging out in there we'll open it up and he's a little deep fried but he's got the nice town and to start our last four machines we got the Catapult which is going to come out and it's going to drop a bunch of rocks on him so we can try loading up one of these rocks it starts flaming why did it start flicking and they're also not the best at throwing these they break but there we go there's a good flaming rock and I assume we can also put him in the Catapult he doesn't flame but I mean he's having a good time now the rodeo machine everybody loves doing these and he can just have a good time I mean he's hanging out with his friends out at a bar gets a little beat up but to be fair he's staying on this really well I'm actually very impressed I don't know if this is safe by regulations I feel like this bar is gonna get shut down but hey I'm proud of him now the turbine this is going to fall down from the sky it even lags my game and it's also on fire and now the monster truck this is also going to be one that falls down it is a very big car and we can just kind of run him over with it oh is he within the wheel that is not a comfortable place to be can we start it moving I don't know if it can like drive by itself oh if we go ahead and tilt our phone that's what's gonna get it to move and yeah you know he's just having his childhood dreams he's always wanted to go to a monster truck race and he finally can now we're moving on to plants starting with the flower this can't be too bad we'll throw it at him he gets a nice flower hat and yeah relaxing one a little bit of a black eye but it's okay then we have the cactus which is going to be another one of these sword ones and I assume one of the most painful swords okay maybe that is not true actually thinking about the things we've done but this would also be very painful yeah not a fun time then the Tumbleweed okay so the Tumbleweeds are just gonna start coming through oh and it's probably pretty nasty wind getting in his lungs I mean he's doing pretty fine it's not the worst thing in the world oh there there you go goes goodbye buddy after that the stinking flower will place it right there it looks kind of disgusting and we'll put him right on there which is going to be another one of these poison ones I assume here you go bud just keep smelling it also Place multiple stinging flowers I guess we can only place two at a time but yeah he's just gonna turn green off it up normal things then the Green Bamboo so we can place a bunch of bamboo stalks oh my gosh these are very quick to grow it doesn't look like we can place them exactly under him because he's kind of in the way of the seeds but they don't really seem to be doing too much to them I might be missing something but I think this is it then the sword plant back to an actual sword after I've been calling everything a sword it's gonna turn into a nice green color and also give him some Cuts kind of the perfect sword now the evil flower will place that right there it is evil why is it evil oh it can come straight towards him it's just a sword this isn't even that evil I'm the one who's making it evil and finally for plants the peas of kicks okay so we're gonna plant that it's going to have all these pod things they're going to pop out he'll eat them and they explode stop eating things why are you still doing this now on the tools we're starting with the wrench it's just gonna be a blunt object which we can hit him with multiple times you've seen plenty of these already but I like the sound effect then some good old Welding which I feel like this is not going to be very comfortable oh we're welding them onto the back of the mouth at least he's looking pretty good like that then the thrill drill this looks miserable oh my gosh look at his head then the blood cutter it's going to be a lawn mower it can run him over do that kind of stuff now the Jackhammer which it was going straight for him it was aiming towards him but yeah we're just gonna hit you with it go straight towards you he keeps trying to escape but it's also getting very warm and yeah that would be a lot of blunt force drama the hammer and Anvil which is another one where the screen gets dark we can get a hammer I think we're going to place him on there and then hit him multiple times okay that wasn't that cool yeah oh yeah well I like the sound effect it makes but it's not that good at keeping body there now the nail gun it has to load itself up and finally it'll start shooting out Nails sticking into his skin another one of these shuriken ones at least kind of the Crowbar one of these where oh he actually gets a cool suit in this one but yeah we're just gonna hit him with it probably pretty painful but not too much to say the staple gun which I feel like this will be like the nail gun but no it staples into the map so we can staple his body into the map and it'll be another one of these oh I actually should try what if I try to like pull his hands or something yeah he's not able to get out then the shredding machine because they love these so much stop doing this to him all right bud have a fun time yep that seems about right and finally for tools we got the shovel just another hit him multiple times even though we're hitting his dead body right now here it's more comfortable when you're alive have this shovel dude and it's also very weird to control because the weight is so awkward but yeah that's about it which leads us to the Grand Prix these are items I had to get through the Buddy lucky slot that's in this thing also tries to scam you very hard I ended up spending like eighty dollars just on these but we'll start with the T-Rex which is a very cool one I've Seen It Before He'll slowly start coming out and this man you already know he means business it also doesn't let me move the Buddy at all but our buddy is gonna get terrified our boy the T-Rex is gonna spray on him with his saliva that's just disgusting and finally eat him up both his head and his body before walking and going on his way now the military laser tap that display with two fingers to activate it and oh geez that is a very powerful laser and there goes all his body the tank one is going to be next it's just going to go through shoot him once then start driving through and it's going to be another one of these where it just runs them over there he goes then some good old aliens which we will pop I guess we have to hit him can you guys actually land on him they're going to go to his face start sucking his blood or something like that he explodes a big ball comes out and I assume this is going to make an alien all right it's kind of chilling there and finally it explodes makes an alien and he gets killed for the second time as the dude comes by and eats up his entire body now the grand piano I'm going to oh it's another one of these dropping ones and he doesn't even get to play the piano he just got hit by it and to finish out the Grand Prix we got the naval mines it's going to cause a bunch of water again and I guess for this you can place up to two mines and then just try to get the Buddy into the mines and they will explode okay that was kind of disappointing but yeah here you go buddy have some Naval mines so let's go to Chinatown with the bamboo this is going to be a big bamboo stick which we can beat him with multiple times inside of the head then the Gian sword which is just going to be the same thing only The Sword version another bomb I don't know what makes it different from a regular bomb but yeah they're pretty much just a regular bomb they explode the Terracotta Soldier which is going to be another one which drops down it's going to come through can I move it oh I can make it start moving forward our boy is shivering right now because he is scared of this guy and he comes through beats his head multiple times this is kind of just me not even that painful but then he goes for the final blast and explodes the boy now we got the Bell oh we can hit him multiple times we'll hear some nice music you know we gotta do it for the music you already know that buddy we got these lanterns which will go up to the top and yeah they're just having a good time I can spawn up to six of them and do they interact with him in any way no they're kind of just decorations it looks like the durian which all I've ever heard about these is they stink and they taste like bananas and it looks like because of that stink he's not going to be happy and if we get him to eat them he's gonna start farting he just loves farting is this even what durians do to you now the dragon that's gonna come out completely destroy my boy okay this is a pretty fun one you can just keep bringing it out it's going to auto aim right at the body try to eat him but it's kind of terrible at its job now the cicada are kind of like the Flies or the mosquitoes they're gonna come by start landing on his face he does not look too comfortable right now there are also a lot of these boys all going straight for them and are they gonna do anything specifically or are they just his friends I mean it looks like he's starting to get some bruises and stuff he's probably not comfortable I know I wouldn't be all right well that's the thing now calligraphy we can start drawing on the back of here we can also draw on buddy which is pretty cool and yeah make a beautiful heart for my YouTube subscribers now the silk moth which will bring down it's a gigantic silk moth and is just gonna take him away make a bunch of these silk pods which I assume we can open up and then he comes out along with some more insects which are going to turn into their own moths the wine which we can throw at him make his eyes get crazy I don't even think he consumed the line but there he goes he also threw up he loves this position and yeah he's throwing up again now the vase I'm pretty sure just throw this at him I mean they're nice vases you can give it that the fans which are going to auto aim towards him start sticking to his skin he is just governed by these fans a good old kite it's going to fly through the air I think I can connect him to it and it'll fly him around okay this is a fun time he gets to hang out with his kite I always remember when I was a kid I tried to use Kites and never got them to work I also might not have been a smart kid now the schwango another one of these sword things which unfortunately he already died but yeah I like the sound effect it has it's pretty fun to wield just a sword though the Guan Dao which is going to be one of these but it's kind of like a spear I think or at least the end is the only pointy part the rest is just blunt and we have to aim specifically on him the gianzi and these are some flowers do we put it on his head there you go Bud yeah you want it for something yep I I it's something the bow Zoo it looks like we can press that they'll start exploding let's try to get him right next to it here you go Bud oh that looks like a great time for him some noodles which we're planting them or oh we have to feed it to him I don't know we can't really do too much with it it's just noodles a nest of bees what oh okay I thought they were actual Bees No it's like arrows the literal Great Wall of China it's going to come through somehow we're moving the Great Wall of China and he's getting hit by every single part of it I don't know if this is the most realistic thing also is Buddy really small or is he really giant I can't figure it out some good old ice cream looks like we throw at him we'll get him to eat it and he gets some brain freeze and farts again why are you farted because of the ice cream man and why are you farting out corn the bowsy this is another one of these Foods I assume we're just gonna want to feed him if I can actually have good aim he's gonna start getting bigger and it's going to be another one where eventually he's gonna fart then explode some of these are really weird for why they're putting them in Chinatown but the toilet paper is in here for some reason it's kind of fun how it has a line for the trajectory you use it at we got some fireworks which are auto aim and will explode giving us some fireworks cheer and now some cell phones that's about it now let's go on to sports starting with some baseball pass the ball to body he loves catching them this doesn't look like he loves catching them at all then some basketball we can play some hoops um these are not going towards the hoop how do I shoot these oh that's how okay so we can either go for him or we can go for the two pointer and I just missed that that was embarrassing all right just let me get something a good old pogo stick I assume we can put him on this and he's just gonna jump up this is also a really good pogo stick it took up very high this is the time of his life especially after all the stuff I put him through some darts gonna be like the shurikens I assume where we go stab him I do not have the best aim in the world right now but yeah it's working the bat another blunt force object that we can hit him with multiple times can you combine this with the baseball no of course you can the skateboard I assume we're gonna want to place him on there and he can finally become just like his hero Tony Hawk I don't know if you can do any tricks on this here you go that's a track that's an awesome track good job buddy the BMX bike which will also put him on he goes sits on same little thing just can go back and forth or do some awesome tricks as well we're all so proud of them the paintball we will shoot this at him and paintballs hurt especially when you don't have any gear on you but I do like how it keeps switching the color and yeah this is a pretty fun one the fishing rod we will go fishing for him get this in his mouth maybe oh no we just have to catch on to anything like his foot and then we can swing him around now a golf club I'll take that out smush him in the face multiple times he's having a great time just trust me the ice hockey stick literally the exact same thing only a little bigger the darts game where okay this is interesting so we have to aim for the bullseye all right I'm not gonna go through this entire game but that's a pretty fun one just got a bullseye right there some soccer just in time for the End of the World Cup coming up soon and we can just aim for the goal and he's also going to play goalie okay I like that this is actually a pretty cool one I really like it the skates and oh no not one of these here you get in the skates maybe nope I think I know therefore or yeah we're slicing them and finally for sports we got the barbell which is just going to be a very big blunt force object which will completely destroy him now it's time for horror we'll go on to the jack-o-lantern which we can put on him it will explode and cause fire everywhere next the broomstick I assume a blunt force object but now has like the feathers with the broomstick that come behind it and has a nice sound effect with the jingling trick-or-treat so we're gonna drop some candy do we feed these to him yep of course we're gonna do that and I assume it's like pretty much any other food where he's just gonna keep eating eventually he's gonna fart and then explode but this time he explodes with candy that's a nice effect the witch is cauldron will put you inside there you're gonna make a great potion probably and this is a very powerful potion which also murdered him well does it do anything for us or did it literally just murder him is that it the wolf Moon so we'll place that right there is there gonna be like a wolf coming out or oh he's gonna get moved up there and he turns into a werewolf okay I like this one that's pretty cool and now we can beat up a werewolf instead of just the Buddy next the Demonic Scythe oh gosh I already know what this one's gonna do okay I thought it was gonna stick into him no it just obliterates his body the skull bomb these it's eating his face off and then it explodes you can't even get away from these ones they just keep going towards you the dark Hatchet oh these are a throwing one I thought they were gonna be like another sword but no they have these nice fog effect behind them and they throw right on his body the spider web which we can place a nice big spider web I guess these aren't even that big but if we place them inside of the spider web he's like a spider gonna come out no I think he's just stuck to it but we can't do that and he's holding on by a thread the flesh Ripper if this looks terrible it's probably going to rip his flesh yep there goes his Flash and his entire body the ghost storm the spirits command your finger to follow the light marker okay something's going to happen a bunch of ghosts come out and they turn him into a ghost or at least they're trying to murder him right now and he's gonna these cool electricity effects are pretty much the same thing as electricity yeah it's kind of slow these Spirits suck necromancy which we have to use when buddy is knocked out okay give me a second okay we got that we gotta be fast use the necromancy and he's probably going to come outside of the Grave it's so funny when his body isn't connected together it's really weird looking now Mad Jack s and leaves come on Mad Jack that was so rude the zombie where there's going to be a zombie that's coming down from the bottom of the screen and are there gonna be more here you go okay he had to be alive I think that's what the problem was so now the zombie's gonna come jump up and this man is terrified they're also going to be more zombies that are coming from all around my boy the Buddy isn't even trying to escape they get into a dust cloud because they don't really want to show much more that would be too much work and they're all coming towards him and destroying him together not giving him anything that zombie also doesn't have a hand just thought I'd point that out but yeah at the end he's all into pieces now we have a voodoo so for this one if we hit this with spikes it should hurt him as well I mean he's looking more uncomfortable but it doesn't look like it's doing too much to him to be honest I guess we can just hit him with these and okay maybe that did do some damage you just didn't really see it the witch mushroom will place that I'm assuming no yep we're putting it in his mouth he's gonna eat these turn crazy we'll keep giving him them there's probably a limit to it oh there he goes it's just gonna be be another one of these throw up ones yeah the Iron Maiden oh no okay well buddy I hope you have a fun time with this one something's happening am I supposed to do anything with these chains no all right he's fine I'm sure nothing happened to him now we have the spear everything's going to turn on fire and we can hit him multiple times with it it's a sword but there's Firefox basically the peace pipe I don't think this game really likes having peace in it but we're going to hit him it's going to cause a bunch of smoke he's gonna start covering his mouth he's going a little bit crazy right now and yeah just in general I don't really think this is that peaceful now the wheel of Misfortune which is going to allow us to spin it and once it gets down to the end we're going to get the yellow one this time where there's going to be a bunch of lasers that come through and there goes his head he wasn't even in the middle of the lasers this one might take a while but there we go we got the red one this one a bunch of guns are gonna come out and aim straight towards them shoot him a bunch of times we just need some green and blue stick on the blue do not go to Yellow there we go there's going to be a bunch of sound and it explodes its head and now just finish this out with some green this is going to be acid it immediately murders this man now Juan Judo which what is this I don't really know but it looks terrifying and it's going straight towards him uses like a laser beam right there this man is a menace then the skull gun which is going to drop a bunch of skulls down what is going on okay it's probably going to transform itself into a gun and then I can aim it at our boy and it's going to shoot a bunch of Bones all right that's a pretty fun one I like that a good old elevator we'll put our buddy right in there he's going down to the underworld this does not look like a fun drop and then he gets dropped on some spikes um can I get you out of there okay it's just gonna bring us back up to the top and he's going to be able to get out I'm pretty sure he's very angry at me right now now the Ghost Ship this one is going to cause some more water to come out this water also looks very nasty and and we see a nice Ghost Ship which is going to shoot him he's not even doing anything to you he's just sitting there man you could run him over you don't have to shoot him multiple times it's so rude I guess I can't be calling other people rude when I'm doing this game now the Jack in a box will start winding it up and what's gonna happen oh it comes out and eats him so fun thank you for laughing like that man the Brazen ball oh no it's this one yeah so basically the idea behind this is he gets put in there inside the Brazen bowl and that gets heated up by the fire and this is going to be so hot and terrible to our poor boy medieval torture things were like awful man when we open them back up okay we got him safely he's just a little bit on fire now some witch fire which will place him on the stake he is not having the greatest day I feel a little bit bad but I do gotta start some fire and we're burning the witch he's going down while he's crying now the ghost picture do we have to put his face in there okay this is not the right way but the ghost gets angry at him is like that is not your picture so oh he destroys them the Buddy vampire so tap and break boards here you go okay so he's a vampire right now and we want to get him to get engulfed by the sunlight because when a vampire sees sunlight he dies so yeah not having the greatest time and to finish out horror we got the marionette tap and hold the boards to Terror marionette's Parts away oh my gosh this is not very well designed this is so confusing oh wait if I hold it for a long time there goes his leg and there also goes the body's like okay I get it now now on to office we got the map tax another one of these we just shoot them right at him stick to them all that kind of stuff the super glue 909 we'll place this on the back and he will get stuck to it we've seen this plenty of times already the boss mug which we'll throw at him it'll be an auto aiming one and I guess he's a very bad boss or employee the burning paper which we can throw this out of it these people in his office are terrible people and I guess I kind of am too since I'm doing it but I'm doing it so you don't have to to be fair the nice chair this looks like a really nice office chair yeah you can have a great time on it he can start going around in it but it also broke somehow okay and it is not very easy to get on so yeah maybe not the best office chair in the world a good old keyboard we'll hit him in the face and a bunch of his keys are gonna come out I guess you kind of have to expect that one the power strip and we also just got an achievement but yeah I assume this is going to electrocute him after a little bit the briefcase because he has to be ready for the meeting and I'm just trying to get his meeting papers out so he'll be prepared so I'm actually helping him out a lot you're welcome the adhesive tape so I'm going to place this on the wall is he gonna stick to it no oh but I can make him stick to the wall okay the trash can and we'll put him in the trash can oh no it's just we've already seen a trash can actually and this one's kind of worse than the other one I mean at least it has some garbage effects so it's okay the five gallon bottle now we'll hit him with this and I assume it's going to explode or is it just 5 gallons the compact disc are these going to be like things that tear across his body yep wow these discs are very sharp to be fair some good old hot coffee which we're gonna place right on his skin it's gonna get all over him probably not have the greatest time in the world because this co-worker does not want him to be happy the newspaper another one we'll just hit him with it this one's very weird to control but it's going to get a bunch of Paper Bits everywhere a good old light bulb which we can hit him with it's going to cause this really weird effect and also electrocute him after a little bit the safe which is going to drop down from the top smoosh him can we open it okay anyways buddy I need you in here because I just want to keep you safe and I think that's about it okay well he's doing fine the VHS now will hit him with it just some more pieces coming off pretty simple one I don't really know if this is an office thing but I guess kind of the laptop which we're gonna both break the laptop and probably break him can we open it up yeah we can and it's starting up is it actually gonna do anything oh yep our laptop's not the best so we might as well electrocute him with it and finally we have the air conditioner for the office which we can turn up really high or really low it looks like so place it high first it's going to cause them to go on fire and we can make it low which is going to cause him to freeze so let's head over to Us holiday where we got some festive pins we're gonna place these on him oh and you can actually tap his body and yeah he's doing really festive then some good old balloons will start popping these up they actually will pop and you can use them to pop his face as well the Stars and Stripes which is going to be a flag and yeah it's just another blunt sword not really the best flag effects either the fireworks we throw these at him and they're just like the Chinese fireworks I'm pretty sure these are the exact same assets some good old Festival drum we can play it and yeah it's a festival can we hit you with it yeah you also cause it to be a festival don't you love it buddy now we have the American Stars which are gonna auto aim on him go all across his body and yeah literally just be sure against the sparkler and this one looks pretty painful it's a big sparkler oh and also what happens when it gets to the end it's probably going to explode even though nope it just kind of shrivels out we got some firecrackers these are gonna be all over the place once they start getting up they're gonna explode a bunch of times pretty similar to the other version as well now the fireworks gun this one is actually pretty fun because we can aim our fireworks at him and get their explosions I like this then Uncle Sam he's going to be hanging out and yeah he has the power of America Next the baseball we've already seen baseball but this time it's America baseball oh and you can also throw the balls with this okay this is what I wanted earlier this is actually the way better version of baseball now a parade of planes These Are Gonna Come through and show us red white and blue I think that's about it though they don't even hurt him but I mean it's nice it's a good effect fireworks USA they really like doing these fireworks thing but this is going to explode we'll put him right in the center of it and it's not actually gonna hurt him but yeah another USA thing the super Firework and we have to press a button for this one it did not do anything oh we'll place it on his body okay so it has to be connected to his body to actually do anything that was very confusing how they made that then patriotism that's literally the exact name for it which why what what did I just witness now the Fourth of July we're going to place it down things get dark a bunch of things start coming out we hear some music along with it and wow this is actually one they put a lot of time into I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a nice fireworks show if it ever happens there we go okay this is pretty impressive compared to the other stuff I like this one a nice Fourth of July celebration and to finish out we got the roller coaster which I don't know if is an exact U.S holiday but okay oh this is actually really cool and if we keep tapping this it's going to increase the speed this is a nice one they're actually putting work into these I appreciate it but now we only have two more categories starting with Games first we have the fireworks which we have to tap the fireworks try to get as big of a score as possible then we have fish slapping and we're going to slap this guy with a fish okay we have to do it as hard as we can so we'll wind it up here we go let's get you and boom that was a pretty embarrassing one there's some shrooms which this man is not doing the best in the world oh you have to get him to hop on the shrooms okay does the blue one do anything different it's extra points okay and there's a pill and I don't know what that did but okay if you hit the ground then he's gonna lose more of his body and once he loses all of it then you lose the Buddy slots which I've already played way too much of these but these are how you win the Grand Prix items and they're also very much a rip-off because you can get repeats and that's what I did for literally eighty dollars now we have a memory game and this one is going to be remembering where things are and yeah you just have to match the stuff so that's going to be the chainsaws right there so I got that one pretty simple now Apple shoot for this one there's an apple okay I actually kind of like this one we have to aim for the Apple so we don't hit his head now some good old pool if you want to play this instead of a actually good pull app you can do that oh we can bring up the power hit that and that's pretty cool you know it's a nice mini game then the shell game so we're gonna have to guess which one of these he's in these are always really easy at least when they start out I'm pretty sure this one will get harder but I might have lost track actually I just said it was easy the body hunt which this one is going to be having to hit the Buddies with the hammer it's one of these whack-a-mole things and they're all different they have different clothes and stuff so that's cool and finally for games we got the arcade they put in some work to this one even though it kind of is a Mario clone but I like it I can appreciate it and finally for our very last thing we have miscellaneous which is going to be makeup body and it literally just teaches you how to make your own body so yeah if you want to learn this I'll just quickly show you find all the ingredients cut unnecessary rice comes into play time to tie knots prepare arms and legs make Buddy's body add some weight and legs arms around the neck star comes out so you can draw it eyes and mouth are also important go ahead and Stitch those and there you go there's your buddy alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 3,550,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, kick the buddy, all weapons, every weapon, kick the buddy every weapon, kick the buddy 100%, kick the buddy all weapons, kick the buddy full game, eazyspeezy kick the buddy, kick the buddy weapons, kick the buddy game, kick the buddy ios, kick the buddy android, kick the buddy gameplay, kick the buddy walkthrough, kick the buddy walkthrough playlist, kick the buddy 2, kick buddy
Id: DqXdIBzpTvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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