These Bad Piggies levels made me question my sanity

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time for some more bad piggies okay so is this a drop level I mean that's what it looked like to me okay there is red down there I for some reason I don't think this is a drop level they're not dropping I mean this looks like the simplest level like maybe we just do this yeah that's all you need so I did learn from reading the comments that they get affected based on how much noise you're making so like red will wake up if we make a lot of noise like right there now he sees us and he's going to attack us push us forward red I hate you I'm sorry how did that break you literally had the umbrella making your Landing as soft as possible yeah I think this game just lying to us at this point man um here I'm just going to try this one more time just let them slowly go down oh down my work that's what I like to see all do not flip just go come on man ow all right another great day to you know we need to be a triangle you know it's the right answer all you look I'm going to not be triangle for as long as I can you know it's the only way I don't want to have to rely on triangle all the time you know we got to do this by ourselves every once in a while how' you hear me okay you're trash Le need to rely angle dude the bird is in my wheels right now oh my gosh I feel kind of bad you ran him over yeah he might not we might be getting sued I think triangle is the right way if we're trying to get the one B we have to stop ourselves and then boom and how do you get that oh wait you can have two umbrellas did did I not know notic the entire time we could have had two umbrellas I didn't noce either just somehow go over there boom it's possible all right Brian I know I know you don't believe in this car but just believe in it all right this one's disturbing man everybody knows that this is the greatest car of all time people who don't believe in it are just mean people you know I might be a mean person I don't believe in this come on go almost almost yes okay grabbed it just stay alive stay alive okay hey you snapped it's okay red I swear if you get in my way this is our win that is what we like to see and all it took was brute forcing it that's all it is all these levels is you have the right car and you're just going to have to do it a bajillion times but now it's time for a airplane car we'll try with a simple design is our first one that's all we got to do if we keep it simple we're going to find success yeah just a nice Simple Car a nice simple airplane that we're going by that did not give us enough height oh okay yep there he goes now he's Dy bombing okay goodbye man so we need to get up there oh my gosh this is the longest level of all time what if I switch the wheels see you weren't thinking about that one were you Brian look at him go could see that coming from a mile away now what about this one though we need at least one wheel probably do we oh I mean here's what happens when you have no wheels oh okay I kind of see the issue maybe we have the egg in the back maybe it's just like oh wow okay yeah perfect it's just the weight of different things it looks like now slow down we won't get that one we'll worry about that later we don't want them to hear us but I think they're going to hear us I don't care fine they have trash aim they're terrible they're terrible at this video game they can't hit us so bad bad there's no way look at them try look at them try they suck at their job now for the other box what if I switch these guys around because I think the pig is the heaviest one out of the bunch so we somehow have to keep going make it over there boom oh no oh no no no there's no way you hear me we're fine that's fine so what we do is we go for the stab like this boom stab it okay we went a little bit too high maybe no all right go for a quick stab stop yourself Boom come on every single time we run into this issue we're just it doesn't hold up the any amount of pressure okay that has to be perfect perfect that's the Run see there's no way they capture us right there's no way there's no way no oh my gosh he just sniped you okay let it do that oh yes that was actually perfect we got rid of the one that actually causes trouble there's no way red can hit us he is not that good of a sniper there's no way cocky there's no way there's no way oh my gosh oh he missed yellow got cocky we won that yeah that was terrifying man thank you yellow for throwing now for this one down there and we have to get a box somewhere where is the box oh it's all the way up there oh my gosh definitely a balloon level I don't know if we need balloons I we we 100% need balloons I think we're chilling hear me out yep I'm hearing I'm listening I'm all ears all right wait this actually look sick slowly goes up all right we only want to do one soda can at the beginning dude you're genius boom and then we wait and now we do that guy and come on oh my gosh a bit too far but that's fine okay now one of these there's a time limit for this one there's no way you hit me like that um just pop the balloons he's going to go to the Moon save him where are you I popped two of them man are you okay oh no he's coming go no right on the TNT come on now we'll use our green sodas first cuz those are a little bit more annoying we're just slowly on our way boom do not go fast okay we need you to go the other way man you went too much okay that's actually fine all right go go go now pop one of them okay that's fine um that's fine pop those we hope the egg comes down oh my gosh Come on did that work no dude are you joking dude I can't believe that one didn't work I swear that was the universe just working against us there hit the wall with the soda y there you go a little tap that's fine just go back down hit that somehow do it hit it hit it come on I don't know if I'm really learning anything I'm more just hoping that we get lucky I want to say it's a learning experience just so all these fielded runs don't feel meaningless no oh beautiful this is it get that get it no oh oh oh yes yes um where's the other thing EG egg egg egg egg do it pop po pop egg egg all right perfectly timed break wait we can work with that go go go go go go he made it hey come on yes finally oh now we have to get the time so we do this right we do one of those then we set off the other one first then as it's dropping it's able to use that momentum get hit by the TNT and make make it over make it over okay so we do one of these right and then we're able to literally just be a rock so we go all system go HP the balloons okay that might work that might work go go go somehow a dude this level sucks so we let that the top one get popped yep then blast it oh dude it's it's so close oh oh oh that has to work come on it stopped itself this is the hardest game of all time go just go just go somehow go maybe only pop one that's yeah wait beautiful oh my gosh only pop one that's the way to do it okay we have it next time wait a second you have to wait it out it gets the speed so close one of these times we'll get lucky man yes oh no all right executive decision Brian it's been 45 minutes in this recording okay we've been at this for a very long time probably around 30 minutes so we're going to give ourselves an extra 2 seconds of leeway even with the 2 seconds I don't know if it's possible cuz it's not like we're getting there late except that one time no 100% is possible for the two seconds see oh yeah dude did we even need the two seconds there I don't think we did I don't think it was just the extra confidence boost that helped us out there so I think this is all this is right we just got to get it to flutter up we have to hope these guys can't hear Boop oh I tried to Juke him and then popop oh my gosh you're trolling them nice oh we're fine one with you go somehow I'm here come attack me oh they're getting smarter it's okay I'm going to chill here for a second go go go go go go yes beautiful and without the wheel all right that's one of ours done where is that star up there now now hear me out I know this might sign crazy this thing looks atrocious but just hear me out yeah dude how are we so weak please stop get away from me get away from me oh my look at that accuracy man okay okay beautiful oh my gosh we have to be so delicate these guys are like just com They're All Dead they're all gone they're all out of the picture now we slowly go down we grab that thing slowly beautiful oh my God come on come on come on buddy come on bud you got this friend just cruising yes oh my gosh oh that was sexy oh my goodness wow a level that didn't take 45 minutes let's go time and get the thingy I don't exactly know what I'm looking at if I'm going to be honest what yeah like a 2x4 grid for our car that's not in a car that's like a tower with wheels they might say I sound crazy and they're cracked the most disturbing thing I think I've ever seen in my life I think we just do this the opposite way I know this sounds crazy it does sound crazy that we finish each other sandwiches that's what I was going to say but I never met someone that thinks so much like me jinx jinx again okay it almost worked we tripped how do we just trip like that I don't exactly know we literally just have to get lucky with this one that's the entire thing now hold I mean maybe they both land where we need them them too who knows holy smokes the egg just disappeared egg oh coming down egg get it get egg no how did they both roll over it like that boom right before the flower it comes down it's the perfect thing boom okay at least got that bounce keep doing it we'll take this one more one more one more yes okay nice now we just need time which if we had 2 seconds there two extra seconds it would have worked but I think we can do it without the two extra seconds all right guys here we go Bop I did it even earlier this time so hopefully it just lands directly where we need it all right I do it even earlier right here come come on touch down yes oh I think that worked right I didn't see red I didn't see red yes all right another one same thing just taller is it the same solution I'm just going to try blowing it up let's just see where we need to go yeah let's see what happens with this one they they literally went I do not feel like making another one of these levels and their boss was like I guess you could just redo the exact same solution and they were like really boss and he was like yeah I don't care man whatever no way no way good enough for me man but without wheels we just have to get the perfect TNT shot just like that yep I think that's literally it that has to be it right that's it that's literally it oh my gosh it's so easy we love the exact same solution man all right it actually gives us three lanes this time all upgrading a little bit so our things is that wind does that make you go more towards the right that's what it looks like all right let's just try something out just roll it nice easy car right here all right he's going through okay well okay so one thing we do know these two need to be protected by Steel since they need to stay together oh yeah now that's ugly now the leaning tower of power okay still breaks it maybe we need the engine in the middle you're right maybe engine in the middle less forced blast let's give it a try let's see what happens okay but then we keep the engine with us what if I remove these guys no that's a problem we can't keep the engine with us we know that that works so if we do it here we make them blast okay they do stay together and then they do get pushed by that oh bounce oh why did you egg oh wait get that egg where's egg egg ieg got blown up and when flying the other way I think this might work though all right get blasted egg I Need You To Survive man okay that's not exactly what I call we need to get lucky fuckle up folks okay get it boom come on Perfect Landing oh so close come on do not hit that TNT just go straight into there yes okay okay yes all right that's one the other one's not that hard it seems like the easier one if you just get the timing right I think this strategy is is our best one honestly I tried to do that as late as humanly possible that way tons of air time okay I think we need to use a balloon one single balloon okay um maybe wait oh oh two single balloons I've always been a believer in two single balloons Brian I don't know why you said one single balloon that was kind of weird but as we all know I've been a believer in two single balloons this whole time pop it pop them pop them okay two single balloons but we pop one of them at the right time all trial and error okay just wait wait for it boom pop all right now keep that balloon momentum that's perfect got it that has to be it oh let's go that one felt good beautiful lot of TNT in there okay one there and one all the way over there oh my gosh dude probably a similar thing as previous ones maybe do this this is definitely an ugly design but it's hard design man come on buddy help him umbrella help him now go back down we won't go too fast now use this guy perfect run first try dang if I were to explode up here I think that would work okay I think we have the right idea surprisingly this is a good design you wouldn't think so with the ears but you know push it push it to the Limit we have lift off okay wait a second and Bop I needed to close that if that was closed it would have worked now wait a second boom oh that's perfect oh wait hits the side goes in the perfect spot where's the egg egg it didn't even matter boom okay that was way too early unless unless unless unless unless unless unless I don't even know if we need these umbrellas I'm going to be honest I miss him already Brian can we go back let's try this one first okay okay now it has to hit the right TNT in the right way there goes that guy he's going all over the place come on yes yes that's perfect I lied egg please egg just fooling around up there they're just having a good time we're trying to create machines to change people's lives for the worse and meanwhile these guys are just fooling around it's like they don't even take their job seriously but we could add an umbrella ah ears are back on the menu except they're on the top of your head Now open up oh actually oh oh oh no I mean that's a good idea in theory I think that's actually what you're supposed to do all right stop right there guys nope over there yes oh see I told you ears were the way I told you they were the way okay I didn't think you have ears in the top of your head you have top ears again for this one o yep see it works it works why would you not use top ears no way we jumped over the gold Post stop oh yes good good you yes the little bounce the little bounce who could finally and now we're back to Bird levels all right keep these two together is this the same thing again they figured out they're like somebody was play testing it and they're like guys I just figured out the most fun level design I love it so much we got to do it I need this they're like dude it's not that good like all right it's all right man all right by the way what is our stuff no crack and no oh this is all we need we're too quiet you can't hear us you can't hear usly okay well well wait he's going to hit us into there he didn't hit us into there okay we definitely got to do either no crack or no other thing what if I make us levit okay so wait for it go and do some levitation yes almost um okay we have the TNT just for weight it's just a weight thing all right we do this early ah come on so close wait that was neither of the things but at least we be the you know something's telling me that maybe we don't want those for weight you didn't think it was possible possible did you that could come up with the greatest design of all time did you I uh it wasn't I have an idea um I I kind of like this idea if we get lucky all we have to do is get lucky right that's all this is this is a luck simulator oh let's go how did that work you doubted me did it you Bri why did that work why why why did that I hope somebody that made the game just like oh let me check out this video and just sees that level of all the different things we tried and then we're just like oh put TNT behind it and call it a day that's all they deserve being disappointed in how people are doing their game after all the pain they've put me through they're like yeah that was the intended solution didn't you know yeah we wanted to give a true solution to these problems how you would actually Sol them in real life oh come on come on dude sick flip that was almost so good that's a good way of getting the time we just need him to break there oh come on keep flipping I think that was it I think that was time right that had to be time yes what it looks like is this is another little jump we need to find how to make there be enough propulsion to make it to the second jump we just need that we need that to somehow work now hear me out double Wheels we can't lose with double Wheels okay I mean it almost worked you know had potential maybe rock on bottom two and you hit them both off for maximum speed bop bop oh Brian you're a genius but we'll work please land where we need you to come on I think it snapped right beforehand okay your plan does work though we think cuz there's been times before where we pass the finish line but we crack afterwards and it counts as so we don't know if this is perfect yet that's a gaming that's gaming that's gaming oh so close this is the one uh a little too far n that was good give it to us what it's doing that thing it's doing that thing all right my my way doesn't work cuz it's doing that thing where it just trolls us okay you got it before you cracked we all saw it bad game design you know what I think we can all agree that it should have worked and therefore we use one of these you know I love our problem solving together Brian we we knew it should have worked and because it should have worked it'll just work this time right yeah see no cracks that's what I like to see yep just when you review the tape you're going to see we were right all along oh no not King Pig this might be the largest creation yet why is the king even here he can hardly fit into the he can't he can't hardly fit he cannot fit into hey hey excuse me excuse me can you stop being a hater this is my king dude why can't you just accept for him for who he is man this has to work guaranteed or $7 of your money back oh nice oh no get away from him wow that was the easiest thing I've ever done in my life oh that was wait was that it okay well sod's King I kind of thought that was going to be a hard level but I'm not going to complain finally we got an easy level okay we'll start with the most simple design you can think of now we go all right there you go buddy everybody hears you they are terrified they're going to come for you man run run they're going to missed oh my gosh they're trash they can't stop modern Ingenuity and beautiful okay I don't know if we got anything though I we did not that one is up here I believe yeah we just have to come up here first oh that is not the right place wait we can go backwards we have the technology I'm scared hey guys hi friends how you doing I'm going to I'm going to trick him out go for it go for it you can get it come on guys come on oh no who oh they try so oh okay wait maybe it still works come on man just stay in there run over them a little bit to show who boss I definitely don't have the control on this thing to be able to do that just stay in there Pig keep pushing I don't know how he's still in there at all oh my gosh and actually worked wow what a design we just did now how do we do this without propellers one of these and then one of those okay actually I don't know about this one it's going so fast it's actually insane slight touches we're so fine just go by I'm not even going to worry about these guys this time I'm just going to hope it works out who knows oh yeah we're we're flying past them oh yes come on yes I'm a gamer I'm actually insane let's go and and go to the end please and there we go another one done let's go oh we're starting to get some momentum here we're moving and also some cutcenes we were trying to break an egg but then we found out it was just rocks painted as eggs now we're on to the cap levels for this world and for the first cap this looks really easy I don't know but looks can be deceiving we'll hope it's real easy cuz that' be awesome I never trust a level the king pig well that's cuz you hate him for no reason man I feel like I have reasons to hate anyone that gets in the way of our goals okay how is he going to get in the way of our goals he's our friend we have to account for him with our level design you see this you know this see I think of him as one of my greatest friends and that's why I love accounting for him with my level design but that was also the easiest level I think I've ever done in my life I mean now we have to get time but it should be even easier if I'm going to be honest we just take the big pig out and we're fine yeah we just slimm down a tiny bit and I think this wins right I don't even think there's a chance it doesn't win unless oh how how did that wheel just survive dude every single other level those things snap like a twig wait did that work yes okay we just barely got that one easy mode yeah we're going to be saving all these hats all right that's a lot of cliffs right there but it looks like this is a flying level I forgot so every single one of these levels is because this kid dropped the Hat down yeah we got to go get his hat how many hats has he dropped 72 oh I'm going to try this this is without the one wheel we'll just go one at a time and we'll just see what happens okay all right yep that's what we want okay we have to use both of these sodas first then that will put us there boom it should have us in the perfect position to make it over that guy all right that's the first one now we have to do a jump go not down there okay how many jumps do we have we have this one first then we have that one then we have to make it up all of those how is this possible you need like seven propulsions this is so much eight nine what I think less is more this Simplicity always comes out on top then we make the first jump we oh my gosh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no we get an umbrella so we stop ourselves completely fall slowly down be okay I think we need less speed there so just let him kind of go boom slow ourselves down just slowly land now we we make a second jump ah we need a bit more speed on that one though you need to both be slow and fast so hear me out yep super jump it goes all the way sore through the like a bird how far did we make it there only over that first jump automatically build a ride for one level to get three stars I just want to see what it does you know let's see what they would think is a good ride for this you know this is terrible that's not a winning combination I mean we'll try her out we there is no way this does it wow is there another one oh there's a and b and c all these are literally what you've already tried go dude this level sucks I hate this level we this is this is the one okay I don't know how close to the end we are right now to be honest because this level is like the longest level of all time but you do a little loop-de-loop and then you do a little turn and then you do a little crash how far oh my gosh okay just land happy there you go buddy now if you're going to get this hurry up move move the soda combative issue the more stuff you put on it so you can actually get moving the heavier it is yeah we kind of just got to accept that oh my gosh bro we got so far stealing that was insane big wheel this is all up to you buddy pull pull us forward big wheel you're the only one that can do this big wheel you know nobody else can it all comes down to you finish the mission go big wheel stop it good we're going to need you to push big wheel do it do it big wheel yes big wheel I knew you could do it it might have taken you way too long but eventually you did we got to go all the way around back through there so we should do that and just let it go at first use those guys then it switches sides so we're able to do that a little jump it switches to those dudes then it goes down here oh my gosh this is actually going to work wow uh we won't get time for this one but that's fine as long as we can do every come on man maybe I can do this I just oh that is not what we needed can I save one of the Rockets that's the question I can okay how do we get this to turn around we got it the first time and we haven't sense I think we need enough speed for it to just Bonk come on wait now I can use one of those we can make it over come on all right go the other way SL down SL down perfect no no no we're making it through we are we're strong right Brian our bodies will remain but our minds will not be the same how do you make it back up there dude all right somehow do this push push all your speed come on please please just do it is this the end I really hope this is the end is it the end yes thank you okay oh my time now nice okay now stop yeah yes there we go come on 5 4 3 2 easy so much time that was so much easier than getting that box that box was impossible man okay big level okay so no crack use a lot of options keep the Pig and the Egg there is going to be W some wind that brings us there but we know a couple of things if I have this will the balloons be enough to hold it up that's my first question yes by far we let the engine go first first now what happens to this guy he's going all over the place hang on buddy we wait we wait cut it Loose we pop one of these pop another pop another and wow that is our crack and snap now we just need to lower ourselves a little bit sooner so we can get the box honestly first try is on the table you know every time I do get a first try I'm so surprised that these inventions work like I'm kind of just messing around seeing if something can work and then it ends up working I mean yeah we've had like the giraffe car now so okay boom hit that yes no that's fine that's fine we know it's possible we know it's very much possible pop pop wait for it get that come on no all of them are close enough to be possible oh that actually worked that hit that I am so surprised that one worked right there you got just on the tippy tip yeah that was insane when it doesn't give you that many options I like them better when I have way too many options it just makes me scared man it's analysis paralysis like how are you supposed to even think where to begin okay so we'll just start with one of these we'll see what happens I should probably close this umbrella it's going to slow us down well we just have to have an idea of what happen so we know oh oh a now I know what you're saying wow that's one ugly car but first of all that's really rude of you to say I don't know why you would say that about my poor car but second you're you're wrong you're absolutely wrong this is our best seller ain't that right Brian all right the tricycles are back on the menu now we need a big jump that way we can or what we do is we put our umbrella at the end of this slow down slow down turn around okay yeah I think we should make it one skinnier I'm always a fan the less materials we have to put into a car before we sell it the better well that's just because you're trying to cut costs you don't care about safety correct oh okay if I slow myself down even sooner I think we can make this work okay slow it down go oh so close I don't want to use glue here but we might use glue just don't break just don't do it come on how that one just broke like in three different pieces how does that even work a little bit of glue never hurt anybody you know what they say I don't even know glue is the answer nah glue is definitely the answer what are you talking about Brian glue was always the answer oh oh no wait get some speed you like go back as far as possible without touching it at all come on really rev it up dude go oh my gosh please get down there oh my gosh it's not oh no glue no glue required come on get up there dude all right just drop down okay I did figure out how to do that at least what you know what let's see what they would do uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh this looks terrible what are you talking about well we give it a try I actually think those are purposely made just to oh maybe you can go the upper path yeah can you what is this build dude what is this build are you kidding me what the heck it snaps like a twig yeah it does not like being alive but if we can just make it alive live long enough let's check their other ones they made as well uh oh dude come on get over bro okay come on just slowly go down yes thank you bad piggy sponsored build oh my gosh it works so well it's such a good build why how did we not think of this build Brian how did that move so effortlessly up the hill what was different between that and ours they had the wheel on the back sometimes you just got to go for the bad piggy pay builds we just have them make the cart for us at this point I mean this just seems like a simple one of these doesn't it I think so this is our bread and butter right here okay that's not exactly the right way look at that thing fly okay I'm going to use both of my rockets at the same [Applause] time oh that's gu it makes it to the end I hear me out just do it man I don't know if this is getting us anything I really doubt it is but okay yeah that absolutely doesn't get us we make it skinnier leaner meaner fighting machiner H hum oh I wonder what you know just uh just out a curiosity sake obviously we already have so many ideas of how we would do this oh yeah like we had the blueprints already set what is this this is the greatest design of all time no way no crack okay okay if we separate these this is the greatest design of all time yeah this is definitely what I was going to do man I I thought this was an amazing idea just make it over you don't crack at all you make it to this side you do crack cuz it's kind of fun to crack everybody likes cracking every once in a while you know and you make it to the end and that's the no red one look people watching we've been at this recording for 2 and 1 half hours you know throw us a bone throw us a little bone as we try to survive you come up here right then you press this and then you continue going that way but the question is how can we do that correctly I don't know this seems kind of oh wait wait wait wa wait right away it starts that no no yes almost we let it go immediately that way it's not too much not too little oh my gosh we are Gamers the design we came up with by ourselves baby beautiful our blueprint amazing nobody could have ever came up with something better now for this one okay this is what I like only a single page of things okay what if I just do this we pop a couple balloons right at the beginning yep too many no no maybe we just add in some more weight not the TNT weight the classic TNT weight nothing scares me more than just having a bomb in your car okay we won't get time with this one but you know this seems like a very responsible car to be driving or just like oh yeah the engine sometimes explodes yeah nothing wrong with that you can't lawsuit us because we told told you just like why is the trunk so heavy they open up they're like oh are you making me move this TNT is this criminal activity that you're disguising is just a fun time what no your car just has automatic things put in its GPS it tells you where to go so don't even worry about it just drive now how do we get that I mean this isn't the worst idea I've ever come up with you know Brian what would you say the worst idea I've ever come up with this uh having us do this series okay yeah that was a pretty bad one but n this was this was one of my favorite series this has been a fun series it's so fun come on oh now this is definitely the way though I I'm surprised every once in a while we just come up with genius it's not very often and we still fail multiple times After figuring out how we want to do it that's what the funniest thing it's like all right we figured it all out just go and do it and then like we take 10 times just to get that right go go go go go yes and we didn't even get blown up by the TNT can we go downwards with that oh my gosh look at this design yes yes sir this is the most aesthetically pleasing we've made I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful car in my life okay how do I though grab that without hitting my balloons okay stay down stay down okay make it out the money Heist of a century that was so beautiful but I need to not mess up but we probably can't like honestly this design is kind of crazy and just a nice quick time over let's go that was beautiful now a long one looks like it has airplane parts are these metal airplane part they're not usually met right I think we just try a pretty simple design first see how this works look at it go that metal so heavy oh no oh no oh this guy is way too heavy yeah maybe we switch him out and we just fly our way up we okay stop okay that was not where we were supposed to stop I thought that cave would probably the we just landed in some cave don't worry guys there could be no more perfect straight into the TNT goodbye piggy even hit it so what if we just use that guy cuz if we're lighter we can just use our propeller get through that we have to do a quick jump and that is way more than enough height all the way up there going okay keep K perfect to be careful play your cards right here it was just about switching the Tire you know it was a fake out they wanted us to think that was an important tire but it wasn't the whole time now how do we do this without any wood maybe switching the tire is all we needed to make this work maybe that tire is the heaviest Tire of all time is it oh my god dude no way actually come on way somehow somehow somehow somehow way bounce Just Bounce Bounce keep going I if we do this perfectly that might work come on I don't think so but oh oh dude watch out wait what please how how did that Propel you to victory I'm so bored because this freaking pig is a jerk and he's also a pig come on come on please just do it please please please just do it we've been out for so long please Pig p please Pig no there's no way there's no way push Pig come on oh wait that was even better everyone give us your energy please please we're so close we're so close come on pop oh that was a good one that was an amazing one right right that has to be that has to be oh he's fly he's flying he's flying yes oh last one in this world Brian we're almost to three hours let's see if we can beat this sub three hour these bad piggies levels just keep getting longer and longer so for this one we need crack and snap no and there's also going to be that guy up there I think I have an yeah I think this is it yep okay we're good oh but I think I put that I think I I put the guy on the wrong side so you know we'll see if we have enough juice to jump over come on just work egg egg D yes egg dude okay that's half of what we need to do oh we could have got that so easily we were so close we could have but that's fine I think we we just do this and that's a win then go that way and then we slowly go down perfect that crack was way after the goal you have to give that thank you easy okay that is all Flight in the Night done all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye toodles
Channel: EaziestSpeezy
Views: 270,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eazyspeezy, eaziestspeezy, angry birds, bad piggies, angry birds spinoff, bad piggies 2, angry birds rip offs, bad piggies rip offs, spin off, weird angry birds game, weird mobile games, bad, piggies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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