I Tried 100% Speedrunning Cuphead

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today we're 300% speedrunning cuphead so we'll start our speedrun once we select our player have a quick talk with outer Kettle and go to our first level the tutorial we need to do the tutorial because this speedrun includes playing every level beating every boss on expert mode collecting every coin and buying every upgrade in both the main game and cupheads DLC so let's grab our first coin here after that we walk to the right picking up three coins for Mac on the bridge before going to Forest folies in this run and Gun level our only real objectives are to Dash as much as possible and pick up every coin the enemies in this level are generally pretty easy too since they only take a single hit so I'm pretty much always spraying and with some good movement throughout we get five coins and a victory next up we travel to Mausoleum 1 in this level we need to protect the ear in the middle of the room by pairing the ghosts this first mum is pretty easy since we just have two types of ghosts the regular guys and the fast older ones and finally at the end we save Miss chalice she gives us a super that we'll never use and we unlock the DLC levels which we'll go to right away now in the DLC we want to grab the coin from the M challeng tutorial and three coins from newsy cat before going on to the king of games bosses where this guy wants us to fight his champions for money all of these Champions are only affected by Parry and we have really cool strategies for them like for the pawns we want to use M chalice is double jump to jump up to them instead of waiting for them to come down to us and then we can attack each one in a row which feels amazing to pull off next up is the KN who has three attacks his lunge attack where we can get three hits in his swipe which we can also get three hits in and his upward stab where we can get one then once we do a good amount of damage I like to get hit on purpose over and over and use my invincibility frames to attack him so we don't have to wait for him to attack which gives us the win a bit quicker so we're on to the bishop who's a pretty annoying boss he flies around and we have to dodge his body until we touch all of his active candles and then we can hit him with a Parry I use a lot of Miss chal's Dodge rolls during this fight since it's really easy to get overwhelmed by him and his projectiles but after a bit we take him out nice and easy which means we're on to our second to last champion The Rook instead of attacking The Rook directly we need to Parry the pink heads that he spawns and bounce them back to hurt him the most efficient way to do this is to always stay in the air so I try to dash into a head jump Dash again and then go to the next head that hopefully spawned within that time doing this right saves a ton of time and feels really good now finally for our last champion we have the queen in this fight we're working together with a bunch of mice and shoot cannons at her the Cannons are kind of hard to aim since we need to go for where she's going to be at rather than where she's at and while doing this she often throws a ton of projectiles to rain down on us and uses a lion attack where we need to Parry it so we don't get hit I got it done though and we end off this section with 24 coins which means it's shop time and here I like to buy the crackshot charge shot lobber roundabout spreadshot and broken Relic before putting on the charge shot and spreadshot for now then we need to talk to the climbing competition winners and see the code of upright up left from here we'll quickly grab a coin from behind the bakery and then use the code we got earlier on the graves to spawn a glowing light on the middle grave which is our next boss fight angel and devil in this fight we have two enemies and a pretty cool mechanic whoever we're currently looking at in the fight is the devil which allows us to hit them with attacks but they can also hit us meanwhile the enemy we aren't looking at is the Angel so we can't hit them but we also aren't affected by their stuff I found the most reliable strategy is to stay near the middle and mainly focus on one of the two bosses to shoot charge shots with it's a little tricky because there's so much going on but it's really just about maintaining our cool and playing around all the projectiles they throw and finally that's our first real DLC boss done which turns our broken Relic into a cursed Relic but we'll get into what that means later in the run for now it's time for the howling aces in this fight we're on a plane that's moved left or right based on where we're standing and for the first phase we're fighting the Bulldog he has two main attacks where he goes down to one of the sides of the screen and can either use his bone attack where he shoots three bones at us which we can dodge by jumping over one of them or rolling under it or the cat attack where he uses a cat to hurl three yarn balls all of which we can duck under all we need to do though is relentlessly use charge shots and he's done pretty easily next up is the tiny dogs and jetpacks where we can use a charge shot into a charge shot ex which immediately takes one out and we can repeat that four times to get to the last phase Sergeant o Fara this dog starts out by blasting us with three different laser attacks and we can use this time to get some extra damage in while we Dodge them but after that it's time for her to turn the screen sideways which is a bit hard to deal with but I have way too much practice in this game now so we just need to keep our cool the red dog blls go low and the yellow ones go high so we can use that knowledge to jump over them or go under them while getting a ton of damage with our spreadshot or the X's then it's time for another flip so we're upside down and we finish out with some spread shots on the next dog ball phase so on to the next boss and this is a huge run killer for me mortimore freeze in the first phase for this fight mortimore flies around using attacks so we'll keep jumping up to hit him with charge shots whenever they're ready the only real threatening attack he has in this phase is the little ice guys so I make sure to spreadshot them and we'll keep this up until he transforms into a Snowman in this phase we want to stay on the ground and generally pretty close to him at first that way when he uses his freezer attack it's easy to run away from the bouncing ice cubes an especially annoying part about this phase is the Popsicles that come down from the sky and will block our shots so we got to keep an eye out for them this is a part though where as long as we keep our cool and pay attention he goes down fairly easily and we're on to his third phase where he becomes a snowflake I like to stand really close to the snowflake here so we can get spreadshot damage in and since he doesn't have a hit boox we can jump straight into him and use spreadshot EX is really efficiently this part is a bit annoying with all the projectiles to dodge but we finally got it done and on to glum Stone the giant this fight starts out with glum Stone on the right and us on the platforms that move up and down we can't touch the actual floor here for too long because then gnomes will come up to poke us and deal damage there's also other gnomes that pop up every once in a while in fire projectiles so I like to bring the crack shot for this fight which will auto aim them and this lets me focus more on glum Stone's direct attacks and dodging those then in the second phase glum Stone uses two hand puppets that throw a ball back and forth I go with the plan of Dodge rolling every time they throw it so we're a bit safer we also have to worry about the Gnomes that jump up from the ground though and they can be a bit of trouble but the more annoying part about them is they can get in the way of our charge shot so I try to play around them finally in the last phase we get eaten by glowstone and our inside his stomach so we need to use the skulls as platforms to not go into his stomach acid I like using the crackshot again here to focus on my surroundings and we can make sure to survive by paying attention to what the face spits out if it's meat that platform will disappear and if it's a bone it will spawn some parryable bells that we need to hit so pretty stressful fight but we got it done now the next fight is the Moonshine mob and I love this fight so much phase one starts out with Charlie long legs crawling around and occasionally spawning things like bombs throwing a caterpillar or calling in the boys to attack because of this I like to bring the charge shot and the crack shot again to auto aim the small guys he doesn't take long to beat though and the next phase is light bug light bug brings in a gramophone and dances on the middle platform from left to right then the gramophone will have lights coming out of it that switch between being safe and damaging I like to sit in the middle row for this fight and just roll through the damaging lights whenever they come that way I can very easily hit light buug for the third phase we have the anteater but we can get a bit of damage in between phases by hitting the announcer snail in his hat then the antier sticks his nose out the left or right side and sometimes tries to lick attack us pretty easy stuff to dodge though as long as we were paying attention and we take him out only for a fake knockout message to happen and for the announcer snail to come back where we're just going to hit him with a charge shot and ex to finish him off so it's time for our second to last DLC boss Esther Winchester this is our only flying level of the DLC and it starts with Esther moving back and forth from the top and bottom half of her Saloon while firing projectiles I'm less worried about her though and more worried about the bird who drops dynamite and the flying horse who spits at us so I always Tred to take out the horse when I can then for her second phase Esther sucks in a bunch of money with her vacuum that can hit us before sending it down in safes I like getting a super ex here for some nice damage but then it's just about keeping our eye out for everything and eventually moving on to a third phase which is really hard this is cuz here she turns into a sausage and tries to attack us with her swirling meat attacks while we also have to deal with a bunch of dangling beans that's the weirdest sentence I've ever said but I just make sure to turn small whenever possible and keep up the pressure on Esther leading us to her last phase where she gets packaged into a meat container in this phase we need to dodge the sausage links by going through their skinnier casing parts and avoiding all the peppers she shoots at us and since we only had 1 HP this part I was pretty terrified of losing the Run especially since it was this good but I clutched up and we're on to the last boss of the DLC Chef salt Baker now this fight is probably top three hardest of the entire Speed Run since there's so much stuff constantly raining down at us and trying to take us out first we have his limes which switch between going above and below us while we also need to pay attention to the Fireballs on the ceiling of the level that come down every once in a while then before the lime attack is even done he sends out sugar cubes that we also need to start dodging from the other side and it keeps up this pace with all these projectiles for the entire first phase of this fight making this a huge reset point for me but I was determined to make this run survive for the first phase I really like using the crackshot since it's difficult to focus on shooting salt Baker and dodging his attacks at at the same time I also use EXs here for a bit of extra damage and with only one HP lost we're on to phase two here we need to shoot the pepper containers at the corner of the screen to attack salt Baker which we can do by shooting a stronger charge shot and then a weaker one but there's still two Fireballs in tons of leaves falling down from the ceiling so this part of the level just feels really claustrophobic but I had really good gameplay here so we're on to the shortest phase where there are saws at the bottom of the screen and some weird salt statue thing jumping around I like to use crack shot again since it's just more consistent and I try to dodge roll under the salt guys when I can but I made a few mistakes so we're down to just one HP yeah this is terrifying especially since this last phase might be the hardest here we need to attack salt Baker's heart that flies around the room while jumping from platform to platform The Annoying Thing here is Miss chal's jumps are kind of short since she has the double jump which means often a single jump won't get us to the next platform I have lost way too many runs to this single phase but I played absolutely out of my mind and finally was able to beat this boss and the DLC so on to the main game and to start out the main game bosses we have the root pack in the first phase we Face the potato who I like to get really up close to and use my spreadshot he is pretty easy attacks to jump over so this is a good strategy to beat him quickly next for the onion we're not going to attack it after a while this makes him happy and puts us right to the next phase the carrot there's also a secret mini boss with the radish that pops up from the ground and spin around since we didn't attack the onion but we don't actually need to fight the radish and can solely focus on beating the carrot by hitting him with spreadshot y's and barely dodging anything since we have plenty of health so that means we're on to ribe and croaks and this fight is a lot harder in expert mode than normal which you'll see right away with their first phase where instead of riby and croak attacking at different times they attack at the same time this is a little hard to deal with and made me lose one HP from some bad playing but I kept my cool and kept attacking riby straight on with my spread shot putting us to the next phase here the plan is to just stick close to croes and constantly spread shot during this phase croaks will try to blow us towards ribby and riby will fire a few different projectiles but it's not too bad overall and now they're going to turn into a slot machine where we need to dodge their coin attacks and hit the slot handle once it goes pink then we can get three different attacks from them which right at the start we got the tiger in this attack we need to dodge the Spike Casino chips and balls bouncing out of them but it's really just about finding a good Tempo to go in between and barely ever get hit on this one anymore second was the bull attack where their casino chips spit fire above or below them again though it's really just an attack where if you know what to do it's not too bad this one's a bit more about patience though to not rush and that's another no hit then for a final slot pole we got the snake which is just fast moving chips we need to jump on but since the boss was so low on health we finish it up before seeing too much of the attack now we're on to goopy and I think we all love this guy doesn't change me wanting to murder him though so for the first phase goopy jumps around and we can keep going under him to dodge his attacks and whenever he uses his large face attack we can duck under that while constantly doing damage then eventually Gooby decides his problem is he's not big enough so he eats a jelly bean and transforms it's literally the exact same fight though just with a bigger hit box to dodge so we get through it pretty quickly finally goopy becomes a gravestone and we need to hit the face of it I like to keep charging up charge shots and dash whenever he uses his fall over attack this is probably the easiest fight in the game though so we're on to Hilda where the difficulty skyrockets and that's because finally it's time to use the curse Relic we got in the DLC basically the curse Relic is a charm that we need to upgrade throughout the game to eventually transform it into the Divine Relic to do this we need to beat bosses with it to make it slowly upgrade and as we upgrade it it gives us better effects to start though we're at level zero and we only have a single HP we can get more HP though by pairing attacks but it's super difficult in this fight and just because of this single charge arm the fight goes from super easy to one of the hardest in the speedrun still it's very worth it to use the curse Relic on flying levels since it also randomizes your weapon every time you stop holding attack and since plane levels only have two possible attacks these are our best chances at not dying and going fast but as you can see I surprisingly played this level super well and even regenerated 1 HP so things were going great into the last phase where I was able to survive the entire fight without a single hit taken by the way the charm needs a total of 16 points to transform into the Divine Relic and all i1 bosses add two points to that counter so we're at 2 out of 16 but now it's time for our second run and Gun level Treetop trouble I like to bring the crack shot for this level and it's really just about using our Dodge rolls effectively at the beginning and playing a bit patient the bugs rolling around are pretty annoying so I definitely don't want to go nearly as fast as our first running gun especially since I did not want to lose this really good run so it was a mixture between playing fast and playing safe then once we switch from moving to the right to climbing it isn't too bad besides the fact that Miss chal's jumps kind of suck and that means in a lot of situations we can't use a single jump and are forced to use a double jump this can put us in some weird scenarios but honestly can't complain too much because I mean we do have a double jump finally the ending is really easy with Miss chalice and we can use her to jump over the huge bug at the end since you don't actually need to fight these guys so time for the last level of i1 flowey flowy and expert difficulty is really hard to the beginning the biggest reason is for phase one instead of switching around his attacks he only uses the one where he spawns a bunch of smaller enemies because of this I try to Parry the pink seeds since they have the most annoying enemies and for the other guys who spawn we can use our crackshot then finally once this part is done it becomes much easier since flowy just uses his other phase one attacks so I try to get as close to him as possible and pop some EXs after that on his last phase we can no longer touch the ground because of his roots and need to stay on the platforms that that occasionally get attacked but again compared to the very first part of this fight everything else is super easy and with just a bit of time we get Aisle one officially done well almost done cuz we also need to grab this coin that unlocks after the flowy fight but now we're on to aisle two and Bon Bon for bon bon her first phase gives us three mini bosses and we got the most annoying one first the muffin the muffin guy jumps around and tries to splashes with his frosting so I try to stay away and hit him with charge shots whenever he hits the ground next we got the waffle Which flies around the map and occasionally separates its body to attack us with its different pieces yeah it's a weird and probably painful attack but again stay away and charge shot from afar then the third mini boss was the gumball who's definitely her easiest mini boss since you just follows your movement I somehow did get hit here though but we still took him out so it's fine now while bon bon transitions to her last phase I like to get a couple spreadshot EXs directly in her face before backing away and using charge shot again in this phase she has an attack where she throws her face at us and one where some candy balls roll on the ground but we get it done onto our next running gun this is fun fair fever and it's a pretty fun level it starts out with this trampoline guy who follows underneath us but we barely even need to use him since we have M chal so we double jump over almost everything then there's this part with the magician trying to attack us and people rolling on balls but it's super simple as well third we have a couple walls of enemies blocking our way in these platforms that collapse when they're hit by cannonballs I like to use the spreadshot here to deal with the little guys and eventually we make it over to the wall of cannons where we can charge shot them two times and take them out now it's another guys on ball section but again very little problems and that leads us to our next mini Moss which we completely Skip by jumping over and yeah I love doing that so finally onto the last section where there's a giant hot dog shooting condiments at us and pretzels jumping on every few platforms so I like to roll under the pretzels to stay safe and eventually just damage boost through the hot dog at the end giving us another five coins and a win but we don't have time to celebrate because it's another cursed Relic level this time with Wally warbles now this level isn't the worst with only one HP but there's a lot of different things that can hit you so I like playing it fairly safe at the first phase I try my best not to take out the entire line of birds that come through that way we can Parry the pink one at the end but it's kind of hard sometimes and is a risky scenario if Wally hits us with a surprise attack but I was able to get two parri's off here so we were closer to some additional HP then in his second phase Wally hurls a ton of feathers towards us but they're not that hard to dodge honestly this is one of the easier phases but we do get a super ex during it to get to the next phase pretty quickly and here Wally Sun Willie warbles comes out and this guy flies around with a group of spinning aches you want to get really up close to his son which is high risk but also gets us a ton of damage Willie also occasionally shoots us with a gun but the shot is really easily parryable and we're on to the Final Phase with where Wally is 2 ft in the grave here he's carried around on a stretcher and we need to use our bomb attack to hit him from above I like saving a super EX for here when it gets a bit sketchy but I was way closer to losing this fight than I would have wanted in the end though I barely clutched it out and now his paramedics decide to put on their chef hats and eat him you can't trust anyone nowadays and since aisle 2 bosses are worth 2.5 cursed Relic points that means we're now at 4.5 out of 16 and we'll get our first HP with only two paries instead of three but we're back to miss Chows for the dragon boss fight to start this fight we only really use the charge shot so we can stay pretty far back this is good since it gives us plenty of times to dodge his Fireball attack and laser beam eye attack the dragon also sometimes uses his tail and it pops up from the bottom of the screen so we need to pay attention to that and it isn't too bad to dodge after a bit the dragon moves over to the left side of the screen and spawns a bunch of tiny fire guys I like to switch to the lav here since he's lower to the ground and all we need to do is pay attention attention to when the fire guys are about to jump so he can move slightly out of the way finally we have his third phase where he gets a total of three heads and shoots Fireballs at us which when they're shot explode and shoot electricity projectiles so I want to stay above them with my lobber attacks and also stay up in the clouds for when the dragon uses his huge fire attacks which are always lower on the screen I played this a bit more risky than I should have but before I died we were able to get the win at this point we're going to grab two coins one from this juggling guy and another behind this building thing before going to funh house frazzle this run and Gun level has the gimmick of being able to Parry the paint cards and switching our gravity upside down it's a pretty fun gimmick and we can use it to dodge different attacks then in the star section I like staying on the ceiling and Dodge rolling under the cannon balls that the Stars throw at us after that not too much to say about this level we just need to be careful and not mess with the gravity too much because if you accidentally Parry a card it can cause us to get unneeded damage like right here but finally once we make it to the end all we need to do is hit this Wall's eye with a couple charge shots and walk away with our next five coins so that wasn't too bad and neither is mum 2 this is another ghost level where we can't shoot the ghosts and need to Parry them not too much changes from the last one of these levels though except now there's these spinny guys who go all around the room they take a super long time to get to the earn though so I just don't focus them too hard when I don't need to and after taking out a few we get our next Super and it's time for the genie boss fight after really quickly grabbing another coin from this next MPC now on to Jimmy the genie of course we're using the cursed Relic again and this might be one of the hardest fights for me mostly because of the beginning in Phase One the genie can do one of three different attacks in this time we got the treasure chest which shoots tons of different treasure at us and it's really hard to dodge all of it my main goal was to get two paries here to get an additional HP and we were able to so this was a great start next up is the wall attack where I like switching to my bombs to shoot the face parts of each wall while dodging the blades going through the room and this part is usually pretty easy but of course I got hit God I love being on 1 HP but we're still okay and in the next phase we get a ghost in a coffin who shoots planets and other ghosts at us I decided to play this super safe and try to keep my distance a good amount but also got a nice super ex to get in some extra damage which helped us beat this phase fairly quickly so on to phase four in this phase is really scary with 1 HP the genie makes an exact replica of us who tries to shoot us with their projectiles while we also need to dodge his hat which also shoots projectiles I try to use this phase to get some extra Health which worked for a second and then I got another Super ex ex but of course I can't have nice things so we lost that Health on his next attack and we're going into the Final Phase with one HP in the Final Phase we have three different pyramids spinning around in the big guy on the right we need to keep shooting the genie but sometimes he'll use an attack from his head because of it I like to stay down low but sometimes that isn't possible since since his pyramids occasionally shoot lasers so all of this together resulted in maybe the closest call of the entire run but I was barely able to survive this speedrun is so stressful but at least now we have seven cursed Relic points so we're on to the last boss of AIS 2 Bey the clown this fight used to be one of the hardest for me but miss chalice makes it a lot easier first instead of needing to jump over Bey which makes it really hard to dodge his Ducks we can just do a Dodge roll through him when he's trying to hit us with his go-kart and this makes the first phase a lot easier now on phase two Bey inflates his head sends out a train and attacks us with inflatable dogs but since his head doesn't damage us we can use a bunch of spreadshot EXs and get through this one pretty easily next for phase three Bey comes down on a horsey that shoots projectiles while we still need to deal with the train whenever the train isn't here I just sit beneath Bey and fire off spread shots but when we need to get on the train we need to play a bit smarter and use our charge shot overall though another easy phase and for the last one Bey is now a carousel I guess so we want to jump on his Platforms in order to dodge the train and get in as many EXs on him as possible after a while though he'll send out a bunch of penguins who throw baseballs at us I wasn't really worried though since we still had 3 HP and there is no way we were losing this one so in the end we took him out and that's aisle 2 officially done which means we're on to the first boss of aisle 3 rumor hunting bottoms and this is another level that's way easier with Miss Chows we start out with the security be which we can simply charge shot from far away not too many projectiles to worry about in this section so it's probably the easiest part then we have to fight honey bottoms as she sticks her head out on one of the sides of the screen or the middle we got the middle attack first and in this one we need to dodge the B Bullets by jumping on different platforms it is a little difficult just to keep the damage up during this phase but went pretty well overall next she went to the right where she spawns a pink circle and I like to just move around it using different platforms since pairing it can sometimes cause us to get weirdly hit if we aren't careful after that she went back to the middle for this attack again and it worked out perfectly since it's a really long attack so it allowed us to get a ton of damage in that will carry over to the next phase then finally she came down in the middle of a book which is another great time to get damage before heading to her plane form but because we got so much damage on her in the last phase a single charge shot finished her off and that was a pretty perfect fight so we're on to Rugged Ridge our next running gun and this is a pretty annoying level first at the beginning there's a bunch of pyro heads circling the platforms there's also these mountain goats that throw pickaxes which I got hit by with some bad playing and a mountain lion that we need to jump over getting hit once was fine though since we made it to the elevator section where we need to fend off clay golems and Grim Juniors this is just an auto scroller and not too hard and then at the end there's another coin but after that some really annoying stuff happened first there was a Sater who popped right into me and honestly I don't think I've ever had that happen before then after that I took some really weird damage by this wall not sure what exactly happened there and finally at 1 HP my heart was beating out of my chest and I took my first death of the speedrun I dusted myself off though since this was still a great run and we made it back to the section with 4 HP this part of the level is really annoying since if you try to go fast you need to make a bunch of blind jumps into Fireballs I have this section pretty well mapped in my head but I made a few mistakes which really hurt then right at the end of the level with a single HP I made the stupidest mistake of my life and that's the second death in this one level so yeah my heart was not doing the best but I took this opportunity to say it was okay and we could still get a sub 130 so I kept going and finally got the win I now officially hate this level though and we're going straight from one stressful situation to the next since it's time to face Dr Call's robot with the curse Relic this is a super stressful level but here's the strategy first we want to take out the head because its attacks are some of the most annoying then we can go to the stomach of the robot and start attacking that while occasionally pairing the pink laser devices which help us get a bit more HP then we can deal with the middle section of the robot and after that's taken out he Reveals His heart this part is just about focusing hard on everything around us and aiming very intently on the heart so much can go wrong in this section but I kept my cool and we're at 3 HP into the next phase in this phase is quick since we can use a super ex ex to do a ton of damage then we just need to hit him a few more times leading us to the last and most frustrating phase in this phase Dr call sends waves upon waves of electric balls that we need to dodge along with these electric walls that move up and down this isn't that hard to beat but it goes on incredibly long making it a battle of stamina at the end though I finished it out and that means there are only two more cursed Relic stages since all Isle 3 bosses give us three cursed Relic points meaning we're now at 10 out of 16 before those though it's Sally stage play time this fight is honestly super easy it starts with Sally and a regular form and all she really does is jump around us and sometimes throw a fan so the entire plan is to just stay close and use our spreadshot next phase is more or less the same thing but there's also an annoying baby that throws milk bottles from the background building in this attack where Sally spawns toy cars that go up to the ceiling and fall down on us but same general game plan third Sally becomes a demon and we can go right below her and spreadsh shot upwards she has a few attacks like meteor which I like breaking so it isn't in the way wave which we can roll th and lightning which we need to dodge by going back and forth finally she ends her play as an angel and this part is really easy since we can just double jump up to her hit her with a charge shot and repeat this until she's taken out but after all that we have our next boss wner Worman and the difficulty goes right back up since it's time for the cursed Relic again unfortunately we need to fight one non-flying boss with the cursed Relic to reach 16 points and Warner is the easiest one to do for phase one it's mostly just about dodging all his projectiles and when uses his catapult attack we can get a few paries we also need to keep track of what weapon we're using to make sure it actually damages him and also does a good amount then phase two is really stressful since wner goes to the middle of the stage and switches between attacking the higher and lower platforms I try to use as many EXs as possible since it's really important to get this wave done but we need to worry about both Warner's fire attacks and the bottle caps that come and attack us from each side I'm very surprised I did as well as I did and we made it to the end where it's Kitty time and again it's really important to use some ex's as much as possible this section has so many things that can kill us especially once the Ghost Rats get spawned so we need to focus up you technically can also kill the ghost to make this a bit easier but it takes way too much time so we focus directly on the cat's face and after a bit we got three more cursed Relic points for a total of 13 out of 16 only one more of these but before we can get to that it's time for Captain brinny beard and this fight's really fun the things we need to worry about here are the barrel that will drop on us whenever its face gets angry breny Beard's attack where he shoots us with an octopus the enemies he spawns like this shark attack and the ship shooting cannonballs at us but after a bit of damage Briny beard gets kicked off his ship and we need to fight it directly in this phase the ship shoots Fireballs that spin around as they move forward so we want to use some careful movement to dodge them then after a bit it'll charge up a huge beam attack but we can thankfully Crouch to dodge this while we get some spread shots in then we'll just keep repeating this until that's another boss done leading us to the last run and Gun level at Perales Pierce this stage's problems at the beginning are the Flying Fish above us and the volcano guys that shoot upwards which I always choose to roll by and it's honestly pretty easy to lose HP if you're not careful then we make it to these big crabs that can be used as platforms but we obviously don't want to wait for their slow walking animations so we'll Dash past them into the captain crustation section where this Lobster chases after us he's not great at his job though since he's kind of slow and after making it to the ship we're safe from him then it's time to ride the octopus while an oyster tries to shoot Pearls at us and a bunch of shrimp jump at us so I like the crack shot here to make it a bit safer we also need to make sure to Parry the octopus's Jewel on his head to shoot cannonballs at the Rocks in our way and finally we make it to the end of our last running gun level but we still have four more bosses and for the first of those four it's colamaria time and this is also the final time of using our cursed Relic and this fight is stressful for pretty much the same normal reasons of having 1 HP and a bunch of stuff able to hit us thankfully this level is also pretty abundant and stuff to Parry so we can get an HP in the first phase and then get in a nice super ex ex after a bit longer some eels come to electrocute Maria and she goes full Medusa on us here she can turn us to Stone with this annoying attack and then she sends her eel friends to try to finish the job and unfortunately it worked and this meant we only had 1 HP so it was super stressful and while I would have loved to get some more parries for an additional HP we finished our second phase before I got the shot so on her last phase where she's a flying head I played it super safe by always trying to be far away from any projectiles this way if she freezes us we have time to mash out of it and not get hit I was honestly pretty sure we'd lose here but we clutched it up giving us 16 out of 16 cursed Relic points turning it into a Divine Relic but we still got bosses to defeat so we'll grab a coin from behind this food booth and we're on to Phantom Express for this level I like bringing the peashooter completely because the first phase is annoying here the ghost train shoots a bunch of eyeballs at us and the peashooter helps with getting rid of them there's also a bunch of flying pumpkins that try to drop things to move our cart so we have to be careful about pairing those two next phase we got a skeleton guy who pops his head out of one of the Train's three carts and the other two get hands that strike downwards this is a good spot to use charge shots since that makes it easier to hit him wherever he spawns and that's two out of the four phases done so for phase three there are two different heads on both sides of the train and we want to use our charge shot again then after a while one will use a beam attack that we can dodge by being completely to the left or right side of the level and it's not too bad then for the other head I don't even bother moving my cart since the charge shot works great from far away and we're on to the last phase with 2 Hp but this is a super hard phase especially on Expert for this one we need to hit the Train's tail to open up its heart and then blast the heart with charge shots but there's so many projectiles and things to worry about that I made two bad mistakes and that's death number three and our first death from a boss this one felt really bad but I wasn't going to let my effort go to waste so I got over my feelings of disappointment and completely destroyed the Train on the second time around two more bosses left but before that we have a few things to do first we head to the underworld and grab a coin right here which is the last coin of the game and then it's time for mum 3 and honestly same old same old for this level just a lot more ghosts coming through and one new kind the new kind of ghost is the super big guy who spawns two smaller ghosts once you take him out but we can do three paries in quick quick secession and that destroys Everything at Once next we're heading to the shop and here we buy everything from our boy meaning truly all that's left is King Dice and the devil but before that we're actually switching off Miss chals and instead we'll bring smoke bomb for a reason I'll explain later so let's start with King Dice and this is a lot harder in 100% than any percent because to get 100% we need to beat all of his mini bosses normally for King dice you only need to defeat whichever three you have the easiest time with but for this run we can't skip anything for our first boss we have the Tipsy troop this is a collection of three different types of alcohol or with a different attack the whiskey shoots his alcohol into the air and it lands down at us the rum tips over and attacks the ground and the martini spawns little olives that shoot us but altogether it's pretty easy since we can just take them out one by one so on to the next by the way in between the best way to always get a one on the dice is by hitting it as soon as king dice spawns it little tip if you ever want to try the speedrun and next up is the poger chips which is pretty simple the only way way to damage the boss is hitting the top stack of blue chips and whenever he attacks we can smoke Dash through the lower chips and duck under any higher ones and pretty quickly that's number two done now we have Mr Wheezy and in this fight we want to stand on the side that the boss isn't at and shoot him from afar he has spinny Fireballs but they aren't too bad and then when he moves to the other side we move as well after shooting him over 20 times he's finally taken out so next up is the Domino's pieces and this one can be kind of hard there's both projectiles the boss spawns and the spiky ground that sometimes spawns so it can get a little tricky but we were patient and we're on to the rabbit in a hat and this one can be pretty annoying usually but it's a bit nicer since we have the smoke bomb he has two main attacks one where he spawns skulls all around us and we need to smoke Dash through and another where he spawn symbols that attack and we need to Parry the pink one I also like making sure I get a couple EXs in here and there and it takes a while but eventually we finish it out which means it's horsey time and this level is annoying first we have the main horse who spawns presents and they explode into multiple Horseshoes and while we're dealing with that there's also the little horse rider guys at the bottom the only one that's really worrisome though is the blue ones since they always jump up once you pass by them so that's something to keep track of I lost a couple Health here but I wasn't doing too bad because at the very least King dice gives us three free heals next on to the roulette this is a super simple strategy where we charge a shot and whenever she rushes towards us we smoke Dash into her which both does damage and makes us Dodge your hit boox this is one of the reasons we wanted smoke bomb and results in a quick win then next up it's eightball time and this guy's really easy all we need to do is shoot upwards a bunch and use EXs when we can there's a couple things to dodge but it's not bad at all and for the final mini boss we have Mr Chimes I hate Mr Chimes first we need to remember where the matching cards are from the beginning of the level and then hit a matching pair to wake the monkey up so we can hit him he'll do some music attacks until we take him out and we repeat this for a total of six times it just takes way too long so with all of those now done we can finally Fight King Dice and he's the main reason why we wanted cuphead instead of Miss chalice since King dice's attack is where he spawns a bunch of playing cards and we need to Parry off of them so it's better to have cuphead with his regular Parry instead of Miss chalice with her Dash Parry other than that it's just a bunch of shooting and ex ex's meaning there's just one more boss left to go the devil now at this point I had been on an 8 Hour spree of attempting the speedrun over and over again and none of those previous runs got me to the devil so I was kind of worried about this one but I didn't have time for that it was time to win and our main goal for the first phase is to keep double jumping and hitting the devil of spreadshot EXs to do a ton of damage while we're doing this he has a bunch of annoying attacks and all the little Devils running around the ground so there's a lot we have to keep track of and all the Mayhem did make me end up losing 1 HP but 3 HP into the second phase isn't too bad now at this point we want to solely focus on the devil's eyes they're nice and big so we can easily hit them with spread shots and EXs to get huge damage while we also keep keep track of all's attacks after a while though two of our platforms disappear and it gets way more claustrophobic with tons of stuff trying to kill us still though we had the same game plan of attacking his eyes and trying to dodge everything then finally with Just 2 Hp left we had the Final Phase where the devil starts crying immediately I got hit which was terrifying but I stuck to the game plan of shooting upwards and jumping slightly to the side whenever a poker chip fell finally after what felt like way too long we got our win and ended with a time of one 3146 which would probably beat my goal of a sub 130 if we removed the time from The Game's loads like you're supposed to do but I was too lazy either way though that's eighth place on the speedrun leaderboards and I'll take it all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,187,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, cuphead, cuphead speedrun, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrunner carries, speed run, speedrun world record, cuphead world record, speedrun cuphead, all bosses, cuphead all bosses, speedruns, eazyspeezy speedrun, speedrunners, mugman, mugman speedrun, 100% speedrun, 300% speedrun, cuphead 300%, cuphead 100%, 100%, 300%
Id: Xj0tquOP-dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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