TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF | Little Nightmares - Part 4 (END)

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TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES My name is JackSepticeye and, welcome back to ITSY BITSY TEENIE WEENY yellow polka dot bikini? No your little yellow jacket nightmares We just got out of the kitchen away from TweedleDum and TweedleDee and now we're making our way onwards towards whatever the hell... is going on So are we on a ship? What the fuck That's a giant ass chain Wait, I can walk off the fricking environment? Oh my god, that's obnoxious I can like walk towards the camera and away from the camera and actually walk off the environment Why? It's a 2D thing That's silly I was wondering why I was just suddenly disappearing *Laughs* Anyway Wait, what is that? Are those lights? or the sun? I'm still no closer to figuring out what the hell is going on But it does seem like some sort of ship or like oil rig or something like that Oil rig would actually make a lot of sense Because didn't we see a lot of oily stuff laying around? Or am I misremembering? Am I crossing games? Whoa! OK. That answers my question Who are all of you? Are they going from one boat to another? They kinda look like the chef dudes Oh my god! This place is enormous like even for the people getting onto it That's amazing looking though! Okay very curious Maybe it's like a place out in the ocean where there's no laws and they're eating kids Oh my god! They are all people! Ew! They're so... disfigured and malformed I mean, I'm not one to judge but jeezes! That one's just straight up wearing a mask and that Lady's got a donut hair Oh my god it's so gross I think it's even grosser because I'm imagining all those things in my head like them eating the kids Weird Careful little Sixer I said careful! Now begs the question, why the hell I'm even here? Why is everything shaking like giant footsteps are happening? Oh please let there be a giant Please let there be something gargantuan in this place oh, it's just you guys I guess that makes sense Well, you guys are gargantuan to me Oh, again very strong "Spirited Away" vibes It's Kubo's mother! again! If any of you have seen "Sprited Away" Do you kind of agree? Oh God. Oh God. Oh God Do not let them see you 'Cause in "Spirited Away" they were all going to like a hotel resort kinda thing to all get pampered and do what they want Oh my god. Are you actually that big? Or is that just shadow casting making you look that big Ew Ew, I'm not liking this Fuckin' hell, this is gross uh oh. Uh oh! Uh oh. Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh Oh! Ew! Ew! Get away from me! Ooooh! Big, big boy! Oooh! Daddy like a pretty baby Euh huh huh! Fuck! Me me big boy Oh shit! He's still after me Oh my god you're so gross Aw fuck I know what I have to do Oh yeah! Oh! a fan of the live ones, are we? Wait, can I actually grab that? Hup! Oh fuck Oh fuck! Oh, get away from me sister Ha Eww huh huh! ooh they're so weird Ya know what you look like? You look like your faces are made of wax and someone stuck a match to you a lit match Oh! little runny dude! Little runny dude, no! Can I move this? Push! I want to get in and hug my friend Little runny dude? It's safe. I'm nice! I'm not like those big ones Hi! Aww! Let me sniff your hair Okay. I'll pick you up and throw! Hee hee! We have fun right? I'm trying to get a look at Six's face Oh! There's a fish in that... and a sock They actually imitate me You run when I run You jump when I jump Why? Bye little dude Don't follow me out. I just wanted to hug you and leave you ok, if I get up here, where do I go? Euuhh, yeah. Oh, Scarf it down big boy Sadly, there's plenty more where that came from Okay? Do you just not care? Oh God Oh God! I'm just out of reach to all of them Ew! Ew huh euh! Oh! I'm suddenly having a very new worst nightmare [laughs] But just a little one Euh. ooh It's like they like the live specimens
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,643,847
Rating: 4.9185042 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, little nightmares, little nightmares game, little nightmares gameplay, little nightmares walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, let's play, jacksepticeye little nightmares, PC, PC version, Steam, PS4, XB1, gameplay full game, full game, full playthrough, horror, scary, scary game, inside, limbo, monsters, scares, reaction, jumpscares, end, ending, theory, explanation, chef
Id: 5-kXatxAVkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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