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Ward is up everybody we're back with another high-risk coin pusher video the singing for y'all I did $400 buying right here and there is a huge roll of cash in the middle of the Machine there a few 50s a few 100s there's a few $500 chips in the back there and two bitcoins those $500 chips I doubt that one over there on the rocks gonna fall but I'm gonna focus more on the left side of the day so $400 buying right here 40 bucks in quarters so yeah let's get started all right I've got a good load up back there let's see what it does okay okay not bad Oh have a little looking good go on 1/4 by I'll try not to stank much of them here well let's see and we'll put two in right there so today is winter no today's Tuesday it is 723 as I'm speaking right now all right yeah didn't get much that time kind of sucks my quarters keep following along I have no idea why they just it keeps bouncing them out of the machine somehow like life they stay some kind of weird way they just instead of falling flat they just flop it makes no sense alright let's see what that does right there well we got a few 50s getting ready to fall off that one and that one so once this $400 buy-ins gone it's gone no more money and that stack of cash are out there that thing I hope there's a lot of value man man I hope it's at least 80 bucks all right let's see [Music] that one should be good one right there come push it's moving everything that's always a good thing that $500 chip on the left over there I hope that thing falls off because the left side is easy to win further it falls off on the right side block that one probably won't win laughing yeah this one should be pretty good right here well not really water quarters fail but I sound close to about halfway through the forty dollar buying or another four hundred dollar buying I got 40 bucks in quarters right there yeah the left side I'd say we can at least get about 300 off boy because if those $50 chips falling that hundred Falls be doing pretty good wait for that last quarter to fall down then I will release the scuff stop perfect push I don't know I think all those chips and then bitcoins are weighing down the quarters in the back so it's gonna be hard it'll be hard for the quarters to follow that's my take on that but they got to make money somehow they was talking about getting the new one in here but I don't know well then losers are very stacked up oh wait what am i doing I still have quarters in my cup up here I got about that much left got about 20 bucks last 15 or 20 bucks left [Music] well [Music] sorry I'm not talking I'm just trying to concentrate on that I don't know how much money should I put in at one time I mean all those chips and then bitcoins it's just weighing down the front so I don't look we're gonna get push it off [Music] all right let's see what that one does that one looks good all right come on push well we got a few 50s getting her to fall which I said that about 20 minutes ago why not 20 minutes ago about I don't know how many minutes ago but it hadn't been long ago put it that way I'm sorry everybody at me I didn't mean to hit the truck [Music] [Music] all right this one's looking pretty good all right let's see how that one does all right come on push well we still have not won any of the chips yet or anything try to fill up that gap up there all right here we go I'm gonna try to fill up that one gap right there then I'll put in about two or three bucks at once so if y'all were wondering how do we win at these coin pushers there's really no way to win Adam I mean there is some chance there is some tricks that I know that will better your chances of winning something back and that is put two or three bucks in at one time that's that's the best thing I know alright this this one right here is looking really good alright let's sing come on push it's just like not moving anything all right I'll try that come on push get it off of there all right nice got 50 bucks got a $50 chip right there plus there's about three of them getting ready to fall well actually about five or six of them nice alright I got one more handful of quarters left so I'll turn alright let's see what that one does come on get it off of there oh that one another picture that was awesome look at that Vicky bugs so I've got 100 bucks back out of the 400 are buying so far I would like to win that stack of cash this is what I got back around here out of the for 40 bucks $400 buying I got probably half of it back so not good not bad either just keep going well that hundred drop area is getting ready to fall off that 50 right there that thing's moving so am i having pretty good chance of winning here at least my money back [Music] all right come on push it off there fifis falling backwards that that kind of sucks and that stack of cash is kind of moving a little bit if I turned around a little bit let's see what that does so I've got about 250 s right there hundred getting ready to fall that 50 that 50 and those 250 s so I don't really know I doubt we'll win all of whom but at least a few I've got 100 bucks back out of the $400 buy-in so far [Music] [Music] so yeah like I was saying earlier you're not really gonna win anything if you put in like a quarter or two at a time tell me y'all are saying you put too many coins in it ones I mean when I stack them of course but when I don't stack them like I'm doing right now I'll just like just put them in there like your goal is to get the whole entire back of it like filled up that way you get a bigger push you know because more coins falling off the back more fall off in the front here that's what that's what your goal is unless your goal is to lose yeah put them in one corner or two at a time but so yeah all right come on with that hundred dollar cue look at that perfect so I've got 200 bucks so far I still got plenty of quarters left that was what was in the cup so no mores on the cup plus I got a lot down the bottom there so we're good we're good wait keep playing a little while longer [Music] [Music] alright let's see what this one does [Music] yeah that sucks now I have to take all those quarters up all right come on push well that 50 right there is getting ready to fall hang on I gotta get my quarters [Music] [Applause] this one should be pretty good if my quarters are falling the right slot all right finally it fell round all right come on push well well it's definitely less than 10 I know that so we're getting down to the last little bit of quarters here so last quarter come on Farah all right perfect let's see what this one lot in the middle oh look at that stack of cash it is right there I hate dropping these quarters so stupid the problem is our trouble why I hold a lot for books in one hand and then I drop them every time so well that $50 chip on the websites getting ready to spawn and that cat that cash stack out there let's get rid of all right try that one there were a few all right I'm gonna put that quarter in then once that fills up the gap well see that is what I'm talking about this is what makes me angry with this machine you put a quarter in and it flies on top of the other quarters it sucks lockout right there of course lens in the wrong spot all right I don't really even care I'm just gonna try see it's not getting anything on all right there want that 50 chip I'll take that all right so this is about all the quarters I have left about five bucks I'm gonna try walk pretty much all of them at one time even though they're all stacked [Music] [Applause] [Music] what what's that we're gonna do come on get it off of there that was such a waste of money oh this machine makes me angry [Music] [Music] alright let's see what this one will do perfect or barely barely have anything left we're down to the last little bit after it fills up that gap right there I'm going to I'm gonna put a few on the rotten fuel on the lip so about 50 cents right there right there that looks good perfect come on get them off of there push oh yay give them all to the owner that's that's a all right well so I've spent 400 bucks I'm gonna do another $100 buy-in so it'll make 500 I've spent but it'll be worth it because that fit those that 50 are out there he's getting ready to fall on that stack of cash is getting ready to fall so it shouldn't be worth it I'll go get some more money alright ten bucks on the dollar I've you I don't know I mean those $50 chips on the website here I mean I don't know if we'll be able to win those or not I mean they're kind of at an angle to where they're just gonna slide backwards when they get to the edge so I don't really know I just try about 2 bucks 800 bucks [Music] perfect come on push okay that one last a little bit more than I put in that time so if I could just get hard and get that $50 hip on the website babe oh no I'm about to drop my quarters all right I got him I saved the laptop it's getting ready to drop every single one i stacked a bunch of them laptop oh that's stack of that stack of cash is getting rid of all that thing is closed it just won't follow it's so close but it never falls that's the only bad thing about it let's just keep trying so I went and got another $100 buy-in so another 10 bucks and quarters so hopefully the Wysong perfect come on hmm that's pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got about five bucks in quarters left plus whatever I went here so okay that one was really good not bad not bad at all so yeah that's stuck of cash right there it's like it's tilting like it's getting rid of all I hope it does I mean so for the stack of cash if it touches the glass I think they give it to you it's like a quarter of an inch away from touching the Boris if that alright let's see what that moves are up come on get it off of there get it well I hate to do another buy in but I still got plenty of quarters I ain't even going to talk about the buying yet we'll wait till I run out of quarters [Music] all right there goes three right there oh I got plenty of quarters left it's how much I got it's probably a little bit over five bucks maybe six bucks all right let's see what that does come push it off of there hey Lisa [Music] well that one kind of stacked up so that sucks there went three oh I think they're going to give that to me because it is touching the the front of the glass here so hopefully they give back to him and this machine you used to not stack up this bad but it's like stacked up beyond I can't believe how much this thing stacks up it used to didn't stack up at all but I don't know what they've changed about it they probably changed the lip a little bit they might have set it higher on this side I don't really know don't really know oh that one was good well I probably should have filled up the gaps on those on the right side first but this one might be okay yeah I think those chips over here on the right side they're just not gonna fall because it's just like too many quarters over there come on get them nothing at all really well I don't have many quarters left so I have to try to make the best of it right here all right come on push push it off of there these are the amount of quarters that number I'm going for that $50 chip over there on the left corner on the bed itself right there and then I'll set the camera all right y'all can see it's pretty good now I think let me sit up right there perfect is that a good they fall off at the wrong time this machine is just like it knows what it's doing it knows what it's doing it does it on purpose I was hoping that $500 chip was gonna fall off the back but it don't look like it's going to yeah the right side completely sucks on this machine it sucks well I'll say what that does 50 Cent's we got 50 cents off there and about 75 cents back okay well oh there went four quarters there went some more I hope we don't have to do another buying but um I don't hate to I mean wait wait wait hold up what's the point doing another bomb when that when they're already gonna give me that cash stack cause it's touching the glass and that 50 chip right there and that that was just it's just a hundred bucks what's the point doing another hundred dollar buying to get a hundred bucks back it wouldn't make any sense so all right we'll see what that does I went to the owner I tell you what I'll do another buying so this only 550 that I've spent 550 and this is all I've got a hundred 250 so I would I would have lost three hundred I think so yeah I don't know is it worth it a lot last thing what they're gonna give me that cash back or not so yeah they're up but I'm good news everybody well I don't know what that's doing well those chips just fell backwards or something I don't know what happened hmm that's weird so yeah they gave me the cash stack right here um let's just go ahead and open it now where we can sound which money's in it I'm not gonna count it but see if it's over a hundred or not I think there's a lot of $1 bills that's that's the only issue with this so at least it's money though what's just money well it's like this around here so that's a lot well it looks like a lot at least a UH few twenties and tens in there I think not I seen the tube it was a $2 bill in here somewhere yeah it's right here $2 bill look at that so I'll count this up at the end so yeah they got the cash back down for me I'm not 50 chip right there's getting ready to fall that 50 on the left is getting ready to fall that'd be a hundred bucks so I'm gonna do another $5 by and soon I have no idea what's happening laughs they just started slopping back with some anyway I'm gonna go get another $50 buy-in that widens put 5 bucks and quarters in justice just to try to go for that 50 right there and that and that 50 so I'll be right back all right I'm back got the $50 mine 5 bucks and quarters so yeah basically the buying thing it's a dollar for every 10 bucks you spend so 100 bucks that'd be 10 bucks so I hope we don't have to do another buying because I don't really have the money what I just notice that $500 chip is like almost about to fall off though oh my goodness it failed it fell off the bag that $500 chip fell off the bag what wait wait hold up hold up just a second if you don't follow the owner yeah I have a good chance of getting that thing easily I don't know if it wasn't meant to fall off a bit when I was getting it out when they was getting that cash stack out for me I don't know what happened but I remember the first time I played this there was a thousand-dollar chip in here and it was close and I did win it that was like the first time I played out who I won the mega jackpot that's what I called it so now we'll see what that does all right come on push oh my goodness come on that tipi dollar chip dispelled look at that awesome though they're all the rest of them have to set them on that table that mini mini table over there that way they could get into the machine so that 50 chip I don't know I'll try for it but once I win that 50 chipper out there I'm focusing just on the left side just on the left side I hope that 500 chip don't fall to the owner that would suck well that 50 ship is getting close and he's very close and this machine is kind of stacked up know [Music] if y'all if y'all want to see more of my harvest going pressure videos check out the videos I did the other day let me think the other day I warned a mystery prize boat from this machine Noble I'm not gonna tell y'all what was in it y'all just have to watch that video send me I'll probably already know we'll try $1 all the way 1/4 really see I feel like if I'm going towards the middle it's just going to push that $50 or that $500 chip to the owner so I'm just gonna play on the the left for a little while who knows we might even win that $500 chip in that 50 just playing on the Left I mean that one's it's like in the middle kinda so we'll just have to wait and see okay that one working back and a second wave look at that perfect no is it going to go to the owner please tell me it's not going to please that looks tough that would suck that would suck really bad that would be awful I'd be terrible at that thing with the owners I hope it doesn't but that would be just awful I would be so mad that they went to the owner all right just don't push it toward the owner alright I just hope it makes its way past the owners the owners box or whatever it's called the older store I [Music] hope I get make a mistake here by going on both sides but it's done done I've done done it so let's have to wait and see see they fall completely wrong sometimes and I keep dropping my quarters okay this machine is making me angry I hate it sometimes okay that one looking bad let's let's try it alright come on push alright we got plenty of quarters five that's a good thing trying to be positive here alright now I have enough quarters that one play on the left side you know if that $500 chip here I'll just set it got closer to the left here so y'all can see this that 50 and that hundred and that other 50 probably won't be following off I don't really think it will and that right there that'll just fill up the gaps so okay not bad I really hope that $500 chip makes its way past the owners box or the owners slot because that would suck if it fell down fell down because I wouldn't get it the owner would get it and him and they probably just put it back in the machine so I don't know this is gonna be a battle I know that it'd be even worse if it was on the right side the right side completely sucks all right let's try that well never run a lot in the middle that sounded pretty good I got at least 5 books left but that $500 chip look at where it's at I hope we can get it it's close I'm just gonna shut up and stop talking about it and just see if I can get it angle so we're just until it gets to the edge [Music] I'm just very nervous right now because it fell off of the bike surprisingly but now I just hope it falls off the front oh it moved it but I I just hope it don't fall off to the owner they stacked up on purpose it's like the machine knows what it's doing it just does it anyway alright so I put a little bit more than I usually do in my pleasure so let's just try I don't know it's so close I mean it is a $500 chip I mean that would make up I would be a I'd be doing a big profit if I win that I mean it's close it's very close but close don't cut it as they say all right since there is a lot of quarters on the right side getting right upon I'm gonna do both sides this time just because I mean poses just because any quarters all right this one should be a good one that 500 it's made its way past the owners the owners slot so that's a good thing so now it's just a matter of can we win it or not I hope it's not gonna be stubborn all right come on fire up please perfect hmm well it's close but I'm gonna try to get some of these Cougars off at the skill stop locking able to right there all right you got the quarters out of it from in front of it though so that's a good thing and that 50 chip right there that's moving that's a good thing I hate I hate this when my quarters fall completely wrong it just sucks you know see that good alright let's just wait and see Oh so a lot of quarters failed but I hope that thing falls off this has been one heck of a battle I'll tell you that [Music] [Music] [Music] why did my quarters like get stuck is there something stuck in there something hmm that is so weird I've never seen that happen before my quarter got stuck and 75 cents fell off there well you know what I'm gonna do another $50 buy-in so that makes 600 bucks I've spent and that hundred-dollar chip it's fell way back there it's like stuck or something hmm all right I'm gonna get another $50 buy-in so that'll make 600 off spinning all right got another $50 buy in here five bucks in quarters let's just try and sleep come on push I hope that one does pretty good well that 50 that thing's getting ready fall and I thank some of the chips on the right side just fell off to the owner I heard one fall I think 50 though [Music] soft spit 600 bucks $600 well that $500 chip I hope that thing don't fall backwards or something it takes a lot of quarters to move stuff on this machine of law to quarters alright the right side has a lot of quarters getting ready to fall like mostly right there like when that 50 chip you come on get it get it off of there that's not moving out there it just keeps building up it just like I mean this is being one of the biggest battles I've ever had if this machine [Music] hmm I'm gonna put two more in on the right or the left sorry the later I know my rap from wind see it's like the more money you put in the less it knows but then you put in luck dollars and it wins ark a million right but then you put in a million and you only get a dog that's how it works sometimes and they follow up the wrong time on purpose or they stack like that this machine gets on my nerves bad sometimes I got Oh daddy that right there that's getting rid of home it's close all that he is I'm thinking you know I'm gonna go in and get another $100 by and that'll make seven hundred I've spent um if I went that 500 chickens clothes look at it it's gotten a lot closer it was back there but now it's like I'd say about ten more books I should have that after I went all these quarters right here all that's really close so I'll be back another $100 buying and this is out of my money okay um I'm keeping everything that I win like I'm not trading in chips for another vine I'm using my old money so I'll be right back all right so I got another hundred dollar buy and I hear ten bucks and quarters well here went some more and those also I came back and this much have failed that much have failed um I don't know where I don't know could have been the right or the left side I have no idea I was up there getting my money so that $50 chip is closed um that $500 chip that thing I hope it falls [Music] quarters you follow not crazy my goodness perfect let's see what this one does all right kind of good kind of not that 50 chip is getting ready to fall off the back though now is the time I'm gonna load this thing up see it knows what it's doing it knows it has a mind of its own because every single time they get luck it gets a solid row getting ready to fall off back there they always like stack on top of each other so that one was really good right there all right I just want that 50 chip out there that would be awesome if that thing would fall I didn't mean to shake the camera though I'm sorry but yeah this is a very annoying machine it ignore it it annoys the crap out of me that 50 is getting ready to fall a lot like pretty much right now I'd say and that 500 moved that time plenty of quarters back [Music] all right fill up that gap right there all right put in about two books all right so far so good I say that then it just flies on top of each other like that one did it knows what it's doing it doesn't on purpose I have a feeling $500 chip it's just like stuck or something [Music] and they fall off at the wrong time it's all fit and they stacked that was still a really good push though but it's not moving anything I don't know why it's just like every I don't know what they bury me and of course it does not want to go in that one slot but I'm gonna keep putting quarters in until it goes and that one slaughtering this machine makes me angry every single time I play it but it'll be worth it once I get that $500 chip through and that 50 that thing it was like you look look closer than that but now it's not fair by its time all right come on it's close yeah and of course that's oh I hate it when they stack I mean I try my best not to stack on butter okay that was I was decent but like it's it's just not piling up so much now it used to not do that but they don't just stack I mean I've tried to tell them it stacks up too much but hey they're the same I mean it makes us money so well that one must be so but that $500 chip is just like and that fifty it's closed everything is closed but hey this won't fall and I miss that slugger [Music] perfect come on I may do another buy and I don't know I think if I would just win that fifty tip and just stop focusing like on the right side I would I'd probably have done a little ramp $500 chip but it's just close and the 50 chip is close but it just won't fall I'm about to just give up on it and come back to it at the end yeah that's what I thought that one was actually decent come on oh well wait I may not have to get another buy and yet I'll just wait a few seconds yeah it's all hanging and look at that it's all hanging I don't get another hundred dollar buying so that'll make eight hundred bucks that I'll spend 800 so I hope it's worth it once I get that 50 in that 500 cuz they're both really close I'll be right back but I'm back and that quarter just fell right there and it moved along I got $100 by him so I've spent 800 so far yeah I spent a lot so it's been 800 I hope I'll be able to win that much back I mean the reason why I'm going for the right side steel is because of the quarters there is a lot of quarters getting ready to fall a lot like when you all see it like [Music] y'all have to see it to believe it like oh the skill stop didn't work or something that sucks just fill it back gap right there well this will make working out good at all well you failed all right let's see what that one will do hopefully a lot whoa that one was really good really good and that $50 trip out there that's getting ready to fall all right come on get that 50 chip off of there I got a ton of quarters back though that's even better [Music] so I believe once I win that 50 trip I'm just want to focus on just on the left side because if y'all can tell that $500 chip is moving it is moving a lot Wow I've got my quarters that's just one handful there's still a little bit more so I'd say close to about 12 13 14 bucks probably not bad at all ready [Music] well at least that $500 chip has made it past the owners like this ought to fall down to the owner at least it's made it passed down so probably we won't have to worry about it falling off to the owner so that there was a lot that failing just pushed them all up on the edge like over here on the right side that's crazy a lot of get ready for it probably won't get much on this one but [Music] all right that's pretty good for walk fell off on me lots of quarters are falling at that $50 chip thing I don't even know why I'm still going for that 50 I mean it's close but I don't know if it's gonna fall over let's see all right not bad not bad there it went finally look at that and of course it is stuck not always it happens every time it's stuck wish we got it though i complaining at all I wish we got it it's getting late it's 8:30 you're up now [Music] I'll just play a little bit more on the route that way we can get some more quarters by it right here come on it's all hanging hopefully it goes that's a probably that's a good luck three bucks right there hanging off so but I'm put in for two and three so at least it's moving that $500 chip oh I cry after this push right here I'm gonna turn the camera towards the left side that way y'all can see the $500 chip fall off there perfect all right there with that hundred on the lips I'm at the right side that hundred fell off the later [Music] [Music] now that was pretty good quarters [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect come on push look at that $500 chip over there I hope we can get that thing off of there we should be able to I don't see why not [Music] getting tired so you two o'clock we're late 30 so I think they close at 12 so I still got some time oh look at that I set the camera lock right here so y'all can see it really good look at that it's so close all right this one should be extricated yes look at that that $50 trip still stuck yeah that's the only 50 that's gave me trouble that's the only chip that's going to be trouble football I'm just happy it fell off of there so this is being a really big battle come on trying to learn all this out of here so I made of a live stream here out alone it just depends that's a ton on the right side get the ball I'm gonna put it in about two boats [Music] all right not babe that was a lot that fail right there and the owner got some so all right come on push push it off oh it's getting ready to fall oh my goodness we got a lot of quarters back to home and fall back nice oh no I dropped the quarter well here it goes $500 to rubble in rock fail but it's stuck no Elise we got it though but I think they're gonna give that to me nah we're in big profit right now holy crap that is awesome my god that's crazy I cannot believe that $500 chip now it's gonna start giving me quarters once I win 500 chips fell off of there nice oh I can't believe that thing fell all over there it's stuck I'm a bit in luck - two or three more bucks and then I'll ask them to get all this stuff out for me Oh No drop my quarter right here this one should be pretty good [Applause] lots of sea I could play for all that all night but it's not gonna fall off I got let's just say I got ten bucks in quarters right here's ten bucks all right so as you all can see you all never really seen the what though this is what I'm talking about they get stuck like right there on that thing right there like when they fall off that's what it looks like mother lode coin pusher that's the prospector of the back there you're the one that's stealing all my quarters ain't you yeah he knows what he's doing all right anyway I'm gonna go ask them to get that stuff out forward so where's that throw 50 stuff yeah so 550 stuff then we'll count up the winnings and I will let you all know how much what are we warm all right so I've counted it all up here this is not counting the quarters um 986 dollars I spent 800 I saw I did an $800 buying all together 986 dollars and that $500 chip fell off fuller they have one I can spend all of this right here on a bye 986 books that get me close to about 100 bucks in quarters maybe about 96 bucks in quarters probably so and I bet I wouldn't win any of that stuff if I did this whole time by and so I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead that ain't counting the quarters because I don't really know just ain't gonna count those but probably got close to 1,000 including the quarters so we got about a thousand bucks back well 986 in the cash in the tubes so let's just say 986 close to 1 K but so yeah anyway if y'all didn't enjoy please leave a like on this video be sure to subscribe if you're new kind of a push up on notifications that we get notified for every time I upload a video thank y'all for watching and have an awesome well it's gonna be not time for me as I'm speaking right now so oh wait that went to more well I'm gonna wait around before I leave I'm just gonna standing you before I go fairing cashing in and stuff so had a little bit of bonus money fall off right there so anyway not bad we got the we got the roll of cash out of there so and we've got the $500 chip so yeah y'all did enjoy lock the video and share this video with somebody and yep having awesome eating them not morning whatever time it is for y'all have a good we'll never mind [Music]
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 42,081
Rating: 4.8066249 out of 5
Id: a8-rnqtAGaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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