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[Music] video today there's actually a huge Tower of quarters in the middle of the machine and there's also two bitcoins as I can see there could be something hidden underneath there I mean I think there is because y'all can't see it but I came over here if I go to the side of the machine I see something yellow in it it could be another Bitcoin I don't really know and there's also $50 chips on the sides right there y'all can see that and there's like many towers again look many towers on the right and the left side so yeah I'd be at a $400 buying some 40 bucks and quarters after that's gone then it's gone so yeah let's get right into it now it's win like I won't be like its conservative as I can the phones as you all can see the plate feels like completely empty off there's no quarters on it like at all except in the middle there so I'm gonna try my best not the stack I try to conserve as much learning as I can so yeah I hope y'all are having an awesome day today oh well whatever time it is for you all some of y'all different time zones different times and stuff alright that ain't gonna do nothing because it's just gonna fill in the playfield so I don't know if this is a good idea to play this or not I mean it all depends on I mean getting those two bitcoins not even guaranteed to win the giveaway and those 50 large chips on the corners here those might fall but it's not worth it for $400 buying so I hope there's something good in that stack of quarters right there even if we do win the stack of quarters we probably won't it well we probably will if we can get the plate filled filled in and especially this might be a long video so sit back relax get your book in the popcorn on the soda in doing so you 2 bucks right there well we still got a while before it starts filling in the playfield that's the only bad thing about this but I think once we get it feel the end we'll be able to play and win a lot of money I hope there's a lot of stuff in the middle of the tower out there well it's not really a tower it's more just like a bunch of quarters in the middle to piled up all right right here Oh move those quarters in the middle that's pretty good [Music] y'all have not seen the video I did yesterday I ruined a mystery prize bag and y'all are ain't gonna bleep you all are ain't gonna believe what if I see them again you all are not going to believe what was inside of it I was not so happy yesterday about it so yeah let's see what this one does right here oh it moved that Bitcoin closed you know surprisingly we have almost got it building in pretty much I'd say about 15 more bucks will at least fill it in I don't know about to start winning yet but just try not to spank much over here right there perfect so yeah let's see what this does right here okay about two bucks fall oh that the tower in the back just fell backwards now it's pushing the tower huh that is so weird now one of my older videos for the pot of silver coin for sure that used to be here I'll worn a huge Tower of quarters but the whole entire Tower just fell out it was insane well that whole Tower on display that was crazy on the left side over there so so a $400 buy and that is all I've got that is all the money I had like on me today all right we'll see what that happened well we'll see what that does right there I'm tired again if y'all can tell that bitcoin is getting ready to fall that thing is so close if we could win that stack of quarters in the middle that would be really good all right there we'll see what that one is yeah I think that bitcoins will probably fall off if we can get enough quarters to fall off the back there and another thing the back was not stacked up like it usually is like I mean yesterday when I was here it was pretty stacked up [Music] I try not to stack them up so far so good I'm gonna drop one more in right here yeah I won the stuck so I asked them another one in so well one of them stack that should still be alright though a dollar well once we get it flat luck on the left on the right side it should push a whole lot of quarters off and I have no idea what's in the middle there let me see if I can see I can't tell if it's a chip cache I don't really know and they don't usually put cash in this when I guess I think they're more into the chips and stuff right here come on are perfect perfect oh we got that bit going but it's stuck oh my goodness that bitcoin is stuck there y'all well I'll ask them to get that out later let's just keep going I did not expect that bitcoin to fall off like that fast I mean it was like on the edge but I thought he was gonna have to pile up a lot before it would drop that thun apples those things are kind of heavy I mean just filling up the gaps here now we're gonna try to put to sweet picking in the three bucks at one time it just depends if they go on the right slot so I need to put 10 bucks I mean 2 bucks what if I sign in again I'm hiring right there whap it in about 50 more sense so I tried to put 2 bucks in knock knock 10 bucks I don't even know why sentian 2 bucks and that should be decent right there perfect come on have we still not got one quarter back and believe it or not this is all the money I shot went from here but this is it I hate to go home and get more money and drop oil make my driver drop me all the way back [Music] [Music] well they go on the road swamp sometimes that's why they stack up most of the time I don't even mean the stack of money so I have less than like ten bucks laughs this sucks well that should be good and all those quarters went to the owners so this is like this is bad this is really bad that you I mean I may have more money out of my car I don't really know but I'm gonna have something hid in my secret stash out in the car so I may have like an extra hundred or two hundred but as far as I know this is all I brought with me I could be wrong not alone and I would hate to go home and then come back here then I don't know what should I do I mean I don't even know what is in the middle of that of that Tower of quarters I really don't even know it could be nothing it could just be the quarters I don't know but I thought I seen something yellow from a side angle I'm gonna put in I think like one or two more right there well that was perfect blend it good come on push it off of there push it oh okay okay nobody not bad now I'm gonna fill up the gaps right here so I'm just waiting to see what's in the middle of that tower I mean once we have enough quarters to like plant stuff we're sad because this thing's stacked up beyond that fifty dollar chip on the side just fail but it stuck it stuck just like that Bitcoin we use so everything's just getting stuck for some reason I have no idea why wait I see a fifty dollar chip and a $100 chip in the middle y'all can see it's not right there oh my goodness well at least I know that's 150 in the middle simply except we've spent 400 so far and I'll just drop like 50 cents and when I'm putting the quarters in I don't care if y'all skip flock to me for it the push I don't care if y'all skip the back Oh a Bitcoin fail all right well the Bitcoin the was inverted family oh nice so we have an entry into the giveaway don't think I drop any more quarters except those um there's a bit cool and and a fifty dollar chip stuck I'm gonna have to ask them to get that stuff out here in a minute um kind of fill up the gaps here all right so I have about a dollar 75 left so I'm gonna play wisely here oh there went like a quarter it was like it fell backwards from that Tower of them I hope we can win something back because if we can't this is gonna be awful cuz I'll have to go home and get more money I don't even know luck Oh dollar feel oil dollar 25 all right there what that other bitcoin that was stuck nice look at that so dollar 25 recorders plus another entry into the given one so all we've got is two bitcoins so when put in about a dollar here and save my quarter either want all or nothing here we go all right that was good for the middle there that was about a good two bucks that fell off the better um let's see I see $100 cheer up there and I think I see two fifties so that's at least two hundred bucks there plus that fifty stuck so that'd be 300 bucks back out of $400 buying and that's if we win with the little amount of quarters that I have with all right that's it right here perfect push it off her well you know we might not have to go back home and get another buying get money to do another mine if we can keep winning quarters back today well they're pretty good all right I drop every single quarter every time I put quarters in I always drop one or two of them and that sucked right there all right all I have left is literally two quarters this like it sucks and they didn't even fall where I wanted them to fall so oh well wait wait wait wait wait wait we may not have to go home because there is a 50 chip stuff that would be five bucks and quarters I mean that's what I want to do instead of going home I'm gonna get that all right I'll be right back all right good news so um they got the $50 chip out that was stuck that was the only thing stuck of course and in the process of getting that out there was like a few quarters stuck on the 50 there's a few pointers stuck on that 50 right there when it was stuck instead of falling out down here at the bottom where I click my weddings at it got stuck on the 50 chip so they stuck on the dollars to play with without having to bust this 50 for about five bucks in quarters I mean so yeah I'm gonna put this dollar in right here [Music] and of course one has to stack like always can't just be and I did not get anything Wow you know I'm gonna cash in this 50 chip and get a $50 bill then I'll get the 54 books and quarters so yeah I'll be back then we'll put in five more bucks if we can't win lat anything with that five books I'm kind of done playing you know bareback all right I have returned $50 buy-in we got five bucks and quarters and turns out I'm not gonna be going home well I don't know it depends I'll try not to go home we get more money at least I hope I have like an extra hundred or something like that out in the car even another 50 would work I'm trying my best to be conservative here but my quarters keep stacking somehow I [Music] hate it when they stack all right here come on push give me some quarters back oh wait wait oh my goodness we got a lot of quarters is that what I think it is there's two fifties and a hundred but what is that underneath it it's on dark purple if I can remember correctly that's wait there's a 500 it looks just like that $500 chip and it looks like there's two or three of them wait wait one second just hold up hold up I got probably about six seven eight bucks I'm hoping I can win this stuff right here okay now I've gotten pretty excited about this right there's two $500 chips there plus 250 ones and one 100 my goodness this is insane I cannot believe that well I may be wrong it could be a different one I have no idea but we'll just hope that it's one it's a $500 chip precious hope that it is right here come on push push that off of there well at least we're getting quarters back now I mean so we've always picked 400 boats I mean we got that 50 back from the 400 so technically I've always fit 400 bucks of my money so we've spent 400 bucks what if we ran out of money that would suck right here all right come on push it off to there oh I got one quarter but good news we still got about five six seven eight boats well I'll just keep trying like I usually do two to three bucks at wolves just trying to be stack them up here right here come on push it off of there oh it is literally gonna fall like daddy's gonna daddy's going to fall I have no idea what happened mayor but it was insane right here come on push push that off of there come on that is luck if that is what I think it is then we're good to go you know I love when that happens I just love with my hands you drop locks all your quarters helps you get too excited about a game and you don't put them when you're talking yeah I love them that happens so now here we go that's all I got left about three bucks maybe maybe a little more than that [Music] right here I don't 50 cents like back to this alright come on that should get it on well at least we got plenty of quarters now we're back in the game it's all on the edge quarters and everything I have no idea what's going on all my quarters keep flying I have no idea why they keep flying across the play field it's like they won't follow on to the the moving thing in the back they keep going this way go on to the left we're getting stuck like those well I hope something happens here because this is all I've got this is all or nothing right here all or nothing perfect come on I'm hate to lose this but I don't know if we can win this or not and I'm scared to death I'm gonna lose all my money come on come on come on borrow we're stealing the guy in here we're still in the game all right right here this is all or nothing right here all or nothing come on we got like so much money and quarters back holy crap and look at those tears and there went more quarters not feel like an extra three dollars and quarters are out there that just never fails we got over 10 bucks in quarters there wait an extra two quarters that field holy crap you know at first this was looking bad now that's just looking good this is really really looking good are [Music] right here come on push get them get all those chips on phlearn oh they're all stuck I don't know if they give me the chips if they don't follow like in the at least if they don't fall off the front here luck at least down in the I don't even know what it's called I'm just gonna save the drop in the drop station if they don't fall in the drop station then it don't I don't don't get it come in on I mean they have before I don't know I think they made a mistake by putting those $500 chips in there I don't even know if it's 500 but that's what it looks like come on perfect now we're starting to kick the quarters out there that's good so yeah for you all who keep asking for I'm a 14 year old I'm 14 years old okay I'm a 14 year old boy people still think I'm gonna live for that face for reveal video y'all make no sense well I'm not talking about the I'm not talking about the supporters but the haters and stuff oh all right just filling up that gap right there that way we can get a bigger push once we put in about two or three bucks at once filling up the gaps right here all right after that quarter we should be good to go right here I'm just gonna drop a lot in see they keep stacking up all right right here this one this one might actually be okay I think I only stuck one of them maybe two all right perfect oh don't eat we just thought oh my goodness what there's a 50 stuff but I don't even carry out now $1,000 1,150 plus there's another 50 stuck so $1,200 from a $400 buying plus two mean trees into the $500 buying giveaway this is insane i no wonder they're what needed quarters on the plane field that was the way of trying to make money but they failed they failed miserably holy crap that is insane I cannot believe that we warned it well other boats back from a $400 buy and so they just lost like they lost not crazy that time sure that's almost as much as I wanted the first time I played this machine and if this video gets 800 lakhs well I'm gonna set this one to a thousand again get if this video gets to a thousand blocks one thousand walks I will do a $1,000 buy-in on this machine on the hardest corn pressure so that would be a hundred dollars in quarters being put in it but the thing is I don't know if I want to do that if there's not a thousand dollars worth of stuff like a thousand dollars worth of chips and stuff in here I ain't gonna do that if there's not at least a thousand bucks worth of stuff in here that I could win back you know trying to fill up the gaps here so yeah this is being an epic day this has been insane and I do lose on this sometimes sometimes I'll do one is only so picky ya'll say you can't win it these ever pump fake fake fake fake fake okay yeah whatever I'm sure it's not fate first of all this is not a real hardest cooling pusher second of all um I did not post it when I lose I mean if y'all want to see me lose I mean I posted all right right there come on is moved locks everything like all the quarters there's a lot of quarters getting ready to fall off this age [Music] well I keep dropping them so right here that was pretty good pretty good nice that was over 10 bucks just in that wall brush right there and um there's also a $50 chip on this side getting ready to fall so we have spent 400 bucks to win 1200 that is holy crap that is an $800 profit if my math is correct $800 profit insane that was just insane and I thought I was gonna have to go back home and get more get more money that I can do another buy-in but you know that just meant the workout so it worked out we done really really good one quarter come on come on I'm going for that $50 here oh we got a lot of money and that one Bush right there that was insane and over here on the right side there's like a huge lump of them getting ready to fall in the corner [Music] [Music] so if y'all want to know who if somebody else you plays this and make youtube videos on it check out george smartly he does these all the time oh there with the $50 chip nice wait I thought there was one stuck wait wait wait wait twelve hundred and fifty plus two injuries into the giveaway holy crap that $50 chip just failed insane so today has been a good day a really good night and I'm not the only one who plays this thing so well keep in mind I've probably got about 15 bucks in quarters down at the bottom layer right there come on three quarters really or four quarters at all all right I have a good feeling about this one this one should be really good see what'd I tell you well it was good to just pile it up more for the next person who plays this well you know what they actually reset the play filter well there's like no quarters on it each time I guess that's that way you have to do another fire and they just made like probably three bucks aren't there in quarters plus that'll be used towards another buy-in for them so the money that goes to them they use that to give people quarters for the buy so it's basically like a trade-off but they make money from it so I still got quite a few quarters down here I've got about eight bucks left eight to ten bucks so yeah I'm thinking of maybe playing about a few more and then I'll be calling it quits and I'll ask them to get the $50 chip that stuck out so yeah let's see what we can do this hello I kind of rapid-fire that thumbs up I felt like it boss I'm not even going through anything but right here come on really like nothing's fair laptop I mean there is a lot of quarters over ads I mean if we didn't just get one good push we would win luck I'm saying a lot and that's if it don't like pile up anymore cause if the quarters fall off the back and it just piles it up we're not gonna win nah come on oh just like all I got slave does are all I got left is a dollar people now a dollar 25 all I got sleep that made no sense well those two quarters are hanging right there well I'm gonna try to get that one down with the skill stop I doubt it'll fall if it falls it'll fall at the wrong time [Music] that's my last dollar 25 and and it was a kid it was a complete fail oh my goodness well at least we've got our money back plus profit $800 profit no 850 dollars profit 850 profit plus 2 bit arm so they got that $50 chip out there was stuck my camera cut off a minute ago for some reason um so yeah we got 2 bitcoins into the $500 buying giveaway so we ain't gonna count this as we're gonna count this as what we've won once to count this as a bonus but not one thing those bitcoins ain't worth anything if you don't win the giveaway so this is what we want right here Oh a thousand a thousand one hundred a thousand one fifty one thousand two hundred one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars that is 850 profit 850 dollars profit we spent 400 we did $400 buying and the 15th at 50 chip that we've won over there we use that to get another I guess 5 bucks and quarters and we ended up doing pretty good out of it so yeah twelve hundred and twenty wait what am I saying 1,250 bucks one out of four hundred dollar buy and not bad at all this has been one of the better days that I've had at this machine to home so yeah if y'all did enjoy please leave a like on this video be sure to subscribe if you're new turn on the fishbowl notifications that way you get notified for every time I upload a video thank y'all for watching have a good one everybody [Music]
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 27,577
Rating: 4.8564591 out of 5
Id: BJnLw4kplH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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