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what is up everybody i'm back with another high-risk coin picture video today and um i got good news and i got bad news uh let's start with the bad news that way we can end on a good note um they've raised the price and buy-ins instead of getting 10 bucks in quarters for each hundred bucks you spend you get eight dollars in quarters for how many hundreds you spend so fast i did a 400 buying i got 32 bucks in quarters so yeah so yeah i did 400 buy-in now let's get to the good news they did lower the glass in the back as you all can see there only one quarter can stack on top like so let me just go ahead and show y'all like um so it's stacked right watch what that glass does it pulls it off when it stacks so that is a good thing so i just use a quarter out of the buying i got so 32 dollars in quarters 400 buying so yeah let's get right into it all right so i stacked a bunch of them but that won't matter y'all see that in a second not bad because when they stack the the glass in the back it drags back the quarters that stack up so i will never have to worry about them stacking again unless they raise the glass back up so i can actually stack this thing up a little bit more like put in about that much at a time now because they won't stack and you'll get a second third and a fourth push problem see i probably put in about five six seven eight bucks at once right there this is a lot better i'll tell you all that it's getting so many more quarters off of there now wow so yeah hopefully they keep it like this because i mean this is the best way to have it set right here except there is a few stuck in the back there y'all can see it's right there y'all want to know something i think the right side is moving a little bit better they might have lowered the lift it looks like they did i don't know we'll just have to wait and see if we can work out any of them chips or that stack of cash and they're at there is actually cash in here today as you all can see there's a 20 there a 20 on the left side and there it looks like a 10 and something else inside of it so yeah there is a lot of stuff in here today and also three bitcoins two 100 chips there is a mcdonald's or there's let's see i yeah that's a mcdonald's gift card that's in there so i don't eat mcdonald's i'll probably just give it away or something so yeah i mean i'm kind of satisfied with what they did they raised the buy-in class so instead of making it 10 bucks for every hundred dollars in quarters it's eight dollars so forever so if i done a 400 buy-in i'll get 32 bucks in quarters so that's how they done it i mean but at least they did lower the glass in the back though that's good now let's see what that one does come on push all right we'll get a second wave look at that second wave beautiful wow this might be a little bit better but the thing is you run out of quarters fast because that's all i got left out of the 32 bucks do got a lot of stuff on the edge though so that 10 and it looks like a 5 inside of that that thing's moving it's getting ready to fall i can't tell if that's a 5 i don't know what that is come on push it's moving that one was pretty good well maybe that lowering the glass in the back made it a little bit worse because it seems like not getting as much quarters back as i usually do that's all i got right there about a little bit over ten dollars and that mcdonald's gift card it's getting pretty close three bitcoins some of this cash is getting around fall hopefully and i keep dropping these quarters like always all right that was a pretty good one come on push i think we got a 25 kick out there nice hmm it's not really moving anything else well we got that 25 off of there not a lot of quarters back that's one thing kind of sucks somebody commented and said um the key to this the key to these coin pusher games like the high risk coin brokers was to win the quarters that way you can keep playing i 100 agree with whoever said that all right come on oh there went a 50 but it's stuck i want some more and some more oh my goodness that was a ton that just fell and then with that 25 chip look at that perfect so i'm gonna go actually get that stuff out because it's stuck there is looks like a 25 stuck and a 50. so i'm going to ask them to get that stuff out and that cash right there uh they they might give that to me wait it's not even touching the glass yet so i'm gonna ask them to get that stuff out be right back all right so they got all that stuff out for me um turns out there was 250 stuck so i got 125 bucks right here plus i got that um another 25 chip so i have got 150 bucks not bad not bad at all and we got back in quarters right there that much so here's what we have getting ready to fall there is that 25 chip right there that 50 is working its way out and that stack of cash over here on that right side y'all can see that real quick it's a it's a 10 and it looks like it has a 5 or something in there i don't know hopefully it's a bigger value than a 5. that'd be awesome but odds are it's not um that twenty dollar bill right there with the paper clip on it that thing's getting pretty close that 20 on the left side right there that's getting close so also we got some that bitcoin right there 50 chip and that 25 chip that thing's gonna be falling off like immediately i think so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and put in about three or four bucks in there then i'll release the skill stop and i'll turn the camera back on for y'all all right we got a pretty good load up back there let's see what it does come on get it that 25 chip is moving that's getting ready to fall all right that one should be pretty good oh they're with them two twenties nice we got one of them at that perfect so the other one's stuck they automatically give back to me so 20 bill right here look at that perfect so it looks like that right here boom look at that 20 bucks i'm gonna go ahead and put it back in the on the paper clip that way we can cut up the winnings at the end so 20 bucks that'll add on to what i've got pretty good and bad news is only a dollar back in quarters i still got probably five six bucks left up here in the cup so i'm gonna go ahead and put all this in at one time you don't want to see that that'd be perfect so i am very surprised they've actually lowered the glass in the back i talked to them about it i just said it's messing up the gameplay but they're getting stacked up too high nothing's falling off it's hard to win and stuff so i think this is what they've done they've switched out one good thing for another bad thing what they've done see is they've um they've lowered the glass in the back to where it'll drag back the quarters now they've set the screws in the middle to be higher that way it piles up more that's what i think they've done and that was excellent just push oh wow we didn't get much at time it's not over yet at 20 it's stuck right there so all right come on get it off of there come on push yeah that 20 fell out of there they didn't have to get it unstuck nice another 20 dollar bill right there perfect so i heard they're gonna be making some changes to this like um new stuff to put in it like more chips more stuff to make it more casino-ish kind of like that so i don't know we'll just have to wait and see in the future i don't know when they when they plan to do that but hopefully soon so it don't even matter where you drop your quarters because they're not gonna stack really come on push well i'm gonna have to do another buy-in but i got two quarters left so try to make them count so um we're on the road to um three 000 subscribers that is insane i did not expect that to happen um one thing i have to tell you all never give up do not give up on your goals because back when i had 20 subscribers most y'all probably didn't even know me back then when i had 20 subscribers for like a solid month and i was gaining like one subscriber every two or three months it was just awful and i was doing grand theft auto 5 videos and fortnight videos and stuff and i and i sucked at the games at that time but now i'm like a pro at them so yeah i mean and i was i was upset a few times i was just saying i'm gonna give up i'm gonna give up i hate this i can't i'll never get a thousand subscribers but what i have to tell you all no matter how hard it gets never give up you're gonna get it trust me that's just today's lesson because now we're on the road to 3 000 subscribers thank you all so much i truly appreciate it so yeah i'm gonna go get another buy-in well wait wait wait oh that thought that quarter was gonna push some stuff off of there but it didn't all right so um this is what i've got so far it looks like just 220s here so 40 bucks that's 90 right there i i could count it easier than this so it looks like i've gotten 190 bucks all right i put in 400 so i need a 400 buying so we are down a lot of money but let me see here i'm gonna do another hundred dollar buying that makes 500 off spent so that'll make 500 bucks we'll get eight bucks in quarters so it's limited so i'm gonna try about five bucks at one time since they won't really stack up so yeah let's go get that all right so i've got another hundred dollar buying eight bucks and quarters right here um gotta try to make it last now um that that that oh my goodness i cannot talk today like every day that mcdonald's gift card right there that thing is getting ready to fall it's getting pretty close so is those hundred dollar chips right there that's getting really close so yeah eight bucks in quarters i'm gonna put them in the cup here i'm gonna put in about a few at a time about see it don't even matter where they fall because it's just gonna it's just going to pushing them it's just going to keep pushing that this stack up so it don't really matter so yeah 100 buying eight bucks and quarters it kind of sucks they raise the price in quarters because it seems like i'm not getting anything like and the quarters are running out really fast too that's one bad thing about it um i don't know we'll just have to wait and try i would know what it would do if it was stacked up but it's not stacked up too much so um i'll release the skill stop and see what that means come on that 25 chip is getting ready to fall come on get it wow that was a ton that fell and both of them are stuck so that kind of sucks i got like two bucks left two or three bucks left i'll go ahead and put all that in so yeah that bitcoin right there is probably the next thing that's gonna be falling off so a 500 buy and that ain't i hope we get 500 bucks back come on bitcoin that's not falling all right well there went the 50 the 50 that was stuck fell out of there nice so we've got 350s and 225 so that makes 200 bucks plus these 220s right here so we've got 240 back out of the 500 so now if i get that mcdonald's gift card and them two 100s right there we'll be close to getting their money back um that cash right there if it pushes against the glass here that i think they'll get back to me i don't know so we did win a lot of quarters back and there goes another one nothing so i got about my 10 bucks back i'd say not too shabby i know i'm still going to get hate comments saying why are you stacking them you're the worst player ever like i mean if some of y'all play these i'm not talking about the ones that that are the supporters i'm talking about the haters saying i'm the worst player ever that was excellent but you all saying you're the worst player ever i mean i understand you may not like me stacking them up putting them in like two or three bucks at a time but i mean if you played these you would understand because you can't win at them when one quarter's falling off the back there like i mean you know what now that that glass is low i'll just show you all some of y'all are saying don't use skill stop put them in like two quarters at a time see it does not do anything pretty much you'd be lucky if it done something see i just wasted my quarters there i would hate to do another 100 buy-in that would absolutely suck but i better be getting some quarters back this time right here come on this one should be pretty good come on push push it off of there get them oh it's all on the edge it's all on the edge oh i got some i've got a dollar 75 lift that's all i've got i'm gonna try more for the middle this time those curved slots right there on the wheel way y'all can't see them but they're curved slots on the wheel i'm not going to show you all see the wheel right there the curb slots that's the slots i need to get so i got them so let's see what happens 50 cents there goes two or three yeah i don't know 50 cents left there goes one quarter yeah that bitcoin right there that thing's getting ready to fall off um so yeah i'm thinking about doing one more hundred dollar buying that makes 600 i've spent so yeah i don't know if it's worth it or not this is the last hundred dollar buying i'm gonna be doing i'll tell you all that much i will be back all right another hundred dollar buying got eight bucks in quarters so i don't know if that bitcoin's gonna fall or not i mean it's like well the leap is kind of high on this right side i don't think much stuff is going to be falling off over there but here's what i'm focused on that bitcoin right there that make that mcdonald's gift card with that bitcoin on it that hundred dollar chip and that hundred dollar chip so i hope we can win some stuff out of here all right that was eight dollars at once so i hope that one does pretty good one quarter okay that one was decent push well i spent 600 it's easy to win stuff out of here now but i mean they don't put nothing valuable in here except like 25 chips and stuff this one's gonna be a tough one to pull out right here because it's just not moving i mean it's moving but it keeps sliding backwards we're not winning enough quarters to keep playing so all right that should get a lot off the right side look at all those on the right getting ready to fall that's a ton of them right there i don't think i have anything stuck no quarters no prizes no chips no nothing i just want that mcdonald's gift card and those bitcoins to fall that bitcoin right there is trying to work its way off the edge if i can get about my eight bucks back on this right side here that'd be awesome all right that was good push see i knew that side was gonna be good that hundred dollar chip is moving too all right well the main thing is i'm having fun but you can't waste a lot of money at these gotta save money for more important stuff you know can't just gamble it all away come on push that whole entire middle row just moved all that just moved not bad at all come on push that's gonna be a good second wave well kinda kinda not well one quarter left oh my goodness this is awful this sucks kinda i'm just gonna drop it right there hope for the best come on get something off of there one back didn't even go in the right place that i wanted it to go and nothing well i'm thinking of maybe doing a 50 buy-in i think well i'll do another 100 so that makes 700 off spent but i'll try so i'll be back all right this is officially my last hundred dollar buying any buying at all i got 100 bucks right here well i spent 100 bucks and i got eight dollars in quarters so i hate that they that they raise the price but they it's either that it's either go back to 10 bucks and keep the um and raise the glass up or keep the glass down and and have eight bucks forever hundred so yeah and one of my quarters got stuck there so this is eight dollars at once right here eight bucks at once we'll see what it does all right come on push not bad not bad at all all this right here is just like moving and i think that 10 and 20 on the right side there it's pinned in against the gl uh not the glass but the machine it can't move it off so i got probably my eight my eight dollars back that time maybe a little bit less maybe six seven bucks still not too bad though there went some all right so this is a little bit over eight dollars at once i think this is maybe like nine bucks at once hopefully it's worth it though so far so good first push was amazing wow i'm just waiting for for that bitcoin to fall on the left side there well let's see i heard a quarter drop it's right here so this is what i got back out of that one push right there i'm gonna try that all again right here i stack i'm gonna stack this thing up right here this is all the quarters i got now it's good that i don't have to worry about them stacking ever again unless they raise that glass back up that was an epic fail right there but that one was really good push in there two more quarters and i'll be done i dropped that one so this is about four or five bucks at once so we'll see how good this one does first push was amazing actually it wasn't i take that back oh my goodness well i don't know got a lot right here all right come on push push oh look how close all that is in the middle that's insane one i got a book 75 left now two books yeah they never fall right so one quarterback this thing is oh i hate this thing sometimes all right last quarter all that right there is gonna follow well i don't know what should i do i don't really know i'm kind of confused on what i should be doing right now should i do another hundred dollar buy-in because that's getting ready to fall all that right there and that bitcoin on the left right there that's getting her to fall i don't know i've spent what i don't i've done forgot 600 bucks i know seven hundred dollars i spent seven hundred dollars and one more would make an eight hundred dollar buying i don't know let's just say i'm probably gonna walk away a loser today but i'm okay with that i'm gonna get another hundred dollar bind and i will be brought back all right i'm back another hundred dollar buying we got eight bucks and quarters so i don't know i'm gonna try to like put in not all of them at one time this time like just a little bit all right i saved a little bit of it for the next push if that don't get anything so oh that was amazing come on push that was a ton that just failed now come on get some more all that in the middle is gonna drop out of there like crazy i know i said the last um while ago that was my last hundred dollar buying it's so close i just i just want to win that thing so bad my quarters are stuck on the wheel there again oh no that sucks i think they're stuck oh no well that kind of sucks they're stuck in there hmm all right i'm gonna go ask them to fix that real quick all right they fixed it um i got that much in quarters left this is my last buying right here um well yeah this is all i'm gonna be buying in today so i've spent eight hundred dollars kind of sucks but the only way i see of winning my money back is that they reset the play field which i doubt will do that come on get it get it off there it's close oh i got the bitcoin nice that bitcoin fell whoo that was awesome and a decent amount of quarters back so hmm i don't have anything left besides just one quarter see it kind of sucks because all that's right there on the edge sucks well i'm gonna ask them if they're gonna give me that mcdonald's gift card that hundred dollar chip and that bitcoin and the mcdonald's gift card i don't know i've already said that stuff like a thousand times just now i was like the mcdonald's gift card the bitcoin the mcdonald's gift card the hundred dollar chip okay y'all know what i mean i'm gonna ask them to get all that stuff out because it is kind of stuck oh that it all just fell there that is insane i thought i was gonna have to ask them to get outside out well i will have to ask them to get it out because it's kind of stuck but nice look at that now i got plenty of quarters now it's good all right i'll be right back everybody hey everybody so this is what they've done they've got this out turns out there was 30 dollars here that was pretty good i thought there was like a 10 and a 5 like only 15 but it was it turns out it was 30 nice that is just fabulous that is excellent so they got the mcdonald's gift card down um turns out this thing is 25 25 mcdonald's gift card that's not bad not bad and um they got the 100 chip and i think the 25 for me and the bitcoin so that's all in the cup here so i'll show you all that after we're done and on top of that and the process of getting it all out the quarters fail and the last thing i'm going to say they did move the prizes on the back like on the play field now that way it has a better chance of falling off because you all seen i put in like so many quarters in it and it ain't even falling off the back so that was pretty nice of them to do that um i'll try to win it with just this that is looks like about 250 right there plus that bitcoin if i can't win it with this then it's probably not gonna fall all right right there this one should be pretty good oh it's moving everything come on get them i hope i can work some of this stuff out here without out i'll do it with like two or three bucks and quarters left if i win with just this little amount of quarters i'm lucky that would be 100 luck right there you know i'm thinking with another hundred dollar buying i might can work out some of these 50s maybe a few 25s i don't know i'm gonna try one more hundred that makes nine hundred dollars off spend so i'll be right back all right hundred percent the last uh fifty dollar or the last hundred dollar buying i do i mean i'm not gonna do a fifty if this don't get up that's eight bucks and quarters i'm hoping i can work out enough quarters that way i can keep playing and just win the 50s and stuff out of there so that's what i'm hoping i'm just put them all in at one time right there that looks fantastic come on push wow that was insane look at how many is about to fall in the middle here that's a ton of quarters that was the mother lode has a ton of them right there look at all that see if i can keep doing that and work out all those chips and stuff that'd be awesome so all right come on push push nice look at all that that was a ton that fell i think it's doing a lot better on quarters now for some reason a lot better i'm talking about on quarters that's a ton of quarters for women all right mainly going for the left side look those 50s are almost like about to fall oh my goodness holy toledo all right well we got a lot of quarters back perfect all right so my camera kind of cut out on me um let's see so yeah all these chips they're getting close to falling off there's a few stuck back there so i played a little bit more and i didn't even realize my camera turned off for some reason so sorry y'all missed some of it oh that was a ton of quarters that fell that was unbelievable wow so i'm almost about to work out some of these chips like the 50s on the left side there those are getting pretty close come on push oh that was a lot tons of quarters falling there is a hundred dollar chip stuck where did that even fall from i think it's been stuck wait because hold on something ain't right here there is look there's a hundred dollar chip stuck down in there it's like right there y'all might y'all might not be able to see it but i can 100 chips stuck that is so crazy i'll ask them to get that out a little bit later but anyway i think they might have missed one it's stuck right there yeah because i remember when they got that stuff out for me i only got like one one of the hundreds i thought there was two hundreds there when that gift card fell out of there yeah that's probably what it is all right come on push lots of quarters back i'm gonna put all my stuff on this little table over here so yeah a pretty good amount of quarters back that time so finally i cannot believe they've lowered the glass to where it won't stack them up that high anymore that is insane all right all right come on push push this machine is doing extremely well on quarters this time like better than it usually is by far come on push push there i wish there's like a thousand dollar chip in here that would be insane that would be really cool come on push there come on 50 chip fall off of there oh there it went perfect and there's also that other 100 stuff i can barely even see that hundred i think they missed it you know the quarters are doing so much better like so much better we usually don't win many quarters at all but i don't know what's changed about it i might have done some work on it yeah they have changed it up a lot come on uh i don't want to do another buying at all that would be awful i would hate to do another buy-in all right that's all the quarters i have right there i hope that does something good come on nothing really i'm not winning anything back now and half of those are going to go in the gap so i don't do much of anything yeah i went to the owner um let me check and see i may do another 50 buy-in i don't know i mean that 50 is gonna fall right there and that 25 it's working its way toward the edge there is a hundred stuck in there so that's what i'm gonna ask them to get out i'll be back all right so they got that hundred dollar chip out for me it was like pinned in there it was stuck and in the if there was like 50 cents stuck on it so i'm gonna try this last 50 cents it's been it's been a good day it's been a pretty good day i have to admit that even though we lost a little bit you all said you want to see when i lose i mean this is one of those days so one quarter fail come on push well i probably ain't gonna do another buy-in because sometimes you just gotta quit you know you gotta learn to quit so i've spent uh like nine hundred dollars so i doubt we've got a 900 back so i'm going to show you all what we've got today and i'm playing the video all right so this is what we got today this is a whole handful of right here so this right here i'm gonna show you all let's count up the money first so in chips i've got 100 wait let me get them together 150 200 plus another one's 300 350 400 525 bucks plus the mcdonald's gift card that's 25 bucks so 450 dollars right there 450 40 in cash right here plus 30 bucks right here so 70 bucks and two entries into the 500 buy-in bitcoin giveaway so yeah in total that brings 620 plus the two entries into the bitcoin giveaway the 500 buy-in giveaway so i don't know we lost a pretty good amount of money today we got 620 out of 900 back that is 280 loss so we lost 280 but we have been profiting lately so they gotta have their money back somehow so this is what we've got right here this is reality you lose at these machines so i don't really know if the if the glass in the back load is a better is better i don't really know i mean i don't really know but um anyway if y'all did enjoy please leave a like on this video be sure to subscribe if you're new turn on the push button notifications that way you get notified every time i post a video thank y'all for watching have an awesome day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 18,266
Rating: 4.8547339 out of 5
Id: v000ua-tqjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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