High Limit Coin Pusher $1,250 Buy In $5,270 Profit! (MEGA-JACKPOT)

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what is up everybody i am back with another high risk coin pressure video for you all today and as you can see here there is so much money in here look at that there's like thousand dollar chips 500 chips there's a 500 chip in the back too so hopefully we win that and also there's just a bunch of hundred dollar chips 20 bills bitcoins 10 chips one of those 17.95 coins i haven't seen those in there in a while so hopefully we can get that out of there so yeah anyway today's buy-in is a 300 buy and that's what it costed to play 300. so yeah let's get right into it hope you all enjoyed today's video all right so i put about i'm gonna say three dollars in there at once oh my goodness look at all that if that starts to fall off of there i'm going to make a huge profit today [Music] i'd say we'd be able to make our money back at least three hundred dollars but i don't know all right not moving that much i'm hoping that 500 chip falls off there [Music] all right that's almost five six seven eight dollars in that once let's see what happens all right not bad come on [Music] that tower just moved on the left side right there well it's kind of on the left kind of in the middle there we go there's a quarter stuck right here all right we got twenty dollars oh my goodness i didn't even realize it but all those chips kind of like slid backwards that might actually make it easy to win i don't know just keep on trying oh my goodness one of those 500 kills wow oh my goodness look at all those 500s wow oh my goodness i did not expect those to fall off of there well i i'm pretty sure they they'll probably regret that when they see those fell off of there oh my goodness there's a lot of money down here all right so we've almost got our money back we got 220 plus a bitcoin all right and this is how many coins i've got back [Music] so yeah if i can get those 500 chips off of there that we're going to be making thousands of dollars profit today i hope that's how it goes but i don't know let's just keep on trying oh my goodness there goes more 500 there goes more 500 chips look at that that is inside i did not expect those to fall off the top wow [Music] all right let's keep on going [Music] all right that tail is about ready to fall [Music] there goes another 500 off of there [Music] so oh my goodness there goes more 500 wow all right let's see what that does oh guess what looks like we got another two hundred dollars so that is four hundred and twenty dollars i've got back so far so i'm up two and or no let's see well it turns out i am only up 120 dollars i thought it was two hundred and twenty dollars profit i got confused i forgot that the buying was 300 i thought i did a 200 but nope it was a 300 sorry about that [Music] all right let's keep on going [Music] oh my goodness there goes a 500 ship and a bitcoin look at that huge profit can't believe that 500 chip fell off there usually the chips in the back like on the back row there if you all have seen my older videos you all know that those chips usually don't fall off of there i mean maybe they fell off because it was like stacked up i don't know there goes another hundred dollars nice [Music] was that another 500 chip that just fell i believe it was oh my goodness look at that another 500 that is insane that tower's getting pretty close that's only like ten dollar chips though i believe [Music] yeah i don't really care if we won that tower as long as i can get most of those 500 chips out of there i'll be happy tower's about to fall backwards though well it looks like that was all the quarters i had from the buy-in and there's no more well actually there's three more what am i saying i didn't even see these three quarters in here so we got 75 cents left oh i got something else another 500 chip just fell off of there probably on that right side i believe i wasn't paying attention so another 500 dollars that is excellent and we have a dollar 25 in coins back now so i'm hoping we don't have to do another buy-in but it won't hurt to because i've made like a ton of profit so far all right those fell off at the wrong time see all right well i think i'm going to do another well let's see today's buying was a 300 buy and i'm going to do another 200 so that would make a 500 buy and even like those 500 chips are getting pretty close the towers and everything so yeah i'm gonna go get another 200 dollar buy and then i'll be right back all right so i did another 200 buy-in that makes five hundred dollars of spent but i've won over i'm gonna say over two thousand dollars back honestly we've got a lot of money back [Music] there goes another 500 chip in the back [Music] good so good news everybody i'm pretty sure that they are getting a brand new high-risk swim pusher at a different location soon so there should be a new machine on the channel in i don't know hopefully soon they didn't give me a tom but i'm pretty sure soon that's what they said so yeah let me know if y'all are excited about the new machine i wonder if it's going to be as good as this one i don't know i hope it is who knows it might even be better but then it also might be worse i don't know [Music] i can tell you all have probably been getting bored with this same old machine all the time past few videos haven't been like i don't know as like y'all didn't seem to like those videos too much so maybe a new machine would be pretty good i don't know so i hope they get the new machine soon so that'll be more youtube videos for you all [Music] oh my goodness there goes a 1 000 ship it's so close look at that that's probably going to get that off right there oh no i don't know [Music] there we go look at that and another all right look at that that was excellent oh another 500 chip fell off of there look at that i wonder how many 500 dollar chips i've won back so far looks like we got five five hundred dollar chips so two thousand five hundred dollars plus four or 500. you got about 3 000 plus that 20 dollar bill [Music] there we go we got another 500 chip look at that i wonder what type of machine that the brand new high-risk coin pusher is going to be [Music] i kind of hope it's not one of the newer kind because those like you know the ones that you'll see like pizza plus or something like that the ones that you'll see like pizza plus or something those those aren't really that good so i hope it's something like kind of like this one i hope now the original harvest coin pusher was the potto silver machine i'm sure some of you all remember that one if you're if you have been subscribed to the channel since then but i wonder what the new machine is going to be like that 500 chip is closed low on coins again that ain't good not that much fell off of there only 75 cents again look at that honestly i'm pretty sure i'm gonna do another five hundred dollar buy-in because i've done one back three thousand i've won back three thousand dollars just in those five hundred dollar chips all right this is all the coins i've got back got a dollar and 50 cents let's see if we can get that 500 chip off right there [Music] so yeah i'm probably gonna do another 500 buying if i don't get anything here because i've won back so much money one coin fell off didn't get anything back at time so i'm gonna go do another 500 buy-in and i will be right back all right so i did another 500 buy and let's see what that does right there that was about six or seven dollars right there in coins oh my goodness everything just fell off there that time wow that was a lot of money that huge tower just fell off alert [Music] so oh my goodness we got a lot of money [Music] back all right so that's what we got back right there we got a bunch of money back [Music] that hundred dollar chip is about to fall over there there it goes another hundred dollars [Music] so [Music] there we go that other tower just fell off of there nice wow all right that's what we got back right there [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that thousand dollar chip is close right there look at that a thousand dollar chip got really close [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so once these quarters run out i'm probably not going to do another i'm probably not going to do another buy-in so once these quarters are out i think i'm done oh i think we got another 500 chip out of there a 510 look at that all right so that's another 510 dollars right there [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right so another ten dollar chip just fell out of there [Music] look how close that 1000 chip is wow all right well if nothing falls off right here that was my last coin all right 50 cents back that's all i got back all right let's see what happens one quarterback how you still stop this tom 50 cents back i don't know should i do another 2 000 or not 2 000 what am i saying should i do another 200 buy-in what should i do because that one one thousand dollar chip and that 500 and that 500 is very very close what do you all think i'm going to do another 250 buy-in 250 so i will be right back all right so i did another 250 buy-in let's see what happens i know i said 200 but [Music] i why not 250 we'll get more coins for doing that oh it's so close look at that so that makes 1250 dollars i have spent that thousand dollar chip is so close look at that [Music] so there we go [Music] there we go finally that 1 000 chip fell off of there i guess that was worth a 250 dollar buy-in to get a thousand right [Music] wow all right so another one thousand dollars look at that that 500 chip is getting pretty close too look at that one [Music] so oh my goodness another another 500 just fell off on the left side there see it back there all right and that other 500 chip just fell off there look at that all right so we have made a huge profit today [Music] so [Music] all right not bad come on i'm hoping those 500 dollars that one's getting pretty close i don't know [Music] all right there we go not that many coins left we got probably a dollar and 75 cents that's all i got back [Music] all right there we go let's see what happens uh only 75 cents there we go all right so what side do i go for the left side yeah i feel like the left side is going to be pretty good all right second wave all right not bad third wave there we go all right we're back in business now that was excellent there we go we got another bitcoin and a hundred dollar chip nice look at that so for you all who don't know what the bitcoins are they just they're just entries into a five hundred dollar buying giveaway all right there goes more ten dollar chips but i'm pretty sure they got stuck because they're not down there yet oh wait there they go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right not bad come on get them off of there i'm surprised those 500 chips haven't failed yet all right so we got about two or three dollars left [Music] one dollar list let's see what happens so no more buy-ins after this so i have spent 1250. what do you all think i've made back what do y'all think i mean back well we got a lot of 500 chips off of there a lot of 100s and a lot of ten dollar tips and i also got that one thousand dollar chip so that was all my coins i'm gonna count all this stuff up well i got more 75 cents in let's see what happens 50 cents come on oh nothing back well anyway i'm going to count all this up and i'll let you all know how much money i have profited we've definitely made a huge profit today so i will be back all right well i have made a ginormous profit today i have won six thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars on the dot and today's buy-in was one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and we also got back four bitcoins so that is four entries into the 500 buy-in giveaway i i have never won the giveaway so i i don't really care about the bitcoins because i know i'm probably not gonna win but uh anyway so we got four entries and six thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars so that makes five thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars profit that is excellent so anyway if you all enjoyed today's video leave a like subscribe turn on the notifications that way you get notified every single time i post a video i will see you all in the next one and leave me some video ideas and i will talk to them about it and see if they can i don't know i will leave them your all's ideas and hopefully they follow through with them so leave some video ideas down in the comment section below and i will ask them what they can do with it so anyway i will see you all in the next one have a good day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 7,024
Rating: 4.9030838 out of 5
Id: dBOH_c0iCJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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