High Limit Coin Pusher $10,000 Buy In! $21,515 Profit! (MEGA-JACKPOT)

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what is up everybody i'm back with another high risk coin pressure video for you all i've done a lot of videos this weekend um i've been trying to make up for the lack of uploads and stuff so yeah y'all can see it you all obviously know what today's video is going to be up by the title ten thousand dollar buy-in they usually give you around eight bucks and quarters for every hundred dollars you spend but uh now you can choose to do very very very high risk and then they'll put like the high end prizes if you're going to a buy-in 5000 or above so that's a new thing that they're doing i decided might as well do the ten thousand dollar buy in my video that i said if it got 1500 locks i would do um a ten thousand dollar buy-in but uh it hasn't got 1500 likes yet but anyway might as well go ahead and do it right so anyway let's get started as you can see there is a ton of thousand dollar chips in here and like i heard that those yellow chips those are usually like um like a progressive lock if you win them it goes into a thousand dollar buying entry like to a giveaway and i and i usually don't win the giveaway because there's like hundreds of people entering the giveaway because you can buy an entry you can or you can play this and win one or you can play some of the slot machines they have here and win one so uh yeah that's how it's set up and today those yellow chips are face values so 3 000 bucks right there plus there's thousand dollar chips everywhere a ton of them on the edge here and there's like many like lumps or quarters or towers or quarters whatever you want to call them so anyway ten thousand dollar buying this is definitely the only buying i'm gonna be doing today so after the couple quarters is gone that's that's all i'm gonna spend so let's get right into it so i just put about like i'm gonna say five six seven eight bucks in it one time let's see what it does i'm very excited about this okay nothing yet that's all right though we got a second wave come on oh look how close these thousand dollar chips are my goodness it's moving everything i just know i'm gonna get comments on this video saying fake fake i mean believe what you want to believe i don't really care what you believe but this is 100 real this is 100 legit i don't know why i don't explain how i can do this you say how can you gamble at 14. i've done explain this 10 000 times so this is real this is 100 legit so i hope you all enjoyed today's video oh there went 1 000 so we're down 9 000 now oh look that one's getting rid of faults so at least we got a thousand back so far what was that a 50 it looks like okay good start good start i still got a long way to make her money back though so there it goes again oh it just fell backwards look at that that tower of quarters just fell backwards wow i'm just going rapid fire non-stop oh look how many quarters is getting her to fall look how close those towers the chips are look at that one and that one and that one and one over there they're so close okay come on that was good come on push it off of there oh the chips just fell backwards wow there goes a bunch of money oh my goodness there goes something else we just got four 100 chips and a bitcoin wow that is absolutely insane and there's a bunch of stuff stuck to like my goodness there's a lot of stuff stuck i'm gonna have to ask them to get that stuff out real quick i'll be right back look at how much was stuck in there like it was like look at all these chips bunch of hundred dollar chips and a bunch and there's like two one thousand dollar chips and i i dropped it of course like it like every single time i play this game i always drop quarters or something now it's chips but i'm not complaining at all this has been awesome already look two one thousand dollar chips plus a bunch of hundreds that is absolutely amazing do you all think we're going to profit i mean i'm pretty close to getting my money back right now well i don't i wouldn't say close but i'm definitely winning a lot back so i'm hoping i can win a bunch of quarters back too and all these chips right here it is stacked up look at how many quarters is in the machine that is crazy let's just keep going so do y'all like my new camera i know the video quality turns out a little bit better now there goes looks like another 100 chip it's really good come on push it off there look at that tower getting ready to fall off in the corner over there that's a lot that is a lot of money right there we still got oh my goodness that was a ton of quarters that just fell we still got that many quarters let them cook so i know it looks like i'm winning a lot but just keep in mind i spent 10 grand on the buy-in so we got to make that much back before we can start propping so but i'd say we'll probably make 10 grand back pretty quick because look at all these towers and all that all those chips in there all oh no look that tower of chips is getting out of fall back getting ready to fall backwards oh there it goes it just fell backwards and look all that cash is back on the back there wow this is absolutely insane my goodness we're winning a ton of money back oh my goodness look at how piled up it is [Music] okay come on push push them off okay not bad not bad it is too piled up to win from like look at how piled up it is my goodness this is insane everybody [Music] oh my goodness there was a lot of chips right there [Music] look how close all that is right here watch that might get it bunch of quarters fell off of there that's good oh my goodness we got a lot of quarters back i'm gonna go ahead and do a collection and i'll be right back there goes a bunch more that fell off of there okay you all will not believe this i ended up winning a full cup of quarters back so we're not losing in quarters anytime soon at all we got a lot of quarters to play with now look so there's a bunch there's a hundred dollar chip getting ready to fall off right there a few 500s and uh a huge tower on the left side that's moving it's getting ready to fall off there that's just rapid fire again oh that was pretty good i'm just surprised on how many quarters has fallen out of there that's a lot that is a lot there we go we got a lot of chips out of that push right there oh my goodness i didn't realize it but 1500 bucks just fell out i thought it was like a 50 chip or something wow this is absolutely amazing all right come on that's going to be a very good one look at that come on push them off of there those 500 chips are getting her to fall off right there look at that there we go got a bunch of quarters back and we're not even halfway done with the quarters we got in the cup wow this is you know i kind of like doing the um the huge buy-in like the ten thousand dollar buying because what they do if you choose to do a buy-in above five thousand they will uh load it up with the high-end prizes like this like thousand dollar chips 500 chips and stuff so that's how they do it oh look at that it's it's gonna fall oh my god that was a lot of money that just now fell oh my goodness hang on i'm gonna get all these chips out here we just won look at this 2 100 bucks right here you all think we're gonna make a profit what do you all think look at all those chips on the left side getting ready to fall off there too and right here that's a lot that is a lot of money getting there to fall that one was excellent come on push not bad not bad all right let's see come on push them up there we just got a bunch more chips i think the chips are getting stuck again there's a ton of chips stuck i'm gonna have to go ask them to get that out real quick before i start winning a bunch more stuff because i want everything to get clogged up all right that's all we got left in the cup here plus there's a a lot of them down there at the bottom so i might ask them to get the chips that got stuck out and i'll be right back all right so they got all those chips out and uh it was a lot like so there was an extra 2500 that was stuck and i didn't even know about it that is amazing i'm going to lay all my chips over here on this table that way that if they need to get back in the machine to fix something i won't have to take everything off the top of the machine because i've worn a lot of chips it'd just be it'd take longer so just making it easier on them and myself come on push can we get to 5 000 likes on this video 5 000 likes can we do it 5000 locks oh there goes that hundred dollar bill that was that fell back it's not really doing much now for some reason i i just said that and we won a lot i wonder if that tower of them on the right side here is gonna fall off and i know those on the left not i'll scoot the camera back so y'all can get like a wider view of the machine is that good you all let me know if the if the view is good down in the comment section so i'm gonna do a collection i'm gonna put all the quarters back in the cup and i'll be right back okay you all will not believe this i had to go ask them for a like ziploc sandwich bag to put all these quarters in because they would not fit in this blue cup right here it was like overflowing like they kept falling out like i couldn't even fit all my quarters into that cup so i had to ask for a plastic bag my goodness we have won a lot of quarters so i'm in profit with the quarters that i started with and in uh the chips i don't know if we got i don't know if i've won uh let's see i don't know if i've won 10 grand yet but we're getting pretty close to that i know that just keep on playing [Music] okay that one was pretty good come on push there we go we got a lot of quarters off of that lips on there i'm going for that tower that's about to fall off right there i see a few thousand dollar chips a few 500 tips and a bunch of 25 tips look at how close everything is up right here like in the middle everything's just stuck there we go we got a few 500 chips off of that one bad news there's a few of them stuck wait there it went it ain't stuck no more you know what i think i'm gonna use the sandwich bag to put my uh the chips that i've worn in i might do that i don't know there we go that was a ton of them that just failed that was a lot oh my goodness there was a 600 bucks that just there goes a bunch more quarters wow got a bunch of quarters down there so far so i'm gonna get everything situated and i'll be right back so i put all the chips that i've worn in this plastic bag right here so we'll have to leave them over there on that table just set those on top of the machine and uh i put most of my quarters back in the cup so what i'm gonna do if it's like if it's overflowing and all the quarters that i've one can't fit in the cup i'm just gonna leave them down at the bottom then when i'm ready to go i'm gonna put everything in the plastic bag so i figured out how to do it so i'm gonna have to start bringing a bigger cup here like if i'm gonna keep doing these big buy-ins i'll need to have a big cup of corn i may give up on the right side for a while and try for the left side because there's that huge tower i'm getting ready to fall off there we go perfect look at all that in the middle getting ready to fall that is a lot [Music] so oh my gosh that was insane how much stuff just fell look at that 2050 bucks plus a bitcoin the bitcoin uh those are just like entries into a 500 dollar buying giveaway like i said i never even win the giveaway so i don't usually pay too much attention to the bitcoins anymore i mean they're still good to win though but so i'm gonna put all those chips and that bitcoin in the bag up here and i'm just going to keep on playing so yeah let's try to get 5000 likes on this video so i'm gonna need every single person watching this to hit that like button if we can get to 5 000 likes i might even do a 20 000 a 20 000 buy-in i don't know just have to wait and see but anyway i think we just won a bunch more cheap wait i thought we did they might be stuck no i don't think we want any chips thought we did let's not have that 500 is getting ready to fall off of there there we go we have won a lot of quarters back there goes another 500 dollars wow 500 bucks right there that should get that one oh look how close that 500 chip is that should get it not a bunch more quarters though that's still all right oh there goes that thousand dollar chip i think that's face value so there's another thousand dollars you know i think we're in profit now i think we're in profit it's stuck though so i have to ask him to get that out there goes another 500 chip oh it fell out but the 500 chip is stuck look at that 1000 bucks right there that is perfect and there goes the 500 chip the quarters went ahead and pushed that out so we still got a bunch of quarters left in the cup up here so i'm just going to keep on trying to win all these chips out of here so stay tuned to the end so you all will know how much i ended up winning so yeah like i said earlier a lot of people are probably gonna comment saying fake fake fake i know i mean believe what you want to believe i mean so yeah there's always going to be that person who always comments and says this is fake this is fake you're in your basement i mean believe what you want to believe i mean but this is 100 real i've done explained this like a thousand times how i can do this this is a private game room guys this is a private game this is not in a basement this is this is a gamer this is an actual private residence game i've done explained it i don't need to keep on explaining it so i mean if you comment that i'm not gonna reply because i've done explained it in so many my videos go and check my old videos so you all understand how i can do this but anyway this is not fake i mean if you keep on thinking that it is i mean i don't care if you think that's what it is [Music] but yeah this is 100 real i've explained how i can do this this is not an actual casino top place it's a private game room owned by family members so yeah a private game room owned by family members so yeah that's how i can do it look at that thousand dollar chip right there it is so close it's very very close [Music] foreign i think we've won some more uh is there any chips stuck i don't think there is but look at that left side right here they're they're all about to fall off on that left side so i doubt all these quarters down here that i've won are gonna fit in this cup right here i mean i'm using the sandwich bag to put the chips in so whenever they have to get something out that's stuck i won't have to gather each chip one by one and then set them over there on that table while they get it out and then just bring all the chips back so just put them in the plastic bag that's the smartest thing to do right so anyway i'm gonna put most of the quarters that i want inside this cup so i'll be right back okay so i could fit pretty much all the quarters i want in it except for like maybe five bucks so let's just get right back into playing here i'm going for that huge tower that's about to fall on that left side there because there's a few thousand dollar chips five hundred dollar chips and there's also a thousand one getting ready to fall off right there how much profit do you all think we're gonna make today i'm gonna say at least 500 bucks profit that is amazing like there we go you got a i think a 25 chip off of there but that tower is moving and that thousand dollar chip in the middle just fell off of there that is amazing try to get it out there okay here it is perfect put the chips in the bag up there so how much do you all think i'm gonna have by the end of this video how much do you all think i'm gonna end up winning so this is probably going to be a very long video so i hope you enjoyed and if you did enjoy hit that like button and subscribe [Music] all right not bad not bad come on a few more fell off there [Music] that one was pretty good come on get them off there okay not bad there we go it is doing excellent today like we are winning so much money out of this thing today it's insane but i just can't believe we're winning that much i usually don't win that much unless i do like a huge buy-in like that so maybe it is better to do the big buy-ins because oh my gosh that was a lot that just fell off there 500 chip right there we've got a decent amount of quarters down there already so how much do y'all think we're going to end up winning you don't have to comment and say just just take a guess take a guess so like 1 250. 5 650 just yes [Music] i just keep dropping so many quarters they just won't stop falling okay that one was pretty good perfect a bunch on the right side there and there goes another chip you i seen a 500 on fall trying to pick up the quarters that just failed all right i got him look i'm there's still a bunch of thousand dollar ones getting ready to fall off and that tower of them on the left side i'm going for that all right come on push them off of there there we go look at that that that's a thousand fifty getting ready to fall off of there look at that there it goes this is amazing all right let me gather up all the chips i've just now won so there's 1500 1650 right there so i've spent 10 grand and i've probably won that back already i want to win that tower of chips on the left side there okay not bad still going [Music] well they wasn't too smart to put all these quarters in there because that's just making me win [Music] i'm hoping that tower of them on the left side falls it's just like it's not moving at all everything else is moving okay not bad not bad there we go look at all that on the right side there we go that was perfect there goes the 50 chip i think a few of them is stuck yep looks like a 25 chip got stuck i'll ask him to get that here in a minute but look another 1075 dollars that is just perfect that is absolutely insane i just keep dropping quarters all the time so anyway that's all i got left in the cup and they're like overflowing down there in the hoppers where i've been one all those quarters and stuff so i'm gonna try for the left side a little bit and on the right side just see if i can when that tower of them alright come on push look at that that was insane a thousand dollar chip [Music] and that 25 chip ain't stuck anymore so that's good all right i'm gonna do a collection after it stops pushing here okay there goes 50 more cents look at that that is going to fall that is like 2025 bucks right there it looks like it so i'll be right back okay we got about as much as we did last time i filled up the cup of quarters plus there's around i'm gonna say 10 15 down there at the bottom i had to leave in there so yeah we are definitely in profit now because it's been a thousand dollar chip after a thousand dollar chip five hundred dollar chips i don't know how much i thought but i know i'm in a huge [Music] profit look at that that is that is just amazing look there it goes again 2025 right there and that bitcoin is getting ready to fall that is just amazing that is amazing i just can't believe we've won this much it's hard to believe so yeah let's i'm gonna finish up the full cup of quarters and see if that tower falls off on the left side [Music] all right come on all right not bad not bad [Music] so now there goes that bitcoin that was pretty good [Applause] those 500 chips on the right side just moved a little bit so since those are stuck on the right side this is a perfect opportunity to just play on the left side i want to win that tower chips right there so bad [Music] i mean it has moved a little bit but not [Music] much we're getting a lot of quarters back but not that tower [Music] i just keep dropping my quarters all right there goes three come on get that get that towel we got a bunch of quarters right there though that was that's pretty good all right that one was pretty good come on [Music] it's moving but it just won't move that tower of chips right there [Music] yeah i'm about to give up on that tower on the left side here it's just not moving it's just not moving at all [Music] so okay not bad not bad [Music] all right hopefully that one gets that tower down i doubt it will though all right perfect come on look at that that was an amazing push right there [Music] look at that perfect that was amazing not bad not bad at all come on 500 chips that one's getting ready to fall right there that 500 chip so i'm gonna do a collection um the cup is empty i'll be right back okay so the cup of quarters is full and uh there's still a bunch more down at the bottom there that couldn't that couldn't fit in the cup so still a bunch down here so anyway this is what i ended up winning out of that whole cup of quarters i got 100 bucks plus a bitcoin so not too bad at all so do y'all think that tower of chips is gonna fall off on the left side there i don't know if it will or not there we go 500 chip right there perfect and of course i drop it i was trying to put it in the bag but it ended up falling off the machine see that stuff right there is trying to slide backwards so so [Music] so [Music] all right not bad not bad look at all that getting ready to fall off right there that is a ton of quarters plus there's like a thousand dollar chip a few 500 chips there we go but that tower of chips on the left side is still not fell off of there it's not stuck or anything cause [Music] there we go all right come on get that tower off of there there when a 25 chip not bad there it is [Music] so this has been one of the best times i've ever had at this high risk coin brusher this is the most money i've ever worn and on top of that this is this is the most quarters i've ever dropped in one video so yeah uh i did a gaming video the other day i did a gaming video the other day and that video didn't get really hardly any support i mean i probably won't be doing gaming ever again so yeah not doing gaming anymore on my channel because [Music] all that all gaming is going to do is push away pretty much all my subscribers so pretty much i won't get any support on the coin pressure videos if i keep doing things you all don't want to see like gaming and stuff and i mean gaming it's just like hard to to record on the xbox and then then send it to my phone then i edit it through the computer it's just it's too big of a process but filming the coin pressure videos you just film that then edit i usually edit the coin picture videos on my phone then i just go on the computer and and put the end screen on it and i have to turn on monetization that way i can get the ads on it that's how i get paid from the videos [Music] so that's pretty much how i edited it some of y'all are wondering how all right come on push look at that big bunch of quarters right there that's a lot [Applause] well for some reason that uh that stack of chips over there on the left side ain't even moving at all [Music] so [Music] there we go i'm just very surprised that there was this many quarters in it when i came in [Music] here look at that thousand dollar chip getting ready to fall off that is face value too so there's another thousand if i can win that and those chips on the left side it's like halfway off the edge more than halfway well definitely getting a lot of quarters back i know that [Music] all right that one was excellent come on push yeah that thousand dollar chip is sliding backwards so i don't know if we're going to win that thing or not [Music] they talked about adding some new things to the machine like some i don't know what they was talking about hmm trying to trying to remember let me think a minute they talked about adding some like trying to remember y'all trying to remember i don't know what they was talking about adding to the machine but it was like something like maybe a change in the buy-in price i'm not sure i just have to ask them again then i'll let you all know but anyway i'm gonna do a collection of all the quarters i just won and i'll be right back all right full cup of quarters again plus there's even more down there at the bottom than there was last time so i keep winning more quarters back every time i finish putting all the quarters in from the cup so we're making profit with the quarters and the chips so my goal is to get that tower of them off on the left side there and maybe that 500 chip that tower is definitely not going to fall because it's barely even moved and that thousand dollar chip right there if we can win that i'm going to be happy and then i'll probably quit while i'm ahead [Music] good so there we go look at that that was an insane drop right there [Music] now they're all stuck back there there they go they're not stuck anymore [Music] it's getting everything except that tower i don't understand why oh look at that there's 1025 bucks getting her to fall off right now look at that there it goes that that's the first that's the first uh chips i've worn in a while look at that well the 25 got stuck i think i don't know where it went but it ain't down at the bottom [Music] [Music] look at that that is perfect that 500 chip right there is so close look at that it moved a little bit i don't know where that 25 chip fell but it fell i seen it yeah it's probably stuck i can't see it but just keep on trying [Music] so okay not bad second wave come on push look at that is absolutely insane [Music] we might end up winning every single chip and every single dollar in this machine yeah but that tower moved just a little bit but not much all right there goes a bunch of cash getting ready to fall out oh the tower just fell look it's stuck so that means they'll probably give that to me i'm not sure but [Music] look at that that is insane i'm gonna have to ask them if i can claim that tower or not i mean it is stuck y'all say look it's stuck right here against the glass and all that stuff is getting ready to fall out of there too so let me put a few more quarters in on the right side i'm going to try to go for that lump of caster out there [Music] all right come on push look at that that is insane it's getting hard to fall off it just moved again so basically here's how they here's how they operate here if something is stuck against the glass here and it's not touching the glass and it won't fall if it won't fall out you can just ask them to get that out and it's yours pretty much that's how it works yeah there's a few quarters stuck in the back right there so i might ask them to get my prizes out and fix that those quarters that are stuck back there so i'll be right back look right here they gave me that whole entire tower right there because it was stuck look at this a few 1 000 chips a bunch of 500 chips 50 chips and 25 chips plus we got 15 in cash here that's not too bad they usually don't put cash in it much anymore i don't understand why but i wish they would start putting cash in it and something different you know i mean i mean i wish they'd put something different in it for once like like gold or something like that and try to win or different kind of coins to win i mean it's kind of getting boring the same old thing i mean don't don't get me wrong i love winning chips cause it's money but like i just wish they'd put something else in there every now and then to make the same amount of money you know so anyway i'm gonna cut the chips in the bag right here and uh i'm gonna do a collection of my quarters and i'm gonna probably try for those 500 chips and maybe that thousand right there and i'm probably gonna be done for today okay i could pretty much fit all the quarters i've worn into the cup this time so that means we've lost i had quite a few dollars in quarters i'm gonna say around 15 bucks and quarters i've lost but that's still all right because as long as we have enough to keep playing and stuff so there's an extra 1500 2 000 plus that thousand one so i'm gonna go for about another thousand there we go something else just fell too a bunch of quarters still i just can't believe that tower on the left side decided to fall i didn't think it was gonna fall off at all [Music] [Music] there we go not bad look at that on the right side here that is insane there's a huge tower of chips and i know those probably won't fall off of there but you know that's all right though we've won a lot today i bet i'm definitely in a huge profit i definitely made a huge profit i know that for a fact all right let's see what that one does come on push them off and of course i keep dropping my quarters it's funny cause in every single video i always end up dropping my quarters now they're getting stuck back there again there they go [Music] all right not bad come on there goes a bunch of quarters off of that left side over there there goes a bunch more all right not bad not bad there we go [Music] that thousand dollar chip is moving over here on the left side but that right side over there they're just not going to fall off i'm just going to play on the left side for the rest of the time it's not really moving see it's just not i don't know if it's going to fall off of there or not i don't know should i keep on trying for it i mean i've got the quarters to play but i just don't know if it'll fall off or [Music] not [Music] i've been playing for a few minutes and uh i haven't really got it to move much it's like right there on the edge now look at that [Music] yeah i'd say we're gonna get that chip to fall off of there [Music] um [Music] all right not bad not bad [Music] so all right not bad at all come on one thousand dollar chip fall off of there [Music] look how close it is all right that was a pretty good push right there come on look at all those quarters getting ready to fall all right well we got a bunch of quarters down here at the bottom i'm just going to rapid fire on the left keep trying to win that thousand dollar chip [Music] look how close it is i think that thing's gonna fall right off of there here in just a second [Music] [Music] all right come on fall off of there it's closed look how close it is oh my goodness i'm glad i i'm glad i continued trying to trying to go for that [Music] it is so close so not bad not bad at all all right i'm just gonna rapid fire this time both sides look at that there it goes perfect this has been the best this is pretty much this right here is pretty much my best day i've ever had on this high limit coin pusher okay there goes a few more come on push yeah i don't think anything on that right side is gonna be falling off anytime soon there goes three more look at those getting ready to fall right there so i'm gonna put in like one i'm gonna try a lot 50 cents and see if i can make a profit with just 50 cents nope i'm gonna try another 50 cents there goes one and we got a few off of there there goes another one all right anyway here's the thousand dollar chip right here now the moment you all have been waiting for i'm through playing by the way how much do you all think i've profited and one like in total how much you all think so i'm gonna go count every bit of this up and i will let you all know here in just a few minutes so well for y'all it'll be a few seconds cause i'll be back there goes a few more quarters look at that so i'll be right back i will let you all know take a take a guess right now just guess what you all think i've won in total i'll be right back you all are not going to believe it you all will not believe how much money i've i've won and profited i won 31 515 plus two bitcoins and some the cash goes with the money so 31 515 let me try to think of how much i profited so that's 20 100 i know 515 dollars profit 21 515 bucks profit that is absolutely insane so i'm gonna go trade all these chips in for cash and i'm cashing out this is the biggest profit i've ever made so if y'all want to see more videos like this hit that subscribe button turn on the notifications that way you get notified for every time i upload a video and hit that like button subscribe let's try to get 5 000 likes on this video 5 000 likes i know we can do it and try to get a coin pusher man that's that's his channel name coin pusher man try to get him up to 1300 subs by halloween i think that's what he said so he does awesome coin pusher videos too so go and check him out i'll put his channel at the end of the video here it'll probably be on the right the top right of the screen so anyway go and check him out and i will see you all in the next one but i still cannot believe we profited right we got 21 515 dollars profit that is absolutely insane so i'm gonna go cash everything out and get paid so anyway see you all in the next one hope y'all enjoy you
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 199,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VkfgEEc1A8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 29sec (4469 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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