HUGE Coffee Creamer Review - Which Ones To Buy & Avoid!

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hey what is up Flav City family it is Bobby back at the grocery store to do a complete breakdown of coffee creamers which was a hugely requested video idea recently on the community tab so pay sticker comes down to two things really bad coffee creamers and really good coffee creamers what you want to look for is ones that are low in sugar because there's a lot of sugar they sneak into these things and ones that use real ingredients whether that's real milk and real cream or almond milk and almond cream you gotta look for those because a lot of these especially these right here don't even have any kind of dairy it's all sugar and oil and a horrible ingredients so before we start hey hook me up subscribe to my channel because every week we are rocking three videos one live cooking stream during the week and two videos on the weekend better yet click that little bell icon or right below the video because you get a push notification as soon as we go live and trust me these live streams during the week are really really fun they cook a recipe from start to finish you do not want to miss out on that gonna start with the bad ones some of the ones we might know and the ones that are in the office break rooms and stuff like that at work the powderized coffee creamers any kind of these are a no-go because if you look at the back there's absolutely no dairy in here they always start with sugar corn syrup solids and look at that hydrogenated vegetable oil they're literally putting trans fats in here why are they doing that it's shelf-stable consider a long time and makes a really silky creamy texture the trans fats are so bad foo you want to stay away from those the dairy ish in this item would be sodium caseinate that would come from the KCM and artificial flavorings then there's these pods what else a kid and my parents were taking out the dinner I used to chug the half and a half pods that were on the table I think that was pure half and a half but this one isn't so these do you think there might be some dairy in here well look at the ingredients right there's no dairy it's always a mix of water cane sugar and palm oil then they have the artificial flavorings this is where the sugar starts to get kind of scary there's five grams of sugar for one little creamer container here that's over a teaspoon of sugar so we're getting way too high there this one I had to bring in from another store I knew some of you would ask about this this is Walden farms they're famous for making their zero calories zero fat coffee creamers and more importantly their salad dressings this stuff is toxic this will never come anywhere near the Bobby approved list because look at the ingredients instead of putting fat in here and calories the first ingredient is water then food coloring carrageenan cream flavor and a bunch of preservatives and chemicals you're much better off getting the dairy and/or fat and a little bit of sugar if you're gonna do it then all this fake stuff it will wreak havoc on your stomach your intestines and your gut bacteria stay away from this stuff and these salad dressings it's bad news okay so this is the shelf stable stuff let's go over to the refrigerator case and see if there's anything over there that's worth taking a peek at all right before we move on to the creamers I almost forgot it's giveaway time my friends we've bent down to giveaway on the channel forever so I'm gonna give away three instant pots to three lucky fans all you have to do to enter is number one subscribe to the channel number two like the video and number three leave a comment down below saying that you entered so I know that you entered for the instant pot it's gonna be a good one so good luck so you would hope once you go to the refrigerated section and grab stuff like international delight and coffee-mate they might have some dairy in here I mean heck it's in the refrigerator case right but if you look at the ingredients here nope no dairy at all it's a combination once again of water sugar and vegetable oil that's what makes it creamy super bad news in addition to that and the other fake ingredients it also has carrageenan in here carrageenan is the emulsifier that comes from seaweed the problem is it's a very disruptive to your gut and your gut bacteria most products don't use it anymore and the sugar is way too much one tablespoon of this creamer has 5 grams of sugar I think most people use at least 3 to 4 tablespoons you're talking about upwards of 15 of 20 grams of sugar in here so that's a no America does run on Dunkin but they do not run on the Dunkin creamer although I give him credit look at the ingredients here there is skim milk in here but they do put carrageenan palm oil I mean it does have two grams of sugar but I would not be adding this low quality product to your coffee now on the plus side here's a decent one silk the downside is that it's made with soy the good news is that it's non-gmo soy we talked about this last week in the non-dairy milk video I tend to shy away from soy milk for estrogen purposes a lot of you guys disagree with that but I think they come both disagree I think you both agree that we don't use too much coffee creamer so using this would be okay and there's one gram of sugar in here so I'm totally fine with that this is kind of cool so now coffee mate is making these natural bliss lines which actually if you read the ingredients has milk has cream sugar and natural flavor so it's only four ingredients the problem is once again it's 5 grams of sugar per serving serving as a tablespoon so it's a little high for me but at least using real ingredients so this would be a great sub for the fake ones natural bliss also makes non-dairy one so they make coconut and almond milk this is almond milk does have the same amount of sugar unfortunately but it's pretty cool and they're doing the alternatives still too much sugar for me but it's a nice option all these other ones like take a look at this are the flavors here it's like Cold Stone Creamery Oreos Reese's peanut butter cups these are all not only loaded with sugar but they have tons of fake ingredients but this was the bad stuff right let's go to another grocery store and see much better alternatives to put in your coffee because we can do a lot better than this alright new store much better options here and let's start off with a shelf stable one nut pods these definitely get the Bobby seal of approval because they're tasty they're creamy and if you look at the ingredients very very clean water coconut cream almonds couple of Mull suppliers but you might ask yourself why is this nut pod on the Shelf like this and the one that I grabbed a second ago in the refrigerator case cold it's all about pasteurization we talked about this last week in the non-dairy a nut milk review after this video watch that one we break down every single dairy alternative possible this one here is high temperature short time pasteurized meaning there's more nutrients and enzymes in here because it doesn't have that super high temperature so it has to be refrigerated whereas this one here is ultra high temperature meaning it has a shelf life of over a year some of the nutrients get destroyed but it's good to have a couple of these in your pantry now what's great about these nut paws is that all of them are on sweetened including french vanilla including hazelnut how they get that kind of bothers me a little bit in that there's no sugar so how did they get this hazelnut flavor read that ingredient right there natural flavorings we're talking about this more I'm gonna make a whole video about natural flavorings it's not a regulated term by the government and there's nothing natural about natural flavorings at all the rule is as long as the origin the first ingredient is natural hazelnut or a vanilla you can add as many chemicals to it as you want and still call it a natural flavor totally deceiving unfortunately it's in hundreds and hundreds of products here at the grocery store I'm still gonna say it's okay you might want to stick with the regular one that doesn't have the natural flavorings but it's really becoming a problem now there's a ton more refrigerated cold creamers I'm gonna grab those because we don't want to film over there we don't want to get kicked out I'm gonna bring them back over here so give me a second all right my friends I'm locked and loaded with tons of really high-quality creamers that I want to share with you first off we'll start with this one Alethea farms they make a really good almond and coconut cream based creamer the only thing I don't like about Kalifa is that it's not organic almonds and we talked about it once again last week in the non-dairy review milk video almond trees are very heavily sprayed around the base with pesticides it's not for the almond tree itself it's so it kills all of the shrubbery in the grass so when they shape the trees they have nothing impeding the pickup process unfortunately a lot of that are pesticides soaks into the almond trees so I wish it was organic almonds but you're only gonna use a little bit so it's okay but what makes this so good is the fact that it's almond milk and coconut cream coconut cream is dairy free and really thick and luscious there's a few mall suppliers in here which happens with all nut milks but this is fantastic so is the almond milk creamer that has the hazelnut they use the natural flavorings again what are you gonna do you know there's only two grams of sugar in here and also the Khalifah better half and a half this stuff is thick and creamy and once again it has almond milk and coconut cream makes a mean dairy-free creamer now one of the themes are seeing with all these high-quality creamers that they have coconut cream in there coconut cream is super thick and creamy about what you can do if you want to save money go online or go to the store and buy coconut milk powder I have the stuff in my pantry all the time and you can stir that directly in the coffee or if we go on Amazon you can get coconut cream powder so even thicker it has a crazy long shelf life next up I do want to warn you about these barista blends we talked about it again last week any time you get the almond milk or the soy milk or the oat milk barista blends they're very high in oils and emulsifiers and if you have a sensitive stomach it's gonna upset your tummy I used to get these oat milk lattes at the coffee shop but it really upset my stomach so something to keep in mind for that now sticking with it dairy free this is cashew based half and a half this is delicious I've had it at home it's cashew and coconut cream a little bit of dates for a sweetener but it's a trivial amount and then some gums this is a great alternative - then we go to peas the ripple half-and-half is really nice because it's not only P base but it has a good amount of protein in there because peas are high in protein it has a nice thick consistency and that works too now if you want to go back to dairy though this is probably one of the best ones you can get the organic valley is organic cream so look at the ingredients here Organic grade a milk and organic grade a cream because when you have organic dairy the nutritional profile is way higher it has higher omega-3s the good ones lower omega-6 is the bad ones and higher clas the conjugated linoleic acids much better than organic so this is one of the better ones but it doesn't have three and a half grams of sugars per tablespoon which is a little hot then so delicious makes a really nice coconut creamer here and only has five ingredients which is really nice we're talking about coconut milk water once again coconut cream and emulsifiers so these are great dairy for alternative I'm telling you that coconut cream is where it's at what else do I have in here the 365 brand it's actually nice because there's three ingredients it's a nonfat milk cream and cane sugar but once again they're sneaking in the sugar if they made a pure unsweetened version of this I'd be ok with that so these are great mixes of dairy and non-dairy creamers that aren't too high in sugar but some of the best coffee creamers right now aren't available in any store I've seen their online specifically Amazon and there's a few I wanted to go over because the ingredients are literally next level layered superfood coffee creamer Laird Hamilton does that ring a bell he's like the world famous surfer married to Gabrielle Reece the world famous beach volleyball player he came up with a coffee creamer that is probably best in class it's a little expensive but the ingredients are organic coconut milk powder aqua min which is a marine algae very good for you and organic extra virgin coconut oil they have chocolate turmeric original very very low in sugar I'll put the amazon link down below that's fantastic there's one called picnic creamer it's on Amazon it's perfect for keto because it's MCT and grass-fed butter with a little bit of whey protein powder so it does have a bit of dairy but that jacks up the protein and MCT oil really really good quality creamer and then bulletproof the ones who invented the bulletproof coffee have an instant mix a powder and a powder only has grass-fed butter and MCT oil once again I'm putting all these ones in the description box because you can only get them on Amazon there's one called Omega power creamer super clean ingredients we're talking grass-fed Yee organic coconut oil organic MCTS and organic cacao powder no sugar vital proteins collagen creamer which is really cool because I'm all about collagen I put collagen peptides in my smoothies every day because as you get older your natural collagen and your body wears down that is a great supplement to get it back up also collagen is super good for your hair your skin your nails your teeth is one called LevelUp keto creamer that's really crippling all grass-fed including grass-fed collagen peptides and there's one called coffee booster which is really really good too so between online and good-quality stores like this you can get creamers that are low in sugar actually use organic ingredients and our dairy or non dairy so there's a lot of options to choose from but stay away from the ones that we grew up with or the ones that they have in the work office those powders those little cups they're all fake they're all sugar loaded they're all highly processed oil noted you don't want those at all right these are the ones you want so I hope now we know which ones to choose and which ones to stay away from all right my friends that is it art and I just cracked another hall like a boss guys make sure you enter the giveaway three instant pots coming your way all you have to do once again is subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment down below saying that you entered it's a pretty sweet giveaway art big jump let us know what video you want to see next we got a laundry list of good ideas but I want to hear more we have two more of those hauls going below us right now but art and I will see you very soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 1,114,981
Rating: 4.9398708 out of 5
Keywords: coffee creamer, coffee creamer powder, coffee creamer alternatives, coffee creamer on keto, coffee creamer substitute, coffee, creamer, coffee mate, best coffee creamer, creamers, international delight, french vanilla creamer, coffee creamers, coffee mate french vanilla, coffee mate creamer, non dairy creamer, dairy free creamer, best dairy free creamer, dairy free coffee creamer, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: WycdnKeok6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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