Is Anything Healthy At McDonald's? | With Full Menu Review

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player city fam we are here we've arrived at mcdonald's because we're continuing the new series of fast food reviews and this is not going to be an easy feat but i want to challenge myself because some people have to go to mcdonald's while you're traveling your kids want to go here and i want to do a review and say if you got to go to mickey d's what are the healthiest options talking about breakfast lunch burgers chicken sandwiches even some coffee drinks we're going to review them all it ain't going to be easy but i think we could do it together and find some decent options now before we go into the golden arches like subscribe share my friends it's the only way the channel keeps growing but it's also the only way we help you i'll put the best quality stuff in your body okay knock on wood let's hope you can find some good food in mickey d's we've got everything ordered we actually had to get here around 10 15 to order breakfast and then wait 15 minutes for the lunch menu to uh arrive that way we can order everything so there was a bit of logistics but we got all of the favorite menu items and i figure we gotta start with the granddaddy of them all and this used to be my favorite one the big mac before i go into the ingredients which i will warn you are a little scary i gotta taste it right it's part of the video oh my god oh my god look at that wow mcdonald's prides himself on consistency and i swear i haven't had that and probably 25 years and it tastes the exact same my brain is like wow okay so this is not one of the healthier menu options i'd get here at mcdonald's because if you pull out the old notes here right investigative bobby reporter on the scene here the bun is the bun right it's in rich flour it has soybean oil i'm fine with that they're not great ingredients but it's par for the course for any kind of fast food panera even chick-fil-a like we've done the beef is 100 usda inspected beef meaning there's no fillers there's no extenders there's no fake beef you're not getting top quality beef by any chance but there's no fillers in there right so it is pure beef my main issue with the big mac which i got right now my taste buds are on fire is the sauce right the big mac secret sauce i have a problem with the secrets it's made of soybean oil that's fine okay chick-fil-a sauce is made of soybean oil we never cook with soybean oil at home right can you buy soybean oil at the grocery store no it's a very cheap neutral flavored oil that's gmo the problem is it's so sweet and i can still taste the sugar on my taste buds the relish in the secret sauce has sugar high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup and then another dose of sugar later on so there's four kinds of sugar in here two of which are gmo high fructose corn syrup or if you get this in the uk and other countries they can't use that they ban gmo high fructose corn syrup they have to use real sugar or non-gmo glucose syrup so that's kind of crazy with that but in addition to that they have something called propylene glycol alginate i don't think i've ever seen that ingredient in food before um i'll have to look up what that is it's got to be either a stabilizer or emulsifier but in the sauce in that pink sauce they put caramel coloring caramel coloring to some people is known as a carcinogen and its primary reason is to make food look more brown you'll see it often in like stocks and broths to make it look more brown but they're putting it in the secret sauce which last time i checked is pink i don't think it needs that brown color and then one of the most disturbing things any sandwich that comes with the pickles right the pickles that are so darn good i've never seen ingredients in pickles that have so many preservatives potassium sorbet is a really nasty preservative you normally see in deli meat it's in the pickles and polysorbate 80 is an emulsifier but there's a food grade and a cosmetics grade like for makeup and they're putting the food grade supposedly in here the secret sauce is unfortunately not where it's at so i would put that down and instead i would get this one this is what i ordered specifically for the video this is a double quarter pounder and the reason why i like this is there's no sauce on here so what i would do is order a double quarter pounder get rid of the top bun here oh my god if you want a burger this is your best option here because you don't have that nasty sauce when you get rid of one of the buns which is horrible ingredients tons of carbs in times of processed wheat but the ketchup i would maybe ask without ketchup because this ketchup is the traditional american ketchup like a heinz that has high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup if you get this burger in many other countries including in the uk they can't put the corn syrup in there they have to put cane sugar in there so i would get this double quarter pounder maybe no cheese but to be honest the cheese isn't terrible no ketchup and just do one bun that's what i would get for sure way better than the big mac because that secret sauce that big mac sauce they should keep it a secret it ain't good right okay we gotta go to the fries these are just sitting in front of me calling my name let me get my notes here because these fries unfortunately have a very unique aspect to them that i don't like but let's see not as good as i remember they've been sitting a few minutes but much prefer the waffle fries at a chick-fil-a bread interesting and actually i'll say ingredient-wise those are better this is interesting in the french fries are a couple ingredients i've never seen before so you think it's going to be fries cooked in cruddy oil well that part's right but then it keeps going so potatoes cooked in an oil blend of canola corn and soybean so those are all gmo oils highly processed really refined and very inflammatory but who cares they all do it this is a fast food review but this is the only fast food place i've seen that also fries in hydrogenated soybean oil what huh sebastian manos kaka would say why would you do that hydrogenated soybean oil means you take a liquid oil manly manually hydrogenated into like a shelf stable creamy version and you're frying in it many other countries ban that and say it's illegal and when you do that you're not only taking a processed oil but then you're actually turning it into a trans fatty acid your body can't even recognize and it's loaded with even more free radicals that kill the um the cells in your in your body but then after that it doesn't stop it has natural beef flavor what natural beef flavor and that beef flavor is derived from hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk so if you're casein or lactose sensitive or if you're gluten-free you actually can't have the fries but why are they adding beef flavor to fries it's natural beef flavor it's because beef flavor is another word for natural flavors any kind of um beef flavor vanilla flavor they're trying to make it more crave-worthy between that and the hydrogenated soybean oil that is literally crazy so unfortunately i would maybe stop at chick-fil-a get their waffle fries there those are a little cleaner and then have it with the double quarter pounder there that's totally crazy um let's move on to the next menu item here before i do i wanted to talk about something i've been talking a lot about on instagram seed probiotic if you're probably eating a lot of fast food your gut microbiome and your gut health is going to need some help this is the best probiotic on the market i've been taking it now for four or five months it's not only a probiotic it's a prebiotic and probiotic because it's the only one on the market that has a capsule within a capsule it's a leonardo dicaprio of probiotics because many probiotics die and get killed in your stomach from all the acids this one has the outer capsule which is actually made from pomegranate that dissolves in your stomach because pomegranates are fiber rich it feeds your gut bacteria hence making it a probiotic then the inner capsule actually makes it all the way to your your colon all the way through your intestines and delivers 24 strains of bacteria that not only help with gut but we're talking bowel movements skin immune health this is literally the best one on the market it ships worldwide it's 30 days money back guarantee and my promo code in the description box gets you 15 off your first month's supply everyone i've turned on to this is loving it so try it out there's a 30-day risk free trial you're gonna love this this is by far the best probiotic on the market i swear by it and i thought i wanted to introduce it during this meal right now because they're a big sponsor of the flavor city channels okay let's go to chicken next and then we'll have some breakfast items right so i got chicken nuggets which i used to crush as a kid with the barbecue sauce and then i got their new-ish crispy chicken sandwich they don't have grilled chicken on the menu anymore i think december of last year they got rid of it i guess america ultimately votes with their wallet and they said we don't want healthy-ish grilled chicken we want the fried chicken so i'm going to say if you're going to get a fried chicken here you don't want to get the crispy chicken sandwich and i can't wait to try this and compare it to the crispy chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a they have a few different varieties and i'll tell you why you don't want to get that and why you'd rather have nuggets while i'm making a mess here let's see that's a good sandwich honestly i might like it better than chick-fil-a i might have to go to chick-fil-a right after this and check it again just to give a fair comparison i'm getting hooked for a reason and i'll show you why right here just like chick-fil-a all of their crispy chicken sandwiches and i think there's four three of the four i should say look at the ingredients have mono sodium glutamate and i talked about in the chick-fil-a video if you haven't seen that watch it afterwards msg comes in two forms man-made naturally occurring the man-made one is a chemically made powder made in a lab that is devastating for your health yes devastating its sole purpose is to light up your taste buds to get them excited they're called excitogens sends a signal to the old brain this is good i want to eat more of this and it makes you hooked on the food they call crave worthy natural msg from mushrooms soy sauce parmesan cheese that's good for you that's normal and natural but the man-made one is bad and that's why they put it in a lot of chicken sandwiches and all the chicken fried sandwiches only the fried ones add um chick-fil-a and then unfortunately unlike chick-fil-a they're frying this again in the hydrogenated gmo soybean oil that is really really laden with free radicals for your body so if i had to choose even though i think i like it better brad than chick-fil-a i'd rather have the chick-fil-a one because they don't have the hydrogenated oil but then again they have yellow number five and they don't so man they're really competing for who's the worst of the worst year um so i wouldn't get this crispy chicken sandwich the only one i would get is the one that doesn't have the um msg it's just the original chicken sandwich not one of the new crispy ones so i'd rather you get nuggets and if i had a choice of sauce i'll tell you which sauce i would pour it into i have honey here pure honey and i have mighty hot sauce right here first i'm going to try it by itself brings back memories the honey the honey and the chicken zagani butter fried chicken but i'd rather you get the nuggets over the chicken sandwich because if you look at the nuggets ingredient they're not putting the msg hooray they're not putting that in there they're still frying it in the hydrogenated soybean oil anything they fry here at mcdonald's are doing that they are using something called yeast extract which is a safer version of msg still not desirable its main goal is once again to get your taste buds excited but it's not as bad as msg and honestly i would just dip it in the pure honey because all of their sauces here for the most part have cane sugar high fructose corn syrup which this one actually doesn't the mighty hot sauce but it has a bunch of other soy bean oil and stuff so the cleanest one you can get is the honey but let me just try the mighty hot sauce whoa that's spicy this reminds me of that snl skit back in the day with the late great phil hartman we send a to somalia but then it gets intercepted a lot of the warlords right let's move on to breakfast right that's why we got here early so we can order the breakfast i got the egg mcmuffin sandwich there's just something away that bugs me about this the way that egg puck looks right it's just something is wrong about this but i'm glad i do it for you guys right that's not bad and actually i would get this over the sausage like mcmuffin or the sausage biscuit because that pork is very low quality and to be honest there's nothing unusually bad in the egg mcmuffin the only thing i don't like is the canadian bacon has sodium nitrate if you try to avoid nitrites and nitrates and bacon that has it but it's fast food it's not that bad um the hash browns which man this is going to take me back like can you treasure right now i'll go back um that is so good okay let me dip that in my connie or something i'm really turning into the bill clinton character now warlord even though it's cold it's good but i wouldn't get that because just like the fries we talked about right here yeah cheese making me hooked brad bread's gonna have to tear me out of here kicking and screaming it's fried in the hydrogen it's soybean oil and it still has where is it still has the beef flavor in here so don't get this in my opinion because of the cruddy hydrogenated oil and the beef flavor so you think okay bobby let's get let's be healthy check it out brett let's get oatmeal right oatmeal that's healthy right it's heart healthy it's a whole grain it comes with diced apples which brad and i maybe agree this could be the healthiest thing on the menu right right the apples a little bit of raisins not bad either let me try this oh that's sweet wow someone's a little heavy-handed with the brown sugar back there but back there i mean like at the processing facility where they batch make it with robots um the reason why it's sweet is because the actual ingredients in the oatmeal have brown sugar which they probably all do but in this is our old friend caramel coloring right that ingredient that its sole purpose is to color food brown but some people consider it a carcinogen what are you doing putting that in oatmeal that's crazy and then also this is even more shocking there's cream in here right it's cooked in light cream to make it nice and creamy the cream should just be milk and heavy cream because it's light cream you guys there's sodium phosphate preservative datum which is normally found in bread as a preservative there's sodium citrate and then there's carrageenan carrageenan is the seaweed emulsifier that in my opinion and many others is to be avoided at all cost some people like to say oh it's not bad there's two kinds of it doctors use carrageenan to induce inflammation and there's a reason why a lot of food makers went away from it you're better off using acacia gum locus bean gum those kind of common emulsifiers carrageenan in here with caramel coloring and gobs of brown sugar that's that's a little crazy so i actually wouldn't get that to be honest i'd rather get the uh sausage muffin here egg mcmuffin instead of the um oatmeal crazy and then last but not least eat old oh yeah oh that looks sad you old filet of fish oh my gosh i've actually never had this before so i gotta do it for the video wow it tastes really good it tastes like cod or something like that the problem is it is literally like the cheapest oil for the cheapest fish my notes i'm a very unorganized investigative reporter here it's actually made of pollock pollock is like the cheapest white fish ever and then beside that to be honest it's fried in the hydrogenated oil the tartar sauce has soybean oil that's not terrible just a fish is like super super low quality last but not least we need something sweet after our meal right i went on the mix the mccafe menu you ever been to a mc cafe in uh in europe they're actually really nice brad's like no i haven't brad's only been to where usa and mexico right all these two countries we'll get brad out about more so this is a mocha an iced mocha sweet savory and salty crunchy what else do you need every box is being checked right now and to be fair i'm gonna hit you with the ingredients with this right now and they're really bad but i've done a starbucks review back in the day we should probably do an updated one they're par for the course in this latte i'm not sure if it's exact size listed on there but the average size iced mocha has 35 grams of sugar coming in the form of cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup just to put that in reference 35 grams there's four grams of sugar in a teaspoon so there's just about nine nine teaspoons of sugar in here the average american eats 19 and a half teaspoons of sugar a day which is still too much so you're getting over half your daily sugar from a drink like this i don't want to drink my sugar i want to eat it personally and unfortunately there's caramel coloring in the chocolate syrup on top at least we're using real vanilla extract not natural flavors but in the whipped cream there's carrageenan and in the chocolate drizzle there's hydrogenated coconut oil they took a perfectly healthy oil of coconut oil and hydrogenated to make it more shelf stable make it last longer but also cause more free radical damage in your cell so for you guys that is it for the mcdonald's review um where to next brad and i are actually loving we're loving it we're loving the fast food review if you haven't watched yet go check out chick-fil-a panera bread chipotle which is by far the healthiest one so far and now mcdonald's dave portnoy does uh pizza reviews we do cruddy fast food reviews um so that is it uh let us know leave a comment down below like subscribe share that's the only way the community keeps growing it's also the only way we educate y'all to put the best quality stuff in your body um but brad and i will see you soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 842,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcdonalds review, mcdonalds, mcdonalds (business operation), fast food, food review, big mac, fast food review, mcdonalds menu, mcdonalds healthy food, mcdonalds healthy choices, mcdonalds healthy, flavcity, bobby parrish, quarter pounder, entire menu
Id: VXNtgjaTiNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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