You're Buying Fake Olive Oil...Here's How To Avoid It!

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you're buying fake extra virgin olive oil in fact 70 of the evo at a normal grocery store is fake and that's a really big problem because extra virgin olive oil is expensive and actually the study comes from uc davis they have an olive oil institute right there they have the numbers and they're the same people that exposed the avocado oil scan that 80 some odd percent of avocado oil at the grocery store is fake watch that video as soon as we're done so how is it fake extra virgin olive oil or evo as i call it has to have a number of certain requirements to be considered or graded evoo most 70 at the grocery store don't meet that um the problem is they're also oftentimes cut with lower quality processed plant-based oils like canola soy corn peanut to dilute them that's really bad because you're not even getting extra virgin olive oil then and another problem is a lot of them are made with old rancid rotten olives usually from last year's harvest i'll talk about that in a second and oftentimes they're mystery olives they're sourced from different parts of the world maybe like tunisia greece italy spain portugal pressed in another country and you don't even have any traceability you don't know what you're getting and that's really really a problem because extra virgin olive oil is one of my favorite fats to cook in i have a video we did a few weeks ago the three heart healthiest oils are extra virgin olive oil avocado oil and virgin coconut oil evoo is extremely heart healthy in fact it actually raises your good cholesterol it's rich in polyphenols antioxidants and it's anti-inflammatory and because it's rich in polyphenols it attacks free radicals in your body in the cells really good stuff but here's the two ways they cheat an extra virgin olive oil that's most prevalent number one they cut it with those inferior oils which is horrible like i said but imagine you have a allergy to peanuts to soy to corn and you uh cut that into your oil there that's a problem but here's the other bigger problem for me too is that a lot of time these oils are made with inferior olives and this is actually illegal but it's so hard to catch here's how they do it they'll use old rancid olives some of the olives will be sitting on the ground a long time or be stored from months and months ago that's not good but also they'll use oil from last year's harvest and this oil or these old olives or rancid oil olives are spoiled they're bad and normally your mouth or your nose would taste that or detect it but they're tricky tricky dicky right what do they do they refine it they process the oil to death to get rid of the funk to get rid of the spoilage so you can't taste or smell the rancidity but it's there and what happens when that occurs is that you reverse all of the good things i just talked about when you have rancid bad oil that's cut with inferior oils uh all of a sudden instead of having polyphenols it's gone instead of um attacking free radicals in your cell it actually has free radicals in there instead of being anti-inflammatory it's inflammatory so the whole thing is flipped on its head which is totally bogus because evo is expensive okay let's get down to the nitty-gritty what is the best evo on the market that number one is real not fake and to cook with and to finish with costco family you'll be happy to know that costco's 100 italian evoo consistently rings one of the best which is amazing because you get the costco price this is fantastic it's actually so good you could use it as your finishing oil if you want to i don't do that i do that with a better bottle i'll talk about in a second the only knock maybe against this one is that it's in a plastic bottle but i don't care because you keep this out of sunlight and they don't put the oil in there when it's super hot this is fantastic stuff always always rated high um if you're a trader joe shopper i would get the greek evo kalamata oil that one always ranks well at most mega marks or grocery stores you can get um california olive ranch the 100 pure california olives not the one that's the destination series and lucini evo makes a really good one too now for me those are cooking evoos so immediately you might be like bobby i thought you can't cook with evo and i thought in general you can't cook with olive oil because number one it burns easily it has a low smoke point and for some reason people think it gives you cancer because it burns no the smoke point of most evos is about 400 degrees i would not do it with this this is my finishing oil this is a great single estate evo from spain and it's actually harvested and pressed within six hours of being picked off the tree so it's super fresh and actually not that expensive but you can do whatever you want with it i just wouldn't cook with that because it's expensive and even though you add heat to this evo yeah you do change some of the flavor and ruin some of the you know precious evo notes it's totally fine because i don't want olive oil that's been really processed and refined and that's the problem with most mass market olive oils or evos you see at a grocery store they've been homogenized and processed to death so they have the same flavor note from bottle to bottle that's impossible it should never be like that uh evo should be like a good bottle of wine this is my favorite keto wine with no chemicals or sugar but every bottle is different why because they pick it at certain times of the season certain times of the day the terroir is different right but the big box evo makers want a certain flavor or homogeneous flavor every single time so they process it and refine it to death and that's when you reverse the good health benefits and it's not really good extra virgin olive oil in the first place and my friends over at the fda this is very low on the totem pole for them they don't have time to regulate evo like they would other things that are way more serious and if you ever see a bottle of evo that says light or extra light do not buy that they're actually refining the delicate or robust flavor of evo out with heat processing and refinement and then it's all garbage at that point it's absolutely ridiculous so go with the ones i recommended i like cooking where with this one from costco and like finishing with a good bottle like this um i'll leave links down below but just find any good small bottle it should cost anywhere from 10 to 25 that's a finishing oil and when you have extra virgin olive oil like this do yourself a favor don't store it near a heat source like this because the heat will make it spoil or quicker don't put it in direct sunlight because the sunlight oxidizes it um and i know my mamet oz dr oz a few years ago had this thing where like you can tell really quality extra original olive oil by putting it in the fridge and if it gels then it's real evo that's not true that panned out turned out to be hundred percent false you get really good eboo by buying the ones i talked about and knowing that their single estate or single origin extra virgin olive oil and the most of the stuff at the grocery store is bogus except for the ones i mentioned so that's it i hope you found that helpful speaking of anti-inflammatory which uh extra virgin olive oil is uh my flave city immune tea is just about ready i believe it went on sale already i'll put a link down below it's anti-inflammatory and immune boosting with organic turmeric and ginger and black pepper and monk fruit really good stuff it's the powdered shell stable version of my popular tea on my blog i'm going to throw that out there with the links down below the flay city t-shirts should be available anytime soon the second cookbook's coming on december 1st and the app should be on the next 30 or 40 days we got a lot of stuff going on so subscribe like share hit the bell icon below our video that way you you get push notifications when we go live and you don't miss out and you help uh you and your friends put the best quality stuff in your body if you want more exposes like this i'm going to film another one as soon as we're done about honey and fake honey y'all let me know but my man art and i will see you soon until then we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 1,721,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake olive oil, olive oil, fake olive oil brands, real olive oil, real olive oil vs fake, extra virgin olive oil, olive oil fraud, olive oil test, best olive oil brands, how to detect fake olive oil, real vs fake olive oil, fake olive oil brands 2020, fake extra virgin olive oil, best olive oil, best olive oil for cooking, best olive oil 2020, virgin olive oil, best olive oils, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: Hg2-iukG80U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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