Every Nut Milk & Non-Dairy Milk Reviewed – What To Buy & Avoid!

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and why does that flavor family it is Bobby coming after you from the grocery store because today's review is all about nut milks and milk alternatives which was a very highly requested video the other week when I posted on the community tab so we're gonna break it all down plus I wanted to make sure I covered all the bases so I did an Instagram poll the other day and said hey what do you guys want to know about this video and you guys said which alternative milks have the highest protein which are the best for toddlers what's our good for baking tell me everything about oatmeal which is getting really popular right now which ones are Kido which ones have the same nutrition as cow's milk and a lot more stuff so let's start breaking it down and talking about my most popular and most favorite ones so far is almond milk now I want you to keep in mind when you buy almond milk there's actually very few almonds in here there's only 2% almonds the rest is water any mall suppliers so when you pour a cup of almond milk we're talking about like 7 or 8 almonds in that 1 cup you're much better off just so you know making homemade almond milk and se has a recipe she posted the other week on the blog I'll put the link down below it is phenomenal it uses almonds and dates for the sweetener you want to make a keto you can use stevia amongst roots and it's so delicious always buy organic that's my most important thing because almond trees are very heavily sprayed around the base of the tree this sprayer with pesticides is sprayed with chemicals because they want all the grass to die or on the bottom of the tree so when they shake the trees and the almonds fall down there's nothing to impede all the picking up process so always buy organic because those pesticides leach into the tree so this one right here blue diamond is not I actually thought that one of my favorite brands Khalifa because the flavor and texture is great is organic but it's not but many of these are this one is and this one's my favorite and I know this one's arts favorite because it's a Simpsons episode right art this is great because it only has water in almonds that actually has more almonds in here per cup because there's no emulsifiers and stuff another really important point when you buy almond milk please always buy unsweetened almond milk you don't need this sweetener because we're talking cofee amounts of sugar sometimes up to 16 grams of sugar in one cup if you want to know how much 16 grams is we're talking that's 4 teaspoons imagine 4 teaspoons of a white refined sugar going into one cup super bad news so always by um sweetening if you look at the nutrition it's actually pretty low in carbs so it's keto but it's also very low in protein because all the protein is strained away if you make homemade almond milk it's actually higher which is why this one the MalK here has more protein it's four grams because it's not as strength it has more of the almonds here keep in mind that a lot of these milks no matter what they are are gonna have a lot of good emulsifiers and gels in there because they don't have a lot of fat when you make homemade it does have fat but they need to emulsify it into a thick and creamy texture almost all emulsifiers are fine it's just purely for texture person purposes but that leads us to the milk that needs the most emulsifiers and the one that's crazy popular right now oh no think about Oaks there's no fat right and they have to add emulsifiers in the form of rap seed oil this one doesn't have carrageenan and many of these don't but I just spy that Pacific brand actually has carrageenan hair a lot of manufacturers now go away from carrageenan because it's a natural emulsifier made from seaweed which on the surface is fine but it actually turns out that carrageenan is really bad for your stomach and your intestine that you have intestinal issues definitely stay away from that very important for oat milk is to buy organic because oats are highly sprayed with Monsanto roundup Thank You Monsanto and they're highly saturated with the lifeless things lifeless states are the active ingredient in or roundup out Lee doesn't say organic but if you read the label and you go on their website it's a hundred percent delight let's say free on it also like I said it has the rapeseed oil on here which is GMO canola oil but once again I went on their website and it's non GMO I wish they would put that in the packaging the downside to only is check out the ingredients here I'm gonna facts there's 16 grams of carbs here because oats are very starchy so if you're on the low-carb diet don't get this and it's high in sugar because it starchy there's 7 grams here for 1 cup barista blends ok this makes the most wicked dairy-free latte along with like almond milk barista style but oat milk is the best but I've been getting that recently inteligencia and my stomach hurts afterwards and I started doing research that's because these barista blends are loaded with sunflower oil and other emulsifiers to really make them fatty so they whip up so if you have a sensitive stomach stay away from these because are really in a mess you up hey guys let's take a quick break from the video and think that a sponsor of the video audible which is perfect timing because I've been listening to a bunch of audiobooks how to be more productive on audible lately which is perfect timing because our life just got a little crazier last week when our baby girl gorillas honey joined the family and I've been listening to audiobooks from Tim Ferriss specifically the 4-hour workweek which I love like it's just all about being more productive and how to get more done in less time so audible is great because you can listen to audiobooks on the go working out traveling I mean I can't think of the last time I sat down and read an actual book but listening to audiobooks on audible has been fantastic and you guys they have a sick promo right now where you can get a 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sponsoring the video now let's get back to those milk alternatives now you might be wondering why some are almond milk like this is shelf-stable out here in the same brand is in the refrigerator I all over there it's all about pasteurization this one on the shelf is ultra high temperature pasteurized meaning it is shelf stable for a long time up until 2020 which means if the walking-dead ever comes true in real life you should have a couple of these in your pantry so you can have your cereal in the morning and this one is high temperature short time pasteurization which is actually better because you don't kill all of the nutrients and enzymes in the almond milk or the nut milk because it's not supposed to super high heat okay go into another really really popular milk right now peas I think aren't you recently said does it P have a nipple how does it happen look this stuff is really popular and it gets the Bobbi's seal of approval because the nutrition is fantastic but once again don't be fooled a lot of you guys on Instagram we're asking about what's a good chocolate milk to drink there is no good chocolate note when it comes to milk alternatives because if you look at the sugars have been teen grams of additional sugar in a one cup portion that's ridiculous so you got a stick with the unsweetened vanilla is fine I wish this was organic because peas grow in the ground and they're very susceptible to pesticides but I haven't found organic yet but look at the nutrition here zero carbs zero sugar eight grams of protein this is phenomenal now another question on Instagram is what's the best milk alternatives for toddlers and the answer is hemp milk I actually say hemp milk and pee milk because it has the most similar nutrition to cow's milk hemp is fantastic it's a superfood it's high in protein omega-3s but this is what you want to get the toddler's along with the pea protein now speaking of toddlers and young kids I would highly recommend for them to stay away from soymilk I think soy milk for everyone it's probably a good idea to stay away from especially for us guys art and I because too much estrogen from the soy milk could affect your swimmers and potentially give you man boobs and no one wants to wear man's ear or let's together name for it the bro sign for reference but when you're a young kid and your hormone levels are starting to adjust you don't want the estrogen from the soy milk if you are gonna drink soy milk get organic otherwise once again our buddies Monsanto has GMO soy that you don't want to eat I will say this makes a really good latte and the nutrition is great too we're talking about 7 grams of protein once again stay away from the sweetened but if you're gonna do it do organic just stay away from the kiddies rice milk I'm gonna go on the record and say stay away from rice milk because if you look at the nutrition there's 23 grams of carbs in here 10 of those are sugar but rice is a starch also white rice is someone unknown I had the outer bran the Hall removed from it so this doesn't have much nutrition it's very starchy canola oil gels taupe and also keep in mind that rice is almost always very high in arsenic levels so another reason to stay away from the rice milk now I wanted to go over some of the common ingredients you can read on the back of milk alternative boxes which are totally fine but you might not know what they are sunflower lecithin is a natural emulsifier dipotassium phosphate emulsifier and a lot of times these milks are enriched with vitamins to make them mimic the nutritional profile of milk so stuff like calcium carbonate tri calcium phosphate calcium phosphate riboflavin all okay and a lot of times the emulsifiers are gonna see our a cassia gum xanthan gum locust bean gum gellan gum a lot of gums because these don't have the fat that milk has and they need it for the consistency then finally to cope the lols tocopheryl is a natural vitamin e antioxidant totally fine we talked about that last week in the video amount of cereals now going back to your questions from instagram Bob what are the best ones for baking and cooking for cooking and baking you can use almond milk almond milk is great for pancakes cookies and waffles but if you're actually making a crust like a pie crust I would do soy milk soy milk gives you the best consistency every time which one's our key dough until the mesquita ones our almond and pea but always do unsweetened hey if you want to sweeten yourself have two drops of stevia you're done coconut milk there's the difference my friends between coconut milk in the can and this I always get this question this is coconut milk and beverage this is watered-down coconut milk this is not good for making or cooking when you make my sauces that usually have coconut milk like in the new cookbook use canned coconut milk try to buy ones that don't have too many emulsifiers in there I'll put my favorite brand down in the description box below oh this is a really cool one so I love this brand this is a cashew milk really really tasty it's a startup out of San Francisco they also make a killer yogurt that is unsweetened made out of cashews absolutely delicious and also when you go to a cow's milk keep in mind it's actually very high in sugar it has 12 grams of cards in the form of sugar so it's not very keto friendly check out my notes sir I think that's all of it the same thing cashew milk is all good just read the label make sure it doesn't have too many emulsifiers make sure it's unsweetened by organic when you can and also keep in mind almond milk is not very good for the environment it takes 1.1 gallons of water to grow one almond and 99% of them are grown in California which is almost always in a drought but if you're gonna do it try making the homemade recipe down in the description box it is by far the best ever so that is it you guys milk review is done let's wrap this up and get out of here alright my friends that is it art and I just rocked the milk alternative this video but we're not done we're actually going through another grocery store as soon as we're done here filming a beef review video that hopefully will come out tomorrow but let us know what you want to see next leave a comment down below like the video sharing is caring subscribe to our channel for new videos every week and we do live streams every Wednesday or Thursday but you have to hit that Bell button see notified let me schedule it there are a lot of fun there's two more review videos going down below us right now but art and I will see you very soon until then I said keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 664,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milk alternatives, milk alternatives for infants, milk alternatives best, milk, almond milk, non dairy milk, dairy free milk, non dairy milk for babies, coconut milk, vegan milk, lactose intolerant, oat milk, cashew milk, plant based milk, plant milk, soy milk, almond milk benefits, hemp milk, nut milks, milk alternative, oatly, ripple, flavcity, bobby parrish, pea milk, pea milk benefits, pea milk review, pea milk for babies, flax milk, flax milk review
Id: SezFfxOWyXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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