Everything You Need To Know About Buying Yogurt - Greek, Organic, Grassfed, & More

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hey what's up flavor family it's Bobby back at the grocery store because you guys have been requesting a lot of really cool review videos lately and one that kind of stuck out to me and art was yogurts there's so many darn choices of yogurts here at the grocery store and between sweeten plain vanilla organic grass-fed how do you know what to buy well I've been doing a lot of research lately and it turns out I'd say maybe 85 percent of this you actually want to avoid and if you know what to buy you're gonna greatly increase the nutritional value and the health of the yogurt that you're eating so I thought maybe we should start with the best right and then we'll go progressively downhill the best is actually something they don't have at this grocery store I had to bring it in from the outside it is this it is organic 100% grass-fed Greek style yogurt so yes you have to look a little bit harder for grass-fed but why do we want grass-fed we want grass-fed for the same reason we want pasture raised chickens and grass-fed beef it has a very high nutritional profile and it's only fed grass and it's pasture raised so it's a cow a happy little cow like this that's outside all the time not a factory farmed cow that's inside eating corn soy that's GMO the nutritional profile of this is way higher in terms of omega threes and conjugated linoleic acids there's a few brands you can get this is one stony fields one organic valley 100% grass-fed and also Nancy's probiotic now this is the best of the best unless you can get raw yogurt which is almost impossible to find unless you live by a farm for the next step below that would be just buying organic right not flavored we'll get into that a second plain Greek style organic yogurt to be called organic dairy it has to be cows that are fed a pasture is grass at least four months of the year the reason why that matters is because of the nutritional profile once again the nutritional profile organic beats the heck out of conventional Greek yogurt because of omega-3 fatty acids there's 62 percent higher in organic yogurt it also is high in omega threes and low in omega sixes when you start getting into conventional dairy it's the reverse it's high in omega-6 is the bad and low in omega for me is the good also conjugated linoleic acid well well known for reducing heart disease and obesity and good stuff like that much higher in organic and dairy versus conventional conventional dairy is fed grain a lot of times in the GMO corn and soy but nowadays if you look on the labels of yeah and other stuff it has this but non GMO label which is good that's a good place to start but it's factory farm cows that are eating green and the nutritional profile is way way less so if you can't get grass-fed organic just get organic okay that's a huge step up Greek yogurt has more protein and less sugar than a regular yogurt because it's strained and that's also the fact why it's more expensive it takes four cups of milk to make a one cup of Greek style yogurt whereas conventional yogurt you can make one cup of yogurt with one cup of milk that's why it's more expensive but I think you really want that Greek style of yogurt because it has less sugar because you strain out the lactose that's where the sugar is and you really raise that protein level once again I wouldn't get conventional I would pay the extra for organic 100% grass-fed staying in the Greek style you always want to get full fat yogurt avid as opposed to no fat we have to stop our infatuation with low fat and no fat because when you eat full fat yogurt it mixes better with the protein and it's satiate your hunger way longer when you eat protein with no fat it doesn't say she ate your hunger and you get hungry quicker so stop with the low fat stuff I mean if you want to do that for actual other foods that's fine but for milk you want the hundred percent milk fat and the cream that stuff is good for you you've got to stay away from the flavored yogurts because the sugars start to jack up like nobody's business art this 5.3 ounce of yogurt container here has 15 grams of sugar you guys there's 4 grams of sugar in one teaspoon so there's 4 teaspoons plus of sugar in here imagine that some of that is natural maybe about half so let's say there's 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of added sugar to here plus when you add sugar to yogurt to destroy it the probiotic bacteria that you're trying to get in the first place from eating yogurt so it completely messes that up and you're also eating fruit that's laced with extra sugar it's preserved what you can really do if you want to get your fix of sweetener is add stevia add a monk fruit sweetener add chopped up berries I know it's a pain in the butt but buying the fruit in here just is not good ok let's start talking about individual brands I think art and I basically grew up with two brands like Dannan and Yoplait that's all we had back in the day but these are the kind of brands you want to stay away from because they're using a low quality dairy and they're very highly processed when you look at the ingredients they often have preservatives and stabilizers case-in-point check it out our there's food starch in this one you don't want to have food starch in yogurt there's no way that my girl Jamie Lee Curtis is actually eating Activia because the quality of the dairy is really low in here and the sugar is off the charts so one of these little containers has 12 grams of sugar which is 3 teaspoons some of that is natural when you start adding these sugars and these fruits in here you negate all of the health benefits of the probiotic bacteria in the first place so when Activia is advertising the fact about their bacteria they're killing them putting all that sugar in them now this seems to be a very popular brand have you heard of this before art Nusa so this is basically dessert ok I see the ingredients here look at these art number one there's a ton of emulsifiers locust bean gum in there sugar honey but look at this I've never seen yogurt with 30 cramps Oh sugar you guys that's over seven teaspoons imagine seven teaspoons two or three which are natural the rest are just poured in here for sweetener there's zero health benefits that dessert now here's a brand that our was just saying wow they could save a lot of money if they put it in plastic they put it in glass because I want it to be like French and it's fancy but if you read the ingredients they have pectin in here pectin is the natural kind of like jelly that makes it more congealed trust me in France they are not to put things deep act in is the yogurt I promise you that stay away from that um let's go down here well before we do that and you want to do a quick self-promotion here you guys next week Wednesday this is coming out you guys have been sporting the book so much that it's a number one bestseller in five different categories in cookbooks on Amazon thank you so much the pre-order link is down below you guys are gonna love this book there's a hundred and twenty five low carb recipes that actually taste good and you don't think of it like a diet these recipes just feel like you're eating clean eating food that makes you feel good let's make this a number one bestseller from day one on I can't believe the support you guys have been awesome so thank you for that I will give Chobani a little bit of props they do have a new line here call less sugar and it does have less sugar this container only has nine grams of sugar but still a sugar is sugar can you watch our video from the other week called the sweeteners and sugar alternatives video sugar is the devil you guys sugar destroys your good gut bacteria one of the main reason is you eat beca yogurt in the first place is to promote good gut bacteria so what's the point of eating it if you laced it with sugar you're completely diminishing the fact that meeting here check this out here's our really good brand actually ciggies ciggies and icelandic provisions our skier it's icelandic style yogurt and this is the plain one this is what you want to buy there's only three have some natural sugar but this container is loaded with 14 grams of protein it's not organic but if you're not going to get the grass-fed one this is the one you want to go by and also if you are gonna buy a sweetened yogurt the ciggies and the Atlantic provisions still have less sugar only eight grams for the flavored ones so I understand that everyone wants to put their own strawberries in their yogurt or add stevia if you're gonna have fruit added and get this one but it's not organic it's not grass-fed so you kind of have a trade-off then we go to something really interesting called kefir I don't know if it's pronounced kefir art do you know we'll just go with kefir this stuff art knows a lot it's not sure this stuff is the cousin to yogurt it actually has more protein and more probiotics than bacteria it actually has ten strains of probiotic bacteria where yogurt only has two to three it has more protein and this one right here it says the cows are grass-fed but art and I looked it up it's not a hundred percent grass-fed if you want to find a brand there's one called Maple Hill this thing is great for making smoothies because it's in the liquid form you can't really use it as yogurt but if you use that for smoothies it's gonna be fantastic and then art also said like what do I consider to be low quality dairy well for me and it's my opinion low quality dairy is one that comes from grain-fed factory farmed cows high quality dairy is one that comes from pasture raised grass-fed cows so like when you pick up at your Bonnie and they're putting all on the label locally sourced milk to me that means nothing because all milk is locally sourced because milk doesn't travel very far so it's like these little marketing gimmicks that try to get you same thing with fy'y like yeah it's Greek yogurt as higher protein it has lower sugar but it's made with cows that are not grass-fed and it has corn and soy in the feed I think it's worth it to spend a little more to get the grass-fed if you can't do it then get organic I would only eat organic dairy whether that's milk yo cream I think it's really important and stay away from all these sugar laced yogurts that are pretending to be good for you with probiotics when in reality all of these here are desserts I also forgot to mention that my favorite non-dairy yogurts are kite hill for almond and forger for cashew based but keep in mind they do have emulsifiers or starches in them but they need that otherwise the yogurt won't come together but they're high-quality and I really like the taste of these and the texture alright good job arts can I interest you in some grass-fed organic yogurt oh man I got my own right here just don't know yo crunch Twix flavor yogurt because Twix we all know is the only candy bar with the cookie alright all that good information is down below in addition to the salad dressing one coming up soon let us know which grocery store you want us to hit which aisle you want us to cover but we will see you soon until then I should keep on cooking that love and peace
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 756,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greek yogurt, greek yogurt benefits, yogurt, greek yogurt (food), benefits of greek yogurt, chobani greek yogurt, the truth about greek yogurt, greek yogurt brands, yogurt (ingredient), best greek yogurt, greek yogurt vs regular yogurt, buying yogurt, organic yogurt, organic yogurt benefits, organic greek yogurt, best organic yogurt, grassfed yogurt, grass fed yogurt, flavored yogurt, flavcity, bobby parrish, grass fed
Id: O9VeabGWvgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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