Milk & Butter Review - How To Buy The BEST Milk & Butter At The Grocery Store

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I know flavor family I hope you're having a great day it is Bobby and art back at the grocery store Whole Foods to be exact here on the north side of Chicago to talk all things milk and butter right we're gonna go over to the dairy case and tell you from A to Z what you want to look for when you're buying milk grass-fed conventional organic and butter there's a lot of options now way more than when I grew up and I want you buying the best quality dairy to put in your body because dairy really matters before we go over there hook me up subscribe to our channel you guys every single week three to four videos are dropping better yet there's a bell icon right below the video and enable all notifications because you do not want to miss a video let me go alive especially the live stream and the podcast links are down below to the Flay's city shopping experience new videos every single Tuesday morning we're gonna shoot this video b-roll style under the radar cuz I do not want to get kicked out alright let us venture to the milk case here I mean just take a look what we have here we have a lot of options for a milk you guys it's not just about whole milk versus low-fat we have organic we have grass-fed milk we have milk with omega-3 fatty acids we have a lot of options here so what's the difference between organic and grass-fed milk versus the regular conventional milk like this well that truth is a lot let's just start here with a basic milk I don't care if it's Whole Foods I don't care if it's Deen I don't care if it's Kroger this is the kind of milk in my opinion you should stay away from right though you can definitely do better by going organic I'll talk about that in a second this is what I call basic milk or basically Monsanto milk no way I could the reason I call that Monsanto milk is because these are from cows that have an exclusive feed of GMO grain corn and soy to be exact I don't consume any meat any dairy that has a strict feed of GMO green because I think that leeches into the milk leeches into the protein plus this is the kind of milk that's really not good for you good for the cow or good for the environment and why is that because if you can do one better we go to organic milk I don't care what brand of it organic milk is better and it's widely available and it really isn't that much more expensive there we go one gallon for six dollars so why is this better by law organic dairy cows have to be grass fed and pasture raised four months of the year so they put these happy images on here that's not exactly accurate right and why that's better to be organic is that at least the feed for this organic milk here is a hundred percent non GMO which is really important and their feed can't have any nasty pesticides in there it has to have any approved USDA pesticides but at least are also treated a little more humane because these cattle here in my opinion these are like the mass feedlot cattle that don't really get a chance to realm they never eat grass which cows are supposed to do and the nutritional profile of basic milk conventional milk is not as high as organic so I would really encourage you to go organic if you can because it's better for the environment it's better for the farmer and health-wise you guys the nutrition is better but we can actually do even better than that and for that let's come over here in this case right here this is the best-in-class milk in my opinion it is a hundred percent grass-fed organic milk we have a few varieties this here is maple Hill we have organic valley which is really nice heck even Aldi now has grass-fed milk and why is this better in my opinion because these cows never eat grain cows are really not supposed to eat grain they do it now because it's easy and cheaper so it's better for the cow because grass-fed milk literally has the best nutritional profile of any milk out there compare it to this milk conventional milk this grass-fed milk has higher omega-3 fatty acids there were the important ones look how strong it is right it also has higher conjugated linoleic acids which is really good for your heart and think about it grass-fed milk is not just better for the cow because their pasture raised it's better for the environment these cows are pruning the grass and mowing the grass all the time they're stamping their hooves into the actual ground creating water wells for the rainwater to get in it's better for the farmer because the farmer is not in a nasty environment or like a mass you know commercial pen with the cows and it's better for us because the nutritional profile is better Whole Foods Aldi almost everyone has grass-fed milk and it's not too bad we're talking about a half gallon for 589 normally now reduced fat versus whole milk we always go home milk dairy is the kind of good fat that you want to get as much fat as possible doing yourself a disservice by getting reduced fat because you're reducing the amount of mega 3 fatty acids and when you're getting whole milk especially with yogurt the yogurt combines with the fat or they satiate your hunger so do not skimp on the fat this is not the 80s and 90s we were afraid of fat we liked this kind of animal fat especially when it's grass-fed let's take a quick break from the video anything today's sponsor Skillshare when I mute you guys the number one question I get is how do you become a vlogger youtuber or Instagram and it's websites like Skillshare that make that possible skill shirt is an online learning community with over 30,000 classes and 7 million members they have classes ranging in everything from how to be a youtuber how to work in business design art once you get the premium membership and unlocks access to every single course right now I'm taking a course in editing I want to brush up and how to edit videos in Adobe Premiere but you guys there are videos for everything how to take food photography with your iPhone how to become a youtuber there are no barriers to entry if you want to be in the creation space right now which is really exciting so go on Skillshare use my promo link down below it unlocks eight three two month all access Premium Membership after that it's about ten dollars a month but I want you guys to follow your passions and it's a website to Skillshare that make that possible so once again check them out and thank you for sponsoring the video now looking at this milk right here it's organic milk with omega-3 fatty acids once again you have the choice of reduced fat or whole milk you go home milk legal organic the thing is art you tasted this before with the omega-3 how's the flavor a little weird right it's got a little bit of a funky fish flavor for me it's like keep the surf and the turf separate I understand what they're trying to do they're trying to get it in there but leave it separate get a good omega-3 supplement or eat more salmon but if you're gonna get it get the organic whole milk omega-3 milk but I think it has a weird flavor you probably don't want to get that so down here at the bottom is a relatively new milk that I haven't seen it's called ultra filtered milk and it's really interesting because what they do is they ultra filter it and just like they would Greek style yogurt and when you altra filter it you reduce the amount of sugar here so it says sugar is reduced in half which is really cool and look at this it actually has more protein because when you filter the milk you reduce the sugar and you actually concentrate the protein it's the same principle and making a greek-style milk which is why I say when you get Greek milk I know some this bothers some of you guys they turn it the right way I don't want to upset my faithful family members when you get Greek style yogurt a lot of the lactose is removed it reduces the sugar and ups the protein so look at it same thing with the milk 50% less sugar 13 grams of protein I wish they had grass-fed but if you want a higher protein lower lactose lower sugar milk get the whole organic milk that's the best you can get there's also something called a - milk which they don't carry here at Whole Foods but let's talk about that another I or an important now they don't have it here but aid to milk is really interesting because a lot of people who have tasty and issues can drink a to milk because it's all about the structure of the protein so if you are casey and sensitive some people have success drinking that because it doesn't disturb your table your tummy as much the problem is I haven't seen any aid to milks at our number one organic let alone grass-fed so if you don't mind having conventional milk a two could be something good but I really want to see organic or grass-fed you can get lactose free milk but it still has the the casein in there now sitting right next to me is something really interesting I call it The Walking Dead zombie apocolypse milk how does this milk here live on the shelf and the same organic horizon milk live over there it's all about pasteurization Louis Pasteur and my friends the ones in the actual chill chest over there are high temperature short time pasteurization these are ultra high temperatures so if we look at the expiration date here we see look at that it's November 2019 that's for red what Oh what's going on here you better sell these really quick hold on a second there we go March 2020 I'll be dropping a note to the manager before we leave you guys so it can't last you six to twelve months not that one don't buy that one because it's ultra high temperature pasteurized which is good because if the Walking Dead happens in real life you might want to have something them in these in the pantry the bad news is that when you pasteurized it's such a high temperature you nuke all of the enzymes or any living nutrients in there all you left have left is basically calcium water which is nice you know but when you get the stuff that's in the chill chest it's not quite as highly pasteurized and there are still some living enzymes in there talking about living enzymes the best milk you could ever get is raw milk now depending what state you live on you have to go to a farm and be part of a cow share program you don't have to do that I know if you're in Utah you can buy from anywhere so in Illinois we recently went down to all grass farms down in Dundee Illinois I had a raw milk for the first time mind blowing you guys it was creamy and thick and delicious and that's beautiful because it's not pasteurized at all it has all the loot living nutrients and enzymes in their same vitamin profile as this right when you pasteurize you don't kill the vitamins you just kill the living enzymes in nutrients so I would highly recommend going to a reputable farm srong the raw milk it's good and good for you and if you want to feed your kids milk that's really the best one because it could be grass-fed and raw then it's best in class unbelievable out of the corner of my eye I Spy one of my favorite non grass-fed milks this is a brand called Kelowna Supernatural they're from Iowa I believe and their pasture grazed but it's not a hundred percent grass-fed but man if you're gonna get organic milk and not grass-fed this is the one to get it actually has the cream on top because it's not super homogenized which I really like and it's super high quality comes from one family farm you see non homogenized so if you love that cream on top if you're old-school like me you want that yummy fat this is a great brand I just wish it was a hundred percent grass-fed well goat milk is another milk that is very digestible for people who have asean issues because once again the fat lobules are smaller and easy for your tummy to digest I would go with full fat this is a nice Middle East Middle East a Midwest company called LeClair it's in Wisconsin on Wisconsin so I would get that if you have dairy sensitivities very very good stuff now if you're wondering hey Bobby just said this is a good brand I bet I can get the chocolate milk right the problem is we start talking about serious serious sugars here we look at this there's 17 grams of added sugar for 8 ounces once again we're talking 17 grams of sugar which is just over 4 teaspoons yes 4 teaspoons of white sugar in one cup you take something that used to be very very good for you and you turn it into liquid diabetes in my opinion if you want to make chocolate milk get organic or grass-fed milk add unsweetened cocoa powder and a little bit of stevia or monk fruit sweetener boom that's your chocolate note that sugar-free this is not what you want to put in your body we have a whole video about coffee creamer so when we're done with this video go check it out but this is one of the best new coffee creamers in the grocery store is from an austin company called picnic and why I love it is that it's made with grass-fed butter grass-fed whey protein MCT oil and no sweetener use this for your coffee we're talking about a supercharged creamer maybe mix it with a little bit of grass-fed butter hello bulletproof coffee which I got the video when we're done there's a ton of information for dairy and non-dairy coffee creamers Oprah might like bread but I love butter right so there's a lot of butter options here going from organic to cultured butter to European butter it's an Irish butter it's a vegan butter we're gonna talk about it all my friends including plant-based butter but first you've got really two choices when it comes to butter you have an american-style butter like this and you have European style butter like this which one would you choose leave a comment down below american or irish pause the video now resume I really hope you said Irish butter or European butter because it's all about fat European butter has more butter fat American butter has less fat more water we're talking about butter guys we're talking about fat good quality fat you want more fat you don't want that water now you also want to go organic or grass-fed so if you're gonna buy the American for some reason in these kid organic it falls through the same reasons as the milk we want that non-gmo feed now it's very interesting we have solved the reason why the Irish carry gold butter is going up in price everywhere that's because the u.s. imposed a 25% tariff on Irish and dairy now don't be confused even though it says milk from grass-fed cows on carry gold carry gold abides by Irish Dairy law meaning it has to be grass-fed 80 percent of the year the other 20% they can be fed grain we don't know if it's GMO green or not but it's a very inclement weather there in the winter I understand it it's still way better than the American stop butter the color of this is rich and yellow and the flavor is fantastic I wouldn't buy this still at Costco they saw a 4-pack of this salted one it's okay that it's salted it's a sea salt it's very mild a four pack for $10.99 it's the best deal ever another good year at pee and stop butter is pleure go don't think it's a hundred percent grass-fed but it's very fatty and very high quality and then final farms the pasture raised egg company is getting into the grass-fed butter game it is pricey you guys and the colors not quite as rich as Carrie gold I would just stick with Carrie gold I don't really mind that supplemental grain feed you guys the flavor and the color is fantastic is French butter I believe president : I hear have some beautiful organic butter and this is interesting this is organic cultured butter so the butter is inoculated with a bacteria and it gives it a funky kind of flavor Oh see where their microbial cultures this has a really nice almost buttermilk flavor you put on toast or on a cauliflower wrap that is fantastic now careful with spreads they don't have too many cruddy ones here about Kerrygold actually makes a naturally softer butter that is cool because it is just cream and salt and somehow they whip it so it's spreadable but there is another Kerrygold I think it's called Kerrygold spread with canola oil you don't want that a lot of the spreadable butters are loaded with palm oil and canola oil now speaking of spreadable butters this is a vegan butter called earth of balance and you'd think when you buy something that says olive oil it would be olive oil but we always read ingredients on this channel right so we look at here it's actually a blend of palm oil canola oil safflower extra-virgin and flax so it's mixed in with palm and canola which is horrible for you highly processed oil it also has natural flavors in here which is artificial flavors so any one of these guys is not good and I've pretty much seen so many spreadable butters and vegan butters that are loaded with canola oil that's GMO and processed you don't want that there's a new one look at this you got the company milk and amia that makes the macadamia nut milk has a butter spread but do not be lured they're using canola oil GMO highly processed highly inflammatory canola oil and natural flavors the best in class by far vegan butter or spread is a Yoko's neo Coase is a famous Japanese vegan I believe this is cultured European style butter I wish it was made with expeller pressed sunflower oil but hey sometimes I get a pass to vegan ingredients this is amazing because it has that culture see the last ingredient so it has that funky cultured flavor I swear you close your eyes you can't even tell this is vegan this stuff is amazing I think it's a little cheaper though at Trader Joe's when it comes to vegan butter this one wins the cake because the other ones use palm oil nasty oils and I would stay away from those if you're wondering Bobby what about non-dairy milk and plant-based milk you guys we have a video all about every single plant-based milk check it out when we're done almond pee cashew hemp flax oat we got you covered as usual that info that video has a ton of info all right Felicity family that is it lots of information right there's so much that goes into dairy specifically butter and milk but I hope now you know what to look for when you're at the grocery store because quality really matters when it comes to Dairy what next are you tell me no you guys you guys tell us I don't know right you vote you decide we make the videos please leave comments down below maybe I'll put a poll right here you never know more importantly like comment share subscribe these videos are a ton of work to make me frequently shoot from morning till night sometimes we get kicked out you never know right that's what makes it fun sometimes we don't - more videos below us right now but art and I will see you very soon by the way arts rocking the Garth look today with his flannel look he will see you very soon until then we say into like we always do hash tag keep on cooking mad love and peace from the north side of Chicago hahaha
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 776,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milk, milk review, butter review, butter, grassfed butter, grass fed butter, grass fed butter vs regular butter, european butter, european butter vs american, cultured butter, kerrygold butter, kerrygold, dairy, milk benefits, organic milk, organic milk vs regular milk, organic milk benefits, regular milk, grass fed milk, a2 milk, a1 vs a2 milk, grocery shopping, grocery haul, shop with me, food haul, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: 3ANJF3dZr6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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