Frozen Food Review - Is There Anything Healthy In The Freezer Aisle?!

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flavor family what is up it is Bobby an art back at the grocery store to do a huge frozen food review is it possible to eat healthy in the frozen food section but we're about to find out here at Walmart you know what colored me is slightly optimistic because I feel there's so many good things at the grocery store now there might be some and glimmers of hope and it's very easy right even though a lot of bad stuff is in the frozen food section I'm gonna teach you how to read the label to weed out the good ones from the bad ones this video is really about the quality of the oil they're using are they using too much sodium and is it full of additives and preservatives you know the stuff we want to avoid once you see that it's super easy so before we head back there you're gonna want to go ahead and join the Flav City communities so go ahead and click that red subscribe button you know what better yet there's a bell icon right below this video go ahead and enable all notifications because every single week art and I are wracking how for videos on our channels to videos from the grocery stores on the weekend to cooking videos during the week including a live stream usually Wednesday or Friday we make a recipe from start to finish they hang out with the community it's a good old time and you do not want to miss out let's start you guys with frozen seafood there's actually no problem buying frozen seafood because when you look at the seafood in the seafood case if they grocery store it all came in frozen anyway the problem is when it gets frozen and thawed multiple times that's when it messes up the texture so I'm talking about frozen shrimp what ideally you want to look for is a wild-caught not farm-raised and a local these are Gulf Gulf of Mexico shrimp very high quality very close to us the mainland and they're lyall caught farm-raised is okay and I should I want to do a whole video about farm-raised versus wild seafood do you guys want to see that the problem is you have to know where the farm-raised come from because sometimes there's really good farm raised and there's really bad farm right so if I look at these colossal shrimp which is really funny because words like colossal and jumbled be nothing when it comes to shrimp it's all about the number these are 16 22 meaning there's 16 to 22 to a pound so don't pay any attention to these ridiculous on marketing terms but I look where these come from these come from Vietnam the is known to have pretty shady farming practices what do I mean by that well they overcrowd the farming pools they feed them really bad fee there's excess poop in there Thailand is much better Ecuador's really good for shrimp when it comes to salmon actually Norway is fantastic so I'll talk about them more if I do the a seafood review but look what they have here at Walmart they actually have wild Alaskan salmon here they have a wild caught mahi and Alaskan halibut so really good options that I have no problem buying and keeping in my freezer the only thing I'd recommend not doing when it comes to frozen the seafood is buying the cookie so these for us don't buy the frozen ones because by the time you saw them out and reheat them they're gonna get rubbery as can be so always buy the fresh ones and cook them yourself now sitting right next to it is this brand raise your hand let's be honest does anyone use Morningstar farms they're kind of like what I consider the og or like the basic vegetarian frozen food and we can do a lot better I'm gonna show you that in a minute but if I pick up the morning start meatlovers veggie burger you gotta love that we see the second ingredient is vegetable oil consisting of corn canola and some sunflower is it expeller pressed no is it non-gmo no see it only says non-gmo soy so it could be GMO corn oil but more importantly you're gonna see a lot of frozen stuff have the less desirable oils the ones that like the canola oil the corn oil why don't we like those as soon as this videos done watch my cooking oils video I did at Costco with art last year when you have conventional oils of canola oil soybean oil corn oil safflower oil sunflower oil they're highly processed and highly refined at high heat not only does that alter the fatty acid but they use a chemical called hexane to extract a hundred percent of the oil from the plant you don't want that you want to look for expressed we find it later on I'll tell you why that's better then we look in here also we have cornstarch which is not non-gmo a decent amount of soy and something called yeast extract yeast extract is another word for msg it's a chemically made flavor enhancer that makes your taste buds and your brain get very excited so would avoid that and so we're gonna put that back we can definitely find better and then just for example if I pick up the Morningstar sausage patties once again these are vegan the plant-based which is arts favorite because they're not sausages aren't they're what that means not me exactly yeah laundry list of ingredients this is always a red flag when it's this big loaded with bad oils tons of preservatives caramel coloring which is a known carcinogen I knew that to make it look brown but it's a really bad news but this is bad so we can do a lot better so if you're eating that you probably want to upgrade and let's see what we can do better than that Amy Amy whoever you are high five because you are killing it you guys I could not believe the ingredients here so I got to pick up Amy is Indian palak paneer and we see she's using organic basmati rice that's actually very important because rice is high in arsenic especially a conventional rice always go organic so Amy's got it there check out the rest of the ingredients organic kidney beans she's using expeller pressed high oleic safflower oil expeller pressed and good high oleic even better that's a heart healthy oil when you add the expeller press to that it's fantastic spices turmeric fantastic I can pick up like any one of these look I'm gonna pick up the enchilada they're they organic brown rice everything's super clean once again using that high oleic expeller pressed oil very very impressive even you guys Amy's burritos here like I expected to pick this up and be kind of scared what I saw in here compared to other ones this is miles and miles better all these ingredients once again are a hundred percent real she's using the right oil this is fantastic so Amy's burritos Rock in same thing with the bowls fantastic now we going to the bowls and I see down here a brand called evolve and they have good packaging and everything and I'm a little disappointed in these ingredients when I came here the other day for research this is the butternut squash and ravioli and it says in the ricotta cheese they're using carrageenan why are they doing that so many brands are moving away from carrageenan and a lot of people I know avoid carrageenan because it's a CBD emulsifier the problem is it could wreak havoc on your stomach and your intestines and I know plenty of people who have eliminated carrageenan from their diet and they feel a lot better especially if you have a sensitive GI or tummy stay away from that and they're also using yeast extract and other work for msg and we look at the oil and it's funny because they're actually using extra virgin olive oil which is really good but also using canola oil which is really bad and this one the chicken tikka masala looks like it is cleaner they're using extra virgin olive oil I wish it was organic chicken but I can't find that anywhere here so just read the ingredients cuz for the most part evolved could be better and when I say it could be better I'm gonna lead by example with this one right here saffron road number one love the name number two love love love the ingredients you guys this is crazy the chicken biryani has ridiculous ingredients we look at this here expeller press sunflower oil I wish the rice was organic but it's not but everything else is real whole ingredients fenugreek leaves really really impressive no bad ingredients in here this is fantastic and for the chicken pad thai saffron Road see just a few ingredients not too many right very impressive so saffron road has got it going on that's awesome and then this is a brand I hadn't heard before but performance kitchen is the only brand the only frozen brand anywhere using a drum roll please avocado oil holy schnikeys avocado oil is one of my favorite oils because it's a high heat oil the most heart healthy oil one of the most heart healthy oils and it lowers your bad cholesterol raises the good one so this one that's actually very clean the mighty masala and greens but I did see a couple the other ones do have natural flavor so I would be careful with that and then right above it very interesting company if you're low carb it's called a real good and everything they make is super low carb so chicken alfredo - cheese style Italian dish very low carb and I like all the ingredients but every single one of their products ends with sunflower oil that's not expelled pressed and natural flavorings but everything else here is really good it's not organic chicken organic dairy which is okay I'm gonna sacrifice a little bit of quality per se when I'm talking frozen but for low-carb even though it has those two ingredients it's still really good and unlike anything else in the frozen section now we start getting pretty exciting especially considering this is frozen food land actually crazy exciting Apple game applicate crushes everything they do including frozen any of their sausages here chicken and sage chicken and Apple the ingredient list is minut which is exactly what you want to see this is chicken water touch of cane sugar salt spices that's it Applegate is not organic in this variety but it's humanely raised just really important when it comes to poultry otherwise that can have terrible living conditions notice how it said sugar was in the actual ingredient list but when I look on the nutritional facts it says zero grams of sugar anytime you see that that's because the USDA says if you have less than a certain amount per serving you can call it zero or free of that ingredient which is kind of misleading but just want you to know that so any of these are really good including the turkey we have the chicken and maple breakfast sausages here once again why sure this is interesting the maple flavor has the natural maple flavoring which is a natural flavoring so I would stay away from that and then if we go over one more chicken nuggets right very interesting I'll show you a side by side this is the gluten-free chicken breast tenders from Applegate and they're using chicken breast it's gluten free because using rice flour expeller press canola oil and really no other bad ingredients here even the regular chicken strips which are organic right very important organic means they eat non-gmo grain something I'm very passionate arrestee of the ingredients here are very very clean so what's the difference between that and ice and natural because if I look at the ingredients on Tyson Naturals it's a pretty small list and it's actually pretty clean the only difference is they're using chicken that is not certified humane this is not organic like this one and they're using a vegetable oil that is not expeller press natural flavors which they're not using at Applegate so the fact that they're using the heart-healthy oil is a big difference in my book so I would go with Applegate all day every day going down to breakfast land here Kodiak kicks very popular because they make the high protein pancake mixes the problem is even though it's a whole grain it's not organic so 100% whole grain wheat and oat flour right if it's not organic I would put it back wheat is heavily sprayed with glyphosate and roundup and conventional oats rank are very high for the lifeless eight levels glyphosate is the active ingredient in a roundup which is why you always in my opinion have to buy organic oats because they don't use organic grains for the Kodiak I would actually put them back and then this is by far the best gluten-free bread in the land its canyon big house they keep it in the freezer section because there's no preservatives it's made you guys with whole grains that are gluten free teff sorghum amaranth a little bit of tapioca flour and extra virgin olive oil I've never seen another bread made with extra virgin olive oil it is 5:46 a loaf it is cheaper than whole foods but that is absolutely fantastic now we come over here we're gonna talk about frozen pizzas but first tally power very cool law company now they're making new chick on the block covered tenders here so these are tenders with dried cauliflower and brown rice on there very cool they do have a little bit of natural flavoring but overall not that bad not as good as applegate though bone broth a lot of people are very excited about bone broth it's becoming more and more available at the grocery store I make it all the time you fall if you follow me on instagram the thing is even a price like this of 798 from bonafide which is a really good quality organic bone broth with grass-fed bones for the beef this is 24 ounces for 8 dollars to make a gallon of this we're talking about $40 I calculated the price at home to make a gallon of grass-fed bone broth in the instant pot it cost 12 to 13 dollars so if you want to make it at home go to the Flav City Instagram and a get navigate over to the save story from bone broth I'll show you exactly how to make it especially in the winter months it helps your immune system stay stronger it has collagen which is really for your skin very good stuff now frozen pizza by far the best frozen pizza in this entire store I'm so glad to have it is Capello's it's also a grain free option but this is the highest quality pizza with the best next-level ingredients you guys look at these ingredients the crust is made with cage-free eggs almond flour coconut milk extra virgin olive oil and psyllium husk the toppings are SuperDuper clean I know it's grain free but even if you're not going free the flavor and texture of this is unbelievable they also make sweet potato gnocchi and fresh spaghetti that is gluten free which I tried it it's pricey but it's so good also the only grain free tortillas they have in Walmart or siete they're on sale right now I'll take that $1 holla any day these are amazing I made taquitos in the airfryer with these on stories the other night ban freaking tastic you guys quest if your low carb or keto this is one of your only keto pizza options because it only has 6 grams 6 grams of net carbs per serving they do use a couple questionable ingredients in here they do have natural flavorings and they're not using the highest quality oil but sometimes I give a little leeway when it's a low carb item like this so cuz it's your only option so this is still ok now if you're going regular pizza I would say you have two options how the power is one of the cleanest pizzas out there and it's a cauliflower based crust but it's not low-carb it does also have let's see corn starch and brown rice flour in there too but it's really really high-quality pizza if you want a low-carb option they don't have the pizza they just have the crust but Kylie flour I know it's confusing cauliflower low-carb calipower not low-carb this is amazing you guys it's just cavity flour mozzarella egg whites and herbs and seasoning make your own pizza with this it is grain free it is gluten free it is keto it is fantastic it's not paleo because they use the mozzarella but Amy's once again Amy who are you Amy I want to shake your hand Amy give you a big old hug because this is this is crazy you guys Ami's pizzas once again do not have a laundry list of ingredients organic wheat flour so it's not sprayed with Roundup everything else is fantastic expeller pressed high oleic oil again this is how you do it so once again if you're looking at frozen foods look what kind of oil they're using make sure they're not using too many additives or preservatives and make sure the sodium is down to I Amy fits the bill every single and darn time unbelievable you guys but if you compare that to any car take a look at this wall here there's a wall of pizza's here any of the ones I just mentioned it right now beat the pants out of I think that's something I grew up with if you remember this from back in the day our Red Baron Pizza we used to crush this my parents bought it for me and they didn't know any better right but if you look at the ingredients there's a way more ingredients on here this is not the high quality frozen pizza you want I think it's so exciting we're living in a time now where you can get grain free gluten free paleo pizza Crosse we do this 15 to 10 years ago this is a brand-new next-level stuff and they have it at Walmart you guys it is available everywhere so cool let's go over some veggie burgers which had been a popular request lately I'm gonna start with the og locum burgers been around a long time here and it's not something I would recommend in my opinion because we look at the ingredients they're using corn oil is it non-gmo no so that's strike one then we can't pretty sketch you guys we got that caramel coloring we got natural flavors look what it says here it says contains less than 2% of the following and a person asked me on Instagram the other day which by the way if you're not following me on the Flav City Instagram hop on over there every night we make stories we hang out my dad comes for dinner where else honey my daughter joins us in the kitchen it's really fun so they asked me hey if it says less than 2% is it really a big deal and the answer is yes because something like natural flavors is a concentrated dose caramel coloring concentrated dose they would never put a lot in there so they're concentrated and a little bit adds up so I would avoid that this one is not so good this guy's doing a right dr. Prager good for you dr. Prager ingredient list way shorter that's great and we look what's in here black beans complex carbs quinoa complex carbs expeller press and no loyal good for you I would hope like a doctor like dr. Berger would use even better oil like avocado oil olive oil dr. Prager I don't think you're using Express canola oil at home and I don't think you're using soy flour but that's okay still everything else in here is real there's no filler in here it is non-gmo so this is fantastic now dr. preggers also making the spinach little kid frozen treats here these remind me actually of one we saw at Aldi that had really good ingredients too and we look at it it's just a few ingredients spinach potatoes onions expeller pressed canola oil non-gmo egg whites arrowroot very very good they have the same version that what Aldi that is fantastic now if you're a beyond meat fan I did a whole video reviewing the beyond burger Beyond burger and beyond meat and stuff like this is not veggie burgers it's a meat substitute and they do a mighty fine job especially with the new version 2.0 they got rid of a couple of the fillers and preservatives I didn't like the thing is I don't recommend buying me these are the crumbles that are feisty feisty crumbles and there's another one that's not feisty it's something else the problem is this one has ingredients the other ones don't have it has canola oil sunflower oil and malted extra and least extract so way more preservatives way lower quality oils by the pack the one pound pack of the beyond we all do so if you buy the pack of this arm you could actually that was a close Waldo encounter so it's just saying buy the pack of the Biondi you can make it yourself here's a brand Gardein I think it's slightly more upscale than maybe the previous one here this is the meatless chicken strips another one of our favorites and the thing is it's kind of interesting because we get some decent ingredients here like ancient grains millet quinoa amaranth fantastic but they're using soy protein it is non-gmo and non expeller pressed canola oil so not the best but better than what was the name of this one better than the Morningstar one and then they have something called The Guardian breakfast bowls and see once again a lot of ingredients here they're using canola oil not expeller pressed in a lot of regions here and they have a - preservatives so not the best again let's talk about frozen acai really quick be very careful on you're buying frozen acai because a lot of times it has added sugar to it this is different this is actually a frozen acai bowl and it has bananas in here but also honey and canola oil which is non expeller pressed when you buy frozen acai packets by the ones that are unsweetened they actually have zero sugar they have them at a Trader Joe's they have a version at Whole Foods called Sam boson then make your own at home add bananas to that add a little bit of almond milk coconut milk almond butter that's the way to do it never buy the pre-made ones because they're loaded with sugar this has 19 grams some of which comes from the banana but I don't know how much honey they're adding here okay now let's talk about frozen vegetables really quick now some frozen vegetables freeze better than others it's always good to have frozen peas and corn on hand because when they're out of season you couldn't really tell very little difference between the fresh one and the frozen one but other ones like cauliflower and broccoli get really mushy when you freeze them I wouldn't buy that but they have the option now to buy zucchini noodles or zoo dough's and I would not do that because when you freeze vegetables like zucchini ice crystals form most ice crystals puncture the cell wall so when this stall out the water from the cells runs out and you have a really soggy mushy noodle which ends up very sloppy and soggy you don't want to do that you want fresh zucchini noodles or you can actually buy zucchini noodles fresh in the produce department I think they have a decent deal on them had Costco if you don't want to do it yourself but don't buy frozen now the one you actually want to buy frozen is Kobe flour why not to make how the flour rice pilaf not to make cauliflower fried rice but for cauliflower pizza crust frozen cauliflower rice makes the best one because what did I say when the frozen vegetables thaw out and they get really wet that's what you want for cauliflower pizza crust because you want to wring out as much moisture as possible so if you want to make the best one around that has no dairy in his grain free and paleo use my wife Jessie she has a grain free paleo cauliflower pizza crust recipe I'll put in the description box below and it uses frozen rice the cauliflower that's pretty much the only time we use frozen cauliflower otherwise it's really soggy isn't pleasant to eat alright obviously Arby's doesn't make the Bobby approve this but is there a healthy ish french-fried which it's a really good question here at Walmart there aren't too many options you might gravitate towards this the Alexa sweet potato fries these are cooked in canola oil it's not expeller press so we always want to see that but also sweet potato fries in my opinion are sweet enough as is they're adding for additional grams of cane sugar per serving there is a total of six servings in here so we're talking 36 grams or 24 grams of total added sugar here just completely unnecessary so I would put this back and actually if you go to Whole Foods they have organic sweet potato fries cooked an expeller pressed canola oil which is the better one and they don't have that here is it a healthy fry no but it's healthy ish and it's certainly art healthier than your RB season curly fries so yes so the whole point of the view is can you find healthiest frozen food and in case you don't want to cook and you want to buy we're gonna give you the best alternatives out there right firstly I'm not sure that's gonna make the list and then I actually didn't think I'd see anything decent from healthy choice but they have a line called power molds and I looked at this one falafel and tahini it's actually not that bad you guys the ingredients are pretty real very minimal filler they're using canola oil it's not non-gmo and it's not expeller pressed but that's the only bad ingredient here which is pretty impressive a little bit of soybean oil too not the best but it's actually better than this is fit kitchen and they're boasting all their grams of protein here which is great but I care about the ingredients too not just about the protein right and for this one they're using maltodextrin what is multi dextran it's a food preservative it also let helps the food last longer on the shelf it can help with creamy textures but it's made from corn does it say non-gmo no so its GMO corn it's also high on the glycemic index because it's from corn so come on spike your blood sugars we have soybean oil here GMO soybean we have modified food starch more GMO corn natural flavorings sodium phosphates right so the phosphates are not the kind of stuff you want to eat you most commonly see them in lunch meat but too many phosphates on your body is bad news so this is like a major nono or as the healthy choice mole power mole falafel and teeny a much better option alright before we end I thought I'd be interesting just to check out the Walmart brand frozen foods and you guys I just snuck a peek here holy cow so this is the chicken coconut curry I fully expected bad quality oil a bunch of filler fillers and preservatives are you kidding me you guys look at the ingredients very clean what kind of oil are they using to cook this in extra virgin olive oil no canola no expeller pressed extra virgin no bad ingredients in this this is the chicken coconut curry the Mediterranean spired chicken 18 grams of protein once again minimal ingredients extra virgin olive oil not one preservative or filler in here holy cow so 498 I did not expect that you guys once again just to read the ingredients once you learn to train your brain you're like neo in the matrix you can spot the good from the bad you know has a really interesting frozen food selection is Trader Joe's and we're gonna do a video from there in the future I don't know how they kick us out every time we go there but we'll figure it out in the meantime in the new podcast called Bobby approved the Flav City shopping experience which is coming out in about two weeks we did one of our first episodes at Trader Joe's we're viewing every single frozen food there so I'll put the link down below in the description box subscribe to the podcast guys it's gonna be every Tuesday art and I walk around the grocery store having a good old time and not I repeat not getting kicked out art doesn't listen to anything I say you guys that is it the frozen food review is done you guys I gotta say above my expectations I mean we're living in a pretty exciting time that even here at Walmart there is some really good options for healthy food ranging from pizza to breakfast to dinner they got you covered just read the ingredients you guys once again don't trust that pretty picture on the front once you read the ingredients once you train your brain they can't fool you so that is it you guys do us a favor like subscribe and share these videos are a beast and we do them every week for y'all we got two more those videos going below us right now but art and I will see you very soon and we stay into like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace from the Frost
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 495,019
Rating: 4.9197164 out of 5
Keywords: frozen food, frozen food reviews, food, food review, review, frozen meals, frozen food review, grocery haul, grocery haul healthy, grocery haul walmart, grocery shopping, food haul, healthy food, flavcity, bobby parrish, frozen meal, freezer meals, walmart, shop with me, healthy food haul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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