Stop Eating So Much Sugar & Eat This Instead - Low Sugar Food Alternatives

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place city fam what is up it is bobby about to walk into the grocery store here on the north side of chicago for a video all about how to avoid cane sugar at the grocery store that's something i'm really passionate about because cane sugar aka the devil is in everything and it just drives me crazy because there's gobs of sugar and all the products that we eat every day and it leads to so many issues but if you know how to shop the grocery store like i try to teach you every week you can avoid cane sugar and get good paleo sweeteners like coconut sugar and keto sweeteners like monk fruit and stevia and erythritol and stuff like that in many of the products available in the grocery store and online and avoid putting cane sugar on your body so i think you're going gonna like this one before we go upstairs and do our shopping you know the drill like subscribe share that's the only way this channel keeps growing heck that's the only way we keep helping people put the best quality products in their body we also have a bell icon right below the video enable all notifications because we have like six videos going live every week these videos and the live streams and you don't want to miss out okay let's mask up and go shopping all right here we are we have stumbled upon the wall of sweeteners there's just so many options now it's crazy but we always go back to one common theme stay away from cane sugar listen i don't care if it's cane sugar i don't care if it's organic cane sugar sugar in the raw organic light brown sugar i call cane sugar the devil it's just so bad for so many reasons but a lot of people don't realize that cane sugar is actually devastating to your gut bacteria and when you walk around the grocery store a lot of products will have cane sugar there are some times when a product is really really good and just has a touch like two grams which is half a teaspoon of sugar per serving and i say it's okay but not uh ideal all right that's okay but for the general purposes cane sugar is a no-go so what do we do well these are great maple syrup honey is great but i want to go to two of my favorite sweeteners right over here this is where some of the exciting keto and paleo sweeteners live i'm gonna start with my favorite paleo sweetener around and it's coconut sugar also called coconut palm sugar it's the same thing it's an amazing sweetener derived from the nectar of the coconut blossom and the cool thing about this is that it has a really caramely nutty flavor and that adds a ton of flavor to sweets um what i would actually do is there's a lot of brands on the market now but my boys over at layered superfood the guys who make the amazing coffee and creamer they now have uh organic coconut sugar that i find has the best texture and flavor of any coconut sugar on the market they do have free shipping right now so i'll put the link down below desi uses that coconut sugar for her paleo amaretto cookies for her apple coffee cake with a vegan caramel sauce and because the coconut sugar has that nutty flavor it makes the caramel sauce fantastic also you put a little teaspoon of that coconut sugar in the layered insta fuel or the black coffee next level cup of joe they make amazing products so i'll put that link down below so this is really a good lower glycemic sweetener that is way better than anything that comes from cane sugar so knowing that this is such a great one let's walk around the grocery store and show you some really good products that use coconut sugar instead of the devil and the devil's cane sugar now you wouldn't expect to find a good quality paleo sweetener like coconut sugar in the chips aisle but check this out if you look at chicharrones and two of my favorite brands are right here you're gonna find a really cool flavor combination so here we go these are baked shiro chicharrones and i love epic of course look at the ingredients here it's maple sugar and coconut sugar combined with those fatty salty baked chicharrones these are fantastic art and i have crushed these before they're delicious and then another good brand here you can find these at costco actually combine sweet and heat this is 4505 another responsibly raised pork skin company and they're using coconut palm sugar and even though it says chili on the front i guess they're not telling us their secret spice blend like kfc style it says spices and it's so little sugar it's less than a gram per serving when they do that they can put zero but oh hello that's on sale so this is a great way to get your sweet and savory snack on without using any cane sugar and unfortunately that can't be said for a lot of the sweet snacks over here we go to like popcorn all of these sweet popcorns unfortunately are gonna use cane sugar this is a very popular corn here and they have cane sugar how much cane sugar oh my god eight grams of added cane sugar for two cups eight grams of cane sugar is two teaspoons and then i wish someone would actually make a sweet popcorn using coconut sugar because what did i say about coconut sugar it has that real nutty caramel flavor yep these have cane sugar too 14 grams of added sugar oh my gosh that's absurd you guys that's almost four teaspoons of sugar because that coconut sugar has that nutty caramel flavor combine that with popcorn good quality organic non-gmo maybe heirloom popcorn that would be amazing but hey maybe i got to develop that product myself the dreaded cereal aisle these are those boxed cereals that are loaded with processed grains usually non-organic wheat and more importantly gobs of sugar that being said there are more and more keto options online and in the grocery store this here is very uh prevalent at whole foods this catalina crunch now let's look at the ingredients i've seen it before is it ideal well we look at the ingredients here i love the fact that it's gluten free which is really nice they're using organic high oleic sunflower oil it's not expeller pressed so it's not ideal better yet would be coconut oil or avocado oil and they're using natural flavors but it's sweet with monk fruit and we look at how much sweetness look at that zero grams of added sugar five net carbs eight grams of protein so here's a question right i don't love the oil and i don't love the natural flavors but it's the lesser of the two evils would i rather you eat this or a cereal like one of these loaded with sugar tons of sugar i'd rather you have this so what do i mean tons of sugar i mean look at this this is kashi chocolate crunch here how much sugar is in here there's nine grams of added sugar for a three-quarter cup serving nine grams of sugar is just over two teaspoons of cane sugar but the other ingredients too there's soy flakes i don't know why they put that in there and even though it's made with whole grain oats and whole grain blends and i say when you eat carbs make sure they count make sure they're complex carbohydrates whole grains they're not organic and when you have oats and wheat that aren't organic they're sprayed with roundup to dry out the oats and the wheat at the end of the growing process so that's a sugar bomb i mean even something like this so i said eat organic so you come here you're like okay these are organic whole grains here yes it's whole grains bobby city whole grains but there's cane sugar in here there's sunflower oil that's not organic expeller pressed it's just organic and there's 10 grams of sugar that's just too much there's a new cereal on amazon but uh called new cocoa it's the company that makes those coconut wraps it's keto there's no added sugar it's super clean i'll put the link down below unbelievable i have to try it but the ingredients are fantastic um so just be careful when you're getting these different kinds of cereal right and then i come over to the uh granola here granola once again can be a sugar bomb but if you get the right granola like purely elizabeth which oh it's on sale now winning this is one of the best granolas on the market because it's sweetened with let's see coconut sugar and maple syrup and it's not even that sweet four grams of added sugar for a third cup serving is one teaspoon of coconut and uh maple syrup which is a paleo sweetener the same is true for this is a cool midwest company called kitchfix and here's one right here it's so under the radar but they make a chickpea granola and it's very tasty and it's sweetened with organic maple syrup and coconut sugar once again and they also throw in a little bit of live inactive cultures three grams of added sugar this is the kind of stuff you want to eat because it's low glycemic sweeteners and they're not throwing two teaspoons in there they're putting a teaspoon or less i love to approve this one because these guys make the only organic sprouted oats on the market but unfortunately they're sweetening their granola with cane sugar how much cane sugar that's one teaspoon so it's actually not terrible but i wish that was not cane sugar so you do have some great options just go with the paleo sweetener options oh wait i almost left the breakfast aisle and i saw this i just talked about purely elizabeth do you want a really cool paleo gluten-free grain-free breakfast option it's expensive but it's cauliflower hot cereal and on sale once again what makes this so cool because instead of eating grains like oats they're replacing that with almond protein powder and cauliflower flour and they're sweetening it with coconut sugar how crazy is that freeze-dried cauliflower macros are really really nice super cool stuff i had this before it's great it's just a little pricey but hey if you want to get it on sale i'd scoop that for sure cookies cookie cookie monster all right so traditional cookies are going to be loaded with uh well starch gluten and sugar but the game is changing and to me one of the biggest game changers here is all the way at the bottom i don't know why they're putting it down here these guys who are chicago based make the best crispy almost like chips ahoy style cookie with look at that coconut sugar and coconut oil i'm telling you art and i think it tastes just like a chips ahoy and it's made with good paleo sweetener the weird thing is the ones right next to it the crunchy almond flour cookies are made with palm shortening so i wouldn't get the palm shortening because even though it says sustainably sourced that might be true but palm shortening is highly processed and refined and just not good for your body by the way the mask is finally fitting well you've all noticed this i haven't had to move it once high five right um emmys i'm not a big fan of emmy's cookies because they say cookies it's more like a energy bite that is not the texture of a cookie i'd say that's very misleading but her these the vanilla bite cookies once again it's not a cookie but they're delicious such a great texture and the sweetener here is coconut syrup and what else coconut sugar fantastic how much sweetener five for two pieces that's really really good these are delicious and then i know a lot of people like these fat snacks cookies and listen i'm okay if a cookie like this is gonna have natural flavors because they're getting rid of the sugar but a lot of times these keto ones are made with see palm oil the natural flavor i'd be okay with but it's also sweetened with xylitol which is concerning to me because i don't really like to eat xylitol it's not the best for your tummy you'd rather have like a monk fruit or a stevia so i would put that one back so many people ask me about a bobby approved gum and it's very hard to find one without natural flavor so i would just look for one without sugar so you come down here they have some good brands here at whole foods i would go for something like spry this is peppermint and instead of adding cane sugar they're using xylitol xylitol is okay with gum it's not okay for foods you eat it does have the natural flavors here but almost all gums do so whereas if you pick up something like this simply gum natural spearmint this one has cane sugar we really want to avoid the cane sugar there but other brands too are good i mean look at three three here is going to be made with xylitol totally fine with that pure i'm fine with that too just stay away from your traditional gums you know the ones i'm thinking about like wrigley's double ming gum way too much sugar it's actually surprising how many peanut butter and almond butter brands have added sugar and you don't even realize them it's always cane sugar i mean you pick something like a premium almond butter here you just assume it's almonds and that's it but it also has cane sugar and palm oil two really bad ingredients that i always tell you guys to avoid in uh nut butters that being said there is one or two really cool nut butters on the market so nutso nut cell makes the most amazing nut butters because it's a blend of amazing nuts and seeds they use fantastic salt in here like celtic sea salt and if you want a sweet treat that has next level ingredients they're chocolate power fuel yes it is pricey and i wish costco had it all costco ahead is the original nutso but i'll look at the ingredients on this you guys ready so it's chocolate how do they get the chocolate flavor in there with real cocoa beans they sweeten it with the coconut sugar but the other ingredients are just such a blend of superfood nuts and seeds with celtic sea salt this is how you do it because if you think of a normal chocolate or hazelnut style of butter i mean uh the traditional nutella is out that has gobs of sugar but even a premium one like this this is no chialata from italy what's the ingredient here the first ingredient is cane sugar there is another version of this on amazon it's made by pure it's actually keto it's made with erythritol and stevia it does have sunflower oil in there and natural flavors but everything else is clean so when you're talking about like an indulgent thing like a nutella i'm okay with a little bit of natural flavors and sunflower oil because there's no added sugar in there it's all about which is the lesser of the two evils so check that out on amazon i'll put the link down below or check out this power fuel that's even cleaner because there's no nasty oils in here but most importantly read the back of the ingredients of your nut butters if it has sugar put it down going back to the sweetener section let's talk about keto for a second if you're keto your go-to sweetener is going to be either monk fruit sweetener i love this one from la canto because it's a one to one replacement with sugar you can also use erythritol but here's the deal a lot of people say hey this kind of stuff bothers my stomach because i have a sensitive tummy that can happen with erythritol and sugar alcohols so if that happens you can't use this i would look for pure monk fruit but keep in mind per monk food is like 300 times sweeter than sugar you can't use it as a one-to-one replacement in baking uh so that's not going to work but for sweetening like a cup of tea it is otherwise this is really what you want to do like i said xylitol stay away for that for cooking purposes it's very destructive to the gut and swerve always seems to have natural flavors in all of their products i don't know why they do that so for that reason i'd stay away um so knowing that erythritol and monk fruit are your preferred keto sweeteners and low glycemic sweeteners let me show you a couple ice creams that are fantastic for the summer that have these instead of nasty cane sugar it's summertime you gotta have ice cream and i've talked about my favorite ice creams a lot recently but the amount of sugar in normal ice cream is astronomical so if i pick up something like this talented gelato people love this brand right here i'm not a huge fan of it because they use natural flavors and i don't think you need that in real ice cream but look at this there's 24 grams of added sugar in a two-third cup serving now listen i'm all about having some ice cream and having indulgence here and there 24 grams is literally six teaspoons think about six teaspoons of white cane sugar in one serving that's not good my friends that's why two thirds of americans are going to have diabetes by the year i think 2050. so what do you do you come over to the no sugar added section i'm not talking about no sugar in the terms of sucralose and aspartame and the real toxic sweeteners i'm talking about this this is one of my favorite dairy-free sugar-free ice creams instead of adding sugar they add monk fruit and erythritol they do have the natural flavors but it's the case once again i'm okay with that because i'd rather have that than have added sugar look at those macros that's what you want to see they also make no sugar added bars right here at the fudge bars and the uh ice cream bars but there's a lot of keto ice creams on the market right now enlighten makes it rebel makes it mammoth makes it if you're an aldi shopper get the aldi keto or the aldi sunday shop low fat high protein ice cream it just isn't worth eating ice cream and having 24 grams of sugar that's just way too much we've got to bring it down i don't want everyone in this country getting diabetes because we can't afford it and that's a major major problem i'm all about protein shakes heck when this video is done watch my protein shake review there's some really good ones on the market for both plant-based and for dairy but go for something that has no added sugar this is one of the better ones out there it's grass-fed dairy or gain protein and instead of putting cane sugar they put a little bit of stevia in there i don't love the fact that i have sunflower oil actually my best in class uh protein shake is made from garden of life but i'm okay with it because there's one gram of natural sugar in there the rest is erythritol so compare that to something like this this is the popular plant-based protein powder here and we look at the ingredients here and there's actual cane sugar in here to the tune of one teaspoon four grams of one teaspoon of sugar so yeah it's great to get your protein fixed but do you want a teaspoon of sugar in there and by the way if you want protein plant-based you really ideally want to get organic pumpkin and pea and this one doesn't look like it's organic peas which are legumes so not ideal but there are some really good options from oregon and garden of life mixing too there's a lot of juices and smoothies on the market that sometimes will have added sugar but sometimes the natural sugar is just too high but there's a couple really cool brands you guys know i love this rebel they have rebel keto now this stuff is amazing it's one of the best kind of like i call a smoothie elixirs on the market and look at this these have next level ingredients they're dairy free with coconut milk but they have mct's real vanilla a little bit of himalayan pink salt ashwagandha but they're sweetened with stevia and look at the macros here four grams of net carbs that's amazing they have the vanilla almond too to be honest this one isn't even that bad this is the banana nut protein it's sweetened with i believe coconut sugar yeah right there coconut sugar uh oh this has zero grams of added sugar interesting this one just has banana for the sweetener but stuff like this this will have the coconut sugar right there maybe eight grams is a little too much you could also go for something like this i don't love the fact that they use a natural flavors in this i don't love the fact that the pea protein is not organic but i'm okay with that because there's zero grams of added sugar and only three grams of total sugar you're much better off with this than something like a naked juice or something where the natural sugars or the added sugar are way too high and look it's on sale again a lot of good sales today i have a whole video about this wall of sweeteners exactly here at whole foods so watch that when this one's over but just since we're here when you're going to buy stevia you want to get pure stevia powder that doesn't have flavors or natural flavors and pure stevia drops when you get these drops that have the flavors like this they always have natural flavors they put it so small but my camera can still see it see natural flavors and then even something like a plain straight up stevia you gotta read the ingredients because sometimes they even sneak natural flavors in there truvia has natural flavor so you don't want natural flavors in places where you can easily avoid them honey is such a fantastic paleo sweetener a lot of people ask me about manuka honey manuka honey is worth it they have an amazing deal at costco actually it's like half the price of this it's from usually new zealand and the bees feed on the manuka flowers which have a lot of healthy properties and way more immune system boosting properties than regular honey and then listen if you're keto and you want maple syrup get something like this i don't use this myself because all of the maple syrups that are keto on the market have natural flavors just the way it is but at least this one doesn't have a caramel coloring a lot of them do otherwise just get pure 100 maple syrup not the cheap stuff from uh the artist formerly known as ancho mimo you don't want that and uh and this really cool stuff like date syrup which is really nice uh paleo sweetener and even though i used to use agave nectar back in the day i don't use it anymore because agave actually has the same amount of fructose as sugar you don't want fructose because it can make you insulin resistant over time so i'd put that down and offer something like a maple syrup instead but like i said that video on sweeteners i have two of them has a ton of information so go watch that one as soon as this video is done all right y'all that's it grocery shopping is done for the day i hope you enjoyed that there's some really good options upstairs for avoiding sugar and we're avoiding all the health issues that come with it but uh please let me know what other kind of videos you want to see do you want to see more videos like this more haul and recipes more summer themed videos these videos are all about you like subscribe share that's the only way our channel keeps growing the way it has uh two more videos are streaming below me right now but i will see you soon art we'll see you soon desi and rose will see you soon we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 336,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no sugar, low sugar diet, low sugar diet benefits, sugar, sugar free diet, how to quit sugar, low sugar, blood sugar, no sugar challenge, sugar free foods, sugar free foods for diabetics, sweetener, sugar substitute, stevia, sugar substitutes, sugar alternatives, monk fruit, keto sweeteners, erythritol, best sugar substitute, coconut sugar, paleo sweeteners, flavcity, bobby parrish, low sugar foods
Id: T5GzihiQyeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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