Top 10 Costco Essentials You Should Be Buying

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play city fam what is up it is bobby coming at you on a beautiful south florida day it's going to get even more beautiful because brad and i are about to do some costco shopping and i thought it'd be really fun to flip on the old iphone and do a video about the top 10 essential costco items you should be buying i mean you might have heard me talk about these before but these would be like the best most bobby approved costco items with great ingredients for rock bottom prices this is the kind of stuff we always have in the pantry at home and i think you might want to stock up on it too so let's go into our happy place costco and show you the list of essential items uh before we do like subscribe share it's the only way the channel keeps growing but more importantly it's the only way we help you i'll put the best quality stuff in your body um also i want you to check out using my promo link down below thrive is a six-year sponsor of the video and the cool thing about thrive anything you would get at most any grocery store is cheaper on thrive market on average you save about 32 dollars per order compared to going to a store and that box comes to your door you never have to leave the house and right now they are giving a flav city of fans the hook up and you guys are loving it when you click the link down below in the description box you get 25 off your first order you get a free gift one of those free gifts is a bottle of primal kitchen avocado oil and a ranch dressing and it's 30 days risk free so if you don't love it the way i do you could always cancel and get your membership feedback but i think you'll love it so check it out using my link okay less talking more shopping let's go into costco aisle 309 is the money aisle here at costco there are so many things you need to stock your pantry here starting with oils there's a lot of selections of oils here but i've said it once and i'll say it again because i get so many questions about which olive oil is the best here at costco this one right here this one the 100 italian extra virgin olive oil is actually consistently rated one of the purest real extra virgin olive oils on the market i say the word real because eighty percent of the extra virgin olive oil on the grocery store shelves is fake we have a whole video about that fake meaning it doesn't qualify to be extra virgin it's made with rancid olives and it has cut with processed oils like canola or soybean this one the 100 italian extra virgin olive oil is consistently rated one of the purest ones and has very low acidity very very uh important for extra virgin olive oil and it happens to be an amazing price now i'm not talking about the other ones i'm not talking about the spanish one i'm not talking about the organic italian one which i see here i'm not saying they're bad per se but load up on this this is such a good value for a pure clean extra virgin olive oil and that price is great now i'll say also if you see this at your costco i always love to get this too this is the california sacramento valley that's a great price this is ten dollars it's nice because it's in a glass bottle but it only comes from one region of california and they know how to party this stuff is great too so if you want to have that or this one those are two fantastic extra virgin olive oils at costco they come over here salt we have videos all about salt and luckily all costcos have one of the best in class unrefined salt of himalayan pink salt actually down here in florida this company the spice lab in my current hometown of pompano beach makes a really good pink salt this is so much better than kosher salt i'll tell you in a minute but to get a five pound tub for 6.49 is amazing unrefined salts are the only ones you want to be cooking with i prefer to cook with something called celtic sea salt it's more expensive than this but i actually just started buying this to season my pasta water or boiling water with because i don't want to deal with celtic because it's too pricey this is such an amazing deal when you compare unrefined salt like pink salt to this kind of salt any kind of salt that is bleached like this kosher salt diamond crystal salt iodized table salt it's bleached processed refined and have anti-caking agents in there that kind of salt this one back there actually makes your blood pressure spike more and has no flavor it's just sodium chloride salt this and other unrefined salts are not bleached or processed and have upwards of 90 minerals that actually taste good and because the minerals are blended with the sodium chloride this kind of unrefined salt does not spike your blood pressure the way that salt does so that salt is not only bad for you but it tastes bad this kind of salt is good for you and it tastes good this is the easiest way to up your cooking game and that price is fantastic so swap out cruddy bleached salt with unrefined salt and you can get amazing deals at costco on pink salt i just bought that literally the other day and if you wander down here oh my gosh we have to aisle to ourselves brad look at this no one's in the aisle this is like how luxurious it's like a country club experience here at uh costco if we come down here almond flour we use almond flour a ton because desi does uh paleo and keto baking and i'll use this a lot for sometimes dredging food in the deal on almond flour is literally half price to most grocery stores and the price got even better because last year this crept up to about 430 a pound it's back sub four dollars a pound i see this at most grocery stores for seven to eight dollars a pound if you're gluten free hello if you're paleo keto hello almond flour is where it's at we use it in a lot of the baking and sweets recipes in our new five ingredient cookbook which is still a number one best seller thanks to you guys check it out on amazon grab a bag of this the price is right and it's so darn good brad and i always bring some bobby approved snacks with for the haul and brad is crushing a great one from laird superfood right now and a mother's day is coming up in one week you could get your mom flowers or chocolate but what i would do for mom is get her these these i'm telling you are going to blow up pretty soon they're peely nuts they are the highest fat lowest carb nut in the world they're from the philippines and they're only grown in a volcanic soil look at these nuts but they taste brad like crispy butter it's amazing it's the best keto paleo snack with high energy and high magnesium in there too um if you haven't tried them out yet use my link in the description box get them from mom she's gonna love them and i think laird has on their website if you're a first time customer 10 off peely nuts for the win bobby approve snack baby there's a lot of burgers in the frozen section you have bubba's burgers sirloin burgers beyond burgers made of fake meat angus burgers but the one that has my vote and is it costco's nationwide now is the grass-fed 100 grass-fed beef patties they were hit and missed for a while but i'm telling you you always want to have these in your freezer summertime or not because number one look at that price 399 is literally about as cheap as it gets for any kind of grass-fed beef and it's a hundred percent grass-fed beef patties please remember 100 grass-fed is the same thing as grass fed and grass finished maybe the coolest thing about this is if you zoom in close here it's 80 20 80 percent beef 20 percent fat most grocery stores are 85 15. i wait for i we prefer more fat because more fat means more flavor grass-fed specifically tends to dry out more than grain fed and you're going to have more leeway and remember that's a good fat this is good healthy saturated fat from grass-fed pasture-raised cows and you don't have to make burgers you can thaw them and make them into meatballs or meatloaf or whatever your heart desires but these are ideal that price is ideal it is freezing blowing on me with this smoke coming out here so i'm getting out of here holy cow bird wow look at that cookie stacking that skills y'all wow you can't make a costco essentials video without talking about this i've been all over this one from costco for years it's the grass fed collagen peptides from vital proteins first of all for 29 for a 24 ounce container i've seen grocery stores have double the price for this kind of collagen that price is amazing but we all need collagen in our body i'm a firm believer in it i'm 43 years old as you get older you lose the natural collagen your body you start getting um joint pain too this is a great supplement to that it also helps you with hair and skin and teeth and nails and your gut you want to get it it's unflavored the only place that has a price that is basically the same as thrive market but if you want to get it from costco while you're here i'd highly recommend it don't get the new chocolate one because they use natural flavors which is a bummer i'll put a scoop of this in my green organic tea in the morning and then usually a second scoop in my protein smoothie in the afternoon i swear by this stuff the price is amazing get this you will thank me later i'm telling you there are two cheeses here at costco that i always have in my fridge number one you can not beat the deal on real deal authentico parmigiano reggiano from italy this price is half of most grocery stores the only problem i have is that it's a 24 month age back in chicago we had the 36 month age which had more like a sharp age flavor either way this is real deal parmesan cheese and remember i know it's not organic or anything but in parma italy they do not allow gmos so the cows number one aren't factory farm they're out and about roaming eating grass and then have the supplemental feed of non-gmo grain this is so darn good and it has no lactose remember if you're lactose intolerant like me you can eat this because what happens during the aging process let's all do it together the bacteria how come the bacteria eat all of the lactose in there so it's the ultimate cheese that's why they call it the king of cheese and the cheese of kings so that is a must and if you come down here this is the other one i always get this is the kerrygold dubliner cheese for 669 for one of the only cheeses on the market that's made from grass-fed milk cows i mean that is so darn cool and once again remember that because it's an aged cheese like cheddar it has no lactose now keep in mind it's not a hundred percent grass-fed during bad weather months in ireland they do give it a grain i still can't figure out if it's gmo grain or not but still 80 is the best you can do and it is always made from grass-fed cows the flavor is great and for that price oh i put it on my turkey sandwiches for uh lunch so darn good what the what there's a sale on siete this was not listed anywhere online was it brad okay we're gonna have to buy this today i'm not sure if it's a regional item and we're gonna talk about this anyway but run the costco before five two so it's only a few days and get this this price of 37 cents is 60 cheaper than the grocery store i was gonna say in the chip aisle here by brad and myself there's a lot of stuff i see parents buy for kids and i really don't recommend buying them you might be like oh my kids love organic pita chips they're probably really good for me right well they're not good for you because they're made with enriched wheat flour which has no nutrition and they're fried in sunflower oil which is a refined oil you might feel like yeah but i buy these bobby these multi-grain because multi-grain are really good for me right and my kids well multi-grain can be good for you but when the first ingredient is corn which has no nutrition and starchy and it's cooked in sunflower oil and safflower oil that's not good either and worst of them all please do not buy your kids chest your cheeto we talked about this the other day but cheetos and doritos have one of the worst ingredients ever right there monosodium glutamate straight up msg which is horrible for you and really really messes up on your body so the reason why i'd rather you get one of two options siete is because it's a chip that's fried or i should say baked in avocado oil it has chia seeds which are protein rich this is paleo and grain free the macros are really nice for a chip but avocado oil is best in class oil and i'm learning more about the processed plant seed oils like sunflower oils and safflower oils canola oils i already knew they're bad for you but those processed oils are loaded with free radicals which damage the cells in your body so while we're so invested and interested in eating antioxidants to repair ourselves the more you eat those processed oils like sunflower safflowers peanut oils the more free radicals you're putting into your body whereas something like avocado oil does not have free radicals my friends just swap this out for your kids go over there and get those pre-made guacamoles that are super clean at that price i mean come on brad have you ever seen a price that low ridiculous and the other resting class brad balanced here perfectly is this you want a cracker for your kids it's not perfectly ideal because if you show the ingredients it does have sunflower oil i wish they would get rid of that but still compared to any other cracker on the market this is way way better the trend continues we have the aisle to ourself which is a good thing because i love these tomatoes and we go through them like nobody's business these are the san marzano style italian peeled tomatoes the funny thing is you get three 28-ounce cans for 529. normally a 1 28 ounce can is about 3.99 at most grocery stores so the deal is insane and babadoni who unfortunately is leaving in like two weeks to go back to bulgaria for the summer and she's coming back in the fall we're gonna miss her a lot she cooks with these all the times with her amazing cabbage stews and whatnot and i've said it before but because these are grown in the san marzano region they're grown in volcanic ashy soil that volcanic ash from mount vesuvius years ago exploded and put amazing minerals into the soil and they're known for going growing great tomatoes the price is normally way more expensive other places but i'm telling you if you choose between that and something like a regular tomato over by brad forget about it right stick with the san marzano tomatoes load up we might not go through as many as baba donnie and i but they'll last a long time and that price is unbelievable oh i don't buy any beef i don't buy any chicken at costco the only beef i buy here is actually this it's lamb and it actually boggles my mind 40 of americans have never tried lamb and you're missing out and this is the one you want to try and the price is amazing this is the rack of lamb for uh nine oh did it raise the price oh my god i was gonna say 9.99 so it's been that forever it's 11.99 whoa i guess the importing fees just went up that's fine though because this stuff is easily 20 to 23 a pound anywhere else and the cool thing is this is australian lamb it doesn't say it here but i could almost guarantee you it's going to be 100 grass fed three years ago i actually went to australia with the meat and livestock association and they took me to the grass-fed farms and the rolling hills it was unbelievable and the flavor of this is superior to the land they get in australia because they vacuum seal it and ship it in um in a boat across the world and because it's sitting in here for a few weeks it gets wet aged you're actually getting wet aged uh meat that is juicier than the stuff they have in australia and it's cheaper than australia too so even though the price went up two dollars come on 40 of america this is the one you want if you want you can cut it into individual chops like i'm gonna do tonight for dinner and then grill it this stuff is fantastic price increase or not get it i'm still waiting for the day when i walk into the cooler here at costco and they have the costco kirkland brand pasture-raised eggs right now they only have the organic eggs right here which is not something i would buy but there's topping up more and more uh in the west coast you guys have them get them for sure but the reason why i walked in here is because a lot of people say bobby how come you never talk about the organic milk in costco and you're right i should talk about it more if you're a milk drinker you don't want to get any of these conventional gmo factory farm milks here you want to get the organic milk ideally grass fed's better but they don't have that here at costco they do have it at bj's warehouse though but this is what you want to get you don't want to get reduced fat you want to get organic whole milk and the price come on three 64-ounce cartons for 10-19 that's great number one the reason why you want to get organic milk is because unlike the ones that are behind me organic means the cows never have gmo corn and soy in their diet you don't want to eat it you don't want to eat anything or drink anything that comes from gmo animals number two whole milk is where it's at because when you get reduced fat this is a healthy saturated fat so when you reduce the fat guess what your omega-3s go down other nutrition goes down you want the full fat so if you're at costco get the organic whole milk it's where it's at and that price is fantastic all right flavor city family that is it that is the top 10 costco essentials you should be buying right now to such good products the deals are unbelievable um the april sales are coming to us end very soon if you want to know what to get watch our april sale video from a couple weeks ago which means the warehouse hot buys are coming up which means the maze sales are coming up we got a busy busy times along with some other great videos brad and i are working on but that is it like subscribe share spread that flavcity love if you have any video recommendations leave a comment down below but for bradley myself rose jesse baba the whole gang we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking man love and peace from costco
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 515,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco, costco haul, costco shop with me, costco haul 2021, what to buy at costco, flavcity, bobby parrish, costco tips, costco deals, things you should always buy at costco, costco 2021, 10 things you should buy at costco, best things costco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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