How well do the Sidemen know W2S?

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hello boys and girls welcome to uh how well to decide then know harry we've already done this video in the past i think right well i saw it yes i'm working with children okay let's uh let's just go has harry had more alcohol than coffee this week oh wait absolutely bro oh more alcoholic coffee yes yeah because you had the glasses of wine yeah yes yeah bro do you even drink coffee i don't drink coffee i don't know ozone but it's very rarely i genuinely think i've had more coffee though this week so from this week not the weekend the last seven days last seven days okay no no okay three yeah they're not very big they're small ones they're like it's like a uh there's a reason they're small yeah i know they're full of sugar it's not good has harry had sex in the past week oh when i'm ashamed i'm saying is [Laughter] did harry fail their driving test the first time oh yes if you did it in london you would have right because i remember when you came and picked me up oh no i think you're fine i mean yeah you know everyone important in guernsey oh i failed my first one i failed it miserably i do fail in germany there's no clue i went through my foot was shaking on the pedal like a road terrorism don't they stop it after one major normally no no no no you failed off the one but they just i failed like from the get-go and she just left your hands are driving bro how do you drive through a red light it wasn't red it was like going it was going the journey back to stratford was one of the worst things i've ever done it was my first time probably driving live i was sure i was with you your first time driving it's terrible bro it's awful london you just shook at the roundabouts yeah was he driving the landmark was it yeah no driving man got six majors had a loud bust has harry ever ridden a horse oh a little farmer oh no i feel like yeah call roddy's mum oh that was that deep wow i see it no no no i'll save that one i'll come back no my uh my uncle had a goat for some reason when i was young i could certainly go i think my memory might be [ __ ] but i think i said wait didn't you sit on the go hit a pet duck is that your thing really yeah same thing really can harry roll a joint no good one yes see we got well uh yes sir i i think yes for other people i can uh does harry know how many feet are in a yard i don't know how many feet are in the yard i have no idea i reckon yeah i i would say i don't i would estimate three can we check would you say three three two and a bit five all right okay change my answer to yes three oh wow yes i said yes by the way yeah i said running back i said yes i said yes i think he guessed it he did it he got it right now he's an educated guest here yeah i guess this you put that and it was a is you still got it you're going correct yeah you've got the question right you didn't know it no it's a technicality it's a technicality you're saying he didn't really get 100. no no no he got 100 but he was lucky he's a guest this is a fun one did harry eat breakfast this morning oh you didn't even get up for gym not like i i i did not eat breakfast all morning sorry everyone saw that i know you were like no i was i was it was poor for me i i i he's a weirdo has harry ever called the police i reckon you did it as a kid for the gibby incident baby i have never called the police not even as a kid never called the police i think i've pranked the police i've noticed you prank called the police i wasn't a prank you question your taxes i have actually paid to have my eyebrows done but yes but i was having a normal haircut and she was like jumping into your eyebrows i was like i swear to god it's the most painful everyone you've ever heard yeah bro you're like pulling it your eyebrow hair always said no i've saw something next to me again no it's really painful but then she started like 20 quid more and i thought i thought it was just what you were doing like kindly as a friend but no no eyebrows funny good for pain but they looked good after it they were all red and so the next day they were like nice and like so i rate it so i would not get it done again though has harry ever gone to class hi oh that's it let's say a side note video um no we said class let's decide my videos no i don't think so [Laughter] do you know a specific one right i think one there's probably a couple party there's probably loads where you you were high the day before and you were still high when you woke up the best one was the train journey up to um oh yes yeah anyway that's that's yeah yeah i drunk a lot the day before boys i was very hungover all right uh uh what uh has um has harry ever bought a bitcoin oh yeah i have indeed purchased come on bitcoin go on the back has harry ever watched porn with someone else actually i think you have yeah not as always you've watched it with like one of the boys thing well no maybe you're really drunk but you can just about say hello yeah but no no no it's not i wouldn't it's not my go-to has harry ever ridden in a helicopter oh yeah i have written it uh this one has harry have i had sex in a car but i'm gonna i'm gonna change it has harry ever had sex in the la his old lamborghini oh it's very specific no i don't think you know in the lambo actually it's a difficult one i'm sorry that's the worst place to have it very difficult yeah i have not yet and it was still difficult horrible yeah so i love you done it in a lambo or a porch or porsche i've never done it you're portrait time all right what you said you had well no i'm talking about the the big porsche the four by five does harry pee and pools oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah don't say no do not care no you'll do it i've never i've never worked live all right there we go people i think you know fairly well decent scores all around yeah nice
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 2,698,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: gEIbo9dnQr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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