Hikaru coaches Fuslie on the London System

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let me just pop up some stuff okay okay all  right how many monitors do I have I have   two monitors but definitely agent yeah I was  checking out the color of the match you guys   you guys are hilarious oh who is that is that  um is that is that is that Pete is that Peter   Pete Peter Parker that's Peter Parker right I  might and my wrong shot isn't it isn't that um   isn't that yeah Peter Parker TV right cool  cool cool no that's not Edison that's um I   was I was in there discord last night it's  so embarrassing that it's um let me see it   is uh it is Peter Park Pete Peter Park Peter  Park TV that's who it is okay um let me see okay I'll start I'll start the voice call you guys  hello hello okay all right you hear me yeah I can   hear white white white it why did Peter run away  no it's all good I was just watching the stream   see he was in that he was in the discord last  night we were all like watching watching like   the anime and stuff it was funny Oh Peter he's  he's not coming back no no it's all good it's   all good yes I'm just kind of joking yeah so okay  first thing what is your username on Ches calm Oh   actually don't know I think it just foosley  I think if you slie I think so on live chess   wait chess calm right yeah yeah yes I think so it  should be yes it is it's the thing you next to my   flag and diamond right right so actually click on  the play button and click on live chess okay okay   play live chess yes it's on left-hand side so are  you are you there now yes okay um okay all right   so let me just I I think the first question is did  you learn any any any openings yesterday from from   Chiyu yes I learned one okay I kind of forgot  it but I did learn something Oh Frick I did it   everywhere she taught me something but I I think I  forgot the opening but I didn't remember a lot of   things that she taught me I just focused all my  energy on the defense okay oh so she taught you   to play the Italian okay all right okay so that's  fine okay let me just start this I think the way   that I'll do this then is I'll just I'll try to  give you some preparation from the white cyclists   tomorrow I think in your first first first  match you are gonna be white I believe if I'm   not mistaken oh okay yes I'm going first right so  generally speaking in the game of chess you want   to with with white when you get the first move you  try to you try to attack as much as you can okay   okay so all right so so what's your first move I  like to do like this this is this what is what she   showed you hmm no she didn't tell me specifically  okay fine then let's scrap it all and we'll start   we'll start from scratch okay no it's a great  first move there are there many good first moves   so let's just scrap everything and we'll start  we'll start from scratch okay so you're playing   against Iran tomorrow with the white pieces so I'm  gonna recommend that you do start with this pawn   push and now there are many many replies that your  opponent in play but as I've told many streamers   let's just say black plays of random move on the  side of the board if you have the opportunity you   want to take advantage of the center where you can  get these two pawns on these two middle squares   yeah if you have the opportunity so normally  when you whether you push the pawn in front of   the queen or the king the idea is essentially  the same you want to get these two pawns next   to each other because they take a lot of space  in the central squares so okay so you're gonna   start with d4 all right so here normally the way  your opponent will respond to this move is they   will prevent you from getting the second pawn in  the center so let's say black pushes this pawn   here to stop you from pushing the pawn in the  center right then I like to do this okay um can   I suggest something a little bit different okay no  that's fine but I just I want to kind of give you   a very straightforward idea of something that  you can play that will that I think will will   work quite quite well for one game okay so I'm  gonna recommend that you bring this Bishop out   here to f4 really okay why'd you say really oh I'm  just I never play my bishop that early I'm but I   yes okay so I'll give you an example normally the  way you want to develop your pieces at the start   of the game here would be to move your Bishop and  your knight here next to your king and castle your   king out of the center of the board right so in  this case if you were to push this pawn you can   move your bishop and move your knight and get your  king out of the middle of the board okay but the   reason I'm going to recommend you play this move  is let's say your opponent moves the knight and   you push this pawn do you see a difference between  this position the previous position that I showed   you so okay just look at this position for one  second now let me go back to this position do   you see a difference where where's this is the  other position mm-hmm oh well this position the   other position has a bishop right so so let's  say I move my knight here like the difference   between this one and this one is that in this  one your bishop is outside of these pawns your   bishop actually can can attack a lot of pieces on  this long diagonal right whereas in this one your   bishop is behind the pawn so the bishop doesn't  really have any squares from what you can attack   it's not an active piece so this is more you're  saying to go more offensive like yes oh okay so   I mm-hmm Oh - you taught me a lot of defense  yesterday and so I'm I'm not sure how to go on   offense as much but well the plan that I'm gonna  give you is pretty it's pretty straightforward I   think you want to try to attack it's going to  give you the best opportunity to opportunities   to win okay so let's say your opponent moves the  knight here what's now again you got the bishop   out out at the store so how do you want to bring  those pieces like your bischmann your knight and   your your King into the game right exactly so now  let's say your opponent pushes the pawn to develop   his bishop right so now you want to again get  this fisherman that's knight into the game does   it I guess oh okay well I would probably move my  knight here okay so this is a reasonable actually   this move is a good move but you probably should  play the other order first that you you don't get   confused which is to bring the bishop out okay  so then the squares right and also you have ideas   to attack this pawn down here on this h7 Square  down the line because your bishop is is targeting   it from a distance whereas if you put the bishop  on this square the bishop isn't really attacking   anything specifically right recommend pushing it  okay but but I'm attacking this pawn but the rook   is defending it right so it's it's not so much  about attacking immediately at the start of the   game I would say in the first 10 rows of the game  you don't really want to be thinking about trying   to attack your opponent immediately but you want  to put your pieces on the squares we're down the   road you will be able to attack okay so this  is just a developing move now let's say your   opponent moves the bishop here so now you want to  finish your development you want to get this King   out of the middle of the board so where would  you move your knight I would move it here good   and now after black castles then I would castle  - right exactly and now the way that you want   to continue with your development let's just say  black pushes his pawn here trying to attack your   pawn is to never capture this pawn so keep in mind  when you develop your bishops and you get your   King out of this out of the center of the board  you you want to keep your pawns you want to keep   this uh what's it like I don't know this pawn  chain or staircase or whatever you want to call   it a night you want to keep it intact you don't  want to treat you don't want to take this pawn   okay so the move you would play here is push this  pawn okay I thought of that too and I don't know   what you would call this I mean with these pawns  and this Bishop behind it but basically you want   these pawns these pawns right around your bishop  just controlling everything so am i going for like   this exact formation yes you are mm-hmm really  okay but what if Arab watches this and is prepared   for it well he can prepare for it B can still  do the setup no matter what unless he's gonna do   something really bad and then he'll just lose okay  III was spying on his coaching sessions and the   his coach was trying to teach him some cheesy like  some cheese thing like where he could he he like   pulls out his bishop and then his queen and then  like checks me checkmates me in like four turns   well unfortunately for a Rob he's gonna be playing  with the black pieces tomorrow so he can't do   the four-move checkmate so that's actually really  funny to hear but because you're the white pieces   he can't really do that there's just there's  no way of doing it so so what I want to say   is you want to get the setup where you put these  bishops on these two squares and you create this   this BigPond formation it's like pyramid and then  you want to bring your knight to this square so   let me go back to the start let's I want to see if  you you have this kind of kind of down I know it's   pretty quick but I just want to see if you want  if you have down so let's say I move this pawn   okay then you said to move this out here right  exactly so again you want to develop your pieces   but you want to get the bishop outside of these  pawns first so that it can then target everything   as opposed to being stuck on the as opposed to  being stuck on the original square right and then   so I'll play this move okay and then I play this  move exactly and so now I go here and then I play exactly and now I push the pawn because I want  to I want to get rid of these bonds exactly okay   so this is like this is a good starting point so  now I'm gonna do I'm gonna just basically show a   bunch of different setups and then after that I  can give you more more advanced techniques past   this basic setup but the key is just to get  this basic setup so let's say your opponent   plays here at the beginning yeah so I guess what  I still play the bishop mm-hmm so so when I when   I try to to help help you guys out with sort of  these opening setups it's stuff that basically   will fit and work against almost anything that  your opponent tries to do at the start of the   game so so basically what works against that pawn  push is also gonna working on since knight push   so let's say I push this pawn okay then I would  yep exactly now let me try something different   let me push this pawn here okay you're pushing  that pawn so I would maybe do this order first   yeah okay you you understand everything yeah yeah  basically whatever your opponent tries to attack   these pawns here you want you want to make sure  you get this big pyramid formation and and then   again let's just say I do this what's your next  move oh you're attacking oh I see my next move   would be between the bishop and the night now  is it the bishop maybe right very good I know   I do this yeah a castle perfect absolutely  perfect okay this this is uh interesting   I wasn't expecting you to remember this so so  easily it's because it's like a pawn hat it's   like oh wait wait sorry you're saying this this  it's like sorry what yeah like it looks like oh   sorry it looks like oh the bishop is wearing  like a hat of pawns so it's easy to remember   this structure and then yeah okay yeah I mean  I've heard a lot of different like people are   calling all sorts of things different things all  over the place so it's yeah pawn hat okay okay   like thank man do you know that email or yeah yeah  of course yeah yeah of course I do yeah I say that   all the time yeah yeah okay no but that's good  okay so so basically let me think that I really   wasn't expecting you to remember so easily okay  so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna try to   try to do something difference now what I'm  gonna do is after you move the bishop I'm   gonna try right away to attack your pawn here  okay okay so then originally the move was to mmm-hmm no this is good actually this is very  very good because what I was expecting you to say   was to push this pawn but because it's so early in  the gaming you've moved your Bishop right away you   actually you actually do push this pawn because  if we go back let me just let me I'm gonna go   a little bit quicker but let's say you go back to  this position you in all these other positions you   would protect the pawn by pushing this one ahead  right but pushing the one on e2 e3 also protects   him right and it protects the bishop so that's why  we would do that right it's just it's just like   a very much of five had moved because what you're  supposed to say as The Beginner's you're supposed   to supposed to say I'm gonna play c3 because it's  because it's what you were doing in the other two   positions I thought I did this first okay okay  no no youyou do play III what basically what I'm   saying those I'm saying you're fine in the right  move but I'm expecting you as a beginner to come   up with a different with it with a different  thought process so your thought process is very   good no III is the correct move okay okay 100%  youyou want to move the bishop and push the pawn   on the next move so okay now I'm gonna try to if  I move the knight out here what's your next move   my next move would be to probably well you're not  directly attacking anything with that Knight so   that gives us the opportunity to push out the fish  yep oh no no no no I regret that way actually no   no I don't I will stick by no it's not right okay  maybe to finish the Hat exactly yeah so this is   what you want to do and now if I play this Knight  out if you play that night then I would I guess I   would still do that the bishop exactly and if I  push the pawn right so so so you understand the   setup okay so now what I'm gonna do here is I'm  gonna try to stop you from getting what you want   so I'm going to move this clean-out here right  away to sort of put pressure on both of these   points right so what I would do is well I'll tell  you what to do because the move is not it's it's   not an obvious move so in this in this situation  because white black is trying to attack right away   towards your Center and towards where your rook  is you would actually make a gambit here and move   your night out Oh what's a gambit a gambit is  where you give up a pawn or you give up like a   knight or a bishop and you don't get even value  in return for it it's is it a blender basically   or no I mean it it's not a blunder because you're  getting something in return you're gambling upon   but by gambling the pawn what happens is in return  you're you're gonna get a lot of development so   like let's say black I guess let's say black  captures the pawn here mm-hmm so your knight and   your rook honor attack right so what would like  you want to think of a couple of possibilities   that make some sons here I would move my rook here  because then your Queen if it takes my rook I take   your Queen right but if we if we if we look at  the position with which pieces of yours are under   attack which would what can your opponent capture  all of the pieces around it the pond the night   the okay so let's look at this the queen protects  the pawn and it protects the rook right and blacks   queen cannot capture either the pawns or the rooks  so what is the piece of the black what would black   black capture here hmm right so so what you should  play here is you would play Knight takes pawn and   now you see the Knights no longer and attacking  your queen guards your rook got it okay so that's   a gambit or that's just it's close to again but  what like oh the way that you could also give this   pawn is just move the knight here so I'm confused  who is a gambit a good thing it's a bad thing   right no I mean I would say if you're playing  I guess it's a bad thing you're playing that's   a really really strong player like a grandmaster  but it in this sort of event are a lot of people   are gonna play gambits where they give up like  a pond because they're trying to checkmate the   King very quickly okay but it I don't don't worry  about the terminology it's not super suit it's not   super important um so okay so let's say black  brings the Queen out you bring this night here   you're attacking this pawn right all right um I'm  confused why we brought out the night there okay   so what would you what move makes sense er I don't  know I was thinking to move the pawn there because   if you know the Queen takes b3 then I have two  guys who are defending it so that would stop okay   you know what you know what just just play this  move that this will be simpler to play actually   because you'll still get the the position that you  want to get so okay so bring this pawn out let me   bring the knight here okay and then I would say  I would oh this is interesting because okay okay yeah very good very good now let's say your  opponent captures here oh and actually this   is this is very important when your opponent tries  to exchange his pawns here there's a very specific   way you're gonna capture so you're always going  to capture with this way with this pawn on this   efile okay and that's because if you were to why  not from the left the reason you won't capture   this way is because your opponent will be able to  push up on and and check your King here oh okay   right so so the way that you should play this  is capture this way and actually let me go back   to the other other position quickly so when we  got to to this position again if your opponent   ever captures this way you capture right always  capture with this pawn and then I don't know what   this would be called but they're always capture  with this pawn from the center okay so let's go   back to this other one okay so it's a b3 wait  would it matter if that happens after you've   Castle already no it doesn't matter just remember  to always capture with this pawn in front of the   King here okay always okay right always capture  this way don't don't capture with this pawn okay   and so you're saying I can play this opening like  almost in any situation I just have to kind of   adapt to if he does some weird stuff basically  yeah like the only weird thing that black can   really do is try to push this pawn very early it's  very early on because otherwise you get your okay   let me let me play some some Brandon moves okay  let me do this okay then I would still here okay   I'll do this what did you do oh I oh do you not  see it I pushed pause okay that's fine I would okay oh actually there I could have done  the bishop thing too right it doesn't   really matter what the order is specifically  although actually here if you're threatening   to push the pawn in the center you want  to make them you want to prevent this   first because there really is no difference  between moving your bishop or moving your   knight but your opponent wants to attack  in the center immediately so then I would   exactly yeah and and the black can no longer  push this pawn because if he pushes the pawn kill him whoa well what what is that  what is the pawn attacking here just   to step back and think for a second oh  okay he's attacking the bishop and so   I need to add more defense I think so so  wait a second the pawn is attacking your   bishop so knights and bishops are worth three  points pawns are worth one okay I would just   eat him no no no thing there's no rush so  so so which move makes the most sense here moving my bishop back no oh oh I could  eat with my horsey well you can actually   with with everything here you can eat  with your your knight your Bishop you   can eat with everything but you should  actually to just take with your pond black can't recapture because then you just  capture back right so so that's why your opponent   you want to stop your opponent from being able to  attack you in the center of the board right away   so that your opponent really wants to attack this  this pawn hat formation or the whatever whatever   you called it the hat exactly so so it's only  if your opponent's trying to can play this move   that you try to prevent it with all your forces  only if they try to push up right but if they   don't do that they just say blue this night out  then the order doesn't matter because there's   no longer a threat to push in the center so now  the order doesn't really matter so what would   your next move be my next move would be weight  so you just move the knight then my next move   would be to finish the Hat right exactly now I  move this bishop okay perfect exactly yeah yeah   this this is exactly what I want to show you so  now I think what's most likely to happen in your   match tomorrow gets a Rob is you're gonna get  something like something like like this move   your bishop and you're you're probably gonna  get this so again what's the next move okay just try to remember the theme that you were  following see if there's like an order that   matters here so if you think about the order that  mattered the only time the order matters at the   very start was if your opponent was basically  trying to mess up your pawns or attack your   pawns right away like this right so other than  that I would push I'm sorry mm-hmm yeah you push   the pawn right yeah that's correct okay so let  me push this pawn is making the Hat the first   step you can do any any order here cuz there  is no real threat but yeah I would recommend   making the Hat first yes I would definitely  recommend this just to keep it very simple   okay so so let's say I push this pawn right yeah  because he's defended this guy and if I take oh that's fine uh I guess I would take with this  yeah right exactly then you bring the night on you   castle the king okay so okay so let's keep going  a bit deeper then let's say your opponent brings   a night out what's your next move okay then  I bring out my knight right so now what I'm   going to do is I'm going to try to exchange with  these bishops because I want I want to get rid of   your bishop sure but then I'm like wow Oh so one  thing you don't want to do really is let me just   give you an example is let's say your King is  already castled here you don't really want to   create weaknesses around your King like you want  to keep these pawns very stable you don't very   often times you want to push this pawn to create  a square for your King but you now almost never   want to push the pawn that's right in front of  your king okay so just think about this position   with the king of the three pawns ignore the rest  of the pieces the only pawn that you really ever   want to push is this pawn on the side to create a  square for your King okay whoops oh sorry so the   move so you want to trade bishop yeah let me  go back so I went to the wrong position right   so here mm-hmm so in this position the correct  move to play would be to drop your bishop back   oh I see instead of bringing the pawns forward to  defend you pull him back to defend right because   now it happens if your opponent captures is you  captain actually this is an important thing as   well you want to capture with this pawn can you  capture towards the center of the board basically   towards where your king and queen are this the  middle part of the board yep so you capture this   way but also your rook is now active you also  keep up keep an eye on the black black knight   and the black rook and the black pawn okay okay  so let's assume your opponent castles here and   now you castle of course mm-hmm your opponent  kind of wants to develop these piece like you've   developed everything on one side of the board  right mm-hmm so black wants to try to develop   his pieces too so let's say black pushes the pawn  here you want to bring these pieces into the game   right so I mean I probably would push a pawn here  well well the thing I guess it's a way of looking   at it is that if you push any of these pawns like  these pawns it doesn't really activate your rook   like you're very rarely gonna use your rook on  this line like pushing upon all the way up the   board so you really want to work to have an open  kind of an open open line and normally where that   occurs is where the pawns are where that where  the pawn captures will be in the center of the   board so probably move the Queen or the knight out  of the way right so you should move this Knight   here so here okay so this is also another concept  is if you look at the Black Knights there they're   moving towards the center part of the board the  the center of the board is these two files as to   where the Queen and the King are to start the  game so you see the Black Knights are aiming   towards the center of the board yeah we don't want  to move our Knights to the end because they have   less attacking power right so you almost always  want to bring the Knights towards the center of   the board Oh like just you have that as like  a mental rule you always want the Knights in   the center of the board so yeah so you move the  knight here now let's say your opponent moves   this Bishop here okay well then so so the move  that you should play here is bring this knight up right so so the idea is basically which you I'll  just move my Queen here to try and force you to   get rid of this night because I want to go takes  captures and captures three times so now what you   would do here is you over protect the knight  with the pawns now you have two pawns in the   center that protect it yep and if black captures  let's just say black captures with this actually   let's say black ops was tonight then I would  capture with my pawn right do you know what   this term is Oh like this term actually just  this pond do you know what this is called Oh   forking right so so a bishops a Knights are  worth three and pawns are worth 1 so you're   gonna get either the bishop or the night and  you're giving away one paw so you'll be ahead   by two oh damn so your opponent won't capture  with the night here right so let's say I capture   this way yeah if I do that one then they lose  a bishop all right go this and I just I won a   bishop well it's a bishop for a night so it's  action even trade but you're doing very well   here because again just thinking of the basics  with what the rooks you want them on like open   lines and you'll see that right here the rook  is on an open line rook bros gotta keep them   together right sorry what rook bros rook bros  like they got it they want to hang out that's   how I remind myself okay okay yeah yeah yeah I  mean everyone has their own way of remembering   so so yeah that's completely fine but basically  you wanted on something which is completely open   so so yeah let's let's keep going so now I'm gonna  move the knight here so your pieces are very well   placed your Bishop is bishops are pretty good  on they have a lot of targets so now is there   what what sort of moves would you think of in  this position okay what I would think is okay   I would I'm looking to like connect the rook  Bros and then but Queens in the way so I might   use this turn to see if I'm not under attack then  I don't think I'm oh I am but no I'm not really   under attack here uh without being defended right  so then I might move my Queen to defend maybe a   weak point which is maybe my bishop so I would  go like that that's an okay move but your bishop   isn't really weak it's actually very nice here  with all these pawns right around it so one of   the reasons that that I mentioned early on to  put the bishop here on this square instead of   like one square up is because the bishop is  eyeing something here what what is it what   is the bishop threatening here right but if you  were to take this pawn then block just captures   right away right so what you want to do here is  go for checkmate so how do you go for checkmate we could go for checkmate here okay well I  would put the pressure on with my queen and   my bishop yeah of course yeah so so maybe I  wouldn't move my queen like here yeah so if   I just play a random move then I go like this  oh oh wait is that Alright uh-oh let me think   wait whose turn is it it's whites whites turn  oh oh okay so White's turn well maybe I go like   this and then and you can plea you can play the  moves yeah so this is checkmate right uh yeah   but why wasn't the other one checkmate well  if you take with the bishop black and just   move the King over one square and then you can  still make a Chuck Nate but it ow no actually   what you do here if you go there I capture but  what you should do is just move the bishop back   and now you attack the King with Chuck and if  you move the King exactly so let's check me not quite but but anyway like this is what  you want to do like when you when you play   this opening you want to keep an eye down here  and eventually try to bring a knight and bring   your queen into the game yeah so this is this is  very important so let's go back okay okay sorry   I'll push the spot okay oh it's my turn mm-hmm  okay so well I guess the first thing I do is yeah   Bishop okay then I would write and okay just right  nothing to weird fish the head up mm-hmm okay I'll   try to exchange the bishop's yeah you're trying to  do that so I will talk about this oh it wasn't to   move the pond because well no that wasn't it was  it to move this back yeah it was yeah this is the   correct move okay then you're attacking this I can  do this mm-hmm attacking that but he's protected   so I can do this right now I will castle okay so  now I'm gonna do something different I'm gonna   move my Queen here because I really I don't want  you moving this night in this pond to take all   the space for me right you're moving your queen so  I'm kind of curious if you can find the right move   here challenge accepted hold on so you moved your  queen and it's attacking or it's its butt so I'm   trying to apply more pressure so maybe I would  move my well I move here that's not so good cuz   there's this and this and this may be oh I bring  my own Queen no okay I'm not too sure actually   okay so the movie would play here is you actually  capture this pawn oh really why well what why do   you think that it that you shouldn't capture well  I don't think I don't think I shouldn't capture   but my thought wasn't to capture there which is  good which is good yeah like you built a strong   defense so now my thought is to also build or my  thought is that if I go in more you're like more   prepared against my offence so I probably should  go on the offense but right so so the reason you   should do this is because you're actually gonna  be ahead because what happens if I capture this   pawn if you captured that one then well I could  move so if you remember what I said before I was   saying that you you you you never want to take  this pawn so there must be a pretty good reason   to capture this pawn instead of just randomly  capturing it oh my god right exactly you can   take the Queen I mean you would win the game yeah  so that's why if your opponent does this and you   capture let's say they take this bishop you just  capture back again and you're ahead by one punch   you have this extra pawn that you captured here  and you're still you're you're just ahead okay how   do I see that oh I see okay so is it the Queen  goes on the same line as where your Bishop is   basically then I take with my pawn right so so  let's say black moves the Queen here because I   want to push this pawn up so can you go over the  logical move here since there's since there was a   plan before can you maybe play the same plan you  can't or there's no pawn to take anymore right   so you don't want to capture the pawn so do you  remember what the other idea was in this position   take control of the center oh yeah how would you  do that yeah exactly exactly now let's just say   develop the bishop right I mean I would just say  what up well remember you've got to control the   center so you don't really want to remove this  Knight you want your opponent to capture here in that case I would so I want this to happen  mm-hmm so what you should play is you should   remember you've got the night developed you got  your King alley middle the board and you also   brought these bishops in so how do you bring  the rest of your reinforcements in well then   I can move my a night mm-hmm right exactly and  you move your night and then you're just gonna   push or push your pawn next move and play the  same strategy I thought you said not to move   the kingside pawns well in this case it's a little  bit different because you have the rook but mainly   what I was saying is don't push the pawn in front  of your king okay mainly normally speaking you   don't want to push the pawns but because you  put a knight in the center and the pawn will   support tonight it's actually completely fine but  normally normally normal normally you don't want   to push the pawn in from the king specifically  if you can help it okay so when it's like middle   game I just this is where it gets really I think  confusing for me I never know like what to do or   how like this is where all my time goes I like  take so long per turn because my brain is like   trying to think of every thing that's right what  everywhere I could blender and stuff right so one   of the reasons I'm trying to show you this is  because it is pretty straightforward for the   most part you you just need to make sure that  nothing is you're not gonna lose any of your   pawns or lose that like your knight or bishop  in a bad exchange so so it with this opening   very rarely do you end up in a situation like  that where something is under attack if black   ever takes the pawn let's say black team's which  would you capture this way mm-hmm exactly yeah   yeah absolutely perfect so so so the point is  let's keep going with this middle game just so   you have an idea of what you're supposed to do  let's say I bring my rook over here oh by the   way thank you again to hutch for the raid thanks  to a raid with five hundred eighty people thank   you so much appreciate it so yes you can bring  your queen up here but actually the idea is to   push this pawn pawn again this guy yeah okay but  if I push him mm-hmm he has no defense nothing's   like helping him well actually the point is  that you have this really good night here in   this this pawn or you've got this really night  a good night here in the center of the board   sorry yeah and you're basically reinforcing the  knight with both of these ponds yeah but that's   why I'm thinking like why would you move these  ponds or like this guy when he's like defending   this knight in his really good position well  the reason you do this is because the way that   you continue to try and attack your opponent  here is I'm gonna give you a specific reason   for playing this move is that let's just say  your opponent moves this rook here right the   pawn supports the knight so now what you can do  is you can move this bishop up here whereas if we   go back one move let's say you move the bishop  here what would happen if you move the bishop thing too bad it seems well your opponent  can actually capture this Knight now oh was   protecting him right so so what you do by pushing  this pawn is is you reinforce the night here with   both of these ponds and you free up your bishops  that you can move it to a different square so if   your opponent moves the rook here then you bring  the bishop here and you line up this pin against   the Queen and the rook so now I can't move the  knight mm-hmm yeah sorry I always confused I   realized that I thought you were saying to move  this f41 up I thought we were explaining for   some reason that that one goes to f5 no no no so  basically the whole point if you just think about   logically as you want to put this knight in the  center and you want the pawns to basically just   just support the knight completely here yeah that  makes sense I get that so okay so now we'll keep   going so let's say where d8 is played here you go  Bishop Age 4 yeah is that because you're trying   to put more pressure on the rook right yeah the  rook and the Queen and black again still cannot   remove this Knight your pawns are supporting  it and if black captures here you take this   yeah boat both pawns are good this one's better  because now your rook your fisherman your pawn   just completely attack this Knight oh wow okay  yep and it gives us movement towards the center   right so you're keeping an eye on everything  here and if black takes this pawn what's your   next move be then I would take his pawn exactly  yeah well the main thing behind that is I want   to make sure that like you remember to always  take with the right pawn and you clearly have   that down so that's very very good so I'm just  gonna play a move like this to attack your bishop   quick question if I'm on the left side of the  board though is it take with the left pot like   take towards the center in general well it was  specifically what I referred to before was a   position like this where it's when you're gonna  get two pawns when you get a formation where you   have two pawns in front of each other this was  where I was saying capture towards the center of   the board so what's the question isn't it bad to  have double pawns or is it not always not always   it depends normally it's not great but sometimes  it's completely fine and this is one of these   situations where where if black captures out here  the concession for having these two pawns is that   you gain an open line for your rook basically  okay but but remember that if you're like it's   very important if you end up where you're gonna  have to to Pont stacked you always want to you   always want to capture towards the center okay  I get that so if I'm the left side of the board   though we would have captured did the other way  okay so let me give you an example let me uh good example sorry let me go back right so  I'll give you an example let's say we reach   some session some position like this okay which  way would you capture the bishop this way exactly   yeah you just capture towards the center of the  board absolutely on so so so yeah so you have that   down completely so what was the question I was  gonna you moved a bishop or you were threatening   my bishop right it was this let me find it it  was right here yeah yeah so then you moved your   pawn to threaten my bishop so I can respond with a  few things I can't either take with my knight take   with my bishop but I don't like those because  then I lose in the trade right right so let's   see I could also take oh no no same situation  maybe I could just retreat I would send my bishop   backwards yeah that's per thats exactly where you  want the bishop cuz you still keep this you keep   this this this diagonal open for your bishop no  no that's fine so now I'm gonna keep going so that   you understand the the reason so you got this but  so that you understand the straightforward plan   if you keep going deeper into the game because  even if you even if you got this position you   need to know how to continue attacking so like  in this position you've reinforced tonight here   in the center and you got the [ __ ] one that's  good diagonal so now you want to try and really   put pressure on this King in this pawn here on  each seven yeah so I would pull out my queen you   could do that but actually the best mood to play  here would be to move your rook up okay but what   about them well what you what you want to do here  is you want to attack your opponent you want to   go for going for the kill like if you think about  this position you look at your rooks they're both   all the rooks for both players are behind a lot of  pawns right so you want to you you want to try and   bring the rook into the game here in a way that  where you can attack your opponent and your rooks   don't always need to be connected by the way they  don't always have to be right next to each other   okay so you'd push your rook up not because it  wanted to be there but because you want it to   threaten like or is that specifically like the  square you want it in well it's because I have   a specific square that I'm going to so I'm gonna  keep pushing my pawn right and you see somewhere   where you can move your rook now here right you  could move your rook here and that's actually   a very good move but there's a better square you  can move the rook to here exactly so let me just   play another move okay do you see what the idea  is with with the with the rook being here now I   the idea with the rook there is that if I move  my Bishop my this whole rook threatens the King   rights are you familiar with the term removing  a defender no okay so when you look at this   position this Knight is a good defender guards  this pawn here very nicely right right so when   you capture my capture back exactly well you can  take with your rook or the bishop okay move the   rook so so both moves are good but the point  is that the knight was it was defending this   pawn whereas now it's not defending the pawn  anymore so you're attacking the pawn with both   the rook and the bishop okay I get it so this  is basically the long term plan that you want   if you can get it is you want to get this  knight in the center so I'm gonna play some   other moves now let me let me just just to see  if you remember this okay let's push this pawn   okay push the pawn and then can't let's see I'm  pushing okay so I will go here okay and so well remember you want you your you a very set kind of  plants you want to reinforce everything right so   now you reinforce this night right right okay so  I'm just gonna play this move all right so you're   threatening my bishop so I'm like right okay so  now I'm just gonna play some random moves okay   that well then I would say so remember the reason  I'm showing this this opening strategy is that the   idea it's about the idea and the you want to play  the same way as what we just looked at yeah so I   mean I like this Bishop is I'm keeping him in  this line right mm-hmm right so I don't know if   I want to move him your queen is oh he's still  he's they're all trying to like attack my king   right here all right now my king right but but  but they're attacking the knight for the knight   is reinforced by multiple ponds you see this is  why you want these pawns here because if black   ever captures the knight you have two pawns and  two pawns are always better than a bishop and a   knight so it's always reinforced it's never where  blacks and be able to capture this without losing   a trade black can capture it three times but  you're gonna lose a knight in Bishop for like   a bishop in one pot or a bishop in two pawns  okay so maybe I can move this is maybe where   I'd move my you could but there's one other  thing that you want to do here first before   you do that which is you want to make sure all  of your pieces are defended nothing better or   developed I should say developed right here  mm-hmm okay so now I'm just gonna play a some   sort of plan over here okay interesting I showed  that that well then I would maybe look at I would well oh okay so now I'm going to just protect  this night okay protect the night so what was the   plan the plan was to move this guy out right and  what's the next rook move let's say I just move   this pawn this is the next yeah exactly and if I  push the pawn remove the defender right and then mm-hmm yeah both moves are fine you take with the  rook take with the bishop of both moves are are   good so so basically this is this this is what I  think you should should play and let's just say   I know let's say II rob is actually watching  this which I'm pretty sure he's not and black   were to play something without this pawn push  let's say here black pushes this pawn okay then   I would just that's fine right right so now I'm  gonna play something a little bit different now   I'm gonna bring my Queen out right away on this  third move okay well you're attacking this here   oh yeah you could play this actually remember  this from the previous example but I want you   to actually not play this so what's another  way to defend this is my thought process wait   a minute where's the hat point oh right mm-hmm  yeah I know it's correct it's correct because   you have to protect the pond right so now  I'll bring the knight out no sorry it's it's   this okay he's attacking this so I would want  to do that okay I'll do this hat right okay and then develop the night okay now let's say  capture the pawn here well then I would capture   exactly exactly now I here I'm gonna do something  different I'm not gonna or actually no I'll just   make sure that you have the ID down completely  let me push this pawn okay you're pushing the   pawn well that's not a problem because I will  you're pushing this pawn so remember you have   a very basic plan yeah yeah you actually you you  remember the right idea but remember at the start   of the game you want to get the king out of the  center of the board first before you try to attack   in the middle right so castling would be exactly  and snap I Castle and then then that's when I   could get this here but he's defended with these  guys right exactly so so if black ever captures   the knight you can just capture back with the  bishop or the pawn both no actually if you want   to take with the pawn you can it's the best move  I just assumed it wasn't as natural but you can   take with the pawn as well because the bishop  is supposed to be oh never mind I've seen this   Bishop because I want to keep this guy on this  line right so so if you captured this way which   is actually this is the best move by the way  because what you do is that the knight has to   move and now this pawn becomes weak so again  you would do sort of the same plan you would   bring your Night Out right let's just say I play  a move like this so I'm attacking your Bishop here   so where do you move the bishop where do I move  the bishop I move him back I see okay so now I'm   gonna bring the bishop in now this is a little bit  different here you can't really push the pawn and   get the Brook over as easily oh whoa whoa whoa I  see because now this kind of so in this position   what you want to do is you want to do the other  attack so how do you try to attack because think   about it this way by putting this pawn here the  knight had to remove had to remove itself from   the square and go all the way over here right so  now that it's it's one of these pieces that's very   far away from defending the King so now is there  a way you can again try to create the checkmate I   think I would wait so we're talking about okay  we're saying that the the knight here we want   to target this spot well what you want to do is  you want to attack so let me give you an example   let's just say what's a good example I guess let's  just say you were to catch with the bishop let's   reach some session like this you'll notice in a  position like this you can't really try to attack   the knight is guarding all these critical squares  around the king right trying to remove him then   right so now just think about just look at this  position for one second okay yep and now let's   let's go back to this position so do you see the  difference the knight is not kind of on the other   side of the board it's off to the other side it's  over here instead of over here yep so now what you   want to do is you want to attack is is there a way  you can try to attack here you can use this bishop   and maybe another piece to threaten to checkmate  yeah the Queen and the bishop right so what's   the right move here the right move is move the  Queen here exactly yeah and now you threaten the   checkmate on this h7 square so now I'll just go a  couple moves further so let's say black pushes the   pawn to attack your Queen are you sure what no no  no not at all actually because your pawn is there   so can we rewind right so I cut off this this  threat so what you want to do here is now you   try to make the checkmate again but you stay on  the offensive you move the Queen up here yeah so   then I could I'll make em so yeah so what do you  think your how do you try to attack this remember   your queen is very close to this pawn but now your  bishop kind of doesn't have any ways to help the   Queen checkmate so now you want to try to bring  you could play this but then your opponent would   capture the bishop there's one piece here that  you can try to use to make a checkmate I don't   know if you've looked at Chuck mating patterns or  not but what but what you want to do is you want   to bring the knight here and I'm just gonna make  a random move like this okay I take okay if I take   I'm ahead by a rook so you better have something  good here you took my knight where's my knight is   he dead it's off the board yeah okay well that's  not good so you're saying I can checkmate you   here mm-hmm by force actually there's nothing  I can do to stop it what if I do this okay I know you could eat my queen that's  bad if I here then you can eat my   bishop if I go here then you that's  it checkmate but you're not attacking   my king no no I say I take your  pawn and what's your next move well I would take your Oh what I can't take your  oh my gosh I think you check me than me wait a   minute to do this yeah thanks for the game  that was fun you lost better luck next time   Oh anyway yeah so so the point is you do have  a checkmate here but remember what a checkmate   is it's when you attack your opponent's king  so you threaten to capture the king but your   opponent can't can't do anything about it so  there's actually a force checkmate here which   is you move your queen up to this square  okay and your Bishop guards the Queen oh I see I move the bishop instead right and the  bishop doesn't attack the King at all you're   only attacking a rook okay got it so what you  do is you move the Queen up and this is Chuck   makes you're attacking the King what's your  queen you're gonna take the Queen King next   move but your bishop protects the protects  the Queen get it I get it so this is one   thing I think remember that these patterns  where your bishop and your queen your bishop   guards your Queen so you bring the Queen in  and you move it next to King but as long as   as long as you have a piece that supports  the Queen this will always be Chuck me oh okay this is a general checkmate pattern yeah  this is a very important pattern remember like   this is this is one example like the other  example is something like if you get uh if   you if you get this this sort of thing as well  like the Queen is right next to the king but as   long as the Queen is supported by like a bishop  or a knight or for example let me go back to like   this position if I capture again this would be  checkmate as long as you have the Queen isn't   a piece right next to the King and then if that  King takes a queen there's a piece that you can   take the King king wins right and it's checked me  so this is why when you think about think about   it like using your Queen to make a checkmate you  make you want it you need another piece you need   like two pieces to coordinate you need one of  the pieces to help use the Queen to attack got   it that makes perfect sense so so that that's  that I mean this is probably what I recommend   I mean maybe just watch the bobbitt remember the  the main point is you want to bring your bishop   out early then you push the Pawnee and then  you create the Hat develop the bishop tonight   and get the King out of the center of the board  and that's just like the first six seven moves   and and your opponent should not really be able  to do anything that will distract you from from   this plan what if he castles long okay well it'd  be very hard to do this okay I'm trying to think   of a setup we're black okay let's say black  brings his bishop out he mirrors you let's see   you push this pawn and now he brings his Knight  out you bring your night out here black pushes   the Queen so now what would your next move be  again exactly yeah and so now I'm gonna cast my   king out of the center of the board here and what  you should play here because this is this is very   non-standard it's not natural is now you want to  push this pawn ahead on the Queen side because now   that your opponent's move the King to this side  you want to just push all your pawns and try to   attack all the pieces immediately and you have  this bishop on this nice diagonal as well whoa   okay so I wouldn't try to like do everything the  other way yeah now you would delay it and you just   go all-in you try to attack your opponent has  decided to where to put their king very early   on in the game okay and so I just go all offens  right so let's just say I push this pawn here now   what you do is you bring this knight in first of  all let's say I move my knight here now you push   the pawn to push this Knight out right and now  black moves the knight to the edge of the board   you bring the Queen out okay so black has to  support the knight with the pawn and now you'd   bring the knight here and what happens is now you  attack and let's say your opponent captures you go   Queen here check first King here and what's your  next move aha it's my next move is I want to say I'm thinking and I think I I got it Oh No well  the bishop oh my god I'm sorry playing the wrong   color sorry I'm white okay sorry um hmm well  this no now you've got the right idea idea but   remember when you try to put the Queen next to  King there has to be a support right I thought   there is no pawn here right so okay now that  you know that what's your next move there has   to be a support I'm looking for pieces that could  support it but I oh oh no no no I thought it was   this but then that point I can't well ideally  maybe here but that's can't move like that hmm is this something to do with my queen what  one thing you should always be looking at   very closely is if there's anything  that you can capture for free there   has to be something I'm missing blaring  probably right in front of my face and   I'm missing it well can my knight the only  here here my bishop no my rook nope my queen there's something that is really obvious  that I can capture well it's not my bishop   to this guy right so something my bishop  it's not my pawn it's not this pawn it's   not this bishop it's not this rook King  it has to be the queen or my room my rook   which is molding right now but I can't  tell what it is it's gotta be good oh   yeah you capture so now let's say I make  a move like this what's your next move okay well I think I would okay my first thought  is maybe Bishop there but you could just we would   just trade bishops right so do you remember  what you wanted to do on the previous previous   move that you couldn't play yeah my goal is to  checkmate you here and I want to get to a point   where my queen can get next to you while I have a  supported piece right well yeah so my thoughts are   actually I oh my gosh oh my gosh okay not quite  I go over let's think about this so oh wait wait   wait I want to get to another point in which you  are hmm what if I I'm confused what I should be   going after checkmate here what if I go here no  remember you want to be able to attack the King   with a piece where you're threatening to capture  it next move is there a way you can do that say   that one more time you remember checkmate is when  you attack the King so you're trying you're gonna   capture the King next move if the King can't move  yeah so maybe Queen here cuz I'm attacking but   then your king can just go here oh no no no no  no no checkmate right does this check me because   the King has no squares I can't run to the the  other side of works the Queen is in the way and   I can't move to this side cuz then your Queen  capture the king oh my god for some reason it's   so hard to see that for me right so I think the  main thing is just remember that that when you   get this queen clothes ik clothes the king and  then you have another piece of support so always   look for the ways where you can attack the king  where you threaten to capture the king on the   next move okay so that's what I recommend so if we  go back to the basics just just very quickly one   last little brief look if your opponent tries  to castle the king this way what do you do go   on the offense with right and now you start  you try you try to bring all your pieces over   to this side of the board and you don't really  worry about getting your king out of the center   immediately and then if I do the other one let's  just say I play normal moves what's your next move   oh I see you know then I would just say I start  building that remember the order though the order   is important oh oh yeah oh sorry yes the order  right so I will just play here mm-hmm if I go here we're met remember though when I want when I  want to exchange his bishops you don't really   want just take a second oh wait wait wait we were  just kidding wait so it's not moved upon hold on   hold on so when you're trying to attack my bishop  now that's when I would i can't just support it   with another pawn no I could I could go remember  when you offer the bishop trade what you do is you   drop the bishop back right so if your opponent  tries to exchange the bishops what you want is   let me let me try to simplify it so if you end up  in a position like this these pawns are not very   attractive you have two pawns in front of each  other they aren't really supporting each other   okay right so if you move the bishop back and your  opponent captures you'll notice that your pawns   are still very well connected they're all kind of  together nothing has been dissed did write so that   that's why if your opponent offers the exchange  offers to get rid of the bishops like this this   trade you want to make sure you move the bishop  back instead of leaving it on the square before I   had the same thought process bring the bring the  pawn forward but we don't want to leave the the   King exposed right oh the way to build the defense  is to pull him back right so so you do this and   then if I Castle my king you castle your king  that's fine then I would say yeah then I would   continue building right okay and now I will just  bring my knight here that's fine then I will do   this right and now I will just push this pawn okay  that's fine castle here remember what the idea was   yeah the idea is to bring my knight forward into  the center right here just making sure it's safe okay I will go here okay that's fine I think  I will support him more mm-hmm okay I'll push   the pond okay push your pawn that's okay because  everyone supported so I think I will keep mm-hmm   okay I will bring the room okay everything  you've done is right so far I just want Steven   finish finish it with a flourish sure okay  so then well remember you want to attack so   you create the reinforcement you got this night  here and now it's reinforced by the ponds right   I need to remove your defender I'm gonna push  my I'm debating whether to okay so I know that   this guy right this is the you need to stay here  but this guy is defending that guy so I need to   either oh I think I want to push my bishop there  okay so remember you want to remove the defender   but if you were to capture right away I'm just  gonna capture back with my knight and I have a   new design oh oh oh I see okay so so there are  a couple moves that are good hurt but remember   how how did how how are you trying to attack this  pawn with with my right but you need more pieces   to attack it because one bishops not enough -  so what's your move maybe here mm-hmm okay if   I push the pawn oh I see because you could take my  bishop maybe I can move them back mm-hmm right so   now I will try to do this to protect my pieces  but also know when to go on offense and now to   finish the plan what's your what's the last move  the last move is to well maybe this exactly yeah   you you you you you you basically are remembering  more or less everything and yeah now you're gonna   now you're gonna probably remove the Knights in  the next move or two and you're gonna win this   pawn here down on 87 a question cuz so if I the  reason is because if I take the you know remove   the defender right you know even if you take back  with your knight it doesn't matter because I have   I have lots of pieces attacking you well actually  the the defender that you want to remove here let   me just make a random move is you don't want to  capture right away cuz the one night still guards   the pawn even though you attack with your Bishop  and your rook I still have the one night guarding   the pod so the way that you would remove this  defender is you would capture this knight first   if your opponent captures with the knight then  you win the queen oh okay so then your opponent   has to capture with the Queen instead and now you  take the knight black captures and now you just   take the pawn and next we're gonna bring your  queen up and you're gonna create all kinds of   checkmates with the Queen the rook and the bishop  from long distance okay okay I get it I think so   I'll rewatch the vaad back a few times yeah I was  gonna say I think out of all the people I I've   seen like do lessons and everything you definitely  have the best memory by a wide margin because even   though you're clearly very inexperienced it just  you're remembering like the sequences and the idea   is very very quickly so if you like go back and  watch the vaad I only killed any problems tomorrow   remembering and probably getting something very  similar to this in your game okay I'm there is a   chance I just completely meltdown during it and  forget everything so try not to be disappointed   when you see that happen no no it's fine I mean  I think the main thing is just try to remember   the when you go back and look at it just try  to remember what the idea was it's not in the   specific moves but it's the idea yeah I get it  it's like build the hat and you know with fur   the bishop and then develop towards the center  especially the knight and then and then go on   the attack yeah go on the attack and then once he  castles go on the attack for the King okay right   I see you think this works in random games too  yeah it's it's I think that's one thing I would   say is like now that you've now that you've looked  at this this will be something that will work in   all your games that you're playing with the white  pieces so definitely and this will work for both   your white games okay it's just a it's a set  system but it's it's like a matter that's just   gonna work every time you could play it every  single game and you'll no problem and I would   recommend doing that if you play like a couple  games tomorrow just like play the system just   play it play it play it and and and you'll you'll  become more familiar with it okay and then what if   I'm on the black side as asking about that after  your first game okay because I guess what I would   say is that tomorrow I think I was looking at  your group you're you have one of the tomorrow's   you probably wouldn't gonna be one of your best  chances to surprise your opponent and get out of   the gate really strong like with the victory so  that's why I'm only showing you something with   white for right now I heard that you said that  you robbed vers me would be a clown fiesta well   okay but like when I say I mean I I don't think  I don't think unlike certain other matchups I   don't think like you're clearly an underdog I  think you could beat him I think there's a good   chance for both players to win so that's why I  thought that's why I mean it's very interesting   why I want you to have a good good plan for the  game and also I'm not helping you rob so I'd much   rather see you win okay all right well I would  like to say thank you very much for taking the   time out of your day to give me a lesson I'm  gonna go practice this strategy over and over   and over and over again great perfect hope you  enjoyed it all right I did it was very helpful I   liked it because she gave me like defensive the  whole lesson was very defensive focus and then   yours is like godly attack and I really struggle  with going on the attack so I be aggressive try   to kill your opponent that's that's that's what  chess is about you won't you want to you want to   destroy whoever you're playing against hell yeah  great thanks Akari no problem hope you enjoyed it
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 605,067
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Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, fuslie, london system, london, openings, coaching, lessons, coach, pogchamps
Id: KHeqpdqbsqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 2sec (4862 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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