GM @ChessQueen vs IM @GothamChess with @GMHikaru and @Anna Rudolf commentating

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just uh i guess i'll just to start with we have  the match day between uh international mass   international master levy rosman and grand master  former women's world champion alexander costner   for those of you guys who are not familiar with  her she what what year was it again sorry i didn't   do my research it's 2008 2010 yeah a while ago so  she was the the uh the women's world champion from   2008 to 2010. so alexander how are you feeling  about this match i'm feeling um i'm feeling great   and uh looking forward to it so yeah saying hi  to everyone and levy are you feeling good about   this match or how are you how are you doing i'm  i'm feeling wonderful i'm feeling like dustin   pourier feels fighting conor mcgregor so happy  to be here and you know looking to uh you know   just uh have some fun play play good chess  and uh yeah i'm i think we're already off to   a flying start here so all right so defiant  six thousand three so should we get going   then one just i i thought that's why i took  my headphones off the first time all right   so if i take my headphones off we're good  this time i can start okay we're good to the commentary guys all right  thank you just subscribed   and off they go hikaru what's our  prediction for this match i didn't want   probably i think it's a really question  of how close it is in the three plus one   if levy can keep it relatively close i think  he has he has a very good chance um uh have   they started or not they haven't right i think  not yet okay um but yeah i think it depends how   close levi can keep it i think he's probably a big  favorite in the bullet okay let me start the timer   um i'll add a timer to my screen um but uh  i think it depends if levy can keep it close   in the um in the uh in the blitz portion if he  cannot do that then i think uh alexandra is a   big favorite because she's gonna win the bullet  she's a better player i would say on average   um in the blitz for sure and so levy just has to  keep it as close as he can uh what do you think   of his opening choice in this very first game  going for bishop g5 at h4 um i'm not amused i'm   not gonna i'm not gonna lie i'm not amused he was  playing this he's playing this age four nonsense   against against the national master james canty in  the um in the i am not a gem event he lost quite   a few games got a few very bad positions so i  don't really like the choice from levy why do   you think he is so um relying on this if he got  so many bad positions in that match as you said   do you think he has some improvement hopefully he  has looked at this line since and there's gonna be   some improvement um i think mainly it's about uh  levy just just wanting to sort of not go into to   mainline openings avoid preparation as opposed  to having a specific uh amount of theory or   ideas perhaps so um that being said however  she is not playing the way that james canty   did kante was playing c5 on move three whereas uh  costing you played d5 on move three and is trying   to develop the bishop and develop the knight so a  little bit different h5 whoa that is um that is a   very bold move i am kind of shocked by that move  actually but i don't understand that move at all   because of white where to go h5 there's always  g5 it's a very bold yeah very very different   from alexander's play i feel like she did  not expect this line maybe she thought that   it was only for that one match and she thought  that david was going gonna play something more   traditional in today's match because i think she  is somewhat surprised that this is on the board   and she reacted in a surprised way she's somewhat  confused yeah definitely also you guys they're   playing three plus one levy's just warming  up and levy just allowed e5 however and now   in one move it went from i think better  for white to being much worse potentially   because now you have to be careful that  there aren't forces like pawn to e4   um knight takes knight in e4 and bishop b2  uh oh e4 e4 bishop b2 uh uh uh uh e4 uh uh   uh yeah as confused as alexandra was now she is  in the driver's seat um after e4 as you mentioned   that bt pawn is falling so this was a surprising  turn of events levy had a good position out of the   opening but he couldn't uh use the momentum right  this is really bad for white he goes rook d1 so   he wants to play knight e4 again i feel like black  can maybe just go queen e7 or queen f6 just castle   queen side very slow very quiet and um i think i  think it's looking very bad there's also bishop   g4 by the way don't don't forget about bishop  g4 because the pawn supports the bishop as well   yes this is not looking good and at the same  time the evaluation bar started showing some   advantages there's some idea with pawn to c4  because you create a fossil with knight e4 and   you hit the bishop on b2 you put pressure on the  center and the king on e8's a little bit loose but   anyway levee castles um not the best move and  now i think after black castles to kingside or   or queen side potentially  black should be much better   she causes king side as you predicted and  she's got the semi-open f5 for her heavy pieces   not the most traditional setup in front  of the king at the same time it's all   fixed so levy cannot really get to the  black king he is pushing c4 which is logical   right um to open up the diagonal but the a3 pawn  is also hanging what would be the best reaction   here i i'm inclined to think something with bishop  g4 maybe knight e5 cd5 bishop g4 actually i i   something like 95 c5 bishop g4 looks best to me  because the problem is if you take a3 um if you   were if you were to take a3 white can take d5  and then your e4 pawn is also going to collapse   false so your whole center is kind of collapsing  a6 bishop a4 again i like 95 and bishop g4 yeah that seems to be the type of move  alexander would definitely go for she goes b5   first oh she wants c takes b5 then knight e5   i guess but isn't there some 95 uh knight  takes e4 oh levy oh no no no no no no no   no no no what is that um yes that was not  correct um i mean you know what this reminds   me of is there's in the french winter war there's  a line where right goes a3 black was bishop a5 b4   and you all you capture c takes d4 you capture  towards the center not away from the center   um exactly because now black's center  is very secure the pawns are protected   what you want to do is capture towards the center  on d5 and then take e4 because even though you get   your pawn back black can go c6 here consolidate  the chain of three and uh black is much better so this um this looks quite bad for white  quite bad yeah it's it's just such a strange   game to start with from the opening after  c6 or knight takes e4 because of the pin   maybe oh i don't know at any rate levy is uh  doing very poorly here this is not a good position   again the connect three right anna like the  pawns are very very solid in the center now yeah this is just looking like a beautiful  position for alexander and she also has more   time so time pressure maybe the position is  looking and she's going to light up the bag   oh yeah that's a very strong idea effort to  stop uh black from playing queen e5 but now   there should be very nice bishop g4 knight f5 and  it's levy's gonna bishop g four knight of five   is very strong here yep and alexander sees  she's a very strong attacking player i   think she's enjoying this position a lot  everything is falling apart it's the e3   knight takes e4 um yeah i mean just a  desperate piece sacrifices their point to this   i mean i think queen g7 queen b2 just i think  you just don't want to give white the check on   the diagonal although even queen e7 probably is  winning but i just feel like queen e7 last with   queen c3 okay takes yeah bishop e3 actually  no this is actually more than enough this is   pretty clean too okay knight f3 knight d4 create  the fork so there's only a pawn for the piece   it is a passport but i i don't think  that levy will have enough compensation i mean everything is winning here for  black i mean rook b8 is one option   i like this move a lot indeed now the bishop is  in trouble again rugby too king h1 bishop three   bishop three and two curtains and you get the  arabian made on h2 okay so alexander's up one   nothing very very bad start for lobby yeah and  those of you asking about the score it's next   to their names you see that uh levy's got zero  and alex and donna has one point next to her   name so that's how you can see how they are doing  in the match um knight f3 f5 uh love is going for   um any thoughts on the opening choice  again he carter did you expect this   uh uh the dutch i'm not surprised by i'm not  shocked by this um one second so i'm trying to   i'll just add scores in their boxes oh you have  a scoreboard i i don't have one no i don't have a   scoreboard i'm just i'm putting numbers in their  box i see i see that makes it maybe i can write   that too on the on on their camera somewhere  in the corner yeah i haven't thought of that yeah no it's i just i just thought it might make  it a little bit easier yeah you're right yeah yes and and until levy gets  on scoreboard there we go   all right um okay so yeah all right so we have the  um we have the uh there's a leningrad dodge here   um let's let's let's see what what's  gonna happen maybe maybe rook b1 and   b4 by alexander would make sense knight b5 pretty  good move um puts pressure on the pawn on c7 here i just hope that we will need to update  larry's score as well i feel like for now   um the start is not looking good but of course  this is a long match correct yeah um okay so maybe if he knew it yeah someone said put his face inside this is all in  good fun you guys it's all in good fun we'll fix   it afterwards um it's all in good fun there's  nothing personal no bad feelings but anyway   um okay so maybe ab3 i don't actually like  what costume has done here because now um   now you ruin your side pawn structure here i  don't really like this um uh i don't know maybe   i think it's i think this is actually probably  quite good for levy here maybe knight a4   here and some e5 or c5 at the right moment  because whites can't generally speaking when   you play these a three ideas and there's no c5  is to go b4 so when black gets a4 and you don't   actually get like the connected pawns um it it  doesn't look like uh i don't know it doesn't   i look i'm not not a fan of this uh position for  for white i think levi's got a good position here   i feel like that too i feel like this is  the best position so far that he has had   if we don't can do it you guys are saying  one second someone in my chat how can i   how can you hear us in in uh in um in  alexander's stream the thing is alexander   took her headphones off i think so yes she  changed something from the microphone yeah it would be very confusing for her to  to hear us i don't think that helps at   all so of course she changed it i was looking at  knight e4 for levy because i think even if you   even yeah and he's going for it i  like this move a lot because that   fianchetto bishop is so important you  shouldn't really take on e4 as well   right um c6 is okay i see i think levy's doing  great bishop c8 and e5 here he's going to get   his big center with the six pawns um kind of they  build like what is that what is that structure   because it's all connected like one you have  two connected pawn chains next to each other   like two connected pawn chains you mean if you  get each of g6 f5 and c7 d6 e5 trapezium i don't   think that's what you call it anyway we're not  going to get it because i was going to take e4   um unfortunately but that's that's good  news for levi now the light squares   are very weak around the king of alexandra  yeah i think levy's doing great here bishop   h3 is coming bishop five maybe even just e5 um  white's pizza a little bit offside on on the   queen side so i think it's uh it's pretty um it's  pretty good for levy it's very very good for lobby   uh i just would like to thank chance bay for the  million gifted solves it thank you so much for   the trying to give this of chessby for your kind  words about the commentary that we are doing here   on this wonderful match between gotham  chess and chess queen i really think that   levy is the underdog in the match but in this game  i feel like this is a really good chance for him   to score yeah he's crushing at this game e5 is a  great move um knight has to go ah okay but kench   d5 maybe so i guess her idea is king h8  she wants knight e6 and queen takes e6   again even that is probably good but i think d5  is actually very strong and he finds it very good   and now after e6 black should be black  should be much better if not just winning   i i i agree fully with you that this d5  was so important to keep the bishop on   the board the light squared bishop and now  after bishop e6 everything is just so strong   in the center that that pawn structure  that levy has and the pair of bishops   right like king h8 here maybe get the king out  of the way maybe queen of six or maybe rook f7   is a good move to consolidate and then move the  queen but king h8 is also a very very good move i like that there are no new copy pastas  to help levy uh pause this chevy to help   levy yeah yeah this is really really bad d4 is  coming queen d5 is coming i mean this is just   losing i think yeah d4 looks crushing yeah and  he even has bishop yeah i mean levy's in very   good shape bishop d5 and bishop c4 both look  very very good bishop g4 also um bishop h3 like   everything should be winning even a move like  rook a6 and rook takes c6 also looks very good   true very true and as for alex sandra it's  so difficult to oh that knight on b5 queen   b8 pointing out that the knight was trapped and  now it's alex underwent to give up the piece   bishop h3 i assume is very good okay so similar  how these two games went uh for black both of   them taking the initiative with the black pieces  and then again this now it's a piece up for levy yeah yeah i mean levy's just winning 95  knight c4 he should he should win this game like rookie a3 is a move maybe knight  d5 is a move um 17 seconds left though   he has to hurry up um like coming back to  b5 he has to be somewhat careful about the   king though because of this diagonal yeah he's  actually uh levy come on oh my god oh my god seven was winning what was rook t4  worked this what rook oh my oh my   oh oh no oh let me just give him back the  peace because he had no time and panicked this is a meltdown unfortunately  they started so well for london i think it was just the time management because he  was doing so well until he went down to his final   seconds and that's when he couldn't figure out  the the right moves any longer so hopefully he'll   he'll save some more time for the end of the  game in this one yeah no that was really really   unfortunate i mean yeah i'm gonna update the score  but i wish it was an update on levi's side yeah   yeah oh i wrote 12 for alexander instead of  two um sorry guys um yeah no i mean this is   this is actually a very tough start for levy  plays the london system this early night h5   i'm not so familiar with um but yeah levy spent  he just i mean he spent too long like not position   like he was just winning and then he just panicked  for no reason he just spent like 20 seconds   yeah so true that it looked like everything was  good but then the when the position opened up   and that long diagonal being vulnerable i think  it got tricky and he didn't have enough time   at that point already yeah i think i mean g3  levi's actually got a good position in this   game by the way c3 don't blunder the pawn  on d4 just c3 here yeah hopefully he will   not this is what he teaches that to keep that  phone on the board for his bokchen students okay he found it he found his own move yeah levy  is better here i think though like bishop g2 and   castles or even bishop d3 play new age chess i  i this is one thing i don't know if i don't know   how much you've noticed it with like computers but  very often times when white creates like the the   square to fianchetto um the computer says don't do  it just let's put the bishop on another diagonal   instead of fianchettoing it whereas like 50 years  or 100 years ago you would always put the bishop   on g2 but here he's gonna uh maybe levy wants to  go queens ah he wants to go queenside and play   rook that's why i think that's what he's doing  but you are right that the engine has created this   new setup where even though you fian get to the  structure you're not placing the bishop there and   so he causes king side he's not not worried about  the long diagonal now there must be something like   knight g5 or f5 or bishop g6 there's got to be  something here that's that's this actually looks   really good for a levy now yeah he plays knight  g5 and now there could be all sorts of threats   um and the king of alexander is still in the  middle of the board so this is dangerous can't i i   don't think this is key whoa bishop takes g6 wins  bishop g6 fg6 96.6 d5 and if queenie five knights   just subscribed will he play it will he find it  michelle takes you guys will he find it yes i   know we shouldn't be rooting but we are rooting  for the good moves bishop thinks g6 is back well   i mean we want we want levi to get out get out  of the toilet seat basically i mean okay 96 here okay um i guess knight is 7 96 here um yeah i think 96 and knight g5  and levy should win this game again   he's got a good position he just seen he needs  to not panic and think too long here like this   is a moment where it's being a time management  just 96. instantly play 96 there's nothing to   think about don't worry about the tax you're up  to punch it's 96. don't waste 20 seconds here okay   and so he goes back he did spend some time there  but at least now the knight is back i've just i've   just seen on your stream record how nicely you  have placed the scoreboard yeah yeah levy is going   to win this game he just needs to stay very calm  and not um not panic here and use too much time um yeah knight f3 is a move f3 is also  completely fine levi's have two pawns   here so f3 with the idea of queen e6 looks very  good again he's using too much time he's like only 50 seconds left come on  levy come on you gotta move okay good yes this is actually what concerned  me about this match is that like alexandra   she's very fast like she's a very tactful  player but she's also very very fast as   well and i was worried about the time the time  situation in this match potentially for levy yes i think alexander will be the faster player  so it is levi who will need to be smarter with   his time management such a good position for  him but again he's down on time and he needs   to somehow be more practical here yeah but and  bishop see it is a great move by alexandra to put   the bishop on f5 that's a really nice move really  really nice movie i mean obviously she's losing   but it's a really nice move to complicate it and  now levy's thinking too long again this is just down to 17 seconds he's trying to find a win   that's why he's thinking so long  but there's no dude it's two pawns   yeah okay now i think he's gonna win because now  it's pretty obvious you put the rook on e1 and   you put the knight on e4 and then to g5 or trade  on f6 yeah i'm glad to see that he has gone for   the simplification because this definitely makes  his life uh easier and he can play those moves e3 as well i guess just so that he secures the  structure now 94. oh come on oh what is oh it's   going for sc39d5 i guess yeah i mean it's  obviously winning regardless but like i just   okay good yeah this is still a  good plan so um very difficult   for alexander to do anything her position  is really passive there's no counter play yeah i think levy's going to win this  game he's doing really really well here   yeah i don't even see a trap for black  this there's not much that levy can   blunder here and after 95 the position is  completely dominated by white's pieces right yeah and i think i think here it's hard  because like it's such an obvious idea   with 95 that even though levy only has  14 seconds i don't really see a good   way for alexander to keep the game going  here it's just it should just be winning oh if he if he had more time okay knight  d5 should just be winning 95. levy what's   it uh okay queen she's six i guess yeah the bar  says mate in seven yeah queen six and archie six   queen h6 or q six yeah work g6 good there we  go and he gets off he gets off of the zero   the first point for levy two on this match and the  games go on i'm just going to update the score too   um but much much needed win for  levy to feel better about the the   match because the previous game he did  well but he spoiled it and now it's 2-1 adoption avoided yes you guys  are right adoption avoidance   all right he's playing the  french defense and this um i don't call it the most ambitious  line from black but it's solid   four dollars and twenty cents uh  baby's listening to your stream kick   yeah so this is the french this is a very old  line this um this knight f6 bishop g5 that should   be seven taken with the pawn he was doing this  against canty i felt like in um in their match   and it's playable but i actually think it's a  bad opening choice against uh against alexander   because again white's white tries to attack in  the center and play for initiative like knight   f395 or bishop c4 or bishop b2 f3 i guess is the  other way to do it um so i don't love the choice   because i think it's very much fits in um if  it's her style better than it fits his i agree   i agree that alexandra's style is just perfect  for these type of positions um b5 interesting   is that still theory i i feel like i'm not sure  i mean it's not exactly the main line um well the   thing is i think black is a side you go b5 or b6  because b6 bishop be seven queens seven castles   long as one pretty thematic idea b5 is a little  bit different um now it's worth noting king b1 was   important not bishop f3 right away because then  there was bishop g5 to win the queen uh so she   did see that before putting the bishop on the long  diagonal so i wonder if this can work out for for   levi because now after b5 um his kingdom is in the  middle of the board and gosling queensland is not   as safe as it used to be although i guess he still  needs to castle um to that probably at some point   i don't before however i really don't like because  now i think levy's committing to where he's   where he's gonna attack on the queen's side  yeah castling the king here does not look   right to me i mean maybe it's still a move but  after playing b4 i'm just a little bit worried   i feel the same way about it that he casts  those hands up costling but it just looks like   he is um making his own king a lot more vulnerable  than what he has caused with this attack the white   king is very safe after knight c1 there's there's  no way you can target that king and the c6 pawn is   constantly um a weak spot as well as the queen  on h6 is a really annoying piece i feel like   right exactly yeah yeah so um yeah it looks like  uh yeah it look it looks like white is probably a   little bit better here yeah he's going for a5 a4 i  guess he's just as you said he's really committed   to that attack with the the pawns on the on the  queen side we don't normally see this it's it's   the type of attack with opposite side castling  in this case both kings are on the queen side   the evaluation bar likes it but i'm i'm  really puzzled by the fact that the bar   says it's about equal or maybe even black could  be better here um i wouldn't feel very confident   here maybe it's something concrete he plays  rook g8 to certain bishop g5 but nasty queen   takes h1 is their follow-up oh he blunder  knight takes e6 the bishop on e7 is hanging unless i'm blundering something but i don't  think there's a way to exploit this rook h8 um   luke ages queen g7 or rook aj you need  to give up your queen for the rooks sorry um okay let's go back okay sorry yeah  i think he blundered knight takes e6 and   after rkj i'm just wondering hey yeah yeah  yeah this is um yeah this is probably uh   yeah it's probably is is just  winning for alexandria again right hello i think so i don't see i i i was just  trying to figure out if there's anything   that levy can do if rook age eight i mean  even worse case scenario white can give up the   the queen for the two rooks after  knight takes f8 or queen f5 oh wait whoa   i thought here knight f8 was was just winning  knight of eight rookies so that was her idea   because now she had to give up the knight for  the pawn so she's gone four pawns for the minor   piece correct and bishop g4 is probably strong  now as well to put pressure on the knight on d7 maybe queen c7 i mean this should be very good  knight d3 or knight b3 but all the   night moves look really really good um so i think uh knight c5 and takes queen  d6 maybe with the check   very very complicated but i think levy's in  trouble here how does that be in 15 seconds   no yeah that's not which i was going to point  out that again he's super low on time so even   if the position is about equal according to the  evaluation boy he he just doesn't have enough time   is there anything now here after queen takes f8 um  doesn't it 97 97 to get out yeah very very tricky well now she can just move back isn't knight f6  rookie one i mean this looks very bad too many   pawns just too many pawns here for white too many  pawns yeah this this pawn uh you just keep going   keep going i don't think you can stop it you'd  have to give up the piece for the pawn and the   alexander means yet another game three two one  yeah once i i'm just adjusting my board sure um that wasn't there wasn't the best of games  for levy just it went really strange out of   the opening when he decided to go for b5 b4 and  uh even if the vayonbar said it's about equal   i think it was a lot more difficult  to play that position from his   perspective and he spent a lot of time  he spent time correct yeah yeah correct yeah so so what do we have this game we've  got another london right 11 just subscribed   yes uh levy's going for the london again  and he at least has a few seconds of time   advantage here i wonder if he can if he can  keep the speed up because alexander has been   constantly playing consistently playing a lot  faster and that's something that levy will need   to deal with so they've got an hour for the first  portion of the game first portion of the match   three plus one and then they will have half an  hour for the bullet games right yeah like i said   i mean i think levy is definitely the underdog  um in the in the blitz portion so he needs to um   he needs to see if he can get it keep it as  close as he can i think levy is down by more than   four he's in really he's  probably losing the match if it's   if it's three i think he's still a chance  two or less i think he's the favorite   yeah i agree with you that is crucial and the  bullet will not be kind to to levy unless he   does well in the in the blitz portion right right  i think like i said i think if it's if it's four   she if she's up by four going to the bullet she's  the favorite i think three she's probably still   a very slight favorite i think if she's up two  or less uh then levy is a big favorite actually   so yeah knight to d7 so alexandre is postponing  costling do you think she will cast on now or   is she up to something else um well the problem  i think with castle and king-size maybe white   can try to play h4h5 i'm very skeptical as to  whether it works okay bishop g8 is a very class   this is a class move to try and put the bishop  on c7 to trade this uh really nice dark square   bishop off the board so not not clear not clear  so she's waiting for levi to castle and then   costly kingside for black would be a lot safer if  there's no more h4h5 attacks right but levy also   by putting the pawns on h1 g4 let's say castles  bishop c7 with white trades black can also castle   queenside and try to attack because the thing  is a little bit vulnerable on the king side   yeah let's see if it will happen and let's see if  alexander wants to play bishop c7 or capture the   pawn on a5 because that's another option she can  just grab the pawn unless i'm missing something yeah no this is um yeah  it's a little bit dangerous   also just just to tell chat once again to be  clear alexandra is a gm she is she is of course   a women's grandmaster as well but she does have  the title of grand master graffiti rating peak i   think is about like 25 70ish um so so yeah she she  does have the title of grand master yeah and she's   the favorite in this match um especially when  it comes to the bullet portion i think as you   said um levi will need to score more in the blitz  if he wants to save this match but it's a tough   challenge for him and he knows it i think love is  fully aware that he's the underdog in this match   but that's what makes it a challenge for him he  wants to do well against a really strong opponent   oh and apparently someone says her peak was  26 37 so i was actually quite wrong she was uh   yeah 26 stories her peak and by comparison hui  fawn who doesn't really play much uh anymore her   peak rating was around like 26 70 or 26 80. um and  jude it was of course 27 20 i think at her peak   or 27 27 20 maybe around there somewhere somewhere  that range so yeah she she's very very strong yeah   and she she beat magnus in an infamous match where  i think magnus tried to take back a move also yeah she she played many events as you said you  also have played against her in some of the world   blitz and other other speeches tournaments  she really loves speeches as well so she's a   grandmaster former women's world champion and  she's really good at speeches it's not an easy   challenge at all yeah yeah in short yeah she she  is really good she is really good i was actually   thinking like if i played her in a match like  like even this 3-1 or something i think probably   i think i would win like 75 percent of the games  is my guess like 70-75 which which already like i   think says a lot um so so yeah like bishop g3  maybe or bishop b4 she's very very good very   very dangerous um and i remember the one time i  played her over the board i think in a blitz game   was in foxwoods in 2003 i think it was and it was  like there was this it was this constituent and i   think i got lucky at the end but i was actually  under a lot of pressure um a lot of pressure   i think she has been very successful against the  top of the top so if she had a good position and   good chances against you she also had um i think  she has faced basically everyone's going among   the top chess players and has scored  against some of the strongest chess   players and former world champions right  yeah um so so so yeah let's see maybe um okay roxy one's a good move i i mean levy is in  trouble here he's he's down he's down material um   and again bishop c7 here to get rid of the darks  for bishop because this night this dark square   knight is much better than or this black knight is  better than the bishop on g2 yeah i think she'll   go for bishop c7 at some point i like knight e4 as  well because against a similar situation that levy   shouldn't really give up the light squared  bishop for that knight but then the knight is is   really strong on e4 right i don't like queen  f6 i thought queen hx was better to play for   g4 to attack down the h file but anyway let me  go c5 bishop c7 a very tough position for levy and again down on time as well so very difficult  position to hold and he has no time there's only a   one second increment per move yeah this knight is  just so good on e4 it's outpost it's such a such   a good bastion i mean just rookie seven yeah  this this this knight is just so good really   really good yeah it's like it it is the perfect  bastion maybe g4 and queen g5 is a move here   um queen c6 i don't i guess she wants to move the  knight back oh knight c5 knight c5 85 was winning   oh she missed knight c5 yeah that was a tactical  motive but this too looks really strong for her   okay knights if no knight's fight doesn't  work no it doesn't work maybe g4 even   i think g4 is probably but levy again two  seconds like this is just not going to cut it   and she goes no there's no no pawns  defending the white king only the   bishop on g2 and the heavy people trying to  pull it together uh yeah it's looking bad   wait but now she blundered wait wait should  have wondered because now d5 is super weak   yeah oh okay turn off events now this rook and  game is actually nice for white uh maybe not maybe   it was maybe that was not the right moment to  push on from five and f4 f5 f4 just go all in   e3 yeah it's three connected and white doesn't  actually have two connected that's the problem   like like f3 yeah problem for levy here is  that he's not getting it too connected so   she just keeps her pawns connected and  she her pawns are rolling for free g5   and and yeah levy's gonna lose again  he has three pass pawns for alexandra   and the levy's three pawns aren't really the  same the c and v pawns cannot march forward   he had a chance there but i think he pushed  d5 too early but again he had no time so   it's difficult difficult to come up with the  best move and you have one second yeah uh okay g3 wait oh she he hung it rook d6 oh levy oh  levy oh come on dude dude come on that's when i   thought he was getting bored oh man  alexander also made a few inaccurate   moves in that rook and game um but  then levy blundered at the very end well this is a tough one okay but levi's back to  playing the carl khan finally he's playing his car   again i don't like asics another bunky line bishop  g4 is the main move um it's still okay but again   i feel like this is another position alexander  is going to be happy with she's got the center   good development uh she'll probably get the  initiative pretty soon as well so this is um   this is uh pretty good for so far yeah good start  um that previous game i'm just still puzzled by it   levy almost escaped so position wise he almost  escaped but because he was so low on time he   couldn't actually use the fact that alexander  made a mistake too right exactly and i think   this is the one thing i would say is levy's time  management has not been very good and yeah i think   he's certainly nervous but at some point like  you just have to make the practical decisions um exactly yeah he has to be more practical right   hopefully he manages to speed up there's  still quite some time left they are playing   this first portion for an hour so hopefully  he'll mention 23 minutes left so plenty of time yeah also to be clear you guys when you  are um when you are saying like you know   you have to realize she has 27.85 she has  like 2800 blitz like it's it's it's not i   mean she has 200 points higher rate than levy  so she is a big favorite make no mistake yeah   um yeah exactly this this result actually 41  i think is quite normal when we consider their   their playing strength and also alexander does  experience in speeches ooh 96 is an ugly move   because now the knights on the wrong  knights on the rim so it's very grim   and now white's just going to get the free  free jump to e5 with the knight on f3 here   at some point yes maybe you're just taking a  knight because probably you're gonna have to waste   a move to bring the knight back to contest against  the knight on e5 either from c6 or from d7 so by   going to a6 when lovey could have very easily just  put the knight in the center of the board like   on c6 or d7 it makes no sense yeah that was very  strange because c3 such a natural response to 1986   not to allow knight b4 and again from c62 you're  threatening to jump to b4 so that was no point   placing it on a6 i'm puzzled you fed your homeboy  to the wolves by letting him play alexandra   i didn't set this match up you guys but um but  yeah no it's a tough match for lovey but i think   it's also a good thing because uh he gets more  experience and i think levy does want to win um   he does want to win the uh when the i am not a gm  event so he gets experience also alexander someone   said her feeder rating is 24.74 that that's  not true is it is her rating cannot be 24.74   i think she drops some rating but um again  what we already have talked about her peak   rating too so i think it just shows that she  really is capable of playing a lot stronger   a lot stronger yeah that's i mean that's that's  ridiculous i mean her yeah 24-74 is ridiculous   yeah yeah it's like that's just for her level  yeah absolutely she's just a very strong player   even stronger than this rating no that's like  that's like that's like when i when i when   sometimes online i see like ali reza at like 29  i've seen him in like 2900 or something or like i   see daniel like 29.70 there's certain things that  just don't look right and yeah like her rating at   20 20 her rating at 24.74 that's just that's just  wrong that's just completely wrong um yeah i think   she had a few bad tournaments perhaps these last  few years and now there are no tournaments so she   can't even increase her rating because there's not  really over the competition where she can play but   certainly her her level is is above that 20 25  50 i think would be easily um a normal rating for   her agreed yeah absolutely yeah i think 25 50ish i  mean at her peak she was like 26 26 uh 30 i think   they said it was um but yeah 25.50 i think is  about right because that's where like when i think   about the comparable players of the generation  like the music sisters generally they're in that   same range 25 50 25 25.75 around there um so yeah  i think it's it's certainly true i agree yeah that   should be about her level and and levy is not  quite there is his you see the online ratings   but it's not the same as classical chess rating  and online rating yeah alexander is almost 2800.   this is true majumdar just subscribed how do we  feel about this position and the time management   it's at least somewhat faster for levy i think  he's he's is trying to speed up for sure yeah i   think in classical chess classical chess you're  very happy as white in a blitz game i think the   knight is better than the bishops or there's  a lot of potential for tricks so in classical   you're happy in rapper blitz i think it's it  gets a little bit spicy here rookie one is   though it's a very nice move by her trapping the  queen and i love he has to go rook b only move   here yeah exactly the queen has nowhere to close  the room it is the only move i wonder why is he   thinking is there anything else he  can consider or he doesn't see rook b8   um i'm not sure i mean rook be it's the  only levy come on it's an only move you   can't waste 30 seconds on an only  move okay come on then he played it yeah maybe he was just double checking  but certainly he should not like there   was nothing else he could have played so he had  to go for it even if it's bad right exactly yeah by the way also you guys this is a fun match  this is not part of the i am not a gm tournament   because obviously as the name implies gm's cannot  plan the event and alexandra is a grand master so   this is not this is not part of the event  um too strong too strong for the event but   the match of course has a lot at  stake including bragging rights   on twitch let me just gotta go he's gotta  go okay roxy it's a good move i like it   i feel like his chances have improved again as  you said the night is a tricky piece and this is   a blitz game although alexandra is very smart  with her time management and constantly keeps   30 seconds 40 seconds 50 seconds up on the clock  i feel like that oh that's a terrible move by   levy whoa whoa whoa whoa why didn't you i thought  the whole point was to play rookie a3 and then d5   when she i thought that's what she wanted yeah  um i think alexander's facial expression just   just said it all that she blundered  and now c595 rook a2 i guess   it's still not clear cut but i think levy's  going to win because the knight is so good   on d5 it's out it's it's you know it's yeah  it's just a bastion and he just needs to bring   his king i think he'll start marching toward the  passport of white get the king to c6 yeah i mean   mind you is still probably a draw like you can  go g5 or h4h5 and it should be a draw but yeah three seconds left for a level levy come on levy   come on oh my god there's  only one second currency much oh the bar says that now he could actually play  for a win with the activation of the rook nice he's back in the game more than  ever this could be his chance again   she blundered it she blundered mate wow what a win what a win crazy that was a huge  comeback by levy no time and not that easy of a   position and he won the end game nicely done rook  bh would be one yeah by the way quick station   break but for everyone who was wondering todd is  still as expected every game that was remaining   was drawn so there were six draws say i believe  and there was one besides the game which kneels   grandilius one so another day that was exciting  the decisive game at least that one game yeah   well that's classical chess unfortunately it's a  it's a draw yeah not easy um on the other hand we   have this amazing match between chess queen and  gotham chess in which we have a whopping zero will there be draws draws what do you guys  think will there be a single draw because   at this rate it's all decisive games you're  right you're right yeah i think we might have   one we might have one but i think if we're  gonna have a draw it's probably gonna happen   in the next two to three of blitz games yeah  i don't think it will happen in the bullet um quite a contrast to to classical  tournaments yeah no i think um yeah i think he's this is a much better this is  much more of a levy kind of game here that he's   gotten this time again he's playing all right  you know one thing that i would say is i guess   if levy's not intending to play sirius over the  board shots again i understand these openings   but it does concern me that he really is sort  of internalizing playing these weird openings   like this a3b4 against the sicilian and it  does concern me if he ever comes back and he   wants to play over the board that by doing  too much of this that um it will actually   affect the mentality in the mindset in terms of  trying to get the grand master title for example   yeah you've got a point there that he really  is just going for these sidelines which   maybe on the short term is helping because  he's surprising his opponents in these matches   and in the i'm not the gm tournament too he has  been using mainly sidelines uh but i agree with   you that um he still could have a shot at the  grandmaster title if he goes back to classical   competitions too correct yeah yeah and by the  way just for a chat who they're wondering i do   play a lot of random openings online but not in  the serious competitions online you will notice   that i do play a lot of main line openings when  i'm playing like the speed chess championship   or the bullet championship i don't play um i  don't play uh at like random random stuff at all   it's very different very very different yeah  absolutely huge difference what you do um for fun   on stream and also the for instance the bone cloud  speed run that that's hilarious but you wouldn't   go for a phone class pigeon at the champions tour  well i mean way too uh wait wait to sort of bait   bait shot with that with that response but i mean  but the thing is well no i did it against jeffrey   john but i did it in a situation where there was  nothing on the stage i couldn't even couldn't   finish worse so but yes normally i would never  do that in fact i actually feel like i've kind   of stopped doing that in general um like i could  have done that in some of the speed championship   matches and i didn't um so yeah anyway position  is great for alexandra great control of the center   as we know from the russian school of learning  when you got control of the center generally   speaking it's you you are much better here and the  knight on d4 is also really good yeah she's got a   beautiful position here again it's so difficult  for levi to to come up with the right plan how   to activate your pieces what to play for bishop  g5 is a natural move to develop and attack the   rook but then again what's the follow-up right  now f4 and h6 will trap the juicer uh and if you   have to move the bishop back that's a very sad  state of affairs yeah now knight e6 and rook d   yeah yeah that weakens the d3 pawn unfortunately  chases the night away but the pawn will be weak   forever yeah this one's over i'm gonna i'm gonna  mark it up as a win for her not not to not like   make a curse and she found e4 instantly too  which is just crushing it oh yeah are hanging i don't think he has a way out of this and it's  not only that one pawn possibly both will be   falling soon d4 yeah she can just take twice  i think you just take with the knight where's   the queen going you have no squares for the  queen you're just getting fossilized next move   knight f3 is the threat to win the  queen and if bishop d2 it still feels   like there has to be a tactic come on  they maybe just double rooks knight f3 yeah everything is hanging and levy resigns  you marked it correctly because that was   that was crushing yeah like i said i think  levy's still on the edge here he has some chances   uh but he needs to play this game is important  if he loses this one or he loses the next two   i think he's in really bad shape in the bullet  um levy does not look happy i mean it's tough   it's tough he's playing someone who objectively  and is stronger than him so it is it is a very   tough match um it is yeah yeah yeah you think  he'll have a better chance in blood because i   was worried that it's even worse for the bullet  i think his chances are better in bullet um but   yeah this it's another on the thing that i  would say and this is the sort of this is   much higher level that's something that like  you'll see at the grand master level or even the   super grand master level is stylistically you  have to be capable of mixing it up especially   when it's not going your way and levy consistently  is getting into these open middle game positions   where alexander has like very obvious sort of  attacking ideas playing in the center and um and   it very much plays to her style much more than  it does to his um so it's this is pretty rough   pretty rough yeah yeah i agree with you that even  if it's about equal the type of position that's   that's the problem alexandra will be enjoying  this type of position she's really good at   these kind of positions goes for age four to to  scare levy a little bit yeah i just feel like the   way that she's playing it's very aggressive it's  not it's it's actually a style that i feel like   it's very sort of in your face like your opponent  really goes after you they're very aggressive   and um and when when they can play that  style and they they don't just sort of like   you know make sacrifice but they also combine  it with very good positional understanding it's   really unpleasant to play against at certain times  yeah i just would like to thank for the   huge raid we are hosting a match here it's hicary  and i hosting the gotham chest versus chess queen   clash is alexander costa new former women's world  champion facing our very own levy roseman levy   being the underdog but he's trying his best we  are hosting this match as a three plus one for   an hour so blitz first for the first hour and  then bread for half an hour thank you so much   everyone for coming over from the tata still chess  tournament broadcast we hope you had a good time   watching a bunch of resident sleeper chats six  straws yay in this match there have been no draws   so big news here so far every game have have  been decided every single game has been decided   yeah so this is actually getting very exciting  here the center is opening up levy should go   queen d6 very good move and the question is is  knight d4 a good move or not because it's knight   d4 queen d5 to line up the checkmate while  i can interpose with bishop e4 okay bishop going for the queen bishop battery to threaten  checkmates on age seven maybe queen e3 yeah both are options so after rook f2 e8 i guess  levy simply wants to drop the knight back to a   fate if queen d3 or queen c2 you also have knight  of six here you also have knight f6 i guess which   is also uh a move levi is better levi is better  because the pawn on d5 is blockaded um this is   similar to the like this the semi-terrorish  opening um where white generally gets a big   center with pawns on e4 and d4 but if you can  blockade the pawn and it's the one loose pawn   here in the center then um then black's doing  very well and i think he's actually he should   technically speaking be winning here if he plays  this correctly i think so because now three pieces   of his are attacking the d5 pawn will alexander  try to guard it by playing bishop e4 it just feels   it feels like it's all wrong she's going  for a counter attack in the back rank   but the problem is now we're gonna see the  xqc checkmate with a rook d5 rookie eight   knight f8 and then there's a rook d1  at the end because the queen covers h2   xcc had a checkmate like oh lovey's gotta be  careful don't allow queenie i guess it's not   quite working but you gotta be very careful  here yes still not working because there's   queen of fate at the end of the line but  it's a scary position so levi doing well   but there are still tricks and traps in this  position and alexandra has more time so again   this could go wrong unfortunately he has  to be very careful right he is doing well   though he is doing well he's just got to not  see the boogie man and take with the bishop   just subscribed you think he will go for it will  he take the point yeah he does so oh thank you to   luna sec moss for the raid with 21 293 people is  that uh oh hello uh whoa holy mackerel wow uh it's   a day of raids that we are hosting a serious chess  match here well serious um as serious as it can be   for levy gotham chess and former women's world  champion chess queen alexandra kosteneuk um   welcome everybody to join us for this oh never  mind was that fake oh never mind i'm sorry oh   can you even get fake grades or was that a  comment in the chat i mean it's a lot of people okay that's yeah apparently fourson got it  too and he didn't recognize it so hey it all   it's all good um okay how do you even do a  fake raid like is that so it comes up as a   normal notification i didn't know there's such  a thing yeah ah it's all good it's all good   no no worries yeah yeah it's all good um maybe  bishop levy let me levy's got to go bishop d5   and close this diagonal for the white bishop  bishop d5 is it's imperative that he does it here   10 seconds though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's  rookie 7 okay 7 96 oh my gosh there's 96 also and   bishop e6 and rook rookoff yeah uh oh oh oh oh oh  oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no levees in oh no oh no oh no time one second it's it was about to flag  he played the move with zero but now there's g4   g4 and the knight and then there's some  kind of there's something that's winning g   okay she takes bishop b3 he's got no time  oh man that hurts that hurts that hurts that was such a good position  for levy but there was still   a few tricks and he couldn't deal with  it i think levy almost has to win here   if he's down by five going into the bullet i think  he's in really bad shape i don't think he's coming   back from down by five i think four we're still on  the edge where it's possible but down by five yeah   it's a rough start for levy he has  had his chances in the games but   again time pressure having almost no time to make  that crucial decisive moment uh yeah simpler uh yeah it's getting ugly um but that being said uh as i recall from this  line i think bishop d6 d4 bishop d7 is the main   line e4 is not generally considered to be the  best move at the moment on move seven so it's   a little bit off the beaten path which i guess is  why the computer says that white is so much better so yeah i feel like alexander is getting really  comfortable positions um so far it feels like lavi   hasn't chosen this is so ugly oh no what did levy  do because now the knight's coming to d3 oh no   and there's c5 and you've got this really bad  backwards pawn on d2 and your bishop is dead   here on c1 i think c5 just c5 here and take this  take this there's this huge square there's a huge   bastion sitting here on d3 oh man this is so  maybe levi should sack sack and just get this   huge uh pawn clump in the center he does it okay  and he does it yeah this could be his best friend   maybe the e pawn i feel like that would be nice  that's probably better because yeah you don't want   twos you don't want to you don't want to square  pawns in the center that would be really too much but actually after 93 what do you do okay i don't  like knight g6 because now white keeps a bishop on   the board black is an extra extra bishop here so i  would have tried to trade it trade off tonight for   the bishops now after like d3 you got scope you  can maybe push the pawns create a diamond in the   center even if you get the pawns to d3 d5 and c4  just a classic diamond also queen b3 is good too   yeah i feel like this was a really good  practical decision the evaluation burst   still shows advantage for black but this is  not easy for alexandra to play so finally a   position where it's alexandra who has to  be more precise correct yeah yeah i like   this position for levy also because black can't  castle the king the queen covers the diagonal   true very true rugby want to put pressure on the  pawn then he could play d3 get the bishop out   there's nothing concrete going on uh but it's a  lot more difficult for black to finish development   because of the color but let me also he needs he  needs to he needs to get the positive positivity   flowing i think one thing that i would say is  especially in speedchest championship well a lot   of speech championship but all these online events  like that are in the match format you really need   to kind of get positivity and focus you like  you have to dial it back like after a bad loss   you just need to take a deep breath but you need  to be positive um and levy's body language also   is another's problem as he looks very negative  uh which is not going to help us help his play   yeah do you think he's already tilted  from the results oh maybe a little bit we need a pep talk um i hope lavish chat  is there for him with the kobe pastors i   i don't know if he's he's looking at the  chat i don't think he has much time to   yeah i mean i i think you know again big shout  out to the nearly 40 i think we've got 42 000   people who are um who are watching across  the channel so big shout out to everybody   i don't know if alexander streaming in english or  in russian i would assume russian um but big shout   out to everybody who's who's watching um this is  uh you know what i was gonna start to say my point   about the thing is that if you're really going  next level in these matchmarks and magnus and   i do this very well is um is you actually do you  do out of the corner of your eye pay attention to   like what your opponent is doing like they're  they're visible they're the visual like look   they have on their face the body language uh we do  actually pay really really close attention to that   yeah very true and uh let me thank uh mr comey  kevin for another raid it really has been the   day of raids kevin thank you so much for the raid  we are broadcasting hikara and i are broadcasting   a match between gotham chess levy roseman and  chess queen she's a former women's world champion   so it's a serious clash between the two um levi  not doing well he has to make a comeback and this   is speeches so everything is happening super  fast even those of you who don't play chess i   think you will you can pay attention to the facial  expressions and the time ticking down uh he cares   facial expression too tried to read what are you  thinking i thought there was knight f4 c4 in the   knight d3 which looked really really good because  then you never got the pawns rolling in the center   um because now can't you take a d4 c4 and try to  run the pawn up maybe maybe not sure but maybe   you can try to do that yeah and levy's down to  37 seconds so it's his final final 37 seconds   yeah he's got to go this is going to be the  last game by the way of the of the portion we're and then they will have a short break and  the rest of the match is bullet that is   one minute games only three a3  bishop a3 love you bishop a3 come on   yeah he has found it he's found it he's got 26  seconds left but he at least found the best move   he's winning here he is winning here by the way  to be clear you have rook c one key manage right   converted just take take some d6 come on levy just  trade it all down and go d6 come on yes very good   mind you still it still might be tricky here  i think maybe she should take with the rook   there but anyway she takes the bishop just take  levy you gotta go instantly good d6 yes faster   faster repeat yep 15 seconds left  of 13 12 11. make a move okay king eight maybe i mean this  is winning but it's still   okay d sevens probably rook b one rookie seven   rook be one two three just doubling d1 yeah but  now king e8 d7 king e7 it remains very tricky here don't push g7 just don't push g7 you can  kind of wait you can just bring the king in   jacob you can kind of just oh he does play  it and he's only got three seconds left three   seconds he's gonna lose he lost on time he lost  on time he flagged from a winning position to   losing on time but d7 already was a mistake oh  my f in the chat everyone whether you played he ran out of time yes he did  yeah i mean i mean 60 minutes um   it's over right the first day yeah it's over yeah  yes yeah okay one second i'm just gonna get water   yeah i'll take a break yeah take your time have a  break so it's a break right and we'll we're back   yeah feel free to take a quick break good good  see you soon you said alexandra oh my that was   that was a hard break levy was so close to winning  this final game he has a winning position but he   had only 12 seconds on the clock and then he made  his next move eight seconds left take a look at   that clock next to next two gotham chess eight  seconds and then three seconds there's a one   second increment so every time he makes moves he  gets some more time but that's that's insane no   time and eventually he lost on time d7 wasn't the  best move this is unfortunately a meltdown levy   losing a game that he should have won and now the  match seven to two seven points for alex under two   for levy and i'm left alone how is everybody doing  and how was gta let me know how about gta i know   i know that you guys are playing again with the  chaos mods i love the chaos mods in gta it makes   gta is already hilarious and really entertaining  when kevin plays it but with the chaos mods and   you guys controlling the gameplay it's even better  and i know that kevin is planning to play more of   those games where you can be in charge so that  will be really cool to see when you take over   constantly in future streams as well let  me know what was your favorite moment   of today's stream on kevin's channel and thank you  again kevin ford thank you everyone for joining us   i know that during the match i'm not able to talk  to you guys that much but i really appreciate it   and today i'm gonna be playing on my brand  new switch because i am not a gamer i don't   know if i'm saying this by the way on all four  channels i'm talking to my my audience now but if   if it's also on every other channel i am not  a gamer but i have bought my first ever switch   and today after the match we're gonna be playing  rhythm games i have downloaded and well i guess i   bought and downloaded them a couple of games for  the switch that are rhythm games oh my camera is   going to worry okay hello welcome back thank you  i'm muted hello hopefully uh i'm providing some   good heart attacks for the audience uh with my  with my patented less than three seconds of uh   time on the clock subscribe i don't know what it  is with like being addicted to bullets that's what   i'm afraid of because it's it's going to be very  fun i mean it it's it's it's already quite funny   but for with one minute it's going to be hilarious  let me try to okay one second it'll change 30 minutes right i'm just  gonna set the timer for myself   okay man with all glove donated three dollars like  it's such a tense moment i'm afraid to go i'm i'm   i'm having a it's going to be far more intensely  i don't know it feels like more fun than   than tense because it's not like i don't know it's  not like in a formal compass it's like you know   so you go to the gym and you spar someone who's  like gonna kick your ass so i'm having a good time the chest is not the most fun part but i'm  having uh no we better forget about just yes but you're providing a lot of  entertainment and that's for sure   that's uh you can count on me you know  yeah has been comparing it to tata steel   that you guys make no draws tata still  is almost all jokes are prohibited no no you make a draw you're disqualified a couple   games ago i was worried there was  going to be a draw and then yes i good luck and see you in half an hour good luck   just a second i will i will um switch  off i mean i will change all the cables   so the spectators can hear you and i don't i  won't okay so see you soon goodbye thank you and we are back at it again so there's going  to be an additional half an hour segment now   at bullet chess bullet chess meaning one minute  per player per game so it's absolutely one of the   fastest time controls um hickory what would you  say about bullet chess what do you need to do to   be good at it uh i think a lot of intuition  pattern recognition playing for tactics um   all right and we're off okay um and i think i  think mainly having an opening setup where you   can get to like move 10 or move 20 right away  now the one danger that i will say and a lot   of people have done this is that one zero one  minute no no increment is much different than   than one minute plus one second one second  increment um for example like ali reza who   is very very good at 1-0 and the speed chess  championship and the one one plus one portion   he he lost his match against the big fish or  vladimir putin for this reason there were a   lot of games that got down to the very end where  he would have won them on time is one plus zero   but because there was a one second increment he  um he struggled and lost that match i think that's   really really important to keep that in mind  that it is much different than one one plus zero   very true at least there's this  one second increment so it's not   just about flooding the opponent um if there was  no increment you could literally have a queen down   and still have a chance to win because you can  flag the opponent you can win on time exactly   yeah so it's going to be close i think levy is  the favorite here can he close the five-point gap   i think it's pretty unlikely pretty unlikely  but it could happen it could happen definitely   at least he is fast this is the fastest i've  seen levi today i feel like um he definitely   switched his mindset to bullet and he's  trying to do his best wrong rook wrong   whoa what is this i thought rookie  was better but this is probably   bishop c5 maybe this beast sacrifice could be  very appealing if alexander was gonna take it so   she decides to keep the king safe and not go for  the capture levy's doing well he's doing very well that was a nice tactical motive to  sacrifice the bishop and now he's   got the initiative he's attacking already  on the king side with the minor pieces um   can he do anything to keep going he comes back to  f68 it felt like there was no follow-up on f4 um   again white is better or black is  better but white has the two bishops   which are kind of important here i think in  long term because even though black is an extra   pawn the two bishops have much more scope on the  diagonals so i i levy is better but it's going to   be tricky to convert yes um the pair of bishops  the fact that alexandra has more space and it's   a tricky position um 18 seconds left for levi  let's hope that he's not going to lose on time   no he won't lose on time but whether he can win  this i'm skeptical because it's just very hard   when white has two bishops white can try  to attack the queenside pawns very easily   like bishop a7 maybe i thought bishop a7 bishop  b8 was maybe a better try but again black is   better but we'll see we'll see what levy can do  knight e4 is tricky because alexander is trying   to connect the pawns and make it confusing for  levina you can't move away because d6 is hanging i think he's going to lose here because knight c5  and bishop b8 knight c5 i mean i mean he's hanging   on he's hanging on by a thread but it's going  to be very hard to win this i don't think he's   i don't think he's even better anymore honestly  yeah the tendency is certainly not good so many   pieces on the background being really passive his  knight is getting trapped isn't it king d2 whoa   oh oh oh dear b4 touring on a1 he's trapping  his own knight in the corner no although she's   not actually going after the knight the way she  because levy can still create past pawns over here okay okay now the knight is gone and  but now there's bishop f7 and bishop e5   bishop e5 oh and the c pawn is winning the  game just bishop h5 or oh bishop d52 yeah okay she's gonna give up the bishops and her  phone will promote so she can sacrifice her   bishops for the pawns or one or two of  them and this one is a new queen once it   arrives on c8 it was a good chance for levy  but uh the end game king age eight what   what was going on well i think i think levy got  low on time and he panicked and just played the   first one that came to his mind but again i think  that was bad those bad instincts and pressure   because if you're under pressure and end game you  should just go to f8 instead of h if you're under   pressure you just go close to the center and in  the end game um but yes i mean people are saying   i'm being biased i'm not alexandra is the better  player let's be very clear on that i've said that   throughout the uh throughout the sequence it's not  like she's getting lucky or something like that   um of course yeah we have already said this and  those of you who are just joining us and you are   not aware alex is a former women's world champion  she used to be one of the strongest i used to be   she is still one of the strongest but i wanted to  say that her rating was i think was that again i   forgot her peak rating but it was crazy high  her peak rating she was a world champion for   two years the olympic gold medalist with the  team of russia and she's a grandmaster she's   she's got the overall grandmaster title levy is  an international master so it's not the same level   lev is the underdog here right agreed agreed  yeah i mean she's i mean she she beat magnus   in a blitz game for sure apparently she'd be  at a nod in another game i mean i i think i   was lucky because i've only played her like twice  but i think one of the games i played against her   blitz also was really really scrappy a big big  mess on the board so um yeah she's competing in   a lot of the world blitz championships very very  strong player um i i the odd thing is i think like   me though she hasn't actually ever won the world  rapid or world blitz because they hold it at the   same time i know she's come close i think but  i don't think she's ever actually won it either   um yeah i remember her finishing on the podium but  not winning it which i agree with you it's very   strange because she's really good at speeches  and i'm being told her peak rating was 25   40 no 2561 yeah um it's a very strong chess player  um and levy is the underdog as everyone knows it   including the players right exactly at the same  time levi's position i kind of like him more space   and seems to be more comfortable  to play gustavs underscores   good this is what levy wasn't doing earlier like  f4 it's a good move play it fast play it practical   of course queen g3 doesn't really isn't right but  anyway um but the point is now he's playing more   on phil he's playing the intuition the way that  he should be maybe f5 here or two seven queen of   three maybe i don't know if it's good but it's  a move i like f5 yeah yeah oh oh no oh no okay   that's not that's not what we need though it's one  move too late he needed to do this before he died unfortunately with the pawn gun and the queen  tray this end game is just good for black uh   material up and uh and now the  juicers are running the juice is loose   although king up one he has some hope actually  there's still some outside hope like a5 a5 a6   what takes an a6 but a7 rook a6 stops the pawn did  he miss it what's he doing come on lovey oh okay   that was that was a very unfortunate blunder  as we can see on levy's facial expression oh rob um because of you asking how is it possible that  love is the underdog when he's higher rated this   is just their bullet rating on so it's  not the classical rating we were talking about   classical chess ratings in bullet chess and  online chess you have different ratings but   overall in classical chess alexander has been um  much stronger than levi and she wins this game   i mean she's going to win the match now i  don't think there's enough time remaining   um but i would also that's what i was going to  say you guys again this is one plus one there   is an increment this is not one plus zero there  there is i mean it's very weird when you think   about but there's a huge difference um when  you add in the increment versus no increment   because basically the flag concept it sort of  doesn't really apply in the same way anymore   so you have to you have to actually play  pretty high quality on um on over the board exactly and now this is a huge difference seven  point lead for alexandra um and i think she's   in a great shape it she did have some games  in the bliss portion where she wasn't doing   well maybe she she got lucky in some of those  games as one could say but she was constantly   fighting having more time on the clock so that  that is i think something that she did really   well today too that she kept putting pressure  on levy in terms of time management and that's   how levy correct in winning positions too yeah i  mean i feel like the fair value was probably she   won what 72 so she was plus five i think it should  have been probably been like plus three instead of   plus five like if levi had managed his time better  the score should have been something like um like   six three or something or you know five two versus  what it turned into seven two so i but nonetheless   she was clearly better regardless and um and she's  uh she's also like playing really really well in   this bullet portion like g4 just go for the kill  again very intuitive very straightforward um   this is just really really brutal oh man hd4h5 oh  man h5 oh man and she goes for it brutal attack   on the king's side oh this is pretty harsh man  yeah i don't think that levy can get out of this yeah this is yikes and also look at the time she's  up she's 49 seconds levi is four seconds like   levi's just got to move fast he's just like yeah  now it's a rook up for alexander so levy resigns   ten to two this is rough so you know i'm going to  give you guys a little story uh it's it's a little   bit of story time sometimes you play against  somebody who's just too good okay this does happen   from time to time um uh you play against someone  who's just too good and i i'm basically there   there was a period when i was much younger when  i was like 12 13 14 i play a lot online um i was   trying to improve and i was probably a little bit  better than levy maybe like 24 24 50 but are in   the same level and um and when when like when  this would happen i run into some grand master   online who is just much better than me um and you  know i would lose a match like this where it would   just be like you know some score that was really  unpleasant like eight two ten two whatever it is   and um what i would do is um first of all i would  take my mouse and i would i would take it i would   throw it against the wall so in my room afterwards  after the match would take the mouse i would   take my hand i would throw it against the wall  that's the first thing i would do um so obviously   like i was very upset so so the first thing is you  know let get have the rage let it all out and then   after that is like i literally would go and spend  like the next like four to five hours looking at   the openings trying to figure out what i did wrong  uh because it was just that infuriating and i   think it's really really important to um to sort  of you know when when you play against someone   who's just much better is like not accepted  and figure out what you have to do to improve   yeah so part of the process of getting better  is uh throwing the the mess or or is that the   skippable part i mean maybe a part of it i  think the the more important part is that   you kind of have to be upset you have to be a  bit psychotic you have to really just be like   really angry and not accept not accept like a  bad result so you have to have be a little bit   there has to be a little bit like mental inc  there's something mentally a little bit off   let's put it that way i agree with you that  the games we lose or in this case a match   that davie is about to lose oh no there's  94 there's 94 in f5 now oh she misses it   she missed it okay now let me go f5 and  attack okay queen's your favorite yeah   was a really attractive move i think he can still  go for it oh no no longer he can go for it um   because unfortunately he missed his moment to push  f5 wait what was queen h3 wait what just happened   was it couldn't he have taken f5 i guess he could  have but anyway he gets to take it anyway here   um yeah this is great for lovey lovey's  doing well here maybe rookie one   or bishop e1 now hard to play though  because the fish from the knight though   the bishop and the knight are really good  for black and she's gonna go knight of 593. still queen g4 knight f5 it's getting it's like okay i think she missed a chance with rookie  six and rook g6 she missed a big opportunity   and she just wondered her night okay levi is  going to get a win here he's going to get the dub   he's going to get a dub here levy's going to get  there and that's so important psychologically too   because he he has been on a losing streak  and he needs to stop the bleeding so this   this is important for the match overall to  make a comeback feel a bit better and maybe   then have a chance or two in the next  games right yeah no it's good it's good he avoids the adoption this is also  important but yeah this has been a   really really tough match for  levy really really tough match   yeah they just saw it for the five gifted  thank you so much appreciate it thank you   um yeah levy levy he's he's doing okay he's just  uh just he's playing someone who's unfortunately   i think just a little bit too strong in this  in this situation um and i mean it happens   yeah but as you said he he wants to improve this  is a training match for him for the i'm not a gm   event as you guys were pointing out alexandra is  not part of the event this is a training match um   basically for you guys it's for it's for the chess  community here on twitch that they organized this   match and i think there will be more i would  love to see more events like this that just a   casual match but at the same time of course they  are super competitive and they are doing their   very best right yeah no this is um yeah it's  just it's it's tough it's tough i mean she's   a very strong player i mean objectively she has  a lot more experience than levy as well um she's   someone who's been playing tournaments from very  very young age just traveling all over the world   as well so uh it's it's kind of to be expected  absolutely absolutely uh good practice for   levy and hopefully this this previous win gives  him some boost but the position getting smoked   again like you know this is kind of this is how  you get you really can tell like so a lot of   people probably don't notice because i find a way  to win games anyway um when i play blitz but the   quality of the moves in the opening when you play  bad openings really shows the class of the player   like like the way alexandra has played against  levy's really dubious opening with like a5 and   h5 it's just like playing very thematically very  classically in the center and just attacking it's   all very very thematic um although she did blunder  here somehow what does she do yeah f6 after the   training oh she let her come off and then f6 f6  winning fg5 and bishop f5 should be winning yeah   so she ended up blundering even though she was  doing the right thing like that the palm push was   correct but then she miscalculated right bishop  f5 is a good move here just hold hold everything   and then go rook c6 and hit the rook hit the  pawn on c2 okay that's also a good move but   there is rook a5 now but now just c3 maybe rook  d8 double double it go for go for the mate do the   do the bro stack no that's not quite right because  now she has three pawns and she has safe pawns   too if you look at the pawn structure the pawns  are all very safe a5b4 just start running them   yeah i think alexander is back in the game because  it's again so easy to play um just push and push   and try not to lose oh no he's going to lose  he's going to lose the king's coming in now   getting to b4 he's down to  two seconds take the juicer   okay now he's winning again because now you  take and run the pawn take f3 g5 h4 h3 h2 okay maybe rook h2 but it's  no not work h6 and oh no to pick up the bishop three seconds left for levy and this is not the   right tendency she could just  take on h4 guard c for pawn oh well um that we had his chances  but again being so low on time   yeah the levy's time levy's time  used to just not been has not been um   has not been ideal shall we say yeah  he's gonna lose a gun v8 wow brutal wow brutal oh well that's 11 to 3 in alexander's  favor and there's still some more time left how   much time do we have for for this bullet portion  left because i don't have it 12 minutes 37 seconds   is what i have so it could be off by about five  seconds give or take but yeah and i mean at the   end of the day like she's she's just a stronger  player that's just the reality um but for for levy   he will i mean i think that um that he has played  some he has played some good games in this match   so he just needs to um he needs to make sure to  to to play like this or even you know like learn   from this and play at this level or better  when he plays in the i am not a gm event   i think knight t5 is winning by the  way because of bishop g4 but whatever   oh i don't know but i but like it's like this  is a difference so like i'll give you a perfect   example this position after queen state i know  we're on my board we're we're not going to see   the next couple of moves this is a position  where if i was playing against like fedor   save we're playing in a very serious speech  championship match in one zero i probably have   to make a move in four seconds in one plus one  you can use 15 to 20 seconds because if 95 works   then it's just winning so that's kind of the  point that's really important is like in in in   one o you have to do that instantly and one plus  one you can think work takes h5 is winning now   we're kicks h5 vertical h5 love you okay five  and check mate incoming and he's going forward   yep wait oh queen c2 is the right follow-up  i thought he had it it's actually it actually   is yeah yeah queen queen h7 coming oh because  queen h59d3 was still well queen each fighter   is queen f5 i think which uh okay covered  the pawn and it held h7 no you're perfectly   right about it i missed that queen f5 is a very  strong defensive move so he spotted it queen c2   he's ready to play six and then checkmate in two  or winning the queen nicely at least this game   alex is just smiling about it because it was a  beautiful tactical pattern and she appreciates   that too even if it's um her defeat in this game  but i'm sure that she should like the pattern yeah   it was a nice nice checkmating pattern yeah that's  very good four points for levy 11 for alexandra yeah this is um yeah i mean lovey's lovies levy's  doing relatively well in the bullet portion i   would say overall it's just unfortunately in the  uh in the blitz yeah she's just much stronger   yeah and i thought it was going to be the other  way around i didn't realize that that the blitz   was even more dangerous right exactly yeah  yeah i know i thought i thought i thought um   i thought it would win and bullet but again one  plus one i wasn't sure how big the margin would   be but again she's she's held even in bullet and  blitz she was just much much more uh much more   she was far superior but yeah no it's um it's  tough tough tough match but again levy just has to   kind of use this motivation to uh to improve and  also what i would say in regards to levy is like   to give an example um like people are obviously  they're going to be people who are making fun of   levy but he should keep in mind that you know  what he really needs to do is use that sort of   the negative energy or what people are saying  sort of as sort of the fuel or the fire to um   to uh to to get better and play better and i am  not a gm event i agree with you this is a great   training match for him for the event so it's just  absolutely nothing for him like he he will feel   bad about how he played and he will he will want  to do better that's exactly the motivation he   needs but overall he will come out as someone  who learned um after f3 by the way i thought   that was queen g3 check but now it's of course  a completely different position there probably   was yeah but levy's doing well playing very  thematically double the rooks and attack um   but yeah no what i would also say though is like  when people say yeah they don't make fun of levi i   actually did a lot of that when i was younger like  a lot a lot of people sort of would like you know   if you don't have a good result or you do things  a certain way a lot of people are very negative   and actually for me that was one of the biggest  things that really helped me was that uh   i actually could use all that hate all that all  that negativity and just use it to basically   um uh fuel myself to to perform better and really  use that as a motivation it's great that you can   do that because it happens so many times during  the champions tour too oh all right i mean love   is back in this game for sure now capturing  all those pieces it's an extra rook yeah oh five points for levi he has just won the  last two games um in bullet yes i think   or is it still down by one oh actually  because it was seven two right or was it   uh oh yeah it was seven two yes they finished  the blitz portion with seven to two okay so   he's still down by one okay so he needs to win  this to get get back to even in the bullet right   yeah yeah i was just gonna say about the champions  tour that the type of comments when when one of   the top grandmasters wouldn't do well whether it's  um i'm i mean i don't even know but on whom they   were picking in the last two events it's just it  doesn't matter if someone is not performing as as   they used to including magnus cos and if magnus  is not winning a tournament and people are like   oh he's not the same anymore or should he retire  or should he like you know like wombat tournament   or one bad day and then all those type of comments  is like seriously you're watching some of the   top chess grandmasters in the world and you think  that because they have a bad day or a bad event it   means that they are they have no longer a future  that their career is over right exactly yeah   agreed yeah it's pretty funny anyway uh knight h5  knight h5 oh levy levy is actually coming back to   life and by the way you guys we're we're not like  we're not we're not like doing favoritism here um   i've we've given alexander a lot of credit  she's been the much better player throughout   and yeah that's just the reason it looks so  well yeah um well he has one again i need to   add more points to that side of the board yeah the  batteries are balding now the betters are molding   because everyone thought that it was over and um  and now now all the batteries are really unhappy yeah and there's still time there's still time  bullet just is so fast that there could be   still a couple of games left in these last few  minutes of the match yeah exactly yeah levy's   got another great position by the way and this is  an example why is he playing his main repertoire   now this deep in the match he should have been  playing this earlier like this is everything   he's done in this game has been really really  thematic on point e5 good move maybe knight um 95. yeah why is he thinking oh it was just  bishop juice oh there's a thinking word tonight   oh there's a 4 here oh yeah bishop d3 maybe though your bishop d3  ah bishop c5 is also move because takes   takes rookie seven you have queen d5 it's  a move so rookie eight of course gotta move um yeah i think lovey's doing well this game  i think levy might actually win this game   he's gonna get a winning streak this is finally  looking great for him at least uh he he's the one   who now can do better psychologically too it's  a lot easier when you're on a winning streak   and then everything seems to be easier when it  comes to making good moves right exactly yeah so   yeah he's playing very well  this game the flow is there   the flow is there he's definitely got the flow  going like takes takes and just take on g6   even somebody like takes trade the  queen in knight d3 also looks good but he's he's yeah yeah takes and just queen g6  and knight d3 pop the knight on d3 maybe just b5   first and knight d3 yep very good knight d3 uh you  got a good bash in there and the pawn supports the   knight it's knight d3 of course that was a weird  traits first and then knight d3 and 93 immediately   was gonna feel like the best move even like  this of course he's doing well rook f8 perhaps   he's down to nine seconds though so he has to  gotta go he's gotta go what what there's rookie yeah rook out two is probably a draw okay she  goes king h2 i'm mor levy time time time levy   time oh oh oh rookie 7 and checkmate and knight  h52 uh that's too much too much going on knight h5   hey she plays h5 i thought knight h5 would  yeah knight tribe was winning wait queen h6   yeah she can just uh yeah if this level you  can take it b4 b4 c3 b4 and c3 oh well he   goes rook off south seconds left for levy  but at least he has before before b4 or b4   no okay well still a game rook c7  and a5 maybe okay seven good move   by the way good move because black has  outside pawns here to roll down the board this might be a draw a knight b2   oh i like knight b2 a lot then he plays it  can't be taken because of a3 king g6 king f5   this is going to be a draw by the way speaking  of draws well this will be the first and maybe   only draw they have only played decisive games  so okay now and this will be a draw yeah yeah yep the first and maybe only drill of  the match wow yeah i think it will be how much time is left of the match  hikaru i've got 240. so probably this   last game there might be one more that can occur added half a point makes the scoreboard look a  lot worse and there's not that much space now   for the numbers yeah but it's one draw it's all  right only one draw every other game has been   decisive they're playing really competitive  fighting chess here for the entertainment of   you guys we hope you enjoyed the match this  this has been fun to host and hopefully fun   for the players too even though larry has has gone  through hell yeah this has been really rough yeah yeah i think levy's got a great  position here though just castles   like classic vienna opening really really  good position see again i don't know why   levy didn't do this earlier why is he doing  this now he should have done this at the start   yeah it feels like he kept the best for last but  now the match is going to be over in a few minutes   knight h5 knight h5 or even 96 and  queens oh 96 and queen g4 might be   winning too i really want knight h5 knight  f6 but i think 96 okay still good though what's the follow-up can he wait can he i  was thinking of the sacrifice couldn't he   couldn't he take on h7 and queen h5 was it was  it working well i don't know any longer but he's   shaking his head now after costling no because  i mean i mean levy's down a pawn here so he's   got to attack he's just down one pawn it's not i  mean he's just down a pawn so he needs to attack that was a very strange decision to cause so  even if i don't know if the rook sacrifice was   good or not but that certainly was the direction  to go keep that h5 for the rook he's got to move   though he's just got to move whoa okay knight  h5 but now if you trade on e3 it's gonna work   takes queen h6 knight you said  it's work f6 very very sharp still   it should be winning for black somehow like rook  f6 rook f6 only move rook f6 just do it good   no king h8 because then you take the knight and  then you take the rook because black can't take   back with it oh she blunders takes no let me  blundered back he didn't he didn't take oh oh it was a mouse slip apparently  love is costing i'm being told   that makes more sense that makes more sense  because the position didn't require castle   all right um a couple of missed chances at  the end of the match too the clock is done mate in eight the evaluation burst saying for  black he's got the last a couple of last few   checks um but it's game over two rooks down and  the bishop is gone what a match this has been 12 and a half for alexandra six and a half  for levy and that's the end of the match yeah alexandra wench nice box and i  try to not made it once once again   it's actually it's funny so has a  feature if you touch the king and then you touch   the rook it castles automatically oh so i meant to  move my room you had a pre-move set or no no like   i touched my king and then i was like i don't want  to move my king so i touched my rook and boom it's   like it wasn't yes i thought well i mean okay i  was like ah that was uh yeah that makes more sense   now because we didn't understand why you caught  it than your facial expression about yeah i mean   it wouldn't have helped the uh the match situation  but uh that was fun it was fun it was a lot of a   lot of interesting stuff i think in the blitz i  think from for me personally i mean yeah no no   in in the blitz i think the positions were  interesting bullet was just chaos i learned   not to play the beard's defense against you  you're going to checkmate every single time   um h4 i was like okay i'm getting made at every  position no actually i i lost this pawn twice i   think or something and i i kept asking myself why  didn't why did i move this pawn to h4 to lose it   once again all over again but that was nice  yeah many many nice checkmating patterns in   the bullet section with knight h5 i enjoyed it the  did not expect it but probably it's very very um   known for those who play oh oh yeah queen on h6  bishop on d3 and then knight h5 somehow and then   i i enjoyed my queen to g4 move so much because i  thought well there is you don't threaten anything   so but okay that was uh that was fun i felt uh i  i don't play chess which really matters anymore   so i i thought why not set this up i figure i'm  the i'm the underdog but uh yeah three three plus   one is a fascinating format to me i completely  don't understand it i just like i i'm so excited   next time next time you you you need to say  60 minutes one plus one and then 30 minutes   no i i wanted to offer no increment but i i felt  like it's it's too garbage of a format it's uh   it's too you know no increment yes i need to work  a lot no increment i'm not that good i mean at all   i felt it was it was it was silly well uh  commentators your impressions yeah i actually   actually a general question which is because  levi you don't play i mean well not just you but   nobody plays one plus one um like in a serious  way except for these matches so like for you   how did you feel playing one plus one because  it's much different than one plus zero obviously   uh i think uh for for me it's it feels the  most like something that i'm at least used to   i don't know like three one and five one feels  like classical chess i'm sitting there like deep   in thought i'm like what am i doing i just spent  one third of my time like so i feel like in bullet   i can force myself to at least move um we felt  like that was a that was one of the the biggest   trouble or difficulty you had to overcome the  time management especially in the blitz portion   that you kept going low on time and alexandra even  in in bad positions managed to to keep being fast   so at least she had that pocket of time to use  against you and it i feel like do you think that   in hindsight um not that it of course it's easier  said than done but do you think you should have   been a bit more practical and not consider those  blitz games as you said classical that you have   time to spend there wasn't much time to spend in  the end yeah you should have seen me uh what i was   saying to myself i was like dude i was going full  hikaru just move dude just move i'm sitting like   saying just move but i'm not moving i'm saying  it but i'm not so many times yeah even the very it is let's put it this way i'll be  more upset if i lose to the winner   of sagar shah and eric rosen this way this  will be i'll be much more upset so i'm uh   i'm happy for the match we can also have  uh a rematch like sometime down the line   just want to play strong players and  uh give them subs when they beat me yeah we had a deal yeah alexandria  basically just named her price she was like   you know it was a favorite so uh 25 gifted  subs so if anybody was going to donate to   me if i won you can donate it to alexandra's  channel so uh but yeah this was this was fun   it was great thank you so much i enjoyed i  enjoyed the match i enjoyed being checkmated   and not being checkmated and i'm sure  uh the spectators enjoyed listening to   your wonderful comments i mean you're really  doing an amazing job for chess it's something   unbelievable that's what's going on i mean  nowadays it's a dream come true i think so   thank you so much guys for for this wonderful  opportunity no problem i'm glad that you enjoyed   alexandra and uh hopefully hopefully we'll see  more of you in various events or just playing   on online as well and also also streaming so it  was it was really it was really great to watch   uh watch play great shots i think it's been i mean  for me obviously i'm i'm very familiar with your   chess uh since we've both been playing so long  but i think for like a lot of the audience that   was watching they're not they're not so familiar  with a lot of the stars of chess over the past 10   20 years and i think for all of them they had an  opportunity to see how strong of a player you are   and of course a former former woman's world  champion so it's it was great for everybody   absolutely make sure everyone to check out  chess queen here on twitter she streamed in   english and russian depending on the day when  you tune in you can either learn a new language   or you can join her english language streams  now i'm sure that there are many russian fans   out here too i don't know how you manage with the  two languages i was considering doing english and   spanish streams sometimes but i just i feel  like even with english i can barely keep up   so i don't know how you do it well done but i'm  used to because i mean with my daughter she keeps   answering to me in english and i say to her  in russian talk to her in russian so it's i'm   very used to at least listen to english but okay  in russian it's always more comfortable for me   yeah i uh i have relatives who have  uh daughters and they the mom only   speaks with them in russian and the dad only  speaks with them in english for like the first   few years and then it's just i mean they're in  san francisco so it's it's just all english but uh   well that was that was fun uh i'm going to  uh rest i have to give a chess lesson to a a   very strong poker player later uh so if you guys  are streaming have a good rest of your streams   yeah uh and we'll we'll talk soon and when i'm  done i i will i will gift the bounty alexandra so   great bye everyone thank  you yeah thank you so much bye
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 196,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, Alexandra Kosteniuk vs gothamchess, alexandra kosteniuk chess, alexandra kosteniuk blitz, alexandra kosteniuk twitch, alexandra kosteniuk chess games, gothamchess, Gothamchess blitz, gothamchess bullet, gothamchess match, chess commentary, gm hikaru, anna rudolf, hikaru reacts
Id: SuWvTvrCUtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 35sec (6335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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