How To Use Microsoft Copilot in Word - Full Tutorial

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in today's video we are going to learn how to use Microsoft co-pilot within word I am using the paid version of Microsoft co-pilot Pro so even if you have Microsoft 365 you won't have access to co-pilot unless you pay for it in this video we are going to cover a range of different things including creating and drafting uh documents with co-pilot editing and transforming those documents generating summaries talking with co-pilot and so much more of course if you like this video let me know about giving a thumbs up and if you want to supercharge raise your computer hit that subscribe Button as well that being said let's get into this before we get into creating and editing documents in word with co-pilot I want to navigate and show you how to navigate co-pilot to help you get started the first thing you'll notice is that when you have co-pilot installed on your word document you're going to have a little co-pilot symbol here on the left hand side which you can also access with a keyboard shortcut of alt and I and this will bring up the co-pilot draft dialog box or if you have a document in front of you uh with text you have the editing pane that pops up the other way of accessing cop pilot is in your Ribbon here under home on the right hand side of that you'll see we have the co-pilot symbol where we can open up co-pilot as well and this gives you a much more in-depth way of accessing and working with co-pilot I want to actually look at this right now because this is where you actually get a lot more features with co-pilot the first thing here is that it gives you a prompt of here's a few things you can try such as asking a question writing and summarizing the document and then of course depending on your document it will give you some default prompts down the bottom is where you can ask a questions prompts and work with the document of course you don't just have to type into it you can also use the microphone to dictate and talk to co-pilot but one thing I recommend everyone should focus on when they first start using co-pilot in word is the view prompt booklet right here if we open this up this actually gives us a few ways of working with copilot better by giving us some default prompts you can either create and this will give us a few great examples of how to get started with prompting you you see things like write a project proposal add a paragraph draft a business plan and you'll see here what it's giving you is actually keywords to make sure your prompt is as specific as possible to give you the best possible outcome using keywords like a proposal or an outline or a paragraph and then of course some more ideas as to what you could write helps you make better prompts which in turn increases at the output from co-pilot if we go back as well it has some questions you can ask about uh what co-pilot can do with the document and we're going to go through this later in the video and of course down the bottom is view more prompts if we open this up this is an amazing tool with co-pilot where it gives you a range of different prompts that you can use with co-pilot and it's a great way to get started so I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with this there is my computer is in Dark theme but there's a little save prompt icon as well in the bottom right hand corner of each prompt and then you can filter this by by going through and using just your saved prompts because you think they're really cool and you can sort it by categories of ask create and understand uh and then of course if you want even more information there is a link here to co-pilot lab and this will take you outside to an external web link where you'll learn more about co-pilot on the co-pilot website to give you even more resources to get started with co-pilot so when you start using copilot in word I would recommend playing around especially with this view prompt section to really understand how you can maximize your utilization of co-pilot so now it's time to get started and creating our first document with co-pilot there are two ways that we can do this of course you can use a little co-pilot symbol here with alt and I and this is going to ask us to draft something up there is as well the button where you can reference a file we're not going to use that feature in today's video but we will have uh a video on that in the future and I'm going to show you two ways to start drafting the first one here is using using this prompt button and it says describe what you'd like to write including notes and outlines and co-pilot can generate a draft to get help get you started so I'm going to say create a business case for deploying co-pilot to all our sales team members make sure to uh talk about the benefits of co-pilot um as well as some possible issues that we may need to overcome so I'm asking it to create a uh business plan sorry uh for deploying co-pilot and I'm simply going to hit generate this is going to take a few seconds to start generating but it's going to go create a draft for us right now of course the more detailed information you put in here the better the output the first time round what you can see here is that it is starting to draft it out for us and it is already formatting that document as well it has a heading that we can see that's being created it has some s subheadings and some dot points and the cool thing is it gives you this dialogue box where you can either keep the business plan it's going to save it we can of course ask it to regenerate so after we've read through it we can ask it to change it around it might not be perfect or we can uh change the tone of it for example we can say make it more formal make it more fun and interactive I'm going to say make it more formal just as the prompt asked us to and this will change the wording around so the great thing is we a few seconds ago had nothing in regards to a business plan for deploying co-pilot and now we've already got a document uh to get started with already so it's quite amazing that it really helps you get that first draft up and running within a few minutes so from here because we've done two versions now we can of course use the previous andf draft button to go through and change different versions uh if you can ask it to regenerate again or you can make more professional tones anything like that you can choose to keep it or you can choose to delete it uh I'm going to say keep draft number two and our page is already here so this has already given us basically a plan on a page within a couple of seconds the other way of working and getting a draft out is using the co-pilot in the top right hand corner I'm just going to jump to a new page to show you what that looks like now so this is where it gives you a bit more this is where it gives you a few more prompts and this is actually pulling information about that document uh so it's going to ask you you can do things like say write about change summarize the document ask ask a question all that sort of stuff I'm actually going to go into our view prompt section I'm going to ask it to create and then here we can ask it to create the exact same thing I'm going to give it a very similar prompt just to show you what the two items look like side by side write a business proposal for giving each sales team member access to co-pilot make sure to cover business benefit and possible issues we may need to overcome I know I've already done this but I want to show you the difference between creating the document straight in word and of course creating it on the right hand side in co-pilot the cool thing with uh creating on the right hand side with co-pilot is you can interact with the document a little bit more you can ask it more questions and get it to change things around um before it actually goes into the final format which is in word here so you can see it's p pulling things together just like it did uh on word and if I wanted to import this into word I'd simply go through I would copy that document I'd hit copy down the bottom here and then this is a word feature but I could right click and under the past options I could choose paste with the for Source formatting merge the formatting or keep it as plain text only I'm just going to go merge formatting just going to drop it in and you can see it's dropped in that proposal as well just going to undo that very quickly and on the right hand side let's continue working with this before it's ready and we'll say make it shorter and add a bit of humor too so now where we could have read through it and we said hey that's that's good but we want to change it around just a little bit before we drop it into co-pilot or sorry before we drop it into our Word document the cool thing is you can talk with co-pilot here and you can adjust it to whatever tone you actually think works well for the document you're creating so I'll copy that let's paste it in again and you'll see the document here is a lot shorter uh and of course it has a few more jokes and humor in there as well uh so that's quite cool and now I'm just going to close co-pilot for a second because I want to work with it on word and I'm going to show you a caveat right now an issue with copilot or a feature that's not there I should say not an issue if I highlight this piece of text I can then go to co-pilot and ask it to rewrite it and it will do the same thing it will generate a new draft because this is just essentially a plain piece of text that we've dropped in and it's also giving you a warning here that it may not have given you a high piece of um of output but that's okay because you can go through you can check it you can adjust it if you want and then of course you can choose to insert insert it you can regenerate you can change the tone of the um of the Rewritten piece or you can simply go replace and it will change it here but that's working with just plain text if for example we're working with these dot points and we Tred to do the same thing where we ask co-pilot to re rewrite it you get this error saying that uh please only select plain text paragraphs co-pilot currently does not support tables in other non-text elements so when you are working with copilot in word it says currently so I'm guessing in future it will be able to work with DOT points but right now it can only adjust plain text but not DOT points as is so that's just a little caveat that I wanted to share with you for now I'm going to grab all this and delete that document here and I'm actually going to select our entire page one our business proposal I'm going to right click and go down to co-pilot from here I'm going to ask it to visualize this entire page as a table and I find this is actually really handy because it is another way of displaying information and summarizing it for you uh at first I thought this wouldn't be great but the more I play with it the more I realize visualizing a document as a table makes it so much easier to understand and digest uh see it's broken it down here in a simple table to understand of course you get that same box to keep it regenerate it delete it or change it around let's ask it to regenerate one more time just to see what this looks like so you see it'll just make some changes to it and then of course we can use our draft to jump between which we find is most relevant and for now I'm going to say number one and simply go keep it so a few minutes ago we had nothing and now we have 522 words in two pages of why we should use co-pilot for our sales team talking about the benefits the issues and possible solutions as well of course with it being a table you can of you can move it around and adjust it just like you would in word just for a neatness of this page I'm going to drop it down to page number two and I'm going to go down the bottom I'm going to select on co-pilot here and then it's going to say describe what you'd like to write you can of course put something in it does have a button that's called inspire me and it says co-pilot uses the document context to draft an idea for you so let's actually see what's going to pop up with the inspire me section so right now we didn't actually give it a prompt we've just asked it to give us something that it thinks could be um could be useful for us so this talks about the challenges and opportunities of using a text generated assisted sales emails and that's use the information from above to create an inspire me section uh of course you can choose to keep delete and adjust this for now I'm actually going to go delete because I want to show you another very cool thing with code co-pilot I'm going to open up the co-pilot editor on the right hand side because as you can see this gives us more things that we can try more prompts and I love the one that says summarize this document if I select on summarize it's going to read through that document and create a summarization of that document for us so this could be a 10 20 30 page document being able to summarize and pull out the key points means that you can quickly understand that document and get the key points straight out of it so you can see here it has quickly grabbed a summary of the document breaking it down into proposals benefits possible issues and solutions from here we can say make the summarization shorter or any prompt you want to give it and you can see here it has made that summarization slightly shorter I'm going to copy it one more time and I'm going to paste it straight into the document the last tip I want to give you with co-pilot in word for today is actually working with this pane here on the right hand side you can of course choose to use the drop- down menu and move and resize the co-pilot pane or you can grab it from the top and move it around your window so it doesn't always have to be stuck on the right hand side of course if you get it and press it against the right hand side it will snap there and same if you do it to the left but you can grab it move it around and using the corners of the Box adjust the size of co-pilot as well and there you have it that is how you can use and get started with Microsoft copilot in word in this video in a short amount of time we actually created a two-page document starting with a blank page we Ed co-pilot to create and draft that document we then edited it and transformed it creating tables and editing that text we generated summaries and we also talked with co-pilot through the chat section of course to get the most out of co-pilot you have to give it the right prompts so I would recommend spending some time in that pring section that I went through at the start of this video let me know what you think of copilot in the comments section down below if you like this video let me know by giving a thumbs up and if you're want a super CH raise your computer hit that subscribe Button as well thanks for watching and we see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Aldo James
Views: 5,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot, microsoft copilot pro, how to use microsoft copilot, how to use microsoft copilot in word, microsoft copilot in word, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot in word tutorial, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft copilot 365, how to create documents with copilot in word, microsoft copilot pro in word, how to open copilot in microsoft word, how to use copilot in microsoft word, how to use microsoft copilot in word tutorial, copilot pro
Id: qhYy5H72XfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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