How To Use Microsoft Copilot in OneNote

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in today's video we are going to learn how to use Microsoft co-pilot in OneNote out of all the co-pilots I am most excited about co-pilot in OneNote because I use one note all the time two caveats though are of course the fact that Microsoft co-pilot is a paid product above and beyond your M365 subscription so even if you have M365 you will have to pay for co-pilot above and beyond that I'm using the personal co-pilot Pro license and of course you can find out what works best for you the second caveat is that Microsoft co-pilot for one note is only available right now on a Windows machine so if you're using OneNote on the web or if you're using OneNote on a Mac you won't have access to co-pilot even if you do pay for it with that being said though let's jump into this and of course if you like this video let me know by giving a thumbs up hit that subscribe Button as well so you do have to have one note for 365 installed on your computer and I've just launched it you can see here in our home tab I'm in my personal YouTube notebook and then on the Home tab on the right hand side of that I have the button here called cop pilot and if I select on this co- pilot is simply going to open up one tip I will give you is that you can actually grab co- pilot from the top here and move it around the page so if you don't want it snapped on the right hand side you can of course grab it and move it across the left hand side or you can just move it around wherever it suits best for your page I'm just going to snap it on the right hand side here and I'm going to walk you through how to use co-pilot there is so many different things that co-pilot in one note can do that I'd recommend for your first time going through it scrolling down to the bottom and you can see here it's got a few prompts to get you started down the bottom here where you actually write into the prompt area there is this little notebook called view prompts and if we open this up this will show us four key ways you can start prompting which is creating understanding editing and asking and if we open up any of these it will give us even more examples here that we can start with if we go back on that we can scroll down and there's a fifth button here called view more prompts and this is going to open up something called co-pilot Labs I'd recommend spending a little bit of time in here going through co-pilot Labs just to see what options are out there and of course you can go through and save some of your favorite prompts here and then you can just quickly filter the to these right now uh and then of course you can check the different categories out by catching up creating editing all that sort of stuff and then in the bottom right right hand corner of your co-pilot lab there is a link here that will take us onto the web so this will take us to the generic Microsoft co-pilot website which talks about co-pilot in general I will give you a tip though that if you actually scroll to the top go explore in products and select on OneNote here this will take you to co-pilot for OneNote where you can get so many more ideas about how you can work with uh copilot in one note if we go on the learn more section anywhere on this page it will take us to the section and then you'll see here there are so many different ways of working with co-pilot in one note there is a heading here where it talks about summarizing creating to-do lists creating project plans rewriting and chatting with it so when you have some time I'd recommend going on this website and having a read through as well as playing around with it for yourself the first thing I want to do with copilot in one note is I've asked it to create a new page entitled YouTube ideas for 2024 and I wanted to add add in a to-do list with at least five video ideas based around Microsoft co-pilot and I want some of these ideas to be tutorials and other ideas to be a bit more entertainment focused I also wanted to give a short description of each idea as well and I'm just going to select on send and let's drop that into co-pilot while it's working away I will actually point out there is a microphone down the bottom here that you can use to talk into co-pilot instead of having to type it and that's just another way that you can interact with co-pilot of course right now because it's generating this box here is uh gray out if we wanted to stop generating we could uh but you can see within a couple of seconds it is creating this page for us one thing that isn't working right now is that I did tell it to create a new page uh but unfortunately it doesn't actually add it to your OneNote right now there are some documentations saying you can tell it to add pages and tabs and things like that so I do believe this is a feature that's coming out you can see here It's Quickly created a section that we can scroll down to the bottom and then select on copy you can of course give it a thumbs up or thumbs down to provide some feedback and you can chat into it as well so it gives you a few prompts such as what are the features how does Microsoft co-pilot work or you can talk into co-pilot and really get a conversation flow happening but for right now I'm just actually going to go add page then I'm just going to crl +v and paste in that idea so of course your formatting it has has a bit of formatting here I'm just going to bring that title up to the top and it has given us here five ideas of a to-do list for Microsoft co-pilot um you can see in the co-pilot on the right hand side it does have those little tick boxes but when you paste it in right now it does come across as bullet point I do believe again that will fix up over time if you wanted to add a tick box though you can simply use the keyboard shortcut of control one and add your tick boxes to one note uh but you can see here it's quickly given us five ideas of videos around co-pilot such as a beginner guide 10 amazing things you can do co-pilot for productivity the future of AI all that sort of stuff really really quickly and the ideas here are quite concise so it's a very cool way of starting to work with co-pilot so when you're working with co-pilot I would recommend spending a bit more time in the view prompt section here because you can do things like create like what we've just done understand edit ask questions under the understanding tab you have so many different examples such as summarizing drafting to-dos pros and cons breakdowns and even helping you form arguments I'm on a different page here and I'm simply going to ask it to break down the key points uh in this tab and hit enter so it's going to look at all the information in this tab here of Google versus chat GPT which tool to use when and it will give us the key points within this uh section I do realize I called it a AB not a page so let's see if it's smart enough to understand we're asking it to look at the page here and not the entire section and as you can see it does actually reference the current page and it gives you the key dot points where we can simply copy it and then of course it gives you the reference of where it pulled the information from as well uh everything here is of course pulling from that page and then we can simply drop it down and it has summarized this entire page here for us another way of working with copilot is using the tab on the right hand side and using the prompt area or you can simply highlight a page or highlight a section of the page right click on it and then you have the option of summarizing that text as well I'm going to do it right now on this first paragraph and you'll see here that it has quickly created a summary it's given us the heading in bold and it's actually highlighted a few of the key wordss like Google being in Yahoo and it's given us the option either keep it or discard it I'm going to go discard right now because that was just an example uh but you'll see here it helps you quickly summarize the information on the page so that was cool and that was very easy we gave it just a simple uh paragraph to summarize but now I'm going to select the entire page here and do it again right click go summarize and you'll see here that it creates a summarization at the top of that page and then it also pulls out uh the Five Dot points we had down the bottom here and it breaks down into the key reasoning engines in the five categories which to me is an amazing way to get your ideas on a page and then using the summarization to quickly just turn that into a quick summary of what you've just written uh you can of course keep it or if you discard it you will delete it I like that summary so I'm simply going to select it on keep and now all my information is still here down the bottom but then I've also got a nice summary at the top as well so really quick and really cool sticking on this page here I am going to ask co-pilot to actually use the notes on this page to turn it into a YouTube script but I'm also going to ask it to make that script informative but not too technical I'm going to ask it to give some synonyms and common phrases to help less technical people to understand the content too so what I'm hearing what I'm asking for is not only for it to turn it into a YouTube script but I'm giving it tones and I'm giving it a bit more information as to how I want to sound but also the target audience as well so it's going to use the information on the page and then it's going to create a script using the words uh and the prompts that I've given it again uh I'm going to Simply grab and copy that going to go down to the bottom of this page paste it in and then it tells you according to your current page I'm just going to bold that uh you can see it starts with hey everyone welcome back to our channel so it's a script that gives us an introduction and it tells us what we're going to talking about having a read through it it has kept the ideas and the content art the same but it has also turned it into a really simple way of understanding the content too so it talks about uh it's got questions here to prompt and get people thinking it's got simple language but of course it has the message in the core of it still there and we've quickly turned our information up the top you into a nice quick summary and a YouTube script that we can create and we can can go ahead and make this video if we wanted to but I actually feel like this script here is a little bit too short and I want to give a bit more information I want to actually give some pros and cons of using uh AI tools and Google versus chat GBC and things like that so I'm going to ask again I'm going to give it a prompt I want it to help me understand and I'm going to ask it to create so I'm going to I'm going to ask it to give me a table that has five pros and cons for using a simple search engine verse a reasoning engine so what I've here I've not only asked it for five pros and five cons but I've also asked to put that information in a table so this is great because I might not just be creating a YouTube script I might want to have some visuals as well and that's where asking it to turn it into a table uh is you can see here it's starting to create that table for us already again I'm just going to copy that table down the bottom it does give you a few more prompts of ways to get more information from it and there is a refresh section here so you can go through a few different questions where it just prompts you on ways you can get more information out of co-pilot but let's paste that table in and you can see here it's actually given us five pros of a search versus reasoning engine and five cons of a search versus a reasoning engine really really quickly and easily I'm going to jump over to a new page here and I want it to help me draft a plan for growing my YouTube channel in 2024 I'm going to ask it to include some things like marketing ideas video ideas and a quarterly strategy outline as well I'm going to ask it to uh add a to-do list and a table of pro table of ideas to so I've asked it to create a plan for my YouTube channel in 2024 I've asked it to provide some ideas around marketing as well as ideas and also break it down into a quartly strategy outline I've also asked to give me a to-do list as well as a table of ideas so there's a lot in this prompt right now let's see what answers it actually comes out with so again I'm going to copy that across I'm going to paste it into this blank page and there is one thing I want to call out s from the fact that this looks so good already uh it does actually say this response isn't based on the current section the reason for that and it tells you that it's not based on the current section is because that section was blank so if it is using information from the current section it will tell you that it is and it will give you references but if it's using or it's just generating its own ideas which it did here it also tells you that this isn't based on the current section and you can see here is a plan for growing YouTube and it's broken it down into marketing and video ideas it's given me a quarterly strategy it's given me a to-do list and it's also broken that uh strategy into a quarterly Focus too in this table and you saw how quickly we were able to go ahead and create that if we wanted more information on this we could simply ask a questions about any section in this page here but within a few seconds or a few minutes we've created the start or the draft of a 2024 YouTube strategy this is great and I can keep building out this page but what if I wanted to quickly give someone a summary um or I wanted to know the key point of the page that I'm on well I'm simply going to ask it what are the key takeaways from this page and you can see here it says according to the current page so it tells you that it's referen to the page and it's given you the four references of where it's pulled it from I'm going to grab this I'm going to copy that again I'm going to drop it down the bottom here so it's easy for us to see and you can see it has not only told us that it's referencing the current page but it's also highlighted the key IDs as well for marketing video uh the strategy and the to-do list as well um and then you can go ahead and do things like we showed before you can highlight that you can right click on it and you can go summarize if you want to make that an even shorter summary but we're getting the key ideas and we're generating content so much faster here using co-pilot and some good prompting you saw that eror that popped up uh that can happen sometimes with co-pilot uh but that's okay so you can select it again and then simply go right click summarize one more time and you can see here it's pulled a summary from it uh but of course the summary is it was already a summary so I'm simply going to discard that and just wanted to show you that feature one more time I've jumped to a completely different OneNote page now and what I'm going to show you is I think really really cool this was the itinerary for a trip to the Philippines that I took in 2019 and you can see on the right hand side here I have all these different pages uh which it has my transfers it has my hotels it has uh my flights all that sort of stuff and I'm simply going to ask it to summarize my itinerary um from this tab so I've asked it to search through the entire tab here not just the individual page and this when when this happened before I was blown away by how quickly and accurately it pulled all the information from these different pages it does help of course the fact that I have the dates here in the headings but that's um that was my way of I guess organizing because I could quickly jump to the dates uh but you can see on the right hand side here it is now giving us and it's got all the references too uh I can paste this in and now someone asks me what was my itinerary I don't have to go through every single page here it is quickly summarized that itinerary from uh when we fly to of course when we land uh and that to me is just the amazing in that it's grabbed everything uh from there of course one thing I can point out is it's not perfect because this uh fly from Sydney to minila that happened before that we stayed Road Planet accommodation uh but it's still got it in the correct order from the date uh so to quickly grab your itinerary from you know 10 11 different places and put it on the one page to me saves so much time all you have to do is tidy it up just that little bit but this was this blew me away when I saw this how accurate it was and how quick it was and there you go that is how you can use co-pilot in Microsoft One Note I'd recommend spending a bit of time in the co-pilot lab section to understand all the different ways you can use prompting of course there is the caveat that you do need a co-pilot Pro license above and beyond M365 and right now copilot is only available on Windows so if you're using on the web or on a Mac you can't use copilot in out in one note right now if you like this video let me know by giving a thumbs up and if you're a superch Char raise your computer hit that sub subscribe button as well thanks for watching and we see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Aldo James
Views: 10,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot, microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot, how to use copilot in onenote, copilot in onenote, microsoft copilot in onenote, microsoft copilot in onenote tutorial, copilot in onenote for beginners, microsoft copilot, microsoft copilot pro, copilot in onenote tutorial, copilot and onenote, onenote, microsoft copilot tutorial, copilot pro in onenote, how to use copilot pro and onenote
Id: ArF6fVkjycg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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