How to Use Microsoft Copilot AI in Microsoft Word! (2024)

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what do we all spend time every week doing is that is creating documents reviewing summarizing and refining them so Can Microsoft co-pilot Microsoft's latest AI technology help us out when it comes to working with documents inside of Microsoft Word well I'm going to be showing you how we can do exactly that let's imagine that me and you are starting up with a brand new coffee shop we're going to need to create new documents like business plans and other materials like blog posts for our new business business to make it a success and we're going to need to use Microsoft Word to do that but where something would have taken hours or days we're going to turn that round and simply do that in minutes creating professional documents that we can refine later and make even better to move forward of our brand new coffee shop so I'm going to talk you through those scenarios showing you live on the screen creating that content and also how we can better do our prompts to make co-pilot do all the work for us and before we dive in and share all of that amazing content I'd love it if you hit that subscribe button 78% of viewers of our last video would not subscribe to our Channel and guess what we've got even more great content coming on Microsoft co-pilot and Microsoft 365 to turn you into a productivity Superstar so by simply hitting that subscribe button you're going to get the latest and greatest content from us to change how you work and spend time on the better things in life so let's dive into Microsoft Word and have copon help us on that journey of creating our brand new coffee shop so to start us on the Journey of creating our new coffee shop we're going to need a business plan and how are we going to go ahead and do that especially considering we may have never written one of these before or we can have co-pilot help us out when I've got co-pilot configured inside the Microsoft Word as soon as I load up word and open a blank document I'm going to get a draft with co-pilot dialogue box appear and within here we can ask co-pilot to help us out with some content so let's begin to create our first prompt which allow co-pilot to begin to create content for us now I've added some content here and I could go ahead and ask copal to create some content but that is nowhere near specific enough we need to be really tailored in how we approach copilot with our problem so rather than just requiring a business plan I'm going to extend this out to include additional information about our coffeee shop what we're going to serve the location and a demographic to make sure copilot understands what it needs to include in our business plan now I've gave copilot a little bit more information which is great but I would still say that's not enough information what I really want to ensure is the content that we create is going to meet our standard as whil we now provided co-pilot information on the coffee shop that we want to actually create we're going to go ahead and also tell co-pilot the type of document and the tone we need to use and the key points to consider when it creates our new business plan so with that done we can go ahead and end click on the generate button inside of draft with co-pilot it'll take that information and then begin to create our brand new business plan and we'll start to see it being delivered live on the screen as copilot begins to create it and then when it finishes we'll be able to review what it's been created and make any changes and there we go we now have a business plan created by co-pilot and let's take a look at what it's created for us just in a couple of minutes as you can see see it's already created an executive summary at the top outlining what the business plan is for the vision the missions and the goals it also goes further how much initial investment will be require to actually cover the cost of leasing renovating and equipping the premises with all of our relevant material and it also goes into more detail here it covers initial investment required to get our coffee shop up and running and as we scroll down we can also see it's even assumed the opening times and also the days it's going to be open for trading and also the sales targets that we would need to look at over a period of time and our strategies about using fair trade organic coffee beans having free Wi-Fi and so forth and not only that it also went further down actually looked into research around the UK coffee shop Market actually been worth over 10 billion pounds to further outline why our business plan is like to succeed when we open our new coffee shop and also competitors such as Cafe Nero pret and others in the local area even going into more detail around the marketing side how should we Market our products we could use different types of products as you can see here espressos cappuccinos and lates and more and how we can use online tools to promote ourselves as well but importantly our financial plan what Revenue would expect expenses and profit in the first three years of trading so as you can see co-pilot has done a pretty awesome job of creating something we can use straight out of the box but we can also make refinements a further box at the bottom here will now allow us to make changes as you can see it says one of one this is the first draft that copon has created and I could go ahead and click on the blue key pit to keep that actual revision inside of the word document but actually it's a great document but it needs some changes so here we can find tuning the draft and add some more detail and regenerate the content what I can see it's done here well it's actually called modern coffee shop that's because I didn't give the coffee shop a name right at the start so let's tell co-pilot to update modern coffee shop to the best coffee shop in the world as you can see I've now created that prompt inside a co-pilot adjusting that name let's go ahead and then click on the generate button and we'll see what co-pilot does next and there we have it co-pilot's name a changes is so let's go scroll right up to the top of the document and we'll see immediately that the title has been adjusted it's now the best coffee shop in the world and all throughout the copy of the document well it's also updated that name now for any reason maybe this version wasn't correct the good news is in co-pilot we can actually step through different revisions here's the first revision that we also looked at earlier where it was modern coffee shop and is the second revision that we made with the best coffee shop in the world and I'm quite happy with this content now so I'm going to go ahead and click on keep it but there's also a problem in this document because we didn't tell co-pilot who was going to own and run the company it's made an assumption Jane Smith will be running the company I have no idea who Jane Smith is so we need to remove that from our document let's go ahead and remove that paragraph from here but the other problem now is we've got no information on who's going to own this company can copilot help us out without recreating the whole document and it certainly can once again again click on the co-pilot button inside of Microsoft Word and in here describe what I'd like to write or here I can give it a prompt to insert a paragraph around the owner of the company being myself but also put it in reference to The Wider document let's go ahead and add that prompt into co-pilot now here I've created a prompt simply adding the add my name that I'll be the actual coffee shop owner and also highlighting I have no experience of running coffee shops but we still want to have good investors so I've also told co-pilot to write it in a way that people will believe in my experience and also make a good investment in our coffee shop let's go ahead and click on generate to generate that paragraph of content and there we have it copon now created that paragraph also outlining me as the coffee shop owner and as you can see it's assumed have a background in accounting and finance again I could adjust that but you can also see that in this paragraph it's also putting across my passion and enthusiasm for coffee and customer service and I'm committed to make the best coffee shop in the world well the best coffee shop in the world so that can really help when you're working your documents inserting paragraphs in the overall context of the document and also asking it for writing in particular tone but once again we can also adjust it for example that paragraph one it's a bit too long all we need to do is tell copil it to make it shorter to bring down that content and make it fit in the overall document why don't we take a short break and I can let you know a little bit more about what we can do for you because at your 365 coach we're all about empowering how you and your team work turning you into productivity Superstars so whether you're struggling in co-pilot Microsoft team SharePoint or more we've got the answers for you check out our website below you can get access to underman learning courses as well as individual time with myself and also with your wider team to help you with the problems that you have and we can guide you through to find the appropriate Solutions and give you the skills that you need and whilst you there why not download our free Microsoft 365 ebook it's one click away to help you get the most from Microsoft 365 that you can download today otherwise let's dive back into copilot and see what more it can do for you as we can see here there's now a section in a document that's all around the market analysis and some of this data what would be better presented as a table data investors are unlikely going to want to read paragraphs and paragraphs information so here let's consider the UK coffee shop Market what it's worth the number of outlets and the growth and also the annual growth rate itself what I can do is highlight that content inside of Microsoft Word left click on the cop icon to the left and I can visualize that data as a table it'll take that information and now form a table and insert it straight into our document and there we go we now have a table of data inside of our document but as we can see it's missing a few years we got 2019 and in 2024 projected what happened to all the other years let's go and make a change in here I can again click on the copila icon to the left and now I'd like to do is describe what I wanted to create I wanted to create that growth table but also I want it to include the other years it's missed let's go ahead and create a prompt for that as you you can see while the prompt I've created does exactly that I've actually said that the table created was wrong we need more information including the additional years but I've been really specific on what I expect it to create let's go ahead and generate that content inside a co-pilot and there we have it we now have an updated table and also under it explaining where the numbers are coming from 2020 was the covid-19 pandemic and then also explaining the overall market growth so we can now go ahead and keep this content what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to go remove the other table we have which is entirely wrong we can also make some formatting changes to make this table work better in a document we've easily created their content inside of a table taken from sources that would take me hours to pull through together myself but also make adjustments where I felt co-pilot was wrong this document is now ready to go but also maybe I should go and check this with copilot to make sure it covers all the sections we need for a business plan so we don't need the content generated in here via word so what I'm going to go ahead is open the sidebar inside of word this copilot sidebar is very similar to you used across other apps including Bing as well it can generate content but I find it much better at summarizing and understanding and reviewing data than creating content in a document itself so let's go ahead and ask co-pilot to also summarize this document all we need to do well there's a quick option here to summarize this document and it'll summarize it for us once we have that output we can then check if everything is in the report that we need and with that summary complete we can actually scroll through it here the financial plan the marketing plan and so forth all taken from that document itself so we can summarize it and understand if we've covered the key areas that we need inside of that document but if we're still not 100% certain why not ask co-pilot let's go ahead and also ask it to sure we've covered all the areas we need in our business plan and there we go I've now added my prompt into copilot asking if it's covered all the areas we' expect in a good business plan we go ahead and ask it to check it and see if there's anything else what we' missed and there we go co-pilot has also reviewed the content and also expects all the information we need is in that document but of course as if anything AI is generated we should always review it make changes and make sure it meets our requirements what we've seen is a very simple way to get up and running with a business plan create it professionally and then also make changes where appropriate it doesn't miss a need for advisers or independent Consultants helping out and even taking the time to review it yourself to make sure that that business plan is going to meet your requirements but can co-pilot do more because it certainly can in this scenario I've got another document here it is inside of Microsoft Word it's all around the best coffee flavorings and their popularity across the world but it's a couple of pages long what I'd like to do is simply create an FAQ from this document that I could share maybe on our website or maybe in a blog post but I don't have time to do that myself so let's go ahead and open a brand new word document in our draft copol dialogue here we can actually ask skit to reference a file by selecting the button here and then under the files it look for other word document ments I can select our coffee flavors word version recently worked on and now I can get a prompt regarding that document and I've done exactly that we now have a prompt here create me an FAQ based on the flavorings inside of that word document it's going to go into a blog post on our website explaining the flavors that we've also selected based upon popularity I need to be written for coffee lovers and for the brand being the best coffee shop in the world let's go ahead and ask copon to generate that and see what it comes up with and there we have it copon created us a brand new document from content stored in a different word document in my one drive as you can see the FAQs are all based around that content what are the coffee flavorings and why do we use them how do we choose those flavorings and so forth now once again I could then refine that content by going to the dialogue at the bottom I could also change the tone it could be less formal so we can actually say make it less formal because it's going to go on our public website so once we make it less formal let's go ahead and send that through to co-pilot to adjust the content we can see here and there we have it a new versions created by co-pilot you actually see the tone has changed that can make coffee more yummy and satisfying that wasn't there before because we've reduced the tone of that document and yes it won't always be perfect we see here two questions in the FAQ remembering know when we click on keep it well we can begin to refine it ourself AI simply allows us to go ahead and create content that we can begin to work with refine and also make better but saving us time on getting the FAQ actually started and putting content in the document to save you a whole heap of time that's a great example of using co-pilot with content that already exists in your Microsoft 365 environment or your personal environment with co-pilot Pro to create new content from without needing to start from scratch so why not try that on your next document as well see if it can speed up your document creation process so there you have it we've now created a range of documents using co-pilot to help us out when it comes to creating our brand new coffee shop and it didn't take us a lot of time to create that either allowing us more time to refine it and do an even better job when it comes to creating our business plan now if you like this video I'd love it you hit that like button but also let me know in the comments what you think of what you've seen today and also the power of co-pilot when it comes to Microsoft Word and other apps not forgetting if you need more from us while hit the Subscribe button to find more great tutorials like this or reach out at the link below where you can find learning courses materials and more and even book time in with myself to help you and your team grow using the tools and Technologies you already have in Microsoft 365 and even being a to download a free Microsoft 365 ebook other than that I appreciate your time and checking out this content today and I hope it saves you time when it comes to creating your all important documents and other than that well I'll be seeing you on the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 11,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot in word, microsoft 365, microsoft copilot, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft copilot ai, microsoft word, microsoft 365 copilot in word, copilot for work, how to, how to use copilot in word, microsoft copilot tutorial, copilot in microsoft 365, microsoft office copilot, copilot ai, copilot 365, Microsoft Copilot Document, How to use Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Word, Your 365 Coach, 2024, Office 365, microsoft copilot 365, word copilot, copilot word, office copilot
Id: 7VlpfA_A7Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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