ChatGPT vs. Grammarly: What's Best?

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shot GPT or grammarly which one is right for you hi there my name is Brian Collins welcome to the become a writer today channel in this video I'm going to compare the new AI tool everybody's talking about Chachi PT to a grammar checker that chances are you've used or heard about grammarly I'll explain how they're similar what they're different and while I'm currently using them for hope you enjoyed this comparison if you do hit thumbs up and if you want to get more videos like this don't forget to subscribe to the channel so grammarly is free to try you can install it on your computer or your devices and access the basic grammar spell checker punctuation checker tone detector and so on when you're ready you can pay thirty dollars per month sometimes there is a promotion and for that you'll get access to the premium version of grammarly it'll give you a full sentence rewrites word choice a tool for citations and a plagiarism checker now open AI is also free to use however at the time of recording this video there is much talk in the Discord Community for open AI that they're going to bring out some sort of pricing at some point that may be 42 dollars per month but it has not been determined yet so it's unclear how much you will pay to use a tool like this you're also not going to be able to pay to get access to OLS that the premium version of grammarly has such as the citation manager and plagiarism check next up is availability so grammarly is famous for its ubiquitous plugin which works across all modern web browsers you can also download a desktop app to use on Mac or Windows and you can download a keyboard for your tablet and smartphone devices you can also use a web app which I'm going to focus on for this video now open AI is much newer than grammarly so there's no mobile apps or plugins that you can use but basically the only way you can use open AI right now is via your web browser both tools suffice to say will need you to have access to the internet to work properly so for the purposes of this comparison I've taken a article that I was going to send to subscribers of my email list now the article has a good few typos and mistakes in it so when I paste it into grammarly it automatically and quickly provides things that I can fix it highlights the grammar errors in red and the clarity issues in blue there are also some other reports related to engagement and delivery which I won't go into as much in this video but I do have a grammarly tutorial where you can learn more about these reports now suffice to say I can fix any of these grammar errors at a click so I spend a lot of time I simply click on this box here and change it to lot with a contents website so if I click on this grammarly will explain that I'm using the incorrect form of contents and I should change it to singular if I'm not sure what this means I simply click and learn more and grammarly provides me with some helpful suggestions that I can use for changing this word and of course I can accept this at a click here's another one that normally trips up writers that is an incorrect use of the apostrophe so in this case it's should be changed to it is or it apostrophe s and grammarly has some additional context behind this particular error that will help me learn more about this grammatical rule using chat GPT as a grammar checker is altogether different to grammarly so you're actually going to have to take your article or sections of your article which is what I recommend and paste it into chatgpt and ask it to scan it with specific commands I've pasted in the article into chat GPT and I've used this specific prompt please check this article for grammar mistakes the article was about 800 words long and it took chat GPT about 90 to 120 seconds to generate a fixed version so that is a little bit slower than grammarly but obviously you know I'm getting this for free so now let's compare what cha TPT has suggested versus the original article which had typos so on the left hand side of the screen we have chat gpt's output and on the right hand side we have the unedited version in the grammarly app with the typos flagged the problem isn't finding a good X idea the problem isn't finding a good idea so let's fix this one for me it's picking so they're missing apostrophe it's added the missing apostrophe now the downside is this is not going to really help me improve my English writing skills because I'm not actually picking up on these errors myself chat DBT is fixing them for me now why do you care about that or not depends on what type of writer you are with a Content website for examples with a Content website for example so so far so good these days I use keywords and the analytics these days I use keyword and analytics tools excellent so let's fix this one as well I earns my first hundred dollars I earned my first hundred dollars so again these suggestions are all good I'm still nerdy about finding new software tools and courses I'm still nerdy about finding new software tools and courses and it's added the missing comma so I've been quite impressed by some of the fixes that chat TPT has come with upwards so far it's even removed some extraneous characters like snoke into my draft such as DFAS so it's taking this one away as well and then if I scroll down further it's also fixed some of the other issues however when I read the article a bit more closely I also find that or found that had made some subtle changes which arguably changed the tone of my work so let me show you an example I wrote this particular sentence Charlie Munger probably cares little for nfts or washed out copywriters so watched out is I suppose colorful or informal language to describe somebody who's burnt out now if this was a friendly newsletter that I wanted to send to somebody you know could be quite good because it could match the tone of the newsletter in question but when I search for this inside of chat TPT you can see that this section is actually not present in fact chat TPT has actually stopped responding or stopped generating a response so that would lead me to type did you stop so again it's going to be a bit more time consuming to get a finished version from chatgpt that I can use in fact when I gave it the prompt did you stop which normally works chat TPT insisted that it's here let me know if you have questions or need help with anything but clearly the article is not finished so that brings me to the other issue which using chat gbt to grammar check your articles the tool is still early and is still in beta as great as it is you're probably going to have better mileage by checking individual sentences or paragraphs rather than longer articles for this reason it's just too slow and time consuming to check an entire article this way let's interrogate chat TPT a little bit more so I pasted in a sentence that it fixed and then I asked why did you make this change touch EPT and then chat EBT helpfully told me I made this change because the original text had a typo in codex yeah fair to say an incorrect spelling in means of expression the corrected text is grammatically correct and easier to understand let's try another one I asked chat DPT what's wrong with this sentence I earned my first hundred dollars online accidentally by writing a review of now LinkedIn learning so I mean that should be earned so chat DBT has helped me told me it's incorrect I guess we know that and the correct versions will be I earned my first hundred dollars online accidentally by writing a review of and then it's give me some context which is kind of similar to what grammarly does so I guess if I really wanted to I could use this to help me improve my English grammar skills next up I took an article that I wrote some time ago it's a review of now have a review of masterclass on the YouTube channel as well so go and check that out if you want to learn more about it anyway I can check this article for plagiarism using grammarly the premium version so I have to pay 30 per month and I will check this article against any instances of where it may be published online now it's quite a long article so this is I think 3 000 words long so it can take a minute or two to scan in grammarly I pasted the same article into chat GPT and I said can you check this article for plagiarism and chat DBT came up with this response the message you submitted was too long please reload the conversation or submit something shorter though I did I took a section from the article and I said Chachi PT can you check this article for plagiarism and I just pasted in the very first few sentences and chat DBT explained it's an AI language model and cannot check for plagiarism and Anna gave me a little bit of a summary of what the article is about so as you can see grammarly and chat GPT do different things in different ways for context here is the grammarly plagiarism report and I can click on these links one by one to see if the My article has been plagiarized elsewhere online what about metrics related to my articles well I asked chat TPT what is the readability score of this article and it's sad because it's an AI language model it cannot check for readability okay fair enough can you tell me the word count so chat TPT gave me this response the word count is approximately 548 words so let's check this against grammarly and we can see that the word count is actually 748. so this brings me to another I suppose issue with chat TBT you need to be a lot more specific uh with your prompts that you're going to give it so in this case take the entire article that's been edited and put it below just so Chachi BT knows exactly what I mean can you tell me the word count of the below article paste it in and now hopefully we'll get a word count that's more accurate and in this case chat TPT is telling me it's 391 words clearly it's not so let's open up a new window and retry taking the article pasted it into a new chat TPT box and it insisted the word count is 599 characters grammarly says it's 748 and according to the word count Checker in Google Docs it's approximately 750 words so chapter or chat TPT is off by a little bit one of my favorite features in grammarly is the ability to accept multiple suggestions at once now while it doesn't make sense to accept every suggestion usually if you're editing something quickly and there are a few issues which are related you'll get a box like this and you can accept multiple Suggestions by clicking on accept all or if they're not relevant you can just click on the relevant item and decide whether you want to dismiss or ignore it rgbt is not going to provide you with a tool for accepting multiple suggestions unless you're just going to take what it produces verbatim another grammarly feature that I like is the ability to apply full sentence rewrites at a click and this is where chat TPT and grammarly have quite a bit in common so both use AI in different ways to give you sentences that you can use which are more readable and engaging so here is a clunky sentence with a Content website for examples so typo fruition in terms of traffic or Revenue can take a year or longer that's a bit awkward to read so grammarly suggests for example fruition in terms of traffic or Revenue with a Content website can take a year or longer and I can accept this at a click using the prompt can you rewrite this sentence chat GPT suggested achieving success in terms of traffic or revenue on a Content website comma for example can take one year or more that's quite good so I could use this as well you can also change the tone of your writing with your TPT so write this in a more friendly style and it took a few minutes to generate this sometimes there is a bit of a lag or delay with chat EPT but it's given me some encouraging words like don't worry patience and persistence and you'll get there you can also play around and have some fun write this like a Japanese haiku content website drives traffic and revenue comes low patience then success so clearly chat TBT is different to grammarly but they do did both tools do use AI to help you uh with your writing and with your style grammarly is a fantastic tool I use it every day to check my writing and to check the writing of other Freelancers that I work with it helps me with plagiarism checks rewriting and more and I've extensive videos on the channel about how I use it chat TPT is currently free but I plan to take out a paid subscription when that's offered that's because I want a version of chat DBT that I can use without having to worry about it going offline but I can imagine I'll use chat TPT in different ways to grammarly in other words it's not a case of using one tool or the other they serve different purposes so hope you enjoyed this comparison if you do hit thumbs up and if you want to get more videos like this one don't forget to subscribe to the channel
Channel: Become A Writer Today
Views: 39,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: writing, writer
Id: n7Y7Pg6Tl-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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