How to Use Microsoft Copilot in Outlook!

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whether we like it or not Microsoft Outlook is still one of the most used apps today yes we still can't get away from those all important emails we can run and hide from them only to come back and find more emails inside of your inbox for me writing emails and reading them always feels like fighting the tide no matter what we do there's going to be even more tomorrow and that's the thing right when we're looking at tools like Microsoft co-pilot Microsoft new digital assistant that exists inside of office on Microsoft 365 has a promise to do more inside of Outlook and in that it can draft up your emails summarize them and manage your day and if we had a tool like co-pilot inside of Outlook does that truly mean that we can then stop work and have copon do all of the work for us well that's a key question and one of those areas I'm going to focus on today so I'm going to show you how the new experience of Microsoft copilot inside of Outlet works how it can draft emails reply to emails summarize your emails and also check out your upcoming day there's lots of capabilities available in co-pilot that could potentially transform the way you work in Outlook and we're going to go and check those out and before we dive in I'd love it if you hit that like button but not only that also subscribe to this channel to find more great content like this whether that's learning more about the new co-pol experiences we're here to transform you into a productivity Superstar so let's dive in to Microsoft co-pilot inside of Outlook and see if it can transform the way that you work when it comes to using Outlook you're going to spend a lot of time writing up emails and wouldn't it be great if we had an AI assistant that could write our emails for us and with co-pilot that's what certainly it can do now here inside of Outlook I've opened a new email message and all I'm going to do is click on the forward slash key to open up the submenu and select draft with co-pilot in this dialogue we can give co-pilot information on why I need to generate an email around so in here I'm going to chase up a proposal to one of my colleagues and I'm going to add that into this dialogue box with the content added we need to consider the sentiment of the email in other words how is it going to be worded to the person I'm sending it to now here we have these filter or slider buttons we can go ahead and select this and now we can change the tone of the email here we have direct neutral casual and formal we could even make it a poem not that I think an email would work as a poem chasing a proposal but hey it's up to you right then we also have the length is it short medium or long now in this I'm going to put it as a formal email and then I'm going to go ahead and select generate to generate our email inside of copilot and within Outlook and there we have it we now have an email that's been drafted over to Alex which includes all the information and puts it in a very formal way now of course if we're happy with that we can go ahead and select keep it or if you want to make changes you can just click into this box here and to add additional changes or change the tone but I'm going to go ahead and select keep it it now inserts it into this email now remembering that co-pilot is exactly that you can now make changes to this email to make it fit more around the scenario so just changing it more to your tone of course you could go ahead and send it straight out but it's always worth considering the audience and ensuring that the email meets your own requirements but that just took seconds to do by giving copilot a scenario it can draft an email pretty easily allow us to refine it send it and save a whole heap of time so can co-pilot reply to your emails because it absolutely can now we could use copilot's capability to draft a new email but in this example here here here is an email Fred and it's been reviewed by co-pilot in advance all I've done is click on the reply button and at the bottom of that look I get some suggested replies ready to be drafted by co-pilot for example I could come into here and I could draft something that's optimistic and confident and it could begin to create a draft to this reply you can actually see that the email it drafted is in response to the content inside of this email yes it's talking about the stock price fluctuations and our team is handling project Falcon effectively but the market can be unpredictable so let's stay focused on delivering our best work and well you're probably wondering what's that all about and as I mentioned it's read the email referring to the stock price and what it means for the project now co-pilot doesn't know if that fluctuation is good or bad so effectively it's writing more of a generic response but again we could select on keep it and we could then change the email and make some more alterations but what you're seeing there is copon can review the email Fred come up with replies and also you can select them and insert them straight into your email or apply saving more time when it comes to applying to those all important emails but what's one thing in Outlook that can really get on your nerves and that would be searching for emails how many times over the years have I heard the Outlook well it simply just can't find your emails in fact recently I was looking for an email and I was using this search box inside of Outlook and I was filtering through using the available filters to find an email that I knew existed but Outlook well it just couldn't find the email so then I had to return to looking through all of my email folders and guess what I found the email Outlook search well it just couldn't find it but you're going to think is copilot then going to help us on this scenario and I believe that it truly can because search and Outlook especially in filters is well problematic it takes a lot of time to use filters and if you're not looking in the right place well you're not going to find the email so let's turn that on its head let's use copon to find emails for us now as you can see there's no options in Outlook today to run an Outlook search using co-pilot but we can use co-pilot chat inside of teams and the web to do an Outlook search let's head into Microsoft teams now inside of teams I've opened my co-pilot button open up the co- a chat experience this now means we have access to create content and review content across all of the it environment so let's go down and at this point I'm going to ask copilot to find an email relating to a contract I had sent to me recently let's go ahead and add that question into co-pilot chat with our question now added into co-pilot chat let's go ahead and send it I've simply asked copon to go and find me an email that had an attachment named contract attached to our email that was sent to to me now of course I could use Outlook filters to find those but that could take me minutes and in this way I can search for Content based upon information I would use in a more human way it found an email that was sent to me and it was also including a subject contract for review but you're probably thinking that's great but I can't see the email while remembering that all of the content results you get back in co-pilot is referenced when we select this number one here it'll show us where that email is from when I select therefore the title of that email it will take us into Outlook and it'll open that email for me and there is both the attachment and the email that I could open work with or even respond to using thatlook for the web so you can see that searching for emails is entirely possible using co-pilot and using human Search terms rather than search filters before we get co-piloted out I just wanted to quickly let you know that if you want to improve the way that you work in Microsoft 365 why not have your your 365 coach help you out yes if you visit the link below you'll find learning courses Journeys and coaching that can improve the way that you work in Microsoft 365 whether you need help in your own business or your team or just your own skills we're here for you not only that you can download a free Microsoft 365 ebook from the website below and get access it to learn even more about what Microsoft 365 can do to improve your skills otherwise let's dive back into to Outlook and co-pilot and continue our journey but searching your inbox doesn't just end there you might work with stakeholders and you need to keep up to date with what's going on especially with lots of emails coming into your inbox so what we can do as well in co-pilot is ask for the latest updates on a particular person let's go ahead and ask it that around Alex Wilbur who sent me a few emails and I want to understand what the latest is that Alex has been sharing with us so I can keep on top top of all of those Communications and with that question asked inside of our co-pilot chat we can see the response here this response has come from my own company information and it shows Alex Wilber has recently fored me an email about a meeting update it also fored me an email for Miriam asking around thoughts on the stop price and also Alex sent an additional email asking if we should proceed to a meeting from Gregory Smith this week so in one question I've had the whole email sent to me from Alex summarized in one single p paragraph once again we could click into any of these references and then click on the title to open the email and get more context but again we don't have to do that necessarily in co-pilot it has access to the data so instead we could go to the bottom and we could ask more information on a particular email that's been referred here so what about summarizing emails yes there are scenarios that you might get an email through that you need to read through and understand that come from mult mulle people over a period of time and that can take you minutes or hours to read through and understand all about that email Fred now it makes it even worse when you get that email before you need to go into a meeting with 10 minutes notice while co-piloting Outlook can summarize any of your emails and those email threads when we open an email inside of Outlook we'll see an option to summary by co-pilot when we select this option here you'll then see it will summarize the email Fred instantly we can see that Lee has sent on an email around a meeting that has been changed but no location has been mentioned yet and no further details in that email so very quickly I can summarize a long email Fred and once again reply by co-pilot or just take no action but summarizing your emails in copilot can certainly save you a lot of time when it comes to those all important forwarded emails they include lots of content and for you to need to catch up on them quickly but copilot is not just limited to emails no it has access to your calendar so here I ask co-pilot a question as well how does my week look like for meetings we can actually see here once again inside of my Outlook calendar and actually identifi the meetings I've got upcoming in my calendar and again I could open the references and I could find out to which meetings they relate we can also ask copar another question what do I need to cover in my meeting with your 365 coach actually didn't add any context into that meum whatsoever it's just named catchup what you can see though is copilot can search the web and find information on who your 365 coach is and therefore give you a bit of an idea what to cover in that meeting so copilot its web search capability and integration in your calendar can certainly mean you can provide insights into your meetings before you head into them but if you also don't want to generate your emails in co-pilot because hey you're human right instead you might want some coaching so here I've drafted a reply to one of my emails copilot did not generate this reply but I can have copilot check it out to make sure it actually works as an email response now all we need to do is go to the co-pilot bar at the top of the screen and select coaching by co-pilot and in here we analyze the email and a sentiment based upon also the replies on the email to ensure that my response is appropriate and also then Coach me on the responses I can update to improve my email and here we go we now have the response from co-pilot it actually says the email could be more polite it's a bit abrupt and demanding I could also add more empathy and it could also show how to do that it's also vague and unclear so I'm pretty sure my email P all of those high standards right but the only thing that does frustrate me in his coaching experience at the the moment is well there's no ability to kind of right click or left click and bring that into your email if you want to bring this in well at the moment you need to copy and paste it into your email so the coaching experience does work well it can certainly improve the level of your emails although I do hope in the future a single button here to bring it into your email would work so much easier when it comes to your coaching experience but in any case the ability to have the AI copon review or email and improve it is certainly able for any of your email replies when it comes to using Outlook and co-pilot so there you go Microsoft co-pilot inside of Outlook that would potentially be able to save you hours every single week and what are my thoughts on it well I think it's great capability now before of course we had chat GPT that could write your emails out for you and copy and paste them inside of Outlook but the problem was well who own that data there are many questions I'm using chat GPT when you're copying and pasting data from it but in co-pilot that data is also owned by your organization with the right level of data security and privacy so the ability to write your emails well it becomes available when you use these products and it also sits straight inside of Outlook meaning we don't have to go to other apps to generate the content but equally I fully appreciate this is still a version one we saw inside of today's tutorial that the coaching experience was pretty lacking it was great but we couldn't add those coaching pieces into an email directly and sometimes when you generate those emails well they lose the formatting there are two areas in co-pilot with an Outlook I'd like to see improving but the great news is well the product is always evolving this isn't the end of the co-pilot experience I'm sure that in many months we're going to see new changes to co-pilot and it contined to evolve to turn into a better technology inside of Outlook and well I'm here for that so otherwise I hope you enjoyed that review of how copon Works inside of Outlook and if you have access today how you can employ some of those skills to Save hours every week and I'd love to know what are your thoughts on co-piloting Outlook head to the comments and let me know what you think works well and doesn't work so well otherwise I'd love it you hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to his channel to find more great content like this and otherwise guys I'll be seeing you in the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 100,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, microsoft copilot, copilot in outlook, microsoft 365 copilot, how to use microsoft copilot, microsoft copilot ai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, microsoft copilot pro, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot 365, outlook tutorial, how to use copilot in outlook, copilot outlook, email copilot, how to use copilot, your365coach, tutorial, tips and tricks, microsoft, microsoft outlook, office, outlook, outlook copilot, copilot, copilot for microsoft 365, 2024
Id: Q2WsFayNjwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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