Get Started with Microsoft Copilot (Beginners Guide)

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to use copilot you navigate to co- pilot. if you're not signed in you click sign in up here in the right corner if you already have a Microsoft account you can use that we don't have one so we will create one so I'll say sign in with a personal account and here I'll press the create one to create the account and after that we'll log in so please do so I'll fast forward once that is done you will see your name up here in the right corner then I can go down here to ask me anything that is where we put our prompts the prompts is simply just the input to co pilot so for example write an elevator pitch for my company anenson orc or any other company you could give it literally any prompt you want now co-pilot access the internet and um here it says that um we are Dynamic organization that enable personalized learning experience that's right we can also see a couple of sources we could have been more specific but this is sufficient for now that's only our first prompt to create a new topic I simply just click new topic here we can see that choose a conversation style right now it's balanced we can also give it a creative approach or precise approach this is just how much Freedom we want to give co-pilot in its answers I like creative but be aware that sometimes it can get a little bit too creative in its answers so let's try to create an image here I just say create an image of a snow leopard and here I can choose to say 500 mm F 5.6 this is just photographic equipment my image will get more realistic with this um if you want to know more about this then there's a link to a LinkedIn group of co-pilot that I created here we share these tips and tricks with each other it's completely free to join I think you should do so so now our image is generating this usually take anywhere between 10 to 45 seconds depending on what time of the day we are so now we're here we have a snow leopard and if I want I can choose either of them I can for example take this one and I can press download if I wanted download it we're not doing that for now I'll close this I also want to create a song and that's really impressive this so let us take new topic then you go up to plugins scroll a little bit down until you reach soono enable that and now we can create personalized song this is cool let me show you so over here you might want to refresh the conversation window just to be sure that um we have enabl soono so here for example I can say create a jazz song with lyrics about a YouTuber named Anders who creates RPA and GPT tutorial like this so a fairly simple prompt now co-pilot will use sunno to create a song and this is where the magic kicks in so it will take a short while to create the song we only have the lyrics now but now sunno is working to create the actual song Here we can see in a world filled with code and scripts there's a YouTuber who's got the tricks oh yeah Anders o Anders the master of RPA he'll guide you through with each and every play oh baby I think this is so cool I'll take on my headphones so in a little while when the song is ready we will see it up here then I can listen to it and um it usually take now it's here so let's try to [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen there who the and [Music] I mean this is really impressive this sounds like real songs you can use them in videos or everywhere you want I've experimented a lot with them finally there's also a sidebar you can use so if you want to analyze web pages you can go up here in the right corner click this co-pilot sidebar and now you can type in here and what you want to do with this is that if you have a relevant web page here you can ask questions to it for example I have a PDF on my desktop this is 140 pages in German from the central bank I don't understand a lot of it um I want to understand this and here's where co-pilot kicks in so let me close it again so what I will do is to I can either right click open with Microsoft Edge so now I can ask questions to this PDF I simply just go over here and I might want to do a more precise response now I'm not too creative I want to be sure that um I have um the right wordings here so this could be summarize the current page in five easy to understand bullet and now I want it to translate it in English I do this and co-pilot will access the page we can see it does it now and usually you want to have web pages here but I just wanted to show you that we can also do it with PDFs so here it says that this is an an economic report by the European Central Bank ECB it's saying that's weak growth and high inflation unchanged interest rates data driven approach this is very very cool co-pilot is free so I recommend you go use it and I'll also want you to see this chat DBT lesson with Excel also an impressive video
Channel: Anders Jensen
Views: 5,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot, microsoft, microsoft copilot, bing, bing chat
Id: g5pY1Tb_r4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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