How to use the NEW Microsoft Planner & Planner Premium

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the new planner yes I know most of you have been waiting on our channel for us to cover this new topic and well today is a day yes Microsoft planner and project have joined forces to create the new planner experience including the new Microsoft planner premium and I've been spending some time getting my head around how it all works so I can show you how to get the most on these new capabilities are available to use for most today and if you rewind back to 198 before that's when we first find Microsoft Project released yes Microsoft Project 1.0 how many of you remember that app and if you do let me know in the comments because project is slightly older than me yes it revolutionalized the way that you could also project manage back in 1984 and today I do believe it's taking a leap with planner deliver new experiences how you can manage projects using the power a project for the web inside of Microsoft planner and today I'm going to be showing you how we can go and use that new planner experience to create brand new personal plans that are private to you or instead go and check out the new team's experience bringing all of those planning tools together and even more importantly seeing how we can create a brand new planner using the premium experiences that allow us to do things like task management using subtasks using custom fields to track tasks look at resource management and also take a timeline view including dependencies on tasks as well as all of the additional reporting capabilities so whether you're managing a small team or a small project or something larger we're going to be looking at ways how you can improve the way you manage projects using the new experiences and before we jump in if you haven't already hit that subscribe button and the bell icon you won't want to miss what's coming up on our Channel about covering more in Microsoft 365 otherwise are you ready for Microsoft planner premium let's dive in and check it out so first off how do we access a new planner experience well at the moment the experience is only available in Microsoft teams to get hold of the new planner app all we need to do is click on the freed. menu and search for the word planner you'll then see the new planner icon and also the planner app go ahead and left click on the app here to take you into the new planner experience and there's two ways that can also improve the way that you work your planner the first one is by pinning the app so you don't have to go by the free dot menu again to pin the app inside of teams you can access it quickly all we need to do is right click and then select the pin icon and now you be pinned and next time you access teams the planet app will be ready for you in addition what if you also had to take calls or join meetings or be involved in meeting chat and you wanted access to all your plans and your planning capabilities through teams or much like the other capabilities in teams we can write click the planner app on the right hand side of teams and select open in new window we now have a tab that runs separately to the teams app itself over the top of any of the other activities that you have in Microsoft teams that's two simple ways you can get into the planet app really easily and work of it as well so how does a new planet app work inside of teams well as you can see on the left hand side when you access the app you're going to see my day my tasks and my plans and any pin plans that you also want to quickly access now starting here under my task this is where we going to see most of the differences you can here see any tasks have been assigned to you yes that'll be across all of the different planners that you're working within we also have tab to see any flagged email email that you flagged inside of Outlook and that's using the power of Microsoft to do if we then open one of these flagged emails you'll see immediately has a planner like experience but it's powered by to-do and also if you want to get back to an email all we need to do is go down to the attachment you can then left click and open it inside of outlook on the web and review that email content so that's an easy way to access any of your flagged emails which have also now been transformed into tests in Microsoft to-do you'll also have this new tab called private tests and that again is using Microsoft to-do capabilities this task here for creating a report for the marketing plan was created in Microsoft Todo and therefore it's defined as a private task because it's generated in your version of Microsoft to-do so there are your three options inside of my test and of course we have an all view to look across all of those different tasks that have been assigned from all of those different workloads including planner planner premium and Microsoft to-do but also you'll see on the left hand side there's now a my day the my day is very similar to what we've also seen before in Microsoft too gives you a view of all of your tasks need to be completed today and once again you can see the source of those tasks we see flagged emails here we see a also plan I'm working with in Microsoft planner and also that task I'm working with in m Microsoft to do and all of these tasks can be open really easily left click into them and you can update it straight in place and sync it back into the different areas that the task has been generated from and soon it will also include any tasks that have actually come through planner premium plans which will be coming very soon but alongside that you'll also have options inside of my plans we also see a shared area this is for any plans that have been shared with a wider team and including yourself we also see personal plans which we're going to be covering very shortly and how they work we see any plans that you've pinned and want quick access to and we also see any plans that exist under any of the Microsoft teams you're working within having quick access back to those plans so we can consider the new planner experience in teams is bringing through all of the tasks from Microsoft planner too and also planner premium in one single view there's no more need to have multiple apps to get all of your tests you can just use this single experience but let's consider creating a plan and also a brand new capability that you can access any additional license in charge from Microsoft that being the new personal plan capability I've been asked many times for different comments and people of is it possible to create a new Microsoft planner but only share it with yourself what if you didn't want the Microsoft 365 group behind it including a SharePoint site and also that shared email address for something that your just planning that you need to work on either personally or in the workplace and sadly over many years the answer has always been no we can use Microsoft to do to do that but sadly creating a planner will always invoke the need to create a group but not any more now inside the new planner experience we can go over to the new plan option in the top right right what we can now do is scroll down and see these different templates and you'll see some have this diamond icon next to them they planner premium plans we're not going to consider them just yet instead let's consider the basic planner templates that we've been using for many years now The Simple Plan project management and so forth all freely available for you to use so if I selected here A business plan by left clicking into this template we can see we can have a preview like we saw before in the planner experience about what it's going to create let's select use template and have this plan created all we then need to do is then give our plan a name with that done we'll also see we can add it to my pin plans immediately giving access to it through the new planner app but the important Point here is we no longer need to attach this to a Microsoft 365 group no we can leave that blank and then select create now as we haven't attached it to Microsoft re 65 group this will be created as a new personal plan yes it's not shared with anyone else but yourself so you can actually go into any of these tasks and add yourself as one of the assignes to the pieces of work but in the top right you'll now see a padlock icon showing as private to you yes you can now freely update your plan in the safe knowledge that no one else has access to your plan we can also get back to it really easy easy through the my plans and through the personal option we'll see that business plan is now displaying here because this is a personal plan and private only to me we once again can click into that and we can make updates but you're probably thinking well Scott what happens later when you want to assign a task to someone else or this plan needs to be shared with others is there a way of personal plan can be transformed into a group plan has all of those benefits you've seen before in planner and the answer is you can of course do that using a new experience in the top right you'll see a share button here you can go and create yourself a brand new Microsoft 365 group it even gives you the name it will create for you you can add the members that need to have access into this plan let's go ahead and add in Megan so she can also access this plan once I then click on create group it'll create a brand new Microsoft 365 group it'll bring in Megan and this plan will therefore be hosted within that group and I can assign work to Megan and anyone else has access to that Microsoft 365 group so taking a personal plan and transforming it into a group Place plan is totally possible okay so we've seen a lot of the new experience in planner the new app the new ability to create personal plans but none of this feels very premium and that's because the the capabilities of planner are not changing when it comes to those basic planner capabilities rather the new capabilities are delivered through something called planner premium what we can now do is create a new plan on the right hand side this time we can select premium and here I can begin to create a brand new plan from scratch but let's take some of the hard work away let's go back and instead select one of these options here for the template with the actual Diamond icon meaning they're a planner premium template let's select a marketing campaign and as we can see we once again see a preview of all of the tasks it's going to generate for us we can now scroll down and select use template we once again have the same options as our personal plan if we choose not to attach it to an existing Microsoft 365 group well it'll actually be created as a personal plan that only you can access and then you can assign to others later and share it wider once again but in this scenario I want to attach it to one of my existing Microsoft teams or groups so if I'm the to drop down let's go and select one of my teams to attach this new plan into with my group now selected and pinning it inside of my pin plans I'm going to go ahead and select create and this now will generate a brand new plan using the new Premium capabilities so here we can see when we access our plan that it's very different and that's because the new Premium capabilities in planner are delivered using project for the web meaning Microsoft Project capabilities are delivered through the planet experience as we can see in this grid view it's very much like a traditional Microsoft Project plan each row denotes a task and we can now have subtasks that appear under this main heading here we can also collapse and expand those tasks to give the plan a more Advanced feel when we open a task details on the right hand side we'll see new capabilities that we've never seen in Planet before we can now see how much effort it requires to complete the task add dependencies attachments and even open teams conversations to discuss the progress of the task itself so in this way what we can now do is begin to allocate some work and add dependences into our plan so let's go forward and allocate this task by clicking assign to and assigning it to adal now as we can see adal has been assigned and we can now begin to Define how long it's going to take and so forth now very quickly before we move on I wanted to let you know that we can also help you on your journey in task management we've already got an awesome underman masterclass so if you're struggling with task management Microsoft 365 and want to know how you can use Microsoft planner to do Microsoft lists and loop to improve the way that you manage tasks check out the link below and we're also excited to let you know that we're now going to introduce a new learning module for the new planner premium experiences and that comes at no additional cost so if you're enrolled in our master class today or want to dive in now is the perfect time because very soon you'll get access to even more content showing you how to get the most from the new planner premium experiences otherwise let's dive back into planner PR premium and continue to see what's new but how about something we've never seen in planner before custom Fields so we can now click on ADD column and we'll get a bunch of different field types we can use depending on our requirement but what if these on the right don't suit our need well we can go and select a new field we can create ourself a new field in Planet premium here I could select a choice value and I can name my field and give it some choices let's go ahead and add a column to see if the task was UN budget or not with our choices Now set we'll go ahead and select update and we now see a new custom column inside a project we can now go forward and Mark if the actual area has been un budget or not we can also apply that to different relevant sub TS as well inside of the plan so you now have the flexibility to create new custom columns to track data inside of your plan which is really powerful in comparison to what we saw in the basic version of planner previously but also I know what you're wondering how does this work with timelines and views of data while if we go to the timeline view here we'll actually see that the timeline or a Gant chart view of all of the plan is visible to us we can now see that these tasks also have dependencies we can see this task here is required to be completed after the first one and if we left click into these tasks here we once again see the task details screen scrolling down we can see there's a dependency from the second task in the plan identifying the services and products and of course as with project capabilities what we can also do is change the dates which will also update the plan and the timeline view as we can see let's move this forward by a couple of days on the plan plan and immediately we can see that the actual task plan timeline has been updated by changing a single task with dependences it'll replan itself we can also reduce task on his timeline view in doing so we once again see a live change made to the timeline with those dates this is a fully editable experience through the timeline view and be able to get back to any your tach really quickly by simply left clicking into them and making any changes needed but what about a board view yes planner does a board view very well is that also supported in planner premium and of course it is we now have a new board view now here we can see all of the tasks assigned to the different elements here that we have in our boards just like inside of planner we can left click into any and make the necessar changes directly and also connect them to various things like goals which we'll cover a bit later on now with that view you can make any changes needed and easily allocate work to people within your Microsoft 365 group where this project is actually assigned to let's go ahead and add adal to all of these tasks here we'll also go and add Megan to a few as well and with that done let's go over to the people tab inside of this new planner experience and we now see a view of the people and the tasks they need to complete which is great however I'm not interested so much in how many tasks someone has has I'm more interested in how many hours they've spent on our work and how many hours are left all we then need to do to change this is go to view options and then we can select hours under show workload and we now see that we have over 2,000 hours of a work that are incomplete and unassigned to nobody in the plan we also see that 112 hours is left with adal 48 hours in Megan now as work is also completed we can get a view of all of the completed work for these relevant individuals let's go back into the grid View and I'll mark a few of the Tas off that have been allocated to Adele it's easy as that in our project plan going back into people what we'll also now be able to do is Under The View options we can also Mark it to unhide completed tasks we can now see ad D has completed 80 hours with 32 hours incomplete most of that work is completed but also a d is going on holiday soon so I'm a bit worried about tasks in the plan I'd like to highlight where those tasks are so I know what's going on with them can I do that in this new experience and yes I can let's go back into the grid View and this time select conditional coloring on the right hand side now in here we can Define the field which should be the assign to and it equals and we'll select a person's name being aell this point can save that change and all of the tasks assigned to aell will be highlighted here allowing quick visibility of tasks assigned to Adele I can catch up with and understand how it's progressing further and how about goals your project will no doubt have goals as it progresses through its life cycle you're going to have to achieve certain things now in this plan here we don't have any goals what we can do though in a new experience is go to goals and we can create a new goal for your plan and here all set it up that we're going to be completed stage one of the project by noting completed stage one we can now connect tasks to this goal so by going to add new task we can then begin writing them in but I instead want to have existing tasks already inside of our plan so let's select connect tasks on the right hand side and let's add in some tasks that are relevant to the goal that we're working towards and click on Save we now have a view of all of those tasks to a particular goal and also you can mark the status saying with on track behind or at risk giving you that view about where work is and this all powers charting and more reporting visibility going back into our grid View and by adding the column and selecting goal we can now see all of these tasks were assigned this goal for completed stage one inside of our chart view we can also do various filters on the right hand side and once again look at all Tas relating to a particular goal as well and this is using very similar capability that you've seen in planner before but pulling data out in different ways using the power of new planner experience so what did you think about the new planner premium well I know you may have some questions and I already have some answers for you because yes there's been lots of comments on our past videos you may firstly have that question around how can we do road map planning or portfolio management and today that capability is not available in planner premium but it is upcoming so once that is released I'll provide new content to see how we can use portfolio management across different plans and bring it all together when it comes to task management in addition you may also see that those tasks you've assigned using Planet premium are not appearing in your my task view or my day but rest assured that is also coming out very soon in the new planner experience in teams and hopefully it won't take too long to see those and can we convert a basic plan into planner premium and yes that's coming soon it may even be available to you because I believe it's coming out in the next few weeks and then also how does it work with licensing can you share a planner Premium plan with someone who doesn't have a planner premium license and the answer is yes you certainly can they have basic capabilities available able to them but it does mean you can assign tasks they can have visibility of your plan and more using a basic capability inside the planner premium without requiring an additional license and that brings us on to that important question how does this all work with licensing well the new planner premium does not come free of charge no you will need to pay an additional license which mirrors as of this point the project for web licensing for plan one that means if you have that license today or you're going to be purchasing it very soon you'll be able to take advantage of the new planner Premium capabilities which have being provided through the project for the web application and that is why that license is required however co-pilot capabilities are not covered in our video today we're going to be taking another look at that in a separate video very soon in our Channel and that also requires additional licensing which we'll also cover in our separate video and does planner premium come with a recycle bin well not as yet again hopefully we're going to see that in the future but there's no ability today to be able to restore a deleted plan or tasks in the same way that planner has that limitation so hopefully that's answered some of your questions that you've asked me on other videos on our Channel if you have other questions head to the comments let me know and I'll see if I can help you out and give you the relevant answer otherwise I hope that this introduction a planner premium and a new planner experiences through Microsoft teams has given you the information you need to decide if it's right for you and if you want to get started of course and managing a plan well hopefully you now know how and of course as I mentioned earlier if you need to improve the way that you manage Tas check out our underand masterclass that covers all of the existing apps and will also soon include the new Microsoft planner experiences and go into even more detail and provide even more learning for you and finally as always if you haven't already hit that subscribe button and the bell icon so you can keep up to date with the latest and greatest when it comes to Microsoft 365 tools and other than that well I'll be seeing you in the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 124,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft planner, microsoft 365, task management, microsoft teams, how to, project management, planner premium, teams planner, new microsoft planner, how to use planner premium, how to use the new microsoft planner, planner timelines, how to use microsoft planner, microsoft planner tutorial, microsoft project, your365coach, tutorial, 2024, new planner, microsoft task management, microsoft, personal microsoft planner, how to create a plan in planner, to do, overview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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