Microsoft Copilot in Excel: Here's How to Use It

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co-pilot for Excel adds AI into your Excel  experience which means you can use natural   language to do things like conditional formatting  calculating and adding new formula columns gaining   insights on your data by asking questions having  it automatically generate charts and identify   outliers for you I'm going to take you through  what it can do and how to get the most out of it   you will need either a co-pilot Pro or a co-pilot  from Microsoft 365 paid license I'm going to get   straight into the functionality here and we'll  talk about licensing at the end but everything I'm   showing in this video I am doing on a Microsoft  365 family subscription this is just my personal   subscription I have at home plus a co-pilot Pro  license that I bought on top of this so you can   absolutely do this as an individual this is  not just for Enterprise but also you can use   it in Enterprise let's take a look once you've  got that license there are two things you need   to make this work first of all you need to be  working with a file that is saved in the cloud   one drive or SharePoint look at this we've got  an icon here tantalizingly close so close but   it's gray out if you're seeing that make sure that  you've saved your file into one of those locations   and then you will get this experience where I  can click on it and I've got my co-pilot down   the side one more thing I need to do first though  this only works with a table we actually have to   format the data as a table now it's giving you a  link here to the help because it's very helpful   but I'm very helpful too and you're watching me  so let me show you how we do this highlight all   of the data that you want to be working with  with your co-pilot and on the main home menu   here we just go to format as table choose the  format that takes your fancy and it's already   got the rows highlighted in there and I'm going  to choose that my table has header rows and now   we have it in a nice format and now co-pilot is  ready to go you'll notice with the experience when   I'm clicked in the table The Prompt is ready  to help me if I click out of the table it's   going to tell me that I need to select a table so  just keep an eye on that let's start by taking a   look at how we can use this to create formulas so  what I've got here is a list of videos the length   is recorded in seconds which is not particularly  useful so I'm going to ask it to create a column   having that length in minutes now this feature  allows you to create formulas without having to   know how to create formulas I think for a lot of  people who use Excel we know a few basic things   but we don't necessarily know how to do more than  that and so this now allows you to skill up with   what you can do the thing that's great here is  that it's giving you the suggestion and actually   EXP explaining what that is giving you the formula  you don't really have to understand the formula   but there's enough there for me to say yeah that  passes the sense test of what I want and then as   with all these co-pilots it's up to me to take the  action it's done the draft for me and I say yes   I want to include that formula let's give it a go  with something a little bit more complicated here   so this time I am going to ask it to add a column  for the percentage of likes I've got a column in   here which has a like count and a dislike count  and I want to know which ones are the proportion   of these things I wouldn't have a clue how to do  that so it's going to go away and come back with   that formula we'll give it a second here and then  the same experience where I'm going to be able to   come in so this is actually doing something more  sophisticated it's actually factoring in zeros   because we don't want to be dividing by zeros  let's see how that goes in there we can add that   in and then we've also got the ability to go into  a deeper explanation of the formula so that's the   first thing that we can do if you go up to the  top here and see the options for things that's   the add formula columns you've got prompts in  here if you want to have a play around with   this beyond the things I'm showing you but I'm  going through all of these things so highlight   is next on the list what I'm going to do here  is say for this like percentage column I wanted   to put that conditional formatting in there that  shows me different colors based on how things are   performing so there's a fairly standard color  scheme that you can use in Excel which is this   idea of a green yellow red conditional formatting  that will actually go through and highlight things   now I'm not specifying here that I want it to be  you know over a certain value or under a certain   value I could do that but it's actually analyzing  that data for me and applying the highlights I've   actually got quite a sophisticated color scheme  here with the brightest green at 100% And then a   next level down Green for 99.5 so it's done all of  that without me having to specify things you can   see that it's specified exactly which colors it's  used and it's actually given me that graded scale   now again I'm selected outside of my table here so  this is gray out back into the table to get back   in the experience so we've created some columns  we've done some highlighting let's try sorting   here so I have got something where I've got all  of these likes it's actually sorted at the moment   by newest to oldest publication date so let's come  in here and say I want to sort this and you'll see   I'm using language like the Excel language of the  formula is to say sort in ascending or descending   order which is what it's done but I've used my  language sort the light count from biggest to   smallest and it's done that and put that formula  in place for me and one more thing that we can   do here let's put a filter in place and again  I'm not going to give it anything very specific   here filter to show titles with a high view count  and a high like percentage so it's actually going   to apply something here which picks out things  that are above or below the average and see it's   applying filters on there so now I've got things  that are giving me that High View count and high   percentage as well and it's applied all of that  in there if I don't want any of these things you   can simply click undo and it will undo the last  thing it did so all of this stuff with formatting   and formulas is really cool especially if you're  not familiar with how to do those things CU these   are everyday common things that people want to  do in Excel the other piece here that's really   exciting is the ability to be able to analyze  your data so if I come back up to the top here   and click on this analyze it will actually give  you some suggestions of things you can do and   this is the one I'd really encourage you to play  around with pop any comments in here or ideas of   things that have worked for you or things that  you'd like me to test out in future videos and if   you're getting value out of this please give this  video a like really helps it to reach more people   so let's try something else now we're going to  come in here and say what is the average duration   of these videos and it's going to go through  and give me a calculation so we can start to   go into what's called pivot tables here now pivot  tables generally sit in that sort of intermediate   level of excel it's not something most beginners  can do but if I've got data like this and I want   to be able to slice and dice it in a certain  way that's a core thing but the co-pilot can   actually do this for you so this is giving it to  me based on seconds I probably should have been   more specific let's try again in minutes because  honestly I I can't think in seconds it doesn't   really help me at all there's a difference in how  specific I am with my questions the more specific   you can be the better result you're going to  get with all of these AI tools including this   one so I could choose to add that to a new sheet  I'm not going to do that just yet I'm going to   do something else that's a bit more interesting  for the new sheet let's have a look at something   else here which videos over 20 minutes in length  have the most likes and here we go here's a pivot   table based on your prompt so I can come in here  and say add this to a new sheet and there you go   it's created that pivot table in the new sheet  and I don't have to know the first thing about   pivot tables except that now I've got one you'll  notice that we've got the I don't work on pivot   tables just yet so you need to go back to your  original table and we're back here and we can do   that so hopefully more coming on the roadmap here  but for now you do need to return to that initial   data you can also use it to create charts create  a pie chart of view count by category again add   that to a new sheet and I've got that one sitting  in there and then one of my favorite things that   you can do is this command here are there any  outliers in my data so using this type of AI to   ask it to just suggest things for you that you  haven't specifically asked for can really help   you get insights that you might not otherwise have  thought of so here we go I'm asking it all about   likes and duration but it's actually telling me  here's a pivot chart that shows an Insight the   length has an outlier on the 20th of the 12th look  at that there's a great big spike that's actually   something where if I go back and look at the data  I can see what happened I did a live stream Q&A   answering everyone's questions for about 2 hours  on that date so it has picked that up because   that's way above the average duration of what I  normally do let's take a look at another example   here I have got a fictional sales pipeline report  here showing products and where the pipeline stage   is up to so we're going to come in here and ask  it to create a sales pipeline report based on   the opportunity value ranked by salesperson so  I'm giving it a few more parameters here to see   what it is going to come up with analyzing your  data how how do you reckon this one's going to   go the suspense here we go let's add this one to  a new sheet and see what we've got so we we'll   expand this out a little bit to make it bigger  so there we go we've got the total opportunity   value by salesperson clearly pton Davis is our top  performing person not bad hey I did promise you an   explanation of the licensing I'm going to talk  through what I've got using this here which is   suitable for individuals as well as the options  for small and larger businesses so I'm working   here with a co-pilot Pro license co-pilot Pro  is $20 per user per month that's actually giving   you a whole bunch of experiences being able to  use image generation and gp4 but importantly it   unlocks co-pilot in select Microsoft 365 apps  Excel is one of them you're also getting it in   word PowerPoint and one note but the thing that's  missing compared to the more expensive plans   is some of the stuff with the Microsoft graph  which is really much more of a bigger business   use case so you can buy this on top of one of  these you do need to have those Microsoft apps   already licensed so if you've got Microsoft 365  family which is is what I'm working with here or   personal then you can pay that extra $20 and have  this co-pilot experience inside those select apps   if you are working with a business scenario this  is available for all businesses of all sizes now   co-pilot from Microsoft 365 you can buy with one  but you do need to have Microsoft 365 business   or Office 365 business plans that you are adding  on to the top of and if you're lucky enough to be   an Enterprise chances are you've had this for a  while good luck to you if you'd like to see more   content on copilot inside these apps subscribe  to my channel for more and thank you for watching
Channel: Lisa Crosbie
Views: 16,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot in excel, excel copilot, copilot, microsoft copilot, microsoft 365 copilot, copilot tutorial, microsoft excel copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot excel tutorial, use copilot in excel, analyze data with copilot, make visuals with copilot, copilot in excel for charts, copilot excel formulas, copilot excel highlights, excel, co pilot, ai, excel ai, ai excel, ai in excel, ai for excel, ai with excel, excel ai tool, ai data analysis, data analysis, lisa crosbie
Id: iF1u3YMXnn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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