How to use every Geyser, Vent and Volcano in Oxygen Not Included!

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my friends hello welcome back to more oxygen not included tutorials this one's a interesting one i've actually been kind of excited to do this one for a little while this one's going to be all about geysers vents volcanoes whatever you want to call them they're all basically the same thing they're basically natural structures that are going to produce renewable resources for you um and that kind of transitions us into the first point that i really want to make which is why these are important and why you want to look out for them if you take a look at the map that you spawn on you'll notice that all of this stuff is not reproducing so all this water that i have which by the way this is a lot of water for one of these starting maps this would be a great seed for somebody wanting to uh start their own run on it by the way if you want it here you go go ahead and freeze frame that but uh anyway so the idea that i have here is all this stuff is not reproducing so this water that i have this is finite and the amount of water that is naturally on the map and naturally occurring on the map is finite uh same thing goes for any materials sand and uh metal and all that kind of fun stuff same thing goes for like power resources uh there's other ways you could actually get a lot more power and that is by finding these vents and volcanoes and geysers and all that fun stuff too by the way just change them all to geysers like i there's no reason to have the two different words all right but yeah so that's the whole reason you'll want to look out for them so if you've watched any of my other videos that are about effectively anything that requires exploring the map i'm going to tell you this a lot get out on the map and explore as much as you possibly can i'm totally pressing the wrong buttons here i want to go to options and turn on the sandbox mode here here i'm i was like literally thinking as i was saying this oh i'm going to be slick and actually get us into sandbox mode while continuing on my point and here i go totally making a mockery out of that anyway if you've watched any other videos before you'll know that i tell you to dig around a lot and the geysers and volcanoes and vents and stuff like that is one of the biggest reasons why so that you can eventually become fully renewable fully sustainable off of the things that you are consuming because things like this will just produce it for free and things like this which it's not revealed yet but i looked at this earlier and i know it's down here here we go things like this will produce water for you for free this is something that is actively reproducing so capturing these things is a big deal we're going to be talking a little bit about some of the mechanics involved with this and then we're actually going to talk about how to capture every single one so we'll go through the whole list i'll probably skip maybe a couple of them that are kind of redundant because you don't necessarily need to know how to set up two of them that are really similar like metal volcanoes for example uh but yeah oh something else i should also say as a caveat here is that this is not necessarily the most like hyper optimized way to capture a lot of these things these are just going to be very simple ways to do it and ways to kind of get you thinking about how to improve it on your own if you have more efficient setups than something i'm about to do here then that's great this is mostly aimed at people that have never done something like this before so uh yeah not def definitely not trying to advertise myself as like this is the most efficient hyper optimized way to do something like this it's just to show you the basics of them if you've never done this before so what i want to talk about first is let's talk about some stats that are actually on these which is right here and you can see the temperatures that things spawn at the quantity that it spawns you can see how much it's erupting in a given period and then you'll see an active period which requires analysis the basics of this eruption period in this active period are that these are not erupting all the time they're irregular um and it means that you'll need to analyze this to actually know the full picture of that so let me turn this on real quick to my cheats and there you go once you have it analyzed if i re-click on this and it should update there we go you can see that the active and dormant periods are roughly half and half it's 66 active cycles every 126 cycles it'll tell you when it's going to be dormant the next time then you can tell whether this is something that you can expect to erupt soon with the material or whether you need to wait a little while and if you really want to you can do some calculations on how much this will actually produce on average there's also online tools for that too so what i would say here is that if you're ever trying to capture one of these things and i'll try to make sure to note this when we're capturing each individual one is that you need to know when the dormant periods are or at least keep an eye out for them if you click on it it'll tell you whether it's in its idle or dormant period dormant means it's not going to do anything idle means that it will erupt soon and you can see that i have a timer on there that tells me when after i've analyzed it but the point that i'm getting at is that a lot of the material that comes out of here is very hot and if you have your duplicates down trying to capture something while it's erupting that can either erupt into your base and cause a mess or that could hurt or kill your duplicates so yeah don't mess around with some of these things if they're really hot and you can see all the temperatures here which i've finally re-enabled my mod because it kept getting disabled from switching back and forth from the dlc but i mean i was being lazy let's be honest about it there's also sneak preview at a video that's gonna be coming out about this soon um i'll just leave it at that right so what i'm going to encourage is to again get out on the map try to find these things because some of them are very important for your survival and some of them will also help you kind of get into the later phases of the game more importantly you will need renewable water and that's one of the biggest reasons to go find these things some of them are revealed some of them look like this you can see the chlorine geyser up here as well or vent or whatever it's called just even the same thing but some of them are not so what you might notice at the bottom of every single one of these geysers or volcanoes or vents or whatever are these four tiles of neutronium petronium something that you just can't well i have my cheats on you're not supposed to be able to do that let me turn this back off i'm like you can't dig through it look at this uh let me try to get this back to where it was okay there we go if you were if you have your cheats off which i didn't and totally mess that up if you try to dig through this you'll get these messages that you cannot actually dig these out they're basically indestructible tiles unless you have some cheating tool on so if you're going to be looking out for those that means wherever you see a pattern like this there is very likely a geyser or a vent or a volcano on top of it so let's simulate as if we were expanding out our base a little bit and kind of digging around and we happened to notice that and oh there's one right here so if you look at this you can see okay there's something behind here you could do this one or two ways to actually figure out what this is you could start digging in there but the scary thing about that is you don't necessarily know what it is so if you happen to unearth a volcano that you're not ready to deal with yet now you have magma in your base and that's pretty bad so trick you can use for this is if you go into priority you can see that there actually is a priority here because that's the priority that we'll be analyzing something at and if you were to set this to the top priority and do this you'll get an alert of saying that this is now a top priority to research this that's not very valuable in itself but what it does give you is it tells you exactly what that is so if you hover over this yellow alert now i know without even digging this out that this is an iron volcano so if i were just to go in there willy-nilly and be like yeehaw let's go dig out a volcano uh that might turn out really bad for me so this is definitely a trick to let you know what's there then i'll usually change it to some other priority to let me know that i've seen it before like that so uh yeah get out on the map try to discover these things and then once you do this is where the meat of the video is going to be let's start capturing these things um i'm going to cheat this just a bit for some reason i don't like deleting every dupe that i have so we'll make sure to babysit them a little bit but uh i'm going to dig out a big part of the map so that we have a place to kind of play around in our sandbox so let's just go ahead and destroy a whole bunch of stuff definitely getting some pretty weird effects might be what happens when you try to destroy stuff when the game isn't paused because i usually do it when it is paused all right let's reveal a whole bunch of stuff and there we go now we have a nice canvas area for us to work in and i can go ahead and spawn these things using a fancy debug tool so here we go so i'm just going to go through these one at a time we're going to talk about how to capture every single one and again this is not going to be a hyper optimized way to do it this is just going to be a basic way if you have better ways to do some of this stuff then that's that's awesome uh fee you can definitely suggest any better setups here for people that want to be hyper optimized this is going to be more so aimed around a basic understanding of them so let's go ahead and grab a cool steam geyser or cool steam vent whatever i'm going to pause i'm going to drop it down here clear my selection so this is the one we were just looking at before by the way they're both the same thing i'm just going to capture it out here in the open so it's easier for us to see so first thing you need to solve with this cool steam vent is that what's going to be erupting here is steam meaning that if i want to turn this into water i need a way to cool it this was something that i actually struggled with quite a bit as a new player because i kept trying a bunch of different solutions that didn't work very well a lot of them were based out of wease warts but i think a better solution is something like this so what i would probably do is and by the way i'm going to be using igneous rock for any insulated tile that i put around this so if you're looking for a good material to use i would say igneous rock is great if you happen to be manufacturing ceramic that's even better but those were the two winners that we had from the uh which material is best for insulation video that i put out a little while ago so what i would do is i'd build a small area around this maybe something that looks like this and i would leave some space up here so if you need a place for duplicates to work and walk and stuff like that you could put a ladder and make a chamber that's kind of bigger than it needs to be the reason why is because uh all of these vents and geysers and volcanoes they will stop erupting if they are too clogged up so if there's too much steam or too much gas in here they will stop erupting which means that i'm not getting the free resource that i otherwise would so i'd build something like this um you can vacuum out the air or not it's actually better to not most of the time because you kind of want that to be a little bit of a buffer so whatever gas happens to trickle in there i'd probably just leave it there um so let's go ahead and fill this up with regular oxygen at like one kilogram per tile there we go this is going to start erupting so now we need to build up a section of this that's entirely about cooling it and there's a couple of different solutions you can use here and i'm just going to use one that i would typically use in a bunch of other runs we're just going to have this set up over here for a whole bunch of different reasons and that is having some kind of cooled liquid that you maintain yourself so for now i'm just going to spawn polluted water i'm going to spawn it at a low temperature so in fahrenheit this is about 40. in celsius this is maybe like six it's pretty low we'll be able to see it here in just a second while we mouse back over it yeah 5.6 pretty good estimate you can cool this with using a lot of ways you can use polluted ice uh you can put it actually inside the physical ice biome itself but the best thing is going to be to use aqua tuners and steam turbines i have a whole video about that kind of stuff if you want to know about it but this is something that i usually use around a whole bunch of different places just as a general coolant to help things be cold when i want them to be cold so this is what i'm going to circulate to actually cool this stuff down so what i would typically have in a big pit like this is i would have a whole bunch of pumps and they would all be leading out to different places so i'd be using some insulated pipe again igneous rock is the most accessible uh one at least material then what i would do is once it got to this room i would make this out of either radiant pipes or regular pipes um the regular pipes would probably be a little bit better in this scenario only because they're going to have a little bit higher capacity for it let's double check let me check out the couple of resources that i think are better for this type of thing so what we're looking for here is the heat capacity it's pretty bad on obsidian also pretty bad on sedimentary rock actually the radiant pipe might be a little bit better so let's just use that instead let's go ahead and throw some radiant pipe in here and i would just snake it through something like this you don't want it to go all the way through because you still need a place to actually pump out the water that you're about to condense but this is this is good enough um at some point i would also throw a liquid shot off toward the end maybe something like this and this liquid shut off is only going to activate when the water in here is too hot so i'll show you that automation really quickly here again i have a lot of videos about this stuff in in depth and in detail but i'll try to go uh at a reasonable pace to both keep this video kind of shorter but also not leave a bunch of people in the dust if they've never seen this before so i'd have a loop that set up something like this i'm going to drop a power source that's a cheater power source so it's nothing super special and then i would run some cable over here into the liquid shut off and i'm gonna wait to put the pump in here you'd want the pump to already be in there before this thing was erupting so this is gonna be one of those that you definitely want to capture while it's dormant but since we don't have the luxury of waiting for that to happen and i don't think there's a way to force it and debug i'm just going to be doing it all at once so uh once we have this hooked up coolant will be pumped into here and using this liquid shut off we now need to have some automation to say when the coolant is too hot and to flush it out and give me more so what i would do for this is i would probably put one of two things you can do you could either put a thermo sensor up in the air to have it flush when it gets too hot but i kind of want to flush it whenever the water inside the pipe is too hot so i'm going to grab a liquid pipe thermo sensor and that's just going to detect these temperature of water in the pipes and i probably want to put it somewhere near the actual geyser itself so maybe like right here i want to grab automation wires and run it from there into another thing which is called a buffer gate this buffer gate keeps this signal green for a long time so that we flush the whole room of water so we get brand new cold water for all of the pipes rather than just some of them and then i would run it down into the shut off something like this so um i'm going to talk about the second part here pretty soon because the second part should be pretty obvious we need a water pump to pump it out but we'll worry about that in a bit by the way um the stuff that you put in here make sure that it can resist temperature that is going to be of the like higher than the temperature that's listed here so at maximum this room is going to be 230 or 110 celsius i want to make sure i'm building stuff that will be able to resist that kind of heat so this shut off has a heat overheat temperature of 257 or 125 celsius so i'll be fine there when i build my pump i'm going to pay attention to that too but let's get the coolant in here by the way i'm going to set this buffer gate to last for about 30 seconds that'll give it time for the whole room to flush and let's go ahead and start sending it in if we look at the overlay the uh water the cooled water more specifically and the cooled polluted water more specifically is going to be making its way in here and it's going to be flowing down i need to make sure to also set my thermo sensor i want to flush this out when the water in here is too hot let's say 150 fahrenheit which it doesn't update here uh because of the mod let's see what it updated to in celsius oh i probably need to let it run oh this is the current temperature okay 150 fahrenheit uh doing some really crappy rough math i want to say that's probably like 65 celsius something like that uh but yeah so we have cold liquid flowing in here and that's going to be what actually condenses this down into water and does it reliably at first your insulated tile and whatever gas is there will help out with this but this is the long-term solution to help this pump out so now that i've got this up you can also add a couple of other things if you really want to like these temp shift plates just to help absorb a little bit of temperature but for the most part this should be okay this is ultimately going to be your coolant anyway the uh temp shift plate would just be there to help share temperature a little bit better maybe you could get some cooling from the water that's already condensed if you wanted to there's a bunch of different things you could do here oh since i feel bad for these guys i need to babysit them a little bit so let's let's give them some out houses they don't have to sit in their own filth uh let's give them some dirt there we go all right of course the last thing you need to place a pump down i'd probably make this out of something that has a high enough overheat temperature to deal with it so gold amalgam is one of the better things because it's really accessible i just drop it in there like that i would use some automation on this as well to make sure i'm only pumping water out if there's enough water to justify running this pump i don't want to run the pump if there's basically nothing to pump otherwise i'm just wasting power so i'd probably drop in something like this and say that i only want to pump stuff out if we're above let's say like 800 kilograms on that tile then i would just hook it up to the pump itself and then pump it out somewhere since this is going to be very hot water i'm going to continue to use uh the insulated pipes with the materials that are good for insulation so i'm just going to start leading this over into a room that we drop all of our hot water in for the time being and again i i feel like i feel like i have to say this now because um somebody was really bothered in one of my videos that i was not setting things up very like economically and being kind of sloppy about stuff i'm just gonna say that i'm doing this for the sake of speed so this will be a little bit sloppy in how i set some of this stuff up um also we need power and the stuff i'm gonna be sloppy about is usually the stuff that we're not really focusing on any of this is very deliberate so there we go now we have a full loop happening here this will continue to erupt once the water gets too hot which will just simulate this really quickly um i would keep this at like 150 or somewhere about there but if the water got too hot in that pipe i would set it down to or rather whatever let me just turn this on so once it gets too hot it will flush all of the water out because you will then be activating the shut off to allow flow to happen back to this tank so this tank will warm but you want to have other things that are continually cooling this as well and then eventually once we were like okay the water is now sufficiently cold enough now that it's coming back in here this will run for a little bit longer because of this buffer gate to assure that we get a full flush out of here and then it will stop once again so the the liquid that's sitting up here in these pipes is basically absorbing all of the heat from the steam that comes out and then condensing that steam down into something that we can use so that's a cool steam vent um as far as practicality goes this is one of my least favorite water options we'll get to much better water options here in just a bit all right let's talk about regular steam vents which i need to find here we go so regular steam vents are going to look something like this i want to make sure to pause for not just erupting hot steam indoor base this comes out and you might notice that didn't we just talk about a steam vent yes we did this is called a quote-unquote cool steam vent and i say quote-unquote because steam is still extremely hot not something you want to mess around with and with your dupes or sending it into your base or something like that but comparatively to the other vent it's very cool so i'm just gonna start talking in celsius terms because everybody asked me to 110 celsius on the uh cool steam vent on the regular steam vent though 500 it's very hot so you really can't mess around with this one especially and there is a good way to deal with this i'll show you how so what i would do first of all we're going to go through this in phases as well because you kind of need to go through this in couple steps so i'd probably reserve some space and a little bit of a spoiler alert we're going to be placing steam turbines on the top of this to generate power from this so this is a power generating one it's a little bit of a water generating one but it's not that good so this one since it comes out so hot if i can afford ceramic i would probably use it here this is one of the better ones to use ceramic on because 932 degrees fahrenheit or 500 celsius is really really hot and that will eventually heat up anything that's touching it so definitely don't want to mess around with that too much all right so i'm going to use ceramic here i'm going to place some tiles kind of close to the top of this and i'm going to very critically say to do this while this is not erupting otherwise this really messes up the build let's drop some steam turbines here the focus of the steam turbines is they will uh suck up the steam and generate power from it and they will give off a little bit of water so if you've never seen that before that's what they do i'm gonna encase these in their own little room as well something like this then i'm gonna case the geyser uh sure that's fine to go this far over i'll delete the excess it will be repurposed in later batches um and then i'm going to try it so i should do this for real actually what i would typically do here is i would get a gas pump it can be steel or it can be something else whatever it is it's eventually going to overheat and that's okay because we before this thing erupts we want to make sure this entire room is vacuumed out has nothing in it because if you don't there's a potential that these will get blocked up by excess gases that are getting in the way of these inlets for the steam turbine so you definitely want to vacuum this out so i'm just going to pretend to do it here since i can't play otherwise more steam is going to come out also make sure to set this up on automation so that once it's done you can turn it off and keep it off so i do something like this you can also set this to a high pressure gas vent because you should have plastic by now if you are building steam turbines this is just to assure that it can dent and it's not going to get blocked up by anything like too much pressure let's drop another uh cheater power supply here so we're gonna have something like this i'm not gonna let this play because again this is putting out steam and i want it to be going in the turbines let's just pretend that this has ran for a while and we have vacuumed out the whole room once you get to that point your whole room should just be nothing but vacuum like this there should be no gases in there so that the only gas that's actually in there is the steam when this thing erupts now what you'll want to do is of course have these steam turbines above they need to be uh set on top of tiles like this and then the inlets are actually below the tile it'll suck up the steam it'll give you power but there's a couple of things you need to hook up first um these will put out water specifically very hot water because it's condensing down to like the hottest temperature that water can be and then because this is water i can just send it back into that same pool of stuff that i have there have also been cases where i don't necessarily want the water from this and it's close to space i'll just vent it out into space if i don't care all right so that's good we should also note that these will generate power you can see how much they will power or how much they will generate if they're at full power so you do something like this all usually and you can do this in a couple of different ways but i will usually create a block with a heavy wire here so that i can have this come back out and connect to my batteries somewhere so i'll do something like that so this is generating power for me as long as the steam vent is on and this will generate you know these numbers so it'll generate an okay amount of power it's not amazing uh this in combination with a whole bunch of other geysers can really give you a strong power base over time though now one thing about this is that we still need cooling these steam turbines are still going to generate heat and there are some builds out there that will allow you to cool this room using the water that this thing generates it's a little bit exploity and i feel like it can be very hard for a newer player to get stabilized so i'm not going to show that way i'm going to show the way that i typically will do it and that is just to cool it the same way that we're doing up here so what i would usually do is i would have a high pressure gas vent and that would be leading into um or rather what would be coming out of this would be hydrogen probably gonna put this down here actually now that i'm thinking about the setup a little bit more the reason that i want hydrogen in here is because hydrogen will conduct heat the best so that will be i should probably just be filling up with hydrogen that'll be the most effective thing to both absorb the temperature that comes off of here but also make sure we keep these things nice and cool so they don't shut down um if it ever gets too hot and by the way i put a ton in here maybe like you know 10 kilograms or something like that um so i'd put a whole bunch of hydrogen in here super over pressurize it with this high pressure gas vent um and then i would run the coolant lines in here as well i feel like i cut myself off at an earlier point i don't remember what i was saying so sorry about that but yeah i would just run the same lines that i have from up here so we need an inlet or rather we need something to just grab off of this line and i'm going to be kind of messy here i'd probably be better about this in a real base but we're trying to be fast so i probably just do something like this and then once we got down to the entry point switch over to the radiant tiles once again and you can actually just build like a bridge or something like that so you can go over the actual outlets and then you can kind of just snake it in here there's a bunch of different patterns that you can do uh it doesn't have to be perfect but you want to get it so that you leave the last couple spaces for uh the the exhaust here so i've only left myself a couple spaces meaning that i need to actually connect this and then destroy the other excess ones there we go so this is my line that's going in with coolant we're going to set up the exact same way with this liquid shut off so i'm going to go ahead and place this like that and uh this is again going to be hooked up to the same type of automation so you can use whatever you want out of here i actually made this room too small let's make this a little bit bigger then you want to hook it up to some kind of automation so the automation can just be something like this like a thermo sensor if you just want to check the temperature of the room which is totally fine for this same deal as before uh set up a buffer gate just to let the whole room flush before we uh tell this liquid shut off to turn off this liquid shut off you can also hook up to your heavy watt wire as well because you should be generating power from this steam so that's pretty handy um and then we need an outlet and we need to send it back to our cooling pit so here we go again just being kind of messy and then back into the line that takes the coolant which is this one okay so i'm going to set this up to be if it's above say like some kind of room temperature-ish type of temperature because then that will make it not overheat my base too much around me we'll do something like that if it's ever over 80 degrees fahrenheit i will flush the room and again we need to set this to a little bit higher to allow the whole room to flush so we'll do that all right once we unpause this we can see that the steam turbines are generating power there you go 850 watts and they will generate about as much as the steam vent puts out you need to be careful with this though because this will over pressurize as well sometimes you can get away with only two sometimes you need three depending on how fast the steam comes out so you may have to go back and add another one here or you could have just started with three uh but yeah so they will be working as hard as they can and by the way this will overheat which is fine i'm not going to use it anymore i only needed it to get the initial gas out of there and if we check this out the the place it or the time in which this starts to back up and not emit steam anymore is five kilograms per tile looks like we might just barely be okay with these two so we should be fine so these things like i mentioned they will produce a tremendous amount of heat which is what the coolant is for and in the meantime let's take a look at our plumbing the water that's getting condensed from the steam is going out of the steam turbines and into our normal pit of water right here the coolant has already come in it's settled in its pipes and it's just going to be chilling there cooling these things off for a while and when the room gets too hot the room will get flushed which is happening a lot faster than the other ones let's just set this to a lower temperature just so that uh we can demonstrate this a little bit now i've set it to if this room is over 70 degrees fahrenheit or it looks like roughly 20 ish celsius maybe a little bit more than that then it will flush so let's watch that happen in the automation it will say it's too hot it's going to send it to the buffer gate and it's going to tell this shutoff to turn on the shut off is going to allow water flow until it tells it to turn off which is when this buffer gate expires and after this thermo sensor says all right we're not too hot anymore so once this buffer gate runs out there we go the shutoff will turn off and flow will stop so the cool water will just sit in the air it'll continually cool this hydrogen and you'll be good so that's how you capture a steam vent uh like i said it's useful for power maybe a little bit of water and that last run that's as much water as we got so i don't know not a tremendous amount but still not too bad so we're good on that all right let's move on to some of the easier water sources let's talk about just a regular water geyser these things are these things are awesome and i'm gonna probably only show one of a few of these so uh well no let's go through them all whatever so water geyser is very straightforward it's going to produce hot water 95 degrees celsius 203 fahrenheit it's going to produce a lot more than the other things by the way so 15.9 kilograms a second just by comparison this produces like insanely less than that like 60 times less almost so the amount of water that you're going to get or something like this is way higher than you're going to go to something like this or this this one is only 4 000 grams per second which again 15 or 16 actually is more like what it is versus four that's just an insane amount more capturing these is really easy though you again want to use insulated tiles if you have ceramic that's the best thing to use but we'll just use igneous rock since you'll probably find one of these pretty early if they happen to be on your map and i'm going to build it something like this this is going to be pretty simple compared to the other ones i will usually leave a ladder here so that if i need to go in there and maintain this for whatever reason that i can still get there while only having to remove one tile but you do want this to be totally sealed off the gas that's in here uh will eventually be a little bit of an annoyance so you can do for the first little while is just set up some airflow tiles like this so that all of the gas is eventually pushed out by the water and then once the gas is pushed out you can change these back to insulated tiles so that all that's in here is water and you're not getting any weird like pressure problems with the air and the high pressure of water that's in there so once that's in there i would grab a liquid pump again be sure to make it out of something that can resist the temperature so probably out of gold amalgam once again i'm going to hook this up to another automation uh bit which is hydro sensor which we've seen before and i'm gonna just place it here so that we only pump this out if it starts to reach the second tile and i'm gonna say if it's ever above say like 100 kilograms or something like that the behavior here which we'll see we'll demonstrate a little bit better than we did over here the behavior here is just to make sure that we have an adequate amount of water and both to help push the gases out of there and to get this kind of sealed off nicely before we start pumping it out and that's pretty much it so once you have those things set up we're just going to hook up a line for water which uh made definitely a mess here so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to rebuild i told you it was going to be messy rebuild some stuff here so we can pipe it and there this goes to our water drop-off point and we need power of course if you ever seal these up i would recommend sealing these up with this conductive wire so that you don't have to go back in there and replace it later i'm just going to be really messy with this because whatever and there we go you got yourself a water geyser much simpler than the other ones for sure and definitely one of the best water sources in the game just to demonstrate this automation since we didn't see it very well last time let's go ahead and sample this and let's create water that's at the temperature that it says it comes out and we'll create a lot so that this thing actually turns on uh this ought to overdo it let's go ahead and brush it in it will eventually expand because it's too much for that tile then you can see it start to push the air out a little bit into these airflow tiles let's add a little bit more maybe something like this once it gets full enough it will push all the air out it will activate this hydro sensor because we are above the requirements for this and it will turn the pump on and start just pumping regular water out into your system so there you go basic water geyser let's keep going with a couple of other ones that are very very similar let's go with a uh saltwater geyser this is probably gonna be another one that you find pretty early on so this is gonna be almost exactly the same as this except for we're gonna need to turn this into oh by the way we need to replace our tiles so let's go ahead and destroy these ones there we go you eventually want to have it all sealed up looking something like this let's talk about saltwater geysers we will need to turn this into regular water which means we'll have to desalinate it there's a couple of different ways to do this i'm just going to use the building because that's the most straightforward thing but the setup here is exactly the same so i usually put a ladder there hydro sensor pump but if i need to eventually purify this which i'd probably do somewhere else um i would probably do it like more near where my actual water setup is but we'll just ignore that for right now just for the sake of speed you'll want to grab one of these refinement bits drop a desalinator i'm going to drop it actually kind of far away just to demonstrate that you don't want to build it like on location some other stuff you can do here that's pretty handy is you could actually build some liquid reservoirs to store a little bit of the backup water which we probably should have done here as well just so that if your water system ever has a lot of water in it or it's backed up for some reason that you're not wasting the potential water that you could get out of this geyser just store it in one of these things and do something like this let's re-pipe this really fast just to kind of demonstrate the point so what i would do is i would deconstruct this like that i would run the pipes up into chambers like this and run them back out like that this will only be useful to serve as an overflow this will make it so that again if your water system is ever backed up this will prevent that from becoming a problem by the way you want to make these out of something that can resist the hot water as well so you definitely want to build these out of gold amalgam also which is something that i should have checked and i totally didn't whoops let's build these out of gold amalgam and do something like this there you go now we still have the same amount of flow but it will be serving as an overflow just in case i have started to grow to really like building this stuff on location by the way oh let me place my other tiles here just to get the gas out because that's what we would do originally so we can retrieve a fully enclosed thing like this if you enclose it with gas still in there it won't actually look like this or it won't fully solidify uh and then let's place the right things here which is made out of gold gold amalgam more specifically let's run it into the overflow and back out and this is going to go out into my desalinator which is then going to turn it into regular water so i'll just run it back out here and we're making a huge mess but you know that's just a minimum game huge mess simulator and then we still need to hook up our automation like that you can actually copy the settings from this as well so that it will only pump if it's over 100 kilograms and then we can grab a wire for power and hook it up like that there we go now we have basically the exact same setup except for this one salt water it's going to be heading into a desalinator which let's hook that up to power as well this is getting very overloaded so we'll just make a new one and then the desalinator will turn that into regular water which is then gonna flow into this once again all right cool let's move on to a couple of other ones that are very similar to these ones that we've seen so far uh those ones are going to be oh i need to also wall this off so it doesn't make too much heat those are uh going to be different types of water let's first talk about the polluted water vent which again is going to look exactly the same as these guys except for it's going to produce polluted water and kind of critically uh this is going to be very germy polluted water for what that's worth oh these guys open this up what are you fools doing these duplicants making a mess here let's just destroy two of them there you go all right so polluted water is gonna be uh producing polluted water with a lot of germs but the capturing method is still exactly the same by the way the temperature that this comes out at this one was at 203 fahrenheit salt water geyser is the same or 95 celsius this one comes out at 86 which is very cold or 30 degrees celsius by comparison that's very cold meaning that we won't need nearly as much cooling on this if we need to use it for other things like our bristle blossoms for example but the capturing method is going to be exactly the same something like this again leave the tiles you can eventually get all the oxygen out of there and it'll eventually kind of over pressurize to look something like this drop the ladder drop the pump drop the hydro sensor hook it up copy the settings on the hydro sensor which is here we're going to add some liquid reservoirs these ones don't necessarily need to be made out of gold because we're not dealing with this hot of a liquid this time might as well just start dropping new dev generators here just to not overload our lines too much there we go insulate this just because whatever you don't necessarily have to on these ones because it's not going to be that warm but it still is a little bit warmer than i would want my base now this one's going to be producing polluted water uh you need to actually clean this as well before you can use it most of the time there are some plants and stuff that can take polluted water or you could use it in like your cooling system or something like that but just for the sake of completeness let's go ahead and drop a water sieve so i'd run this down into the sieve what's going to come out of here though is going to be germy water this is going to be still like water that looks like this but it will have a lot of germs in it so you'll probably want to pump that into a separate place than this because you typically will want to keep those separated for example if you were producing oxygen or if your dupes were drinking it or something like that you don't want to have them drinking germy water so i'm going to send this into a different tank there we go and then this one's gonna need sand and all kinds of fancy stuff uh i guess we'll put a duplicate out here so they can actually load it actually even better let's just be lazy and put an auto sweeper out here and some sand there we go all right then once we get all this stuff hooked up this will start putting out polluted water you can see it has a lot of germs in it by the way um this is a silly amount of germs which is why i have this separated from the rest of my sources i just made a video on this by the way but if you ever wanted to use your germy water for something you can use it for a whole bunch of different sources feeding it to your plants is one of the better ways by the way so that's what i would definitely recommend doing uh so yeah so we've got our polluted water vent uh that one's pretty straightforward i think one of the better events in the game honestly so definitely grab those guys if you can get your hands on them just for the sake of completeness i'm gonna have this uh whole setup running by the way let's go ahead and paint in some more polluted water here say we got it to this point where it was filling up to the point that there was no more oxygen or gas or whatever inside here so then we can deconstruct these airflow tiles and re-seal it with this the reason i would want to reseal this also is because this will just gas off into polluted oxygen so i will just eventually want to seal it entirely but once we get flow it's going to head into this tank if it can come out of the tank it will come out it'll go down into our water sieve you can hook uh two water sieves up to this if you really want to um if you want to get it purified faster but for the most part uh with all these water sources running you shouldn't really need to that's another reason why these other sources can be handy because we're starting to get backed up but we're not wasting water we're just having it sit here instead so cool now we're pumping this out once this gets here oh i need to destroy this other bit of polluted water that got in here once this gets here we will see the difference between this so this water is clean it has no germs in it whatsoever i could breathe this i could use this for drinking water you could do all kinds of other stuff with it that would be very very nice this is usually very hot water by the way you can see it chill in here at about 200 degrees fahrenheit or 94 celsius this water though has germs in it you can see it has slime lung germs which is definitely what comes out of here which is why you would not want to uh not the vent i want to see the water which is why you would definitely not want to produce oxygen off of something like this otherwise you're just going to get your whole colony exposed to slime long on a daily basis and that's a big problem by the way we can still check back to any of these other things to see what's going on this setup's still lasting pretty good this thing has not erupted for a little while we're generating some more water here uh we're kind of close to being ready to pump this out but we have plenty of coolant here up in our pipes and uh yeah these other things are still doing their job like they're supposed to so we've got that let's move on to a cool slush geyser this is one of my most favorite geysers in the whole game because it does two things it gives you water but it also gives you a lot of cooling so if you check this guy out the temperature that this spawns at is 14 degrees fahrenheit or negative 10 celsius this is so cold that if you were to send it through one of these water sieves it would just freeze instantly in the pipes and it would break it and uh it would cause you to like spill ice on the ground and eventually melt and cause a big mess you have to repair the pipes so this is something that i think is very useful to put into your cooling network like this or you could have it cool other things so for example rather than running on a cooling loop from this water i could just store this in its own tanks up here which is the setup is going to look exactly the same we'll do that in a sec but i could use that to cool this for example and not use for my main supply of cool water and you kind of need to before you purify it anyway so you need to find a way to warm this before you send it into one of these water sieves uh so that's that's definitely something to think about with these guys but the cooling that you get off of is very cool uh as in very interesting cool totally did not mean to make that pun but it happened i'm just gonna send it in here for the time being oh whoops we left it on pause for too long uh whatever who cares all right let's go ahead and set this up as well again going to use some insulated pipe because or rather tile because i don't want it to be sharing the temperature with the stuff out here if i have the power of cooling i might as well harness it so let's go ahead and set it up the exact same way just going to be cheating off my neighbors here set up an airflow tile or two and for these polluted sources by the way you can put deodorizers on the top of here to clean the oxygen that might spawn from the water that's inside there but yeah let's go ahead and pull up these down throw a few tanks up again just as an overflow drop a pump in here i like to drop a ladder again if i need to access this it's easy just to dig up this one tile my dupes can just jump straight down there like that and then again the sensor to detect how much water is there hook that up copy the settings and there you go if you wanted to purify this you'd have to send it into a separate water sieve so that you don't mix up your sources you want this to be clean water and you want this to be germy water this is definitely putting out polluted water that is not germy so that can go straight into your drinking water if it does get warm enough or anything like that so let's go ahead and set this up and i'm just going to send this into my cooling area because that's something that can be very handy there we go and then we just need to hook this up to power and we're done and that should set that up so be creative with these things there's a lot of good ways you can use this to cool different parts of your base down uh you could cool down rooms that get too hot for your duplicates you could cool down water with it like if you need to cool water for bristle blossoms or something like that this is one of the best vents in the game for a good reason all right let's move on to i'm trying to decide what i want to do next here looking at everything let's just get one of them out of the way that's really worthless um this one is so bad that there's almost not even a setup for it because it's not something that you really need although it may change a little bit um as we get into the uh the dlc and stuff that's gonna be this carbon dioxide geyser oh whoops i just spawn the exact same thing we want this there we go carbon dioxide geyser produces carbon dioxide at negative 67 fahrenheit or negative 55 celsius there are so many caveats to this that it's crazy um this is hardly any carbon dioxide so even if you wanted to use this for cooling or something like that it's still not that good um you can use carbon dioxide for a couple of things like at least in the dlc now you can use it for rocket fuel so that's not the worst thing ever but it will come out solid meaning that you need to warm this in some way so honestly if this were me i would do this out of something really silly like i would probably build this out of metal tiles or airflow tiles or something like that just to allow for some temperature exchange and then just set it up with a pump look something maybe like this and then the pump that i want to have come out of here is the gas pump and then you can send it out you can send it into tanks if you want to store it if you just want to use it for cooling you can just leave it here like this or you can route it through some gas pipes to a place that you want cooling but the cooling is going to be so bad and you're gonna be spending power to move this stuff around anyway that it's really not worth it i say it's gonna be so bad because the amount that spawns from this uh polluted water geyser is like you know five times more and carbon dioxide really does not impart a lot of energy onto other things it's one of the worst in terms of uh like heat transfer and that kind of stuff so this is just not good overall i'd say the only real usage this is going to be for is for rocket fuel in the dlc but even then you can already get carbon dioxide for free from your duplicates so this one's like there's barely anything to do with this this is about as good as you can get the whole idea behind this is that the carbon dioxide that comes out of here will be solid which means that it will melt and turn into liquid which will eventually melt and turn into gas or i guess uh boil turning into gas rather than melting but yeah this is about the extent of this there's not a whole lot of great uses for this um you could also make this a little bit more efficient if you wanted to you could set this up with an apple sensor which you probably should actually know what i'm thinking about it set this up on a now we can even just do without the buffer gate just set it up on an atmos sensor so you're only running this gas pump when there's a reasonable amount to pump out it's maybe above like 500 no not 5 000 maybe above like 500 grams oh something i should back up and talk about by the way anything that produces liquid like this they will start to over pressurize once their top tiles are at about a thousand kilograms per tile which is why i have this uh hydrosense here to make sure that we're pumping it out before it makes it so that's like blocking the geysers here we go we're pumping out some carbon dioxide the tiles are so warm and they will continue to get warmed by your surrounding base uh that it's really not that big of a deal it will eventually just produce carbon dioxide here for the sake of it and because the dlc is near and i think that carbon dioxide will have more of a place well i don't want to build it out of this that's a dumb idea um i would definitely recommend storing this into containers if you want to use it but considering in the base game anyway that the typical use for come to oxide is blowing it out into space uh you definitely don't want to do that otherwise there was no reason to set this up in the first place so most of the time i'll just leave this one alone all right so let's go ahead and store this here and i guess it could go out to wherever you want it to but for now at least we'll store it that could eventually go to your rockets or something like that and there you go getting some carbon dioxide nothing too special but you know it's there uh yeah that's pretty much all i got for that one and again it's not a very worthwhile cooling solution it is cool in some way but you can see how like comparatively little resistance this is putting up to the temperature that's normally outside of here anyway if this was like in the middle of your base by the way or if you had some hot buildings around it it wouldn't be the worst cooling option also so i guess i'll give it that but most of the time it's just not worth the ventilation and the power that you spend on it just going to keep this cooled off or sealed off by the way all right what should we move on to next um let's start talking about the gas vents here let me check out what we still have to go we still have a lot to go this is gonna be a long video guys all right we're gonna try to speedrun some of this let's talk about carbon dioxide vent so this is going to be kind of similar to what we just did except for this is going to be one of those super hot ones 932 fahrenheit 500 degrees celsius um i have found absolutely no reason to get one of these so i mean unless you have a real reason for getting really crappy warming from something and spending the energy on that you will also need to make your pump out of something that can resist the temperature or you will need to cool it before you can pump it out cooling carbon dioxide seems like the most worthless thing in the world to do to me so i i would really not worry about this uh the only thing that you could probably get let me build this in a little better place by the way um but i still would not be super excited about is you could use it for power because anything that produces something that's really hot you can use for power but this is just so impractical and it's gonna take so much effort for barely any payoff so let's let's just do this real quick this is also going to segue kind of nicely into some of the other things that i have to talk about so if you want to generate power from heat what you'll want to do is build some metal tiles around something like this and pretty much all the way around to about here i would close this off with a mechanized airlock then i would surround this with uh insulated tile so i'm going to do something like this if you want to get really fancy you could leave a gap here that's vacuumed out so there's absolutely no transfer but it's not really necessary on this layer though this layer is going to be a little bit different because this layer is going to be water that you will eventually boil with the heat of this carbon dioxide this is again not very worthwhile just gonna keep saying that um what you would do once you got down to here is you need a vent to eventually vent this out now this this goes two folds uh one you're spending power to get rid of this it's probably more power than you're actually going to generate so again not real big reason to do it in fact that pretty much just nullifies the whole setup right there's no reason to talk about this all right don't get don't get carbon dioxide vets so here's what i would do if i found one in the wild uh i would i would see oh it's a carbon dioxide vent huh all right there you captured it all right done let's move on to something that actually is more practical that i'll show what i was about to set up there though hydrogen all right hydrogen vents are one of the best ones in the game i'm gonna set up the exact same way i was before something like this i'm going to cut off the excess and repurpose it for later batches i'm going to use a mechanized air lock you could also use uh what are they called temp shift plates in here if you really wanted to you don't necessarily have to though i'll explain the rest of the setup though so what you're going to do is something like this carve out a little bit of space for your pump and the first concern for this is that this is going to spawn at that really hot temperature once again 932 degrees fahrenheit or 500 celsius you definitely want this to be cooled down before you start working with it though so you want to have access to steel and that's going to be what's going to eventually pump this out but you'll notice that steel can only resist up to 527 or 275 celsius which means we got to cool this before we can actually start using it that's what this layer is for this layer is for water uh i should probably set this up for real actually so i'm going to leave an empty chamber here i'm going to set up a gas pump that i don't care if it breaks later that's fine this is again just going to be to vacuum out the room so i'd set up something like this on a high pressure gas vent i want to set this on some automation so i can turn it off once this is entirely vacuumed out so let's say i run this for a little while it turns into nothing but a vacuum which is what i want let me go ahead and fill this with vacuum which sounds really weird there we go uh how does a vacuum have germs what's going on all right there we go and then on top of this are going to be a couple probably one or two steam turbines i think one is probably just generous enough so let's go ahead and just drop one for the sake of simplicity it doesn't really matter where so we'll just go ahead and drop it i don't know here and then on this other side you want to have a liquid vent that is sending water in from some source somewhere you would normally have a source that makes a little bit more sense but i'm just going to hook it up to something that's nearby there you'd want to let water run into here for a little while and then you also want to have this on automation so you can shut it off when you have enough the water here is going to act as a coolant for this hydrogen but it's also going to heat up to the point that it turns into steam and give you a little bit of extra power on this steam turbine from here now we need to figure out what to actually do with this hydrogen so let's continue to set this up here i'm going to hook this up to power oh we need to worry about this door uh this door needs to be on some kind of automation as well i want to put this on an atmos sensor so that i can make sure i have enough hydrogen for it to be worthwhile to open and then i want to set up on a thermo sensor to make sure that the hydrogen is cold enough before i start uh actually venting it out hook these up to an and gate and i apologize for the speed that i'm doing this i do talk about this a lot in my automation video so if you feel like i'm going too fast i would check that out uh so what i would do is say if this is anywhere below like 3 20 let's say fahrenheit this can resist resist up to 527 and the steam will eventually regulate out to about 260 fahrenheit so somewhere in the neighborhood uh you definitely want to figure out where that happy medium is and then above like 1500 grams of hydrogen once those conditions are true once we have enough hydrogen here and once it's cooled enough this door will open so that we can actually pump it out and use it now this is going to go into a bunch of hydrogen generators and that's the whole point of this is to generate a lot of power by the way i need to turn this off come on game there we go need to turn this off so we're not venting any steam but now we're starting to get water in here and this water will eventually turn into steam you don't need a tremendous amount uh especially because your goal here is to cool and cool kind of rapidly so i would say maybe like 200 kilograms 300 kilograms of water something like that is probably totally fine so i just leave it like that um and then the hydrogen needs to go somewhere and there's a couple of different ways you can store this uh one way you can store it is using a bunch of containers that just contain the hydrogen that will not cause you any extra power so i'm just going to build a small little room like that for this and you again need to make sure that this can resist the heat and this is one of the downsides of storing this this way is that this hydrogen is going to be coming out at about 320 degrees fahrenheit you probably need to build this out of steel which is usually not super worthwhile but if you decide to do it it would just be something like this oh wow that was perfect totally unintentional probably just be something like this where you just kind of send it in there and then send it back out and you want to use it or instead of doing something like this uh you could just have it vent into another room that's nearby use a high pressure gas vent like that and then just pump it back out when you actually need it which again you can put this on automation to make sure you're not wasting power pumping barely anything you could put this a little bit more further in the middle of the room by the way just so it doesn't get messed up from being right next to the pump maybe we only want to pump this out if it's above like 500 grams or something like that let's hook up some power to this and then what this is going to lead into is a whole bunch of hydrogen uh generators and this is going to produce a tremendous amount of power for you so you're probably going to drop some hydrogen generators that look something like this and yes you can power this many with a vent like this it gets pretty crazy uh let's go ahead and just get rid of this move it somewhere else um sure why not so let's say we did something like this let's get rid of these extra power wires by the way deconstruct there we go you could power a lot here we also want to make sure we're not using it excessively so you want to make sure that you're only using it when you actually need the power so i would have a smart battery hooked up and have this all hook into a main power line uh so that you know when you need to have power from this or not and it'll look something like this you also do need to cool this room by the way this is going to generate a lot of heat i'm not going to exhaustively go through this again but i would use the exact same cooling solution as i did before um just have a bunch of radiant tiles in here with some hydrogen inside the room you can also kind of leave this more open if you want to have the ability to get in there and perform some maintenance on it so you could do something like this so that you could get up and down and make sure to hook your uh smart battery up to all these generators so that you are only using hydrogen when you actually need the power for it again i have a separate power video separate automation video that talks about a lot of this kind of stuff and i'm going fast just because there's a lot to cover still this video is already really long uh so let's go ahead and hook up all the hydrogen to all the different sources or all the different power generators and there you go outside of the cooling this is pretty much done but i would copy the exact same cooling setup that is here flood the room with hydrogen snake some pipes in here you know kind of like this you can have it kind of jump over that go down here and that kind of stuff being very messy but i think you get the idea if you were watching earlier in the video where you saw this setup to actually keep this room cool so i do something like this uh this setup is one of the best in the entire game if you can get your hands on this i would definitely do it another thing you can do is you can pre-vacuum this room out if you want to only have hydrogen but you'll note that i built this up at the very top because if there's only hydrogen in this room it or rather if there's other things in the room the hydrogen will actually go to the top the other things will go down to the bottom and also you don't need these things in here by the way so you could just have a room that looks something like this so there you go hydrogen bin let's talk about hot polluted oxygen this is not something that i find overly interesting so i'm going to speed run this a little bit the setup for this would probably look exactly the same as here um but then afterwards if i wanted to use it as like breathable oxygen i would need to further cool it using this cooling method that we have used up here um this is not something i usually interact with only because it doesn't produce a lot and it doesn't produce a lot of power either so there's not really a big reason to get this and there's just way more efficient things that you could do with uh to get oxygen from other places so i'm just going to do this one to this one as well i wouldn't say it's worth it to really interact with this that much let's talk about an infectious polluted oxygen vent this one is a little bit different this one's a little bit more practical as well comes out at 140 or 60 degrees celsius which is a little hot so you can cool this if you really want to get the oxygen out of it but it's still not a tremendous amount so this is not one that i will typically use very often um something that you can use it for let me try to find some so if you find where are you there's no puffs what is this is this game trolling me have i not found a single puffed what is going on all right well i'm just gonna spawn one just pretend we found one here sure why not so if you find one of these guys uh you could potentially ranch these guys to produce slime for you which can be useful for some farming things it's not the most useful thing you could use it just for meat as well um so if you're using uh one of these vents just to feed straight to these puffs which is what they eat is polluted oxygen you could use that uh just to help them they could cool it down for you a little bit uh we can check out the temperatures that they're comfortable in it's still a little bit above that but it's not too bad still not very practical this is again one of those events where i would see it and just be like it's not that great i don't know i'd probably just do something like this ranching puffs is also not overly economical either they do require a little bit of maintenance and you need to have a consistent source of oxygen that you don't mind wasting which is not great so i'm i'm gonna go ahead and say just wall that one up as well all right chlorine vent um this is going to be a little bit different than a lot of what would typically be used for this and i would also typically not interact with this very much but there are some instances in whoa do i not have this captured oh here we go they're all uh my capture this must have been pretty bad let's go ahead and grab this one uh selection let's grab you copy and paste there we go so chlorine vents are not super interesting there's not a whole lot you can do with this chlorine um there is one thing that i have discovered which this may help like one person someday in the future or if you just want to be a silly goose uh this chlorine will come out at a reasonable temperature 140 and we need to check on the thing that i want to plant here the thing that you can use to actually suck this up is a dasha salt vine which is not something i've ever talked about before on this channel but it is pretty interesting so i've done this once um only just to be silly just because i have never played around with this before but the dasha salt vines are an interesting plant that produce salt we want to make sure to have a lot of space for this by the way or at least a lot of salt vines that can eat it up really quickly so this is again why this is not super practical but the salt vines are something that produces salt and you might wonder what the point of that is and the point is that you could produce oxygen using rust which uh does not spawn on this map there are sun biomes that spawn on some other maps that are made of rust which you can use to generate oxygen from so again this is just to be just to be silly grab some of these these are the seeds by the way we'll throw in some uh auto sweepers these do take sand to feed by the way so these are quite a bit of maintenance so again this is gonna be yet another one that i would probably just wall off but just for the sake of being silly let's talk about this one do something like this you'd need a way for your duplicates to actually have access to this so some kind of liquid lock would be a good way to do it um i'm just going to build it really fast just to kind of demonstrate what the example would be whoops and then grab some water something like this so that the gases will not transfer from side to side your duplicates could come in here and work on stuff if they really needed to probably want some kind of automation for this which is what these uh auto sweepers are for there we go i am going to check back on these other setups by the way so that you can actually see them all in action but then we go ahead and plant our salt vines which do grow upside down by the way these are not turned upside down by accident and once you throw these in there these salt vines will uh thrive in a certain temperature range you may need to cool them a little bit or get a second source of chlorine which is again why this is not super useful but they will go ahead and eat the chlorine they will need sand as well which we talked about uh but you can grow it for something like this to produce oxygen via rust and salt or if you really wanted the salt to improve your food quality but realistically and i'm just gonna undo everything i just did because what i would do most the time with these things whoa gotta be careful is again another one of these there the other thing that you could potentially use chlorine for is for uh sanitation but you can usually get enough of that from bleachstone that you find around the map anyway so yet another one i would realistically probably wall off alright let's get to a good one for once not a bunch of these wasteful ones all right natural gas this is one of the better ones in the game as well because of the amount of power that you can generate so what i would do for this one this one would spawn somewhere clear my selection want to grab an insulated tile around this because this is going to spawn it at 302 degrees fahrenheit or 150 celsius which is very hot but this is going to basically be one that i just want to pump it out and use it right away or store it and then use it so the size of this is very deliberate i would use a gas pump and i would want to make sure that i build this out of steel um only because that's like the only thing that can resist this kind of heat gold amalgam will not be able to handle this so you'll have to wait until you have steel to use this practically then i also want to make sure that i have enough gas in here for this to actually be worthwhile so i will set up a gas sensor something like this you can also set it on a buffer gate if you want to make sure that it runs for a little bit after you get up to a certain uh level so you're not constantly throttling this on and off probably want to set this to anywhere above 1500 grams so it needs to be fairly saturated with natural gas and not too high because again this will get backed up if there's too much in here and i'll set this for i don't know 10 seconds so that once we detect it at 1500 grams or more this will turn on for at least 10 seconds and continue to pump it out for this let's go ahead and just hook it up nothing special oh it built through the netronium lull and then the actual ventilation will need to go somewhere uh i typically like to just pump this into its own room as well so you could do something like this and then just send it in there with a high pressure gas vent you might note that uh it's probably better to vacuum this out first before you start actually harvesting any of this natural gas just so you can assure you're only getting natural gas through there but the natural gas will eventually pool up in here something like this and then uh we want to set up a gas pump you could vacuum this whole room out once again let's just go ahead and pretend that we did that if you didn't you'd have to filter it after it came out to make sure that it's sending the right stuff to your generators which uh we're having a hard time getting everything all at once no i messed up the tiles that can happen if you click on them it'll be okay they'll just look really bright but once you have that set up you can set up some insulated gas pipes to go up to your natural gas generators which are very strong this is like the second oh did i actually mess this up super hard let's just build it somewhere else which are like the second power source that you will have uh in your game it'll usually be or i guess third it'll usually be a manual power and then coal and then natural gas you probably set up i don't know something like this and again you'll want to set it up on a smart battery just so that you're only using the natural gas when you actually need it for power meaning that your batteries are low so i'd set up a smart battery i'd hook it up to my automation like this and then i'd hook up to my main power network something like this which again they should all basically be going to the same places there we go let's hook up the automation oh we already did then from here you want to still use insulated pipes because this is still going to be very hot send it into the machine something like this these are also going to produce carbon dioxide and they are also going to produce um polluted water so you'll need a way to handle that and i'm not going to show that too much because i do talk about this in the power video already if you wanted to check that out since this is carbon dioxide that's coming out of here i'll just pump it into here since that might be useful in the future but yeah it'll look something like this so once you get enough natural gas in here this atmos sensor will eventually uh oh man what's happening with this if i do this which is so annoying i'm just gonna have to deconstruct all this which is i hate this if you accidentally click on something to saturate it with gas and you click on tiles it like makes the tiles there but like not there it's really annoying so just rebuild this really fast probably should have done in the first place unfortunately we can see exactly where we were it will be super sloppy there you go so it'll look something like this again you need power to run in here so here you go and once you eventually get enough which you could probably also put this again on another atmos sensor to make sure that it is dense enough before you start actually pumping it out um once you get enough you can send it over to your natural gas generators and since i did not actually filter this this will start to damage these things a little bit but i think you get the idea let's just sample this real fast or sorry let's just fill this with the vacuum get rid of all this chlorine hopefully that'll help it stabilize a little bit me not click on the tiles like i did last time and mess everything up probably want to set this above i don't know maybe a thousands okay and you can see these things generating some power this battery is getting filled up a little bit it is producing some uh polluted water which you can then catch somewhere and re-introduce into your system or something like that it's not a tremendous amount but it's enough to at least be annoying but yeah there you go natural gas geyser you'll usually spawn with anywhere between like two or four on any given map um and these are very handy for a mid game power solution all right are we on to volcanoes yet is there anything else to talk about let's talk about the leaky oil fissure by the way um actually it's something that's not listed here which is kind of weird let's talk about oil wells um oil wells and leaky oil fissures are going to be kind of similar you'll find these in the oil biome and this is also something that's not super complicated to set up uh but it is well i guess that's a lie it's a little complicated let's get into it so these things you will actually need a special building to harvest from you'll need an oil well which will look something like that this will take in uh a liquid by the way you have to spend water to get oil out of this so you could use germy water on this as well it's definitely a good source for that so let's go ahead and hook it up to the germy water because it won't care what kind of uh germs it has inside the oil or rather it won't care what kind of germs it has inside the water in order to still work so hook it up to something like this should also note this is going to generate a lot of heat and it's going to generate hot oil so you definitely want to have this sitting out in your base so i'd probably do something like this to kind of encase this there you go you'll need to also use a liquid lock like we used before that i think i deleted so let's just pretend that we have a good setup for something like that and then duplicants will need to enter this using suits so probably create something like this so they can maintain some stuff around it there we go they will need to enter this kind of frequently because what happens with this oil well is that it will build up some pressure of natural gas which is going to necessitate a bunch of other stuff with this so we'll talk about that in just a second uh let's say get some water here there we go and then uh at the bottom or rather let's start getting some flow from this do we have power no getting lazy getting quick all right there we go so now we're sending this germy water down sending it into our oil well what will eventually happen oh we need power here too will eventually happen is it will start producing oil from the water that it's consuming and it will create that oil and just kind of have it fall down which is why i have these mesh tiles here so it just kind of falls down into this bottom area you could then pump it out and use it but again you need to make something that's going to be able to resist this we are now producing oil now that we are pumping water into this thing but i don't want to just pump this out immediately i probably want to let this build up just a little bit that's because it's going to be useful to help cool this room down a little bit which sounds kind of funny because it's producing at a pretty high temperature anyway but what's building up inside here is natural gas it's very very hot that duplicants will need to come release every once in a while so what i'll probably do is i will just uh let this thing build up quite a bit by having a hydro sensor that will limit the functionality of my pump until this thing gets saturated enough with oil so anywhere above let's say like 500 kilograms let's put this up to power two and this output uh we'll just dump it into another chamber really fast just to kind of demonstrate the example let me go back and review all these by the way just you can see them all functioning the way that they're intended to function the other thing is the natural gas that's coming out of here also can be used for power so i want to set up something made out of probably gold amalgam i don't think you need anything that's too crazy and set up something like this i also want to make sure that i'm only pumping it out when it is cool enough because i don't want to be pumping out super duper hot uh natural gas and i will probably use an apple sensor as well to make sure we have enough backup here and set these to an and gate there we go and we need a little bit of power for this make sure to set up our settings here probably wait until this is pretty saturated maybe like 2 000 grams and i want to make sure this is pretty cool so like i don't know 200 maybe not that much maybe 220 something like that one thing that can happen here and why you might want to build a little bit more stuff inside here to help absorb temperature is that if all of this natural gas is released all at the same time it could potentially overheat and break this gas pump so what you can do to help this out just a little bit and help this cool a little bit is you can set up these temp shift plates to help share the temperature from a sand cement what is that never seen that before brick there's all kinds of new cool new stuff in here so probably set up something that looks maybe a little bit like this this can take a while to build but the whole idea here is that this kind of acts as a buffer for when this natural gas comes out to not immediately overheat your pump you could also just build this out of steel but i don't want to build things out of steel unless i absolutely have to and since this is going to be putting out natural gas i'm just going to dump it straight into the same place that all this is going which is going to be my room to store natural gas which is eventually going to go into my natural gas generators so oil wells yeah going to look something like this nothing too crazy but also pretty interesting and pretty new if you haven't seen it before so yeah let's move on to the leaky oil fissure i've talked about this a little bit before ironically enough in my walkthrough videos because it just happened to spawn on that map this is something that i don't really like that much mostly because you're not going to get a lot of power off of it by comparison you have to cool it if you're going to use it the one thing you could use it for is for uh converting into petroleum because it'll already come out really really hot if you look at actual oil you can see that it's boiling point is about 750 fahrenheit and this comes out at about 620 so it's pretty close and celsius they're separated by like 75 degrees they're pretty close um so if you want to heat it up into petroleum and then cool it back down so that you can use it as petroleum you can do that that's pretty advanced for uh this type of video so if you're not sure about these things honestly one of the easiest things is just to seal it off something that i did do in my other walkthrough video though so i'm just going to kind of replicate this build really quick if you want to do something like this is you can create something that looks a lot like uh this setup which by the way this is working we will come back and look at this in just a sec you want to create something that's going to encourage heat transfer into into some water and then that water is going to be sucked up by uh some steam turbines it's not going to be a lot but if you want to cool it down that's one of the best ways to do it so i'd probably do something like this and uh looks like we need to actually destroy this which is fine because we're not using it anyway goodbye set up a steam turbine like this we'd set up the same mechanisms that we would for this area you want to vacuum it out and you want to eventually introduce water because i already talked about that here because you can kind of see the idea you want to vacuum it out first and then introduce water afterwards and eventually turn it off once you have enough water you want to do the same thing here i'm just going to skip a lot of that nuance just because this is not a very common uh vent type that you want to really be interacting with all that much so you do something like this let's go ahead and brush in some water there we go you want to do the same thing as far as cooling that's up here by the way so if you can flood it with hydrogen and snake some pipes through to be able to keep this thing cool that would also be a good idea i'm just going to kind of speed around that as well maybe ten there we go this is also going to produce water but instead of sending it somewhere else i'm just going to send it right back into the same chamber and then the cooling on here like we talked about before sit some cold water in here until it gets too warm have it set out by a liquid shut off and just hook it back into your cooling network i'm not going to hook this up all the way because i did already talk about this earlier so you can go back to the steam vent portion if you want to learn how to hook that up as for this bottom area i want this to share its temperature with this cool with this steam or with this water until the oil is cool enough for me to pump it out safely so i can pump it out with a either something made out of gold amalgam which can resist up no that won't be good enough it needs to be steel uh and then once you have steel and send this out over into the same area which again we want to be using insulated pipes because this can be very hot but we only want this door to open if the uh area is at least filled up with oil enough and is cooled enough so i'm gonna be setting those two things up let's set this up on a and gate there we go and i want to pump this out or at least open this door to let it fall down into here when it's at a temperature that will not damage my pump so this gets damaged at about 527 which you can translate that into celsius here i'd probably do this if it was anywhere below say like 400 or something like that just to be safe we also want to make sure we actually have oil in here so maybe like 150 kilograms or something like that this will cause the door to open whenever that time comes um and when there's enough oil in here it will just drop it down into the bottom chamber and then it will pump it back out again being very lazy about a lot of this stuff let's go ahead and spawn some oil in there so we can actually see what this will do there so this should be like oh this oil is cold enough because it would have theoretically been cooled by this water which was sharing its temperature with these metal tiles it'll open it up it'll dump it in there and then it'll close it again once we have enough so there you go it'll look something like this simple way to harvest oil you could also i'm not gonna show this part but you could uh have this running into like a volcano or something like that to transfer or turn this into petroleum which would be a better refining method than just the regular refining method only because you get more petroleum out of it but that's really not essential to succeed in the game so i'm not going to talk about that too much all right so we've covered oil the last things we need to talk about are volcanoes there's a couple of different volcanoes by the way whoops um and i'm going to only spawn the minor volcano uh there's actually i'll spawn both of them really quickly just so we can see the the two the difference between the two of them whoops there we go here's what a volcano looks like when it's been unearthed uh and we're going to talk about this one which is like the rock one which puts out magma and we'll talk about the metal ones afterwards then i think that's it just checking through my list here really fast i think that's it and this is only going to be for the ones in the base game by the way guys so if you notice that i haven't covered some stuff that you're seeing in the dlc that's because the dlc has not come anywhere close to stabilizing yet so there's probably going to be new stuff or changes by the time that you see this if it's like a month after this was recorded i bet you that it will be different in the dlc anyway so for these minor volcanoes and for the regular volcanoes let me spawn one of those too i think it's this one because i kept messing up the template oh no okay there we go they'll spawn magma as you can tell uh let's get rid of this there we go the only difference between the volcano and the minor volcano is the amount that they actually produce so this one will produce 108 138 kilograms per second of magma this will produce 271 so it's just a little bit more maybe about double um so the way that i talk about these things is one of two ways you can use this if you ever want to boil something so if you ever wanted to boil this crude oil and turn it into petroleum you could use one of these volcanoes to do something like that if you wanted to boil it even further and turn it into sour gas you could do that which i talked about a little bit in my uh power tutorial video but that's very advanced what i like to do with these and especially for beginner players is not worry about all the fancy magma applications okay that cool down is instead just use this for some power every once in a while uh it's a very safe way to do it so what i would do is i would expect this to have a bunch of steam turbines above it and i would just have this sitting in some water so what i will do is i'll set up something maybe like this i'm not exactly sure how wide this needs to be so we might need to correct it for the minor volcanoes uh you probably want i would say three or four steam turbines and for the regular volcanoes obviously more than that because it's going to produce a lot more magma and a lot more heat so i would probably do something like this grab my steam turbines uh we'll put four here just to be safe and the worst eruption is always going to be the first one because the first one is going to be the one that might potentially melt some stuff that's around it or damage some stuff or something like that that is something you really need to pay attention to so notice that i'm building this out of ceramic on purpose because the melting point is going to be a little bit higher than what the magma is coming out at let's take a look at this select the volcano oh i'm on the wrong one 3 100 degrees fahrenheit whereas the ceramic can resist up to 3 300. if you were to make this out of igneous rock you'd probably melt through on the first eruption and that would be really bad so you need to pay attention to what type of tiles you're using on this and ceramic is definitely what i would recommend another thing you can do which i've recommended before in order to help ease the paint a little bit is to create some temp shift plates if you were to make this out of igneous rock that would be good um only because it doesn't really matter if the first ones melt it'll eventually just be kind of a buffer for the other stuff that you're going to have in this room there's some other stuff you could use in here as well obsidian is a really good option because that has a really high melting point also 4 900 degrees fahrenheit so if you have a lot of obsidian that's a pretty good option i'm just going to drop a bunch of obsidian here like this and then we eventually need to vacuum this out so i'm going to say what i said before about vacuuming out chambers like this use a gas pump it's eventually going to break and that's okay so we would vacuum this out set it out into a high pressure gas vent just to make sure it can vent set it up on some automation like so and as far as actually uh these steam turbines you could put this on a smart battery to make sure you're only using the heat that you want when it's time for these things to run so you could put them on a smart battery i usually don't um but if you want to be like really interested in being as efficient as you possibly can then that works too i would also send in water for this but you need to be careful about the quantity of water that you put in here these will over pressurize if the air or gas or whatever around it is pressurized to anywhere above 150 kilograms per tile so because this is four tiles tall i would not put any more than 600 kilograms of water per tile here and probably give a little bit of buffer maybe to tone that down to like 500 or maybe even 450. so i'm going to brush let's fill this up with a vacuum first let's just pretend that we vacuumed everything else out which you definitely want if you're working with steam turbines let's turn this off and then the water that i would want in here again we don't want a lot let's say uh 500 kilograms you can extrapolate that out by how many tiles will be in the ones that are above it once it all turns into steam so you know like 125 per tile or something like that um you also do want to give a little bit of a buffer because uh the water will still come down here and will be returned by the steam turbines so let's uh do that really fast so i'm going to grab some pipe run it back into this exact same thing and i could also put this on its own because i don't want to keep filling this up with water so i might as well do that let's deconstruct these so that i can put this on automation and stop the flow of water once i know that i have enough in here like that and then again same cooling setup as there was before uh flood this with hydrogen if you can get it uh snake some pipes in here which i'll just do for real because this is a little bit more precarious situation uh you can snake them in any manner that you really want to but you kind of want to be spreading them out a little bit evenly because once this erupts these are all going to be operating at full power it's going to be generating a lot of heat probably just do something like this whoops we want to have this be insulated uh i totally did this wrong we need to make sure that we have a place for this to go out so we want to have this go out maybe here okay now this is fine this is where it would go out it would need to come in down here and we'll just throw up our bridges really fast just because we're being really pedantic about this and i kind of want to see this one running as well or we can just simulate it because the vac or the vacuum the volcano doesn't erupt for really long times so they're only active for like 65 cycles every 9 000 cycles and you can see how long that is in cycles right here once you have it researched but yeah it can take quite a bit of time to deconstruct this let's set up a heavy watt plate and there we go we have hooked up to some batteries all right now we need to hook this up to heavy watt wire we also need to use this shut off to make sure that we are flushing the room whenever it gets too hot so once again thermo sensor buffer gate this room's pretty big by the way so you want to put a little bit more uh time on this let's say like 75 seconds there we go look something like this let's get some power over here real quick which once they turn on it'll be fine let's just fill this with hydrogen which we would normally have anyway probably from like our oxygen producing setup but yeah put a lot in there there we go so it's eventually going to look something like this and like i said the first eruption is going to be the worst one because that's when the most magma comes out and you're kind of least stable on this setup once that first eruption happens and once everything stabilizes you're pretty good something that i've had to do to do in here every once in a while is i've had to put a robo miner kind of nearby and you want it to be a little bit far away so it doesn't break build this out of steel by the way this is just so that in case something hardens and turns into like a solid tile it doesn't mess up your setup so i'll usually do something like this and hook this up to power just to make sure that i don't get stuck and that this thing can't produce because if you ever have to open this up back up it's a real pain so i'd probably put something like this this will also matter in the other volcanoes as well um but yeah this is about what i would do let's just simulate this thing erupting here really fast so let me go ahead and say magma we also need to figure out how much this is going to produce so 138 kilograms for 65 seconds i'm gonna do some really gross math here um let's see let's just guess i've seen about this number before let's say like uh 10 or sorry this is going to be 10 tons so let's just spawn a tile that looks like this and see what happens so what will happen is as soon as this erupts this is 999 kilograms of magma by the way this is about on point for minor and regular volcanoes this is a decent example what will happen is as soon as i unpause it will flash boil this really quickly sometimes it might harden like i said there so you want to have this thing dig it out but eventually it will stabilize and it will produce a ton of heat because we flash boiled all that water and you can see this stuff running here right now something that may happen on your first time too is you may get something like this it may really collect up here on the sides until all of this turns into steam by the way our gas pump is going to overheat well that's okay it's done its job we don't care anymore um yeah so that's roughly what a volcano is going to look like when it first erupts and again the only difference between this and a regular volcano is that the regular volcano will produce more magma so you probably want to have more steam turbines connected to it okay let's move on to our last set of things and that's going to be metal volcanoes i'm only going to show one because they all operate pretty much the same way by the way i'm also going to mention uh once again that just because these are set up a certain way for cooling there are better ways to cool this using steam turbines and volcanoes and stuff like that so if you want to look up uh different ways to do that you're more than welcome to i'm just trying to keep this simple for uh newer players it's over pressurized no uh we'll hook up the one hook up the cooling for this i guess so i guess we might as well jeez there we go here's our input whoops we missed but that's okay there all right we can check back on this we're cooling later all right so i'm going to spawn an iron volcano um the iron volcano and copper volcano and uh the gold volcano are all pretty much the same they just produce different metals oh this is another one that i must have messed up or something like that because it's looking weird when i'm trying to spawn it uh but yeah so these these are all pretty much the same i'm only going to show one because you're going to set these all up pretty much the exact same way so what i would do with these is the exact same thing that i'm doing on the interior here but you don't need as much cooling maybe two's turbines worth and i'm gonna not set up the cooling for this again only because uh we've seen it done a couple times now there we go this also doesn't produce as much material by the way so you can see it's significantly less magma or significantly less i guess material i don't know how to say that uh so yeah you also want to pay attention to what you put here as well but it's not as big of a deal as the uh as the volcanoes because it doesn't produce as much you're usually okay with ceramic here but there is a small chance it could melt especially if it got out of control so something to keep in mind i'm also going to drop a bunch of temp shift plates here just to help share the temperature a little oh there was somebody saying and if this was if this was you telling me about this to not actually build the temperature plates right up against the tiles here i didn't know that um i'm not sure why so i'm just going to continue to ignorantly do it if you're the person that talked to me about that please leave a comment down there and explain or i don't remember if i'm correct or not so let me know if that's actually the case uh okay so we're gonna have something like this we're gonna still use the same gas pump to vacuum this out you always want to do that so i'm just going to pretend we did that already vacuum you want to fill it up with water again not too much so about 500 per tile here if you have it four tall to make sure that we don't over pressurize the room so let's just pretend we did that i'm just going to put in steam for the time being just to assume that we've already done that work you want to send your water from the steam turbines right back into the same room so there we go now this is a little bit different because the material that's in here we don't really care about i don't think we have a need for igneous rock that's at 2000 degrees fahrenheit so i'm going to leave that alone but this one's going to be a little bit different i'm going to build an auto sweeper in here out of steel kind of far away but still close enough that i can grab the material if i want to i'm also going to build a conveyor loader in here out of steel just so i can ship the metal out because that's one of the better reasons to have something like this as far as power is concerned this is not going to produce a lot but the metal that it produces is really worthwhile because you just basically get refined metal for free so if you need to make steel or use it for whatever else you might need to use out in space or something like that this can be really useful so i'm gonna have this just accept everything and i'm only going to turn this on when i want it to be on i'm not gonna have it on all the time so i can let it cool a little bit before i actually ship it out so i do something like this and i would turn it off and then only turn it on when i actually need it but the tricky thing about this is that this is going to be producing really hot iron and even if i let it cool down because it exchanges its heat with the steam um i still want to cool this down so i'd probably have a separate pipe or a separate pipe a separate pool of water here that's filled with like i don't know polluted water or something like that you could use it from your same cooling network or you could actually use it from this guy up here this cool slush geyser but yeah i would drop something down here you could lower the temperature if you really wanted to and you need enough water here to be able to just snake some pipes or rather snake some conveyor lines through so do something like this and we'll force this one to erupt as well just so you can see what this is like and i'll have this just dump out i don't know here so we have this set up we need to connect some power wires here just so these will actually function like i said we're not going to worry about cooling these too much so i'm just going go ahead and close this off and just flood it with hydrogen for the time being all right there we go so let's go ahead and spawn some iron and then we'll let it cool for a little bit and i'll show you how the rest of the cooling works with this but it's pretty straightforward basically this water is going to heat up um and then once you don't want this water anymore you can just pump it out with a liquid pump whenever it gets too warm or you could do it manually or something like that i'll just skip that part for the sake of time let's see how much this is going to produce um one lesson by the way don't ever do math on stream that's a bad idea so i'm just going to guess on this i'm going to say this will probably produce about five tons of iron per eruption not a lot wait that's not five tons don't do math on stream people let's just guess and say this is we know this is not like it's about 350 tons let's say that i promise it is is very hard to do math on stream all right 350. wait this is 350 kilograms i am doing something wrong here i think it's 350 kilograms and not tons all right this is a long video guys an hour and 40 minutes straight of just talking all right we're gonna make mistakes here we go so once this comes out the iron is going to cool it's going to heat up the steam once the steam gets hot enough it will activate these steam turbines but it may take a little while so you can kind of see that not a lot happens here but i don't want to ship out this iron until it gets more cool so i might just let this sit for a little while or i might let this go dormant let's just go ahead and speed this up to a temperature that i feel a little bit more comfortable about shipping this out i'll usually ship it out when it's at least under like a thousand degrees fahrenheit or maybe like 800 degrees fahrenheit or something like that so i'll just fast forward to that point so that we can see it get cooled off the rest of the way all right this is probably pretty close so let's call this good all right so what i would do is i would turn this on this is going to enable this auto sweeper to actually pick it up it'll load it inside this conveyor loader you could turn it off immediately afterward if you wanted to um which i often will do and then as it's traveling through the polluted water you can see it cooling down quite a bit it's already at 200 degrees fahrenheit down to 100 i don't want to ship out the thousand degree iron straight into my base by the time it gets out there if it's down to where it is right now which is about 98 fahrenheit that's not bad 37 celsius it's kind of a warm day uh that's good enough so that's a good metal volcano setup all right let me make sure that i talked about everything here i'm just going to scroll over to my list and make sure yeah i think we're good so this i think is every vent in the base game anyway and how you could use it let's take a look at their statuses after running for a little while they've all been set up for about seven or eight cycles let's see what they're up to so this is producing water this hydro sensor is activating this pump if it ever gets filled up enough so every once in a while it'll just pop out a little bit of water steam vent doing more of the same thing just uh producing some steam so we can get some power off of it any excess water is being pumped out here so that's great regular water geyser filled up with water hydro sensor is doing its job pumping it out whenever it gets too full salt water geyser hasn't activated quite yet hasn't filled everything up quite yet but it's getting there um once it gets there like i talked about before you will want to replace these tiles with just stuff that and totally encloses it i'm also just going to make this a vacuum for the timing and prepare this already got done there we go then once it fills up all the way it'll start pumping it out it'll get sent down into our desalinator which is here and then over into our main chamber of water just in this amount of time look how much water has actually been pumped in here we did cheat in a couple areas but it does produce quite a bit same thing with the polluted water vent we have that going into its own water sieve or water sieve which is already used up all the sand by the way cool slush geyser we have going back into our main cooling network so there you go we have our natural gas geyser producing a lot of natural gas and all just kind of chill in here until we get it over into the actual machines that are going to produce power for us so looking something like this again only pumping out every once in a while to make sure that we're only pumping it out once we get to a high enough pressure by the way if this were connected into its own room you wouldn't necessarily need this i only have this setup so that if you need to have it pump across the map which is much more common than something like this uh then it's a little bit easier also this will allow me to grab uh natural gas out of here at a higher pressure overall because otherwise if this ever got filled up to five kilograms this would no longer work all right hydrogen setup we have not actually seen this in action yet that's because we don't have anything hooked up the right way all right so the hydrogen is coming out of here at 932 degrees fahrenheit it's being cooled by the steam and by these metal tiles when it's cold enough and when it's dense enough it's opening this door so that it can be pumped out by this gas pump it's gonna be sent into a separate room and then eventually pumped into all the hydrogen generators that are gonna produce a lot of power for us we don't actually have things that are using power right now so it's going to not look like it's that much but it produces a lot here's our oil well running we have yet to actually need to empty it because it has a emptying threshold of 75 and a duplicate has not come in here yet so let's just go ahead and spawn one and make them do it and we'll just delete it real quick that's not a duplicate go duplicate go you will want to have this duplicate in a suit by the way because if you don't you can see what happens all right get out of there run run run all right you made it good job now get deleted yes you can see us releasing the natural gas a little bit too lazy to set up suits but you kind of get the idea there producing oil for us and using the temp shift plates to cool the natural gas that comes out of here so it's already down to a pretty reasonable temperature a bunch of other vents are all closed off because they are not very good so yeah that's how i recommend for that leaky oil fissure is erupting it's being cooled by the tiles that are here and the water that's connected to those tiles so that's good got our volcano going on over here still producing a little bit of power off of it you again could use this for a lot of other purposes if you wanted to mess around with boiling uh oil into petroleum same thing goes with our metal volcano it looks like it has erupted again since then so i might check the temperature of this okay it's down pretty low about 200 degrees so let's go ahead and pump it back out or rather sweep it out that is and turn that back off now i'm done with it it's going to cool in the water it's going to drop out so uh the only thing that we have not talked about additionally is this carbon dioxide geyser so these are filled with a whole lot of carbon dioxide at a pretty low temperature but again this is not the greatest thing ever i guess for rocket fuel it could be but this is like an excessive amount of carbon dioxide most of the time i would just vent my carbon dioxide into space so this is not really all that uh interesting to me so yeah uh let's see that's pretty much it i think that's everything that we have set up that should be every geyser in the game i'm double and triple checking my list here to make sure that i didn't mess anything up and i think that i got everything so yeah that's what i got uh please leave any comments down below if you have any particular questions about any of these setups uh this is again not the most hyper optimized way to do everything there are better ways to do that but i don't want to trip up new players with very complicated setups so yeah if you guys have any other ideas for things definitely post them down there if you've got them if other players will be able to benefit from that so that's one of the better things about having videos and having a community like this so yeah i appreciate you guys watching uh stay tuned for more videos more tutorials all kinds of fun stuff soon i'll see you then have a good one
Channel: Magnet
Views: 110,944
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen Not Included, Tutorial, Guide, Help, Geyser, Vent, Volcano, Water
Id: _J6hlorSQ-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 33sec (6453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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