Ep 1 Lets see what's new in Oxygen not included Spaced out

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and we're back with some more oxygen not included it's been it's been a while hasn't it i looked it up it's been three months and six days since i did any um okay that's a while that is a while let's see what they've changed so this is the typical scenario with the starting asteroids that are really small this is the scenario that's the classic with a giant starting asteroid it's got to be a giant starting asteroid i can't not do that uh what are the options for okay so right you're really stuck with what you're stuck with yeah fair enough we'll just grab one at random let's let's get it on the selection screen doesn't seem to have changed too much let's uh i think we'll start with our normal two diggers one scientist i've went with a bit of a hybrid setup this time round we're going with people who have a skill in both building and digging that way we can skill them up in both if i recall correctly this gives them a little bit of a morale bonus when they're they skip on those skills so every both of these two are going to be build diggers traits are going to be interior decorator shabby dresser which well yeah whatever it was just because we rolled the skills these traits we got what we got grease monkey squeamish won't be an issue and for a scientist over here 10 signs buff on digging uh so yeah they're going to be bad at excavation but they shouldn't be doing anything so say hello to sinastro sinatro shabir and scythian track like i tried googling some of these they don't exist i don't know why you people are messing with me with the names like this but this no no what are we gonna call this colony there we go it's the end we're back colony it's been it's been too long i swear to god it's been three months but it feels like forever since i have played any all right this this looks like the normal start i probably should have paid more attention to the start of the get to the intro all right i think yeah we got ourselves some algae we got plenty of water we just need to find three water pockets put a ladder system down get our toilets let me have a good look around well first plan is we need to get some water we need to get down here grab some water use that water to build toilets what speed is that on way too slow before i forget let's get straight into scheduling well okay i've already forgotten uh scheduling in here we're going to reduce a bunch of this so down time two down time two sleeps that's it should be good to go in fact we will immediately add on a new schedule move everyone to that one so the new ones come in on a separate one plant get up bathrooms get up sinks and toilets and if we possible and have time we'll get a beds as well to go with it priorities wise that's where things get a little bit more interesting we want our scientists specializing in science which means no one else is doing it we don't want anyone else wasting their time on it because they're just basically no good at it all the building and digging will be done by these two also when it comes to operating the moment we get into power uh sinatra oh that's going to kill me so that track will be doing all of that shabir and sinatra will those names are going to marry they're going to be all doing uh digging and building all right let's skip this for a little bit so wash basins toilets not getting filled up i should probably get on that yeah let's downgrade building and digging for snapdrag that's going to be their job and next up we need to get in bed we would like to get beds before the first night cycle kicks in just to get everyone that nice little mood buff i think it's going to be time to come up here and dig across i'm thinking down here is where we're going to put our ladder system going up and down so that we can core at the biome that should be enough to just get us over the hump oh that's a lot of carbon dioxide in there that's going to be an annoyance that means they're going to be gasping for breath of that let's come on get out of here stop wasting your time down there all of this running back and forth is just a massive waste of resources in time well we are well ahead of schedule of teams we haven't taken care of all that we have told you since tourism syncs up we have three beds up and it's still not even close to the end of the day i'm thinking we go for power and science now we're sticking a quick wheel up here and then we'll probably a research lab down this section it'll be in range of that light and that light should give us a little bit of a work speed bonus well they're busy digging so that track here is going around picking up all the mucker we found we've already found how much six seven seven bucket i love having a solid team of diggers at the start nope and since this always comes up uh yeah when you when you dig up this stuff it used to be you would lose the mass but now this stuff just said there's 50.8 kilos over there it used to be if you dug it up you lose half that mass now you still use half the mass but the oxygen given off is the exact same so doesn't matter if you take it up or not you still get the exact same amount of oxygen out of that oxalite it just one of those things that will always come up now i'm thinking yeah we're gonna power cable along here and down into there i just really want to take advantage of that light well we never managed to get our science up but that's fine that's fine oh we should probably replace don't god damn it we'll cancel those and quickly build that so you can you can take the day off we somehow managed to trap them over there just at the very end of the day dupes i'd forgotten what muppets they were they always managed to get themselves trapped first day up shabir good job good job first day down we've already got ourselves a couple of pets ranching will definitely be on the menu and i think we're going to be good for science tomorrow oh damn it i'd really love to see what the science looks like right about now oh disinfecting going on yeah we're going to get rid of that unless they've changed something i'm not bothering with this infection well we now have a research lab let's see what type of research they've changed mmm feels a little bit bigger just just a tad damn hey one moment there is a lot going on here for one thing i'm wondering what a botanical analyzer is that it identifies new seed subspecies as well as you see this green science here i believe that is nuclear science and we also have orbital research science so there's two different sciences which means ending up in this place where you've got four different science types to this is going to get really confusing really fast i think we'll just start with the safe one and go straight for meal prep or meal prep or small oxidizer actually you know what we'll go straight for a meal prep i've always been a fan of that now that all that is started well we should we'll get this wire finished once all of that is done in fact we'll make that up here d6 so they prioritize all that first uh once all of that is done we'll start digging your way down here now when i'm digging down you can do a whole zigzag pattern but what i like to do is to get an even bit of a gap this allows gases to flow by making it three tiles wide you can actually let gas flow from one level down to the next that means all the carbon dioxide starts to sink you're going to be in a hole of carbon dioxide anyway you might as well make sure all your carbon dioxide goes down there i think we'll break in over here that should let a little bit of uh oxygen from in there flow out also get rid of that without letting the water hopefully contaminate the whole tunnel i also completely forgot put in an oxygen diffuser we're going to need that oxygen supply thank you very much in fact we'll probably run a cable all the way from up there down a bit so we can stick in another oxygen diffuser lower down it's actually just faster to build an oxygen diffuser down here to start to stop them going up and down all the time gasping for breath by the end of the second day we've got a decent bit of our tunnel dug we're just trying to get down as deep here as we can to find out what's going on down the bottom of the map uh at the same time we've we've stuck in an oxygen diffuser down here we want as much oxygen pressure well we want to get this all up to two kilos of oxygen pressure and compress that carbon dioxide problem down as much as we can all right let's get forward to the morning research is almost completed on our second s on uh both of those things we queued up so we can hopefully get in a meal haul shortly oh and also it's almost time for our next duplicate choice isn't it 0.5 of a cycle with all of that research complete that's both of them uh we've got basic farming technology and uh whatever get rid of all of those research up next i'm thinking yeah batteries jumbo batteries and coal we're going to want to get into that well as soon as we can i do love a good team of diggers we're going to come all the way down here that's the bottom of the map well we'll even queue up to dig out some of those uh little cracks in there hopefully it's got some muckroot more um hatches that kind of thing that's that oh come on get back in range of that i want to see what the the the growth rate on it i think that was close to 90 100 97 oh come on shine bug be nice yeah let it grow let it grow yeah we'll probably have to get into crops soon though oh i just heard a noise that noise is the printing pro pod let's see what we've got up here this is a bunch of interesting choices but we we don't really want this one uh two and husbandry is useless you want someone who's just dedicated because that doesn't level up still digging and cuisine is good but the cuisine problem is they're also a kitchen menace which yeah good luck with that so that there's this one over here which is tidying and farming and we do need a farmer in the near future to get our farming together and we can eventually downgrade them to being a fetch and hall later on but i think this one is the one we want to go for namely because they do have farming which is perfect we can use them now and then later on we can cross kill them into operating once we no longer need the farming at the same time they've got trivial taste buds which gives them a nice big morale boost so please say hello to ham some handsome yeah all the names today are just being ones that just do not roll off the tongue tongue thanks guys thanks so much all right handsome let's get you a bed and oh actually let's get some bedrooms in all right handsome let's get your skills assigned out you start with one point i'm thinking we're going to use you for the farming and we can always skill scrub you later you'll definitely become a mechatronics engineer but for now you're going to cover our farming needs and we'll give you a hat because why not uh scheduling wise already moved you down to a second shift and then priorities wise this one a little bit trickier but farming increase it decrease building and digging because we don't want them doing that and now we can take sinatro and shabir of life support this was uh this was just done so they'd stock up the algae diffusers whilst that track was doing all the research so we'll crank up a life support by two for them they'll do all of the life support keeping the algae algae deoxidizers filled and wants to finish that to do farming and then after that they won't do building or digging because they suck at it and instead they'll go around probably hauling or carrying or doing any of that stuff all right that is our newest root and that means we can go over here and add in a new bedroom as well we're going to want this oh this is probably going to go back a bit a quick bedroom for our newest recruits well we're going to move everyone in here i suppose and in three turns there'll be a few more oh and have we done any research into those jumbo batteries that would be really nice about now yes we have a jumbo battery time it just saves it an awful lot of time hopping on and off this uh this wheel end of day three uh yes still not perfect we're gonna need some dining tables but we can sort that tomorrow i think we'll finish the bedrooms there tomorrow then we'll put in our dining tables the as well and by the end of to the end of the fourth cycle i think we'll have the basics up and running but then we got to get into plumbing and oh yes all the other juicy stuff that comes with the oxygen not included i have heard that you can't preserve foods using carbon dioxide anymore and chlorine have been spoiled by some of the comments but i'm going to pretend that i don't know that yet also i don't know how storage is going to work out so we may just have to put in fridges here and power them but i'm going to stick with the old design for now and we'll see how we have to adapt it for the new situations as is we're just going to dig up here and get ourselves our dining hall set up this thing will give us the biggest morale booth so we might as well get our hands on it now more boost means they're more likely to get their their nice triggers like their sparkle streakers and things like that looks like everyone gets to enjoy the new dining facilities unfortunately i forgot to move their beds over i should really deconstruct those remind me to deconstruct those in the morning you know there's a bedroom like right over there guys you could yeah it's my own fault and i know it oh cool generators are done yes so before we build those though we're gonna need a couple more things namely oh we're gonna get lights anyway lights are first and then once they're done we're gonna get ourselves a water cooler we we really want to get the uh the mess all up and running or the great hall it just it gives you a plus six morale boost it's so handy and so easy to get and it just basically solves all your morale problems for the early game oh our skill points have come in shabir and sinatra have earned a skill point yeah that's straight into our digging actually maybe construction actually no there's no actual benefits to getting construction bar it actually improves your construction skill digging allows you to dig extra material so we'll go straight for that thank you very much couple of hard digging hats because why not oh yeah i keep forgetting to have to go down here and level up yeah it all seems to sting a little bit at the end all right uh actually that means we can now dig over here perfect we're going to extend this on and we're going to plant ourselves some mealwood just to tie this over into the early game and that should be the end of our farming section now this is just a this is more of a titus over type thing until we get onto a better food source mealwood is never the best but it's cheap plentiful easy to use pretty low maintenance and all it requires is dirt of which we have almost 40 tons of this stuff also no cooking required don't want it just ripens to eat it raw does give a minus one moon debuff but that is fine considering oh is our research completed i do believe it is yep we've now got uh water coolers and we've got lights so we can make ourselves a nice little great hall but first let's uh queue up our next piece of research which will be the super computer we're probably going to need that soon oh should we get brute force now we'll get the super computer first then we use the research we've gotten to put a water cooler in here that's perfect actually do we have any granite just give it 20 decor bonus might as well yeah there we go why not then we'll also get ourselves a potted plant and yeah it doesn't matter we'll stick that there now with the two of those in place that should uh well currently it's a mess all but give us a minute to finish the building actually let us choose a new duplicate if we first maybe always do like the snazzy suits but what do we got going on around here well bottomless stomach is usually a no-no combined with hard digging but no digging skill allergies i try to avoid those they're always going to cause problems later on when you get into plants so but the sun here cooking skill which is exactly what we're looking for they've got a green thumbs the new bit of agriculture on their side athletics and you know uncultured so they get a morale bonus from decor you need negatives is the yokel yeah we can live with that so please welcome jeff von tonglin yeah jeff why does everyone name sound like a super villain today or some sort of karmic character we've got jeff von tunglund who's probably some sort of german-themed evil guy we've got hamson who's definitely going with the samson theory but you know just with ham or something sinat track which just sounds like some sort of evil god shabir and sinetra yeah they're all evil every single one of them i'm calling it now all right uh we have farm setup we have dining hall eight guys build that would you well we are finally up to a great hall perfect all that time effort and research and next up on the research tree though have we got it oh geez we already have advanced labs hammered out i keep forgetting how good our researcher is next up we're going to want to go for smart batteries it just allows us to meter out our coal requirements so i'm thinking yeah we'll get the rock crusher first so that we can get ourselves some refined metal then we'll go for smart battery then we'll have to get automation so we can use the smart batteries yeah straightforward enough all right let's get in an advanced research lab down here as well before i forget about it super computer right there it should also be in the where is it the light radius yeah they'll be standing there it's probably about right oh yes definitely tamed us yeah let's uh well all of that research is going on let's expand a lot like we're going to have to core out all of this biome just all of it the water parts up here we'll have to leave for now we'll make a centralized water tank after we get the necessary research to carbon skim all that carbon at the bottom of the map now that that looks like we're about to do some digging yeah much much better we have managed to get some refinement down so let's immediately get it then rock crusher put it in there that should get us the we'll need about 250 kilos of refined metal to do the smart battery setup for our cool generators just give us a bit what uh four stacks goes actually make it eight it's it's always good to have a little bit of extra iron line around her gold or copper whatever uh jeff here we've immediately sticked him into high priority on cooking we've also given high priority for life support just to make sure all those stay stocked up downgraded building and digging and we've increased they're operating this way they're more likely to hop well if they're not cooking and they're not doing life support they'll hop onto the wheel and they'll operate this rock crusher for us just a way of getting all of that stuff or having someone to do that that particular task for us with most of the actual research done for smart batteries already it's time to pick some other chore or test to go to and i'm thinking i'm thinking instead of details i want to get insulated tiles and we're going to get a carbon skimmer and then we're going to get the water save all of these are just the the basics we have to knock out uh the reason we need the insulated tiles is temperature wise yeah this is a bit warm in here it's not hugely warm but it will stifle these meal woods if we're not careful so i think we'll get some insulin details just to cut off there and the reason we're going to get the other ones is if we go into gas overlays here you can see there's a big pool of carbon dioxide down here and when we start burning coal for our fuel that's going to get worse so we're going to need a carbon skimmer and a water sieve to get rid of that and well we'll see where we go from there and they don't stop coming because we've got more duplicates to choose from maybe we'll pick another one or maybe we'll hold off oh that's a great digger no we don't need another digger i'm not really seeing anything here that draws me in we don't need like two diggers it's usually more than sufficient for any playthrough unless we were doing something crazy i think we'll we'll just leave it as it is all right we've got all the necessary components to stick to ourselves together a decent power supply so let's just chuck down a coal generator right there smart battery right beside it it's all made of copper our only real choice we just smashed that up with the rock granulator one automation wire between the two nope power wire as well is going to be required and there we go that oh and change the priority to six so it actually gets built in a reasonable time frame and we'll leave the wire to the last in the middle so that should be our power taken care of and jeff here won't have to keep running on the wheel forever and ever anymore it will increase our co2 emissions but it's fine it's fine we're getting the technology necessary to take care of that problem already and we are on you uh fuel request threshold let's make that actually 99 then we'll make this say 95 and we'll make the low threshold 60. if the battery hits 60 it'll charge up the battery until it hits 95. the reason we don't say 100 is because it gets caught made animation you sometimes lose some power and fuel request is at what level the battery has to be at before it'll request fuel so if the battery goes below say you set this to 10 percent it'll wait until the battery hits 10 before requesting fuel usually a bad idea i'll just leave it at 100. once you've got it hooked up to a smart battery just leave it at 100. far safer that way uh with that done actually [Music] we can deconstruct that and take it off the grid yeah you can you can go to waste of power but we're getting rid of you and you can be disabled we don't need you anymore perfect well we've managed to get our hands on insulated tiles that means next up i'd like to keep my hands on a carbon skimmer now we can't use it until we get plumbing but yeah we might as well knock the research out now we're almost there anyway so we'll knock it carbon skimming down there then once that's done we'll go straight down here and we'll grab the water sieve oh should we grab power first you know what maybe a quick power transformer wouldn't be the worst thing about transformers first then we'll grab the water sieve then we'll grab the uh transformers first it's amazing how many researchers you forget they are just all the tiny little steps you have to do along the way i suppose they've broken it down into such small steps just to help people out along but yeah we need we need about five or six more pieces of tech just to take care of the coal generator we just built at the same time we're also going to take all of this meal lice we're getting in and we're going to cook it up we're going to turn it into pickled meal namely because pickled meal doesn't go off actually we'll fry up any of the stuff we also encounter just in case the pickled meal doesn't go off it lasts an awful awful long time unrefrigerated anywhere it'll be fine time to put to use some of that science we've been researching we're going to stick a few insulated tiles here to help keep this place well temperature regulator what's at 27.28 this meal would start to slip with stifle at 30 degrees so let's just uh make sure that temperature doesn't get any hotter and at the same time we're going to stick in two extra cool generators here and we're going to put a power transformer on the end of it to regulate the power output that way we can put more than a thousand watts in this without browning out or well we'll get brown outs but we won't cause any burnouts on the line after doing a little bit of rearranging we've hooked this up to two we'll put that there uh oh damn it don't have the snips tool installed this is um never mind you know what we'll just do it that way and then we can deconstruct that piece yeah perfect work fine what this does is it limits the power coming out of there to one kilowatt well once it's built it will so that means any of the power coming from this will get regulated by this which means we won't draw more than we need and we're going to be putting more than one kilowatt on this line so there we go yeah everything sorted everything fine except maybe someone feel those coal generators let's pop those up to 100 so they actually get dealt with in a reasonable time frame okay next up what was the next thing oh yes that was it carbon dioxide that uh that pit down there is starting to look mighty full time for a new recruit well potentially we'll see what they've got on their hands here all right oh maxed out research nope we've already got one of those we don't need to double down our research uh suit wearing that's just one skill i'm thinking the more skills the better i think it's supplying and suit wearing which is two we'd actually care about and the noodle arms we can immediately cancel out so please welcome to the team monica mini minio okay we're gonna go with monica mignolet that that's it i presume that's sort of frenchy style yeah oh yeah monica your job is going to be carrying stuff about the place one second we'll set up our skills considering the noodle arms it's a no-brainer to put her immediately into improved carry that instantly cancels out the noodle arms and then improves on it and at the same time once that's done we've got to give her change her priorities as well we'll take her out of building and digging anyway no need to keep her there go straight into life support of course i think we can take uh yeah we can downgrade this for these two monica can take care of all of that no operating we want her busy stocking everything and no farming yeah everything else though yeah go nuts on it oh doctor actually we don't even need doctors do we it's not like our tubes need medical care they'll be fine they're incredibly tough okay we're almost finished down here coring this place out and how is our research looking we don't quite have all the tech necessary but soon soon we will right now we're trying to figure out exactly the shape of our our little starter base for example down here where we're going to use this is our water tank we're going to use this as the actual base of our base as in this is as low as it's going to go we're not going to dig any lower than that down here this is where all the carbon dioxide will accumulate so we're going to stick in some where is it carbon skimmers there we go carbon skimmer under oxygen we'll just check one of these down here now we are going to have to add a few things to it namely the uh power and a bunch of other stuff but that's where a carbon skimmer will go this is where water will go we'll have to of course get all of this water out of here and into that which will be an interesting process but we've got our new toilets and sink set up up here this is going to be our bathroom facilities i think we'll make this a one-way section in here we don't want anyone coming in and out of here too much so we'll just make that all one way and then we can there we go put that up through there in fact put that all the way up to the top boom so all we're doing right now is just trying to get everything stable power food toilets everything we're even putting in some extra meal wood down here just to make sure we have enough to keep everyone going you need five mealwood plants assuming you're you're going with our uh was it pickled meal variety you need five of them for every dupe you have we've got six dupes we're going to need to have 30 of them research is complete finally we've got our hands on uh water sieves so with that we can now finally deal with all of our carbon dioxide problems next up i'm thinking bathrooms yeah we'll go with bathrooms next it'll be nice to get we don't really need the morale bonus but putting it in now just means we don't have to rip stuff out later we really do have to sort our water though we're gonna have to put in a water pump to get this whole thing primed and we don't even have a water tank started yet uh let me get in a water sieve down here this here should be a fairly simple build they're always fine fine i tell you we're gonna pump water from up here uh just to prime this system this carbon skimmer will take in clean water it will get rid of the carbon dioxide around it but output polluted water as a result the polluted water goes up here gets sieved gets turned back into clean water which we chuck right back into the carbon skimmer and round and round goes nothing is created nothing is well carbon dioxide is destroyed and we just end up cleaning the the polluted water well to put a little bit of polluted dirt out of it and that's about it once this is done though it means we're we don't have to worry about that nasty pool of carbon dioxide this has killed many a baseball money in early base once you know that carbon dioxide is coming you prep in advance our team is very solid their construction ability is i kind of like that we went with a crossbreed of construction and digging it's just mixing a little bit faster when we're doing the building sections however though if we had a gun with maxed out diggers this whole place would be cored out already there'd be no natural environment left it would be it'll be perfect it should be a nice open space while we finish off this construction i think it's time we queued up a little bit more research i'm thinking fireballs firefalls will make our dupes that little bit faster and make everything that little bit more efficient i think this whole system is about to start up now and there we go water starts flowing down here and we'll just have it bridge onto the system actually you know what that might be enough let's just uh disable that building we don't need it anymore and done wait did i do this backwards you have to get this backwards never mind we'll uh deconstruct that liquid bridge and problem solved that should slowly but surely come on get rid of that bridge that'll slowly but surely get rid of all the carbon dioxide down here yeah the amount of times they've gassed and gas for breath it really slows you down if you have to work in a carbon dioxide cloud so getting rid of this as quickly as possible usually one of my preferred things to do uh rested base ah what is going on with here for a second there i thought that was in a was on an empty tile never mind all right let's get this water tank up and running then and we're going to consolidate all our water supplies in one spot next choice of course from the gateway let's just see what they've got available i would really love a rancher right about no no they don't so we've got tidying and supplying at plus eight which is 16 strength to start which is awesome it's just uh not really that useful to be honest suit wearing you don't care operating farming we'll just take the joy seeds all right let's get our water tank finished shall we i think we can get this finished in no time soon soon we'll be finished we're almost there but research keeps getting hammered out too quickly uh we need to put in a fire pole now and i think we'll go straight for ranching ranching should be next on the agenda and as you can see it's getting into a far more sustainable or long-term and good food source same time we've just got fire poles in so let's start getting our transportation on uh yeah we'll go with copper for this thinking i was going to go over below that yeah all the way down all the way down perfect i think we can overwrite ladders with these now can we please tell me we can overwrite ladders with these done new water tank oh we should probably put in a pump at the bottom of that yeah that would be an idea and maybe get the power going too the plan here is going to be very simple we're going to have to dump all of this water up here down into this i think we can do it by putting in a few smart airflow tiles and a few bricks here and there to stop things overflowing and maybe wall that in there okay that's a little bit too much and then we'll put in some airflow tiles across here now oh this side of this tank is all covered in airflow tiles the reason for that is depending on what water level is that carbon dioxide would collect in here and instead it just sort of slides out the side and comes past these air flow tiles and gets sucked up by this carbon skimmer you'll notice our carbon dioxide problems are completely gone right now that's the way we want to keep them and it's not essential it's just a nice little thing i like to do to make sure that there's no carbon dioxide lying in there all right uh done done once we get this filled in we'll uh open the top tank and pour all the water into this yeah i should have known i should have known they were going to wall themselves in there that's my bad my bad you just you always know this little muppets are going to find some way to inconvenience you someone replace that tile and once that's replaced we can start new printables please please please please please give us a rancher come on anything ranching nope not one single rancher i'm i'm gonna be picky there's nothing here we really need right now the the colony is chugging along just fine and while it would be nice to have lots more labor to help out i think we're going along just fine once that's done we can finally open this up let me make sure we don't spill any water at the sides from bottom to top we've put in mesh tiles so that we've got a three tile gap here so it's three times well so hopefully it won't clip any of the sides and start flooding some of our areas and then we can just dig up here and we're going to release all of this water first just to start as a sort of a trial run yeah that's four tasks there i'll probably dig across here as well just to let that out yeah perfect all right let's see how this goes and yes seems fine nothing's getting flooded yet keep up good work also i figure if it gets in here that's not a problem it's just another pool of water you can sort that out yeah nice nice okay we'll release this one as well in a second i think uh yeah we'll put a tile there i want to make sure it's uh right in the middle where we release it into and then we can take this one out too once we get all this water consolidated we can really start digging up well until we start hitting chlorine but we'll find a way to deal with the chlorine soon enough i presume oh and great we ended up with one of those cracks in space time oh now it's gone never mind hey guys guys don't leave that behind come on be thorough we're almost at the time how are we almost out of time already i feel like i just started all right just uh let me consolidate the last of the water we only need to put in these two tanks as well and oh we should probably put it guys what do you do it we're gonna want some of these there there and there uh just depending on what level the water is at that will you know give us options all right uh you over here start digging um yeah here no no there yes there we go and once you get across to there we can ladder up into that one research-wise we're just we're literally going to start at the top and work our way down the way they seem to have organized the research tree and i kind of like it is if you look at these two sections this first two rows they're all one science type they all need simple science to be done then the next two rows all require advanced science so they need the the research lab or the super computer where is it yeah this thing down here the super computer and they can be done so all these next two levels can be unlocked with the super computer then if you want to go up to the third level then you need a third or more this is first level these two are the second level and then this row here is the third level the third level requires one of two sciences either atomic or orbital so you'll see here this requires three science three science all of these require three but it might be orbital or atomic and then once you go to one level beyond that it requires all four it's just a simple enough research system so what we're going to do is we're going to take everything down here so everything all the way down we're going to do just top to bottom there's no real rush on this at the moment we've kind of got ourselves nice and stable however i would like to point out what is it solar panels are now over here they're locked behind nuclear we need nuclear power to get solar that seems that seems so wrong why would you need nuclear power you know what it's fine i know i understand game mechanics wise it just feels sort of wrong if you know what i mean all right uh let's get some ladders up here that is the last of the water consolidated i think i think our base is cooking quite nice we've taken care of any potential carbon dioxide problems we have more than enough food coming in to to keep all our colonists alive uh oh and over here where is it pickled meal you can see unrefrigerated minus two percent cycle sterile atmosphere is zero percent cycle i think the way they've done this is if you've got your food in a sterile atmosphere it gives a bonus to how long it stays fresh but if you want to keep it fresh forever it now has to be refrigerated and in a sterile atmosphere or probably in a fridge we'll we might have to finish some stuff for a while but for the time being pickled meal is very resilient to going off and we're just going to use pickled meal as our main food source well at least until we get into barbecuing and we can find a rancher out of the gate anytime soon randy yep why am i blaming randy okay never mind one thing i am looking forward to though is i really really really want to get into nuclear nuclear's down here we might just actually skip ahead and grab that because i want to start playing around with this there's red bull deflectors and red bull generators and atomic collider yes yes i want to play with all of those okay so we're going to knock out a little bit of conveyor rails and stuff like that so we've got automation and then we can set up some internet food storage but after that i want to get straight into radiation i want to see what new toys they have available anyway i uh hope you enjoyed and good [Music] luck so [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 49,896
Rating: 4.9845319 out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play, toilets, germs, sinks, bedrooms, barracks, water, how to, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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