Oxygen Not Included Tutorial: Cooling

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hello my friends welcome back to another oxygen not included tutorial this one as you might be able to tell as we are playing on the hot pot and just to show a couple of examples this one's going to be about cooling temperature management uh all that kind of stuff just to show you the basics of it and also to get into some more advanced examples um first off i kind of want to show why cooling is important and i think i'll start off by just showing some of the maps that you can play on some of the maps especially the later ones are very very hot to the point that your food will not be able to grow your duplicates will not be able to really work effectively or they'll just take damage from stuff and once you get to those points especially when you have little biomes like this that are like all lava or really hot igneous rock which you can see it melting over here having to deal with stuff like that can be quite complicated but even in the early phases of the game and even on normal maps you still do need to worry about temperature management just so your machines don't break so you can still grow food and all that stuff too so this tutorial is just going to be a big long episode all about cooling and temperature management i'm going to start off with some basic builds so let's jump over to that okay here we are on the filming sandbox which i'm going to be using just to talk about some basic ideas and basic builds so let's talk about that um i first want to talk out a lot about like temperature exchange basics so just for people that want a refresher or are not quite familiar with all of the temperature mechanics in this game i'm just gonna gloss over these pretty quickly so these are a list of common gases and common liquids that you might encounter throughout a typical run there's a whole bunch more in addition to this but these are really the more common ones the things that you kind of want to pay attention to here if you click on any one of these blocks of gases or liquids this will pop open you can open up the properties you can see some stats here these stats are generally related to how this thing conducts heat and how it will exchange heat with things around it and how powerful that heat exchange will be uh that kind of stuff so those numbers in general the lower they are the worst for heat can the worst for heat conduction it's gonna be be so carbon dioxide is one of the worst gases chlorine is even worse you can see that's one of the lowest ones for heat exchange and especially for something like this the specific heat capacity that means if i have like super hot chlorine and i try to get it to heat up something else it'll do a really bad job of it because it just can't hold a whole lot of heat now the opposite is something like hydrogen so hydrogen has really high stats especially in comparison to chlorine so this one's going to be used a lot and i'm going to use it a lot in these examples for one of the best gases to conduct heat with or conduct cooling with or whatever you want to do so just be aware of the differences between all the different gases you might encounter same thing goes for the liquids i'm going to be showing examples where i use liquids for the same idea and they have the same properties tabs you can take a look at those um i need to remember to say something before i move on from this section but in general i'm going to be using polluted water for this because it's so common it's one of the better ones for heat capacity and thermal conductivity i have used other things to do uh cooling in the past such as crude oil i've used ethanol before i've used salt water the other important thing with these as well is if you're going to use them for cooling make sure you know where their freezing points are so something like water is pretty bad uh only because its freezing point is pretty high whereas something like ethanol for example or something like crude oil or even polluted water they all have much lower freezing so those are going to be a little bit more practical for cooling same thing with a vaporization point if you really need to take on a lot of heat um one other thing i was going to say is i don't remember now so we'll probably come back to later alright whatever the other thing to pay attention to is that these properties will also exist on the different tiles and pipes that you can build so i have a bunch of tiles all lined up here and that's because they're all different they're made out of different materials so when you go to build a tile you can see that you can build it out of a whole bunch of different materials especially in sandbox mode to show literally everything in the game but i've listed out the more common ones like copper lead iron aluminum whatever these things also have the same type of properties such as what's my thermal conductivity what's my heat capacity and also this melting point can be pretty important so if i ever want to just know at a glance i will do this occasionally in my own games just because i don't have them all memorized for the most part i know generally what they do but if i want to know the specifics between like what's a tile of sandstone versus a tile of granite like i don't know so i could just quickly build a couple of them and then see what the difference is so here's granite here's sandstone if i really care about those my new differences someone's making a mess i don't know what's going on marie yeah whatever that's fine uh yeah so these these tiles and uh different types of tiles are also important to the heat capacity as well and the thermal conductivity so this is a metal tile that's going to conduct uh heat a lot so this is a super high number now out of something else that's similar i'm going to say sandstone look how much lower the thermal conductivity is and this can be used as in do i care about heat transfer do i want to encourage it do i want to minimize it if you want to encourage it metal tiles are going to be the best for that just make sure you don't use something that's going to melt like lead it's a very low melting point and if you want to prevent it you want to make sure to use insulated tiles but these numbers again are very important something like sandstone isn't great as an insulated tile but something like ceramic much much lower numbers there obsidian is also very good and their melting points are also very high in comparison to these other ones so you'll see me using a bunch of different materials around this same idea goes for these gas pipes which are oddly not connected but whatever so you can use the radiant gas pipes if you want to encourage heat transfer you can use the insulated gas plants if you want to discourage it and again you should have a good idea of what type of materials you want to use both based upon availability and the desired effect that you want same thing for the water pipes again i don't know why these are not connected i swear i saved with them connected and this game's trolling me but par for the course i suppose so yeah same thing with uh these uh radiant like liquid pipes or insulated liquid pipes same idea do i want to encourage heat transfer or do i want to prevent it so i'll be explaining those as i come across builds here and there one last thing i want to remember oh i remembered was going to say here uh what i was going to say is that notice the density of these gases and these liquids the density of the liquids can sometimes be like a thousand times more dense they could be pretty crazy so in general if you want to use heating or cooling for any reason liquids are always going to be better than gases and we'll demonstrate that example a lot here in the future like i mentioned heat exchange can only happen if things have a medium to exchange heat and that can be a liquid can be a solid and it can be a gas so what i have here just to demonstrate this example is i have this pile of regolith this is going to be something that's going to be common once you get out to the space biome but this comes down to very very hot this for 422 fahrenheit like this is almost the point where it can melt lead this is really hot so tiles on here will also take that same temperature because they're touching so they'll start exchanging their heat but if nothing is touching this other tile and it's just sitting in a vacuum then no heat will ever be exchanged this can be really important if you ever want to outright totally prevent heat exchange you can mess around with these vacuums a little bit either by vacuuming out the room or building in such a way that the vacuum expands as you build and just to demonstrate this i'll go ahead and just build a tile between the two and you can see that just by doing that this tile is already heating up just because it has a way to transfer that heat and this one's also lowering because they're exchanging their temperatures as one another so i just wanted to cover the super super basics of those let's move on to some real builds um well real builds will be here in a second but i do want to exchange uh demonstrate a couple of other points about the temperature exchange i'm going to speed through this really fast so and i have a bunch of examples here set up in this top example i'm using metal tiles here i'm using regular tiles made of obsidian here i'm using regular insulated tiles made out of obsidian and here i'm using insulated tiles made out of insulation which is a ridiculously late game concept that you're probably not really going to going to use in most runs what i have between them are these mechanized air locks and i have these air locks because this can be a good way to either encourage or discourage heat transfer depending on what you want to do at a given time so you can see on the left this is at about 3000 degrees and on the right this is about about 300. as soon as i close these doors the heat exchange is going to happen really really fast so you can see the difference between how fast it happens with metal tiles how fast it happens with regular tiles let me go ahead and close these as you can see it raises but probably not nearly as fast that one's already at about a thousand degrees these are actually pretty close i'm kind of surprised at how well these obsidian tiles are performing if i wanted to exchange heat here once you get to these obsidian tiles though in the insulated tiles the heat transfer is really going to be super slow you can see what a massive difference these are even these tiles are barely taking on this temperature even though this magma is at 3000 degrees so you can see what a huge difference this is in terms of exchanging heat or not so yeah generally metal tiles will exchange more than the regular tiles which will exchange more than the insulated tiles just for fun let's do the same thing with the obsidian or rather with the insulation these insulation if you look at their properties the thermal conductivity is literally zero the obsidian is super low as well but their specific heat capacity is so low that it just really doesn't translate very much so yeah just wanted to show that example really quickly and especially showing this trick because i'm going to be showing this in later uh builds as well one last thing before we get to real examples i know i'm teasing this out quite a bit but i want to talk a little bit about building certain buildings out of different materials because they can impact the building's overheat temperatures if you click on a gas pump you can see the overheat temperature of this is 167. that's because this is made out of copper ore this is pretty standard for a lot of the typical metals if we take a look at this gold amalgam you can see the overheat temperature has risen to 257 because gold amalgam gives you a bonus and with steel it goes even higher because steel gives you a huge bonus this is going to be really useful for knowing what type of materials you're handling rather than worrying about your machines breaking because they're too hot you can just build them out of different materials to resist the heat and deal with it that way the same thing goes for things like aqua tuners but aqua tuners naturally get a bonus to that anyway so this is still made out of copper ore but this one's overheat temperature is uh considerably higher than the pump again someone's totally peeing in a place that we don't want them to this one's again gold amalgam a little higher and this one's steel again much higher same thing goes for refined metals and this is important for refined metals if you ever find lead lead is awful to build things out of that are supposed to resist heat so you can see this one's only at 131 and this will overheat pretty quickly even in a regularly temperature base so lead is kind of not really that useful to build machines out of whereas something like copper again you can see it at 167. sorry this is aluminum at 167. copper this time refined copper that's the difference between that and copper ore 257 and steal again 527 so you want to make sure you're aware of what happens with these two different things man i really need to feed these guys i should have made sure that this was good to go before but there you go here have some food a bunch of people complaining all right and one thing i wanted to also mention is that this is going to illustrate the example that by the way is a thermal aqua tuner this is meant to cool liquid uh this is going to demonstrate the example of sometimes you need to purposefully have something that's going to absorb heat so if i turn this on what's going to happen with these aqua tuners is this thing is going to heat up really rapidly 130 148 157 it's just going to keep going up and up and up because it's not exchanging its heat with anything around it so this is just sitting in a vacuum and on top of some ceramic tiles so this thing's gonna break pretty fast and i need something that's gonna be able to absorb that heat while also having a way to deal with that so this is gonna be kind of a foreshadowing for other examples but i think we've finally gotten to the point we can start showing actual examples and i know this is going to be a long tutorial but i want to make sure that i cover everyone even the ones that want to know the most basic of information definitely nothing wrong with that so i want to make sure that everybody's on the same page so let's talk about this this is a natural gas geyser you're going to probably find these around your map pretty often and you want to capture them because they're really useful in this case i'm going to build the gas pump out of steel and that's because it can resist a lot of heat i say this because natural gas comes out at 302 fahrenheit which is well above boiling for water and i don't want this to break and as long as it's you know 527 or lower this thing's going to be totally fine there's nothing else heating this up it's sitting in a room full of insulated tiles made out of ceramic which is one of the best options for insulation so if this were surrounded by my regular base this would not impart a lot of heat on the rest of my base and this would be a really effective way to capture it i just have this set to an app an atmos sensor so that when it's time to actually pump this out i can set this to whatever it needs to be it'll start pumping it out and it'll work and this setup will literally work forever i don't have to pay attention to it ever again i'm just going to get free natural gas that i can use for power so i'm just pumping it into a room because whatever uh sure we'll just leave this on it doesn't matter another thing i want to talk about is what i talked about before about how when you're cooling something you want to use some cool liquid to cool something that needs to be cooled so what i have here is a palmer press this is how you're going to make plastic and when i turn this on it's going to be producing a lot of heat and if i'm not cooling this down it can even get hot enough to the point that it just melts the plastic that it produces and you definitely don't want that so what i have is i have this palmer press and palmer press takes petroleum petroleum usually gets made pretty hot you know around the 200 degrees if you don't wind up boiling it if you do wind up boiling it's going to be super hot uh somewhere around like 500 degrees if you have to cool it back down before you use it the point being this is going to generate a ton of heat so we need some way to deal with it something that you're going to see a lot is you're going to see a pool of polluted water that's very cold and i'm going to show you how to actually produce that later in the video but for this one let's just pretend we've already done it so we don't over complicate this what i have is a simple piping setup and i pipe uh cold polluted water and i have it sit in these radiant pipes around the area that's going to get hot now it sits in these radiant pipes because like we talked about anything that's touching is always exchanging temperature so the uh cool water in the pipes is going to be exchanging its temperature with the actual pipe itself the pipe itself is going to exchange temperature with the oxygen around it and the oxygen is going to exchange temperature with this machine because those are touching so this is basically just a simple way to keep an area cool and a lot of examples throughout the speed are going to be showing the same thing and i have this set up in a way that i want these liquid just to sit in these pipes until i don't want it anymore until it gets too hot so what i have it hooked up to is a very simple thermo sensor and a liquid shutoff so that when this thermosensor and when the oxygen around it gets above 80 degrees then it's going to flush the water let's go ahead and turn this on it's probably going to take a little while for this to actually heat up to that degree but if you were to let this run just in an open room this would overheat in no time so a simple strategy like this is going to be really effective for managing this we could probably even fudge it just a little bit but we're going to see so many different examples of this in the future so just remember this whole like radiant pipe setup with very cool polluted water heading into a liquid shut off that we keep off almost all the time unless it's too hot when it's too hot we flush the pipes we get new cold water in here and we call it good so just for the sake of watching this thing flow let's say we want it to be you know it can't go above like 50 degrees so if that's the case what's going to happen let me pause this just so we can see the water is going to get flushed out until the room cools back down to below 50 degrees and you can see it almost instantly does it because the polluted water that's coming in here is at about 35 and i want to make sure that we stay somewhere below 50. and as long as i can keep this up and i can keep the setup up and as long as i can keep this water cool then i have cooling for this area that would otherwise be a really bad cooling problem so this is something like i said it's going to be used repeatedly and uh we'll talk about it here coming up another very common problem oh man i'm seeking a problem this guy's almost out of oxygen what am i doing i'm so mean oxygen gas there we go now you can breathe so another common problem is that you have these bristle blossoms that you plant they have a body temperature requirement between 41 and 86 degrees fahrenheit which to me means that if i get water that's too hot these plants can't grow so what i'm going to typically do for something like this is i'll have a pool of water let's say this water is even hotter than this let me sample this really fast set this up to about a hundred degrees if i were to feed this water to these blossoms this would be nowhere near good enough and uh marie once once this setup i i talked about the setup i'm just gonna delete marie she's just bothering me uh yeah anyway so let's say we have a pool of warm water but i can't feed this warm water to these blossoms otherwise they won't grow and if i can't make those grow i have no food and i'm kind of dead so what i want to do here is i want to have a bunch of storage bins and i want to have them as accepting ice so what i'm going to do here with stinky which great name by the way is i'm going to have sticky go down here and dig out some of this ice once i have the option to put this icing here i'm going to have him load these bins with little blobs of ice what that's going to do is it's going to produce a little bit of water because the ice is going to melt but also that's going to cool down the water to the point that i could actually use it for these blossoms so let's go ahead and set this to accept ice i'm only going to set this to about 1500 kilograms just so this ice melts more frequently but even just to be even more silly let's set it just to 200 just so that it melts really fast and cool this down in a hurry also note that the uh pump that i have this connected to my blue to my bristle blossoms is also connected to a thermo sensor so that i only want water to come uh be pumped into this uh or rather pump by this pump if it's below 60 degrees so here we go got some ice dropped in there you can see this ice is already lowering its temperature and that's because it's just going to be exchanging temperatures with the water that's around it this is going to take a little while this could take us you know good five or six days or whatever to actually get water that would be cool enough but it will eventually happen this is a method that as long as you have somewhere to get ice from you could run this method for almost the entire game rather than going with more complicated setups so this is your first time trying to cool water and trying to keep bristle blossoms alive once you run out of your initial water this is a strategy that can use that can work for a really long time so definitely don't be afraid of doing that at any point and by the way you'll see a bigger jump in temperature here our temperature change once this actually fully melts probably not going to stick around for all of it but basically just produces a lot of cold water that just gets mixed in with the warm water and eventually used by our our bristle blossoms let's just pretend we actually cooled this down because this eventually will i just don't want to have us sitting here for this long i'm going to cool it down to 56 let's say that as soon as it's 56 our uh thermo sensor is gonna be like oh hey this can actually be used by bristle blossoms and then once it gets pumped up there you can see these bristle blossoms come to life so very common problem and also very common solution throughout the game stinky i don't have to worry about you anymore so you're getting deleted sorry bro let's talk about other cooling as well we saw this example earlier with these polymer presses and again marie's about to run out of oxygen so let's go ahead and give her some oxygen here we go all right so we talked about this earlier how we had a palmer press what if we had three of them this is a lot of heat production and again we need to figure out how to make this polluted water stay cool enough so i'm going to do the exact same thing that i just did before except for this time with polluted ice so you can do the exact same idea set this up with polluted ice i'm going to turn on these machines so they're going to start producing a lot of heat we have this set to flush the pipes once it gets too hot we'll change that just for dramatic effect at some point we want to set this to be accepting polluted ice i'm going to go ahead and set that up that way we want it accepting kind of at a high priority again we'll just ask for a little bit just so we can hopefully uh see the temperature exchange happening a little bit more dramatically so same thing as before the plumbing setup here just leads from a pump it snakes around some pipes that are radiant pipes so they will basically exchange heat as much as possible or exchange coolness as much as possible i don't really know how to say that any other way and they're just going to chill in these pipes until it's time to dump it all out we want to dump it all out when the room gets too hot so again let's just fake this let me set this down to i don't know let's say if it's anywhere above 50 then that's bad so if that's bad we're going to flush our pipes all the uh warm waters now to get dumped back into this tank but it's also going to get mixed with this polluted ice which is now losing its temperature gradually as it exchanges its temperature with the water around it so this type of cooling setup will last for a little while this is not like a full game solution i would say this is more of like a mid game solution if you don't have access to some of the more powerful tools ultimately what you're going to be using is what i what we looked at earlier is one of these this thermal aqua tuners in conjunction with some other stuff um so this solution is something that can work but it's not something that i would say you want to stay on for the whole game like i mentioned before i'm going to turn these off and i'm going to delete marie just so we're not getting annoyed by her anymore sorry marie but you did your job good job one last thing you can do with ice and something that a lot of people will do is they will actually find the ice biomes that look i don't know something like this there's a mixture of polluted ice and ice it's in these abyssal light tiles what you can do if you want to manufacture cool water without taking it from the actual location to a pool so you can do it a little bit differently you can just pour hot water on it there's a multitude of ways you can do this by the way um you could pour any type of hot type of hot substance on it you could run really hot buildings in the room the point is eventually just to melt everything that's in here and one of the biggest reasons why you'd want to do this and shout out to the person that brought this to my attention which i'd honestly just never thought about before is that if you were to mine this ice uh you can see these blobs down here these are only half of what's actually in these tiles what's in these tiles is about a thousand kilograms if somebody comes and mines this you only get about half of that value back however if you melt it you get all of it so this is definitely a strategy if you're really strapped for water but you have a lot of ice biomes if you want to melt that quickly you can pour water in there this is water coming out of a water geyser sitting at about 200 degrees fahrenheit which is basically almost boiling you can just pour hot water on it eventually the hot water will overrun it and this will all turn into nice and cool water which is kind of what i simulated down here which is totally valid to feed your bristle blossoms once again so assuming i have that i can start pumping down water into these blossoms which i have sitting down this tank here and i have this set up so that you could have a pool of cold water and this is your tank for basically reserve water you could mix warm and cold water in here together to eventually produce water that's going to be usable for these blossoms so this is definitely another strategy that makes use of ice but in just a little bit of a different matter it kind of maximizes the amount of water you can get from this but the melting process can take a little while and building through here may be a little bit awkward and managing these may be a little bit awkward but it's still totally valid solution so as far as basic cooling that's the that's about what i have um there's going to be a lot more of this video so if you just check the time stamp i caught you but uh there's gonna be a lot more of this video we're gonna be showing a lot more advanced setups and i call them advanced mainly because you could theoretically win the game with some of these more basic setups but the advanced setups is definitely something to learn we're also gonna talk about solutions that are kind of impractical and some exploits if you saw some stuff in here that you're like wait what about that thing hopefully i'll cover it in one of these next sections and i probably will so let's check those out okie dokie let's take a look at some advanced setups and i'm going to call these advanced even though they're not all that advanced i guess they're advanced if you've never seen them before a lot of these are kind of fundamental to winning the game though so definitely want to check these out so one thing that i'm going to start with and i'd normally just go left to right but i'm going to start here because this is very very fundamental this type of setup should be something that looks very common to anybody that has reached the later phases of the game this is going to be an aqua tuner setup mixed with some steam turbines in order to keep these things from overheating your whole base or breaking or whatever the whole idea behind this is that this is how we're going to be maintaining our pool of of cold polluted water just going to have a pool of it down here you know you don't necessarily need thermo three thermal aqua tuners but i wanted to get a really cool visual going in this whenever i turn these all on but basically whenever the water is too hot down in this tank i'm going to pump it into this aqua tuner and then dump it back into the tank every time water goes through this aqua tuner it lowers it by a set temperature that's 25.2 degrees fahrenheit but that also just gets absorbed by the machine and the steam around it so when the steam gets too hot these steam turbines will turn on that will cool the steam down and turn it back into water but it'll also generate a little bit of energy like we saw before in the background here there is a big snaking set of pipes that's holding very cold polluted water you're going to see this over and over because this is by far the most effective cooling solution in the game and this can be the the exact same water that we're cooling right now so it's kind of a full circle of cooling here but it's also going to get spread out to a bunch of other setups that i'm going to talk about here in just a bit so just for dramatic effect and just to see the plumbing of this and just to see the logic of it um i have a bunch of pumps down here each one's connected to their own aqua tuner and i have this saying if it detects water that's anywhere above 45 degrees fahrenheit cool it down let's be even more extreme just so we can see the whole thing in action and i find this to be really satisfying and truth be told the whole reason i made this video is because somebody asked for this exact scenario so if there's something that you want to see let me know so what we're going to see is i'm going to show you the piping that i have really quickly each one of these pipes leads to its own aqua tuner and then dumps back into the pool you can see the same thing for here if you want to follow the the snaking pipes these two pumps on the right are going to be sent elsewhere but let's watch this whole thing in action just because i find it really satisfying so here we go we got a nice revolution of cooling going on every single one of these packets that you can see coming out of here is significantly colder than when it went in it's going in about 45 coming out at about 20. so lots of cooling happening here's the basic plumbing setup for it and the basic plumbing setup for the steam turbines up above once the steam turbines condense the steam it's just going to dump back down into the same chamber so i'm not wasting water so this is a great way to just maintain a pool of cool polluted water and i'll show you some real examples once we go back to my base about how i've done this with polluted water and also with salt water on a map where polluted water wasn't really the most available for me so you can do it with salt water you can do with oil you can do with petroleum you can do it with ethanol you can do with a whole bunch of different things definitely can't do it with magma because magma will harden at about like 2600 degrees or something like that but yeah so you got a basic setup like this and this is going to be something i'm going to be showing quite a bit um what i want to demonstrate here is i want to demonstrate the reasons why this is good and the reasons why this is better than some other things that you might uh want to work with um so what i have here and i'm just going to reset these here really quickly what i have here is basically a setup to generate energy off of some some magma this used to be magma but it's not anymore it is hardened since i've had this running for quite a little while just to get these examples set up let's go ahead and reset this magma there we go and here we go so what i have here is a basic setup let's say you find magma on your map whether it's in a volcano or just sitting on the map somewhere you can generate a lot of energy by uh harvesting the heat from this magma and turning it into steam or rather turning water into steam and then using steep turbines to cool it down again like i mentioned before i have this setup where i have these doors in between layers of metal tiles so that if this room gets too hot i don't continue to heat it up if it gets cool enough out these doors will close i'll absorb more of the heat into the steam and that'll just keep these steam turbines running roughly at full power i could also lower these a little bit lower if i wanted to be a little bit more accurate you can mess around with these a little but the whole idea is that each one of these steam turbines is producing a lot of power and that's simply just because i built on top of magma so heat equals power there you go pretty simple setup for that and again you can see the cooling that's happening up here especially with all this hot steam these steam turbines are producing a lot of heat so i have the exact same setup here with a bunch of snaking pipes full of cool liquid you can see the water sitting in here and you can even see the water temperature increase if you just look at that the water that's sitting in these pipes is just getting hotter and hotter and hotter as soon as it gets hot enough which you can set by this thermo sensor it's going to flush it all out we're going to get new cold water from this same pool and that'll keep this area cool but we're basically getting a whole bunch of free energy just from some cool water here and the energy that i'm generating is way more than it costs to run say one or two thermal aqua tuners if you had a big setup of these things i've seen setups that are have like you know 10 or 12 of these all in a row that's a whole bunch of power just because you decided to connect it to magma so pretty free and cheap power but you still do need to worry about cooling for it and that's what this is for there we go we just hit the threshold i have this also connected to a buffer gate just so we'll keep flushing water for longer than this thing says so you can see all the water getting flushed out the water that's getting flushed out um is definitely a lot hotter than when it came in so you can see this water coming out to 101 going in it's at 45 so this is going to be a common strategy and i'm just going to probably be repeating myself because we're going to see those a whole bunch of different times let's take this exact same setup and show you a setup that doesn't work and i want to show a setup that doesn't work i know it sounds stupid just because it's something that a lot of players kind of get entrapped by and i don't want you to be stuck working with solutions that are inefficient if there is an obviously better example out there if you want to try to make it work then go for it but here's a here's a bad solution so bad solution is one of these anti-entropy thermal nullifiers you know that i stumble over the name because it's way too long and probably on purpose basically the reasoning behind or the way this thing's work is that if you feed them hydrogen they will produce cooling for you um this is a trap and i say this is a trap because it's just worse than other solutions out there but the basics of how it works we'll be pumping hydrogen in here you can see it's coming in at about 203 we're going to pass it down by the neuro thermal nullifier so it cools it down i'm going to be sucking the hydrogen back out the bottom you can see it's sucking back out about 50 degrees lower than what it was but look at this i have this exact same setup as i had over here except this one's being cooled by the hydrogen rather than the polluted water the hydrogen is doing a terrible job of these keeping these things cool and you'll notice this because these things shut down when they get too hot it'll literally just say like uh this can't work at this temperature so i have to shut down which means the amount of power that i'm generating from this is terrible to the point that this is probably not even enough to just to justify running these pumps uh so i want to demonstrate a bad option or at least i would definitely call it a bad option because i played the game for a little while uh without like looking up tutorials or watching other people play or anything like that i played this game for a little while by using these things and being like oh i have cooling this is so exciting and then i realized once i got to later stages i'm like actually this cooling is terrible whereas something like this is probably just as complicated to set up maybe a little bit more complicated to set up if we're being fair but it does an immensely better job you are going to be spending a little bit more power on running something like this but point being that this just can't even push a pretty common setup whereas this one has absolutely no problem these these things are going to be running all the time whereas this is barely running so this is definitely an idea of what i would just call a bad setup so if you see one of these things um you can mess around with it if you want to but i find it kind of ironic that it has a deconstruct button even though you can't build it you just find them on the map but if you deconstruct it you know i won't be mad at you so that's fine another thing i'm going to talk about that's not great but it's it's okay let me talk about these these are wheeze warts um these are plants that you can find in the ice biome sometime uh and this is going to be used to basically cool stuff down all this does is just suck in air and then it spits out colder air and the whole idea behind these is they they're pretty cheap to maintain like you don't really have to do anything to maintain them other than feed a resource that you're going to be producing pretty constantly more than likely anyway um but this can be used to cool down some oxygen that you're producing because when the oxygen will come out of these machines it's pretty hot you can use these to cool it down you can see it's coming out still a little bit warm i would probably want to put this a little bit lower this setup here makes use of auto sweepers so that if i wanted to plant more plants i can just select them down here and these things will plant it automatically the only downside is you can't really uproot them so that is kind of a little bit of downside of this but like i mentioned these things do take phosphorite which you're going to be getting from some of these guys these dracos dracos are one of the cheapest things to ranch mainly if you have them paired with these balm lilies you can basically get phosphorite for free which is the food that these plants will need so i just basically have a shipping system that's going to be shipping the phosphorite down into this chamber and keeping these plants alive and cooling stuff for me so this is another option i don't use this too often because once again we are circulating gas we're basically using gas to gas transfer here whereas something like liquid to gas transfer would be so much stronger if we could do that so that's what i'd prefer if i would if i had my way i'd rather use that but this can be an option if you want to mess around with it especially because this is like a free option there's really no power going into cooling this um and this combined with this type of setup this could actually be a power positive the only thing that you are losing from this is water but yeah pretty standard setup there and you'll note that everywhere i have hydrogen flowing it's all flowing from this setup even if i need it in these other rooms like here and here this can be a great way to distribute hydrogen around to a bunch of other uh systems that you need and also again one of the reasons why i don't want to have this on its own grid because i might be using my hydrogen for something else all right who's hungry who's who's out of food is it you yeah probably all right gene we're going to spawn you some food there you go so now that jeans sufficiently distracted us these are two examples of options that are they're okay they're not that great this is ultimately the kind of golden standard solution let's talk about a couple of other things that are more late game concepts one of which is managing volcanoes especially for metal i think metal volcanoes are immensely more useful than any other type only because they give you resources that are going to be really useful the other volcanoes will produce some electricity but they're not that great honestly uh you don't lose anything by setting them up obviously you can produce a little bit of energy off of those but i think the metal volcanoes are more important and that's mostly because this refined metal can be really expensive to refine um and it's also can be something that can be kind of rare depending on what kind of map you're on one problem with this well i guess it's not really a problem but to explain the basics of it this is going to spit out molten iron at 4580 degrees that seems really really hot and it is hot you don't want that just pouring into your base but this is also something that's very manageable so i'm going to do the same thing we did before we're going to boil water with it or use a steam turbine to cool down the steam and turn it back into regular water basically we're going to make this uh generate a little bit of energy for us but also this this iron is not going to get down low enough to a point where we can actually just ship it straight into our base like we don't want to be shipping say 1 000 degree iron back into our base what you can do to cool this though is you can just run it through a pool of cold water and what i have this set up is basically it's connected to this tank once this tank gets warm enough i just pump it back out into this one and i get new water just like we talked about before same idea water is being the thing that's going to be cooling most of the stuff we want to cool so i have this hooked up to some auto sweepers to get the uh iron out and once i enable this because i have these set on switches they're just going to fill up my conveyor loader the conveyor loader is just going to set them along the rails and i'm going to be snaking these through tiles so they're not really heating anything up too much and then by the time they get here you can see they're coming in at about 600 degrees just watching about what they are at the halfway point you can see what a big difference they are as soon as it comes back around because this cool water is going to be cooling them immensely so you can see it comes in at 800 goes down to 180 finally all the way down to in the 80s or so and by the time it's about in the 80s if i have 73 degree iron in my base that's great and all the heat just got absorbed by all this water so this can be a fine way to just export refine iron out of these volcanoes into your base at a totally reasonable temperature all just using the power of cool polluted water once again and i have this set again to a thermo sensor where as soon as i have it enabled it's going to pump in more cool water and as soon as there's too much water in here i'm just going to pump it right back into this main chamber so yeah pretty standard setup here for getting stuff out of volcanoes and i definitely wanted to mention that because i think a lot of volcanoes can seem kind of intimidating for a newer player but these are so so strong later in the game especially if you're on maps that are just not metal rich this can be a lifesaver one last thing i want to talk about before we get to the fun part of the video which is going to be exploits and of course real life examples so what i want to talk about here is liquefying gases basically condensing gases down into something that can be circulated around i have seen some builds where people will liquefy oxygen for cooling that is just tremendous amount of overkill in my opinion you can do that if you want to but the necessary reason to do this is so that you have rocket fuel to finally finish the game if you check your star map which i don't have because i'm in like a sandbox and haven't done anything but if you check out your star map the very last location on the star map is something that you need to use liquid hydrogen to get to so we need to basically liquefy hydrogen so going through this problem and all basically you're going to have hydrogen and in order to make it liquefied i need to cool it down to negative 421 degrees which seems so silly and it's pretty silly but there is a way to do it uh the way that you would want to do that is you take some of the super coolant which is this liquid right here here we go this thing's freeze point is negative 456. it's the only thing that's capable of getting low enough to actually condense hydrogen and i talked about this a little bit in my walkthrough videos but i think this is pretty important to know how to do but the basic idea is that you're going to connect this super coolant up to a loop that's going to go into an aqua tuner again the opportunity opportunity's gonna be sitting in some steam that can then be cooled by some steam turbines this is what i do in my real games by the way i will use the heat from the rocket as well to go into the steam and not have it just dissipate out on my base um and use the steep turbine to cool that down as well so i just have this chilling down here and i have these set up to thermo sensors so if this is anywhere above negative 429 degrees i'm going to send it down and the reason it's ever going to heat up is because i'm pumping in more hydrogen gas to then be liquefied turn this on so you guys can see how this stuff works it's going to happen you can already see some of the condensation happening but the hydrogen here it's being pumped in it's being pumped in at like a normal temperature it's not like 72 degrees which is like room temperature this is going to be again everything exchanges its heat together so the hydrogen is going to be losing the battle of the of heat it's going to uh condense almost immediately but it will very slowly heat up this super coolant to the point where we actually need to pump it back out same thing with the liquid oxygen i have this set to negative 310 so if it ever gets hotter the negative 310 i will cool down the super coolant even more and just bring it back in these numbers especially for the hydrogen are very dialed in you can use this exactly if you want to in this exact setup only because you don't want to risk freezing your super coolant or freezing your liquid hydrogen it's kind of a delicate range so here we go the supercoolant has finally gotten warm enough that we need to recool it so it's just going to be heading down these pipes into this aqua tuner and then right back up and into the same chamber so yeah nothing too crazy there but this is definitely something that will be useful once you're ready to finish the game you're going to need to know how to do this and another thing to note is i do build these out in space i'm not building out here by accident so i build these out in space i use these temp shift plates which i'm not going to talk about a lot temp shift plates are basically if you need a lot of temperature exchange go ahead and build them but otherwise don't worry about them they're really expensive i don't use them very often mainly for the expense reason but this is an example of where i actually will use them because i do need a background building but note that this is just floating out in space the ladders don't conduct any sort of heat or anything like that if this is floating out in space these tiles can be minus 430 whatever and they won't impart their heat on anything else they won't be heated up by just sitting out in space they're in a total vacuum which means that they're free sitting here in the middle of the air they're not exchanging heat with anything around them by the way you can see that hydrogen was condensing as we were talking so it did kind of build up a little bit but over time this process is converting this hydrogen into this hydrogen into liquid hydrogen and we need a good amount of this before we can actually launch one of these missions to the final uh spot on our star map looking into a rocket like this so whenever i'm ready i can start pumping the hydrogen out using the signal switch in this pump it may break some of our pipes because some of our pipes are kind of higher temperatures but if you go ahead and do it you can kind of see the full idea so we're going to pump it through it's going to go into these tanks that are then eventually going to power our engines once it's stored in these tanks then you're good it's going to stay liquefied forever as far as i know if i'm wrong then please let me know so yeah that's the basics of condensing gas and you can do this with any type of gas it's not really useful for a lot of other gases like you could accidentally condense carbon dioxide or chlorine for example i've seen that happen before but it's not really all that useful this is the only super practical application as far as i've seen so yeah i just wanted to talk about that a little bit i'm going to have one more section before we get to the real examples and like this series is leading on these are going to be ridiculously long videos this next section is going to be all about exploits so if you want to be kind of a dirty player and really maximize some cooling or maximize some temperature management by using some silly exploits here's some stuff you can try out all right here we are let's look at some exploits those this is going to revolve around deletion of heat so let's talk about a few things here this example is actually from a real game that i played i'm going to just say that this is just an example this is not something i'm going to recommend that you do just because it's so inefficient but the example that i had in the game that i played was i basically had nothing to cool anything down i had to find ways to cool stuff down and i wanted to just try out something really silly by seeing if i could use carbon dioxide to absorb some heat and then delete it which is something common that you can do uh the idea is that if something carries excess heat and then you erase it basically then the heat goes with it too and i consider that an exploit because it doesn't really make sense uh but you can do it so let's mess around with it a little bit so what i have is something that produces a decent amount of carbon dioxide i'm just exaggerating this for the sake of the build i would never do something like this because pumping it from one room to another is pretty pointless but i'm pumping it into another room down here that has a bunch of carbon dioxide that's kind of over pressurized again total exaggeration but whatever what i have this hooked up to is there's a carbon skimmer down here at the bottom and this carbon super is going to turn on if this room ever gets too hot and what i have is a big pool of hot ethanol this is exactly from the video and i just wanted to try this to see if it worked and it kind of did just not really but you'll see what it does so how about i have a bunch of hot ethanol here i'm going to run it through this room of carbon dioxide so that i basically give some of the heat of this ethanol to the carbon dioxide and then the carbon dioxide will just get deleted leaving me with a little bit cooler ethanol so whatever let's go ahead and turn this on as we can see there's going to be a flow of ethanol coming out of here it's coming out at 160. you can see as soon as it goes in this room it starts to cool down right away it's like 120 and i have this set up to a thermo sensor so as soon as it gets too hot it turns off the pump and it starts turning on the carbon skimmers which is going to be deleting the hot carbon dioxide and just to prove that this doesn't have a huge impact on excess heat going anywhere we can see that the polluted water that's being produced is just barely hotter than the water that came in so there is a little bit of a temperature rise but i think it's mostly just from actually getting the heat from this machine which is going to be heated up just a little bit but the ethanol that came out of here was kind of cool i mean it's about 30 degrees lower which is not great like i said this is not a great setup this is just illustrating the point that the i'm getting effectively quote unquote free cooling from this and i did air quotes and you couldn't see it so i clearly need to up my game on that but i got free cooling by basically just giving the heat to another substance and then a rate another substance and then erasing it um like i said this is from a real game that i played um just because i wanted to try this out and see if it actually worked it's not very good but i lived so must have done something so yeah i'm going to turn this off take a look at a different way you could have done this what you could also do is you could feed uh materials to something like a plant if you needed cooling and then the plant would turn into food the food would be eaten by a dupe and the dupe wouldn't get you know excessively heated up by that food or anything they would just put out polluted water at a fixed temperature so that's also another form of deletion so let's take a look at this build this is going to be feeding some picture pepper plants pinch of pepper plants i don't know why i struggled to say that i usually just call them peppers because that's easier but the body temperature requirements of these things is 95 to 185 which means that if i have uh polluted water that's like at 180 these things are just going to eat it up and be like cool great it's effectively deleting it because the food that comes out will be that warm but the foods density is way less than the water that you put into it so uh that can always be a solution here as well so this the scenario that i was running into and if you want to watch these uh the maps that i was kind of forced to use some of these weird solutions on it's gonna be in my hot pot videos or the hardest asteroid videos i can't remember exactly what i named them but you can check those out one restriction that i had was that all i had access to was aluminum so this liquid pump could only go up to 167. if i needed cooling i could use this thermal aqua tuner but i couldn't like boil this water because i never really had anything to handle it i didn't have any sort of like refined metals or steam turbines or anything and this wouldn't be capable of pushing it to the temperature that the steam turbines would take anyway so i needed to find a way to absorb the heat from the aqua tuner and then get rid of whatever i was heating up so what i can do with this is let's go ahead and just pump some water into this and start this up so i have a pool of gluted water down here that's not very cold and i want to cool it down so i'm going to run it through an aqua tuner like we saw before but this time we're not going to be boiling this water instead i have this hooked up to a thermo sensor so that if the water ever gets above 160 i'm just going to feed it to my plants and call it good um that's another way i can very slowly delete uh heated up substances and i'm only showing you these not because they're overly practical but it's an option and again these are exploits um let me just simulate how this work entirely let me just heat this water up a little bit let me sample this oh i have my sandbox off sample and then we'll set it to like 1 61 let's say or 162 whatever we'll put a bunch of it here oh we need to add more put a bunch of it here let's just pretend this aqua tuner has been running for a little while and now it's ready to pump into the actual plants so what will happen is the sensor will be like oh we're getting too hot but i'm effectively just deleting this water because i'm sending it straight into these plants that are super down with water of this temperature uh we don't have phosphorite here which i def i totally forgot to put in but uh the plants will be happy with this another like yay we have water and the body temperature is going to be risen by the water that's in here anyway so yeah problem solved i feel kind of bad that i don't actually have this all the way working because of the phosphorite but eh whatever i think you get the idea you can also just set this on a thermosensor so that as soon as you pump out the hot water if you have another source of cool water coming out this can be like from your bathrooms or for whatever else you can get into a nice loop here to get some cooling while not necessarily requiring steel for your aqua tuner or gold or something like that that can absorb more heat so yeah let's talk about some more dirty options though here's probably one of the dirtiest options you could do i have some polluted water here that's sitting up at 160 degrees this is again about the temperature that it would normally overheat these pumps so this was going to be my last resort option that i was going to do in that hot pot video or that hot pot run which is basically finding a way to delete the water and mass so what i have here is oh this is actually getting over pressurized definitely not something i meant to show on this video but it is happening we get rid of this so what you can do is you can make a setup something like this you have some insulated tiles on the outside so you contain the heat you have a chamber up top that's connected to a mechanized air lock that will open up whenever you want it to let me open this up that's going to drop into a chamber of a bunch of open mechanized air locks and we're going to just delete this water and mass which again is a handy way if you had your leftover water instead of going into plants which we apparently have phosphor right now i don't know what happened with that that was weird you can delete it in mass rather than feeding it to your plants a little bit at a time which is pretty dirty so i'm going to go ahead and close this and then if i have automation set up to close all these doors it'll just delete the whole blocks the whole section of this and then once i reopen this hey there's no water now so very dirty option here uh the reason this works is just because of kind of a flaw of the design of this game and i say that in the sense of like it's not bad but it's just there the flaw is that this game will try to displace things in these tiles you can see like the the dotted line overlay if there's ever not a way to displace them like i can't push them on the other side of these airflow tiles because that would just break a whole bunch of other things if it can't displace it and can't do anything with it especially in blocks like this it'll just say i don't know what to do so i'm just going to delete this and that's our best option right now and you could repeatedly do this if you want to to delete as much hot water as you can or as you want uh and you can just do it to your heart's content so that's definitely an exploity way to deal with some hot water if you don't have a nice solution to boil it or recycle it or whatever else so i've just deleted two batches of water by just pressing a couple buttons uh seems kind of overpowered but yeah there you go also a little bit of nuance this build if you're interested the reason i have air flow tiles on the outside is because they will never break due to over pressurizing your water otherwise if you were to use other tiles there's a chance they will actually break the tiles and start leaking out the sides airflow tiles are one of those exceptions where they will not do that so that's why this works one other thing you may have seen in my videos and this is something that's pretty dirty once again but i'm gonna go ahead and take some of the blame for that because i totally do this only because it's such a better option for an otherwise very convoluted problem and that is that the mechanized airlocks work the same for anything that can fall on top of them and like fall inside them when they're open and then when you close them again the game is like i don't know what to do with this and rather than displacing it it's just going to be like up i guess i'm just going to delete it so hooray the reason i have this up is because when you're out in space like i talked about before regolith will start falling down and it will pile up on your doors and then when you're ready to go ahead and delete it because you're going to need vision for your telescope or for your solar panels or something you can just go ahead and run it into a setup like this which is basically a timer and then some kind of system to turn the the crushing on and off so i'll have this timer going to red and uh green every 10 seconds or so so i'm gonna go ahead and turn this on since it's connected to an and gate as soon as it's in the green it opens up the regolith will fall inside the door as soon as it goes to closed the doors will close and it will just destroy the regolith that falls in and it'll continually fall down into the door over and over until finally everything is gone and once everything is gone you can just shut the system off if you want to do it manually or there's automation setups to do this but now we're left with no regolith and we didn't do anything i didn't pay any power for it i didn't do anything so yeah pretty dirty option there as well but again i do use it so no judgment i guess uh let me talk about one last little exploit when it comes to heat management or to cooling in a very convoluted way that's not super appropriate but it can matter sometimes and that is oh man marie's sleeping oh we'll be okay go ahead and show you some tiles over here i have some hot regolith on this again which is heating up these tiles to you know about 400 degrees fahrenheit another tile over here it's sitting about 68 and in an earlier example we showed that no heat transfer will happen unless these are connected but what you can do is if you have some tiles over here that are too hot you can tell your dupes to come in here and deconstruct them which i just did by accident because i have a setting on that'll just do it automatically maybe i didn't need marie at all but i do want to show this let me see if there's a good way i can do this try to enter the cheat there and i'll just create a copy of this nah it happened instantly maybe if i turn the sandbox off that'll do it let's try to create a copy maybe marie will come over okay yeah i totally missed my mark but that's good enough so this sandstone is still sitting on the ground at 200 degrees or rather 300 degrees fahrenheit and if i tell them to build out of the exact same material it'll actually lower the temperature of the building that gets created so marie's going to go ahead and grab this she'll build the block and you can see the block is now at 113 fahrenheit so we effectively just deleted a whole bunch of heat by just having a deconstruction happen and then telling marie to come over here and rebuild it if i were to deconstruct that once again you can see that material comes down and now it's sitting at 113 degrees fahrenheit as opposed to the you know 375 whatever it was before so kind of a silly way to do that but definitely an option if you want to ever have to control heat that way if you wanted to be really crazy you could use these tiles to absorb a bunch of heat and then run jobs every once in a while to deconstruct them and reconstruct them this is like super duper desperate measures i would probably never do this in a real run on purpose there have been times where i've done it just because i've accidentally heated up something too much and i just needed to rebuild it fortunately all the heat from the materials is basically nullified if you just use them to rebuild something so yeah not the most useful thing ever but those are the exploits that i know of there are a couple ones that i've heard of in the past and i'm not going to comment on them too much mostly because i feel like they are actually real bugs that the developers have tried to fix or they don't work anymore for whatever reason i have honestly not taken a ton of time to try and understand them so if you want to look them up and try to mess with them yourself you can look up some posts about flaking i think is one of the more recent ones and there was a heat deletion bug back in the day when you would drip liquids on top of things to cool them not going to comment on those both because i don't really want to comment on things i don't have a lot of experience with but also things that i expect to get fixed i don't think they're really worth talking about in a tutorial so i know this is a long video but the last section is going to be talking about real pla practical examples of cooling and runs that i have done so let's check those out real quick all right let's take a look at some basic examples and this is going to be from my walk through a run this is at cycle 156 so you've seen that video a lot of this is going to look kind of familiar so let's just run through some of these examples have examples of my ice boxes coming up here you can see they're mostly filled but i still have a lot of my natural water left over eventually this is all going to start cycling and starting to make cold water but you can definitely see the setup here already and i just have these on manual controls i haven't yet in this run made these fully automated but you can easily do that but this is the basic idea of mixing ice with water in order to make cool water therefore producing cool enough water for your blossoms which i have planted up here so that should take care of that setup i've also started on a cool polluted water uh pool i guess i don't know why that sounds so weird uh but i've started on this which is basically just some polluted water that i'm pumping in from just some random place on the map and finding all the polluted ice i have and dropping them in these bins as well and they're only taking about a thousand kilograms rather than 20 000 so they will melt faster and cool this down and where i'd stopped on this run before i start on this video is hooking up the uh piping to start cooling this room down so let's look at the temperature overlay uh everything's looking pretty normal except for this one section here so i have this one section kind of surrounded by these insulated tiles and these are igneous rock just to prevent as much heat transfer as possible i don't have access to a lot of obsidian otherwise i would probably use something like that but igneous rock is pretty good to use so that's typically what i'll use since it's very plentiful on these earlier maps so anyway i have a lot of heating going on here in this area and i'm going to go ahead and hook up this pump so that we can just see the temperature change happen here real quick and by the way i don't have radiant pipes here yet i only have the regular liquid pipes just because i don't have the metal to push this quite yet in this run so i was just using a pipe that has decent stats for heat capacity thermal conductivity all that kind of stuff it's not not the greatest sedimentary rock you could use something else if you really wanted to but this again is just going to be a really long snaking pipe that eventually leads to a liquid shut off which i haven't hooked up yet but that's just so it'll sit in these pipes for a little while and then we'll flush it i think what i did in the real run is i set it up on a timer sensor so it'll just flush it every once in a while and i'm not on the sandbox so i'll just have to wait for a dupe to go ahead and do this so just prioritize that i guess uh but what we should see is very quickly we should see this temperature start to drop just a tad you can already see the piping getting kind of cold which means it'll start radiating around to the air around it and it will cool that down as well whereas before this piping was the same color as the background um and the water that we're pumping in here is not super cold yet it's only like 65 i guess it's a little colder than i thought i guess just coming in colder down here but uh ideally we'd have water sitting around like 35 degrees which is barely above freezing for regular water this would cool down really fast this room would stay nice and cold and that's kind of what i want to do only because this stuff will start to overheat if i don't pay attention to it but yeah got that setup going uh ceramic which again we talked about was a very important substance or really good insulator let me go ahead and change this by the way i probably changed this to the length of the whole pipe so i probably want this to be on for i don't know maybe maybe 150 seconds and then off for i don't know let's say 500 just making some guesses here that's how long it'll take the flush and that might be how long it takes to surround or rather give off all of its cooling which you can see the pipes are now falling even further and this will eventually cool all this down anyway i got my ceramic set up here very good insulator which i'll eventually use on some of the stronger things and i believe what i have used it on so far is yeah on these natural gas setups it should look exactly the same as what you saw earlier in the video steel pump uh atmos sensor setup with a buffer gate and ceramic tile surrounding it so this setup again if i just capture a whole bunch of these this just makes natural gas automatic and it really doesn't change the temperature whoa wrong button really doesn't change the temperature around it very much you can see it here it's like that dark red but outside it's still kind of warm a little bit it's kind of in the orange but that's about what this uh area was sitting at anyway so yeah that's a handful of very basic examples from real runs let's take a look at some more advanced examples from real run from my hotpot run or i always call it that it's really like the oasis asteroid but let's jump over there real quick okay here we are at the hot pot and again i just uh was talking about how this is really the oasis asteroid the last and hardest asteroid or at least supposedly it's the hardest one i think there's other ones that can be harder for other reasons but this one's definitely a challenge um something i was going to mention is that this is one of the examples of a map where you're probably going to want to surround your starting area with these insulated tiles and that's just because the outside of the map is so hot that you really won't be able to survive on it unless you do something like this so if you take a look at the temperature overlay here's my room that i usually keep everything very cool uh this should look kind of familiar as to what we just saw in our last base but this is eventually what it looks like this is probably overkill but that's okay once you get it down to this temperature you're not really wasting a lot of energy doing something like this and i'd rather it be cold than hot anyway so eh whatever i could be a little bit more particular about how i was filling this room up but i think that's fine anyway on the large scale if you zoom out you can see that the inside of my base is still a little warmer than i would like but the insulated tiles were useful for earlier in the runs if you wanted to see why they were useful it was really just because i had a bunch of food that was growing in the middle of my base around this area and there was no way that the temperature was hospitable here i've kind of just let it get out of hand over time only because it's stopped mattering once i've started to get on barbecue and whatnot most of my food is all being generated right here and these critters kind of like a warmer environment anyway so not that big a deal also my hatches are here as well they're not going to struggle at this type of temperature at all they can they can be fine up to about 158 they're not comfortable but they're they're fine i mean their comfort range is so shallow anyway but i'm rambling a bit let's talk about some of the more powerful stuff um this is something you may have seen before but this is the cooling loop that i set up on this map and i was using salt water mostly because it was a little bit more plentiful than um polluted water at the time that i set this up this also kind of demonstrates that you don't necessarily need to use the same substance every time um but this was the setup that i ran with just three steam turbines three aqua tuners a whole bunch of pumps in here these all go to a bunch of different places since cooling is a lot more intensive on this map you can get away with on the more like tame maps with just one aqua tuner but i felt the need to go up to three because cooling was a struggle on this map for quite a while so this is a great example of industrial strength cooling kind of doing the job on a large scale the piping for this is pretty crazy too if you just take a look at it at a glance the piping really had to be like these freeways of pipes just to get everything in and out and distributed around my base pretty well so this was definitely no small task during this run to get all this stuff set up and you'll probably have to worry about that kind of stuff as well if you have a run on one of these maps but anyway rambling once again let's take a look at a couple more examples and i think we'll call this video good i'm going to talk about the volcanoes which we have here these are a moderate source of energy especially these minor volcanoes they're not that great but if you're really scraping for power if you just want to get free power just for setting it up once i think these are worthwhile i do use temp shift plates in here only because the magma comes out in such a big quantity sometimes that i don't want it to start like breaking any of the equipment in here by heating up the steam too much this just kind of serves as a temperature buffer which is a little bit of a weird concept but i find it useful inside these volcanoes again the cooling here is really just to harvest energy but it does make this this is one of the rare instances in which i'll make use of these temp shift plates so there's that for you last example let's take a look at this hydrogen vent hydrogen will come out of here at 932 fahrenheit which is uh very very hot the problem is that unless you get into the super late game substances you won't really have a way to pump this out and start using it until it cools down so what i have is a little automated setup here you can see this is totally overflown or overflowing with hydrogen because i'm not needing as much power as this is capable of providing which is again always a good place to be but uh yeah so the whole purpose here is i have this room set up with that is surrounded by metal tiles and with a mechanized air lock so it'll totally seal this off from this vulnerable pump up until the hydrogen cools down and it will cool down by sharing its temperature with the tiles and with this steam up here which is again being cooled by steam turbines and then once the the hydrogen is cold enough i will allow it to be pumped out by the steel gas pump and then into this uh whole system here to generate a whole bunch of power um so yeah this that's just a whole bunch of different examples i could think of from real runs there's obviously a lot more but this this video has gotten a little long a little bit longer than i would like even though they kind of have to be to demonstrate a lot of the concepts here uh but yeah that's that's pretty much it so if you guys have any requests for any other tutorials or any other videos or content or whatever else you'd like to see please drop down in the comments and i will get to it and once again if you made it all the way through the video then uh virtual pat on the back for you these are really long videos and maybe something you could side screen or do whatever else with so thanks for watching i'll see you in another video here really soon [Music] you
Channel: Magnet
Views: 85,275
Rating: 4.9136868 out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen Not Included, Tutorial, Cooling, Heat, Aquatuner, Steam, Turbine
Id: IQ3vvJGZ3f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 8sec (4208 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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