My Favorite 5 Ridiculous builds : Oxygen not included

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and we're back with civil war oxygen not included and we're putting together a little list today how long it is I don't know I haven't decided what I'm going to put in it all the way it'll be in the description though so you'll know yourselves what we're going through today is all the nice big large contraptions you can build like and technically help out your colony well when I say technically some of these things get a little bit oversized and get to the points of practicality where you're thinking why bother so to start yourself you're just going to start off with your basic petroleum boiler this would be the smallest and probably the most practical design on the list these things of course take crude oil they boil it up and after the crude oil is boiled it turns into petroleum on a one-to-one ratio and the reason you might want to go and build one of these is if you try and convert crude oil to petroleum using the building provided you've only get half the petroleum out this doubles the amount of energy you can get out also almost doubles the amount of polluted water you get at meaning this is water sustainable this would of all the things on the list I'm going to put on probably be the one you'd actually want to go and build it will help out your colony more than anything else but there are so many different ways of sticking one of these together you just need a heat source to heat up your crude oil and down here we're just using a thermia Mar a space metal aqua Turner that provides the heat source and that converts the crude oil but you don't have to go with something quite that quite that organized you know what organized is not quite the right word quite that team if you don't want to use a heat source out of that you can use magma as your heat source and how you get the magma down there there's many many different ways but sometimes what you can do is you can vacuum it a huge chunk of the map and flow magma from all over the place you lot of stairs like volcanoes all spread across here those volcanoes are dropping magma all the way down here which flows eventually in here I don't know what this stockpile is doing but you know what who cares this is magnificent now all that's happening is that the magma gets down here it transfers heat up into the cool tiles that gets transferred to to the petroleum and the patron transferrin is the crude I should say if we grab a lump of crude there in the crude originally start well the crude needs to hit about 402 degrees you need to go a couple of degrees beyond the change point point it will turn into petroleum so all you use a decent heat source and you can arrange that and this is one of the reasons why this is so handy you can usually use volcanic ease or geothermal heat or heat you generate yourself using space metal to get one of these up and running and they will last you for a very very very long time how long did this one last us check this one has been around for Oh agent no never mind it said before a different patch anyway that would be the first item on the list Oh for reference this thing can produce about five petroleum boilers worth of power just to give us a bit of a scale of what we're working with here so five petroleum boilers but worth of power is what most petroleum generators are petroleum boilers will get you just just one more boiler actually I realized the last two were way too mmm too rigid too well organized there's you know they're all bad words the last two were to see me to clinical this one is a more much more organic petroleum butter oh and a big thank you to Flavio for the previous petroleum boiler I their map from base loving ish so yeah thanks very much for that Flavio this one was sent in by Omni ex bro and I think a full instead of a Slovak nine this is the exact same petroleum boiler design it just you know how it takes a slightly different route when it comes to counter flow he's exchanging as you can see here the crude is flowing through and just popping down just to demonstrate that yes there's more than one way to do these things and there's all those different ways to do things when it comes to oxygen not included and this is what we're going to call the fifth five yes this is going to be our number five on our list four number four on our list you know what we will just scoot across here thanks again for the map omni x where is this there is on this map a sour gas boiler so coming in at number four we're going to go with sour gas splitters sour gas boilers are actually very similar to petroleum boilers anything is you just go Oh hotter instead of stopping at making petroleum you keep going until you hit five hundred and thirty-eight degrees and you get sour gas that Sarah gas unfortunately is useless to you unless you take that Sarah gas counter float all the way down and she'll attend to very very chilly hey what is it methane yes were and minus 162 or so degrees once you get down about there this is going to minus 175 because of course is once you get down to about that temperature that sour gas turns into methane and once you heat it up again it turns into natural gas which you can burn in your natural gas generators these things are incredibly complicated to stick together you have to take something heat it all the way up and then to make this worthwhile you sort of have to counter flow that heat back around so if wheelchair I think this is dozen batches so it might not be on at the mall yep the crude oil is ATC it flows all the way down here by the time it gets to the bottom it's going to be hitting close to 500 degrees a little bit over actually and then that Sarah gas counter flows the up two direction heating up the incoming crude oil just to help save the heat and then it does the same thing kind of flowing down here it counter flows against the natural gas going up so the natural gas starts off nice and chilly and by the time it gets to the top it's been heated up a bit because it's dumped a bunch of chill into that Sarah gasps these are incredibly complicated to stick together they will mess with your head but and they take up an enormous amount of space but the amount of power gennaker generated is absolutely ludicrous depending on the design you use this design is a little bit more industrial scale it can it can process about 10 kilos of crude oil into natural gas now you don't get at ten kilos of natural gas I think you lose a bit of third of us and some of it turns into this simply useless sulfur so you lose some of the resources as it gets transformed but your Lord look at the amount of look at the amount of natural gas that's churning out of here to really put it in perspective just how much power you're getting at it but oh this map was sent in to my exes Bay 717 yes and it's this is the age this is the ancient Greek word for fish learn something new every time you google this is how many natural gas generators it takes to burn it off yes that's a lot of natural gas generators to put this in perspective the petroleum boiler was producing about five petroleum generators worth of power this this little monstrosity is producing twenty nine petroleum boilers worth of power that's all right sorry yeah Petroleum generators worth of power that's a big increase in fact the amount of power this generates is just so ludicrous most bases can't you can't build enough stuff to consume all the power so you can see here the power wire supports up to 50 kilowatts but who cares you're going to be generating more than that you'd actually have to split your electrical grid to make it work correctly but if you've got time and you want to build something a little bit large this one is a batch boiler so it doesn't actually run constantly but if you want to build something that generates you a ludicrous amount of power go for it this design will generate you all the power you could ever possibly want and then some more on top of that there's a general argument made that it's it's sort of pointless building one of these because normally between a petroleum boiler and solar you're usually covered or yeah there's just so many ways to get power that this is sheer overkill but realistically no no this is just an awful lot of fun trying to figure it out and get it working anyway that is number four in our list coming in at number three is a slightly controversial choice actually I should repoint out this is my own personal list so you know you're free to disagree with me and think other things are more ludicrous or bigger better whatever but this one here is a regular filter now this when it was first sent in by Roland Ireland based living number five there was no other way to get tungsten at the time tungsten was a finite resource and you could only get so much of it on a map however it was discovered by people that if you got insulation which you currently did exist on the map and you heated insulation so hot that it melted as in you got it heated it up to three thousand six hundred and twenty one two degrees above that point above that just stupidly high number if you heat it above that point it would melt and when it melted it turned into tungsten so insulation melted into tungsten the problem was how to hit temperatures that hot pretty much everything just turns to gas long before it even gets that point and you need to go harder than that you'd be able to melt it well what you do is you go to the good old metal refinery methyl refinery takes a liquid coolant to help it well okay liquid coolant is a problem if you put liquid into it that liquid will get all the heat jumped into it and the liquid you're putting in here is niobium that's right space metal one of the rarest metals in the entire game has been liquefied and it is passing through these pipes at 3800 C that is that's pretty hot now you have to spread it out across all the pipes the reason it's spread out across these so long as you keep it below 2 kilos per pipe and you'll notice there is less than 2 kilos of liquid going through each one of them but so long as you're putting it through at less than 2 kilos per pipe it won't break the pipes even for cools down so what's happening right now is all of that liquid niobium is passing through these pipes and it's slowly but surely heating up this this pipe here so if we check the temperature in this one it's two three one five two three one eight two three two six it's slowly but surely at going up and open up and what is generating the heat for this well steel this thing runs on steel not exactly the easiest thing to keep running at all times but that's how this thing runs not only that there's a several other things you have to do to make this work I mean you can't it there now you'll be uncool too much because of tonight you'll be uncool too much it will solidify in the pipes and break so all of the niobium is filtered through this giant diamond the block to regulate the temperature and then it gets dumped back in here so it can be sent around again there's also a little bit of heat going on he's going on over here this is this is a radiant pipe full of liquid steel yes that liquid steel is passing through there and that's helping regulate the temperature of this giant temperature controlled diamond brick and that liquid yeah that liquid down there is liquid Nile try and conceive of the amount of time and effort it took to build this absolutely ludicrous device think of the amount of heat that has been generated and the fact that that is a pool of the liquid metal liquid space metal the rarest metal in the game that you can get your hands on all four offers just the chance of producing just a little bit more tungsten that that this game there are so many crazy things you can do so long as you're willing to you know break all the laws of physics reason time space and your own sanity because it's the amount of time it would take to build something like this when this thing overfill just a little bit and by that I mean when these pipes eventually hit the prerequisite temperature and they break what will happen is they will fall down in here and when they fall down in here the tungsten will instantly sort of solidify but also some of them niobium is going to leak out of the pipes some of that liquid coolant so when that happens this fills up a little bit more and this liquid pump once it hits a certain Thresher pressure threshold this year's scoops out some of them niobium using a little liquid ventric and then that will get pumped back into the system they across the top most of the pipes here in those are made of insulation also one of the rarest and hardest at your hands on materials in the game also you can produce just that little bit more tungsten according to Roland this thing took about five or six hundred cycles to spin up um or you know what let's let's put it another way this is what his map looks like because he got bored while he was waiting that entire map is just covered in plastic tiles yes that is the map of someone who's been longtime there's a there's a number four and a list of petroleum but there's also a mini sour gas butter which his number was right this is number five in our list and this is number four in US and he's got you know a couple of those built into his base because of course he does this is a oh yeah this is one of those bases where everything has been done because you were waiting for five or six hundred cycles for your Ludacris project to kick in and this is not one of the bigger ones about any chance but it's definitely one of the harder ones to set up this is not easy this takes a huge depth of knowledge in the mechanics but if you're looking for a really good challenge you're replicating something like this might be just right up your alley we're just coming up on the pup and pointer where these pipes are getting almost to the temperature where they're going to melt what are you gonna do what are you gonna out there we go pipe has melted we have got ourselves 100 kilos up like no 75 kilos of tungsten all of that for 75 keeps of tungsten oh there's a built-in overflow system here so once this cat passed through the overflow kicks in just to stop everything backing up and the whole system backing up the plan now would be to of course replace this pipe that yep that that's what we call melting insulation and that's why that is number three on our list if you're looking for a really big challenge I would maybe not recommend doing this this is actually the reason I still include this in the builders it's quite relevant on some maps you can end up on a map where there is no tungsten in the stars as in you do not have a tungsten planners out there to pull tungsten back from which will limit your gameplay if you're looking for as much thermia maz possible anyway we'll we'll leave number three on our list and move on to number two big thanks to again to Ronan Ireland for this map for number two on our list we're going to a map submitted by Coen Visser drink based living 7 this one this one is absolutely ludicrous as you can imagine this is taking the number two spot and it takes it quite handily in my opinion nothing can really compete with the ludicrousness of this project because what we're doing is we're taking Regulus now regolith falls out of the skies it comes down from space and let's just grab a lump of it somewhere over here yes it this lump here this Regulus lands down and it has a melting point of fourteen hundred and nine degrees but we're doing is we're running a regular smelter well Cohen's doing now if we go back down here to here what you see is the regolith is passing through this counter flow regulate exchanger on conveyor belts so it's passing through on conveyer belts and the cool stuff is coming in one direction it starts off at about 200 238 degrees by the time it exits that it's 1,400 and six point five degrees and here it's 1409 is the melting point don't you have to go by two points beyond it so you're right about mmm you're about six points off melting the regolith the great thing is though when you melt regolith some weird weird things happen for one thing there's I don't really wanna get into too much detail but the specific heat capacity of regular is zero point two however when ready melts it turns into magma magma has a specific heat capacity of one which is five times greater also when the magma solidifies into igneous rock same thing and has a specific heat capacity of one so you're taking regulus heating it up turning it into something else which then has much greater heat in it so you increase the amount of energy by five you've multiplied by five whatever energy was already in the rock and the great thing is the regolith you're sending back counter heats it so all you have to do is raise the the temperature of the regulatory a tiny amount to create an enormous amount of heat potential how much heat potential well after this comes down here and gets heated by this magma tank it counter flows up here goes to this area and then when it comes out it's still 1,100 degrees that's that's way too much heat what are we gonna do it well feed it into steam turbines so his whole system feeds through here and dumps heat into this system there's some doors here to inject heat across that allows this whole thing these all these steam turbines to run there's some cooling here to cool down the steam turbines if needs be and it just keeps going and going and going that's that's just a lot of steam turbines to generate power from then it goes appear and this is a dirt cooker right it's got a built in dirt cooker this is named to build power is just they wanted dirt so you need to heat up algae and stuff like that what's on that conveyor rail that is empty no you're not empty there's actually something on there rather passes through here usually it's slime I believe that's going through here the slime eventually heats up once it heats up to a certain point the slime solidifies and turns into dirt and then the mining drills minor dies and you end up with some dirt just a nice little system then unfortunately it still got way too much heat it's coming out at 500 degrees so it goes up here and even more steam turbines and even more steam turbines and even more steam turbines and now 281 degrees so even more steam turbines and then it comes back here by the time it gets out to here what are we looking at a hundred and fifty nine degrees close enough close enough you know it takes two dogs getting cuter then it goes through this giant cooling loop before being dropped off down here I believe that's then whisked off to be fed to stone hatches or something along the lines let's get a bit of a zoom out here to realize all of this here all of this here all of this here all of this all of this dirt cooker all of this here and all of this all belong to one device just one regular smelter okay and then just add insult to injury the leftover magma because the magma here sometimes it gets a bit chilly so that's just a cycled out and it's better to have petroleum boiler yes the number the number five item on our list is actually just it's used to bleed off the waste product of the number two item on our list and that whole it was a an annoying volcano in the way so the petroleum boiler was built around it look at that all the way down to make this giant pool of petroleum right so if you'll notice this is the bottom of the map where the magma starts and this is where the bottom of the petroleum boiler is which then leads up into the regular smelter which leads into the character flow which leads into the wooden volcano that's powering at all which goes to all the steam turbines the dirt cooker the final stage cooling more steam turbines and all the way to space the entire left-hand side of the map is just one giant regolith melter like what good job Coen good job that is just amazing one thing that gets me is I put up this map and then over the next two three weeks there was a bunch of regular smelters put out by you know people on YouTube and stuff like that going on about how to do regular smelters now one of them gave get credit to poor Coen here I have never seen anyone build one of these in survival I've seen see people throw them together in debug mode I've never built one of these in survival its weight cut much effort that has just tried to balance that out and get it to work anyway yes that is number two on our list and before we go any further we're gonna do a few honorable mentions our first honorable mention goes to the industrial so now and when industrial sauna is where you grab all your heat producing equipment like say your natural gas generators make them out of steel your petroleum generators making them out of steel if I could we just make all of your heat producing buildings out of Steel and dump them into a big steam room you usually have to put it put in a bunch of temperature shift plates because they don't produce a lot of heat very quickly but spread it and you dump all the excess heat into your steam turbines the joy of an industrial zone is you can just show in large power transformers batteries all that stuff and you don't have to care the heat will just be eaten in fact it generates you power don't pick it all into one room yeah dan site you have to make everything at a steel um that's kind of expensive and on some maps that might be almost impossible but upsides you could just dip in a load of heat now if any of you have noticed something odd about this did you notice it yet because I didn't notice it first time I looked there's a volcano there's a volcano right there right there inside the industrial soda there's a freaking volcano okay it's a minor volcano but it's a volcano who does that well 10 ohm does ish base living in 15 I completely blanked this when I was going through I never thought to look yeah wonder if they've got a volcano in their industrial sauna who does that I mean if I saw a volcano in the way of where I was going to place my industrial so I would have just placed it somewhere else I didn't think you know what why not just leave it in there and then we can use that to generate even more power goes to show you there's when it comes to two rocks you're not into it there's two ways to go about things you can you know turn things off and take it cautious you can go wait a minute no no let's turn things up to 11 and that's what I would like to think of of this industrial sauna and that's why it gets an honorable mention it's not technically a machine or device you will use but it is a way of playing that can be used quite interestingly our next honorable mention goes to putts from base leveling 14 this one yeah this one's an honorable mention because I'm not sure it doesn't even skirt the edges of usefulness unfortunately what we've got here is a desalinator now you may be wondering why a desalinator is getting an honorable mention on this list it's because of the way the desalination is going on and it's brute force heating as in there is salt water being pumped in here and then that salt water is being heated up there's a magnet being dropped down here the magma is injected into these areas and the salt water that falls in and comes into these pipes is evaporated turned into steam and that leaves behind all the salt and gets you it nice 95c clean water which can then be used by the rest of your base now what makes this truly ludicrous if it was just that I mean it might not quite have made the Honorable Mention list but what definitely makes it make the under relation list is the magma pumps there is these vents here and that is not liquid steel that's liquid magma all the way down here hurry over here and and at this point yes magma is being pumped out of this section by these pumps now this is a little trick that's been known for a while but there's a cross section when it comes to pumps so they take out of the the pump out of the square one above it one below it one to the left and one to the right but they only activate if there's water in the four tiles here there's it's retails here oh never mind bottom two tiles maybe so so long as you put a liquid there it'll start pumping but if there's a liquid in this tub below it you can pump it out meaning these things can pump out this magma without actually touching it which means they don't overheat which means you can do it you just have to make sure you drop down a little bit of liquid to make sure that they keep activating but not so much liquid that it pours over the edge and you know combined as your magma then you're gonna get sour gas and all sorts of problems tricky but very doable most people use vsco gel it's very handy for that as well and there's a whole bunch of magma being pumped around the map this map is very accurately called magma pumps for a reason that is just insane oh and I should point out if we go to our oxygen overlay this big red gap in the middle yeah that's just a vacuum that's an entirely massive vacuum to make sure all the the magma is flowing around the place and the pipes that are carrying it don't overheat sort of ludicrous so for an honourable mention we have a magma powered with magma pumped powered desalinator yes yes perfectly normal our final honorable mention is a carbon sink now the reason this is an honorable mention is you don't really need one of these anymore this was designed back when carbon dioxide was very valuable for getting yourself a renewable sort of dirt a renewable source of dirt before that well since then we've got renewable sources of dirt that means you don't need to go to such a ludicrous extent all that's going on here is there's a giant cooling loop going across the top of the map and as meteors come in they give off carbon dioxide so what you can do is if you put a coolant loop up there you can make sure the carbon dioxide can't escape back into space and then after the doors have closed you can go about harvesting all of that carbon dioxide and dumping it into these little liquid pumps over here how much carbon dioxide is it worth to you though I mean it can't be that much right well 2.1 kilos per second for one of these modules here 2.1 kilos per second this whole thing is producing about 4.1 kilos per second on average now bear in mind that was that was measured over a hundred cycles or so so at times you're gonna have more times you're going to have less that's just ludicrous if you want to do something say stupid with it like let's say go down to the bottom of the map here where were we this is an older base this is think was quality life mark 3 when this was made how would you like 168 to run 168 slicksters yep there you go you can get you have enough carbon dioxide to feed them all and keep them going there's also a petroleum boiler over here and there's this our gas boiler over here so that will give you even more carbon dioxide to play around with it'll all be coming out of those natural gas generators so that would be my last honorable mention simply on the grounds that it's it's no longer viable you don't need such a contraption anymore because of the new ways to get dirty but the only reason you'd want this is to run lots of sixers and there's no need for that because of shovels so unfortunately this is also another design that only gets the honorable treatment yeah but finally on to our last contestant if you followed my channel at all this should be of no surprise to you that the rocket chimney takes the number one spot for ludicrously oversized stupid things you can build is this thing reasonable no no this thing is not reasonable at all is it necessary no not at all but it does do kind of what it sets out to do which is produce an infinite amount of sustainable energy well a sustainable amount of energy that's effectively infinite and it also generates you an enormous amount of water for those of you who have not seen this before Rockets when you launch them they give off steam and the longer it takes for them to get off the map the more steam they'll give off they keep emitting steam and it'll give more at the launch point in the landing point they do the emission of steam right here but as they're going up and down the map they do keep emitting steam and the longer you make your launch tunnel well the more steam you can trap in fact you can track so much steam if you condense it turn it into water spit it up to make hydrogen and oxygen you can fuel more you actually get more fuel out of it than you put into the Rockets to begin with meaning you're generating excess water and at the same time you're generating heat which can be turned into power by steam turbines this just gets ludicrous I'm not gonna go into any real more details than that but this thing is not even working at full capacity yet we're still waiting on insulation and it's already way way way off the charts in terms of what it can do for example on the map here this used to be the cryo brick for industry all of the power generation has been removed only things left the hydrogen but none of that's been burnt off it's been turned into more fuel so the only power we're generating on this entire map is being generated by this rocket chimney so let's have a quick look and see just how much power has been generated every cycle power usage the colony is generating that much power my calculator tells me that is 51 Petroleum generators worth of power yep 51 petroleum generators worth of power which is 10 times more than a petroleum jenner Trillium boiler as in number one other list this generates 10 times more power well suppose that it generates water if you have it zoom function if you look on the side of the map there you'll notice that there's a bunch of water awful awful lot of water yeah the map starting to get a little bit flooded now the reason for that is you can siphon off the water and dump it down the side but like weird quick I never knew is I used to think that water would always flow down and repressurize the other side maybe it's just how wide this is or it's only 3 tiles what toyota's narrow to go in through here maybe that's what's stopping it but the water's not equalizing in pressure so for some strange reason this is ending up way taller than the other side but don't worry we've got air photos in which of diamond to US air flow tiles can't break under pressure but I threw in the diamonds just because it's nice but these things are not all happiness and rainbows these Rockets have a tendency to smash through the doors every so often if you look here these every single one of these here they're all hooked up to a different rocket and all of these bear one so this map there's 21 Rockets I want to say yeah is about 21 Rockets trapped inside the silo doing launches and landings all the time but if you're looking for a project to do that involves well an awful lot of time effort precision cooling piping plumbing everything this is the project for you all right I'm pretty sure I will die of old age before I ever get to finish this it takes so long to make just the access points alone you have to make sure you've got in drills to stop regular Valiant regular it's going to come in here you're 21 rockets coming and going at all hours yeah regular days gonna get in here but this is my number one pick for a ludicrously oversize designs and yes it's one of the ones I built myself so I know that's kind of cheating and unfair but you know what yeah I don't think I've seen anything this big in terms of designs otherwise I think that the regular filter is probably the one that comes closest to a design like this if you're if you have some free time right now because of all the social isolation well you can pick one of the five projects that have been presented and maybe build one of those into your one of your bases or build all five of them if you want I've never gotten around you to do in that regolith melter I really would like to you one of those a try at some point but no no no I think I think I think I'm good for the moment I'll wait until after I finished this this rocket chimney anyway I hope you enjoyed my very arbitrary list of ridiculous build bills and I hope you say safe and good luck [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 271,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big, large, fun, stupid, huge, ridiclous
Id: UAz1Pe5rcPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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