How to Use ChatGPT in Google Sheets (Full Tutorial)

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Google Sheets and Chad GPT are the world's most popular productivity tools so we just have to make them work together in today's video I'm going to show you how to use Chad GPT inside Google Sheets and I have some incredible use cases to show you the most common one for example is managing contacts inside sheets but we're on YouTube and I obviously do not want to show you actual data so let's use chat GPT to generate a list of contacts in the first cell let's type equals GPT table now I need to enter the prompt in parentheses make a fake list of leads include their first last names emails LinkedIn profiles Etc they're drinking GPT table function generates tables from scratch so you can create a financial report or even a grocery list here's a templated income statement and a healthy grocery shopping list for the entire week on a budget of seventy dollars here I even have calories and macros isn't this amazing hold your horses very important dysfunctions are not available in Google Sheets by default we'll need to enable them by using a Google Sheets add-on it's called GPT in sheets let me show you how to install it click on extensions add-ons get add-ons and the app is called GPT for Sheets you can just type it in search GPT more sheets that's the one click on install continue next up we'll need to connect this plugin to our openai account this is done through an API key it's like a password that allows the add-on to make a quest to open AI let's do exactly this let's click on set your API key and then here we need to paste the API key from openai to do that you need to go to platform.openai click on create new secret key give it name Google Sheets demo create the key and copy it to your clipboard let's go back to Google Sheets and paste it here that's it for the setup chair GPT is not exactly free but it is super cheap well but how cheap exactly well there's a really cool table I'm going to leave it in the description below which will show you how much it will cost for a thousand cells to be filled for example using this GPT 3.5 model the funny thing here on the website they even call it a dirt cheap pricing will depend on two factors the input length of your prompt and the output length here we have words per execution price per execution and then price per thousand so to fill out a thousand cells using GPT 3.5 will cost us about 10 cents 13. but if you use a different model for example gpt4 then pricing increases quite a bit but the important thing you do not need to use gpt4 for simple tasks so GPT 3.5 does a great job more practically let me show you how my costs look like I can go back to this webpage you can click on usage over here and this month I spend a total of just 11 cents you can also click on the breakdown for example let's go ahead and pick June 17th and there we have the breakdown of the usage back to the tutorial chatgpt has tons of very useful functions I've already shown you GPT table function but let me show you everything that's available within this add-on let's click on extensions and here you will see this add-on GPT for Sheets let's click on launch and enable here at top we have a list of GPT functions the very first one is super simple you just give it a prompt and it will give you the output for that prompt this is GPT let's click on this first cell type equals GPT and then type The Prompt very important in parentheses and you can type something like give me 10 random animals okay there we have a list but having a list in one cell is not all that useful so instead we can use GPT list function for that specific use case let's type A GPT list and then type the same exact thing list 10 random animals hit enter and this function output at each list item as a separate row there we have our table function that I showed you earlier we have format edit which is nice it's going to correct grammar tag classify summarize and even translate the most difficult part though is getting your real data into the spreadsheet so that you can use chatgpt to analyze it there are two ways to do this one from an app and the other one using a scraper for the first use case I want to get a list of all of my support emails in the Google sheet so that I can analyze them and find patterns to get that list of emails I'm going to be using a Chrome extension called pardin you can download it by following the link in the description here I have it installed I'm going to click on the extension icon and there we have a pre-built automation that will get all of the emails sent to a specific recipient in a Google sheet I need to type in the recipient in this case it's the support email and input the Google sheet where the information will be outputted I can pick an existing sheet where I can create a new one let me create a new one we call it support emails let's run this automation okay a new spreadsheet was created let's click on view and here we have all of our support emails I'm going to select all rows right click over here and resize them really nicely so that I can see more data okay now it's much better I'm going to clean up the spreadsheet a little bit and delete all of the rows that I do not need okay perfect okay there we have the subject line the body of the email date the person who sent it we can also open this email in a separate tab if we want to and here comes the chat GPT part imagine I want to only go through positive reviews I can use a function called GPT classify and then as you can see it doesn't show up over here because it's a new spreadsheet so you need to click on extensions and launch the extension now let's go back to that cell GPT classify here for each function there are multiple variables that you can input the first one is value what type of value is it well guess what you can click on the drop down and see the additional information value is input text to classify so I want to classify the body of the email then I'm going to add a comma and then there are categories by which this input will be classified for categories I can input something very normal such as positive negative or neutral those categories need to be a list of items separated by comma inside parentheses then you can input some additional information like examples temperature tokens I'll show you what this means in a second let's go ahead and analyze our very first email all right the first email is neutral we can just drag down the formula all the way okay and just like this we've classified our support emails pro hack for you you can just name this column classify for example select column and then click on filter here and then we can go and filter everything that has positive in that email so looks like we have this many positive emails this is super useful already I can also use the summarize function to figure out what's inside those emails so that I not need to read the entire thread let's create another column called it summary and here I'm going to do GPT summarize point to the body of the text for the format here we have an example I want one sentence very important in parentheses and let's hit enter okay for dnai just announce the chat GPT plugin super neat drag it down I'm happy the second way to get data into your spreadsheet is by using a data scraper it can extract information from pretty much any website ranging from Amazon to LinkedIn directly to your Google spreadsheet for this example let's imagine that we're running an Ecom shop and want to analyze all of the reviews of a given Amazon product like this one so if we scroll all the way down we're going to see Amazon comments over here so I just want to extract those comments and all of the relevant information and get them outputted as a Google spreadsheet I'm going to be using Verdean for this use case as well and here I have a pre-built automation that will save Amazon products to a Google sheet I'm going to click once specify how many items I want to scrape let me get 50. so those are 50 reviews and pick a spreadsheet I'm going to create a new spreadsheet and call it Amazon reviews and let's run this automation if you want to learn more how to create custom scraper templates to get information from pretty much any website I have a dedicated video for this make sure to check it out by clicking on the card over there okay there's a spreadsheet click on view just like this here we have all of the data I'm excited as you can tell I'm going to click on add-ons and launch our GPT for Sheets you already know how classification works so instead I want to get the main advantage or disadvantage that's mentioned in this Amazon review for this I'm going to create the formula that will extract the information from the review and based on the functions over here I'm just going to use this simple GPT function so let's type GPT over here and then here I need to give it a prompt but I also need to a prompt that will also include the review itself inside the prompt so I'm going to use another function it's called concatenate and all this function does it combines two pieces of text your prompt the actual prompt and that Amazon review select concatenate and here first I want to write the prompt give me a one sentence summary giving an advantage or disadvantage of the product and then I'm going to add comma and point to that review so this is the prompt that we're going to be feeding to that GPT function and let me do another parenthesis hit enter the main advantage is the adjustable torque setting pretty nice I can drag down the formula all the way okay and there we have our results but chatgpt is not the only artificial intelligence tool that I showed you in this video for Dean has also an AI feature that allows you to build automations by typing in a prompt let me show you let's open number deem and then here in the magic box you can type something like scrape all LinkedIn profiles from search and add them into your spreadsheet okay and let's get it build with AI here is our alternation it has two actions it's going to scrape information from LinkedIn and it's going to add new rows to a Google spreadsheet it's going to ask which spreadsheet you want to add the information to you've already seen this automation many times the only difference over here is a different scraper template let's click on done and go to LinkedIn to test it out here we are on LinkedIn profile search I can search my secondary connections by company for example I want to find people who work at Google my second new connections 9000 okay I can open up boarding from over here and run our automation let's click on this card pick a spreadsheet I'm going to create a new spreadsheet and call it LinkedIn profiles and here I want to extract 30 profiles and let's run the automation okay here's a spreadsheet again where all of the information that I needed okay so there's the name of the person the headline and their location phenomenal we have a list of contacts but if you look at the names they're really inconsistent we have the first name and the last name is truncated then we have the first name that has some initials in between so obviously if I send emails to those addresses it will look a little bit off for that let's use a different chatgpt function that's going to get us cleaned up first names let's launch the extension and the function I'm looking for is called GPT fill so it's going to take a look at the examples that you provided and it's going to try to follow those examples so here as you can see charging PT will be reformatting the provided text for example remove the Emojis I personally have an emoji in my profile it will make everything sentence case remove doctor so it sounds again more personalized okay let's go ahead and use this formula very simple here we have the names I'm just going to drag it over here and I'll call it cleaned the names and then manually I'm going to process a few of the results here we have Jenny just going to use her first name right there of Ryan I'm going to use his first name and then I'll find the results that look a little bit off such as this one and I'm going to just use these first two okay and then I also want to provide an example of emojis being used so let me add a random emoji let's do a zombie why not and then instead of this input I'm just going to use the first name finally I want to have an example similar to this one where we have everything in sentence case let's call it Naima like this and then here we have the sentence case all right there we have it there we have five examples let's click on equals GPT fill point to these examples I'm going to click on the first name and the clean name hold shift and then the second part is what inputs they want to process we obviously want to process these names so I'm going to select this first one over here and holding shift click on the last item Clause close the parentheses and hit enter okay just like this everything is cleaned up and we have first names for our email campaign this is it we've just connected chat GPT to Google Sheets and I've also shown you some really cool automations you can find the links to the add-on the pricing table bourdine and the individual automations that I showed you in this video right in the description and if you want to take your productivity game to the next level make sure to watch this video next about how to scrape website data directly from Google Sheets right there
Channel: Bardeen
Views: 54,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpt for sheets, gpt in google sheets, chatgpt google sheets, google sheets ai, gpt sheets, chat gpt, chatgpt, google sheets, chatgpt sheets integration, chatgpt plugin, chatgpt tutorial, how to use chatgpt, how to use chatgpt in google sheets, google chrome chatgpt, How to use ChatGPT in Google Sheets, ChatGPT tutorial, Google Sheets tutorial, Productivity tools, Boost workflow, Supercharge productivity, Google Sheets and ChatGPT, AI in productivity
Id: 0eZ5kJ-IoiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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