Perplexity AI Tutorial - How to use AI for Research

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what's up everybody my name is Alfie Marsh and in this video I'm going to give you a full tutorial of perplexity AI so what is perplexity AI well it's an AI powered search engine and research platform that gives you accurate answers to comprehensive and pretty complex questions um it was founded in August 2022 by the CEO aravan shrines who was previously at open Ai and deep bind perplexity has quickly gained traction they raised $100 million last year uh and series B they got I think it was a $520 million valuation they got notable investors like Jeff Bezos uh bessim Adventures Nvidia and data bricks and as of January 2024 they had 10 million monthly active users if you actually go fast forward to today which is April uh they have 60 million I believe monthly visitors on their website if you check using similar web so it's crazy traction within a very short period of time so what is the actual product for this let's actually jump in uh and have a look at at the product itself um so this is perplexity um in a nutshell it combines an AI chatbot the capabilities of an AI chatbot with web search so that you can get ready-made answers uh and get your questions although a lot of people talk about it as an AI powered search engine their CEO often refer refers to perplexity as an answer engine um so it's pretty different in the way that it works so let's give an example um for example let's say um how many jobs will be displaced by AI this is one question uh and if I go and answer the same question to Google how many jobs will be displaced by AI we just kind of get some links basically it does a pretty decent job of summarizing some information within a particular post it also gives you that questions people asked it just gives you basically 10 Blue Links um if you come back into perplexity however um it's going to give me slight different answers so firstly it asked me for a question so which Industries are you interested in um I'm not NE interested in any particular one so I'm just going to skip and see what it has so as you can see it first tries to understand the question and then once it understands the question it's going to look for sources so if I go back into these three steps it's going to search the web and so you can see it's actually searched it for different keywords jobs Deed by ai ai impact on job loss AI job displacement by industry etc etc which is really interesting so it's kind of optimizing the search itself to answer your question uh and it found 20 sources so it's got some of these sources cited right at the top so you can click in directly so if I click on this one here it's going to take me to LinkedIn uh great and so I can see the Conta there but what's more interesting is it gives you the answer so what it does is it takes these sources and then it aims to answer your question by using the content that's within those sources now going back over to Google it's not trying to summarize across multiple sources in this summary here which is somewhat newi is for Google um this is just giving you like the exact answer to your question which is hidden within one particular article now imagine that your question was kind of complex and no one article mentioned it and the answer was discovered across multiple sources Google's not going to be able to do that but perplexity is it's going to take kind of like the aggregate information and provide you with a very well-rounded answer and so here it's taken all these different statistics Goldman Sachs says 300 million people or full-time jobs worldwide could be impacted we've got McKenzie reports and all of these again they're cited and I can access directly the original Source information so this is really powerful for answering questions not searching the internet but answering questions now there's a few other features that we can look at um and particularly like how is this different from Maybe chat gbt so if we go over to chat gbt let's give a different uh question so we're on chat gbt 3.5 which you have access to for free um so let's ask the question um who won in the max Holloway versus Justin and I'm going to spell this wrong gatei fight so for any UFC fans out there this last weekend at USC 300 Max hallay and Justin gate4 uh and spoiler alert Max holay 1 um and as you can see chat gbt says as of my last update in January 2022 Max holay and just engage you haven't fought so the problem with these language models like chat GPT is they are trained on a static kind of data set like once they've been trained that model is going to predict the answer to your question based on what it has already learned in the past so if you ask for a kind of factual question that it hasn't got that answer to it's not going to be able to give you the answer or it might just hallucinate and make something up so this training was cut off in January 2022 it is now April 2024 and the max Holloway fight and Justin gate fight hasn't yet happened yet in the training data so they can't access this information if I was to go over to uh let's say Google and say who won the max Holloway versus Justin and there's the correct spell didn't fight it's going to it will kind of answer my question because I can now see the fight it was one here um it puts his widget in but it does actually just give me all the links which then have the answer it doesn't directly answer my question it is a search engine to help me find the links to websites which answer my question whereas if I go to perplexity AI again and let's just do a new one um who 21 in the max Holloway versus Justin gatei fight it's going to pull the sources so again like YouTube Reddit so on so forth we've already got the images on the right based on the provided search results Max holay defeated Justin gatei at UFC 300 to win the BMF title which is true and it's given me the actual sources so it's taken that and then answering my question so it behaves very differently now now what's interesting chat gbt on the other hand if you go to chat gbt 4 uh which is on the pro version I believe now um previously they wouldn't be able to answer this question they would have to go and search the internet as well but they are starting to provide these answers so who won the max holay versus Justin Gatey fight gp4 is actually uh going and searching the internet so it clearly tells me UFC 300 um max holay won the fight with a knockout Victory uh what round let's see what round did he win I want to see if it's just not hallucinating okay that's completely false um he won in the fifth round um what was the judges what what were the judges scorecards so this is like the first part was right um he did win the fight and he did win the BMF title at usfc 300 the thing is the latest model I don't think was trained up until this weekend um so if that's the case then they must be going and searching the internet but as I start asking follow-up questions like which round did he win so for context he won in the fifth round in the last two seconds of the round he knocked him out um and he says by knock out in the first round against Jus gatei the judges didn't score the fight The Knockout occurred before the round concluded so there was no scorecards okay so this is just factually incorrect now if I come here does it tell me anything else does it tell me what round with just one second remaining okay so let's say what round did Max Holloway win in send that so with just 1 second remaining in the fifth round and final round of their fight so this is accurate and then again it gives me the answers um so it's just much better at pulling real time information from the internet so that's one benefit it but it's also going to just help me do research without uh believing in hallucinations because what chat GPT and other models like Claude um and Gemini what they're all going to do is they have a model which has been trained and is going to give you an answer which may not be factually correct because it's just predicting what it should say they are kind of detached from reality they're detached from The Real World but what we're seeing with perplex is they've got these language models and they're actually powered by the very same language models if I go in and rewrite this you can see I can actually change the models that are used from gp4 to Claude and so on so they're using the same models behind but there's one step uh that's happening in between which is they're going to search for the Articles they're then going to read and understand them and then aggregate that to give you an answer uh and chat GPT is starting to do this sort of stuff with search with Bing um and go in there power uh their partnership with Microsoft and using the Bing search to go and pull you know information from the Internet it's starting to happen but it's it's pretty basic uh and it's not going to give you this like aggregated answer so that's kind of a little bit of an overview as to how the main chat Works let's jump into some of the other features that you can use um so firstly we can start this one from uh scratch let's go back to home so we have the focus mode here and we also have attach so um the focus mode is going to allow me to specify which types of sources I want to focus on so for example I could just focus on Reddit and if I wanted to answer ask the question what are the top tools for marketers uh let's say top AI tools for marketers in 2024 let's hit enter so again it's going to first understand the question then it's going to search the web and then it's going to pull my results so in this case it's only doing one top AI tools for marketers 2024 it's found eight sources again all of these sources are now Reddit so if I click on this you're going to see all of the different Reddit threads and then it's going to summarize them okay content platforms Jasper etc etc predictive analytic tools ass okay so it's more giving me like types of tools and some actual ones surf AI so this gives me like a good kind of like overview and then I can continue asking out questions so if you want to narrow down for like particular sources that's a great uh a great way to do so now what else can we do um if we go back to home again we can also attach a PDF so very similar to uh chat GPT same thing with Claude we can update a PDF file and then ask it questions so this is great for like research papers if you want to go very specific and summarize information I think this feature is okay um it's kind of become table Stakes a lot of the other chat chats that are going on top of Base models like chat gbt claw Gemini they can do this um but it is good for pulling in your own information as opposed to just the internet now one of the other things I want to talk about is collections so if we go into Library here we have collections so we can actually go ahead let's go ahead and make look at one that I've already made so competitive blog research so very similar in terms of um I now have the search box that we've got here so I'm just going to go back to all so that's kind of the same but you'll notice it's got a title now and it has a description so this search has actually been edited to perform a very specific type of task so if I go into edit collection um I've called it competitive blog research so the point of this tool effectively is to help me take a blog post and analyze it so that if I want to rank for a particular keyword I want to see what other people are ranking for and the research that I want has to come back to me in a very specific type of format so um I'm going to call this collection competitive blog research I'm going to give it a description which says finding research articles present in articles and suggested uh that's the one here this is going to be uh say analyzing blog articles for keyword inspiration and now I can give it a prompt so it's instead of just answering the question that you type into the search bar it's going to answer that question within the context of this prompt that you ask so let me give you some more um examples you are an SEO research assistant who reviews articles that are compete in for your targeted keyword you will analyze the link provided output the keywords and the post it's ranking for outline the structure and headings of the post provide a list of all the key uh research links and the post references then provide information gaps the post could be improved on and provide research links to reference other sources we could now reference so basically what I'm trying to do with this tool is find a keyword that I want to rank for see who else is ranking for it and then analyze what they're doing well make sure I include that in my post and then look for information gaps where I could then improve upon and I've been very specific in the way that I ask it to Output the results so that's great I'm going to go ahead and update that um and then we can look at any one of these other ones here so I'll look at a historic one so the company I used to work for spendesk um I've just shared the link in the post so I would have done basically this if I go uh um let's go back into here I'll start it from the beginning so you can see so it's going to understand the question I've not actually asked the question um but because it knows the context of my prompt it should know what to do from here and let's see if it produces the answer I'm looking for okay so we've started to get the keywords we've now got the post outline um which is great I now also have do I have the sources website links the post ises not reference or links to any other website or sources see I think that's incorrect if I open this up in another tab yeah it's definitely incorrect there are lots of other things referenced here information gaps okay so this is good it's telling me what kind of things are missing in the post how else I could uh level up and then there are some links okay research links and references for new topics okay so it's providing research Links of new topics but it hasn't been smart enough to pull out the links in the page itself and the reason why I want that is because let's say this was a research piece and they said okay 73% of X did y I would like to know where they got that research so I could reference it uh in my own post and that also might help with internal link building because I can go to that person and say hey I'm now you know ranking for this post we're actually more comprehensive than the last one that you were featured in would you like to link back to us but that's kind of what collections is it allows me to do a particular type of search and get research back in a particular format without having to repeat that again and again and again okay so that is pretty much it um it is quite a simple platform it's very powerful I think the the biggest question I have is what is Google going to do to combat this and what is chat gbd going to do to combat this they both have the power to index the web they both have the power to provide these sorts of results so I do wonder where the Competitive Edge between perplexity Google and open AI chat gbt is going to be but for the time being perplexity AI is a very powerful research uh tool that you can use um and to really get over the hallucinations and provide real world citations with real information that you can answer quickly um so with that being said I hope you enjoyed this video and let me know if there's anything else you would like me to record in the future um otherwise if you haven't already subscribe to this Channel and chat to you soon bye-bye
Channel: Alfie Marsh
Views: 2,201
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Keywords: ai tools, ai news, chatgpt, best ai tools, gpt 4, claude ai, alfie marsh, perplexity ai tutorial, perplexity ai, perplexity ai review, how to use perplexity ai, perplexity ai how to use, what is perplexity ai, perplexity ai vs chatgpt, perplexity, perplexity tutorial, perplexity ai copilot, perplexity ai for research, chatgpt vs perplexity ai, perplexity ai vs chatbot, perplexity ai pro, how to use perplexity, perplexity how to use, perplexity ai app
Id: N3lNv9CT9RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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