How to Create a Dashboard in Google Sheets in 5 Minutes - 2024 Edition šŸ“ˆ

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Hey! Welcome to the Academy, where industry experts share tips and tricks on working with data. In this video, we will learn how to create a dashboard in Google Sheets. Not only that, weā€™llĀ see how to add a layer of interactivity by using filters. And ā€™ll also share a secret techniqueĀ  to keep our data fresh automatically. If you wanna follow along as IĀ  prepare a Google Sheets dashboard,Ā Ā  the link to the spreadsheet Iā€™m using will popĀ  up in the corner of your screen. And you can also find it in the video description below. Iā€™m looking at a sheet containing information from multiple flower shops across theĀ United States. But in this current format, the data is really hard to consume. This is whereĀ a Google Sheets dashboard comes in handy. Letā€™s start off by creating aĀ new sheet called Dashboard.Ā  In this new sheet, Iā€™ll add our firstĀ  chart, and to do so, Iā€™ll go to the Insert menu and select Chart. In the Chart Editor, Iā€™ll choose the chart type and for the first oneĀ  letā€™s go with a scorecard. Next up, youā€™ll wanna provide some dataĀ for our dashboard in Google Sheets. To do so, click the Data range button which willĀ  allow you to navigate through the fileĀ and select the data. For this example, letā€™sĀ select all the online sales starting withĀ the first row all the way to the bottom. Iā€™ll want to aggregate the total sales numberĀ and use the SUM operator to do so. Since Iā€™m looking at a big number,Ā Ā letā€™s shorten it a bit so go to the CustomizeĀ tab and under the Key value, select the ScaleĀ Factor of 1 million. You can also add a customĀ number format and add a ā€œMā€ as a suffix.Ā  And just like that, you've built yourĀ first Google Sheets dashboard. Now to add a little context to the report,Ā  letā€™s go back to the customize tab,Ā Ā  and under Chart and Axis titles, Iā€™llĀ  add ā€œTotal Salesā€ as the title. Letā€™s resize it and move itĀ to the top of the page. Next up is a line chart. I want to display the total sales of our flower shops each month. To make itĀ easier, Iā€™ll jump back to my Online SalesĀ sheet and add a new column called ā€œMonthā€. I will then use an ARRAYFORMULA with the TEXTĀ Ā function inside that will take the month out ofĀ our order date in the second column. As a range, letā€™s specify B2 to B4977 andĀ filter by month using ā€œMMMā€. Close the parentheses, andĀ  you should be good to go. Letā€™s switch back to our Dashboard sheet, and nowĀ I get to finally add the new chart to my Google Sheets dashboard. Just like before, I select theĀ chart from the Insert menu, and this time Iā€™llĀ select the line chart in the editor. Iā€™ll select the two inputs for our Axis. In my case, it will be Month and Order total. For the Axis, youā€™ll select Month,Ā Ā and also tick the aggregate button.Ā  Under Series, select Order Total. Iā€™ll resize and move it so IĀ can create another chart. For this third one, letā€™s use a table chart. Click the Insert button and select Chart. From the editor, you want to select the Table Chart. Now in the data range field, select your sheet and then the Product Category and Order Total columns. Iā€™ll aggregate the results, resize andĀ  move them next to the line chart. Now itā€™s starting to look like aĀ  proper dashboard already. But now onto the cool part. Letā€™s make our dashboard in Google Sheets interactive by adding a slicer filter. Go to Data and select Add a slicer andĀ Ā  in the data range select the entireĀ  file by going from A1 to N4977. From the Data tab on the right, you can chooseĀ  to filter by anything you want. In my case, Iā€™ll pick OrderType so I can see the salesĀ  numbers for Retail ordersā€¦. or wholesale. And there you have it. A fullyĀ  interactive Google Sheets dashboard. And before I wrap up, Iā€™ve mentioned aĀ  little secret I was going to tell you. Ā  This Google Sheets dashboard example isĀ  based on static data thatā€™s been addedĀ to the file manually. In some casesĀ thatā€™s fine but more often than not,Ā Ā  youā€™ll want to see an up-to-date version of yourĀ data so you are left with two options. You either keep adding new recordsĀ  every time a sale happens or you can use which will automatically importĀ  the data for you on a predefined schedule,Ā Ā  keeping your dashboard up to date. Sign up for a account and start a free 14-day trial, no credit card is needed. UseĀ it to import your data from dozens of availableĀ Ā integrations, transform it on the spot, and buildĀ a fully automated Google Sheets dashboard. And that's it! Now you know how to create a dashboardĀ  in Google Sheets but if you have any questions,Ā Ā  feel free to ask them in the comments. If you enjoyed this video, please give us a like, share the video with others, andĀ  subscribe to our channel so you never miss a thing. Thanks for watching and seeĀ you in the next one!
Channel: Couplerā€¤io Academy
Views: 86,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google sheets dashboard, google sheets dashboard tutorial, dashboard in google sheets, how to prepare dashboard in google sheets, how to create a dashboard in google sheets, how to make a dashboard in google sheets, how to build a dashboard in google sheets, create dashboard in google sheets, make a dashboard in google sheets, build a dashboard in google sheets, automated google sheets dashboard, google sheets dashboard examples, how to make a dashboard, google sheets, dashboard
Id: BuLod1VvR-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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