How to use AI for Web Scraping with Excel and Google Sheets

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what's up everybody today I'm going to show  you how to use AI to enrich spreadsheet data   right in Excel or Google Sheets for this  video before I get started we're going to   be using the tool promp Loop AI but everything  is available inside of our free plan while we   have some of the most sophisticated investors  consultants and researchers in the world using   our tools on their teams we want to make  it available to everyone so that you can   see what type of an impact a tool set  like this can have on your work today as we get started I want to talk a little bit  about what prompt Loop is when we say enriching   data or using custom AI tasks we're talking  about taking spreadsheet data rows in a data   set and using them as inputs to a custom AI model  to complete tasks operations or research that you   need done prompt Loop is not a chat window and  unlike chat gbt it's focused on accomplishing   one goal accurately visibly but in a way where you  can run it on tens of thousands of rows in in this   instance we're going to take startup names we're  going to use promp Loop to generate a task that   will look up specific pieces of information from  company websites and return it back to us we can   then use that task with an uploaded file write in  Excel write in Google Sheets or even on our web   editor let's get started we're going to start  with the promp loop web portal promp   allows access to our AI task Creator and gives  you a custom account where you can start with   everything we're going to be looking at today  this is the overview page today we're going to   create a powerful AI web browsing task that will  take a startup name navigate to the internet find   relevant information about this startup and return  it to us back in a formatted specific structure   first thing we're going to do is Click create  new task tasks are AI solutions that operate   on a single row in a data set once you create a  task you can run it on an entire Excel file or   spreadsheet with the same inputs for our task all  we have to do is describe what we're going to be   doing on each row in this case we're going to take  the name of a startup and find out what problem   they're working on solving main Technologies they  use and a two sentence description of what the   business does once we've entered that in we can  click create task and this sends instructions to   our AI models to create you a specific pipeline  that you can then use in spreadsheets tasks take   between 30 and 90 seconds to create and will  automatically be tested tried and ready to be   deployed to excel you can also use our manual  Editor to select the type of oper you want to   do say browse information from the internet  find a website or categorize and label data   all of this is available in the editor and once  a task is completed we can then navigate back   to our list and test it once the task is created  we have an autogenerated web interface that lets   us test the task before we start using it on our  spreadsheet data we automatically have generated   the input field for a name of a startup which  is what we're going to be giving the model the   versions that we've created in this case one which  is already live and then a simple button to run   the task so let's take the name of an AI startup  run this task and then see what the model finds   so in this case we have our web results here what  problem is this startup trying to solve an answer   in the format that we asked for in the task the  one ligher from their website which is a direct   quote and then technologies that they reference  on their website you'll see all of these also   have links from where on the website or what page  information came from once this is ready and this   looks good we can then click sheets template and  get an automatically formatted and downloadable   spreadsheet template that we can open up in  in Google Sheets or Excel to use this task we   can also scroll to the bottom of our page and see  right here we have the custom promp Loop function   name where we can take this specific task and  open up an Excel file that has our data set so   in this case to to show you what this would  look like we can take this promp Loop custom   with the code that was generated by the model  click enter with our correct input the name of   this startup and you'll see our model's going  to immediately go out to the internet find this   company's website and pull back the information  that we're looking for you can then run this on   five or 100 cells writing Excel the beauty of  tasks is that we can instead of going to Excel   and using the custom function want to upload  a massive data set say of every startup in a   portfolio every customer on your customer list or  every entity that you're looking to research you   can select the specific startup task that we just  created take a data set and and automatically read   your column headers and and give you options for  which item you want to use for an input we want   to use the company name when we click that  prompt Loop's automatically going to process   the first three rows to show you which websites  are accessible and how the results are going to   look in your data set and then lets you upload  this job to add it to our priority queue this   lets you run a data set of up to 50,000 rows  on fully web browsing enabled AI models tasks   are immediately available in Excel Google Sheets  and this drag and drop web editor when you get   started you'll see sample tasks that you can  quickly easily clone create and share to help   you get started even faster I hope you thought  this video was helpful we're looking forward   to onboarding more teams in the coming weeks and  if you have questions leave them in the comments thanks
Channel: Peter Mangan
Views: 11,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6ks9t8r_K6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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