How to put ChatGPT into Google Sheets | The ultimate productivity hack

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all right so you already know how powerful chat gbt is but what if you can put it into Google Sheets well it's an interesting combination of elements hopefully you've been using chat GPT to write emails draft ebooks or even make ad campaigns but now you can put the power of chat GPT into your Google Sheets and work with your data with whatever that is first I'm going to show you how I use it and then after that I'm going to show you how you can build this out for yourself so I'm here in my captions for clients so first off I built a caption builder for chat GPT so for example I have my prompt here that says write three different variations of an Instagram caption based on the video transcription below I paste my video transcription right here so here's the first use case is if you have Instagram reals and Tik toks that you're making and now you want to come up with the caption yes you could manually sit there and come up with a caption or I wanted to be able to do that at scale and so now I made a caption Builder here for this first one here it says write three different variations of an Instagram caption Below based on the video transcription below so I take my my video and it usually has a transcrip forp and I copy and paste that into here and it says the first version should be short no longer than 20 words the second version could be longer Max of 75 words and the third version includes an engaging question that either invites the audience to share their opinion ask a question yada yada yada get it so now it spits off three different variations of a caption that I can play with and now I have an easy starting block to go ahead and create my post I took it a step further and I also built in a YouTube title generator so it's actually copies and P this cell and it has a new prompt here and it'll pop out three different YouTube titles now how this works is if you look at this it has a formula called Equals chat GPT which is then taking these cells here as the prompt now in order to make this work you can't just put an equals GPT you need a plugin called GPT for Sheets GPT for sheets and for docs that's the first version of how I use this the second version is that I created a RSS feed spreadsheet that pulls in the major personal finance and real estate new sources and car them all into one and so This Is Bigger Pockets Zillow CNBC Forbes all of that put together and now I get the topic who wrote the article a link to the article as well as a quick summary so this is cool but I'm not using chat GPT yet so here's how I use chat gbt alongside all of these live updates so you'll see here this is a live RSS feed from red fin where they posted 15 unique things to do in Nashville elevate your bathroom but these are all live articles that were published each day now this first prompt here will actually give me five hooks that I can use to react this article to add to it so if I wanted to use this as inspiration I now have a prompt that let me just increase the size here that has generate five hook variations for a social media post based on the article's content list them in separate lines here's an example of hook templates that I like and so I gave it information of different hooks that I like so now let me go ahead and decrease that size it has outputed different prompts here so it's five hidden gems in Nashville that locals love and now you can go into your list the next prompt is to create four video prompts that either add to the video's context add a response or reply or create a challenge to the thinking or to create a bit of controversy so you know what's crazy is it's actually pulling things in Nashville Tennessee that I have no idea so have you ever been to the house of cards in Nashville so this next variation of how I implemented this is that I have an RSS feed that pulls in Daily blog posts from Red from here this first prompt will actually give me five hooks if I wanted to react or add value to this based off of hooks that I like that I've put in the next one will give me prompts if I just wanted to add context or maybe even controversy to that video and the last one gives me a full script and so let me increase this size here so you can see that it's giving me an opening shot a scene of voice over more captions and that is all done live and so now I'm going to build this out for every single news outlet that I like so I can almost have an end L idea Bank of content so here's how you can build it first off you're going to need to add the extension so just Google GPT for Sheets it'll pull it up and from here you can press install on your Chrome browser to get that in you'll have to also allow it access to your Google Sheets and from there once you have it in you can now enable that let me just create a new sheet and let's say from here I'm going to create a prompt of give me three video prompts about the topics below the prompts should spark curiosity controversy or cheat something so I'm going to put a task context uh give me a tone and this tone will be in eighth grade level and from here the topics will be let's actually just have chat GPT create me some topics huh create chat GPT to make help me make this video give me 10 interesting topics on real estate [Music] investing all right so once this spits it out let's do the five here give me three video prompts to help me create a social media video about the prompts below I will paste in my topics and let's actually just to make this easier wrap this to paint and paste and now I'm going to go equal GPT and I'm going to select this I did not enable it first so let me go to tools extensions and enable so that's going to allow me to now use it actual code so I can go to equals GPT and now I can select the task and the tone and close that and press enter and now it should work okay so here's the output now now the hard part is that it is kind of hard to read so sometimes this output you have to then transfer over to to a new document especially when you're asking for things like this and then it'll allow you to go ahead and uh paste and read it easier now it's not perfect you have the tweak a little bit but there could be some interesting things that you can do with this and there you go that is how you put chat GPT into Google Sheets I'm really curious on what you would be using it for so let me know what you're going to build out down in the comments below and if you made it this far type in the comments thanks for the hacks Josh just so I know that you made it this far in the video and know that we're best friends again my name is Josh baldino I'm a marketer and I'm a real estate investor and I want to do anything thing to help you and if you want tips on how we are improving our marketing and Building Wealth through real estate make sure to subscribe and please like this video if you found any value at all it would really help the algorithm a lot so thank you in advance for doing so if you want to see how we are producing 300 pieces of content per month click this next video here and I'll see you all on that video [Music] cheers
Channel: Joshua Baldovino
Views: 2,975
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Keywords: ChatGPT, ChatGPT for Business, Google Sheets Tips, How to put ChatGPT into Google Sheets | The ultimate productivity hack, How to put chatgpt into Google Sheets | The ultimate productivity, Google Sheets The ultimate productivity hack, put chatgpt into Google Sheets The ultimate productivity hack, Google Sheets, How to put chatgpt into Google, Google Sheets The ultimate productivity, joshua_baldovino, The Ultimate productivity hack, into Google Sheets The Ultimate Productivity hack
Id: KT85wQFlRk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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