How to use AI in Google Sheets 2024

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hey there today let's look at how to use AI to scrape websites extract data as well as clean up text formatting and any messy data in Google Sheets there's a lot of possibilities with this one AI tool so let's get right into it so the first thing we want to do is install the extension and how we do that is we go to extensions and then we want to go to add-ons and then get add-ons once you come to the add-on store you want to type in Mage Ai and you will find the EXT ion right here and you can see I already have it installed but you'll see this button as install so you want want to hit that button um and it will install the extension for you after that you want to go and refresh the uh page so what I'm going to do is I'm going to refresh the page and you should do that after you install the extension once you get the uh check mark that the extension is installed and then uh you'll find it right here in your extensions Tab and all you need to do is go to your extensions tab AI for sheets and then show menu so one of the most simplest and also the most powerful functions with this AI add-on is the AI function so what this lets you do is you can directly prompt an AI model which just means giving it instructions to transform text from one style to another so for example uh in this AI function I have some information about some products um and let's say I want to write a listing description for listing on a website like Amazon on what I can do is update or or call the AI function so I'll write equals AI kind of like I've done here um and then wrap it in parentheses and then include an instruction in in these uh in these parentheses here in this case I've said write a listing description for this Amazon product the customer will see this um and then I run that AI function and it gives me back a short uh description of of what I asked for what I can do now is drag this AI function down and it will apply that that function to all of these uh inputs and so if we wait a little bit you'll see that now it's written a small description for each of these products so here's a couple of other quickfire examples one thing you can do with the AI function is categorize data so in this case I can say categorize what type of clothing this is and then reference the cell over there and then run that and you can see it's set it sneakers so I can go ahead and drag that AI function down and it will run it for the rest of these inputs and that looks correct another thing I can do is run sentiment analysis on reviews in this case so you could say uh extract the sentiment of this review positive or negative and then drag that down this one was negative this one is going to be positive so that was the AI function that we just saw and by the way you can use the equals right function if in case you want to write longer form content like blog posts or articles uh we're going to look at a more advanced example using the AI search function and what this does is let the AI access the internet and pull data from things like websites so in this example I have a couple of links to websites and what I've done is um if you have the links to the websites and then some information that you want to extract from the website like in this case I have the website in this column and then in this column I have the location in this column I have some reviews and so what I can do is run click this button right here that will apply the AI search and it will extract the location for each of these uh for each of these websites so I'm going to go ahead and hit run search and then hit run search for this one as well and what I can actually do is select all of the and then run the search that's what I did to get this data initially um but it does take a little bit of time when you run the search cuz it's actually going to the websites extracting the data and passing them through the AI model um but you can see here it's actually pulled the information for this Open Table Restaurant some reviews as well as the location of it um and what I can do now which is really useful is I can write a response so I'm going to go ahead and use what we what we've learned with the AI function I'm going to say Write a response as the store owner to this review and and I'm going to go ahead and reference the the review yeah so I'm going to go ahead and close that and what we can do now is go ahead and pull down that uh response to the review that the AI wrote and it will write it for the rest of those uh restaurants so yeah um and you can see here that each of these responses are specific to the uh type of restaurant and the type of review the other thing you can do with the AI search function is use it to automatically fill in your spreadsheets using online information so in this example I have a table I have some headers here column headers and some row headers so this is some information that I want to fill in so for example in this cell I trying to find the CEO name of this company and likewise for the rest of the cells uh and let's say I want to add some other information that I want to pull like are these companies hiring for software software development can add more headers if I wanted to but let's go ahead and select these cells I'm just uh clicking and then shift clicking to select all of them or you can kind of drag and then I'll say run search so I'll hit that button and what's happening now is an AI agent is being spined up for each of these research tasks so it's going out out to the internet and collecting any information it can to try to answer the question for each of these cells so like in this example it's trying to find the CEO name of Amazon this one is trying to see if there's recent funding raised for uh the company and as you can see now it's filling in the information and this did take some time this AI search function is actually going out to the Internet so um if you select a lot of cells expect it to take a couple of minutes to fill in all that information so this is not instantaneous like the AI uh simple offline functions are and those should be pretty fast compared to this if you go ahead and hover over some of these uh some of these results that came from the advanced AI search you can see it returned some sources of where it got the information from as well as a little blurb and description of uh why it came to the final answer that is actually filled into the Sol in this case it's saying that yes they are hiring for software software development and these are the reasons why um and these AI search functions do use the uh Advanced Credit system so if you run out of credits you can always by the way hit this manage plan button uh which will take you to a free trial where you can get some more credits the last thing I wanted to mention was that if you are using these AI functions make sure to make your prompts or instructions to the AI very specific and verbose because the less information you give it the more the AI is not going to really know what to do so make sure to give good prompts and you'll get good data back um and if you guys have any questions uh let me just move this over here my email um once you install the extension is right here so you can just right click and then copy the email address and email me with with any questions or issues that you have hope you like the extension
Channel: MageAI
Views: 1,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PvpIGvc1G4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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