10x Your Excel With This New AI Formula

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using excel's equals AI formula did you know you can extract names from a list of sentences how about create a table on virtually anything like finding the top 10 countries by population well these are just some small examples of what this function is capable of so let me show you how to install it for free and five of its most incredible features to boost your productivity to install this formula it actually works as an addin so we just want to go to the home homepage and click on addins to the right hand side here we'll go under more addins and once we get this popup under the search bar just look for chat GPT and we'll go for the second one chat GPT for Excel and click on ADD we can just agree on their policy and after a while it should generate over here to the side as you can see there right now I'm on the free trial mode so it should hopefully look exactly the same for you so let's get started with the first and simplest feature which is ai. ask so over here you can see that we have this Excel file which you can download for free in the video description if you want to follow along and the first question just asks who's the CEO of Apple so we can type equals AI Dot and we'll get all of these options so we'll go with the ask as we just have a question here this is the prompt for us it's basically what you're asking you can put it in quotations as well if you wanted we'll close parenthesis and hit enter and you can see that we get that Tim Cook is the CEO so that's all looking correct now let's be honest that's quite an easy question we could have just looked that up on the Internet so let's go with something slightly harder and over here it says to write an email telling my manager to reschedule our meeting to Friday as I'm on holiday so hopefully this is a bit more challenging for it we can type equals ai. ask and this is just our prompt we'll close that and hit enter now let's see what it comes up with so you can see here that it generated a subject and it's also got the manager name here as an input and a whole lot of text as well so it's looking fairly professional in my opinion so far so good and finally let's ask it for something a bit more Excel oriented like over here we have what Excel formula should I use to sum a list of values only if they're greater than five so let's go ahead and do ai. ask here again we'll select this prompt and close the parenthesis so it says here that you can use the Su if which is actually the same function that I had in mind if we keep breathing you can see that it even generates the entire formula for us so it's really quite a powerful tool all right so that's the first and simplest feature and it's actually quite similar to just ch GPT so let's do something a bit trickier with the ai. fill so over here you can see that we have this list of cities their country and their continent and we would like to continue this down now for this we can actually use the equals ai. fill hit the top key there and it's important that we have these examples above as you can see we show it what what we mean by a country and what we mean by the continent so we just select these as our examples hit the comma key and then the partial is the parts that are basically missing right which are all of these cities over here we can close the parenthesis and hit enter awesome and now you can see that it seems to have filled all of these in correctly hopefully you're starting to see that this fill feature is very useful but now if we look at this other scenario we're going to do the same thing but for companies trying to see what industry they're in and their headquarters and some are quite famous companies like Nike or apple but we're also putting some that are maybe a bit more Niche like Specialized or canondale which are bike manufacturers I believe so we'll go to equals ai. fill hit the Tab Key there and again we'll put the example over here we also want to select the headers there comma and the partial or the ones that were still missing are all of these down here close up parenthesis and hit enter and let's see what it does awesome you can see that it's even found these smaller companies that maybe most of us wouldn't know where they're headquartered following the fill feature in number three we have the extract feature which is quite similar to The Flash Fill in case you're not familiar with it let's take a look over here so you can see that I have the first name of a person the last name and I would like to merge these two so for this we can use the Flash Fill for it we just need to type it once ourself so some Smith and then I'm just going to select these and go to control e this is what's known as The Flash Fill which basically does the same action as above so you might think all right I want to do the same thing over here where it says my name is Sarah Smith and I just want to extract the name itself so Sarah Smith and I want to do this for all the other ones so I would hit the control e again but you see that this time it doesn't quite work this is jayon Sancho Etc and the reason is because these aren consistent right sometimes they have some words in front other times they have them after and so forth so it's not very easy for Excel to find a pattern that's where this this AI function comes in so we would type equals ai. extract hit the Tab Key there and these are all our values so let's select all of them comma and what do we want to extract well just the names we'll close up parenthesis and hit enter now you can see that this one does it perfectly so it seems like it's Superior to just this Flash Fill now let's try the same thing but with emails you can see over over here we have the same inconsistencies with the words before and after but we just want to extract the emails so you can see even some of them don't end inom like this one that ends in pc. co.uk so let's see how it manages ai. extract hit the toab key there and the values are all of these over here comma and we want to extract their emails close the parenthesis and hit enter and you can see it's even the text that the Sara up pc1 is the email while these features are great at making you more productive in Excel if you still think you should learn the fundamentals of formulas formatting Etc you should check out our Excel for business and finance course with our comprehensive curriculum we cover everything you need to know about Excel from formatting best practices and shortcuts using complex formulas building awesome visual dashboards creating large Dynamic Financial models and much more this is basically the course I wish I had before working at an Excel heavy corporate job if all of that sounds interesting check out the link in the description below to learn more and if you want more than just Excel you can also check out our other courses including powerbi Finance evaluation and much more all right back to the video next up in number four we have the equals AI do translate which is a bit more Niche but we'll cover that before we cover the fifth and probably most powerful feature so over here you can see that we have some text in English that let's say we want to translate into Spanish for this we would just type equals ai. translate hit the Tab Key there and the value is going to be basically the whole text comma and what language do we want it in in Spanish let's say and hit enter there awesome there's the translation and it's probably going to save you a bit of time compared to Google Translate even better we could make a drop down here to switch around different languages for this we can go over to data and click on data validation this tick mark right here I want to get a list and I want that list to be all of the languages that let's suppose I want to translate by so let's say Spanish comma Japanese comma French let me just change the title here Japanese comma French and let's say comma Arabic and hit on okay now in this drop down if I switch to Japanese you'll notice that all of this is going to switch in a second how awesome is that and now moving on to number five we have the AI do Table after which we'll go over an awesome bonus feature so let's take a look over here we have a request for a table where it says to find the 10 biggest countries in the world by population so we would just type equals AI do table hit the toab key there and the prompt is basically this part right here we can close up parenthesis and just hit enter you can see we have the full country list with their population it's all looking fairly accurate even better though if we wanted to add some further headers we can just change the prompt a bit so instead of just by population we could put a comma there and let's say also by continent and by surface area hit enter there and you'll see how all of this regenerates now what if we also wanted to have some structured columns up above over here we didn't really have the column headers but let's say down below that we want to have them like here and we don't want anything from the internet instead we just want some random data like a list of random 10 people so for this we can also go with equals ai. table hit the Tab Key there The Prompt is that we want the list of 10 people comma and now we can actually use the headers which are all of these headers that we have up over here so let me just select all of them close up parenthesis and hit enter awesome now you can see that it's using it correctly these do look like first names while these others look like last same thing with the ages there's no absurd age like anyone that's 150 years old before we get into the bonus feature one thing worth noting here is that in my experience it doesn't work that well when you have larger data sets maybe you're asking for 10,000 people then I don't think it works that well finally in this bonus feature let's take a look at this adding inside of PowerPoint so over here I have a plain PowerPoint and I'm just going to click on the same addin much like I did before but this time it's called for PowerPoint and now I wanted to generate some slides so I'll go to create from topic and let's say that I want seven slides these slides are going to be on Messi versus Ronaldo who's better and I'm just going to click on continue obviously this isn't a great prompt but let's see what it's able to do nice so we have these titles for each of the slides and we can just click on continue let's say I'm happy with this first template continue again now let's see what it's able to generate for us awesome so here we have all the seven slides in my opinion they need some work especially on this design but that said it's still pretty impressive it's able to generate all of this if you want to learn other super useful add-ins check out this video over here or you can also take our Excel course over here to level up your Excel game hit the like and a subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Kenji Explains
Views: 133,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt for excel, ai formula excel, ai formula powerpoint, ai translate formula excel, ai ask formula excel, ai format formula excel, ai extract formula excel, chatgpt add in excel, excel chatgpt add in, add in excel, ai table excel, chatgpt for excel formula, ask chatgpt anything in excel, chatgpt add in powerpoint, generate powerpoint slides with ai, ai function excel, AI fill, =ai.function, =ai.formula, ai functions excel tutorial, learn ai with excel, excel add ins
Id: GoNfXqwB21g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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