How to use ChatGPT in GOOGLE SHEETS | SHEETGPT Addon | Kewal Kishan

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1.16 billion people use chat GPT for their day-to-day working in business do you want to learn how to use chat GPT in Google Sheets hi everyone I'm Kevin kishin and I have been using chat GPT to write the emails to create the content and to even write the programming language to automate by Google Sheets in this video I am going to train you how do you chat GPT in Google Sheets are you excited let's get started we need to go to Google workspace Marketplace this is a website called Marketplace here you need to search for Sheet GPT this is an add-on which is directly integrated with open AIS chat gpt3 GPT 4 and other AI softwares as well what you need to do right now is you will get one option which will be installed go ahead install this add-on and once you do it just type installed in the comment box now once you install this chart GPT add-on which is called sheet gbt for Google sheet just go to Google sheet and go to this option called extensions in extensions you can see I have got many Google sheet add-ons what is an add-on addonics like this particular add-on help me send automated emails this particular add-on helped me create some automated PDF from Google sheet if I scroll down I got add-on for Pebble as well and this is where I have this add-on called sheet GPT so what do I do I enable this add-on so I'll click on the enable shoot GPT option and here I have enabled it now we can start using cheat GPT in creating the content so let's take few examples formula which you need to write to use the issue GPT is equal to GPT and it will use open ai's gbt language model to form or to give you the answer for the question which you are asking let me just increase its width yes so equal to sheet GPT equal to gbt and in inverter comma I can write a question I'll get the answer so write me or sales follow-up email imagine you were to write a follow-up email but you're not getting some good idea on how to write it so let's ask the question from trade GPT and within next few seconds you shall be getting a sample email which you can change a little bit and use it for your business so three two and one we got the answer and it says Dear name thank you so much for taking time to speak with me about our products other day so you can see it's a detailed list I can copy this I can open Google Docs and I can paste this particular email as well I can change it according to my requirement and I can use this email to send the email to the client this was the first example to use sheet GPT which is the extension of chat GPT in your Google sheet let's take another example imagine you are running a website you have a website for a Manufacturing Company a trading company or you're running an e-commerce company you want to write some content for a website well we can use the sheet gbd formula to help us write the content as well so equal to GPT and here I can ask create content for my e-commerce website or my jewelry e-commerce website so now we are asking SRI GPT to create the content for our jewelry e-commerce website well I don't know what will come here first question we asked was the writers a sales follow-up email it gives the answer so it is helping us on writing the emails right now we want 3gbt to help us create the content for our website so three do and one we got the answer now if I copy this if I go to Don dot new here we can see it has given us a detailed piece of content Welcome to our execute collection of Fine Jewelry discover the premium quality of products or Diamond gemstones and preview precious metals are carefully selected so you can see beautiful it is written the content now the key aspect here is that if you can become specific with your questions so you can take the help of Shield GPT to create the valuable content which you can share with your client imagine if you're a chartered accountant you want to send an article to your users or to your clients and vendors and Prospects on five ways to save income tax in India so let's ask she GPT the answer of this question okay equal to GPT five ways to save income tax in India now as a chartered accountant you know many ways to save the taxes however this will help you reduce your effort to write the content and then you can change it a little bit use it and start writing your marketing emails or marketing WhatsApp messages so we asked for the sales follow-up email we got the answer we asked for it to create the content for our website now we are asking it to create some valuable content so that you can send the emails and the WhatsApp messages as well three three two and one we got the answer if I copy this to here Google doc we are getting five ways claimed deductions for insurance premiums invest in Tech saving schemes utilize tax benefits for Home Loans invest in National pension scheme opt for salary restructuring now I might have been you know I might have run the question in a very specific way I would have got a better answer but this is a power of sweet gbt it is giving us the answer just like this now if you're enjoying this video go ahead subscribe the channel hit the like button share this video with your employees and with your other friends who are missing out the power of chat GPT specifically shoot GPT which you can use in their Google Sheets I'll take one last example okay and let's see on how we can go ahead with that okay imagine you want to hire an executive assistant or an HR officer and you want Shield GPT to help you write a job description so we can use it in that way as well write me job description for executive assistant for an ID company well if I want to hire an EA executive assistant to help me with my meetings payment collection various other ways I should know what exactly should be the kras should be the job description now I might find it on Google as well but I might have bombarded with tons of our articles but this will give me the crisp you know JD which I can change a little bit and I can post my job post on LinkedIn or internal or and I can start hiring executive assistant for my business so now let's see whether it gives us the answer it says open AI request failed in terms of time out let's try it once again so we are asking for the executive assistant JD now it takes few seconds it takes you know in between three to five seconds to give you the answer it might take a little longer or you know lesser time based on the complexity of the question which you're asking from it so three two and one we got the answer and oh my God we have got a detailed answer here so job summary job responsibilities job requirements what else you need so what we did we went to Google workspace Marketplace we searched for Sheet GPT add-on we installed it then we went to Google sheet we went to extension here we got the sheet GPT add-on we enabled it and we started using it by asking the question and the formula was equal to GPD and in inverted comma we can write any question now tell me how was this video give me the comment in the comment box what questions did you ask from should GPT and what are you satisfied with the answers given by Shield gbt or not I want you to use this function in your day-to-day life in your day-to-day working because not only me my entire team is using it and it is helping us creating the content writing the emails even writing the programming language to automate our Google Sheets so go ahead subscribe the channel hit the like button share this video with your friends as well so that they can also get the benefit of this particular formula and solve their day-to-day challenges with the power of artificial intelligence look forward to automating your business thank you so much take care
Channel: Kewal Kishan - Automate Business
Views: 15,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google sheets, kewal kishan, automation, chatgpt, chatgpt how to use, chatgpt in google, how to use gpt chat, how to use chatgpt, how to use chatgpt 4 for free, chatgpt google sheets, chat gpt google sheets extension, sheet gpt, google sheet addon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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