Brisket - How to trim a brisket for a backyard BBQ

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hey guys it's Matt with meat Church coming to you from my outdoor kitchen here in Waxahachie Texas today I thought we'd talk about just a brisket trim so you know this is the king of Texas barbecue and I get a lot of questions about how should I trim a brisket you know I've watched a lot of videos and seen a lot of different things out there but you got to keep in mind who's teaching you to trim a competition guy is going to trim one way a restaurant pitmaster is going to trim a lot more aggressively to keep the brisket really nice and uniform and the cook and they can take those extra trimmings and turn it into sausage burgers things like that and then a backyard guy probably needs to trim the least because you want to maximize how much you can eat and it doesn't have to be as perfect looking for the other reasons I mentioned so today is going to be about a really straightforward way to trim this to cook in your backyard [Music] okay so first thing I'm gonna do briskets comprised of two muscles the flat and the point with all this fat in between so first I want to remove this hard fat anything hard on the brisket is not gonna render in the cook process it's gonna kind of shave this out see almost all fat give it one more little pass here and I kind of got my hand underneath the brisket guiding it so today's trim is going to be of what I call a full Packer trim so to cook this thing hole on the meat side here the other thing I want to do is I'm going to take a little bit this excess fat off this isn't a huge deal this you know softer type stuff will render out on the cook so I wouldn't be worried about it you don't need to trim all the silver skin off to get down to just meat like this for cooking at home so you can kind of choose about how much of that you want to take off a little bit more here one more little pass I'm gonna call that good okay then show you on this side I don't like this rough meat and so what I'm gonna do is just make a slice to cut off basically trim and straighten up the edge I would consider it you know kind of cutting it like a thick piece of bacon and if you want to come around here I'll give you a little better angle of this it's all I want to do is just kind of remove this rough stuff and just just even it up here so I'm quarter-inch you know half inch in places the real sharp knife just want to try to even this up as much as possible there we go I'll call that good okay the last thing I'm gonna do on the meat side is down here on this corner this is kind of up to you this is really thin so this flat if you look on this side is you know inch and a half thick but over here it's a little half inch so it's not gonna cook evenly this will blow up in the cook process and kind of create a pool of juice here you could lose seasoning I'm gonna go ahead and just take a little bit of this off just cuz it's so thin you'll see some guys will actually like really even this thing out especially in the restaurant business but again remember every bit you cut off is something you're not gonna eat so it's up to you you could have left that on there if you want again if you get a grinder you could grind that up do something with it now we're gonna flip it over we're gonna go to the fat side all right so we're gonna go over here on the fat side now and you can see this one came with a little bit of a bald spot right in the fat that's unfortunate I like for the fat to be nice and even across there but you know kind of is what it is so what I'm gonna do is there's a big connective fat in between the point and the flat there's a lot of ways you can do this some people just shave it out it's up to you but what works for me is I like to start my knife down here on the fat and just kind of move this point off so you see how this briskets not flat I actually want to try to make it as flat as possible so I'm just gonna basically start my knife here and you can really kind of feel this just kind of bring that whole big fat part out you're gonna lose a little bit of meat in this method but it's not too bad to be honest with you so there is some meat there but it's not that much and I prefer my brisket to be nice and flat now you can really see that fat that's left and you can choose to take another pass or so you could flatten this down some more if you want that's pretty optional so it's a lot more flat you know at this point so now that I've taken off you can see it's a lot more flat the more flat the brisket is the better it's gonna cook or more evenly it's gonna cook in your in your desired cooker so last thing I'm gonna do is down this side you can see the fat is a little bit thick I need to shave some of that out so you know you want to leave about a quarter-inch I'm fine with that but this is a little bit thick right here so taking my knife I'm basically gonna hold my hand underneath to keep it firm and then just shave it out go slow with this you know it's better to trim not enough fat because you can always come back and trim more see I went in a little deep there and I expose the meat I don't want to do that personally I want that fat fats flavor in moderation so anyway so gonna come through here and just kind of even this out this actually looks pretty good right here that's not too thick I'm just want to take just a little bit out and a little tip it's easiest to trim the brisket when it's super cold coming out of the out of the refrigerator so your fat isn't shipped you can tell this one's been sitting out a little bit so it's a little bit difficult to to trim sharp knife helps that [Music] so I can feel in here that's all nice and soft I'm good with all of that but up here still a little bit hard so I can tell that's a little excessive I'm gonna shave just a little bit more there like I said in the beginning this hard fat won't render real real well in the cook process so I want to go ahead and take it out you see people and they cook a brisket and they're done and they and they shake it it's kind of jiggly that's the that's the fat up here so so again this is what I call a backyard trim this is not a restaurant trim this is you know something to do in your backyard that's kind of minimally trimmed if I was in a restaurant I would have been more aggressive and made this thing like super uniform and competition we really would have trimmed it down but I want to leave as much as possible for me and my family to eat that's about all I've got to do to it so if you guys stay tuned we've got more videos coming up we've got cook videos we've got brisket burning videos and all sorts of stuff so if you like what you see you guys subscribe and stay tuned
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 523,976
Rating: 4.9139166 out of 5
Keywords: Meat Church, brisket, burnt ends, bbq, barbecue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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