How To Smoke The Best Beef Brisket - Injected vs. Non Injected

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe spit barbecue on today's video i'm going to be smoking up a couple of briskets on my yoder frontiersman and i'm going to be testing an injection and is it really necessary on your brisket stay tuned as you can see look at this bark is crazy oh man it's perfect it helps to start with a nice sharp knife okay oh my goodness look at that all right let's get started on these two briskets these are two 17 pound certified angus beef briskets now i am going to be testing an injection today this one is from lc barbecue this is the angry bull the competition brisket injection so the reason i went with a certified angus beef brisket it's kind of the middle of the road brisket doesn't have a whole lot of marbling but it's got really good marbling but it's not a select where it has very little marbling okay so i'm gonna be testing this injection and see if it's really necessary so again two 17 pound briskets now this one before i get started this one did have a nasty gash in there i'm going to try to clean up this fat and i'll see if i can straighten this out here in a little bit but i'm going to concentrate on this one this one is the one that i'm going to be injecting here in a little bit all right so i'm just going to do a real simple trim i'm not going to get too aggressive but i do want to get rid of a lot of this fat here and i like to start with this right here this deco fat just lay that flat and remove the majority of that fat okay i don't want any of these divots right here so i'm going to continue to take that decal down until my brisket is pretty much flat on the top okay still have a little bit more here this has some really good marbling i can tell that on the point side already okay i'm gonna round this point down okay now let's take some of this fat off right here a really sharp knife just glide it right between the meat and the fat just like that take some more off here just like that okay that's looking really good let's turn it around here [Music] all right so i'm going to be taking this fin off right here [Music] some of this excess fat okay now let's take some of this fat down i'm going to be smoking these fat cap up on my yoder frontiersman so i want a little bit of fat but usually right in this area you have a pretty big pocket of fat just take that down a little bit all right so one more thing i do have a heavy fat pocket right here i'm going to dig a little bit of this out okay what you want to do is grab your knife and just cut a straight line probably about an inch and a half to two inches in and then coming on the bottom almost at a triangular shape okay i'm going to take some of this fat off it comes off really easy see that that's also going to help the brisket lay flatter on your smoker all right so i've got my brisket trimmed up and i do have it in a foil pan and you want to do this anytime you're going to be injecting because you will lose some of the injection on the outside so again i am going to be using this lc barbecue angry bull competition brisket injection now their mix instructions say three quarters of a cup to two and a half cups of water now for competitions you obviously want your brisket to be really nice and juicy and full of flavor but i am going to increase the two and a half cups to three cups that way it's not as strong okay so i'm going to open this up all right so i've heard that there's a lot of competition cooks out there using this product right here and they're having a lot of success with it okay so that's why i decided to get myself some of this so three quarters of a cup okay there we go and i've got three cups of water right here we're going to shake this up really good all right so i've got the injection mixed up and i got to tell you it smells really beefy okay so just fill up your needle here or your injection now i am going to inject the entire injection into this brisket okay so what i'm gonna do is stick it in here a little bit squeeze now i'm not gonna wait for it to start leaking out about every inch of this brisket i'm going to be injecting okay just like this all right so i've got my brisket injected and i'm going to let that rest in the pan for a little bit now the one that i'm not injecting i'm going to go ahead and put some binder on it some mustard smear it on the edges the entire brisket okay all right so i'm going to be trying a couple of new rubs the first one on the non-injected brisket is holy cow this one is from me church barbecue smells really good never tried it before so let's see what it looks like really peppery i taste it out of the bottle it's it tastes pretty good it tastes what what i think should go on a brisket okay so we're gonna give this a shot all right so i'm going to season this up set it aside and pull the injected brisket out we're going to season that one as well stay tuned all right so i've got my injected brisket here and i'm also going to try a new rub on this one this one is from cosmos this is his texas beef and it smells really good okay now i am going to add a couple of rubs on this one i'm just going to add a little bit to the brisket this one is pretty salty but i do think it lacks what texas beef needs is probably a little bit more pepper so i'm not saying it's not good but for me i think it needs a little bit more color and a little bit more pepper so add a good amount on the top just like that then i'm going to add a layer of my spg this is my homemade spg just a little bit again i didn't use any binder on this one because the injection actually left a nice layer on the outside of the brisket that i think the rub will stick to so there's no need for a binder which it has a beefy flavor so i think that's going to aid in the overall flavor of the brisket okay pat your rub in just like that let's grab the other side then my spg all right i've got my frontiersman warming up let's head outside stay tuned all right so i've got my front tiers been running at 275 degrees let's put these briskets on these are going to go on the top shelf and i am using post oak today so this is the injected brisket and i did put a couple of toothpicks on the point right there okay so it's going to go just like that and here's my non-injected brisket again point towards that firebox fat cap up they're laying nice and flat okay both rubs look really good actually the rubs look really similar the me church the cosmos and then my spg so i'm gonna put that in there just like that we'll be back in about two and a half hours stay tuned all right so three and a half hours in the cook now i did check the briskets at the two and a half hour mark and that bark wasn't set yet so here we are at the three and a half hour mark and that bark is definitely set okay so i'm going to spritz i am using apple cider vinegar and water mixed at 50 50. so just spritz the entire brisket okay just like this now i do have a brisket there on the bottom that's just for a customer so this has nothing to do with this cook but it is in the smoker all right we're gonna give it another two hours and at that point i should have the color that i want enough to go ahead and wrap the brisket stay tuned all right so we're six hours into the cook now let's take a look at the brisket oh yes that is the color we are looking for i'm gonna get an internal temperature here right smack in the middle of the brisket 172 again 173 that is our injected brisket let's check this non-injected brisket 164 okay now the smoker is going to get a little bit hotter up against that wall right there okay so i'm going to go ahead and wrap these in butcher paper and i'm going to put the injected brisket out here and the non-injected up against that wall right there so i'm going to go ahead and wrap them we'll check back in about a couple hours stay tuned all righty so eight and a half hours into the cook and i have been checking the temperature now i will tell you that this is the injected brisket right here it's been probing really tender um the flat was a little tough still so i let it go so we're at 201 to 202 degrees and that thing is probing really nice okay the flat and everything now the flat is only temping at 197 but it's probing like butter and it has been probing like butter for a while so this point right here is 204 degrees and it's probing really nice as well so i'm going to go ahead and pull them off and one little trick is i just use a spatula grab it from the bottom put it on your tray okay it's one easy way that i found to remove the briskets from your pit so again just grab your spatula you can even drag it towards you slide your tray under there put the brisket on the tray so now these are gonna sit on my kitchen counter for about an hour then we'll come back slice them up stay tuned all right so the briskets have been resting for a little over an hour and the internal temperature is 165 degrees this one right here is the uninjected brisket i'm gonna go ahead and pull this one out of the paper and see what we got man look at that good looking brisket this is the brisket that's got the meat church rubs okay so i'm just going to grab it it's really flexible okay now this aju that's left in the paper let that fall into your pan right here put your brisket on there all right so next we've got the injected brisket i do want to compare how much juice comes out of these briskets okay and this one's got a good scent coming out of it this one is the cosmos q with my spg right so this one looks a lot juicier on the surface anyway and it's really jiggly okay compared to the other one same thing have that as you fall on your pen and a lot more as you okay there is a ton more in this paper right here okay so right out of the gate again our injected brisket right here just some things to note you know this one is jiggly as well but not as much as this one right here okay and look at all the aju that came out of the injected brisket so that's the first thing i wanted to look at obviously the second thing we want to look at is how juicy is that brisket the injected brisket compared to the non-injected brisket okay so i'm just going to take off a few slices and do not throw this ashu away that is liquid gold okay so just going to grab a couple of slices beautiful color it's nice and juicy the face of the slices are really nice and moist hopefully you guys can see that on the camera [Music] okay this is really moist look at this oh it's squirted out there so now you can see traces of the injection right here okay now in competition uh brisket they're gonna rub the face of the brisket with some kind of sauce anyway so that's gonna hide those injection stains if you will okay so this thing is super super moist i'm going to go ahead and cut the point off here turn it cut in half and see what we got here man that is a juicy point look at that that thing is just juicy as all get out okay and that fat rendered really nicely all right so i'm going to finish slicing this up all right so let's slice up our non-injected brisket i slice the injected brisket and put in the pan with the aju and we'll get to that taste test here in a little bit so this one's slicing really easy but i can tell that this brisket is not as juicy it's a little more firm the slice is good slice is really good actually all right let's check a slicer again it's not dry okay it is not dry one bit the face is nice and moist but not as much as my injected brisket okay let's take that point off and check that all right let's just cut it in half getting really moist okay the points i can tell you they look the same although there was a lot more juices flowing out of the other injected brisket okay so i'm gonna go ahead and slice these up and we'll bring you guys back stay tuned all right so i've got both briskets sliced up and the number one thing that i want to talk about is the amount of aju that is in this tray compared to the brisket that wasn't injected there's there's very little as you on this tray right here okay so that is one big noticeable difference right there number two let's take a look at the brisket slices okay look at how moist that surface is and let's check one of these here all right so this one is pretty much as well this is a pretty thick slice let's grab a normal size slice here we go okay so the surface is nice and moist as well i also got some burnt ends and let's compare those two okay so they're all pretty moist but this one does look a lot a lot more juicier now as far as the point here it is looks good and here's the point of the non-injected brisket table they both look really similar okay so now let's give it a taste stay tuned all right let's try this brisket here let's try the pool test first this is the injected brisket okay falls apart pretty easy and this is the non-injected brisket about the same okay not too much of a difference there so let's give this a shot here i'm going to dip it in the aju [Music] that is packed with so many good flavors man that is really good i'm gonna give one of these burnt ends a try [Music] that is ridiculous it's like butter now that brisket has a ton of flavor for a competition that injection is something very special okay here we go now that brisket is really good as well not a whole lot of flavor as far as you know it's just a standard brisket nothing extra so i got to tell you from a competition standpoint judges are looking for flavor like what's on this brisket here give one of these burnt ends a try that is really good i got to tell you you have got to try this angry bull from elsie barbecue i'm going to leave a link in the description on where you can buy your angry bull injection give it a try and let me know what you think hope you guys enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you liked it if this is your first time here hit that subscribe button and until next time joe with smoking jill spill bbq see ya you
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 185,945
Rating: 4.8948627 out of 5
Keywords: How to smoke the best beef brisket, smoked brisket how to bbq right, injected brisket recipe, smoked brisket offset smoker, bbq injections, smoked brisket recipe, smoked brisket on weber kettle, smoked brisket traeger, smoked beef brisket, smoking a brisket, beef brisket smoked, beef brisket on the grill, pellet smoker brisket, burnt ends brisket, smoked beef brisket offset smoker, smoking a brisket in a smoker, brisket rub ingredients, texas brisket, how to smoke a brisket
Id: EieLlWEOdXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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